Washington, D.C. 20549
(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
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Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
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Definitive Proxy Statement |
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Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)
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Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated
and state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
(5) |
Total fee paid:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing
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Amount previously paid:
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Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
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Filing Party:
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Date Filed:
12200 W. OLYMPIC
April 5, 2011
Dear Stockholder:
You are cordially invited to attend the 2011 annual meeting of
stockholders of KILROY REALTY CORPORATION to be held on Tuesday,
May 24, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. (local time) at our
corporate offices located at 12200 West Olympic Boulevard,
Suite 200, Los Angeles, California 90064.
Information about the meeting and the various matters on which
the stockholders will act is included in the Notice of Annual
Meeting of Stockholders and Proxy Statement that follow. It
is important that your shares be represented at the meeting.
You may vote on the Internet, or if you are receiving a
paper copy of this Proxy Statement, by telephone or by
completing and mailing a proxy card. Voting over the Internet,
by telephone or by written proxy will ensure your shares are
represented at the meeting.
Tyler H. Rose
Executive Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
12200 W. OLYMPIC
To the Stockholders of Kilroy Realty Corporation:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of stockholders
(the Annual Meeting) of Kilroy Realty Corporation, a
Maryland corporation (the Company), will be held at
the Companys principal executive offices located at
12200 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los Angeles,
California 90064 on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at
9:00 a.m. (local time), for the following purposes:
1. To elect six directors to the Board of Directors (the
Board) to serve until the annual meeting of
stockholders in the year 2012, and until their successors are
duly elected and qualify;
2. To conduct an advisory vote on the compensation of the
named executive officers;
3. To conduct an advisory vote on the frequency of future
advisory vote on the compensation of the named executive
officers; and
4. To transact such other business as may properly come
before the meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s)
The Board has fixed the close of business on March 18, 2011
as the record date for determining the stockholders entitled to
receive notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any
adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof.
Proxies are being solicited by the Board, which recommends
that stockholders vote FOR the election of the
Boards nominees named in the Proxy Statement,
FOR the approval of the Companys compensation
program for its named executive officers, and EVERY THREE
YEARS for the frequency of the advisory vote on the
Companys compensation program for its named executive
officers. Please refer to the attached Proxy Statement,
which forms a part of this Notice of Annual Meeting of
Stockholders and is incorporated herein by reference, for
further information with respect to the business to be
transacted at the Annual Meeting.
Stockholders are cordially invited to attend the Annual
Meeting in person. Your vote is very important. It is
important that your shares be represented and voted whether or
not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting in person. If you are
viewing the Proxy Statement on the Internet, you may grant your
proxy electronically via the Internet by following the
instructions on the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy
Materials previously mailed to you and the instructions listed
on the Internet site. If you are receiving a paper copy of the
Proxy Statement, you may vote by completing and mailing the
proxy card enclosed with the Proxy Statement or you may grant
your proxy electronically using the Internet or by telephone by
following the instructions on the proxy card. If your shares are
held in street name, which means shares held of
record by a broker, bank or other nominee, you should review the
Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials used by that
firm to determine whether and how you will be able to submit
your proxy by telephone or over the Internet. Submitting a proxy
over the Internet, by telephone or by mailing a proxy card, will
ensure your shares are represented at the Annual Meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Tyler H. Rose
Executive Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
April 5, 2011
Los Angeles, California
12200 W. OLYMPIC
This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the
solicitation by the Board of Directors (the Board)
of Kilroy Realty Corporation, a Maryland corporation (the
Company), of proxies from the holders of the
Companys issued and outstanding shares of common stock,
par value $.01 per share (the Common Stock), to be
exercised at the annual meeting of stockholders (the
Annual Meeting) to be held on Tuesday, May 24,
2011 at the Companys principal executive offices located
at 12200 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los
Angeles, California 90064 at 9:00 a.m. (local time),
including any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof, for the
purposes set forth in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting
of Stockholders.
Pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission,
we have elected to provide access to our proxy materials over
the Internet. Accordingly, we are sending a Notice of Internet
Availability of Proxy Materials (the Notice) to our
stockholders of record, while brokers and other nominees who
hold shares on behalf of beneficial owners will be sending their
own similar Notice to the beneficial owners. All stockholders
will have the ability to access the proxy materials on the
website referred to in the Notice or request to receive a
printed set of the proxy materials. Instructions on how to
request a printed copy by mail or electronically may be found in
the Notice and on the website referred to in the Notice,
including an option to request paper copies on an ongoing basis.
We intend to make this Proxy Statement available on the Internet
and to mail the Notice to all stockholders entitled to vote at
the Annual Meeting on April 14, 2011. We intend to mail
this Proxy Statement, together with a proxy card, to those
stockholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting who have
properly requested paper copies of such materials, within three
business days of such request.
At the Annual Meeting, the stockholders of the Company will be
asked to consider and vote upon the following proposals (the
1. Election of six directors to the Board to serve
until the annual meeting of stockholders in the year 2012, and
until their successors are duly elected and qualify;
2. An advisory vote on the compensation of the named
executive officers;
3. An advisory vote on the frequency of future
advisory votes on the compensation of the named executive
officers; and
4. Transaction of such other business as may properly
come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment(s) or
postponement(s) thereof.
Only the holders of record of the shares of Common Stock at the
close of business on March 18, 2011 (the Record
Date) are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting. Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote on
each matter voted on at the meeting. As of the Record Date
52,419,393 shares of Common Stock were outstanding.
You may vote by attending the Annual Meeting and voting in
person or you may vote by submitting a proxy. For directions to
the Annual Meeting, contact the Company in writing at
12200 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los
Angeles, California 90064, Attn: Secretary or by telephone at
(310) 481-8400.
The method of voting by proxy differs (1) depending on
whether you are viewing this Proxy Statement on the Internet or
receiving a paper copy, and (2) for shares held as a record
holder and shares held in street name. If you hold
your shares of Common Stock as a record holder and you are
viewing this Proxy Statement on the Internet, you may vote by
submitting a proxy over the Internet by following the
instructions on the website referred to in the Notice previously
mailed to you. If you hold your shares of Common Stock as a
record holder and you are reviewing a paper copy of this Proxy
Statement, you may vote your shares by completing, dating and
signing the proxy card that was included with the Proxy
Statement and promptly returning it in the preaddressed, postage
paid envelope provided to you, or by submitting a proxy over the
Internet or by telephone by following the instructions on the
proxy card. If you hold your shares of Common Stock in street
name, which means your shares are held of record by a broker,
bank or nominee, you will receive a Notice from your broker,
bank or other nominee that includes instructions on how to vote
your shares. Your broker, bank or nominee will allow you to
deliver your voting instructions over the Internet and may also
permit you to vote by telephone. In addition, you may request
paper copies of the Proxy Statement and proxy card from your
broker by following the instructions on the Notice provided by
your broker.
The Internet and telephone voting facilities will close at
11:59 p.m. E.D.T. on May 23, 2011. If you vote through
the Internet, you should be aware that you may incur costs to
access the Internet, such as usage charges from telephone
companies or Internet service providers and that these costs
must be borne by you. If you vote by Internet or telephone, then
you need not return a written proxy card by mail.
A stockholder giving a proxy pursuant to this solicitation may
revoke it at any time before it is exercised by
(a) delivering a later dated paper proxy or by submitting
another proxy by telephone or on the Internet (your latest
telephone or Internet voting instructions will be followed),
(b) delivering to the Secretary of the Company a written
notice of revocation prior to the voting of the proxy at the
Annual Meeting, or (c) by voting in person at the Annual
Meeting. Simply attending the Annual Meeting will not revoke
your proxy. If your shares are held in street name,
you may change your vote by submitting new voting instructions
to your broker, bank or other nominee. You must contact your
broker, bank or other nominee to find out how to do so.
A majority of the shares of Common Stock outstanding must be
represented at the Annual Meeting in person or by proxy to
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the
Annual Meeting. Shares represented by proxies that reflect
abstentions or broker non-votes will be counted as
shares that are present and entitled to vote for purposes of
determining the presence of a quorum. To be elected as a
director, a nominee must receive a plurality of all the votes
cast at the Annual Meeting at which a quorum is present. For
purposes of calculating votes cast in the election of the
directors, abstentions or broker non-votes will not be counted
as votes cast and will have no effect on the result of the vote
on the proposal regarding the election of the directors.
The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of votes cast
at the Annual Meeting will be required for the advisory
(non-binding) approval of the advisory vote regarding the
compensation of our named executive officers
proposal is a non-routine proposal on which a broker or other
nominee does not have discretion to vote any uninstructed
shares. Broker non-votes and abstentions will not be counted as
votes cast and will have no effect on the result of the
vote. The
vote is advisory, and therefore not binding on the Company, the
compensation committee or our Board. Although non-binding, our
Board values the opinions that our stockholders express in their
votes and the votes will provide information to our compensation
committee regarding investor sentiment about our executive
compensation philosophy, policies and practices, which the
compensation committee will be able to consider when determining
executive compensation in the future.
The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of votes cast
at the Annual Meeting will be required for the advisory
(non-binding) approval of one of the frequency alternatives
regarding the advisory vote on the frequency of future
advisory votes
Stockholders are not voting to approve or disapprove the
recommendation of the Board, instead, stockholders are selecting
one of the frequency alternatives (every year, every two years
or every three years or abstaining). The
vote is a non-routine proposal on which a broker or other
nominee does not have discretion to vote any uninstructed
shares. Broker non-votes and abstentions will not be counted as
votes cast and will have no effect on the
vote. With respect to this item, if
none of the frequency alternatives (every year, every two years
or every three years) receives a majority of the votes cast, we
will consider the frequency that receives the highest number of
votes by stockholders to be the frequency that has been selected
by our stockholders. This vote is advisory, and therefore not
binding on the Company, the compensation committee or our Board.
Although the vote is non-binding, our Board values the opinions
that our stockholders express in their votes and will take into
account the outcome of the vote when considering how frequently
we should conduct a
vote going forward. However, because this vote is advisory and
not binding on us or our Board in any way, our Board may decide
that it is in our and our stockholders best interests to
hold a
vote more or less frequently than the option that receives the
most votes from our stockholders.
The shares of Common Stock represented by all properly executed
proxies returned to the Company will be voted at the Annual
Meeting as indicated or, if no instruction is given, will be
voted FOR the election of the director nominees
named in this Proxy Statement, FOR Proposal 2,
and EVERY THREE YEARS for Proposal 3. As to any
other business that may properly come before the Annual Meeting,
all properly executed proxies will be voted by the persons named
in the proxy card, at their discretion. The Company does not
presently know of any other business that may come before the
Annual Meeting.
The Companys principal executive offices are located at
12200 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los
Angeles, California 90064, telephone
(310) 481-8400,
and the Companys website is
References herein to the Company refer to Kilroy
Realty Corporation and its subsidiaries, unless the context
otherwise requires.
The date of this Proxy Statement is April 5, 2011.
Pursuant to the Companys Articles of Restatement, the
Companys bylaws, as amended (the Bylaws), and
resolutions adopted by the Companys Board, the Board
presently consists of six directors with each director serving a
one-year term that continues until the annual meeting of
stockholders to be held in the year following the year of his or
her election and until his or her successor is elected and
qualified. The term of each of the six directors will therefore
expire after the Annual Meeting when his or her successor is
elected and qualified.
for Director
Upon the recommendation of the Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee, the Board has nominated
Messrs. Kilroy, Sr., Kilroy, Jr., Dickey,
Ingraham and Kinsella, and Dr. Brennan for election to the
Board for a one-year term continuing until the annual meeting of
stockholders to be held in 2012 and until his successor is
elected and qualified.
Except as otherwise instructed, proxies solicited by this Proxy
Statement will be voted for the election of the nominees to the
Board. The nominees have consented to be named in this Proxy
Statement and to serve as directors if elected. The biographical
summaries of the experience of our directors can be found under
the caption in this Proxy Statement Certain Information
with Respect to Board of Directors, which have been
furnished to the Company by the respective individuals.
The Board recommends a vote FOR the election of
Messrs. Kilroy, Sr., Kilroy, Jr., Dickey,
Ingraham and Kinsella, and Dr. Brennan for one-year terms
continuing until the annual meeting of stockholders to be held
in 2012 and until his successor is elected and qualified.
The election of each of the directors requires the plurality of
the votes cast for each director by the holders of the shares of
Common Stock entitled to vote, either present in person or by
proxy at the Annual Meeting.
The recently enacted Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act of 2010 (the Dodd-Frank Act) enables
our stockholders to vote to approve, on an advisory
(non-binding) basis, the compensation of the named executive
officers as disclosed in the Proxy Statement in accordance with
the Securities and Exchange Commissions rules
The Board is committed to excellence in governance and is aware
of the significant interest in executive compensation matters by
investors and the general public.
We are asking our stockholders to provide advisory approval of
the compensation of the named executive officers as such
compensation is described in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis section, the tabular disclosure regarding such
compensation and the accompanying narrative disclosure set forth
in the Proxy Statement, beginning on page 15. The Company
has designed its executive compensation program to attract,
motivate, reward and retain the senior management talent
required to achieve our corporate objectives and increase
stockholder value. We believe that our compensation policies and
procedures are centered on
principles and are strongly aligned with the long-term interests
of our stockholders. We urge our stockholders to review the
Compensation Disclosure Compensation
Discussion and Analysis section of the Proxy Statement and
executive-related compensation tables for more information.
The Board believes that the information provided within the
Compensation Disclosure section of the Proxy
Statement demonstrates that the Companys executive
compensation program was designed appropriately and is working
to ensure that managements interests are aligned with our
stockholders interests and support long-term value
creation. The following resolution will be submitted for a
stockholder vote at the Annual Meeting:
RESOLVED, that the stockholders approve, on an advisory
basis, the compensation of the Companys named executive
officers, as disclosed in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis, the compensation tables, and the related narrative
executive compensation disclosures contained in the Proxy
The Dodd-Frank Act also enables stockholders to indicate how
frequently they believe the Company should seek future advisory
advisory votes (the
Accordingly, the Company is seeking an advisory, non-binding
determination from our stockholders as to the frequency with
which we should present future
advisory votes to our stockholders. We are providing
stockholders the option of selecting a frequency of every one,
two or three years, or abstaining. For the reasons described
below, we recommend that our stockholders select a frequency of
three years, or a triennial vote.
Our executive compensation programs are designed to support
long-term value creation. A triennial vote will allow
stockholders to better judge our compensation programs in
relation to our long-term performance.
A triennial vote will provide our compensation committee and our
Board sufficient time to thoughtfully evaluate the results of
the most recent advisory vote on executive compensation, to
discuss the implications of the vote with our stockholders and
to develop and implement any changes to our executive
compensation programs that may be appropriate in light of the
A triennial vote will allow for any changes to our executive
compensation programs to be in place long enough for
stockholders to see and evaluate the effectiveness of these
We have in the past been, and will in the future continue to be,
engaged with our stockholders on a number of topics and in a
number of forums. Thus, we view the advisory vote on executive
compensation as an additional, but not exclusive, opportunity
for our stockholders to communicate with us regarding their
views on our executive compensation programs.
Less frequent
votes will improve the ability of institutional stockholders to
exercise their voting rights in a more deliberate, thoughtful
and informed way that is in the best interests of stockholders,
and is less burdensome to such stockholders than a more frequent
As a stockholder, you have the choice to vote for one of the
following choices, as indicated on the proxy card: to hold the
advisory vote on executive compensation every year, every two
years or every three years, or you may abstain from voting.
The Board values constructive dialogue on executive compensation
and other important governance topics with our stockholders. The
Board believes an advisory vote every three years will provide
an effective way to obtain information on stockholder sentiment
about our executive compensation program by allowing adequate
time for the Company to respond to stockholders feedback
and engage with stockholders to understand and respond to the
vote results.
While the
advisory vote is advisory in nature and therefore will not bind
us to adopt any particular frequency, the Board intends to
carefully consider the stockholder vote resulting from the
proposal in determining how frequently we will hold future
advisory votes.
Information concerning the directors of the Company is set forth
Position With The Company
John B. Kilroy, Sr.
Chairman of the Board
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Edward F. Brennan, Ph.D.
William P. Dickey
Scott S. Ingraham
Dale F. Kinsella
We believe that all of the current members of our Board possess
the professional and personal qualifications necessary for
effective service as a director and have highlighted particular
attributes in their individual biographies located below. In
addition to each directors specific experience,
qualifications and skills, we believe that each director has a
reputation for integrity, honesty and adherence to high ethical
standards and has demonstrated business acumen and an ability to
exercise sound business judgment as well as a commitment to the
Company and to the Board.
