OMB Number:
3235-0059 |
February 28, 2006 |
Estimated average burden hours per
response |
12.75 |
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant x |
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
o |
Check the appropriate box: |
o Preliminary Proxy Statement |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
x Definitive Proxy Statement |
o Definitive Additional Materials |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
Weatherford International LTD.
of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
x No fee required. |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and
0-11. |
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
1) Amount Previously Paid: |
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
SEC 1913 (02-02) |
Persons who are to respond to the collection of information
contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid
OMB control number. |
April 4, 2005
Dear Weatherford Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to join us at the 2005 Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders of Weatherford International Ltd. to be
held at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 13th, in Houston,
Texas. The Annual General Meeting will be held at The St. Regis
Hotel located at 1919 Briar Oaks.
The notice of meeting and proxy statement that follow this
letter describe the business to be conducted at the Annual
General Meeting, including the election of eight directors.
Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to attend the
Annual General Meeting, we strongly encourage you to provide
your proxy by telephone, the Internet or on the enclosed proxy
card at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sincerely, |
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner |
Chairman of the Board, President and |
Chief Executive Officer |
Friday, May 13, 2005 |
9:00 a.m. (Houston time) |
The St. Regis Hotel
1919 Briar Oaks
Houston, Texas |
Items of Business:
1. Elect eight directors to hold office for a one-year term;
2. Appoint Ernst & Young LLP as our independent
registered public accounting firm for the year ending
December 31, 2005, and authorize the Audit Committee of the
Board of Directors to set Ernst & Youngs
remuneration; and
3. Any other matters that may properly come before the
At the Annual General Meeting, the audited consolidated
financial statements of the Company for the year ended
December 31, 2004 and accompanying auditors report
will be presented.
Your Board of Directors has set March 23, 2005, as the
record date for the Annual General Meeting. Only those
shareholders who are holders of record of our common shares at
the close of business on March 23, 2005, will be entitled
to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
You are cordially invited to join us at the Annual General
Meeting. However, to ensure your representation at the Annual
General Meeting, we request that you provide your proxy by
telephone, the Internet or by signing and returning your proxy
card in the enclosed postage-paid envelope at your earliest
convenience, whether or not you plan to attend. If you are
present at the Annual General Meeting, you may revoke your proxy
and vote in person.
By Order of the Board of Directors |
Burt M. Martin |
Secretary |
Houston, Texas
April 4, 2005
Annual Meeting: |
Date: Friday, May 13,
Time: 9:00 a.m.
(Houston time)
Place: The St. Regis Hotel
Briar Oaks
Texas |
General Information: |
Our principal executive offices are located at 515 Post Oak
Boulevard, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77027. Our telephone
number is (713) 693-4000. |
Agenda: |
Two proposals: |
Proposal 1 The election of eight
nominees as directors of the Company; and |
Proposal 2 The appointment of
Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for the year ending
December 31, 2005, and the authorization of the Audit
Committee of the Board of Directors to set Ernst &
Youngs remuneration. |
At the Annual General Meeting, we will present
Weatherfords audited consolidated financial statements for
the year ended December 31, 2004. Copies of the financial
statements are contained in our 2004 Annual Report which is
being mailed to shareholders together with this Proxy Statement.
Our 2004 Annual Report is not part of our proxy soliciting
information. |
Who Can Vote: |
All holders of record of our common shares at the close of
business on March 23, 2005, are entitled to vote. Holders
of the common shares are entitled to one vote per share at the
Annual General Meeting. |
Proxies Solicited By: |
Your vote and proxy are being solicited by our Board of
Directors for use at the Annual General Meeting. This Proxy
Statement and enclosed proxy card are being sent on behalf of
our Board of Directors to all shareholders beginning on or about
April 13, 2005. By completing, signing and returning your
proxy card, you will authorize the persons named on the proxy
card to vote your shares according to your instructions. You may
also authorize the persons named on the proxy card to vote your
shares via the Internet at the Internet address of, or telephonically by calling
1-800-PROXIES (1-800-776-9437). Please have your proxy card
available if you decide to appoint a proxy by the Internet or by
telephone because the proxy card contains more detailed
instructions. Proxies submitted by Internet or telephone must be
received by 11:59 p.m. New York time on May 12, 2005.
If you give your proxy by the Internet or telephone, please do
not mail your proxy card. |
Shareholders who hold their shares through a broker or other
nominee (in street name) must vote their shares in
the manner prescribed by their broker or other nominee. |
Proxies: |
If you properly give a proxy but do not indicate how you wish to
vote, the persons named on the proxy card will vote your shares
as recommended by the Board of Directors. |
Revoking Your Proxy: |
You can revoke your proxy by: |
writing to the Secretary at 515 Post Oak Blvd.,
Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77027 before the Annual General
Meeting; |
submitting a later-dated proxy via mail, the
Internet or telephone; or |
casting your vote in person at the Annual General
Meeting. |
You may not revoke a proxy simply by attending the Annual
General Meeting. To revoke a proxy, you must take one of the
actions described above. |
Quorum: |
As of March 23, 2005, there were 147,534,340 common shares
issued and entitled to vote, including 8,043,215 shares
held by subsidiaries of the Company. We do not vote the shares
held by our subsidiaries. The presence of two or more persons in
person at the start of the meeting and representing in person or
by proxy in excess of 50% of the total issued voting shares
throughout the meeting will form a quorum. If you have properly
given a proxy by mail, Internet or telephone, your shares will
count toward the quorum, and the persons named on the proxy card
will vote your shares as you have instructed. Pursuant to
Bermuda law, (i) common shares represented at the Annual
General Meeting whose votes are withheld on any matter,
(ii) common shares that are represented by broker
non-votes (i.e., common shares held by brokers that are
represented at the Annual General Meeting but with respect to
which the broker is not empowered to vote on a particular
proposal) and (iii) common shares that abstain from voting
on any matter are not included in the determination of the
common shares voting on a matter but are counted for quorum
purposes. |
Multiple Proxy Cards: |
If you receive multiple proxy cards, this indicates that your
shares are held in more than one account, such as two brokerage
accounts, and are registered in different names. You should
complete and return each of the proxy cards to ensure that all
of your shares are voted. |
Cost of Proxy Solicitation: |
Some of our directors, officers and employees may also solicit
proxies personally, without any additional compensation, by
telephone or mail. Proxy materials also will be furnished
without cost to brokers and other nominees to forward to the
beneficial owners of shares held in their names. |
Questions: |
You may call our Investor Relations department at
(713) 693-4000 or email us at if you have any
questions. |
Proposal No. 1
Election of
Eight directors are to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Each director elected will hold office until the 2006 Annual
General Meeting. All of the nominees for director have served as
directors since the 2004 Annual General Meeting. The nominees
for election as director are:
Name |
Age | |
Director Since | |
| |
| |
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner
51 |
1988 |
Nicholas F. Brady
74 |
2004 |
David J. Butters
64 |
1984 |
Sheldon B. Lubar
75 |
1995 |
William E. Macaulay
59 |
1998 |
Robert B. Millard
54 |
1989 |
Robert K. Moses, Jr.
64 |
1998 |
Robert A. Rayne
56 |
1987 |
The persons named on the proxy card will vote for all of the
nominees for director listed unless you withhold authority to
vote for one or more of the nominees. The nominees receiving a
majority of votes cast at the Annual General Meeting will be
elected as directors. Abstentions, broker non-votes and withheld
votes will not be treated as a vote for or against any
particular nominee.
All of our nominees have consented to serve as directors. Our
Board of Directors has no reason to believe that any of the
nominees will be unable to act as a director. However, if any
director is unable to stand for re-election, the Board will
designate a substitute. If a substitute nominee is named, the
persons named on the proxy card will vote for the election of
the substitute nominee.
Director Biographies
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner joined the Company in May 1987 to
initiate the start-up of EVI, Inc.s oilfield service and
equipment business. He was elected EVIs President in
January 1990 and Chief Executive Officer in May 1990. In
connection with the merger of EVI, Inc. with Weatherford
Enterra, Inc. on May 27, 1998, Mr. Duroc-Danner
was elected as our Chairman of the Board, President and Chief
Executive Officer. Mr. Duroc-Danner holds a Ph.D. in
economics from Wharton (University of Pennsylvania). In prior
years, Mr. Duroc-Danner held positions at Arthur D. Little
and Mobil Oil Inc. Mr. Duroc-Danner is a director of Parker
Drilling Company (an oil and gas drilling company),
Cal Dive International, Inc. (a company engaged in subsea
services in the Gulf of Mexico), Universal Compression Holdings,
Inc. (a natural gas compression service company), Dresser, Inc.
(a provider of engineered equipment and services primarily for
the energy industry) and London Merchant Securities plc (a
leading property development and venture capital company).
Nicholas F. Brady has been the Chairman of Darby Overseas
Investments, Ltd. and Darby Technology Ventures Group, LLC,
investment firms, since 1994. Mr. Brady is Chairman of
Franklin Templeton Investment Funds (an international investment
management company), a director of Amerada Hess Corporation (an
exploration and production company) and Templeton Capital
Advisors Ltd. (an investment management company), and director
or trustee, as the case may be, of a number of investment
companies in the Franklin Templeton Group of Funds.
Mr. Brady is a former Secretary of the United States
Department of the Treasury (1988-1993), a former Chairman of the
Board of Dillon Read & Co. Inc. (investment banking)
(1970-1988) and a former Chairman of Purolator, Inc. (filtration
products) (1971-1987). Mr. Brady also represented the state
of New Jersey as a member of the United States Senate (1982).
David J. Butters is a Managing Director of Lehman
Brothers Inc., an investment banking company, where he has been
employed for more than the past five years. Mr. Butters is
currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of GulfMark
Offshore, Inc. (a provider of marine support and transportation
services to companies involved in the exploration and production
of oil and natural gas) and a director of Grant Prideco, Inc. (a
provider of drill pipe and other drill stem products).
