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April 6, 2010
Dear Stockholder:
You are invited to attend the annual meeting of stockholders of
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation (Medicis,
we, us or our) to be held on
Tuesday, May 18, 2010, at 9:30 a.m. local time, at the
Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center, 7700 East McCormick
Parkway, Scottsdale, Arizona.
At this years annual meeting you will be asked to:
(i) elect three directors to serve for a three year term;
(ii) ratify the selection of our independent registered
public accountants; and (iii) transact such other business
as may properly come before the annual meeting. The accompanying
Notice of Meeting and proxy statement describe these matters. We
urge you to read this information carefully.
Your board of directors unanimously believes that election of
its nominees for directors and ratification of the Audit
Committees selection of independent registered public
accountants are in the best interests of Medicis and its
stockholders, and, accordingly, recommends a vote
FOR election of the three nominees for directors and
FOR the ratification of the selection of
Ernst & Young LLP as our independent registered public
In addition to the business to be transacted as described above,
management will speak on our developments of the past year and
respond to comments and questions of general interest to
It is important that your shares be represented and voted
whether or not you plan to attend the annual meeting in person.
You may vote on the Internet, or if you are receiving a paper
copy of the proxy statement, by telephone or by completing and
mailing a proxy card. Voting over the Internet, by telephone or
by written proxy will ensure your shares are represented at the
annual meeting.
Jason D. Hanson
Executive Vice President, General Counsel
and Corporate Secretary
7720 North Dobson Road
Scottsdale, Arizona
To the Stockholders of Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
We will hold an annual meeting of stockholders of Medicis at the
Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center, 7700 East McCormick
Parkway, Scottsdale, Arizona, on Tuesday, May 18, 2010, at
9:30 a.m. local time, for the following purposes:
1. To re-elect Michael A. Pietrangelo, Lottie H.
Shackelford and Jonah Shacknai to a three-year term expiring at
the 2013 annual meeting of stockholders and until their
successors are duly elected and qualified or until their earlier
resignation or removal.
2. To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP
as independent auditors of Medicis for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2010.
3. To transact any other business as may properly come
before the annual meeting or any adjournments or postponements
of the annual meeting.
These items of business are described in the attached proxy
statement. Only Medicis stockholders of record of shares of our
Class A Common Stock at the close of business on
March 19, 2010, the record date for the annual meeting, are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the annual meeting and any
adjournments or postponements of the annual meeting.
A list of stockholders eligible to vote at the Medicis annual
meeting will be available for inspection at the annual meeting,
and at the executive offices of Medicis during regular business
hours for a period of no less than ten days prior to the annual
Your vote is very important. It is important
that your shares be represented and voted whether or not you
plan to attend the annual meeting in person. If you are viewing
the proxy statement on the Internet, you may grant your proxy
electronically via the Internet by following the instructions on
the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials
previously mailed to you and the instructions listed on the
Internet site. If you are receiving a paper copy of the proxy
statement, you may vote by completing and mailing the proxy card
enclosed with the proxy statement, or you may grant your proxy
electronically via the Internet or by telephone by following the
instructions on the proxy card. If your shares are held in
street name, which means shares held of record by a
broker, bank or other nominee, you should review the Notice of
Internet Availability of Proxy Materials used by that firm to
determine whether and how you will be able to submit your proxy
by telephone or over the Internet. Submitting a proxy over the
Internet, by telephone or by mailing a proxy card, will ensure
your shares are represented at the annual meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Jason D. Hanson
Executive Vice President, General Counsel
and Corporate Secretary
Your proxy is solicited on behalf of the board of directors of
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation, a Delaware corporation
(Medicis, we, us or
our), for use at our 2010 annual meeting of
stockholders to be held on Tuesday, May 18, 2010, at
9:30 a.m. local time, at the Scottsdale Resort and
Conference Center, 7700 East McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale,
Arizona, or at any continuation, postponement or adjournment
thereof, for the purposes discussed in this proxy statement and
in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting and any business
properly brought before the annual meeting. Proxies are
solicited to give all stockholders of record an opportunity to
vote on matters properly presented at the annual meeting.