John B. Kilroy, Sr. has served as our Chairman of
the Board since our Companys incorporation in September
1996. In 1947, Mr. Kilroy founded the businesses that were
incorporated in 1952 as the entity known as Kilroy Industries
(KI). Mr. Kilroy served as KIs President
from 1952 until 1981 and from 1997 through the present, and has
served as the Chairman of its board of directors since 1954.
Mr. Kilroy is a nationally recognized member of the real
estate community, providing our Company with strategic
leadership and a broad based network of relationships.
Mr. Kilroy is the father of John B. Kilroy, Jr., our
President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Kilroy was
nominated to serve on our Board because of his more than
60 years of experience with our Company and its
predecessors, including over 40 years as President and over
50 years as Chairman of the board, as well as his
experience in acquiring, owning, developing, and managing real
John B. Kilroy, Jr. has served as our President,
Chief Executive Officer and director since our Companys
incorporation in September 1996. Prior to joining the Company,
he served in the same capacity for KI, our predecessor, and was
responsible for the overall management of all facets of KI and
its various affiliates since 1981. Mr. Kilroy has been
involved in all aspects of commercial and industrial real estate
development, construction, acquisition, sales, leasing,
financing, and entitlement since 1967 and worked for KI for over
30 years. Mr. Kilroy became President of KI in 1981
and was elected Chief Executive Officer in 1991. Mr. Kilroy
is a trustee of the El Segundo Employers Association, and a past
trustee of Viewpoint School, the Jefferson Center for Character
Education and the National Fitness Foundation. Mr. Kilroy
serves on the Policy Advisory Board for the Center for Real
Estate and Urban Economics at the University of California,
Berkeley, the board of New Majority Los Angeles and formerly the
board of New Majority California. Mr. Kilroy attended the
University of Southern California. Mr. Kilroy is the son of
John B. Kilroy, Sr., the Chairman of our Board.
Mr. Kilroy was nominated to serve on our Board because of
his more than 30 years of experience with our Company and
its predecessors, including 15 years as our President and
CEO and approximately 15 and 5 years as our
predecessors President and CEO, respectively, as well as
his experience in acquiring, owning, developing, and managing
real estate and his service on the board of governors of a
national real estate trade organization.
Edward F. Brennan, Ph.D. has been a member of
our Board since July 2003. Dr. Brennan is currently Chief
Integration Officer for ITC Nexus Holding Company, a medical
diagnostics company located in Piscataway, New Jersey.
Previously, he was President and Chief Operating Officer of
CryoCor, Inc. up to June 2008, when the company was sold to
Boston Scientific Corporation. From January 2004, he served as
Chairman of HemoSense Inc. until its sale to Inverness Medical
Innovations in November 2007. While a director of HemoSense
since 2000, he was also a managing partner of Perennial
Ventures, a Seattle-based venture capital firm beginning in
2001. Prior to that time, he served as Vice President at
Tredegar Investments. Dr. Brennan has participated in the
development, management and financing of new medical technology
ventures for over 30 years, including scientific and
executive positions with Syntex, Inc., UroSystems, Inc.,
Medtronic Inc., DepoMed Systems, Inc. and CadioGenesis Corp.
Dr. Brennan also serves on the board of several private
companies and serves on the board of trustees of Goucher
College, Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Brennan holds B.A.
degrees in chemistry and biology and a Ph.D. in biology from the
University of California, Santa Cruz. Dr. Brennan was
nominated to serve on our Board because of his executive
management and board of directors experience with both public
and private companies and specifically, his over 30 years
of experience with companies in the health sciences and medical
industries, which have historically been target tenants of the
William P. Dickey has been a member of our Board since
our inception as a public company in January 1997.
Mr. Dickey has been the President of The Dermot Company,
Inc., a real estate investment and management company since
1990. From 1986 to 1990, Mr. Dickey was a Managing Director
of Real Estate for the First Boston Corporation. Prior to 1986,
Mr. Dickey was a partner at the New York law firm of
Cravath, Swaine & Moore, where he started as an
associate in 1974. Mr. Dickey received his undergraduate
degree from the United States Air Force Academy, his Masters
degree from Georgetown University and his Juris Doctor degree
from Columbia Law School. Mr. Dickey was nominated to serve
on our Board because we believe he possesses valuable skills and
real estate expertise based on his 25 years of experience
in real estate investment, financing, and management, including
his over 20 years as President of The Dermot Company, Inc.
and four years as a Managing Director of Real Estate at First
Boston Corporation, and his 12 years of legal experience at
Cravath, Swaine & Moore.
Scott S. Ingraham has been a member of our Board since
June 2007. Mr. Ingraham is the co-founder of the
Internet-based residential real estate site,, and
served as the companys Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer from its
start-up in
1999 until its acquisition by eBay in February 2005. Prior to
this, from November 1992 through April 1999, Mr. Ingraham
served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Oasis
Residential, a NYSE-traded apartment REIT that he co-founded in
1992. Oasis Residential merged with Camden Property Trust in
1998. He remains a member of Camden Property Trusts board
of trustees, where he chairs the audit committee and serves on
the nominating and compensation committees. He is also a member
of the board of directors of LoopNet, a Nasdaq-listed commercial
real estate Internet listing web site, and serves on its audit
committee. Mr. Ingraham is also a member of the boards of
directors of two private companies. During a
career focused on commercial real estate related endeavors,
Mr. Ingraham has been active in real estate investment
banking and has co-founded three successful
companies. Mr. Ingraham earned a Bachelors in Business
Administration (BBA) from the University of Texas at Austin.
Mr. Ingraham was nominated to serve on our Board because we
believe he possesses extensive financial and real estate
knowledge based on his experience as Chairman and CEO of, President and CEO of Oasis Residential, a member of
the board of trustees, Chairman of the audit committee, and a
member of the nominating and compensation committees of Camden
Property Trust, and a member of the board of directors and audit
committee of LoopNet.
Dale F. Kinsella has been a member of our Board since our
inception as a public company in January 1997. Mr. Kinsella
is currently a partner with the law firm of Kinsella, Weitzman,
Iser, Kump & Aldisert, LLP. Previously, he was a
partner with the Los Angeles law firm of Greenberg, Glusker,
Fields, Claman, Machtinger & Kinsella, LLP. Prior to
that, he had been a partner with the law firm of Kinsella,
Boesch, Fujikawa & Towle. Mr. Kinsella received
his undergraduate degree from the University of California at
Santa Barbara and his Juris Doctor degree from the
University of California at Los Angeles. Mr. Kinsella was
nominated to serve on our Board because we believe he possesses
valuable skills and expertise based on his over 30 years of
experience as a lawyer.
Board of
Directors Meetings and Attendance at Board Meetings and Annual
Meetings of Stockholders
During the year ended December 31, 2010, the Board held
four meetings. All directors attended 75% or more of the total
number of meetings of the Board and meetings of the Board
committees on which each director served held during the year.
Directors are encouraged to attend in person the annual meeting
of stockholders of the Company. Five of the six directors
attended the 2010 annual meeting.
Each of Messrs. Dickey, Ingraham and Kinsella and
Dr. Brennan are considered by the Board to be Independent
Directors. An Independent Director is a director who (i) is
not an employee, officer or affiliate of the Company or any of
its subsidiaries or divisions, or a relative of a principal
executive officer, and who is not an
individual member of an organization acting as an advisor,
consultant or legal counsel receiving compensation from the
Company in addition to directors fees and
(ii) satisfies the independence standards set forth in the
current listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE). In addition, in accordance with the
Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines, no Independent
Director may be a director, officer or affiliate of another
entity with which the Company has entered into a transaction or
transactions during the preceding fiscal year valued in the
aggregate at greater than $100,000.
Each of Messrs. Kilroy, Sr., Dickey, Ingraham and
Kinsella and Dr. Brennan are considered by the Board to be
Non-Management Directors. Non-Management Directors are those
directors who are not Company officers (as that term is defined
Rule 16a-1(f)
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended), and includes
Mr. Kilroy, Sr. who is not independent because he is
the father of Mr. Kilroy, Jr., our President and Chief
Executive Officer. Meetings of the Non-Management Directors are
generally held on the date of each regularly scheduled Board
meeting and on an as-needed basis. Mr. Kinsella presides
over these meetings.
Leadership Structure
Our Corporate Governance Guidelines and our Bylaws provide the
Board with the flexibility to decide whether the offices of
Chairman of the Board (Chairman) and Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) should be combined or separate. Our
Board believes that the determination of the responsibilities of
these roles can be a useful part of the succession planning
process and, together with our organizational structure, should
be reevaluated periodically by the Board with assistance from
our Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee.
Since the Companys incorporation in September 1996, the
roles of Chairman and CEO have been separate, with
Mr. Kilroy, Sr. serving as Chairman and
Mr. Kilroy, Jr. serving as CEO.
Mr. Kilroy, Sr.s experience with KI (the
Companys predecessor), the Company and the real estate
industry in general have provided him with the institutional
knowledge of the Company, its businesses, operations and
stockholders that allows him to effectively carry out the
Chairmans responsibilities and to provide leadership to
the Board in the execution of its duties and goals.
Mr. Kilroy, Jr. has been the Companys CEO and a
member of the Board since the Companys incorporation in
September 1996. As CEO, Mr. Kilroy, Jr. is responsible
for the general supervision, direction and control of the
Companys business and affairs.
Our Board believes that it is appropriate to have an independent
director who, among other things, presides over meetings of the
Non-Management Directors and meetings of the Independent
Committee, serves as a liaison between the CEO and the
Non-Management Directors, and has the authority to call meetings
of the Non-Management Directors and the Independent Committee.
Having served on the Companys Board since its inception as
a public company in January 1997 and as Chairman of the
Independent Committee since May 1997, Mr. Kinsella is
familiar with the Company and the operations of the Board and is
well qualified to execute these responsibilities.
We believe this leadership structure with the separation of the
Chairman and CEO leadership roles and an independent director
who presides over meetings of the Non-Management Directors and
the Independent Committee enhances the Boards ability to
provide insight and direction on important strategic initiatives
and, at the same time, ensures that the appropriate level of
independent oversight is applied to all Board decisions.
Oversight of Risk
Our Board is actively involved in risk oversight, and the Board
as a whole directly oversees strategic, operating, financial,
and liquidity risks. Operational and strategic presentations by
management to the Board include consideration of the challenges
and risk to our business, and the Board and management actively
engage in discussion on these topics.
In addition, each of our Board committees considers risk within
its area of responsibility. Management reviews specific critical
accounting issues with the Audit Committee at certain of its
meetings and considers the overall impact that those issues may
have on our financial position and risk profile. In addition,
the Audit Committee discusses legal and compliance matters and
assesses the adequacy of our risk-related internal controls,
which includes an annual review of our fraud risk assessment as
part of its general oversight responsibility for the quality and
integrity of our financial statements and accounting internal
controls. Further, the Executive Compensation Committee
considers risk and structures our executive compensation
programs so as to appropriately reward executives for growth
without undue risk taking. We have evaluated our compensation
policies and programs and believe that our compensation policies
and practices are not reasonably likely to have a material
adverse effect on the Company. We also have an Independent
Committee which reviews all related party transactions,
including the risks relating to those transactions impacting the
The Board of the Company has a standing Audit Committee,
Executive Compensation Committee, Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committee, Independent Committee and Executive
Audit Committee. The Audit Committee consists
of three Independent Directors: Mr. Ingraham, who serves as
its Chairman, Mr. Dickey and Dr. Brennan. These
directors satisfy the enhanced independence standards applicable
to audit committees pursuant to
Rule 10A-3(b)(i)
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
Exchange Act) and the NYSE listing standards. Each
of Mr. Ingraham, Mr. Dickey and Dr. Brennan is
financially literate and is an audit committee financial
expert as determined by the Board in accordance with rules
promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Audit
Committees purpose is to assist the Board in fulfilling
its oversight responsibilities regarding the Companys
accounting and system of internal controls, the quality and
integrity of the Companys financial reports and the
independence and performance of the Companys independent
public accountants. The Audit Committee is governed by a written
charter adopted by the Board, which is available on the
Companys website at
and available in print to any security holder upon request. The
information found on, or otherwise accessible through, the
Companys website is not incorporated into, and does not
form a part of, this Proxy Statement. The Audit Committee held
six meetings during 2010. Information regarding the specific
functions performed by the Audit Committee is set forth in the
Report of the Audit Committee below.
Executive Compensation Committee. The
Executive Compensation Committee (the Compensation
Committee) currently consists of four Independent
Directors: Dr. Brennan, who serves as its Chairman, and
Messrs. Dickey, Ingraham and Kinsella. The function of the
Compensation Committee is to (i) establish, review, modify
and adopt remuneration levels for executive officers of the
Company, and (ii) oversee the administration of the Kilroy
Realty 2006 Incentive Award Plan, as amended (the 2006
Plan) and any other incentive programs. The Compensation
Committee is governed by a written charter adopted by the Board,
which is available on the Companys website at
and available in print to any security holder upon request. The
Compensation Committee held one meeting during 2010.
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee. The
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee consists of three
Independent Directors: Mr. Dickey, who serves as its
Chairman, Mr. Kinsella and Dr. Brennan. The purpose of
the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee is to
(i) identify individuals qualified to become Board members,
(ii) recommend director nominees for the annual meeting of
stockholders and to fill Board vacancies, (iii) oversee the
Boards annual self-assessment procedures and the
self-assessment procedures for the committees of the Board, and
(iv) provide ongoing guidance and oversight with respect to
corporate governance matters. The charter of the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee, the Companys
Corporate Governance Guidelines and the Companys Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics, each of which was adopted by the
Board, are available on the Companys website at
and are available in print to any security holder upon request.
The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee held two meetings
during 2010.
Independent Committee. The Independent
Committee consists of three Independent Directors:
Mr. Kinsella, who serves as its Chairman, Mr. Dickey
and Dr. Brennan. The Independent Committee reviews and
approves all transactions between the Company and its
affiliates, including its officers and directors, and any of
their respective affiliates. The Independent Committee did not
hold any meetings during 2010.
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee
consists of Mr. Kilroy, Jr., who serves as its
Chairman, and Messrs. Kilroy, Sr. and Kinsella.
Subject to the Companys conflict of interest policies, the
Executive Committee
has authority to acquire and dispose of real property and the
power to authorize, on behalf of the full Board, the execution
of certain contracts and agreements, including those related to
the borrowing of money by the Company (and, consistent with the
Agreement of Limited Partnership as amended from time to time of
Kilroy Realty, L.P. (the Operating Partnership), to
cause the Operating Partnership to take such actions). The
Executive Committee did not hold any meetings during 2010.
Report of
the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee of the Companys Board is composed of
Independent Directors who satisfy the requirements of
Section 10A-3(m)
of the Exchange Act and
Rule 10A-3(b)(i)
thereunder, and the current listing standards of the NYSE. The
Audit Committee operates pursuant to a written charter.
The Audit Committee oversees the Companys financial
reporting process on behalf of the Board. In fulfilling its
oversight responsibilities, the Audit Committee approves the
selection of the Companys independent auditors and reviews
and discusses the audited financial statements included in the
Companys and the Operating Partnerships Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
with management, including the reasonableness of significant
judgments and the clarity of disclosures in the financial
statements. Management has primary responsibility for the
financial statements and the reporting process, including the
Companys internal control over financial reporting.
The Companys independent auditors are responsible for
performing an audit of the Companys financial statements
and expressing an opinion on the conformity of those audited
financial statements with generally accepted accounting
principles. The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed the
audited financial statements of the Company as of and for the
year ended December 31, 2010 with management and the
Companys independent auditors. The Audit Committee
discussed with the Companys independent auditors their
judgments as to the Companys accounting principles and
such other matters as are required to be discussed with the
Audit Committee under generally accepted auditing standards
Statement of Auditing Standard Number 61, Communications
with Audit Committees, as currently in effect and as
adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (the
PCAOB) in Rule 3200T. In addition, the Audit
Committee received the written disclosures and the letter from
the independent auditors required by PCAOB Ethics and
Independence Rule 3526 Communication with Audit
Committees Concerning Independence, as currently in
effect, and it discussed with the Companys independent
auditors their independence from the Company. The Audit
Committee also considered the compatibility of the independent
auditors provision of non-audit services with the
auditors independence.