Mr. Butters is Vice Chairman of the Companys Board.
Sheldon B. Lubar has been the Chairman of
Lubar & Co., a private investment and management
company, for more than the past five years. Mr. Lubar is a
director of Crosstex Energy, L.P., Crosstex Energy, Inc. (gas
gathering and processing companies), Grant Prideco and various
private companies. Until 2005, he was Chairman of Total
Logistics, Inc.
William E. Macaulay is the Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of First Reserve Corporation, a private equity firm
focusing on the energy industry, which he joined in 1983.
Mr. Macaulay served as a director of Weatherford Enterra
from October 1995 to May 1998. Mr. Macaulay is currently a
director of the following SEC reporting companies:
(i) Pride International, Inc. (a contract drilling and
related services company); (ii) Foundation Coal Holdings,
Inc. (a coal company); (iii) Alpha Natural Resources, Inc.
(a coal company); (iv) Dresser-Rand Group, Inc. (a supplier
of rotating equipment solutions to the oil, gas, petrochemical
and industrial process industries); and (v) Dresser, Inc.
(a provider of engineered equipment and services primarily for
the energy industry).
Robert B. Millard is a Managing Director of Lehman
Brothers Inc., where he has been employed for more than the past
five years. Mr. Millard is also a director of GulfMark
Offshore, Inc. and L-3 Communications Corporation (a
manufacturer of electronic communications equipment principally
for the defense industry).
Robert K. Moses, Jr. has been a private investor,
principally in the oil and gas exploration and oilfield services
business in Houston, Texas, for more than the past five years.
He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Weatherford
Enterra from May 1989 to December 1992 and as a director of
Weatherford Enterra from December 1992 to May 1998.
Mr. Moses is also a director of Grant Prideco.
Robert A. Rayne is Chief Executive Director of London
Merchant Securities plc, a company listed on the London Stock
Exchange, and has been a Director of that company for more than
the past five years.
Philip Burguieres, who has served as a Director since 1998, will
not stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
Mr. Burguieres has been Vice Chairman and part owner of The
Houston Texans, a National Football League team, since 2000. He
also has been Chief Executive Officer of EMC Holdings, LLC, a
private energy investment firm, since 2000. He was elected to
the Board in May 1998 and has been employed as our Chairman
Emeritus since that time. Mr. Burguieres served as a
director of Weatherford Enterra from April 1991 until May 1998,
and as Chairman of the Board of Weatherford Enterra from
December 1992 until May 1998. From April 1991 to October 1996,
he also served as President and Chief Executive Officer of
Weatherford Enterra. Mr. Burguieres serves as a director of
JP Morgan Chase Bank and Newfield Exploration Company.
The Board wishes to thank and recognize Mr. Burguieres for
his many years of service and his long-standing commitment and
dedication to Weatherford.
Committees and Meetings
of The Board
The Board of Directors has created the following committees:
Audit |
Compensation |
Corporate Governance and Nominating |
Number of Meetings
During 2004, the Board of Directors met four times, the Audit
Committee met twelve times, the Compensation Committee met two
times, and the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee met
two times. All of the directors attended at least 75% of all
Board of Directors and respective committee meetings.
Audit Committee
Messrs. Butters, Lubar (Chair) and Rayne are the current
members of the Audit Committee. The Board of Directors has
adopted a written charter for the Audit Committee. The charter
is available on our website at, by
clicking on Corporate, then Corporate
Governance, then Committee Charters. We will
provide a copy of the charter without charge to any shareholder
upon request. The primary functions of the Audit Committee are:
overseeing the integrity of our financial statements; |
overseeing our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; |
overseeing our independent auditors, including their
qualifications, independence and performance; and |
overseeing our internal auditors. |
All members of the Audit Committee are independent as defined by
the rules of the New York Stock Exchange and the Securities and
Exchange Commission. The Board of Directors has determined that
Messrs. Butters and Rayne are audit committee
financial experts as defined by applicable SEC rules
because of their extensive financial experience. For more
information regarding Messrs. Butters and
Raynes experience, please see their biographies on
page 4 of this proxy statement.
Compensation Committee
Messrs. Millard, Moses and Rayne (Chair) are the current
members of the Compensation Committee. As of the date of the
Annual General Meeting, the members of the Compensation
Committee will be Messrs. Brady, Millard (Chair) and Moses.
The Board of Directors has adopted a written charter for the
Compensation Committee. The charter is available on our website
at, by clicking on
Corporate, then Corporate Governance,
then Committee Charters. We will provide a copy of
the charter without charge to any shareholder upon request. The
primary functions of the Compensation Committee are:
evaluating the performance and, together with the other members
of the Board who are independent as defined by the rules of the
New York Stock Exchange, determining and approving the
compensation of our chief executive officer; |
making recommendations to the Board regarding executive
compensation, incentive compensation plans and equity-based
plans; and |
administering or having administered our incentive compensation
plans and equity-based plans for executive officers and
employees. |
All members of the Compensation Committee are independent as
defined by the rules of the New York Stock Exchange.
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
Messrs. Butters (Chair), Lubar and Macaulay are the current
members of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee.
The Board of Directors has adopted a written charter for the
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. The charter is
available on our website at, by
clicking on Corporate, then Corporate
Governance, then Committee Charters. We will
provide a copy of the charter without charge to any shareholder
upon request. The primary functions of the Corporate Governance
and Nominating Committee are:
identifying individuals qualified to become Board members; |
recommending to the Board the director nominees for the next
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders; |
developing and recommending to the Board the Corporate
Governance Guidelines for the Company; |
overseeing the Board in its annual review of the Boards
and managements performance; and |
recommending to the Board director nominees for each committee. |
All members of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
are independent as defined by the rules of the New York Stock
Directors Fees
The directors who are not employees of the Company are paid the
following fees:
$5,000 for each Board meeting attended; |
$2,000 for each Committee meeting attended; |
$60,000 as an annual retainer; |
$10,000 as an annual retainer for each Committee chair (other
than the Audit Committee chair); |
$20,000 as an annual retainer for the Audit Committee
chair; and |
$10,000 as an annual retainer for each Audit Committee member. |
Retainers are paid on a quarterly basis.
Deferred Compensation Plan
Under our Non-Employee Director Deferred Compensation Plan, each
non-employee director may elect to defer up to 7.5% of any fees
paid by us. The deferred fees are converted on a monthly basis
into non-monetary units representing common shares that could
have been purchased with the deferred fees based on the average
of the high and low price of the common shares on the last day
of the month in which the fees were deferred. If a non-employee
director elects to defer at least 5% of his fees, we will make
an additional contribution to the directors account equal
to (1) 7.5% of the directors fees plus (2) the
amount of fees deferred by the director. Our directors may
generally determine when distributions will be made from the
plan. The amount of the distribution will be a number of common
shares equal to the number of units in the directors
account at the time of the distribution. During 2004, we
contributed $13,879, $20,646, $18,942, $12,900, $12,900, $12,900
and $18,846 to the accounts of Messrs. Brady, Butters,
Lubar, Macaulay, Millard, Moses and Rayne, respectively, which
represented 305, 445, 407, 278, 280, 280 and 405 units
allocated to their respective accounts. As of December 31,
2004, Messrs. Brady, Butters, Lubar, Macaulay, Millard,
Moses and
Rayne had 457; 14,002; 2,929; 1,677; 1,110; 1,747 and
4,041 Weatherford units allocated to their respective
accounts, including units purchased with their own deferrals.
Based on the closing price of our common shares on
December 31, 2004 ($51.30), the value of the Weatherford
units in Messrs. Bradys, Butters, Lubars,
Macaulays, Millards, Moses and Raynes
accounts was $23,444, $718,303, $150,258, $86,030, $56,943,
$89,621 and $207,303, respectively.
Restricted Share Awards
On September 8, 2004, we granted to each of the
non-employee directors and Mr. Burguieres a restricted
share award of 3,000 common shares pursuant to our
restricted share plan. The awards vest in three equal annual
installments, beginning on September 8, 2005, subject to
earlier vesting in the event of the death, disability or
retirement of the director or a change of control of
Weatherford. Based on the closing price of our common shares on
September 8, 2004 ($47.30), the value of each restricted
share award was $141,900.
Retirement Plan
The Company maintains the Weatherford International Incorporated
Non-Employee Director Retirement Plan for former eligible
directors of Weatherford Enterra. Under this plan, former
non-employee directors of Weatherford Enterra with at least five
years of service as a director are entitled to receive an annual
benefit amount equal to 50% of the annual cash retainer fee in
effect at the time of retirement, with benefits increased by 10%
(up to 100%) for each additional full year of service in excess
of five years. The benefits are payable monthly for the lesser
of the number of months that the director served on the Board or
ten years. If the director dies while serving on the Board or
after his retirement from the Board, benefits are paid to his
beneficiaries. After the merger of EVI, Inc. and Weatherford
Enterra in June 1998, we discontinued this plan.
Mr. Moses is the only current director who was fully vested
and eligible to participate in this plan at the time of the
plans discontinuance.
Burguieres Employment Agreement
In June 1998, we entered into an employment agreement with
Mr. Burguieres, which has a term of fifteen years and
provides for an annual salary of $120,000. If we terminate
Mr. Burguieres employment for any reason other than
for cause or if Mr. Burguieres employment
is terminated as a result of his death or disability,
Mr. Burguieres or his estate will be entitled to receive
annual salary payments through the term of the agreement, and
Mr. Burguieres and his eligible dependents will continue to
receive health and medical benefits. If we terminate his
employment for cause, Mr. Burguieres will not
be entitled to any further salary payments or health and medical
benefits. Under Mr. Burguieres employment agreement,
cause is generally defined as (i) an act of
dishonesty which constitutes a felony or results in personal
gain or enrichment at our expense, (ii) willful and
continued failure to substantially perform his duties after
written demand is made by the Board or (iii) Mr.