Pursuant to rules recently adopted by the Securities and
Exchange Commission, or SEC, we have elected to provide access
to our proxy materials over the Internet. Accordingly, we are
sending a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials
(the Notice) to our stockholders of record, while
brokers and other nominees who hold shares on behalf of
beneficial owners will be sending their own similar Notice. All
stockholders will have the ability to access the proxy materials
on the website referred to in the Notice or request to receive a
printed set of the proxy materials. Instructions on how to
request a printed copy by mail or electronically may be found on
the Notice and on the website referred to in the Notice,
including an option to request paper copies on an ongoing basis.
On April 6, 2010, we intend to make this proxy statement
available on the Internet and to mail the Notice to all
stockholders entitled to vote at the annual meeting. We intend
to mail this proxy statement, together with a proxy card to
those stockholders entitled to vote at the annual meeting who
have properly requested paper copies of such materials, within
three business days of such request.
Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the
2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to Be Held on May 18,
This proxy statement and our 2010 Annual Report are available on
our website at
This website address contains the following documents: the
Notice of the Annual Meeting, the proxy statement and proxy card
sample, and the 2009 Annual Report. You are encouraged to access
and review all of the important information contained in the
proxy materials before voting.
Who Can
You are entitled to vote if you were a stockholder of record of
our Class A Common Stock (or common stock) as
of the close of business on March 19, 2010. You are
entitled to one vote for each share of common stock held on all
matters to be voted upon at the annual meeting. Your shares may
be voted at the annual meeting only if you are present in person
or represented by a valid proxy.
Voting of
You may vote by attending the annual meeting and voting in
person or you may vote by submitting a proxy. The method of
voting by proxy differs (1) depending on whether you are
viewing this proxy statement on the Internet or receiving a
paper copy, and (2) for shares held as a record holder and
shares held in street name. If you hold your shares
of common stock as a record holder and you are viewing this
proxy statement on the Internet, you may vote by submitting a
proxy over the Internet by following the instructions on the
website referred to in the Notice previously mailed to you. If
you hold your shares of common stock as a record holder and you
are reviewing a paper copy of this proxy statement, you may vote
your shares by completing, dating and signing the proxy card
that was included with the proxy statement and promptly
returning it in the preaddressed, postage paid envelope provided
to you, or by submitting a proxy over the Internet or by
telephone by following the instructions on the proxy card. If
you hold your shares of common stock in street name, which means
your shares are held of record by a broker, bank or nominee, you
will receive a Notice from your broker, bank or other nominee
that includes
instructions on how to vote your shares. Your broker, bank or
nominee will allow you to deliver your voting instructions over
the Internet and may also permit you to vote by telephone. In
addition, you may request paper copies of the proxy statement
and proxy card from your broker by following the instructions on
the Notice provided by your broker.
The Internet and telephone voting facilities will close at
11:59 p.m. E.D.T. on May 17, 2010. If you vote through
the Internet, you should be aware that you may incur costs to
access the Internet, such as usage charges from telephone
companies or Internet service providers and that these costs
must be borne by you. If you vote by Internet or telephone, then
you need not return a written proxy card by mail.
your proxy even if you plan to attend the annual meeting. If you
properly give your proxy and submit it to us in time to vote,
one of the individuals named as your proxy will vote your shares
as you have directed.
All shares entitled to vote and represented by properly
submitted proxies (including those submitted electronically,
telephonically and in writing) received before the polls are
closed at the annual meeting, and not revoked or superseded,
will be voted at the annual meeting in accordance with the
instructions indicated on those proxies. If no direction is
indicated on a proxy, your shares will be voted
FOR the election of each of the three
nominees for director and FOR ratification of
the selection of the independent auditors. The proxy gives each
of Jonah Shacknai, Mark A. Prygocki and Jason D. Hanson
discretionary authority to vote your shares in accordance with
his best judgment with respect to all additional matters that
might come before the annual meeting.