The Audit Committee discussed with the Companys
independent auditors the overall scope of their respective
audits. The Audit Committee meets with the independent auditors,
with and without management present, to discuss the results of
their examinations, their evaluations of the Companys
internal control over financial reporting, and the overall
quality of the Companys financial reporting. In the
performance of their oversight function, the members of the
Audit Committee relied upon the information, opinions, reports
and statements presented to them by the Companys
management and by the Companys independent auditors. The
Audit Committee held six meetings during 2010.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above,
the Audit Committee recommended to the Board (and the Board
approved) that the audited financial statements as of and for
the year ended December 31, 2010 be included in the
Companys and the Operating Partnerships Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on February 11, 2011.
Audit Committee
Scott S. Ingraham, Chairman
Edward F. Brennan, Ph.D.
William P. Dickey
of Director Nominees
The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee has established
Standards for Overall Structure and Composition of the Board
and Minimum Director Qualifications (the
Standards) as a guideline in considering nominations
to the Companys Board. The criteria include: loyalty,
reputation, character, knowledge, experience, education,
business judgment, diligence, stock ownership, independence and
ability to contribute to Board balance and diversity. The
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee does not assign
specific weights to particular criteria, and no particular
criterion is necessarily applicable to all prospective nominees.
The criteria are not exhaustive and the Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committee and the Board recognize that nominees for
the Board should reflect a reasonable diversity of backgrounds
and perspectives, including those backgrounds and perspectives
with respect to business experience, professional expertise,
age, gender, and ethnic background and therefore may consider
other qualifications and attributes that they believe are
appropriate in evaluating the ability of an individual to serve
as a member of the Board. The Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee reviews and assesses the effectiveness of the
Standards annually.
Governance Committees Process for Identifying and
Evaluating Nominees for Director
Prior to each annual meeting of security holders at which
directors are to be elected, and whenever there is otherwise a
vacancy on the Board, the Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee will consider incumbent Board members and other
well-qualified individuals as potential director nominees. The
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee will review each
potential candidates qualifications in light of the
Companys Standards, described above. The
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee will select the
candidate or candidates it believes are the most qualified to
recommend to the Board for selection as a director nominee.
Candidates recommended by a security holder are evaluated in the
same manner as candidates identified by a Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committee member.
Manner by
which Security Holders May Recommend Director
The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee will consider
director candidates recommended by security holders of the
Company. All recommendations must be directed to the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee
c/o Secretary
at 12200 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los
Angeles, California 90064. Recommendations for director nominees
to be considered at the 2012 annual meeting of stockholders must
be received in writing not later than December 6, 2011,
which is 120 days prior to the one-year anniversary of the
date this Proxy Statement is first available to stockholders.
Each security holder recommending a person as a director
candidate must provide the Company with the following
information for the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee to
determine whether the recommended director candidate is
independent from the security holder, or each member of the
security holder group, that has recommended the director
If the recommending security holder or any member of the
recommending security holder group is a natural person, whether
the recommended director candidate is the recommending security
holder, a member of the recommending security holder group, or a
member of the immediate family of the recommending security
holder or any member of the recommending security holder group;
If the recommending security holder or any member of the
recommending security holder group is an entity, whether the
recommended director candidate or any immediate family member of
the recommended director candidate is an employee of the
recommending security holder or any member of the recommending
security holder group or has been at any time during the current
or preceding calendar year;
Whether the recommended director candidate or any immediate
family member of the recommended director candidate has accepted
directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory, or other
compensatory fees from the recommending security holder or any
member of the group of recommending security holders, or any of
their respective affiliates during the current or preceding
calendar year;
Whether the recommended director candidate is an executive
officer, director (or person fulfilling similar functions) of
the recommending security holder or any member of the
recommending security holder group, or any of their respective
affiliates; and
Whether the recommended director candidate controls the
recommending security holder or any member of the recommending
security holder group.
The recommending security holder must also provide supplemental
information that the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee
may request to determine whether the recommended director
candidate (i) is qualified to serve on the Audit Committee,
(ii) meets the standards of independence established by the
NYSE, and (iii) satisfies the Standards, described above.
In addition, the recommending security holder must include the
consent of the recommended director candidate and the
recommended director candidate must make himself or herself
reasonably available to be interviewed by the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee. The
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee will consider all
recommended director candidates submitted to it in accordance
with these established procedures, though it will only recommend
to the Board as potential nominees those candidates it believes
are most qualified. However, the Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee will not consider any director candidate if the
candidates candidacy or, if elected, Board membership,
would violate controlling state law or federal law.
Holder Communications with the Board
Security holders may send correspondence to the Board
c/o Secretary
at 12200 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los
Angeles, California 90064. The Secretary will review all
correspondence addressed to the Board, or any individual Board
member, for any inappropriate correspondence and correspondence
more suitably directed to management. The Secretary will
summarize all correspondence not forwarded to the Board and make
the correspondence available to the Board for its review at the
Boards request. The Secretary will forward security holder
communications to the Board prior to the next regularly
scheduled meeting of the Board following the receipt of the
communication, as appropriate.
Party Communications with the Non-Management Directors
Any interested party may send correspondence to the
Non-Management Directors as a group, or to Mr. Kinsella, as
the director who presides over the meetings of Non-Management
Directors, directly,
c/o Secretary
at 12200 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los
Angeles, California 90064. The Secretary will review all
correspondence addressed to the Non-Management Directors, or to
Mr. Kinsella individually, for any inappropriate
correspondence and correspondence more suitably directed to
management. The Secretary will summarize all correspondence not
forwarded to the Non-Management Directors and make the
correspondence available to the Non-Management Directors for
their review at the Non-Management Directors request. The
Secretary will forward interested party communications to the
Non-Management Directors promptly following the receipt of the
communication, as appropriate.
Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics
The Companys Board has adopted a Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics that applies to the Companys directors,
officers (including the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial
Officer, Controller and other members of senior financial
management), employees, agents and consultants. This Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics satisfies the requirements of a
code of business conduct and ethics under the NYSE
listing standards and a code of ethics within the
meaning of Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
and applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules. This
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is available on the
Companys website at
and a copy will be provided to any person without charge, upon
request sent to the Companys principal executive offices
c/o Secretary
at 12200 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los
Angeles, California 90064. Amendments to, or waivers from, a
provision of this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that apply
to the Companys directors or executive officers, including
the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Controller
and other members of senior financial management, may be made
only by the Board or a Board committee and will be promptly
posted on the Companys website.
The following sets forth certain current information with
respect to the Companys named executive officers (the
NEOs) as defined on page 15:
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Tyler H. Rose
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
Steven R. Scott
Senior Vice President, San Diego
John B. Kilroy, Jr. has served as the President and
Chief Executive Officer of the Company since its incorporation
in September 1996. Biographical information regarding
Mr. Kilroy, Jr. is set forth under Certain
Information with Respect to Board of Directors.
Jeffrey C. Hawken has served as Executive Vice President
and Chief Operating Officer of the Company since the completion
of its initial public offering in January 1997. Prior to that
time, Mr. Hawken served in the same capacity for KI and was
responsible for the management and operations of KIs real
estate portfolio and served on KIs acquisitions and
executive committees. Mr. Hawken joined KI in 1980, as a
Senior Financial Analyst, and has been involved in property and
asset management with the Company since May 1983. Since that
time, he attained the designation of Real Property Administrator
through the Building Owners and Managers Association
(BOMA). Mr. Hawken is a director and chair
elect for BOMA, Greater Los Angeles and also participates on the
executive committee, the Owners Advisory Council, Political
Action Committee and BOMA CAL Leadership Council.
Mr. Hawken is an active member of the World
Presidents Organization, Santa Monica Bay Chapter. He is
also a member of the Board of The New Majority Los Angeles
Chapter and currently serves as membership chairman.
Mr. Hawken holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business
Administration from the University of Southern California.
Mr. Hawken is a licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of
Tyler H. Rose was appointed Executive Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary in December 2009 after
serving as Senior Vice President and Treasurer since 1997. Prior
to his tenure at Kilroy Realty, Mr. Rose was Senior Vice
President, Corporate Finance of Irvine Apartment Communities,
Inc. from 1995 to 1997, and was appointed Treasurer in 1996.
Prior to that, Mr. Rose was Vice President, Corporate
Finance of The Irvine Company from 1994 to 1995. From 1986 to
1994, Mr. Rose was employed at J.P. Morgan &
Co., serving in its Real Estate Corporate Finance Group until
1992 and as Vice President of its Australia Mergers and
Acquisitions Group from 1992 to 1994. Mr. Rose also served
for two years as a financial analyst for General Electric
Company. Mr. Rose received a Master of Business
Administration degree from The University of Chicago Graduate
School of Business and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics
from the University of California, Berkeley.
Steven R. Scott is currently a Senior Vice President of
the Company and has served in that capacity since he joined the
Company in January 1998. He has more than 20 years of real
estate experience. From January 1996 to December 1997,
Mr. Scott was Senior Vice President with CB Richard Ellis
in San Diego, where he concentrated in corporate services,
and brokerage in the mid-San Diego County markets of
Sorrento Mesa, Torrey Pines, University Towne Centre and the
I-15 Corridor. Prior to his tenure at CB Richard Ellis, he was
affiliated with the San Diego office of Grubb &
Ellis Company for 13 years, most recently as Senior
Marketing Consultant. Mr. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in Business Administration from San Diego State
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis section discusses the
compensation practices for our Named Executive Officers
(NEOs). Our NEOs consist of our President and Chief
Executive Officer, our Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating Officer, our Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer and our Senior Vice President, San Diego.
Throughout this Proxy Statement, we refer to our
(i) President and Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer collectively as our
Executive Management Team, (ii) Senior Vice
President, San Diego as our Senior Manager, and
(iii) Executive Management Team and Senior Manager,
together with our other executive officers, as our
executive officers.
We seek to attract and retain executives who can help the
Company continue our goal of profitability, growth and a
significant total return to stockholders. Our Company strives to
configure each executive officers total compensation
package in a
setting in order to align the interests of our executives with
those of our stockholders. To achieve a
setting, the majority of our total compensation program is
awarded through a combination of a cash and long-term equity
bonus, which historically has been contingent upon achieving
pre-determined performance metrics. Every year we compare
ourselves against a peer group consisting of companies similar
in size, property type and growth rate. This annual review of
executive pay practices helps our Compensation Committee ensure
that the range of cash and equity-based compensation awards to
our executives is reflective of how they have performed on both
an absolute and relative basis when compared to other similarly
situated executives within our industry.
The Company delivered strong corporate performance in 2010 in
terms of total return to stockholders and fundamental operations
as highlighted below. We believe the attainment of these
objectives, which drive the performance metrics on which our
incentive compensation programs are based, exemplifies solid
short-term performance and will lead to sustainable long-term
stockholder value.
Total return to stockholders. Our total return
to stockholders (TRS) over the last year was 24.1%,
representing a strong absolute return to stockholders.
Acquisitions. During 2010, we successfully
acquired ten buildings in eight transactions for approximately
$697.8 million, and increased our consolidated asset base
by approximately 30%. The significant acquisition activity has
increased the Companys market presence and expanded our
Leasing. During 2010 we executed new and
renewal leases across all markets of approximately
2 million square feet.
Occupancy Gains. We increased occupancy in the
stabilized portfolio from 82.8% at December 31, 2009, to
89.1% at December 31, 2010.
Financing Activity. We raised approximately
$1.5 billion of capital through a variety of debt and
equity transactions in 2010.
Expanding Markets. We successfully expanded
into the San Francisco market, which has seen improved
demand for office space over the past year.
In light of the peer group analysis and the Compensation
Committees assessment of managements performance,
the Committee concluded that it should continue to target total
compensation for our President and Chief Executive Officer and
our Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in the
top quartile of the peer group. The Compensation Committee noted
the Companys excellent performance over the past several
years, including but not limited to maintaining a strong balance
sheet within a difficult economic environment, solid leasing
performance, and successful acquisition activity, all of which
are key to the future growth of the Company. The Compensation
Committee also recognized the significant role Mr. Kilroy
continues to play in the Company.
The Compensation Committee does not employ a formula for
determining the relationship among the different elements of
compensation but rather seeks to align both total compensation
and the relative amounts of base salary,
cash bonus and long-term equity incentive compensation with
those paid by our peers based on market analysis of competitive
pay practices and performance relative to pre-established
corporate and individual goals. The Compensation Committee has,
consistent with our
philosophy, developed the following basic framework for our
Executive Management Team:
base salary should generally be a relatively small percentage of
total compensation;
incentive compensation, through a combination of cash and stock
bonus should generally account for the majority of total
stock bonus should be in the form of either full-value awards or
stock options, to provide alignment with stockholders and
provide a retention tool through time-based vesting;
variable incentive compensation should be tied primarily to
company-wide quantitative performance goals established at the
beginning of the year;
The Company does not employ formulaic or automatic increases to
base salaries or incentive compensation, but rather makes
decisions regarding these compensation components by taking into
consideration both Company and individual performance, as well
as prevailing market conditions. The base salaries for our
President and Chief Executive Officer and our Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer have remained flat since
2008. The base salary for our Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer, who was promoted to the role of Executive
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer in December 2009
remained flat from 2010 to 2011. In addition, the threshold and
target award levels for incentive compensation for our Chief
Executive Officer and our Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating Officer remained flat from 2009 to 2010. Lastly, to
link the Executive Management Teams long-term economic
interest directly with our stockholders, the Company maintains
stock ownership guidelines for the Executive Management Team,
which each member of the Executive Management Team had satisfied
at December 31, 2010.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
Compensation paid to the Executive Management Team is determined
at the sole discretion of the Compensation Committee of our
Board. The Compensation Committee currently consists of the four
independent directors: Dr. Brennan, who serves as its
Chairman, and Messrs. Dickey, Ingraham, and Kinsella. There
are no Compensation Committee interlocks, and none of our
employees participates on the Compensation Committee.
Role of
the Executive Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee is responsible for:
Establishing, reviewing and approving our compensation
Reviewing and approving corporate goals and objectives relating
to the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer, evaluating
the performance of the Chief Executive Officer in light of those
goals and objectives, and reviewing and approving the
compensation of the Chief Executive Officer based on such
Reviewing and approving all compensation for our other executive
officers, including salary, cash and equity incentive
compensation awards (including all annual bonus, long-term
incentive compensation, stock option, and other equity-based
awards), perquisites, and all executive officers
employment, change of control, and severance arrangements;
Administering, reviewing, and approving all employee pension and
welfare benefit plans;
Reviewing and approving our policy with respect to severance and
change of control payments; and
Preparing the Executive Compensation Committee Report.
The Compensation Committees charter, posted on our website
describes in greater detail these various responsibilities, and
the Compensation Committee and Board periodically review and
revise the charter as needed to keep the charter current and
consistent with our compensation philosophies. The Compensation
Committees membership is determined by the Board and is
composed entirely of the independent directors. There was one
meeting of the Compensation Committee in 2010 and one meeting of
the Compensation Committee in January 2011, which were executive
sessions at which no Company employees were present, and three
Unanimous Written Consents in 2010. The Compensation Committee
has the authority to engage the services of outside advisors,
experts and others to assist the Compensation Committee. In
accordance with the Compensation Committees charter, the
Compensation Committee may retain independent compensation and
other management consultants to assist with, among other things,
evaluating our various compensation programs, both individually
and in the aggregate, including levels of salary, cash and
equity incentives, benefits and other perquisites and awards
payable to our key personnel, as well as to advise the
Compensation Committee with respect to the development of
performance objectives that will contribute to our short-term
and long-term profitability.
Role of
The Chief Executive Officer participates in the compensation
process as follows:
Presents overall results of the Companys performance based
upon managements perception of the Companys
achievement of the predetermined goals set by the Compensation
Committee and the Companys historical and go-forward
business objectives and goals;
Provides evaluation for other executive officers;
Reviews peer group information and compensation recommendations
for other executive officers and provides feedback regarding the
potential impact to the Company; and
Participates in Compensation Committee meetings at the
invitation of the Compensation Committee, subject to exclusion
from certain meetings or portions thereof intended to be
exclusive of Company management.
The Chief Financial Officer evaluates the financial implications
and affordability of compensation programs and also the
Companys achievement of the predetermined goals set by the
Compensation Committee. Other executive officers may
periodically participate in the compensation process and
Compensation Committee meetings at the invitation of the
Compensation Committee to advise on performance
activity in areas with respect to which these executive officers
have particular knowledge or expertise.