Burguieres ownership, management or employment by any
business which competes, in our reasonable judgment, with any
business conducted by us.
Mr. Burguieres also participates in our Executive Deferred
Compensation Stock Ownership Plan, described in the Compensation
Committee Report in this proxy statement. During 2004, we
contributed $18,000 to the account of Mr. Burguieres, which
represented 396 units allocated to his account. As of
December 31, 2004, Mr. Burguieres had 4,380
Weatherford units allocated to his account, including units
purchased with his own deferrals. Based on the closing price of
our common shares on December 31, 2004 ($51.30), the value
of the Weatherford units in Mr. Burguieres account
was $224,694.
Corporate Governance
We are committed to adhering to sound principles of corporate
governance. A copy of our Corporate Governance Principles is
available on our website at, by
clicking on Corporate, then Corporate
Governance, then Corporate Governance
Policies. We will also provide a copy of our Corporate
Governance Principles to any of our shareholders without charge
upon written request.
Director Independence
The Board of Directors has affirmatively determined that each
director and nominee is independent, as defined for purposes of
the New York Stock Exchanges listing standards, other than
Messrs. Duroc-Danner and Burguieres, who are employees. As
contemplated by NYSE rules, the Board has adopted categorical
standards to assist it in making independence determinations.
Relationships that fall within the categorical standards are not
required to be disclosed in the proxy statement and their impact
on independence need not be separately discussed. The Board,
however, considers all material relationships with each director
in making its independence determinations. A relationship falls
within the categorical standards if it:
Is a type of relationship addressed in Section 303A.02(b)
of the NYSE Listed Company Manual, but under those rules does
not preclude a determination of independence; or |
Is in the ordinary course of business and does not exceed 2% of
the consolidated gross revenues of the other person for the
previous year. |
None of the independent directors and nominees had relationships
relevant to an independence determination that were outside the
scope of the Boards categorical standards. The
relationships discussed under Certain Relationships
in this proxy statement did not exceed these standards.
Director Nominations
In obtaining the names of possible nominees, the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee makes its own inquiries and
will receive suggestions from other directors, management,
shareholders and other sources, and its process for evaluating
nominees identified in unsolicited recommendations from
shareholders is the same as its process for unsolicited
recommendations from other sources. The Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee will consider nominees recommended by
shareholders who submit their recommendations in writing to
Chair, Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee, care of
the Secretary, Weatherford International Ltd., 515 Post Oak
Boulevard, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77027, USA.
Recommendations received before December 1st in any
year will be considered for inclusion in the slate of director
nominees to be presented at the Annual General Meeting in the
following year. Unsolicited recommendations must contain the
name, address and telephone number of the potential nominee, a
statement regarding the potential nominees background,
experience, expertise and qualifications, a signed statement
confirming his or her willingness and ability to serve as a
director and abide by our corporate governance policies and his
or her availability for a personal interview with the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee, and evidence that the
person making the recommendation is a shareholder of Weatherford.
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee believes that
nominees should possess the highest personal and professional
ethics, integrity and values and be committed to representing
the long-term interests of our shareholders. Directors should
have a record of accomplishment in their chosen professional
field and demonstrate sound business judgment. Directors must be
willing and able to devote sufficient time to carrying out their
duties and responsibilities effectively, including attendance at
(in person) and participation in all Board and Committee
meetings, and should be committed to serve on the Board for an
extended period of time.
Shareholders who wish to submit a proposal for inclusion of a
nominee for director in our proxy materials must also comply
with the deadlines and requirements of Rule 14a-8
promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Shareholders who do not comply with Rule 14a-8 but who wish
to have a nominee considered by our shareholders at the Annual
General Meeting must comply with the deadlines and procedures
set forth in our Bye-laws. Please see Proposals by
Shareholders in this proxy statement for more information.
Communication with Board Members
Any shareholder or other interested party that desires to
communicate with the Board of Directors or any of its specific
members, including the Presiding Director or the non-management
directors as a group, should send their communication to the
Secretary, Weatherford International Ltd., 515 Post Oak
Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77027, USA. All such
communications will be forwarded to the appropriate members of
the Board.
Director Presiding at Executive Sessions
Executive sessions of non-management directors are held at least
twice each year. Mr. Butters has been appointed as the
Presiding Director for these sessions.
Director Attendance at Annual General Meeting
All directors are expected to attend the Annual General Meeting.
Messrs. Duroc-Danner, Burguieres, Butters, Lubar, Millard,
Moses and Rayne attended our 2004 Annual General Meeting, either
in person or by video conferencing.
Code of Conduct
We have adopted a Code of Conduct that applies to our directors,
officers and employees. We also have adopted a Supplemental Code
of Conduct that applies to our President and Chief Executive
Officer and our Chief Financial Officer. These documents are
available on our website at, by
clicking on Corporate, then Corporate
Governance. We will also provide a copy of these documents
to any of our shareholders without charge upon written request.
We intend to post amendments to and waivers of our Code of
Conduct (to the extent applicable to our President and Chief
Executive Officer and our Chief Financial Officer) and to the
Supplemental Code of Conduct at this location on our website.
Audit Committee
April 4, 2005
To the Board of Directors of Weatherford International Ltd.:
We have reviewed and discussed with management the
Companys audited financial statements as of and for the
year ended December 31, 2004.
We have discussed with the independent auditors the matters
required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61, Communications with Audit Committees, as
amended, by the Auditing Standards Board of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
We have received and reviewed the written disclosures and the
letter from the independent auditors required by Independence
Standard No. 1, Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees, as amended, by the Independence Standards Board,
and have discussed with the auditors the auditors
Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, we
recommended to the Board of Directors that the financial
statements referred to above be included in the Companys
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2004.
We also have considered whether the services provided by the
independent auditors for non-audit services are compatible with
maintaining the auditors independence and determined that
such services are compatible with maintaining such independence
of Ernst & Young LLP.
David J. Butters |
Sheldon B. Lubar, Chairman |
Robert A. Rayne |
Proposal 2
Appointment of Independent
Registered Public Accounting Firm
and Authorization of
The Audit Committee to Set the
Independent Registered
Public Accounting Firms Remuneration
In accordance with Bermuda law and the Companys Bye-laws,
our shareholders have the authority to appoint our independent
registered public accounting firm and to authorize the Audit
Committee to set the remuneration of the independent registered
public accounting firm. At the Annual General Meeting, our
shareholders will be asked to appoint Ernst & Young LLP
as Weatherfords independent registered public accounting
firm for the year ending December 31, 2005, and to
authorize the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors to set
Ernst & Youngs remuneration. The affirmative vote
of a majority of the votes cast at the Annual General Meeting is
required to approve the proposal to appoint Ernst &
Young as the Companys independent registered public
accounting firm and to authorize the Audit Committee to set
Ernst & Youngs remuneration.
Representatives of Ernst & Young will be present at the
Annual General Meeting to respond to any appropriate shareholder
questions and will be given an opportunity to make a statement
if they so desire.
Fees Paid to Ernst & Young
The following table presents fees for professional audit
services rendered by Ernst & Young for the audit of the
Companys annual financial statements for the years ended
December 31, 2004 and 2003, and fees billed for other
services rendered by Ernst & Young during those periods.
2003 | |
2004 | |
| |
| |
Audit fees(1)
$ |
2,523,000 |
$ |
5,632,000 |
Audit-related fees(2)
25,000 |
64,000 |
Tax fees(3)
169,000 |
197,000 |
All other fees(4)
197,000 |
$ |
2,717,000 |
$ |
6,090,000 |
(1) |
Audit fees consist of professional services rendered for the
audit of the Companys annual financial statements, the
audit of the effectiveness of the Companys internal
control over financial reporting and the reviews of the
quarterly financial statements. This category also includes fees
for issuance of comfort letters, consents, assistance with and
review of documents filed with the SEC, statutory audit fees,
work done by tax professionals in connection with the audit and
quarterly reviews and accounting consultations and research work
necessary to comply with generally accepted auditing standards.
Fees are presented in the period to which they relate versus the
period in which they were billed. |
(2) |
Audit-related fees include consultations concerning financial
accounting and reporting matters not required by statute or
regulation as well as fees for employee benefit plan audits. |
(3) |
Tax fees consist of non-U.S. tax compliance, planning and
consultation and U.S. tax-related consultation. |
(4) |
Other services performed include certain advisory services and
do not include any fees for financial information systems design
and implementation. |
Audit Committee Pre-approval Policy
The Audit Committee has established a pre-approval policy for
all audit services to be provided by an outside audit firm,
including the independent auditor, and permissible non-audit
services provided by the independent auditor.
There are two types of pre-approval. General
pre-approval is based on pre-determined types of services and
amounts. Under the policy, pre-approved service categories are
provided for up to 12 months and must be detailed as to the
particular services provided and sufficiently specific and
objective so that no judgments by management are required to
determine whether a specific service falls within the scope of
what has been pre-approved. The Audit Committee reviews a
listing of General services provided on a quarterly
basis. Specific pre-approval is required for certain
types of services or if a service exceeds the limits set out in
the General pre-approval. Specific
pre-approval must be obtained through direct communications with
the Audit Committee or the Chairman of the Audit Committee, to
whom the Audit Committee has delegated pre-approval authority.
The Chairman must report any pre-approved decisions to the Audit
Committee at its next scheduled meeting.
Pre-approval is not required for de minimis services that
initially were thought to be part of an audit. When an auditor
performs a service thought to be part of the audit, which then
turns out to be a non-audit service, the pre-approval
requirement is waived. However, the Audit Committee must approve
the service before the audit is completed. Fees for de minimis
services, when aggregated with fees for all such services,
cannot exceed five percent of the total fees paid to the
accountant during the fiscal year.
Shares Owned by
Directors and Executive Officers
This table shows the number and percentage of common shares
beneficially owned as of March 23, 2005 by each of our
directors, each of the executive officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table that appears under Executive
Compensation in this Proxy Statement and all of our
directors and executive officers as a group. Each person has
sole voting and investment power for the shares shown below,
unless otherwise noted.