of Proxy
If you are a stockholder of record, you may revoke your proxy at
any time before your proxy is voted at the annual meeting by
taking any of the following actions:
delivering to our corporate secretary a signed written notice of
revocation, bearing a date later than the date of the proxy,
stating that the proxy is revoked;
signing and delivering a new paper proxy, relating to the same
shares and bearing a later date than the original proxy;
submitting another proxy by telephone or over the Internet (your
latest telephone or Internet voting instructions are
followed); or
attending the annual meeting and voting in person, although
attendance at the annual meeting will not, by itself, revoke a
Written notices of revocation and other communications with
respect to the revocation of Medicis proxies should be addressed
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
7720 North Dobson Road
Scottsdale, Arizona
Attn: Corporate Secretary
If your shares are held in street name, you may
change your vote by submitting new voting instructions to your
broker, bank or other nominee. You must contact your broker,
bank or other nominee to find out how to do so. See below
regarding how to vote in person if your shares are held in
street name.
Voting in
If you plan to attend the annual meeting and wish to vote in
person, you will be given a ballot at the annual meeting. Please
note, however, that if your shares are held in street
name, which means your shares are held of record by a
broker, bank or other nominee, and you wish to vote at the
annual meeting, you must bring to the annual meeting a legal
proxy from the record holder of the shares, which is the broker
or other nominee, authorizing you to vote at the annual meeting.
and Votes Required
At the close of business on March 19, 2010,
60,327,395 shares of our common stock were outstanding and
entitled to vote. All votes will be tabulated by the inspector
of election appointed for the annual meeting, who will
separately tabulate affirmative and negative votes and
Quorum. A majority of the outstanding shares
of common stock, present in person or represented by proxy, will
constitute a quorum at the annual meeting. Shares of common
stock held by persons attending the annual meeting but not
voting, shares represented by proxies that reflect abstentions
as to a particular proposal and broker non-votes
will be counted as present for purposes of determining a quorum.
Broker Non-Votes. Brokers or other nominees
who hold shares of common stock in street name for a
beneficial owner of those shares typically have the authority to
vote in their discretion on routine proposals when
they have not received instructions from beneficial owners.
However, brokers are not allowed to exercise their voting
discretion with respect to the election of directors or for the
approval of matters which the NYSE determines to be
non-routine, without specific instructions from the
beneficial owner. These non-voted shares are referred to as
broker non-votes. If your broker holds your common
stock in street name, your broker will vote your
shares on non-routine proposals only if you provide
instructions on how to vote by filling out the voter instruction
form sent to you by your broker with this proxy statement. Your
broker is not entitled to vote on the election of directors
without your instruction.
Election of Directors. In April 2007, the
board of directors amended our bylaws to adopt a majority voting
standard for the election of directors in uncontested elections.
Under this majority voting standard, in uncontested elections of
directors, such as this election, each director must be elected
by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by the
shares present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to
vote. A majority of the votes cast means that the number of
votes cast FOR a candidate for director exceeds the
number of votes cast AGAINST that candidate for
director. As a result, abstentions will not be counted in
determining which nominees received a majority of votes cast
since abstentions do not represent votes cast for or against a
candidate. Brokers are not empowered to vote on the election of
directors without instruction from the beneficial owner of the
shares and thus broker non-votes likely will result. Since
broker non-votes are not considered votes cast for or against a
candidate, they will not be counted in determining which
nominees receive a majority of votes cast. In accordance with
our policy, in this election, an incumbent candidate for
director who does not receive the required votes for re-election
is expected to tender his or her resignation to the board. The
Nominating and Governance Committee of the board, or another
duly authorized committee of the board, will make a
determination as to whether to accept or reject the tendered
resignation generally within 90 days after certification of
the election results of the stockholder vote. We will publicly
disclose the decision regarding the tendered resignation and the
rationale behind the decision in a filing of a Current Report on
Form 8-K
with the SEC.
Ratification of Independent Auditors. The
affirmative vote of a majority of the shares represented in
person or by proxy at the annual meeting and entitled to vote is
required for the ratification of the selection of
Ernst & Young LLP as our independent auditors.