We believe that the compensation programs for our executive
officers should be closely aligned with the performance of the
Company on both a short-term and long-term basis in terms of the
Companys total return performance (stock appreciation and
dividends) and fundamental performance (for example, leasing
results and balance sheet management). During 2010, we focused
on these core fundamentals, increasing occupancy and maintaining
a strong balance sheet. We believe that the attainment of these
goals exemplifies solid short-term performance that will lead to
sustainable long-term stockholder return. Accordingly, the
compensation paid to our executive officers for 2010 is
consistent with our performance in meeting some and exceeding
certain predetermined fundamental operating goals while
strategically positioning the Company for future total
stockholder return growth.
Our compensation philosophy for our executive officers is based
on the following principles:
Our programs should help the Company to attract and retain
individuals of superior ability and managerial talent;
Our programs should be competitive relative to the compensation
paid to similarly situated executives of our Peer Group (as
defined in Compensation Benchmarking and Peer Group
Our programs should ensure that executive officer compensation
is aligned with the Companys corporate strategies and
business objectives and the long-term interests of our
Our programs should serve to increase the incentive to achieve
key strategic and financial performance measures by linking
incentive award opportunities to the achievement of performance
goals in these areas; and
Our programs should include the use of stock-based compensation
to reinforce the link between executive compensation and the
interests of our stockholders.
The total compensation program for our executive officers for
2010 consisted of the following components:
Base salary;
Annual incentive cash bonus;
Annual and other discretionary equity grants that are subject to
vesting based on continued employment;
Company contribution to the Deferred Compensation Plan;
Retirement and Deferred Compensation Plan eligibility;
Severance and change in control benefits; and
Other benefits and perquisites.
All of our executive officers earn a base salary commensurate
with their respective levels to provide them with the stability
of a consistent income so they can focus on
responsibilities. Our philosophy is to also provide our
executive officers with significant incentive-based compensation
opportunities with goals designed to link each executive
officers compensation to the Companys performance on
both a relative and absolute basis, in terms of both total
return to stockholders and fundamental performance, consistent
with our strategic and operational goals, which we believe is
the best way to ultimately increase stockholder value.
For our Executive Management Team, we reserve the largest
potential compensation awards for performance and incentive
based programs. Those programs include annual cash and annual
and long-term equity awards that are determined based on the
financial performance of the Company. Both the compensation
levels and the allocation of total compensation between cash and
equity and between long- and short-term components are reviewed
annually in comparison to the Peer Group and against our
historic performance. A significant component of the Executive
Management Teams annual bonuses are payable in restricted
stock that vests over a two-year continued service period
following the bonus year, as the ultimate value of these awards
is closely tied to our ability to maximize stockholder value.
We believe that a significant portion of our Executive
Management Teams compensation should be in the form of
equity for several reasons:
Along with our minimum stock ownership policy, equity grants
help ensure that a significant portion of our Executive
Management Teams net worth is tied to the value of our
stock, aligning the interest of our Executive Management Team
with those of our stockholders. Our view is that, if we have
superior long-term operating performance, our Executive
Management Team, through their significant equity compensation,
will eventually receive above market compensation from dividends
and the capital appreciation of our common stock. Conversely, if
we do not perform as well as our peers, our Executive Management
Teams compensation will appropriately prove to be below
market over the long-term;
We design our Companys equity awards to be total
stockholder return vehicles that provide for dividend equivalent
rights, rewarding our Executive Management Team for both share
appreciation as well as dividends paid. We believe a focus on
total stockholder return will encourage our Executive Management
Team to increase earnings to maintain our dividend; and
Our Executive Management Teams stock awards generally vest
over a two-year period, thus providing a valuable retention tool.
Ownership Guidelines
We believe our Executive Management Team should hold a material
amount of our stock to link their long-term economic interest
directly to that of our stockholders. Accordingly, we have
established requirements that members of our Executive
Management Team own stock valued at three to five times their
respective annual base salaries which each member of our
Executive Management Team had satisfied as of December 31,
2010, as detailed in the following table. We believe that these
multiples constitute material amounts for our Executive
Management Team and provide a substantial link between the
interests of our Executive Management Team and those of our
Ownership Requirement
Ownership Requirement
as a % of
Met as of
Named Executive
Base Salary
December 31, 2010
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
of Compensation Awards/Role of Compensation Consultant
The Compensation Committee retained FTI Schonbraun McCann Group,
a real estate advisory practice of FTI Consulting, Inc., to
assist it in the review of our compensation programs. The
compensation consultants engaged by the Compensation Committee
are consultants specializing in compensation matters in the REIT
and real estate industries. The compensation consultants provide
data on the compensation and relative performance of our Peer
Group, make presentations on matters affecting compensation,
provide assessments of the degree to which our compensation
arrangements are consistent with market practices and our
objectives, provide assistance with the design and metrics
associated with our annual and long-term incentive programs, and
consult on other compensation matters as needed. The
compensation consultants also meet privately in executive
session with our Compensation Committee. The compensation
consultants evaluated the following in recommending the amount
of executive compensation relative to the market, as well as the
desired mix of base salary, annual incentives, and long-term
compensation opportunities:
Our performance as compared to other REITs, with an emphasis on
office REITs, and as compared to other publicly traded real
estate companies engaged in activities similar to those engaged
in by us, and
The current economic environment of the real estate industry and
the markets specific to our properties.
The compensation consultants provided advice to the Compensation
Committee with respect to competitive practices, the amounts and
nature of compensation paid to executive officers, structuring
our various compensation programs, and recommending the
appropriate levels of salary, bonus, equity and cash incentive
and other awards, and perquisites payable to our executive
officers. Other than compensation consulting services with
respect to executive officers and directors, the compensation
consultant does not provide any additional services to our
Company. The Compensation Committee directs the nature of the
communications and interchange of data between the compensation
consultant and management and has sole authority to hire,
retain, and terminate the compensation consultant.
Based upon the compensation consultants recommendations,
our executive compensation package for our Executive Management
Team consists of a fixed-base salary and performance-based cash
and equity incentive awards, with a significant portion weighted
toward the performance-based component to ensure that total
compensation reflects the overall success or failure of the
Company and to motivate our Executive Management Team to meet
appropriate performance measures, thereby maximizing total
return to our stockholders. The Compensation Committee also
reviewed the performance of each member of our Executive
Management Team. To aid the Compensation Committee, our
Executive Management Team provided recommendations to the
Compensation Committee regarding the compensation for other
executive officers, including Mr. Scott. The compensation
package for Mr. Scott consists of a fixed-base salary and
discretionary cash and equity incentive awards.
Consistent with our compensation philosophy, annual cash bonuses
are paid shortly after the performance year as short-term
incentives, while an additional significant component of
incentive compensation is paid in restricted stock that vests
over a continued service period of
years following the performance year to incentivize over a
longer-term and further link compensation to stockholder value.
Our incentive awards tend to include equity awards to help align
the interests of our executive officers with those of our
stockholders. We also provide various perquisites (described
below) to our executive officers to ensure that their overall
compensation package is competitive within our Peer Group.
Benchmarking and Peer Group
A comprehensive review of our executive compensation programs
was conducted for 2010 to ensure that (1) pay opportunities
are competitive with the current market, (2) there is an
appropriate link between performance and pay, and (3) our
compensation programs support our stated compensation
philosophy. In connection with the 2010 review, the compensation
consultant surveyed the compensation practices of our Peer Group
and utilized other well-established executive compensation
surveys to assess our competitiveness and advise the
Compensation Committee.
The Peer Group for 2010 consisted of
27 companies (the same Peer Group as 2009), which were
analyzed in the aggregate and separately as subsets based on the
respective companies equity market capitalization as a
percentage of our equity market capitalization as of
December 31, 2010, which was approximately
$2.2 billion. The 2010 Peer Group consisted of
the following 27 leading REITs with a median market
capitalization of approximately $3.3 billion and an equity
market capitalization range of approximately $1 billion to
$6.5 billion:
Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.
LaSalle Hotel Properties
AMB Property Corporation
Liberty Property Trust
BioMed Realty Trust
Mack-Cali Realty Corporation
Brandywine Realty Trust
MFA Financial, Inc.
Camden Property Trust
Nationwide Health Properties, Inc.
CBL and Associates Properties, Inc.
Rayonier, Inc.
Corporate Office Properties, Inc.
Realty Income Corporation
Digital Realty Trust, Inc.
Redwood Trust, Inc.
Douglas Emmett, Inc.
SL Green Realty Corp.
Duke Realty Corporation
The Macerich Company
Entertainment Properties Trust
UDR, Inc.
Essex Properties Trust, Inc.
W.P. Carey & Co. LLC
Federal Realty Investment Trust
Weingarten Realty Investors
Highwoods Properties, Inc.
The Peer Group and the compensation surveys are periodically
reviewed and updated by the Compensation Committee based on
advice from the compensation consultant.
with Respect to Equity Compensation Awards
The Compensation Committee, based upon the recommendations of
the compensation consultant, evaluates the allocation of equity
awards among stock option grants, restricted stock grants, stock
appreciation rights, restricted stock units, and the various
other equity instruments available under the 2006 Plan by
reference to the Peer Group discussed above. Based on this
evaluation, for 2010 we made annual grants of restricted stock
awards upon the attainment of annual performance targets and
based on the fair market value of our common stock as of the
date of grant.
Annual restricted stock awards are generally made during the
first quarter of the fiscal year based on performance during the
preceding fiscal year. We may also make grants of equity
incentive awards at other times at the discretion of the
Compensation Committee or the Board, including but not limited
to, in connection with the hiring of new executive officers.
Executive officers are permitted to defer receipt of annual
restricted stock grants by electing to receive restricted stock
units (RSUs) payable at a later date or upon a
subsequent event, subject to the same vesting conditions that
would have applied to the underlying restricted shares (as
further discussed in Stock Award Deferral Program
below). We believe that grants of restricted stock are
consistent with our goal of aligning the interests of our
executive officers with those of our stockholders, and that
permitting the deferral of these awards into RSUs provides a
valuable tax-planning tool that makes our compensation program
more competitive.
Executive Compensation Elements
The principal elements of 2010 compensation for our Named
Executive Officers (NEOs) were base salary, cash
incentive awards, and equity incentive awards. The allocation of
compensation across our compensation elements for 2010 reflects
our philosophy of maintaining a strong relationship between
performance and pay by delivering the majority of each
executives compensation in the form of incentive
compensation consistent with the practices of our Peer Group.
The allocation of compensation for our Executive Management Team
for 2010 was as follows:
Compensation Element
(using 2010 actual compensation amounts)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Cash Incentive
Equity Incentive
The allocation across compensation elements as between base
salary and incentive compensation has remained fairly consistent
over the past two years. The allocation of compensation across
our compensation elements for 2010 for Mr. Scott, our
Senior Manager, based on actual 2010 compensation was as
follows: 50% salary, 22% cash incentive, and 28% equity
incentive. The grant of incentive compensation awards to
Mr. Scott is discretionary.
For 2010, we provided our NEOs with base salaries that are
designed to be between the 50th and 75th percentile of the Peer
Group. In approving 2010 base salaries for our executive
officers, the Compensation Committee reviewed the market data
from our Peer Group and relevant compensation surveys. The
Compensation Committee also considered the performance of the
Company, the performance of each executive, the contribution of
each executive to our overall results, input from our Chief
Executive Officer (with respect to our other executive
officers), additional roles or responsibilities assumed and the
relative need to retain the executive. No formulaic base salary
increases are provided to the NEOs.
Upon review of the independently prepared comparison of base
salary levels among the Peer Group, the Compensation Committee
determined that the base salary levels of Mr. Kilroy and
Mr. Hawken were properly aligned with the Peer Group and
that maintaining base salary levels consistent with 2009 base
salary levels was appropriate. Mr. Rose was promoted to
Chief Financial Officer in December 2009 and due to his new role
and additional responsibilities, upon recommendation by the
Compensation Committee Mr. Roses base salary was
increased from $365,000 to $500,000. In determining to increase
the base salary for 2010 for Mr. Scott, the Executive
Management Team considered his leadership in leasing and in the
management of our operations in the San Diego region.
For 2010, base salaries were as follows:
2010 Base
2009 Base
Named Executive
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
We structure our compensation programs to reward our executive
officers based on our corporate performance. This allows our
executive officers to receive incentive compensation if certain
specified corporate performance measures are achieved. Corporate
performance measures are established at the beginning of each
year based on the Companys annual business plan and input
from both our compensation consultant and Compensation Committee.
Annual Bonus Program
We maintained one performance-based incentive program in 2010
for the Executive Management Team, the 2010 annual bonus
program, which consisted of a cash and equity opportunity based
upon the achievement of four performance measures: 2010 EBITDA
target, 2010 revenue target, 2010 operating margin target, and
2010 operating portfolio leasing target (each as defined in the
2010 annual bonus program, a Performance Criterion
and, collectively, the Performance Criteria). The
actual total award payout under this program relative to these
performance measures was determined as follows: 40% for
achievement of the 2010 EBITDA target, 20% for the achievement
of the 2010 revenue target, 20% for achievement of the operating
margin target, and 20% for achievement of the operating
portfolio leasing target. The relative weighting of each
Performance Criterion was established in accordance with the
Companys goals as they relate to the Companys
business plan. For 2010, EBITDA served as a primary focus and
goal of the Company as it is most directly correlated to
creating stockholder value, hence it received a 40% relative
weighting, while each of the other Performance Criterion were
deemed to be of equal importance to one another, hence, each
received a 20% relative weighting.
The amounts paid under this program for 2010 were determined
based upon our actual performance measured against the
Performance Criteria, excluding the impact of all 2010 property
acquisitions. The Executive Management Team was entitled to
payment of proportionate awards if threshold performance was
attained for one or more Performance Criteria, whether or not
(i) applicable target levels were achieved for that
Performance Criterion or other Performance Criteria,
(ii) threshold performance was achieved for one or more
other Performance Criteria. When calculating the total payout
under this program, the payout under each Performance Criterion
was calculated independently. In the event that the target
performance level for any individual Performance Criterion was
exceeded, over-attainment of such Performance Criterion could be
used to supplement the attainment of other measures where
performance under those measures fell below target levels, as
follows (subject to the maximum individual bonus payouts
discussed below): attainment in excess of target by up to
(i) 50% of the target from 2010 EBITDA and (ii) up to
75% of the applicable target from each of the 2010 revenue
target, 2010 operating margin target, and 2010 operating
portfolio leasing target in each case, could be counted as
supplemental target attainment for other Performance Criteria
for which the target was not attained (subject to a maximum
payout of 100%). The threshold, target, and actual performance
levels achieved for each Performance Criterion were as follows:
Performance Criterion(1),(2)
2010 Actual Results(2)
$163.0 million
$168.6 million
$170.1 million
2010 Revenues
$269.0 million
$275.3 million
$272.5 million
2010 Operating Margins
2010 Operating Portfolio Leasing
900,000 rentable
1,050,000 rentable
1,874,287 rentable
square feet
square feet
square feet
(1) |
Linear interpolation between the threshold and target level is
applied for each Performance Criterion. |
(2) |
Excluding the impact of all 2010 property acquisitions. |
The actual results for the 2010 operating portfolio leasing
measure exceeded the target performance level and therefore,
were used to supplement the payout under the 2010 revenue
Performance Criterion, for which actual results fell below the
target performance level.
Awards earned under the 2010 annual bonus program were paid
during the first quarter of 2011 with amounts earned up to the
first 50% of the applicable target award paid in cash and the
remaining 50% of the applicable target
award paid in restricted stock or RSUs, as applicable.
Restricted stock or RSU awards earned under the 2010 annual
bonus program will vest in equal annual installments over a
two-year service period as follows: 50% on January 5, 2012
and 50% on January 5, 2013 based on continued employment
through the applicable vesting date, subject to accelerated
vesting as described below. We believe that these strategic and
financial goals are key drivers in ultimately creating
stockholder value and, accordingly, these goals help to align
the interests of our Executive Management Team and our
stockholders. At the time the financial objectives were
established, we believed that the targets would be challenging
and difficult, but achievable with significant effort and
management skill.
The 2010 award levels as a percentage of base salary were as
2010 Annual Bonus Program
Named Executive
Threshold Level
Target Level
Maximum Bonus Award
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Based on its assessment of corporate performance, the
Compensation Committee approved the following incentive awards
under the 2010 annual bonus program (paid in early 2011):
2010 Annual Bonus Program
Named Executive
Cash Component
Equity Component
Total Bonus Award
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Cash Incentive Awards
Our Senior Manager, along with other selected Company employees,
is eligible to receive a discretionary annual cash incentive
award, which is an important component of the compensation
necessary to attract and retain talented executive officers.