Amount and Nature of Shares | |
Beneficially Owned as of March 23, 2005 | |
| |
Number of | |
Right to | |
Percent of | |
Name |
Shares Owned | |
Acquire(1) | |
Outstanding Shares | |
| |
| |
| |
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner(2)
237,733 |
654,083 |
* |
Nicholas F. Brady(3)
158,016 |
478 |
* |
Philip Burguieres(4)
139,522 |
34,456 |
* |
David J. Butters(5)
37,247 |
177,707 |
* |
Sheldon B. Lubar(6)
1,263,377 |
156,633 |
1.0 |
William E. Macaulay(7)
20,933 |
165,357 |
* |
Robert B. Millard(8)
111,960 |
164,791 |
* |
Robert K. Moses, Jr.(9)
103,000 |
155,428 |
* |
Robert A. Rayne(10)
3,279 |
107,708 |
* |
E. Lee Colley, III(11)
39,844 |
169,722 |
* |
Jon R. Nicholson(12)
34,372 |
115,908 |
* |
Lisa W. Rodriguez(13)
41,427 |
133,202 |
* |
Gary L. Warren(14)
51,171 |
275,851 |
* |
All officers and directors as a group (17 persons)
2,345,262 |
2,373,124 |
3.4 |
(1) |
Includes common shares that can be acquired through stock
options exercisable through May 22, 2005. Also includes
common shares that can be acquired as a result of distributions
pursuant to our Non-Employee Director Deferred Compensation Plan
or our Executive Deferred Compensation Stock Ownership Plan, as
applicable, based on the number of units allocated to each
participants account as of March 23, 2005. The
Non-Employee Director Deferred Compensation Plan is described
under Deferred Compensation Plan on page 6 of
this proxy statement, and the Executive Deferred Compensation
Stock Ownership Plan is described in the Compensation Committee
Report in this proxy statement. |
(2) |
Includes 4,004 shares held under our 401(k) Savings
Plan, 45,206 shares held by a family limited partnership
and 179,031 restricted shares that are subject to vesting
schedules and forfeiture risk. |
(3) |
Includes 150,016 shares held by a living trust of which
Mr. Brady is the trustee, and 8,000 restricted shares
that are subject to vesting schedules and forfeiture risk. |
(4) |
Includes 421 shares held under our 401(k) Savings
Plan, 3,000 restricted shares that are subject to a vesting
schedule and forfeiture risk and 950 shares held by his
wife, over which Mr. Burguieres has no voting or
dispositive power. Does not include 475 shares held by his
adult son, over which Mr. Burguieres has no voting or
dispositive power. Mr. Burguieres disclaims beneficial
ownership of the shares held by his wife and son. |
(5) |
Includes 13,772 shares held by Mr. Butters wife,
over which he has no voting or dispositive power and as to which
he disclaims beneficial ownership, and 3,000 restricted
shares that are subject to a vesting schedule and forfeiture
risk. |
(6) |
Includes 1,224,571 shares held by a limited partnership,
the sole general partner of which is a limited liability company
of which Mr. Lubar is a manager, and the limited partners
of which include trusts of which Mr. Lubar is trustee.
Mr. Lubar disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares held
by the limited partnership except to the extent of his pecuniary
interest in those shares. Also includes 3,000 restricted
shares that are subject to a vesting schedule and forfeiture
risk. |
(7) |
Includes 6,618 shares held by Mr. Macaulays wife
and 3,876 shares held in the name of or in trust for
Mr. Macaulays adult daughters, over which he has no
voting or dispositive power and as to which he disclaims
beneficial ownership. Also includes 3,000 restricted shares
that are subject to a vesting schedule and forfeiture risk. |
(8) |
Includes 26,772 shares held by a charitable foundation
controlled by Mr. Millard and his wife. Also includes
3,000 restricted shares that are subject to a vesting
schedule and forfeiture risk. All stock options reported in this
table are held by a grantor retained annuity trust of which
Mr. Millard is trustee. |
(9) |
Includes 3,000 restricted shares that are subject to a
vesting schedule and forfeiture risk. |
(10) |
Includes 3,000 shares that are subject to a vesting
schedule and forfeiture risk. Excludes 595,500 shares
beneficially owned by London Merchant Securities plc, of which
Mr. Rayne serves as Chief Executive Director.
Mr. Rayne disclaims beneficial ownership of all of the
shares beneficially owned by London Merchant Securities. |
(11) |
Includes 626 shares held under our 401(k) Savings Plan
and 37,460 restricted shares that are subject to vesting
schedules and forfeiture risk. |
(12) |
Includes 1,222 shares held under our 401(k) Savings
Plan and 31,846 restricted shares that are subject to
vesting schedules and forfeiture risk. |
(13) |
Includes 1,140 shares held under our 401(k) Savings
Plan and 38,076 restricted shares that are subject to vesting
schedules and forfeiture risk. |
(14) |
Includes 1,005 shares held under our 401(k) Savings
Plan and 43,076 restricted shares that are subject to
vesting schedules and forfeiture risk. |
Shares Owned by
Beneficial Holders
This table shows information for each person known by us to
beneficially own 5% or more of the outstanding common shares as
of March 23, 2005.
Name and Address of |
Percent of | |
Beneficial Owner |
Number of Shares(1) | |
Outstanding Shares | |
| |
| |
Citigroup Inc.(2)
20,374,534 |
14.8 |
399 Park Avenue |
New York, New York 10043 |
FMR Corp.(3)
17,091,649 |
12.4 |
82 Devonshire Street |
Boston, Massachusetts 02109 |
Capital Group International, Inc.(4)
7,863,990 |
5.7 |
11100 Santa Monica Blvd. |
Los Angeles, California 90025 |
Capital Guardian Trust Company(5)
6,774,690 |
4.9 |
11100 Santa Monica Blvd. |
Los Angeles, California 90025 |
(1) |
This information is based on information as of December 31,
2004 furnished by each shareholder or contained in filings made
by the shareholder with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The person listed has sole voting and dispositive power for its
common shares, unless otherwise noted. |
(2) |
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc. (CGM
Holdings) is a beneficial owner of 20,065,403 of such
shares. Smith Barney Fund Management LLC
(SB Fund) is a beneficial owner of 7,947,181 of
such shares. Citigroup Financial Products Inc. (CFP)
is a beneficial owner of 12,102,422 of such shares. Citigroup
Global Markets Inc. (CGM) is a beneficial owner of
11,975,051 of such shares. CFP is sole stockholder of CGM. CGM
Holdings is sole stockholder of CFP and sole member of
SB Fund. Citigroup, Inc. is the sole stockholder of CGM
Holdings. Voting and dispositive power over all shares is
shared. Shares reported assume conversion or exercise of certain
securities held. |
(3) |
Fidelity Management & Research Company
(Fidelity), a wholly owned subsidiary of FMR Corp.
(FMR) and an investment adviser, is the beneficial
owner of 15,712,406 shares as a result of acting as
investment adviser to various registered investment companies
(the Funds). Fidelity Management Trust Company
(FMTC), a wholly owned subsidiary of FMR and a bank,
is the beneficial owner of 929,533 shares as a result of
serving as investment manager of institutional accounts.
Edward C. Johnson 3d, FMRs Chairman, FMR,
through its control of Fidelity, and the Funds each has sole
power to dispose of the 15,712,406 shares owned by the
Funds, and Mr. Johnson and FMR, through its control of
FMTC, each has sole power to dispose of 929,533 shares and
sole power to vote or direct the voting of 897,433 shares
and no power to vote or direct the voting of 32,100 shares
owned by the institutional accounts. The Funds Board of
Trustees has sole power to vote all shares owned by the Funds.
Fidelity carries out the voting of the Funds shares under
written guidelines established by the Funds Board of
Trustees. Members of the Edward C. Johnson 3d family
are the predominant owners of Class B shares of common
stock of FMR, representing approximately 49% of the voting power
of FMR. Mr. Johnson owns 12.0% and Abigail P. Johnson,
Mr. Johnsons wife and a Director of FMR, owns 24.5%
of the voting stock of FMR. The Johnson family group and all
other Class B shareholders have entered into a
shareholders voting agreement under which all Class B
shares will be voted in accordance with the majority vote of
Class B shares. Through their ownership of voting common
stock and the shareholders voting agreement, members of
the Johnson family may be deemed, under the Investment Company
Act of 1940, to form a controlling group with respect to FMR.
Fidelity International Limited (FIL) beneficially
owns 449,710 shares and has sole power to vote and to
dispose of such shares. FIL operates independently of FMR Corp.
and Fidelity. A partnership controlled by Mr. Johnson and
members of his family own shares of FIL with the right to cast
approximately 39.89% of the votes which may be cast by all
holders of FIL voting stock. FMR Corp. and FIL are of the view
that they are not acting as a group for purposes of
Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and
that they are not otherwise required to attribute to each other
the beneficial ownership of securities
beneficially owned by the other within the meaning
of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act. |
(4) |
Capital Group International, Inc. (CGII) is the
parent holding company of a group of investment management
companies that hold investment power over all shares reported
and voting power over 6,028,480 of the shares reported. CGII
does not have investment power or voting power over any of the
shares reported. However, by virtue of Rule 13d-3 of the
Exchange Act, CGII may be deemed to beneficially own
the shares. Beneficial ownership is disclaimed pursuant to
Rule 13d-4 of the Exchange Act. |
(5) |
Capital Guardian Trust Company (CG Trust), a wholly
owned subsidiary of CGII, has sole voting power over 5,032,380
of such shares and has sole dispositive power over all of such
shares. CG Trust is deemed to be the beneficial owner of such
shares as a result of its serving as investment manager of
various institutional accounts. Beneficial ownership is
disclaimed pursuant to Rule 13d-4 of the Exchange Act. |
In addition to Mr. Duroc-Danner, whose biography is shown
on page 3, the following persons are our executive
officers. None of the executive officers or directors have any
family relationships with each other, other than E. Lee
Colley, III and M. David Colley, who are brothers.