Abstentions will have the same effect as voting against this
proposal. Brokers generally have discretionary authority to vote
on the ratification of our independent auditors, thus broker
non-votes are generally not expected to result from the vote on
Item 2.
of Proxies
Our board of directors is soliciting proxies for the annual
meeting from our stockholders. We will bear the entire cost of
soliciting proxies from our stockholders. In addition to the
solicitation of proxies by mail, we will request that brokers,
banks and other nominees that hold shares of our common stock,
which are beneficially owned by our stockholders, send Notices,
proxies and proxy materials to those beneficial owners and
secure those beneficial owners voting instructions. We
will reimburse those record holders for their reasonable
expenses. We have engaged The Proxy Advisory Group, LLC, to
assist in the solicitation of proxies and provide related advice
and informational support, for a services fee and the
reimbursement of customary disbursements, which are not expected
to exceed $16,500 in the aggregate. We may use several of our
regular employees, who will not be specially compensated, to
solicit proxies from our stockholders, either personally or by
telephone, Internet, facsimile or special delivery letter.
If you need assistance in voting over the Internet or completing
your proxy card or have questions regarding the annual meeting,
please contact our investor relations department at
(480) 291-5854
or or write to: Medicis
Pharmaceutical Corporation, 7720 North Dobson Road, Scottsdale,
Attn: Investor Relations.
This proxy statement contains forward-looking
statements (as defined in the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995). These statements are based on
our current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties,
which may cause results to differ materially from those set
forth in the statements. The forward-looking statements may
include statements regarding actions to be taken by us. We
undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking
statement, whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise. Forward-looking statements should be evaluated
together with the many uncertainties that affect our business,
particularly those mentioned in the risk factors in Item 1A
of our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009 and in our periodic
reports on
Form 10-Q
Form 8-K.
Our Amended and Restated Bylaws, or bylaws, provide for a range
of directors from three to twelve, with the exact number set by
the board of directors. The board has set the current authorized
directors at eight members. The directors are divided into three
classes, that each serve for a term of three years. There are
currently eight members of our board. At each annual meeting,
the term of one class expires. The class of directors with a
term expiring at this annual meeting consists of three directors.
Based upon the recommendation of our Nominating and Governance
Committee, our board of directors has nominated Michael A.
Pietrangelo, Lottie H. Shackelford and Jonah Shacknai for
re-election as directors to the board. If elected, each director
nominee would serve a three-year term expiring at the close of
our 2013 annual meeting, or until their successors are duly
elected. Mr. Pietrangelo, Ms. Shackelford and
Mr. Shacknai currently serve on our board of directors.
Biographical information on each of the nominees is furnished
below under Director Biographical Information.
Set forth below is information as of the record date regarding
each nominee and each person whose term of office as a director
will continue after the annual meeting. There are no family
relationships among any directors.
Jonah Shacknai(1)
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer
Arthur G. Altschul, Jr.(2)(3)(4)
Spencer Davidson(1)(3)(4)
Stuart Diamond(2)(6)
Peter S. Knight, Esq.(5)
Michael A. Pietrangelo(1)(4)(6)
Philip S. Schein, M.D.(2)
Lottie H. Shackelford(3)(5)(6)
(1) |
Current member of the Executive Committee |
(2) |
Current member of the Audit Committee |
(3) |
Current member of the Stock Option and Compensation Committee |
(4) |
Current member of the Nominating and Governance Committee |
(5) |
Current member of the Employee Development and Retention
Committee |
(6) |
Current member of the Compliance Committee |
Biographical Information
The following biographical information is furnished with regard
to our directors (including nominees) as of March 19, 2010.
for Election at the Annual Meeting to Serve for a Three-Year
Term Expiring at the 2013 Annual Meeting of
Michael A. Pietrangelo has been our director since
October 1990. Since 1998, Mr. Pietrangelo has practiced law
at Pietrangelo Cook PLC, based in Memphis, Tennessee. From
November 1997 until September 30, 2005,
Mr. Pietrangelo also served as a consultant to us in areas
relating to the pharmaceutical industry. Admitted to the bar in
New York, Tennessee and the District of Columbia, he was an
attorney with the Federal Trade Commission from 1967 to 1968,
and later for Pfizer, Inc., from 1968 to 1972.