Historically, the Company has made annual discretionary cash
incentive awards to all employees. The awards are not formulaic,
but rather are based upon the input and recommendations received
from our Executive Management Team based on its subjective
assessment of both the individual efforts and contributions to
the Company during the period, and the impact of these
contributions on the Company. For awards made in 2010, the
discretionary annual cash incentive awards granted to each
executive officer were determined based upon several factors,
including the executive officers salary grade,
performance, changes in job responsibility or in recognition of
a significant achievement or as otherwise determined by the
Compensation Committee. In determining the discretionary annual
cash incentive award for Mr. Scott for 2010, our Executive
Management Team and Compensation Committee considered his
performance in 2010 as our Senior Vice President,
San Diego, including his leadership in leasing and in the
management of our operations in the San Diego region.
Long-Term Vesting Equity Incentive Awards
Our Senior Manager, along with other selected Company employees,
is also eligible to participate in our annual restricted stock
grants, which are an important component of the compensation
necessary to attract and retain talented executive officers.
Historically, the Compensation Committee has made discretionary
annual restricted stock awards to our Senior Vice Presidents.
The awards are not formulaic, but rather are based upon the
input and recommendations received from our Executive Management
Team based on its subjective assessment of both the
executives individual efforts and contributions to the
Company during the period, and the impact of these contributions
on the Company. For awards made in 2010, the restricted stock
awards granted to each executive officer were determined based
upon several factors, including the executive officers
salary, performance, changes in job responsibility or in
recognition of a significant achievement or as otherwise
determined by the Compensation Committee. In determining the
discretionary annual restricted stock award for Mr. Scott
for 2010, our Executive Management Team and Compensation
Committee considered his performance in 2010 as our Senior Vice
President, San Diego, including his leadership in leasing
and in the management of our operations in the San Diego
region. As explained under Policies with Respect to Equity
Compensation Awards above and
under Stock Award Deferral Program below, our Senior
Manager and other selected employees may defer receipt of their
annual restricted stock grants by electing to receive instead
RSUs that are payable at a later date or upon a subsequent
event. The discretionary annual restricted stock awards for 2010
performance were made under the 2006 Plan.
Executive Compensation Elements
Our Compensation Committee is committed to reviewing and
reassessing our compensation program each year in order to
provide the most effective approach to award, retain and
motivate our NEOs. In keeping with that focus the Compensation
Committee made the following decisions regarding the 2011
Executive Compensation Program.
Base salaries for the Executive Management Team will remain at
the same levels as 2010 as they continue to be properly situated
within the peer group and in-line with the marketplace as a
2011 base salaries for each of the NEOs are as follows:
Named Executive
Base Salary
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
In prior years, the annual bonus programs approved by the
Compensation Committee have provided for cash and equity
compensation to be earned by our Executive Management Team based
on the achievement of certain predefined performance measures,
including financial, operating, and development targets. For
2011, the Compensation Committee will evaluate a variety of key
factors and metrics at the end of the year and make a
determination of incentive compensation for each of the
executive officers based on the Companys and
managements overall performance. This approach will allow
the Compensation Committee to review both quantitative and
qualitative factors with respect to each individuals
performance as well as overall corporate performance.
In making 2011 incentive compensation decisions the Compensation
Committee will consider several quantitative and qualitative
performance factors, including (but not necessarily limited to):
Absolute and relative stockholder return
2011 leasing results
Occupancy gains
Financial performance, including EBITDA, FFO, cash flow and
same-store net operating income
Development, including progress on entitlements
Balance sheet management
Compensation Plan
We maintain a Deferred Compensation Plan under which our
directors and certain of our management employees (the
Participants), including our NEOs, may defer receipt
of their compensation, including up to 70% of their salaries and
up to 100% of their cash bonuses and director fees, each as
applicable. In addition, eligible management employees,
including the NEOs, will generally receive monthly contributions
from us to their Deferred Compensation Plan accounts equal to
10% of their respective gross monthly base salaries, without
regard to whether such employees elect to defer salary or bonus
compensation under the Deferred Compensation Plan. The
Deferred Compensation Plan provides that we may also make
additional discretionary contributions to Participant accounts.
To date, we have not made any discretionary contributions. The
Deferred Compensation Plan fits into our compensation philosophy
by providing our NEOs with the ability to accrue compensation
and generate savings in a tax-efficient manner in excess of
limits imposed under tax-qualified 401(k) plans,
thereby providing additional financial security that enables our
executives to focus on their work-related obligations.
Participant elections with respect to deferrals of compensation
and distributions must generally be made in the year preceding
that in which the compensation is earned, except that elections
with respect to certain performance-based bonuses may be made as
late as six months prior to the end of the applicable
performance period (June 30th in the case of calendar-year
performance period). In addition, newly eligible Participants
may be able to make deferral elections up to thirty days after
they first become eligible to participate in the Deferred
Compensation Plan, if later than the end of the year preceding
that in which such deferred amounts will be earned. Participants
may only change existing elections with respect to distributions
if they satisfy certain requirements set forth in the Deferred
Compensation Plan, including that they do so no later than
twelve months prior to the first scheduled distribution and that
they extend their deferral elections by at least five years. For
a discussion of investment alternatives under our Deferred
Compensation Plan, see Nonqualified Deferred
Award Deferral Program
We also maintain a Stock Award Deferral Program (the
Deferral Program) under which our directors and
certain of our management employees, including our NEOs, may
defer receipt of restricted stock awards granted under the 2006
Plan (Stock Awards) by electing to receive an
equivalent number of RSUs in lieu of such Stock Awards. Each RSU
issued under the Deferral Program represents the right to
receive one share of our common stock in the future and will be
subject to the same vesting conditions as would have applied to
the Stock Award in lieu of which such RSU is issued. In
addition, RSUs carry with them the right to receive dividend
equivalents that credit participants, upon our payment of
dividends in respect of the shares underlying the
participants RSUs, with additional, fully-vested RSUs
equal to the value of the dividend paid in respect of such
shares. Shares of stock underlying RSUs will be paid to the
executive holding RSUs on the earliest to occur of a change in
control, the executives separation from
service with us, the executives death or disability,
or a pre-determined date specified by the executive. By electing
to receive RSUs instead of restricted shares, executives may be
able to defer taxes on these awards, which makes our
compensation program more desirable and helps us to attract and
retain top talent.
Contribution Plans
We maintain a Section 401(k) Savings/Retirement Plan (the
401(k) Plan) to cover our eligible employees,
including the NEOs, and those of certain designated affiliates.
The 401(k) Plan permits our eligible employees to defer up to
60% of their annual compensation, subject to certain limitations
imposed by the Code. The employees elective deferrals are
immediately vested and nonforfeitable upon contribution to the
401(k) Plan. We currently make matching contributions to the
401(k) Plan in an amount equal to fifty cents for each dollar of
participant contributions, up to a maximum of ten percent of the
participants annual salary (thus, the maximum match is
five percent of the participants base salary) and subject
to certain other limits. Participants vest immediately in the
amounts contributed by us on their behalves. Our employees are
eligible to participate in the 401(k) Plan after three months of
credited service with us. The 401(k) Plan is intended to qualify
under Section 401 of the Code so that contributions by
employees to the 401(k) Plan, and income earned on plan
contributions, are not taxable to employees until withdrawn from
the 401(k) Plan. This tax-preferential savings option fits our
compensation philosophy by helping us to attract and retain top
and Change in Control Arrangements
We believe that terminations of employment, both within and
outside of the change in control context, are causes of great
concern and uncertainty for our named executive officers and
that providing protections to our NEOs in these contexts
is therefore appropriate in order to alleviate these concerns
and allow the executives to remain focused on their duties and
responsibilities to the Company in all situations.
Each of Mr. Kilroy, Jr., Mr. Hawken,
Mr. Rose, and Mr. Scott has entered into a three-year
employment agreement with us, effective January 1, 2007.
All of these agreements are subject to automatic one-year
renewals if
not terminated by either party and provide for severance
benefits under certain events, as further described under
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control. The agreements were amended in December 2008 to
add amendments to comply with highly technical requirements of
Code Section 409A. We believe that the protections granted
by these employment agreements help to ensure the
stability necessary to our executives to enable them to properly
focus their attention on their duties and responsibilities with
us. We have selected the payment triggers described below in an
effort to address, and provide security with regard to, some of
the most uncertain events relating to continued employment,
thereby limiting concern and uncertainty and promoting
For a discussion of each NEOs employment agreement see
Employment Agreements.
Elements of Compensation
To assist us in attracting and retaining key executives critical
to our long-term success and to ensure that their compensation
is commensurate with similarly situated executives in our Peer
Group, we provide our NEOs with certain other elements of
compensation as follows:
Employee Healthcare Premiums. We, at our sole
cost, provide to each executive officer, the executive
officers spouse and children, such health, dental, and
optical insurance as we may from time to time make available to
our other executives of the same level of employment.
Supplemental Healthcare Insurance. We, at our
sole cost, provide to each executive officer supplemental
healthcare insurance, which consists of an annual benefit per
executive officer for reimbursed medical expenses during a
calendar year.
Life Insurance Premiums. We provide
Mr. Kilroy, Jr. with a life insurance policy pursuant
to the terms of his employment agreement.
Automobile Allowance. We provide each
executive officer and certain other employees with an automobile
allowance during the term of such employees employment
with us as we in our sole discretion may from time to time make
available to our other employees of the same level of employment.
Automobile Reimbursements. We reimburse our
executive officers and certain other employees for certain
automobile-related expenses during the term of their employment.
Automobile Lease. We, at our sole cost, lease
a car for Mr. Kilroy, Jr.
Club Dues. We, at our sole cost, pay certain
club dues for Mr. Kilroy, Jr. and Mr. Hawken.
Financial Planning Services. We pay or
reimburse our Executive Management Team for certain financial
planning services pursuant to the terms of their respective
employment agreements.
Home Office Expenses. We reimburse our
executive officers for certain home office expenses, including
telephone and internet service and office supplies.
Tax and
Accounting Considerations
Limitation on Deductibility of Executive
Compensation. Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 as amended (the Code) limits
the deductibility of certain compensation paid to certain of our
executive officers. To qualify for deductibility under
Section 162(m), certain compensation in excess of
$1,000,000 paid to our NEOs during any fiscal year generally
must be performance-based compensation as determined
under Section 162(m). Compensation generally qualifies as
performance-based, if among other requirements, it is payable
only upon the attainment of pre-established, objective
performance criteria based on performance goals that have been
approved by our stockholders, and the committee of our Board
that establishes and certifies the attainment of such goals
consists only of outside directors. All members of
our Compensation Committee qualify as outside directors for
purposes of Section 162(m).
The Compensation Committees policy is to take into account
Section 162(m) in establishing compensation of our
executive officers to preserve deductibility to the greatest
extent possible. The deductibility of some types of compensation
payments can depend upon the timing of the vesting or other tax
events associated with previously
granted awards. Interpretations of and changes in applicable tax
laws and regulations as well as other factors beyond our control
can also affect deductibility of compensation. While the tax
impact of any compensation arrangement is one factor to be
considered, such impact is evaluated in light of the
Compensation Committees overall compensation philosophy
and objectives. The Compensation Committee will consider ways to
maximize the deductibility of executive compensation, while
retaining the discretion it deems necessary to compensate
officers competitively and in a manner commensurate with
performance. From time to time, the Compensation Committee may
therefore award compensation to our executive officers that is
not fully deductible if it determines that such award is
consistent with its philosophy and is in our and our
stockholders best interests. In addition, we believe that
we qualify as a REIT under the Code and are not subject to
federal income taxes, meaning that the payment of compensation
that does not satisfy the requirements of Section 162(m)
should not have a material adverse consequence to us, provided
we continue to distribute 90% of our taxable income. The
Compensation Committee reserves the right to design programs
that recognize a full range of performance criteria important to
our success, even where the compensation paid under such
programs may not be deductible.
Internal Revenue Code Section 409A. The
Compensation Committee also endeavors to structure executive
officers compensation in a manner that is either compliant
with, or exempt from the application of, Code Section 409A,
which provisions may impose significant additional taxes on
nonconforming, nonqualified deferred compensation (including
certain equity awards, severance, incentive compensation,
traditional deferred compensation, and other payments).
Internal Revenue Code
Section 280G. Section 280G of the Code
disallows a tax deduction with respect to excess parachute
payments to certain executives of companies which undergo a
change in control. In addition, Section 4999 of the Code
imposes a 20 percent penalty on the individual receiving
the excess payment. Parachute payments are compensation that is
linked to or triggered by a change in control that exceeds a
threshold determined under Section 280G based on the
executives prior compensation. Parachute payments may
include, but are not limited to, bonus payments, severance
payments, certain fringe benefits, and payments and acceleration
of vesting from long-term incentive plans including stock
options and other equity- based compensation. In approving the
compensation arrangements for our NEOs, the Compensation
Committee considers all elements of the cost to our Company of
providing such compensation, including the potential impact of
Section 280G. However, the Compensation Committee may, in
its judgment, authorize compensation arrangements that could
give rise to loss of deductibility under Section 280G and
the imposition of excise taxes under Section 4999 when it
believes that such arrangements are appropriate to attract and
retain executive talent.
Accounting. The Compensation Committee
regularly considers the accounting implications of significant
compensation decisions, especially in connection with decisions
that relate to equity compensation awards. In particular, ASC
Topic 718 (formerly known as FASB 123R), requires us to
recognize an expense for the fair value of equity-based
compensation awards. As accounting standards change, we may
revise certain programs to appropriately align accounting
expenses of our awards with our overall executive compensation
philosophy and objectives.
Compensation Committee Report
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed our
Compensation Discussion and Analysis section with management,
and based on the review and discussions, recommended to the
Board that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section be
included in the annual meeting Proxy Statement on
Schedule 14A.
Compensation Committee
Edward F. Brennan, Ph.D., Chairman
William P. Dickey
Scott S. Ingraham
Dale F. Kinsella
Summary Compensation Table
The following table sets forth summary information regarding our
compensation practices for each of our NEOs for all services
rendered to us in all capacities in 2008, 2009, and 2010.
Summary Compensation Table
Change in
Pension Value
Non Equity
& Nonqualified
All Other
Name & Principal
($) (1)
($) (2)
($) (9)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
President and Chief Executive
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer
Tyler H. Rose
Executive Vice President, Chief
Financial Officer and Secretary
Steven R. Scott
Senior Vice President
(1) |
Reflects the aggregate grant date fair value computed in
accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718, Compensation-Stock
Compensation. The fair value is based on the quoted closing
share price of the Companys Common Stock on the NYSE on
the grant date. The stock awards reported for Mr. Kilroy,
Jr. and Mr. Hawken for all years presented above and for
Mr. Rose in 2010 are reported in the year in which the
service inception period began for these awards, which precedes
the year in which the grant date occurred. The stock awards
reported for Mr. Rose in 2009 and 2008 and Mr. Scott,
for all years presented above, are reported in the year of grant
because these awards are made on a discretionary basis and,
accordingly, the service inception period for these awards does
not begin prior to the grant date. |
(2) |
Includes the components of all other compensation identified in
the All Other Compensation tables below. |
(3) |
Includes awards that were authorized in 2010 pursuant to the
2010 annual bonus program with respect to the fiscal year 2010
performance period. These awards were paid in either shares of
restricted stock or RSUs that were granted in the first quarter
of 2011. For Mr. Rose it excludes an award with a fair
value of $450,000 that was granted in the first quarter of 2010
on a discretionary basis with respect to his and the
Companys performance in 2009. |
(4) |
Includes awards that were authorized in 2009 pursuant to the
2009 annual bonus program with respect to the fiscal year 2009
performance period. These awards were paid in RSUs that were
granted in the first quarter of 2010. |
(5) |
Includes awards that were authorized in 2008 pursuant to the
2008 annual long-term incentive program with respect to the
fiscal year 2008 performance period. These awards were paid in
shares of restricted stock that were granted in the first
quarter of 2009. |
(6) |
Reflects amounts earned under the 2010 annual bonus program with
respect to the fiscal year 2010 performance period and paid in
cash in the first quarter of 2011. The portion of this program
that was awarded in either shares of restricted stock or RSUs is
included in this table under Column (e) Stock
Awards for Mr. Kilroy, Jr., Mr. Hawken, and
Mr. Rose. For a description of this program and the awards
issued under this program, see Compensation Discussion and
Analysis above. |
(7) |
Reflects amounts earned under the 2009 annual bonus program with
respect to the fiscal year 2009 performance period and paid in
cash in the first quarter of 2010. The portion of this program
that was |
awarded in RSUs is included in this table under Column
(e) Stock Awards for Mr. Kilroy, Jr. and
Mr. Hawken. |
(8) |
Reflects amounts earned under the 2008 annual cash bonus program
with respect to the fiscal year 2008 performance period and paid
in cash in the first quarter of 2009. |
(9) |
Amounts shown include amounts that have been deferred under our
Deferred Compensation Plan or Deferral Program. For further
information regarding our Deferred Compensation Plan and
Deferral Program, see Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Deferred Compensation Plans and
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation. For additional
description of the amounts deferred, see the Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation table below. |
(10) |
Amount represents a discretionary bonus as further discussed
under Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Discretionary Cash Incentive Awards. |
All Other
The following tables identify the components of all other
compensation provided to our NEOs in 2010, 2009, and 2008.
to Deferred
Executive Officers
to 401(k)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
to Deferred
Executive Officers
to 401(k)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
to Deferred
Executive Officers
to 401(k)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
(1) |
Includes $57,066 of reimbursement for taxes owed with respect to
the $65,000 life insurance premium. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth summary information regarding all
grants of plan-based awards made to our NEOs during the year
ended December 31, 2010.