Name |
Age | |
Position |
| |
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner
51 |
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
E. Lee Colley, III
48 |
Senior Vice President and President Completion and
Production Systems
Gary L. Warren
55 |
Senior Vice President and President Drilling and
Well Services
Stuart E. Ferguson
38 |
Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Burt M. Martin
41 |
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Jon R. Nicholson
62 |
Senior Vice President Human Resources
Lisa W. Rodriguez
44 |
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
M. David Colley
44 |
Vice President Manufacturing and Procurement
Keith R. Morley
54 |
Vice President Enterprise Excellence and Chief
Safety Officer
E. Lee Colley, III was appointed Senior Vice
President and President Completion and Production
Systems in April 2003, in connection with a realignment of our
business divisions. Mr. Colley joined us in March 1996 and
has served in several positions, including Senior Vice President
and President Artificial Lift Systems, from
November 1998 until April 2003. Prior to that time,
Mr. Colley worked for over 20 years for another
oilfield service company in various manufacturing, sales and
marketing managerial positions.
Gary L. Warren was appointed Senior Vice President and
President Drilling and Well Services in April 2003,
in connection with our business division realignment.
Mr. Warren has been employed by the Company since 1992 and
has served in several positions, including Senior Vice President
and President Drilling and Intervention Services
from October 2000 until April 2003. Mr. Warren worked for
Petco Fishing and Rental Tool from 1980 to 1992, when it was
acquired by Weatherford Enterra.
Stuart E. Ferguson was appointed Senior Vice President
and Chief Technology Officer in April 2003. Mr. Ferguson
joined the Company in April 2001 and has served in several
positions, including Senior Vice President and
President Completion Systems from September 2002
until April 2003. From May 2000 until February 2001,
Mr. Ferguson was Group Marketing Director of Expro
International Group PLC, an oilfield services company. From
August 1994 until February 2000, Mr. Ferguson worked for
Petroline Wellsystems Ltd., a provider of specialist oilfield
products, in various positions, including Technical Services
Director. We acquired Petroline in September 1999.
Burt M. Martin was appointed Senior Vice President,
General Counsel and Secretary in April 2002. He joined the
Company in June 1998 and served as Associate General Counsel
from June 1998 until June 2000 and as Vice President
Law and Secretary from June 2000 until April 2002. From 1993 to
1998, Mr. Martin was an associate attorney with the law
firm of Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
Jon R. Nicholson was appointed Senior Vice
President Human Resources in January 2000 and served
as Vice President Human Resources from May 1998 to
January 2000. Prior to May 1998, Mr. Nicholson worked for
Weatherford Enterra as Vice President Human
Resources from October 1995 to May 1998 and as Director of Human
Resources from February 1993 to October 1995.
Lisa W. Rodriguez was appointed Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer in June 2002. Ms. Rodriguez joined
the Company in 1996 and has served in several positions,
including Vice President Accounting and Finance from
February 2001 to June 2002, Vice President
Accounting from June 2000 to
February 2001 and Controller from 1999 to February 2001. Prior
to joining the Company, Ms. Rodriguez worked for Landmark
Graphics from 1993 to 1996.
M. David Colley joined the Company in 1996 and was
appointed Vice President Manufacturing and
Procurement in January 2005. He served as Vice
President Global Manufacturing from September 2002
to January 2005. Mr. Colley also was in charge of
Information Technology from December 2002 until February 2004.
Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Colley worked for
17 years for another oilfield service company in various
positions, with a focus on the supply of oilfield products.
Keith R. Morley joined the Company in November 2001 and
was appointed Vice President Enterprise Excellence
in May 2003 and Chief Safety Officer in January 2005. From
August 1999 to November 2001, Mr. Morley worked for CiDRA
Optical Sensing Systems in various capacities, including Senior
Vice President and General Manager. We acquired CiDRA Optical
Sensing Systems in November 2001. From October 1998 to August
1999, Mr. Morley was President and Chief Executive Officer
of Diversified Energy Services Corporation.
Compensation Committee
Report on Executive Compensation
The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors consists of
three directors who are not employees of the Company and who are
independent, as defined by the standards of the New York Stock
Exchange. The Compensation Committee annually reviews and
administers the Companys compensation program and policies
for executive officers, and in conjunction with the Board of
Directors, determines the overall compensation of our executive
officers. This report sets forth the major components of
executive compensation and the basis by which 2004 compensation
determinations were made by the Compensation Committee and the
Board of Directors for the executive officers.
Compensation Objectives and Program
The overall objectives of the Companys executive
compensation program are to provide competitive salary levels
and compensation incentives that (i) attract and retain
individuals of outstanding ability in key executive positions,
(ii) drive and reward strong business performance to create
superior value for our shareholders and (iii) encourage our
executives to focus on both the short-term and long-term
performance goals of the Company and its shareholders. With
these objectives in mind, our executive compensation program
includes a combination of reasonable base salaries and various
short and long-term incentive programs linked to the
Companys financial and share performance. Our compensation
program also stresses equity-based long-term compensation as a
means of providing incentives to executive officers to achieve
growth in the value of our common shares.
Compensation decisions are complex and are best made after a
deliberate review of the Companys performance, the current
compensation levels of our executive officers and general
industry compensation levels. In making compensation decisions,
the Compensation Committee takes into account the cyclical
nature of our industry and the Companys performance
relative to the performance of other companies of comparable
size, complexity and quality. The Compensation Committee also
relies on independent compensation consultants to provide
competitive market data and current compensation trends. The
consultants provide the Compensation Committee with survey data
comparing the compensation of our executive officers with the
compensation levels of similar executives at companies in our
The Compensation Committee also works closely with the Board of
Directors in establishing and reviewing our executive
compensation program. All equity-based compensation decisions
for the executive officers are approved by our full Board of
Directors following recommendations by the Compensation
Committee. Messrs. Duroc-Danner and Burguieres, both
employees of the Company, abstain from voting with respect to
these matters. The Compensation Committee also receives
recommendations from, or delegates authority to,
Mr. Duroc-Danner concerning the annual base salary, annual
performance compensation and long-term incentives of our
executive officers, other than Mr. Duroc-Danner.
The Compensation Committee considers the tax impact of the
Companys executive compensation program.
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code imposes a
$1 million limitation on the deductibility of certain
compensation paid to the five highest paid executives. We intend
to take into account the potential application of
Section 162(m) on incentive compensation awards and other
compensation decisions.
The primary components of our executive compensation program are
base salary, annual performance compensation, long-term
incentives, deferred compensation and retirement benefits.
Base Salary
Base salaries of our executive officers are reviewed on an
annual basis. The amount and any increases to base salary levels
are determined based on a combination of factors, including the
executives level of experience and responsibility, levels
of salary for executives in other comparable companies in our
industry, the scope and complexity of the position held, the
executives individual efforts in achieving business
results, and demonstration of leadership and team-work
abilities. Based upon the recommendations of
Mr. Duroc-Danner regarding each of the other executive
officers and following the Committees review, each
executive officer received an increase to their base salary in
Annual Performance
Annual performance compensation is provided to the executive
officers in the form of cash bonuses relating to certain
financial and operational achievements of the Company. The
executive officers and all other management and key employees of
the Company participate in the Weatherford Variable Compensation
Plan. The Variable Compensation Plan provides all participants
with the opportunity to earn annual cash bonuses based on the
achievement of specific Company-wide and divisional performance
targets for each fiscal year. The Companys annual
performance targets are established jointly by the Compensation
Committee and management. For fiscal 2004, the performance
targets were based on the Companys earnings before
interest and taxes and certain working capital ratios. These
objectives are established at three levels: minimum level,
target level and maximum level. Where executive officers have
divisional business responsibilities, a large portion of their
individual target goal is based on financial performance of
their divisional business unit. As a result of the
Companys strong financial performance in fiscal 2004, each
of the executive officers, including Mr. Duroc-Danner,
received cash bonuses for fiscal 2004.
Long-Term Incentives
The Compensation Committee considers long-term incentives to be
a key component of the executive compensation program as these
incentives are designed to motivate management to work toward
long-term performance of the Company and serve to link a
significant portion of the executive officers compensation
to long-term shareholder value. These long-term incentives are
equity-based and have consisted of both stock options and
restricted share awards. The Compensation Committee believes
that these types of awards provide our executive officers with a
benefit that will increase only to the extent that the value of
the common shares increases, thereby giving them an incentive to
work to increase shareholder value. The factors considered by
the Compensation Committee in determining the number of options
and restricted share awards to be granted to each executive
officer are generally the same as those used in establishing the
base salaries of executive officers.
Stock options are subject to vesting over a number of years and
have exercise prices equal to the market price of the common
shares at the date of grant. Restricted shares also are subject
to vesting over a number of years and are subject to forfeiture
risk. In 2004, a total of 39,374 restricted common shares were
granted to our executive officers, other than
Mr. Duroc-Danner, in recognition of their past performance
and in consideration of their continued service. These
restricted shares vest in equal portions over a two-year period.
There were no stock options granted to executive officers in
Deferred Compensation
We maintain an executive deferred compensation plan that
provides our executive officers and other key employees with
long-term incentive compensation through benefits that are
directly linked to future increases in the value of the common
shares and that may only be realized upon the employees
retirement, termination or death. Under this plan, participating
employees receive a tax deferred contribution under the plan
equal to 7.5% of their annual compensation through a credit to
an account that is converted into non-monetary units
representing the number of common shares that the contributed
funds could purchase in the market at the time of the
contribution. In addition, in an effort to provide incentive to
the participants to invest a portion of their compensation in
the Companys common shares, the participating employees
are offered the opportunity to defer up to 7.5% of their
compensation to their account under this plan, in which case we
will make a matching contribution equal to the amount of the
deferral. Our executive officers have all elected to defer 7.5%
of their compensation under this plan. This plan provides for a
five-year vesting period with respect to the Companys
contributions. Distributions under the plan are made in common
shares, with the participant receiving one common share for each
unit in the participants account at the time of the
distribution. The Companys obligations with respect to the
plan are unfunded. However, the Company has established a
grantor trust, which is subject to the claims of the
Companys creditors, into which funds are deposited with an
independent trustee that purchases common shares for the plan.