Mr. Pietrangelo joined Schering-Plough Corporation in
Memphis, Tennessee in 1972, first as Legal Director and then as
Associate General Counsel. During that time, he was also
appointed Visiting Professor of Law by the University of
Tennessee and University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. In
1980, Mr. Pietrangelo left corporate law and focused on
consumer products management, serving in a variety of executive
positions at Schering-Plough Corporation prior to being named
President of the Personal Care Products Group in 1985. In 1989,
he was asked to join Western Publishing Group as President and
Chief Operating Officer. From 1990 to 1994, Mr. Pietrangelo
was the President and Chief Executive Officer of CLEO, Inc., a
Memphis-based subsidiary of Gibson Greetings, Inc., a
manufacturer of specialized paper products. From 1994 until
1998, he served as President of Johnson Products Company, a
subsidiary of IVAX Corporation. Mr. Pietrangelo also serves
on the boards of directors of the American Parkinson Disease
Association, a
organization, SurgiVision, Inc. and Universal Insurance
Holdings, Inc. Mr. Pietrangelo is currently Managing
Partner of The Theraplex Company LLC.
With his distinguished career as an attorney, professor and
senior executive, and having over forty years of experience in
the health care industry, Mr. Pietrangelo brings to the
board extensive knowledge of the health care industry, including
in the areas of law, marketing and management.
Mr. Pietrangelo also has substantial experience working
with consumer packaged goods, including over the counter drug,
skin care and hair care products, in a range of markets.
Further, Mr. Pietrangelo has been a director of our Company
since 1990, and accordingly has extensive knowledge about
Medicis in particular and its business, and provides continuity
to the board. Mr. Pietrangelos diverse and extensive
experience in the areas of law, business and the health care
industry, together with his years of experience with the
Company, allow him to offer a unique and valuable perspective to
the board.
Lottie H. Shackelford has been our director since July
1993. Ms. Shackelford has been Executive Vice President of
Global USA, Inc., a government relations firm, since April 1994,
and has been Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee
since February 1989. Ms. Shackelford was Executive Vice
President of U.S. Strategies, Inc., a government relations
firm, from April 1993 to April 1994. She was also
of Intergovernmental Affairs for the Clinton/Gore presidential
transition team between November 1992 and March 1993; Deputy
Campaign Manager of Clinton for President from February 1992 to
November 1992; and Executive Director, Arkansas Regional
Minority Purchasing Council, from February 1982 to January 1992.
In addition, Ms. Shackelford has served in various local
government positions, including Mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas.
She is a former director of Philander Smith College, the Chapman
Funds in Baltimore, Maryland and the Overseas Private Investment
Corporation. Ms. Shackelford has served as a member of the
board of directors of Southern Youth Leadership Institute since
2008. She has also been the recipient of numerous awards and
achievements, including Registry of Outstanding Women, Esquire
voted Women of the Year, Arkansas Democrat/Gazette Newspaper
Arkansas Black Hall of Fame Inductee (1993); U.S. delegate
to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Vienna,
Austria (1993); National Annual Leadership Award
National Forum of Public Administrators (2007); and, listed as
one of 25 Arkansas Business Minority Trailblazers (2009).
With a distinguished career in both the political arena and
private sector, Ms. Shackelford offers the board a wealth
of management and leadership experience. In addition,
Ms. Shackelford has substantial training in compliance and
ethics issues and continues to receive training on an annual
basis, and she has previously served as a member of our
Nominating and Governance Committee. As a result of her
substantial experience and knowledge, Ms. Shackelford
contributes valuable expertise on governance, ethics, client
services, government relations and company growth and strategy.
As one of our longest standing directors, Ms. Shackelford
provides continuity to the board and has a broad understanding
of the strategic and operational issues we face.