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
Estimated Possible
Estimated Possible
All Other
All Other
Under Non-Equity
Under Equity
Incentive Plan
Incentive Plan
or Base
Number of
Number of
Price of
Shares of
Stock or
Units (#)
Options (#)
(b) (1)
(c) (3)
(i) (4)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
(1) |
The table excludes certain awards that were granted during 2010
but that relate to performance in prior years and for which the
beginning of the service inception period preceded 2010. |
(2) |
The approval date represents the date the Compensation Committee
authorized the applicable incentive award program. |
(3) |
Represents the amount that could have been earned under the 2010
annual bonus program assuming the executive officers achieved
the minimum threshold performance level for one of the
Performance Criteria with a 20% weighting. The payout under each
Performance Criterion is calculated independently. |
(4) |
These stock awards are valued based on the quoted closing share
price of the Companys Common Stock on the NYSE on the
grant date. |
(5) |
These awards were granted on January 26, 2011. These awards
are reported in the year in which the service inception period
began, which precedes the year in which the grant date incurred. |
(6) |
The amounts presented under the Target payout also represent the
maximum payouts under the 2010 annual bonus program. |
(7) |
Under the 2010 annual bonus program applicable to the Executive
Management Team, any amounts earned up to the first 50% of the
maximum target award are paid in cash and any portion of the
remaining maximum target award is paid in restricted stock or
RSUs. Therefore, there are no amounts reported under the
threshold column for equity incentive plan awards. Following are
the awards paid to each member of the Executive Management Team
in January 2011 under this program in respect of 2010
performance: $2,500,000 cash and 66,208 shares of
restricted stock to Mr. Kilroy, Jr., $1,125,000 cash and
29,794 RSUs to Mr. Hawken, and $500,000 cash and 13,242
RSUs to Mr. Rose. These awards are reflected in the
2010 Summary Compensation Table above for 2010. The
number of shares of restricted stock or RSUs issued to each
officer was based on the closing share price of the
Companys Common Stock on the NYSE on January 26,
2011, the date of grant. The restricted stock or RSUs vest in
two equal installments on each of January 5, 2012 and
January 5, 2013, subject to the officers continued
employment through such dates. |
(8) |
These awards vest in equal annual installments on January 5th of
each year over a five-year period, with the first installment
vesting on January 5, 2011. |
B. Kilroy, Jr. and Jeffrey C. Hawken
The employment agreements of Mr. Kilroy and Mr. Hawken
provide that in the event that the employment of the executive
is terminated without Cause or for Good
Reason (as defined in the applicable employment
agreement), the terminated executive is entitled to receive the
following payments and benefits (together with the
Severance Payment (as defined below), the Termination
Benefits): (i) accrued but unpaid compensation
through the date of termination; (ii) annual incentive
compensation, based on actual performance prior to the date of
termination and reasonably anticipated performance through the
remainder of the year; (iii) full vesting of time-based
equity awards; (iv) vesting of performance-based cash or
equity awards (excluding outperformance incentive awards) as
governed by the applicable plans, programs, and agreements, but
with the objectives of such awards deemed to be met at the
greater of (a) target on the date of termination or
(b) actual performance as of the date of termination and
reasonably anticipated performance through the remainder of the
year; (v) all payments due under any other compensatory or
benefit plan; (vi) the settlement of any deferral
arrangements in accordance with the plans and programs governing
the deferral; and (vii) continuation health coverage for
the terminated executive, his spouse, and his dependents, as
applicable, for three years after the date of termination, at
our expense. In addition, each executive is entitled to receive
a severance payment (the Severance Payment) equal to
the sum of (i) three times annual base salary, and
(ii) three times the average of the two highest target
annual incentives (e.g., the sum of the annual cash award
target and the annual stock target as detailed for each
executive above, which sum may be increased for the
determination of the Severance Payment only if the Board or the
Compensation Committee specifically approves such increase)
during the three preceding full performance years, except that
the actual annual incentive earned by the executive in 2006
shall be used instead of the 2006 target annual incentive when
making such determination and the target annual incentives shall
never be less than the annual cash award target and the annual
stock target set forth in the applicable employment agreement.
As defined in the employment agreements, Good Reason includes,
among other things, the right of the executives to terminate
employment with us in the twelfth month following a Change
in Control of the Company (as defined in the employment
agreements). Also, a nonextension by us of the term of the
employment agreements will be deemed a termination of the
relevant executives employment without Cause.
In the event that the employment of an executive is terminated
due to his retirement or death, such terminated executive is
entitled to receive the Termination Benefits, except that
(i) his Severance Payment shall equal the sum of
(a) his annual base salary and (b) the average of his
two highest target annual incentives (e.g., the sum of
the annual cash award target and the annual stock target as
detailed for each executive above, which sum may be increased
for the determination of the Severance Payment only if the Board
or the Compensation Committee specifically approves such
increase) during the three preceding full performance years,
except that the actual annual incentive earned by the executive
in 2006 shall be used instead of the 2006 target annual
incentive when making such determination and the target annual
incentives shall never be less than the annual cash award target
and the annual stock target set forth in the applicable
employment agreement.
In the event that the employment of an executive is terminated
due to his disability, such terminated executive is entitled to
receive the Termination Benefits, except that his Severance
Payment shall equal the sum of (i) two times his annual
base salary and (ii) two times the average of his two
highest target annual incentives (i.e., the sum of the
annual cash award target and the annual stock target as detailed
for each executive above, which sum may be increased for the
determination of the Severance Payment only if the Board or the
Compensation Committee specifically approves such increase)
during the three preceding full performance years, except that
the actual annual incentive earned by the executive in 2006
shall be used instead of the 2006 target annual incentive when
making such determination and the target annual incentives shall
never be less than the annual cash award target and the annual
stock target set forth in the applicable employment agreement.
In the event of a Change in Control of the Company (as defined
in the employment agreements), Messrs. Kilroy, Jr. and
Hawken are generally entitled to receive
payments from us for any excise taxes imposed, pursuant to
Section 4999 of the Code (and any taxes imposed as a result
of the
payment), on the payments and benefits that the executives will
receive upon such Change in Control under the employment
agreements or under any other arrangement with us. We agree to
place such
payments, and benefits in separate rabbi trusts on behalf of
each executive within thirty days after the Change in Control.
The employment agreements require each of the executives to sign
a general release in order to receive the Termination Benefits
(including the Severance Payments) described above, other than
accrued but unpaid compensation through the date of termination.
The executives are also subject to (i) restrictions on
solicitation during the term of the employment agreements and
for one year after termination of employment due to retirement,
two years after termination of employment due to disability, or
three years after termination of employment without Cause or for
Good Reason, (ii) restrictions on disclosure of
confidential information during the term of the employments and
in perpetuity thereafter, and (iii) restrictions on
disparaging the Company, its affiliates, and agents during the
term of the employment agreements and in perpetuity thereafter.
The executives further agree to cooperate with the Company,
during the term of the employment agreements and thereafter,
regarding any litigation to which the Company is party. If an
executive fails to comply with the restrictions on solicitation
and disclosure of confidential information described above, then
the executive may forfeit all unvested equity awards,
unexercised options, and unpaid RSUs granted at or after
January 1, 2007 and held by the executive or his transferee
at the time of such noncompliance.
H. Rose and Steven R. Scott
The employment agreements of Mr. Rose and Mr. Scott
provide that in the event that the employment of the executive
is terminated without Cause or for Good
Reason (as defined in the applicable employment
agreement), such terminated executive is entitled to receive the
Termination Benefits except that (i) his Severance Payment
is equal to the sum of (a) two times his annual base salary
and (b) two times the average of his two highest annual
incentives (i.e., the sum of the annual cash award and the
annual stock incentive target, as defined in the applicable
employment agreement) during the three preceding full
performance years and (ii) the continuation of health
coverage for the terminated executive, his spouse and his
dependents, as applicable, shall be for a period of two years
after the date of termination, at our expense.
In the event that the employment of Mr. Rose or
Mr. Scott is terminated due to retirement, such terminated
executive is entitled to receive all Termination Benefits,
except that (i) his Severance Payment shall be equal to
zero and (ii) the continuation of health coverage for the
terminated executive, his spouse, and his dependents, as
applicable, shall be for one year after the date of termination,
at our expense.
In the event that the employment of Mr. Rose or
Mr. Scott is terminated due to his death, the terminated
executive is entitled to receive the Termination Benefits,
except that (i) his Severance Payment shall equal the sum
of (a) one times his annual base salary and (b) one
times the average of his two highest annual incentives (i.e.,
the sum of the annual cash award and the annual stock incentive
target, as defined in the applicable employment agreement)
during the three preceding full performance years, and
(ii) the continuation of health coverage for the terminated
executive, his spouse, and his dependents, as applicable, shall
be for one year after the date of termination, at our expense.
In the event that the employment of Mr. Rose or
Mr. Scott is terminated due to disability, such terminated
executive is entitled to receive the Termination Benefits,
except that the continuation of health coverage for the
terminated executive, his spouse, and his dependents, as
applicable, shall be for one year after the date of termination,
at our expense.
If Mr. Rose or Mr. Scott becomes entitled to the
Termination Benefits (or other compensation or benefits) in
connection with a Change in Control (the Change in Control
Benefits), then certain excise taxes may apply under
Section 4999 of the Code. To avoid the imposition of such
excise taxes, we will reduce the Change in Control Benefits
payable to an executive only if the executive retains a greater
portion of the Change in Control Benefits after such reduction
than the portion of the Change in Control Benefits that the
executive would have retained without such reduction and after
the payment of applicable excise taxes. We will place the Change
in Control Benefits due to the executives in separate rabbi
trusts on behalf of each executive within thirty days after a
Change in Control.
The employment agreements require each of the executives to sign
a general release in order to receive the Termination Benefits
(including the Severance Payments) described above, other than
accrued but unpaid compensation through the date of termination.
The executives are also subject to (i) restrictions on
solicitation during the term of the employment agreements and
for one year after termination of employment due to retirement,
two years after termination of employment due to disability, or
three years after termination of employment without Cause or for
Good Reason, (ii) restrictions on disclosure of
confidential information during the term of the employments and
in perpetuity thereafter, and (iii) restrictions on
disparaging the Company, its affiliates, and agents during the
term of the employment agreements and in perpetuity thereafter.
The executives further agree to
cooperate with the Company, during the term of the employment
agreements and thereafter, regarding any litigation to which the
Company is party. If an executive fails to comply with the
restrictions on solicitation and disclosure of confidential
information described above, then the executive may forfeit all
unvested equity awards, unexercised options, and unpaid RSUs
granted at or after January 1, 2007 and held by the
executive or his transferee at the time of such non-compliance.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year End
The following table sets forth summary information regarding the
outstanding equity awards of each of our NEOs at
December 31, 2010.
Equity Awards at 2010 Fiscal Year End
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Incentive Plan
Incentive Plan
Value of
Market or
or Units
Shares or
Number of
Payout Value
Number of
Number of
Number of
of Stock
Units of
of Unearned
Shares, Units
Shares, Units
or Other
or Other
Have Not
Rights That
Rights That
Options (#)
Options (#)
Have Not
Have Not
Options (#)
Vested (#)
Vested ($)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
(1) |
Calculated based on the Companys closing stock price of
$36.47 on December 31, 2010. |
(2) |
These RSUs vest on December 31, 2011. |
(3) |
Includes 2,983 shares of restricted stock that vested on
January 5, 2011, 1,425 shares of restricted stock that
vested on February 16, 2011, 5,153 shares of
restricted stock that vest on December 31, 2011, 3,928 RSUs
that vest on December 31, 2011, 2,982 RSUs that vest on
January 5, 2012, 3,454 shares of restricted stock that
vest on December 31, 2012, 2,982 RSUs that vest on
January 5, 2013, 2,982 RSUs that vest on January 5,
2014, and 2,982 RSUs that vest on January 5, 2015. |
(4) |
Includes 1,226 shares of restricted stock that vested on
January 5, 2011, 2,850 shares of restricted stock that
vested on February 16, 2011, 8,595 shares of
restricted stock that vest on December 31, 2011, 1,856 RSUs
that vest on December 31, 2011, 1,226 RSUs that vest on
January 5, 2012, 4,064 shares of restricted stock that
vest on December 31, 2012, 1,226 RSUs that vest on
January 5, 2013, 1,226 RSUs that vest on January 5,
2014, and 1,226 RSUs that vest on January 5, 2015. |
Exercises and Vested Stock
The following table summarizes the option exercises and vesting
of stock awards for each of our NEOs for the year ended
December 31, 2010.
Exercises and Stock Vested
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
Acquired on
Realized on
Acquired on
Exercise (#)
Exercise ($)
Vesting (#)
Vesting ($)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
(1) |
Includes 181,679 RSUs that vested on December 31, 2010 with
a value of $6,625,833 and 15,927 RSUs with a value of $510,640
that were issued as dividend equivalents during 2010 and that
were fully-vested upon issuance. Delivery of the shares
underlying these RSUs has been deferred under the Deferral
Program until the earliest to occur of (a) the date of the
executives separation from service; (b) the date of
the occurrence of a change of control event; and
(c) the date of the executives death or
disability. |
(2) |
Includes 83,612 RSUs that vested on December 31, 2010 with
a value of $3,049,330 and 7,339 RSUs with a value of $235,287
that were issued as dividend equivalents during 2010 and that
were fully-vested upon issuance. Delivery of the shares
underlying these RSUs has been deferred under the Deferral
Program until the earliest to occur of (a) the date of the
executives separation from service; (b) the date of
the occurrence of a change of control event; and
(c) the date of the executives death or
disability. |
(3) |
Includes 3,929 RSUs that vested on December 31, 2010 with a
value of $143,290 and 1,040 RSUs with a value of $33,390 that
were issued as dividend equivalents during 2010 and that were
fully-vested upon issuance. Delivery of the shares underlying
these RSUs has been deferred under the Deferral Program until
the earliest to occur of (a) the date of the
executives separation from service; (b) the date of
the occurrence of a change of control event;
(c) the date of the executives death or
disability; and with respect to 4,477 of the RSUs
(d) February 1, 2014, the elected distribution date.
Also includes 8,392 shares of restricted stock that vested
during 2010 with a value of $276,938. |
(4) |
Includes 1,856 RSUs that vested on December 31, 2010 with a
value of $67,688 and 461 RSUs with a value of $14,804 that were
issued as dividend equivalents during 2010 and that were
fully-vested upon issuance. Delivery of the shares underlying
these RSUs has been deferred under the Deferral Program until
the earliest to occur of (a) the date of the
executives separation from service; (b) the date of
the occurrence of a change of control event; and
(c) the date of the executives death or
disability. Also includes 13,864 shares of
restricted stock that vested during 2010 with a value of
$458,118. |
Compensation Plan Information
The following table provides information as of December 31,
2010 with respect to shares of our common stock available for
issuance under our equity compensation plans.