The ultimate value of benefits under the plan to the participant
is wholly dependent upon the price of the common shares at the
time the participating employee retires or dies or his or her
employment terminates. We believe that this plan is an important
component of the executive compensation program and serves the
purpose of aligning managements interests with those of
the Companys shareholders.
Retirement Benefits
In 2003, the Board of Directors approved the Weatherford
International Ltd. Nonqualified Executive Retirement Plan, which
provides supplemental retirement benefits to our executive
officers. The Company adopted the plan after an analysis of
executive compensation packages offered by comparable companies
in our industry. The plan was adopted to make the compensation
of our executive officers more competitive with these peer
Chief Executive Officer Compensation
The Compensation Committee determines the overall compensation
for Mr. Duroc-Danner in the same manner and using the same
criteria set forth in this report for all executive officers.
Based on data provided by independent compensation consultants,
the Compensation Committee compares Mr. Duroc-Danners
overall compensation program with the compensation programs of
other chief executive officers of comparable companies in our
industry. In addition, the Compensation Committee prepares a
formal evaluation of Mr. Duroc-Danner on an annual basis,
and the results of that evaluation are considered in determining
his annual compensation program.
Based on the Compensation Committees review of
Mr. Duroc-Danner, using the criteria described in this
report, Mr. Duroc-Danners base salary was increased
by $200,000, to $1,100,000. As a result of the Companys
strong financial performance during 2004, Mr. Duroc-Danner
received a cash bonus of $1,446,065 pursuant to the terms of the
Companys Variable Compensation Plan. During 2004,
Mr. Duroc-Danner also received restricted stock awards of
25,812 shares (which vests annually over a two-year period)
and 130,000 shares (which vests annually over a three-year
period). The restricted stock awards were granted in recognition
of Mr. Duroc-Danners past achievements in increasing
shareholder value and to provide Mr. Duroc-Danner with
incentives to continue to increase long-term shareholder value.
We believe that the compensation program is necessary to retain
Mr. Duroc-Danner and all other executive officers who are
essential to the continued success and development of the
Company, to enhance shareholder value through superior
performance and to compensate those officers for their efforts
achievements. We further believe that our executive compensation
program is consistent with the compensation programs provided by
other companies that are comparable in size and complexity to
the Company and with which the Company competes. The
Compensation Committee, together with the Board of Directors,
intend to review the compensation policies on an ongoing basis
to ensure that executive compensation appropriately reflects
corporate and individual performance and yields awards that are
reflective of the individuals contribution to the
achievement of the Companys goals.
Nicholas F. Brady
Philip Burguieres
David J. Butters
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner
Sheldon B. Lubar
William E. Macaulay
Robert B. Millard*
Robert K. Moses, Jr.*
Robert A. Rayne*
* |
Members of the Compensation Committee |
Compensation Committee
Interlocks and Insider Participation
During 2004 and until May 13, 2005, Messrs. Millard,
Moses and Rayne were and are the members of our Compensation
Committee. Messrs. Brady, Millard and Moses will be the
members of the Compensation Committee beginning on May 13,
Mr. Rayne is Chief Executive Director of London Merchant
Securities. Mr. Duroc-Danner has been a director of London
Merchant Securities since January 2004. Mr. Duroc-Danner
does not serve on the Compensation Committee, or any other
committee, of London Merchant Securities.
Messrs. Butters and Millard are employed by Lehman
Brothers. We entered into an interest rate swap agreement with
Lehman in 2003 that was terminated in January 2004. Net proceeds
from the termination were $804,163. We entered into and
terminated an interest rate swap agreement with Lehman in 2004.
Net proceeds from the termination were $603,000. We also entered
into two spot currency trades with Lehman in 2004. In one of the
trades, we sold 3.9 million Euros to Lehman for
approximately 4.7 million U.S. dollars based on exchange
rates in effect at the time of the trade. In the other trade, we
sold 2.6 million U.S. dollars to Lehman for approximately
3.3 million Canadian dollars based on exchange rates in
effect at the time of the trade. All transactions with Lehman
were on usual and customary terms.
Mr. Rayne is employed by London Merchant Securities. In
2003, we entered into a lease with London Merchant Securities
for office space in London. The lease is for a term of ten years
and provides for an annual rent of £152,600 (approximately
$287,637 based on exchange rates as of March 23, 2005) for
the first five years. After year five, the rental rate is
subject to an upward adjustment. The lease is on usual and
customary terms.
We employ the adult son of Mr. Burguieres in a
non-executive capacity. He received total compensation of less
than $60,000 in 2004.
Mr. Burguieres is Vice Chairman and part owner of the
Houston Texans. We acquired and maintain a stadium suite and
other tickets for the Houston Texans football games, for which
we paid the Houston Texans an aggregate of $164,455 in 2004. In
addition, the Houston Texans own a suite for the Houston Astros
and Houston Rockets sporting events. We purchased one-half of
the Houston Texans tickets for the Houston Astros baseball
games and Houston Rockets basketball games. In 2004, we paid the
Houston Texans $42,598 for the baseball tickets and $70,000 for
the basketball tickets. These amounts represented one-half of
the amounts paid by the Houston Texans for the tickets.
Summary Compensation
This table shows the total compensation paid for the years ended
December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, to Mr. Duroc-Danner
and our four most highly compensated executive officers during
Long-Term | |
Compensation | |
Awards | |
Annual Compensation | |
| |
| |
Restricted | |
Shares | |
Other Annual | |
Share | |
Underlying | |
All Other | |
Name and |
Salary | |
Bonus | |
Compensation | |
Awards | |
Options | |
Compensation | |
Principal Position |
Year | |
($)(1) | |
($)(1) | |
($)(2) | |
($)(3) | |
(#) | |
($)(4) | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner
2004 |
1,097,644 |
1,446,065 |
178,793 |
7,198,000 |
21,224 |
Chairman of the Board,
2003 |
960,564 |
490,000 |
235,746 |
185,000 |
19,865 |
President and Chief |
2002 |
979,312 |
381,310 |
18,002 |
Executive Officer |
E. Lee Colley, III
2004 |
374,204 |
400,000 |
57,226 |
199,949 |
8,206 |
Senior Vice President and |
2003 |
328,240 |
170,000 |
75,831 |
32,500 |
7,114 |
President Completion and |
2002 |
336,315 |
105,691 |
5,332 |
Production Systems |
Jon R. Nicholson
2004 |
349,133 |
367,854 |
66,017 |
150,043 |
14,285 |
Senior Vice President |
2003 |
294,449 |
100,000 |
72,578 |
32,500 |
15,748 |
Human Resources |
2002 |
302,236 |
117,831 |
15,255 |
Lisa W. Rodriguez
2004 |
368,642 |
400,000 |
62,496 |
250,017 |
7,372 |
Senior Vice President and |
2003 |
264,988 |
100,000 |
61,948 |
6,260 |
Chief Financial Officer |
2002 |
257,890 |
88,890 |
4,384 |
Gary L. Warren
2004 |
399,027 |
500,000 |
60,616 |
250,017 |
9,641 |
Senior Vice President and |
2003 |
337,891 |
170,000 |
76,184 |
10,021 |
President Drilling and |
2002 |
350,004 |
125,982 |
7,997 |
Well Services |
(1) |
Salary and bonus compensation include amounts deferred by each
executive officer under our Executive Deferred Compensation
Stock Ownership Plan (the Executive Deferred Plan).
The terms of the Executive Deferred Plan are described in the
Compensation Committee Report. The bonus amounts shown for 2004
were earned in 2004 and paid in 2005. The bonus amounts shown
for 2003 were earned in 2002 and 2003 and paid in 2003. |
(2) |
Other Annual Compensation consists of the following: |
Mr. Duroc-Danner | |
Mr. Colley | |
Mr. Nicholson | |
Ms. Rodriguez | |
Mr. Warren | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Company Contributions to Executive Deferred Plan
2004 |
$ |
164,647 |
$ |
56,131 |
$ |
52,370 |
$ |
55,296 |
$ |
59,854 |
2003 |
217,585 |
74,736 |
59,167 |
54,748 |
76,184 |
2002 |
367,204 |
105,017 |
104,473 |
81,690 |
124,102 |
Company Car/ Car Allowance
2004 |
6,743 |
1,095 |
9,000 |
7,200 |
2003 |
11,444 |
1,095 |
9,000 |
7,200 |
2002 |
9,813 |
674 |
9,000 |
7,200 |
Club Membership Dues
2004 |
7,403 |
4,647 |
762 |
2003 |
6,717 |
4,411 |
2002 |
4,293 |
4,358 |
1,880 |
Under the Executive Deferred Plan, each officer can defer up to
7.5% of his or her total salary and bonus compensation each
year. We contribute an amount equal to 7.5% of the
officers compensation for each year plus an amount equal
to the amount deferred by the officer. As of December 31,
2004, Messrs. Duroc-Danner, Colley, Nicholson, Warren and
Ms. Rodriguez had 58,753, 18,430, 15,686, 16,218, and
12,681 Weatherford units allocated to their respective
accounts, including units purchased with their own deferrals.