Jonah Shacknai is our founder, Chairman and has been our
Chief Executive Officer since 1988. Mr. Shacknai has an
extremely well diversified corporate and public service
background. From 1977 until late 1982, Mr. Shacknai served
as chief aide to the House of Representatives committee
with responsibility for health policy, and in other senior
legislative positions. During his service with the House of
Representatives, Mr. Shacknai drafted significant
legislation affecting health care, environmental protection,
science policy and consumer protection. He was also a member of
the Commission on the Federal Drug Approval Process, and the
National Council on Drugs. From 1982 to 1988, as senior partner
in the law firm of Royer, Shacknai, and Mehle, Mr. Shacknai
represented over 30 multinational pharmaceutical and medical
device concerns, as well as four major industry trade
associations. Mr. Shacknai also served in an executive
capacity with Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc., prior to its
acquisition by
Schering-Plough Corporation. In November 1999, Mr. Shacknai
was selected to serve on the Listed Company Advisory Committee
to the New York Stock Exchange (LCAC). The LCAC was created in
1976 by the New York Stock Exchange board to address issues that
are of critical importance to the Exchange and the corporate
community. In May 2002, Mr. Shacknai was honored with a
Doctorate of Humane Letters by the NYCPM (affiliate of Columbia
University College of Physicians & Surgeons), and in
the Fall of 2001, he received the national award from the
Freedoms Foundation at Valley
In January 2000, Mr. Shacknai was selected as
Entrepreneurial Fellow at the Karl Eller Center of the
University of Arizona. Mr. Shacknai is president and
director of the Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation, a ranch
centered around special needs children, and is an honorary
director of Delta Society, a public service organization
promoting animal-human bonds. He is also a director of the
Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center, the World
Craniofacial Foundation and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
In 1997, he received the Arizona Entrepreneur of the Year award,
and was one of three finalists for U.S. Entrepreneur of the
Year. Mr. Shacknai has served as a member of the National
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Advisory Council
of the National Institutes of Health, and on the
Science and Technology Commission, both federal
cabinet-appointed positions. Mr. Shacknai obtained a B.S.
degree from Colgate University and a J.D. from Georgetown
University Law Center.
With a distinguished career, and having achieved multiple
successes in a broad range of areas, including in public
service, law and the health care industry, Mr. Shacknai
provides the board with demonstrated leadership capabilities and
is well-suited to serve as our Chairman. As our founder and CEO,
Mr. Shacknai has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of
all facets of our business. He brings to the board substantial
expertise and vast experience in regulatory, governance and
legal matters, as well as years of experience working in the
pharmaceutical and health care industries. He has also developed
extensive relationships within the pharmaceutical and health
care industries throughout his career, including with health
care professionals, which uniquely positions him to advance our
objectives. Through his experience, his knowledge of our
operations and the markets in which we compete, and his
professional relationships within our industry,
Mr. Shacknai is exceptionally qualified to identify
important matters for board review and deliberation and is
instrumental in assisting the board in determining our corporate
strategy. In addition, by serving as both our Chairman and CEO,
Mr. Shacknai serves as an invaluable bridge between
management and the board and ensures that both groups act with a
common purpose.
Continuing in Office Until the 2011 Annual Meeting of
Spencer Davidson has been our director since January
1999. Since 1994, Mr. Davidson has served as President,
Chief Executive Officer and director, and since April of 2007
has served as Chairman, of General American Investors Company,
Inc., a closed-end investment company listed on the New York
Stock Exchange. His background also includes a distinguished
career on Wall Street with positions held at Brown Brothers
Harriman; Beck, Mack & Oliver, investment counselors,
where he served as General Partner; and Odyssey Partners, a
private investment firm, where he served as Fund Manager.
Additionally, Mr. Davidson currently serves as the General
Partner of The Hudson Partnership, a private investment
partnership, and serves as Trustee for both the Innisfree
Foundation, Inc. of Millbrook, New York and the Neurosciences
Research Foundation, Inc. of San Diego, California. A
graduate of City University and Columbia University,
Mr. Davidson holds an M.B.A., a C.F.A. and a C.I.C.