Number of
Shares of Common
Stock Remaining
Available for Future
Number of
Issuance Under Equity
Shares of Common
Compensation Plans
Stock to be Issued
(Excluding Shares
Upon Exercise of
Price of
Reflected in
Column (a))
Plan Category
Options (a)
Options (b)
Equity Compensation plans approved by stockholders
Equity Compensation plans not approved by stockholders
(1) |
Includes shares available for future grants under the 2006 Plan. |
(2) |
Issued under the Companys 1997 Stock Option and Incentive
Plan. |
As of March 31, 2011, the number of securities to be issued
upon exercise of outstanding options, warrants and rights was
equal to 5,000, the weighted average exercise price of
outstanding options, warrants and rights was equal to $25.77 and
the weighted average term was 0.9 years. In addition, as of
March 31, 2011, a total of 110,255 shares of
restricted stock and 810,518 RSUs were outstanding. As of
March 31, 2011, there were 3,878,182 shares available
to be issued under the 2006 Plan.
During 2010, 2009, and 2008, we granted 3,239, 4,958, and
184,245 shares of restricted stock, respectively. During
2010, 2009 and 2008, we also granted 159,606, 623,643, and 7,688
RSUs, respectively. The weighted average common shares and
common units outstanding for 2010, 2009, and 2008 were
51,220,618, 40,436,196, and 34,531,779, respectively.
Deferred Compensation
The following table sets forth summary information regarding our
Deferred Compensation Plan as of December 31, 2010.
Deferred Compensation
balance at
in last
in last FY ($)
in last FY ($)
FY ($)
distributions ($)
FYE ($)
(c) (3)
(f) (4)
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
(1) |
Mr. Roses contributions are included in the 2010
Salary column of the 2010 Summary Compensation Table. |
(2) |
A total of $18,750 of Mr. Scotts contributions are
included in the 2010 Salary column of the 2010
Summary Compensation Table, and $22,500 of Mr. Scotts
contributions are included in the 2010 Bonus column
of the 2010 Summary Compensation Table. |
(3) |
Included in the All Other Compensation column of the
2010 Summary Compensation Table. |
(4) |
The balance at the end of fiscal year 2010 reflects the
following aggregate amounts that were previously reported as
compensation in the Summary Compensation Table for fiscal years
prior to 2010: $310,000 for Mr. Kilroy, Jr., $1,579,432 for
Mr. Hawken, $242,250 for Mr. Rose, and $192,490 for
Mr. Scott. |
Under our Deferred Compensation Plan, NEOs may defer receipt of
up to 70% of their base salaries and up to 100% of their
bonuses, in addition to which NEOs are credited with Company
contributions of 10% of gross salary. NEOs may elect to have
their accounts notionally invested in investment alternatives
made available by the plan administrator, with returns on
amounts deferred under this plan credited with notional earnings
or losses based on such elections. NEOs may elect to receive
distributions of their accounts (other than distributions of
Company contributions) (i) while still in the service of
the Company, in either a lump sum or in two to five annual
installments occurring (or beginning) no earlier than two years
after such amounts were earned, (ii) upon retirement from
service, in a lump sum or up to fifteen annual installments
(beginning no earlier than six months after retirement), or
(iii) upon a change in control, in full, subject to certain
additional limitations.
Participants will be permitted to allocate (and reallocate)
their deferrals, as well as Company contributions and any
notional earnings on either of the foregoing, amongst the
following investment alternatives made available by the Deferred
Compensation Plan administrator for purposes of determining any
notional gains or losses on Participant account balances:
2010 Annual
Investment Alternatives
Investment Category
Wells Fargo Advantage Heritage Money Market Instl
Money Market
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Inv
Intermediate-Term Bond
Loomis Sayles Value Class A
Large Cap Value
Spartan 500 Index Investor Class
Large Cap Blend
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Advisor Class
Large Cap Growth
Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Investor Shares
Mid Cap Blend
Vanguard Small Cap Index Investor Shares
Small Cap Blend
Dodge & Cox International Stock
Foreign Large Value
Invesco International Growth Class R
Foreign Large Growth
These allocations will be hypothetical only and will not give
Participants ownership interests in any actual assets of the
Company or any trust funding obligations under the Deferred
Compensation Plan; however, the Company may set aside assets to
fund its obligations under the Deferred Compensation Plan in a
limited (rabbi) trust, subject to the claims of the
Companys creditors in the event of the Companys
bankruptcy or insolvency.
Participants may elect to receive distributions of their
accounts (other than distributions of Company contributions)
(i) while still in the service of the Company, in either a
lump sum or in two to five annual installments occurring (or
beginning) no earlier than two years after such amounts were
earned, (ii) upon retirement from service, in a lump sum or
up to fifteen annual installments (beginning no earlier than six
months after retirement), or (iii) upon a change in
control, in full. Participant elections may also provide for
payment upon the earliest to occur of any two or more of the
foregoing events (subject to the distribution limitations
applicable to Company contributions). If a Participant separates
from service with the Company and its affiliates for any reason
other than due to the Participants death, disability, or
retirement, the remaining balance of the Participants
account will generally be distributed in full six months after
the occurrence of such separation from service. In addition, a
Participants account balance will be distributed as soon
as possible following the Participants death or
disability. All such separation, death, and disability
distributions will be made without regard to any Participant
Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
The information in this section sets forth the value of benefits
and payments to each of the NEOs upon the triggering events
indicated and is based upon the terms of employment agreements
in effect as of the date of this Proxy Statement as described in
Severance and Change in Control Arrangements above.
As required by the Securities and Exchange Commission rules,
these estimated values assume that the triggering event took
place on December 31, 2010, the last business day of the
fiscal year. The payments and benefits that would be provided to
NEOs in each of these events are more fully described in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis section above. Except as
otherwise described below in the context of a Change in Control,
none of our NEOs is entitled to termination payments or benefits
upon a voluntary resignation (without good reason)
or upon a termination by the Company for cause.
John B.
Kilroy, Jr.
Change in
Change in
Control with
Cause or
For Good
Potential Payment/Benefit(1)
(No Termination)
Cash Severance(2)
Medical Benefits(3)
Accelerated Vesting(4)
Tax Gross-Up
Other Termination Perks/Benefits
(1) |
The payment or provision to the executive by the Company of any
remuneration, benefits or other financial obligations pursuant
to executives Employment Agreement including the severance
payment and provision of severance benefits shall be allocated
between the Company and the Operating Partnership by the
Compensation Committee based on a reasonable allocation method. |
(2) |
For a description of the cash severance obligations, see
Severance and Change in Control Arrangements. |
(3) |
Executive will receive three years of medical benefits where
applicable. |
(4) |
All equity awards held by executive at termination which vest
based on time shall become vested and all other terms of such
awards shall be governed by the plans and programs and the
agreements and other documents pursuant to which such awards
were granted. Currently all unvested equity awards provide for
time-based vesting. |
(5) |
Qualifying terminations following a Change in Control are
Termination Without Cause and Termination for
Good Reason. As defined in the Employment Agreements, Good
Reason includes, among other things, the right of the executives
to terminate employment with us for any reason in the twelfth
month following a Change in Control of the Company
(as defined in the Employment Agreements). Also, a non-extension
by us of the term of the Employment Agreements will be deemed a
termination of the relevant executives employment without
Cause. |
(6) |
For a complete definition of what constitutes Cause
or Good Reason, please refer to the executives
Employment Agreement included as exhibits to our Annual Report
Form 10-K. |
(7) |
We provide Mr. Kilroy, Jr. with a life insurance policy
pursuant to the terms of his employment agreement. In addition
to the amounts shown in this column, Mr. Kilroy Jr.s
life insurance policy provides a $10,000,000 death benefit. |
C. Hawken
Change in
Change in
Control with
Cause or
For Good
Potential Payment/Benefit(1)
(No Termination)
Cash Severance(2)
Medical Benefits(3)
Accelerated Vesting(4)
Tax Gross-Up
Other Termination Perks/Benefits
(1) |
The payment or provision to the executive by the Company of any
remuneration, benefits or other financial obligations pursuant
to executives Employment Agreement including the severance
payment and provision of severance benefits shall be allocated
between the Company and the Operating Partnership by the
Compensation Committee based on a reasonable allocation method. |
(2) |
For a description of the cash severance obligations, see
Severance and Change in Control Arrangements. |
(3) |
Executive will receive three years of medical benefits where
applicable. |
(4) |
All equity awards held by executive at termination which vest
based on time shall become vested and all other terms of such
awards shall be governed by the plans and programs and the
agreements and other documents pursuant to which such awards
were granted. Currently all unvested equity awards provide for
time-based vesting. |
(5) |
Qualifying terminations following a Change in Control are
Termination Without Cause and Termination for
Good Reason. As defined in the Employment Agreements, Good
Reason includes, among other things, the right of the executives
to terminate employment with us for any reason in the twelfth
month following a Change in Control of the Company
(as defined in the Employment Agreements). Also, a non-extension
by us of the term of the Employment Agreements will be deemed a
termination of the relevant executives employment without
Cause. |
(6) |
For a complete definition of what constitutes Cause
or Good Reason, please refer to the executives
Employment Agreement included as exhibits to our Annual Report
Form 10-K. |
Tyler H.
Change in
Change in
Control with
Cause or
For Good
Potential Payment/Benefit(1)
(No Termination)
Cash Severance(2)
Medical Benefits(3)
Accelerated Vesting(4)
Other Termination Perks/Benefits
(1) |
The payment or provision to the executive by the Company of any
remuneration, benefits or other financial obligations pursuant
to executives Employment Agreement including the severance
payment and provision of severance benefits shall be allocated
between the Company and the Operating Partnership by the
Compensation Committee based on a reasonable allocation method. |
(2) |
For a description of the cash severance obligation, see
Severance and Change in Control Agreements. |
(3) |
Executive will receive two years of medical benefits except in
the case of termination in connection with Death and Disability
in which case executive will receive one year. |
(4) |
All equity awards held by executive at termination which vest
based on time shall become vested and all other terms of such
awards shall be governed by the plans and programs and the
agreements and other documents pursuant to which such awards
were granted. Currently all unvested equity awards provide for
time-based vesting. |
(5) |
Qualifying terminations following a Change in Control are
Termination Without Cause and Termination for
Good Reason. |
(6) |
Executives Employment Agreement provides that the Company
will reduce the change in control payment if, as a result of the
reduction, executive will receive a net after tax benefit which
is greater than the amount he would receive if the excise tax
was paid. Change in control payments may be subject to a 20%
Federal excise tax if they exceed a threshold amount. Based on
the available data, the Company would not have reduced the total
change in control payments under the employment agreements. |
(7) |
For a complete definition of what constitutes Cause
or Good Reason, please refer to the executives
Employment Agreement included as exhibits to our Annual Report
Form 10-K. |
Steven R.
Change in
Change in
Control with
Cause or
For Good
Potential Payment/Benefit(1)
(No Termination)
Cash Severance(2)
Medical Benefits(3)
Accelerated Vesting(4)
Other Termination Perks/Benefits
(1) |
The payment or provision to the executive by the Company of any
remuneration, benefits or other financial obligations pursuant
to executives Employment Agreement including the severance
payment and provision of severance benefits shall be allocated
between the Company and the Operating Partnership by the
Compensation Committee based on a reasonable allocation method. |
(2) |
For a description of the cash severance obligation, see
Severance and Change in Control Agreements. |
(3) |
Executive will receive two years of medical benefits except in
the case of termination in connection with Death and Disability
in which case executive will receive one year. |
(4) |
All equity awards held by executive at termination which vest
based on time shall become vested and all other terms of such
awards shall be governed by the plans and programs and the
agreements and other documents pursuant to which such awards
were granted. Currently all unvested equity awards provide for
time-based vesting. |
(5) |
Qualifying terminations following a Change in Control are
Termination Without Cause and Termination for
Good Reason. |
(6) |
Executives Employment Agreement provides that the Company
will reduce the change in control payment if, as a result of the
reduction, executive will receive a net after tax benefit which
is greater than the amount he would receive if the excise tax
was paid. Change in control payments may be subject to a 20%
Federal excise tax if they exceed a threshold amount. Based on
the available data, the Company would not have reduced the total
change in control payments under the employment agreements. |
(7) |
For a complete definition of what constitutes Cause
or Good Reason, please refer to the executives
employment agreement included as exhibits to our Annual Report
Form 10-K. |
Under the 2010 compensation program, we paid each of our
non-employee directors annual cash compensation of $35,000 for
services rendered and $2,000 for each Board meeting attended by
such director. Each non-employee director also received annual
compensation of $1,000 for each committee of which he is a
member. The Chairman of each committee received additional
annual cash compensation of $10,000, with the exception of the
Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Chairman of the
Compensation Committee who received additional annual cash
compensation of $20,000. Directors are reimbursed for reasonable
expenses incurred to attend director and committee meetings and
incident to their service as a director. Our officers who are
directors are not paid any director fees. Our directors may
defer receipt of their compensation pursuant to the terms of our
Deferred Compensation Plan.
In addition, in May 2010, each non-employee director received an
annual grant authorized under the 2006 Plan of RSUs or shares of
restricted stock valued at $100,000 that vest on the date of the
2011 Annual Meeting, subject to continued service. Each
non-employee director grant provides that the restricted stock
or RSUs will vest in full in the event of a change in control of
the Company (as defined in the 2006 Plan) or a termination of
the non-employee directors directorship for any reason
other than the directors voluntary resignation or
retirement. Further, non-employee directors are encouraged to
hold significant equity interests in the Company. The Board
expects each non-employee director to own or to acquire, within
five years of first becoming a director, shares of our Common
Stock having a market value of at least $100,000. Our directors
may defer receipt of their stock awards pursuant to our Deferral
The following table sets forth summary information regarding our
compensation practices for each of our directors for 2010.
Change in
Pension Value
& Nonqualified
Fees Earned or
Incentive Plan
All Other
Paid in Cash
Stock Awards
Option Awards
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
John B. Kilroy, Sr.
Edward F. Brennan, Ph.D.
William P. Dickey
Scott S. Ingraham
Dale F. Kinsella
(1) |
Includes $10,165 of supplemental health care insurance, $12,852
of club dues and $2,773 of home office expenses. |
(2) |
The aggregate number of unvested stock awards and the aggregate
number of unexercised option awards outstanding as of
December 31, 2010 for our directors are: |
Stock Awards
Option Awards
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
John B. Kilroy, Sr.
Edward F. Brennan, Ph.D.
William P. Dickey
Scott S. Ingraham
Dale F. Kinsella
(1) |
These shares of restricted stock vest on the date of the 2011
Annual Meeting. |
(2) |
These RSUs vest on the date of the 2011 Annual Meeting. |
(3) |
Includes 250 shares of restricted stock that vest on
June 21, 2011 and 3,239 RSUs that vest on the date of the
2011 Annual Meeting. |
The following table sets forth certain information, as of
March 31, 2011, regarding the beneficial ownership of
Common Stock (or Common Stock issuable upon the redemption of
common limited partnership interests (the Units) in
the Operating Partnership) for (i) each person or entity
known by the Company to be the beneficial owner of more than
five percent of the Companys outstanding Common Stock (or
Common Stock issuable, at the Companys option, upon the
redemption of Units), (ii) each director and each NEO and
(iii) the directors and such NEOs of the Company as a
group. Except as indicated below, all shares of Common Stock are
owned directly, and the indicated person has sole voting and
investment power with respect to all of the shares of Common
Stock beneficially owned by such person other than restricted
stock, as to which a person has sole voting but no dispositive
power. In preparing this table, the Company has relied upon
information supplied by its officers, directors and certain
stockholders in addition to information contained in filings
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Number of Shares of
Percentage of
Common Stock
Outstanding Shares
Name of Beneficial Owner(1)
Beneficially Owned(2)
of Common Stock(2)
T. Rowe Price
LaSalle Investment Management
John B. Kilroy, Jr.
John B. Kilroy, Sr.
Jeffrey C. Hawken
Tyler H. Rose
Steven R. Scott
William P. Dickey
Dale F. Kinsella
Scott S. Ingraham
Edward F. Brennan, Ph.D.
All directors and NEOs as a group (9 persons)
* |
Represents less than 1.0% of outstanding shares of Common Stock. |
(1) |
Unless otherwise indicated, the address for each of the persons
listed is
c/o Kilroy
Realty Corporation, 12200 W. Olympic Boulevard,
Suite 200, Los Angeles, California 90064. |
(2) |
The number of shares of Common Stock beneficially owned is based
on Securities and Exchange Commission regulations regarding the
beneficial ownership of securities. The number of shares of
Common Stock and the percentage of outstanding shares of Common
Stock beneficially owned by a person assumes that all Units held
by such beneficial owner are, upon redemption, exchanged for
shares of Common Stock, that none of the Units held by other
persons are so exchanged, that all options exercisable within
60 days of March 31, 2011 by such beneficial owner are
exercised and that no options to acquire shares of Common Stock
held by other persons are exercised. The number of shares of
Common Stock and the percentage of outstanding shares of Common
Stock beneficially owned by a person includes any RSUs of such
person that are vested or will vest within 60 days of
March 31, 2011. |
(3) |
Represents the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially
owned, as reported on Schedule 13G/A filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission on February 10, 2011, by T. Rowe
Price Associates, Inc. (Price Associates) either
directly or through its affiliates. The address for Price
Associates is 100 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202.