Based on the closing price of our common shares on
December 31, 2004 |
($51.30), the value of the Weatherford units in
Messrs. Duroc-Danners, Colleys,
Nicholsons, Warrens and Ms. Rodriguezs
accounts was $3,014,029, $945,459, $804,692, $831,983 and
$650,535, respectively. |
(3) |
Restricted share award values are based on the closing price of
our common shares on the date of grant. Dividends, if any are
declared, will be paid on the restricted share awards. Based on
the closing price of the common shares on December 31, 2004
($51.30), the number and value of the aggregate restricted share
holdings of each of the named officers was as follows: |
Name |
Number of Shares | |
Value as of 12/31/04 | |
| |
| |
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner
155,812 |
$ |
7,993,156 |
E. Lee Colley, III
4,920 |
$ |
252,396 |
Jon R. Nicholson
3,692 |
$ |
189,400 |
Lisa W. Rodriguez
6,152 |
$ |
315,598 |
Gary L. Warren
6,152 |
$ |
315,598 |
The restricted shares granted to Mr. Duroc-Danner vest as
follows: 12,906 shares in each of February 2005 and 2006,
43,334 shares in September 2005, and 43,333 shares in
each of September 2006 and 2007. The restricted shares granted
to Mr. Colley vest as follows: 2,460 shares in each of
February 2005 and 2006. The restricted shares granted to
Mr. Nicholson vest as follows: 1,846 shares in each of
February 2005 and 2006. The restricted shares granted to each of
Ms. Rodriguez and Mr. Warren vest as follows:
3,076 shares in each of February 2005 and 2006. The awards
are subject to earlier vesting if the executive dies or becomes
disabled, if we terminate the executives employment other
than for cause, if the executive terminates his or her
employment for good reason or if there is a change of control of
Weatherford. |
In January 2005, Messrs. Colley, Nicholson, Warren and
Ms. Rodriguez received restricted share awards of 35,000,
30,000, 40,000, and 35,000 shares, respectively. Based on
the closing price of our common shares on the date of grant
($49.07), the value of the awards was $1,717,450, $1,472,100,
$1,962,800, and $1,717,450 for Messrs Colley, Nicholson, Warren
and Ms. Rodriguez, respectively. In February 2005,
Mr. Duroc-Danner received a restricted share award of
36,125 shares. Based on the closing price of our common
shares on the date of grant ($57.53), the value of the award was
$2,078,271. The awards vest in four equal annual installments on
the first anniversary of the date of grant, subject to earlier
vesting if the executive dies or becomes disabled, if we
terminate the executives employment other than for cause
or if the executive terminates his or her employment for good
reason. |
(4) |
Represents matching contributions under our 401(k) Savings Plan
and, for 2003 and 2004, life insurance premiums paid by us. In
2004, matching contributions were $6,500 for each of
Messrs. Duroc-Danner, Nicholson and Warren and $6,270 for
each of Mr. Colley and Ms. Rodriguez, and life
insurance premiums were $14,724, $1,936, $7,785, $3,141 and
$1,102 for each of Messrs. Duroc-Danner, Colley, Nicholson,
Warren and Ms. Rodriguez, respectively. In 2003, matching
contributions were $6,000, $5,404, $6,000, $6,000 and $5,404 for
each of Messrs. Duroc-Danner, Colley, Nicholson, Warren and
Ms. Rodriguez, respectively, and life insurance premiums
were $13,865, $1,710, $9,748, $4,021 and $856 for each of
Messrs. Duroc-Danner, Colley, Nicholson, Warren and
Ms. Rodriguez, respectively. |
Aggregated Option
Exercises in 2004
And December 31,
2004 Option Values
Number of Shares | |
Underlying Unexercised | |
Value of Unexercised | |
Shares | |
Options at | |
In-the-Money Options at | |
Acquired | |
December 31, 2004 | |
December 31, 2004 ($)(1) | |
on | |
Value | |
| |
| |
Name |
Exercise | |
Realized ($) | |
Exercisable | |
Unexercisable | |
Exercisable | |
Unexercisable | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Bernard J. Duroc-Danner
25,000 |
990,050 |
819,631 |
481,338 |
26,893,766 |
11,145,935 |
E. Lee Colley, III
60,000 |
2,400,612 |
196,054 |
132,500 |
5,266,903 |
3,277,875 |
Jon R. Nicholson
161,754 |
5,179,349 |
100,000 |
132,500 |
1,455,000 |
3,277,875 |
Lisa W. Rodriguez
18,726 |
709,258 |
120,287 |
100,000 |
2,019,849 |
2,753,000 |
Gary L. Warren
259,379 |
100,000 |
6,850,535 |
2,753,000 |
(1) |
The value is based on the difference in the closing market price
of the common shares on December 31, 2004 ($51.30), and the
exercise price of the options. The actual value, if any, of the
unexercised options will depend on the market price of the
common shares at the time of exercise of the options. |
Nonqualified Executive
Retirement Plan
We implemented an executive retirement plan for our executive
officers effective in August 2003. The Company has purchased
life insurance to finance the benefits under this plan.
Participants agreed to a 10% reduction of their annual base
salary (as of the time participation commenced) in order to
participate in the plan.
The following table shows the estimated annual benefits payable
under the plan to participants upon retirement at age 62
for specified years of service and compensation levels. The
benefits shown are not subject to deduction for social security
or other offset amounts.
Pension Plan
Years of Service | |
| |
Remuneration |
10 | |
15 | |
20 | |
25 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
192,500 |
288,750 |
385,000 |
420,000 |
206,250 |
309,375 |
412,500 |
450,000 |
220,000 |
330,000 |
440,000 |
480,000 |
247,500 |
371,250 |
495,000 |
540,000 |
275,000 |
412,500 |
550,000 |
600,000 |
550,000 |
825,000 |
1,100,000 |
1,200,000 |
825,000 |
1,237,500 |
1,650,000 |
1,800,000 |
962,500 |
1,443,750 |
1,925,000 |
2,100,000 |
Compensation under the plan is based on the sum of (a) the
highest base salary in the last five years of employment,
increased by any amounts that could have been received in cash
in lieu of deferrals made pursuant to a cash or deferred
arrangement or a cafeteria plan, and (b) the greater of the
bonus amount potentially payable under the Companys
management incentive plan for the last year of employment and
the highest bonus paid in the last five years of employment.
The credited years of service at December 31, 2004 for each
of the named executive officers were as follows:
Mr. Duroc-Danner 18 years; Mr. E. Lee
Colley 9 years; Mr. Nicholson
12 years; Ms. Rodriguez 9 years; and
Mr. Warren 25 years.
Benefits are the product of an annual benefit percentage (2.75%
for each of the named executive officers) multiplied by the
participants compensation in effect as of his or her
retirement, multiplied by the
participants years of service. The benefits are limited to
a maximum amount equal to the participants compensation as
described above multiplied by a maximum benefit percentage (60%
for each of the named executive officers).
The hypothetical benefits payable shown in the table above would
be reduced in the case of early retirement. A participant may
elect early retirement on or after attainment of age 55 and
the completion of 10 years of service. In the event of
early retirement, monthly benefits are reduced by an amount
equal to .25% multiplied by the number of years that a
participants age is less than age 62, subject to a
maximum number of seven years.
If a participant dies or becomes disabled while in our employ,
he or she or his or her beneficiaries, as applicable, will be
eligible to receive benefits under the plan. If the participant
is less than 62 years old at the time of death or
disability, benefits are reduced by an amount equal to .25%
multiplied by the number of years that the participants
age is less than 62, subject to a maximum number of seven years.
If a participants employment is terminated other than by
us for cause and the participant has completed ten years of
service, the participant will be eligible for benefits under the
plan. If the participant has not attained age 55 at the
time of termination, monthly benefits will begin at age 55,
unless the participant elects to receive a lump sum, in which
case the benefit will be paid at termination. However, if a
participant voluntarily terminates his or her employment other
than for good reason prior to a change of control, the
participant will not be eligible to receive his or her
retirement benefit until age 55. Additionally, if a
participant has at least seven years of service but less than
ten years and his or her employment is terminated prior to a
change of control for any reason other than by us for cause or
voluntarily by the participant for any reason other than good
reason, disability, death or retirement, the participant will be
credited with an additional three years of service and age and
will be eligible to receive this termination benefit.
In the event of a change of control, the participant will be
credited with an additional five years of service and age. If
the participants employment terminates after a change of
control for any reason other than by us for cause, the
participant will be credited with an additional five years of
service and age and will be entitled to receive benefits
beginning upon termination of employment.
A participants interest in the plan is generally
distributed either in a lump sum or in the form of a monthly
annuity for life, at the participants option. If the
participant elects to receive monthly benefits, the
participants beneficiaries will receive upon the
participants death a lump sum payment equal to
120 monthly installments of the participants benefit.
The participants are entitled to receive gross-up
payments sufficient to satisfy any tax payments that may be
required under Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Participants and their spouses are also entitled to receive
health and medical insurance benefits for life. They are
required to pay normal employee contributions for this coverage
up to a maximum annual contribution of $2,000. These benefits
will be secondary to Medicare and any other health and medical
benefits that the participant receives from any other
employer-provided plan.
We have entered into employment agreements with each of the
officers named in the Summary Compensation Table. The employment
agreements provide for a term of three years and are renewable
annually. Under the terms of the employment agreements, if we
terminate an executives employment for any reason other
than cause, if the executive terminates his
employment for good reason or if the employment is
terminated as a result of the executives death or
disability, as defined in the employment agreements,
the executive will be entitled to receive (1) an amount
equal to three times the sum of the highest base salary during
the five years prior to the year of termination and the greater
of the highest annual bonus paid during the five years prior to
the year of termination and the annual bonus that would be
payable in the current fiscal year, (2) any accrued salary
or bonus (pro-rated to the date of termination), (3) an
amount equal to three times all employer contributions to our
401(k) plan and other deferred compensation plans over the last
year of employment, grossed-up to account for federal and state
taxes thereon, (4) an amount equal to three times all
fringe benefits and (5) any benefits payable under our
retirement plan as of the date of termination (unless
a change of control has occurred or is pending, in which case
the terms of the retirement plan will govern the payment of
benefits under such plan). In addition, under such
circumstances, all benefits under all deferred compensation and
other benefit plans, including stock options and restricted
share grants, will automatically vest, and all health and
medical benefits would be maintained after termination for a
period of three years provided the executive makes his required
contribution. Under the employment agreements, cause
is defined as the willful and continued failure to substantially
perform the executives job, after written demand is made
by the Chief Executive Officer or the Board, or the willful
engagement in illegal conduct or gross misconduct. Termination
by the executive for good reason is generally
defined as (1) a reduction in title and/or responsibilities
of the executive, (2) relocations of the executive,
(3) a reduction in the executives benefits,
(4) the breach by the Company of the employment agreement,
(5) any termination by the Company of the executives
employment and (6) the failure by the Company to renew the
employment agreement after a change of control.
Under the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, certain severance
payments that exceed a certain amount could subject both us and
the executive to adverse U.S. federal income tax
consequences. Each of the employment agreements provides that we
would be required to pay the executive a gross up
payment to ensure that the executive receives the total
benefit intended by his agreement with us.
This graph compares the yearly cumulative return on the common
shares with the cumulative return on the Dow Jones U.S. Oil
Equipment and Services Index and the Dow Jones U.S. Total
Market Index for the last five years. The graph assumes the
value of the investment in the Companys common shares and
each index was $100 on December 31, 1999, and that all
dividends are reinvested, including the Companys April
2000 distribution to its shareholders of its Drilling Products
Division through a special stock dividend in shares of Grant
Prideco, Inc. For purposes of this graph, this dividend is
treated as a non-taxable cash dividend that was reinvested in
additional Weatherford common shares.
Comparison of Five Year Cumulative Total Return
| |
12/31/99 | |
12/31/00 | |
12/31/01 | |
12/31/02 | |
12/31/03 | |
12/31/04 | |
| |
Weatherford International |
100 |
177 |
140 |
150 |
135 |
193 |
Dow Jones U.S. Oil Equipment and Services Index |
100 |
148 |
102 |
94 |
108 |
146 |
Dow Jones U.S. Total Market Index |
100 |
91 |
80 |
62 |
81 |
91 |
Incorporation by Reference
The Audit Committee Report, the Compensation Committee Report on
Executive Compensation and the Performance Graph contained in,
and the annexes to, this proxy statement are not deemed to be
soliciting material or filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission and shall not be deemed incorporated by reference
into any prior or future filings we make under the Securities
Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that we
specifically incorporate any of this information by reference.
Information contained on or connected to our website is not
incorporated by reference into this proxy statement and should
not be considered part of this proxy statement or any other
filing that we make with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting
All of our executive officers and directors are required to file
initial reports of share ownership and reports of changes in
ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the
New York Stock Exchange pursuant to Section 16(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
We have reviewed these reports, including any amendments, and
written representations from the current executive officers and
directors of the Company. Based on this review, we believe that,
except as set forth below, all filing requirements were met for
the executive officers subject to Section 16(a) and our
directors during 2004. Messrs. Duroc-Danner, E. Lee Colley,
Warren, Ferguson, Martin, Nicholson, M. David Colley, Morley and
Parmigiano and Ms. Rodriguez were each required to file a
Form 4 by February 10, 2004 to report an award of
restricted shares. The Forms 4 were filed on March 3,
Proposals by Shareholders
Shareholder proposals to be included in the proxy materials for
our Annual General Meeting to be held in 2006 must be received
by us by December 5, 2005, and must otherwise comply with
Rule 14a-8 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission to be considered for inclusion in our proxy statement
for that year.
If you do not comply with Rule 14a-8, we will not be
required to include the proposal in our proxy statement and the
proxy card mailed to our shareholders. However, you may use the
procedures set forth in our Bye-laws to have a proposal that is
not included in our proxy materials brought before the 2005
Annual General Meeting for consideration by our shareholders.
The Companys Bye-laws set forth procedures to be followed
by shareholders who wish to nominate candidates for election to
the Board of Directors or bring other business before an annual
or special general meeting of shareholders. If a shareholder
desires to nominate candidates for election to the Board of
Directors or bring other business before the 2006 Annual General
Meeting, we must receive notice from the shareholder not less
than 60 days nor more than 90 days prior to
May 13, 2006 (no earlier than February 12, 2006 and no
later than March 14, 2006). However, if our 2006 Annual
General Meeting is called for a date that is not within
60 days before or after May 13, 2005, we must receive
such notice not later than the 7th day following the day on
which notice of the date of the 2006 Annual General Meeting was
mailed or public disclosure of the date of the 2006 Annual
General Meeting was made, whichever occurs first. Any such
notice from a shareholder also must contain the information
specified in our Bye-laws, including, in the case of a
nomination, certain background information, and in the case of
other business, a description of such business and reasons for
conducting such business before the Annual General Meeting.
Additionally, under Bermuda law, shareholders holding not less
than 5% of the total voting rights or 100 or more record
shareholders together may require us to give notice to our
shareholders of a proposal to be submitted at an Annual General
Meeting. Generally, notice of such a proposal must be received
by us at our registered office in Bermuda (located at Clarendon
House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton HM11, Bermuda) not less than
six weeks before the date of the meeting and must otherwise
comply with the requirements of Bermuda law.
We recommend that any shareholder desiring to make a nomination
or submit a proposal for consideration obtain a copy of our
Bye-laws. They are available on our website at, by clicking on
Corporate, then Corporate Governance.
Shareholders may also obtain a copy of our Bye-laws free of
charge by submitting a written request to our Secretary at our
principal executive offices.
Any shareholder proposal, whether or not to be included in our
proxy materials, must be sent to our Secretary at 515 Post Oak
Boulevard, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77027.
Other Business
We know of no other business that will be brought before the
Annual General Meeting. Under the Companys Bye-laws,
shareholders may only bring business before the Annual General
Meeting if it is submitted to our Secretary within the time
limits described above in the section entitled Proposals by
Shareholders. If any other matters are properly presented,
the persons named on the enclosed proxy card will vote the
shares represented by proxies as they deem advisable.
Additional Information Available
We have filed an Annual Report on Form 10-K for 2004 with
the Securities and Exchange Commission. A complete copy of our
Annual Report on Form 10-K is available on our website at We also will provide a copy of our
Annual Report on Form 10-K to any shareholder without
charge upon written request. Copies of any exhibits to our
Annual Report on Form 10-K also are available upon written
request subject to a charge for copying and mailing. If you wish
to obtain a paper copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K or
have any other questions about us, please contact our Investor
Relations Department in writing (515 Post Oak Blvd.,
Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77027), by telephone
(713) 693-4000) or visit our website.
By Order of the Board of Directors |
Burt M. Martin |
Secretary |
Houston, Texas
April 4, 2005
Weatherford International Ltd.
Notice of 2005 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
and Proxy Statement
May 13, 2005
9:00 a.m. (Houston time)
The St. Regis Hotel
1919 Briar Oaks
Houston, Texas
The undersigned shareholder of Weatherford International Ltd. (Weatherford) hereby
appoints Burt M. Martin, or, failing him, Bernard J. Duroc-Danner, as
proxy, each with full power of
for the undersigned to vote the number of common shares of Weatherford that the undersigned
would be entitled to vote if personally present at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
of Weatherford to be held on May 13, 2005, at 9:00 a.m., Houston time, at The St. Regis Hotel,
1919 Briar Oaks, Houston, Texas, and at any adjournment or postponement thereof, on the following
matters that are more particularly described in the Proxy Statement
dated April 4, 2005:
(Continued and to be signed on the reverse side)
May 13, 2005
MAIL Date, sign and mail your
proxy card in the envelope provided as soon as possible.
- OR -
TELEPHONE Call toll-free
(1-800-776-9437) from any touch-tone telephone and
follow the instructions. Have your proxy card available when you call.
- OR -
INTERNET Access and follow the on-screen instructions. Have your
proxy card available when you access the web page.
You may enter your voting
instructions at 1-800-PROXIES or up until 11:59 PM
Eastern Time the day before the cut-off or meeting date.
ê Please detach along
perforated line and mail in the envelope provided IF you are not
voting via telephone or the Internet.
1. |
Election of the following Nominees as Directors, as set forth
in the Proxy Statement. |
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¡ ¡ ¡ |
Nicholas F. Brady David J.
Butters Bernard J. Duroc-Danner |
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¡ ¡ ¡ |
Sheldon B. Lubar William E.
Macaulay Robert B. Millard |
o |
FOR ALL EXCEPT (See instructions below)
¡ ¡ |
Robert K.
Moses, Jr. Robert A. Rayne |
To direct the proxy holder to vote
for all nominees, mark FOR ALL NOMINEES and do not fill
in the circle next to any nominees name. To withhold authority
to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark FOR ALL
EXCEPT and fill in the circle next to each nominee with respect
to whom you wish to withhold authority, as shown here:l
To change the address on
your account, please check the box at right and indicate your new address
in the address space above. Please note that changes to the registered
name(s) on the account may not be submitted via this method. |
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2. |
Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2005,
and authorization of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors to
set Ernst & Young LLPs remuneration. |
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3. |
To consider and vote upon any
other matter which may properly come before the meeting or any
adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof in the proxys
discretion. |
This proxy,
when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the undersigned shareholder. IF NO DIRECTION IS MADE, THIS
Receipt of the
Proxy Statement dated April 4, 2005, and the Annual Report
of Weatherford for the year ended December 31, 2004, is hereby
acknowledged. |
Signature of
Shareholder |
Date: |
Signature of Shareholder |
Date: |
Note: |
Please sign exactly as your name or names
appear on this Proxy. When shares are held jointly, each holder should
sign. When signing as executor, administrator, attorney, trustee or
guardian, please give full title as such. If the signer is a corporation,
please sign full corporate name by duly authorized officer, giving full
title as such. If signer is a partnership, please sign in partnership name
by authorized person. |