These securities are owned by various individual and
institutional investors, of which Price Associates serves as
investment adviser with power to direct investments and/or sole
power to vote the securities. For purposes of the reporting
requirements of the Exchange Act, Price Associates is deemed to
be a beneficial owner of such securities; however, Price
Associates expressly disclaims that it is, in fact, the
beneficial owner of such securities. |
(4) |
Represents the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially
owned, as reported on Schedule 13G/A filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission on January 10, 2011, by BlackRock,
Inc. (BlackRock) either directly or through its
affiliates. The address for BlackRock is 40 East 52nd Street,
New York, New York 10022. |
(5) |
Represents the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially
owned, as reported on Schedule 13G/A filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission on February 10, 2011, by The
Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard) either directly or
through its affiliates. The address for Vanguard is 100 Vanguard
Boulevard, Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355. |
(6) |
Represents the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially
owned, as reported on Schedule 13G/A filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission on February 10, 2011, by Invesco
Ltd. (Invesco) either directly or through its
affiliates. Such report indicates that Invesco Advisers, Inc,
Invesco PowerShares Capital Management, and Invesco Management
S.A. beneficially owned 3,082,379 shares,
54,338 shares, and 18,130 shares, respectively. The
address for Invesco is 1555 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta, Georgia
30309. |
(7) |
Represents the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially
owned, as reported on Schedule 13G filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on February 11, 2011, by LaSalle
Investment Management, Inc. (LaSalle Inc.) either
directly or through its affiliates. Such report indicates that
LaSalle Investment Management (Securities) L.P.
(La Salle L.P.) and LaSalle Inc. beneficially
owned 2,579,336 shares and 175,399 shares,
respectively. The address for LaSalle L.P. is 100 East Pratt
Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 and for LaSalle Inc. is 200
East Randolph Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. |
(8) |
Includes (i) 782,250 shares of Common Stock issuable,
at the Companys option, upon the redemption of Units
(including Units beneficially owned by Kilroy Airport Imperial
Co. (KAICO) and Kilroy Technologies Company, LLC, a
California limited liability company (Kilroy
Technologies) and allocated to Mr. Kilroy, Jr.),
(ii) 293,730 shares of Common Stock held directly, and
(iii) 357,021 RSUs held directly that are vested or will
vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011. Excludes 33,201
RSUs held directly that are not vested and will not vest within
60 days of March 31, 2011. |
(9) |
Includes (i) 552,885 shares of Common Stock issuable,
at the Companys option, upon the redemption of Units
(including Units beneficially owned by KI, KAICO, and Kilroy
Technologies, and allocated to Mr. Kilroy, Sr.),
(ii) 8,716 shares of Common Stock held directly, and
(iii) 3,239 restricted shares of Common Stock held directly. |
(10) |
Includes (i) 164,427 shares of Common Stock held
directly, and (ii) 164,681 RSUs held directly that are
vested or will vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011.
Excludes 44,734 RSUs held directly that are not vested and will
not vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011. |
(11) |
Includes (i) 30,760 shares of Common Stock held
directly, (ii) 8,607 restricted shares of Common Stock held
directly, and (iii) 12,352 RSUs held directly that are
vested or will vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011.
Excludes 29,098 RSUs held directly that are not vested and will
not vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011. |
(12) |
Includes (i) 11,174 shares of Common Stock held
directly, (ii) 12,659 restricted shares of Common Stock
held directly, and (iii) 5,589 RSUs held directly that are
vested or will vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011.
Excludes 12,057 RSUs held directly that are not vested and will
not vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011. |
(13) |
Includes (i) 35,519 shares of Common Stock held
directly, (ii) 2,000 shares of Common Stock held
directly by Dickey Realty, Ltd. and beneficially owned by
Mr. Dickey, and (iii) 10,914 RSUs held directly that
are vested or will vest within 60 days of March 31,
2011. |
(14) |
Includes (i) 5,000 shares of Common Stock issuable
upon the exercise of options exercisable within 60 days of
March 31, 2011, (ii) 10,519 shares of Common
Stock held directly, and (iii) 10,914 RSUs held directly
that are vested or will vest within 60 days of
March 31, 2011. |
(15) |
Includes (i) 3,750 shares of Common Stock held
directly, (ii) 250 restricted shares of Common Stock held
directly, and (iii) 10,914 RSUs held directly that are
vested or will vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011. |
(16) |
Includes (i) 3,730 shares of Common Stock held
directly, and (ii) 10,914 RSUs held directly that are
vested or will vest within 60 days of March 31, 2011. |
In 2010, no directors or executive officers of the Company,
including Mr. Kilroy, Sr. and
Mr. Kilroy, Jr., the Chairman of the Board and the
President and Chief Executive Officer, respectively, or security
holder of more than five percent of the Companys
outstanding Common Stock, or members of any of their immediate
families, had direct or indirect interests in transactions or
potential transactions with the Company, the Operating
Partnership, Kilroy Services, LLC or any other subsidiary of the
Company. Any transactions between or among related persons are
referred to the Independent Committee for review. In determining
whether to approve a related person transaction, our Independent
Committee will consider such matters as it deems appropriate
under the circumstances. After considering these factors, our
Independent Committee will decide whether the related person
transaction is in our best interests and will approve or reject
the transaction accordingly.
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the
Companys officers and directors, and persons who own more
than ten percent of any registered class of the Companys
equity securities (collectively, Insiders), to file
with the Securities and Exchange Commission initial reports of
ownership and reports of changes in ownership of the
Companys Common Stock and other equity securities of the
Company. Insiders are required by regulation of the Securities
and Exchange Commission to furnish the Company with copies of
all Section 16(a) forms they file.
To the Companys knowledge, based solely on a review of the
copies of reports furnished to the Company or written
representations from the Insiders that no other reports were
required, during the year ended December 31, 2010, all
Insiders complied with all Section 16(a) filing
requirements applicable to them.
A stockholder seeking to have a proposal included in the
Companys proxy statement for the 2012 annual meeting of
stockholders must comply with the applicable rules and
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, including
that any such proposal must be received by the Companys
Secretary at the Companys principal executive offices by
December 6, 2011, which is 120 days prior to the
one-year anniversary of the date of this Proxy Statement.
However, if the date of the 2012 annual meeting changes by more
than 30 days from the one-year anniversary of the date of
the 2011 Annual Meeting, then such proposals must be received a
reasonable time before the Company begins to print and send its
proxy materials for the 2012 annual meeting.
In addition, the Companys Bylaws require a stockholder
desiring to present a proposal or nominate a director for the
2012 annual meeting of stockholders to notify the Companys
Secretary in writing. The notice generally must be delivered to
or mailed and received at the Companys principal executive
offices (i) not less than 90 days nor more than
120 days prior to the one-year anniversary of 2011 annual
meeting or (ii) if the date of the annual meeting is more
than 30 days before or more than 60 days after such
anniversary date, not later than the
90th day
prior to such annual meeting or, if later, the
10th day
following the day on which public disclosure of the date of the
annual meeting was first made. Other specifics regarding the
notice procedures, including the required content of the notice,
can be found in the Companys Bylaws, a copy of which may
be obtained without charge by request to the Companys
Secretary at the Companys principal executive offices.
Stockholders who wish to have a proposal included in the
Companys proxy statement for the 2012 annual meeting or
have a proposal or director nomination properly brought before
the 2012 annual meeting for a vote must comply with the above
requirements, as applicable. Stockholders that comply with the
rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission
to have a proposal included in the Companys proxy
statement for the 2012 annual meeting will be deemed to have
complied with the notice requirements contained in the
Companys Bylaws. Stockholder proposals or director
nominations submitted to the Companys Secretary that do
not comply with these requirements may be excluded from the
Companys proxy statement
and/or may
not be brought before the 2012 annual meeting, as applicable.
For specific information with respect to the process for
recommending a director candidate, see Certain Information
with Respect to Board of Directors Manner by which
Security Holders May Recommend Director Candidates above.
Deloitte & Touche LLP, the member firms of Deloitte
Touche Tohmatsu and their respective affiliates (collectively,
Deloitte) have served as the Companys
independent public accountants since the completion of the
Companys initial public offering in January 1997 and have
been selected by the Audit Committee to continue to serve as the
Companys independent public accountants for the first
quarter of fiscal year 2011. Consistent with past practice, the
Audit Committee will appoint the Companys independent
public accountants for the full current fiscal year at its
meeting to be held during the second quarter.
The Audit Committee of the Board has determined that Deloitte is
independent with regard to the Company within the meaning of the
Exchange Act and the applicable published rules and regulations
thereunder in effect on the date of this Proxy Statement. The
Audit Committee annually reviews and pre-approves certain audit
and non-audit services that may be provided by the independent
auditors and establishes a pre-approved aggregate fee level for
all these services. Any proposed services not included within
the list of pre-approved services or any proposed services that
will cause the Company to exceed the pre-approved aggregate
amount requires specific pre-approval by the Audit Committee.
Representatives of Deloitte are expected to be present at the
Annual Meeting and will have the opportunity to make a statement
if they desire to do so and will be available to respond to
appropriate questions.
Accountant Fees and Services
The aggregate fees billed to the Company by Deloitte for
professional services rendered in fiscal years 2010 and 2009 are
as follows:
Audit Fees(2)
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees(3)
All Other Fees
(1) |
All services rendered for these fees were pre-approved by the
Audit Committee in accordance with the Audit Committees
pre-approval policies and procedures described above. The Audit
Committee has concluded that the provision of the non-audit
services rendered for the listed fees is compatible with
maintaining Deloittes independence. |
(2) |
Includes the aggregate fees billed for the audits of Kilroy
Realty Corporation and Kilroy Realty, L.P.s annual
financial statements and internal control over financial
reporting, review of financial statements included in their
quarterly reports on
Form 10-Q,
consultations with management on technical accounting and
regulatory issues, consultation and review of filings associated
with the Companys and the Operating Partnerships
2010 bond offerings, and services provided for assistance with
and review of other regulatory filings. |
(3) |
Includes the aggregate fees billed for the review and assistance
with the preparation of tax returns, the review of quarterly
REIT test compliance, and review of technical accounting issues. |
The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company.
These costs will include reimbursements paid to brokerage firms
and others for their expenses incurred in forwarding
solicitation material regarding the Annual Meeting to beneficial
owners of the Companys Common Stock. The Company will use
the services of Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. to assist
with the mailing of proxies and expects to pay a fee of
approximately $15,000 for these services. Proxies may be
solicited by directors, officers, and employees of the Company
in person or by mail, telephone, email or facsimile
transmission, but such persons will not be specifically
compensated therefor. The Company may also use the services of
MacKenzie Partners, Inc., a third-party solicitor, to solicit
proxies for the Annual Meeting, which the Company estimates
would cost approximately $10,000.
The Company is subject to the informational requirements of the
Exchange Act and, in accordance therewith, files reports, proxy
statements and other information with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. Reports, proxy statements and other
information filed by the Company may be inspected without charge
and copies obtained upon payment of prescribed fees from the
Public Reference Room of the Securities and Exchange Commission
at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549
or by way of the Securities and Exchange Commissions
Internet address,
The Company will provide without charge to each person to whom a
copy of the Proxy Statement is delivered, upon the written or
oral request of any such persons and by first class mail or
other equally prompt means within one business day of receipt of
such request, copies of the Companys and the Operating
Partnerships Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010. Requests for such
copies should be addressed to: Kilroy Realty Corporation,
12200 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200, Los
Angeles, California 90064, Attn: Secretary, telephone
(310) 481-8400.
You may also access additional information about the Company at
our Internet address,
The Board does not know of any other matter that will be brought
before the Annual Meeting. However, if any other matter properly
comes before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment(s) or
postponement(s) thereof, which may properly be acted upon, the
proxies solicited hereby will be voted at the discretion of the
named proxy holders.
As permitted by the Exchange Act, only one copy of this proxy
statement is being delivered to stockholders residing at the
same address, unless such stockholders have notified us of their
desire to receive multiple copies of the proxy statement. This
is known as householding. We will promptly deliver, upon oral or
written request, a separate copy of this proxy statement to any
stockholder residing at an address to which only one copy was
mailed. Stockholders who currently receive multiple copies of
proxy materials at their address and would like to request
householding of their communications should contact us. Requests
for additional copies or requests for householding for this year
or future years should be directed in writing our principal
executive offices at 12200 W. Olympic Boulevard,
Suite 200, Los Angeles, California 90064, Attn: Secretary
or by telephone at
(310) 481-8400.
You may vote on the Internet, or if you are receiving a paper
copy of this Proxy Statement, by telephone or by completing and
mailing a proxy card in the preaddressed, postage paid envelope
provided to you. Voting over the Internet, by telephone or by
written proxy will ensure your shares are represented at the
meeting. If you subsequently decide to attend the Annual Meeting
and wish to vote your shares at the meeting, you may do so. Your
cooperation in giving this matter your prompt attention will be
April 5, 2011
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Tyler H. Rose
Executive Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
THE COMPANY NAME INC. COMMON 123,456,789,012.12345
THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS A 123,456,789,012.12345
THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS B 123,456,789,012.12345
THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS C 123,456,789,012.12345
THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS D 123,456,789,012.12345
THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS E 123,456,789,012.12345
THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS F 123,456,789,012.12345
THE COMPANY NAME INC. 401 K 123,456,789,012.12345
02 0000000000
1 OF 2
Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date Signature (Joint Owners) Date
To withhold authority to vote for any
individual nominee(s), mark For All
Except and write the number(s) of the
nominee(s) on the line below.
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0
00000996881 R1.0.0.11699
For Withhold For All
All All Except
The Board of Directors recommends you vote
FOR the following:
1. Election of Directors
01 John B. Kilroy, Sr. 02 John B. Kilroy, Jr. 03 Edward F. Brennan,Ph.D. 04 William P. Dickey 05
Scott S. Ingraham
06 Dale F. Kinsella
SUTE 200
Investor Address Line 1
Investor Address Line 2
Investor Address Line 3
Investor Address Line 4
Investor Address Line 5
John Sample
Investor Address Line 1
Investor Address Line 2
Investor Address Line 3
Investor Address Line 4
Investor Address Line 5
John Sample
Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of
information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or
meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and
follow the instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting
instruction form.
Electronic Delivery of Future PROXY MATERIALS
If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy
materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards
and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for
electronic delivery, please follow the instructions above to vote using the Internet
and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials
electronically in future years.
VOTE BY PHONE 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting instructions up until 11:59
P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting date. Have your
proxy card in hand when you call and then follow the instructions.
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we
have provided or return it to Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way,
Edgewood, NY 11717.
The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR the following proposal: For Against Abstain
2 Advisory vote on the compensation of the named executive officers.
The Board of Directors recommends you vote 3 YEARS on the following proposal: 3 years 2 years 1
year Abstain
3 Advisory vote on the frequency of the advisory vote on the compensation of the named executive
NOTE: Such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full
title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. All holders must
sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full corporate or
partnership n
ame, by authorized officer.
Yes No
Please indicate if you plan to attend this meeting |
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting: The Notice &
Proxy Statement, Form 10-K is/are
available at .
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
May 24, 2011 9:00 AM
This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors
The undersigned stockholder of Kilroy Realty Corporation (the Company) acknowledges receipt of a
copy of the
proxy statement dated on or about April 5, 2011 and, revoking any proxy heretofore given, hereby
appoints John
B. Kilroy, Jr. and Tyler H. Rose and both of them as proxies for the undersigned, and hereby
authorizes each of
them to vote all the shares of Common Stock of the Company held of record by the undersigned on
March 18,
2011, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May 24, 2011, or any adjournment or
thereof, and otherwise to represent the undersigned at the meeting with discretionary authority as
to any and all
other business that may properly come before the meeting and with all powers possessed by the
undersigned as
if personally present at the meeting.
Continued and to be signed on reverse side
00000996882 R1.0.0.11699 |