With extensive experience in key leadership roles at various
investment companies, Mr. Davidson brings to the board
demonstrated leadership skills and a track record of success.
Mr. Davidsons expertise in finance makes him a
valuable contributor to discussions and deliberations involving
many of the strategic, compliance and operational issues we
face. Mr. Davidson also has considerable directorial and
governance experience, having served as director of, and
currently as Chairman of, General American Investors Company,
Stuart Diamond has been our director since November 2002.
He has served as Chief Financial Officer, North America, of
GroupM Worldwide, Inc., a subsidiary of WPP Group plc, which is
listed on the London Stock
Exchange, since August 2008. Previously he served as Chief
Financial Officer of National Medical Health Card Systems Inc.,
a publicly-traded provider of pharmacy benefits management
services, from January 2006 to August 2007. He served as
worldwide Chief Financial Officer for Ogilvy Healthworld
(formerly Healthworld Corporation), a division of
Ogilvy & Mather, a division of WPP Group plc, a London
Stock Exchange-listed company, from January 2005 until January
2006, and he served as Chief Financial Officer of Healthworld
Communications Group, a division of WPP Group plc, a London
Stock Exchange-listed company, from August 2003 until January
2005. He served as Chief Financial Officer of the Americas
Region of the Bates Group and of Healthworld Corporation,
divisions of Cordiant Communications, a London Stock
Exchange-listed company, from October 2002 to August 2003. He
served as Chief Financial Officer of Healthworld Corporation, a
division of Cordiant Communications Group plc from March 2000 to
October 2002. He served as Executive Vice President, Chief
Financial Officer, Secretary and Treasurer of Healthworld
Corporation, a publicly-owned pharmaceutical advertising agency,
from August 1997 to March 2000. Mr. Diamond was the Vice
President-Controller of the Licensing Division of Calvin Klein,
Inc., an apparel company, from April 1996 to August 1997.
Mr. Diamond served as Chief Financial Officer of Medicis
from 1990 until 1995.
Mr. Diamond has extensive management experience as a senior
executive with which he contributes to the board a wealth of
knowledge and insight, especially on matters relating to finance
and accounting. Mr. Diamond developed his finance and
accounting expertise while serving as Chief Financial Officer
for a number of companies, including Medicis from 1990 to 1995.
With this experience, Mr. Diamond possesses the financial
acumen requisite to serve as our Audit Committee Financial
Expert and provides the board with valuable insight into finance
and accounting related matters.
Peter S. Knight, Esq., has been our director since
June 1997. Since August 2004, Mr. Knight has served as
President and Chief Compliance Officer of Generation Investment
Management US LLP, a London-based investment firm focusing on
global equities and sustainability. From September 2001 to
December 2003, Mr. Knight was a Managing Director of
MetWest Financial, a Los Angeles-based financial services
company. From 1999 until 2001, Mr. Knight served as
President of Sage Venture Partners, overseeing technology and
biotechnology investments. Mr. Knight started his career
with the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. From
1977 to 1989, Mr. Knight served as Chief of Staff to Al
Gore when Mr. Gore was a member of the U.S. House of
Representatives and later the U.S. Senate. Mr. Knight
served as General Counsel of Medicis from 1989 to 1991, and then
established his law practice representing numerous Fortune
500 companies as named partner in Wunder, Knight, a
Washington, D.C. law firm. Mr. Knight has held senior
positions on four presidential campaigns, including serving as
the campaign manager for the successful 1996 re-election of
President Clinton. Mr. Knight currently serves as a
director and as a member of the Audit and Compensation
Committees of EntreMed, a NASDAQ-listed clinical stage
pharmaceutical company, and PAR Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc.,
an NYSE-listed developer, manufacturer and distributor of
generic pharmaceuticals. From 2000 to 2008, Mr. Knight
served as a director on the board of Schroders Hedge
Fund Family and, from 1994 to 2009, he served as a director
on the board of Schroders Mutual Fund Family. He is
also a member of the Cornell University College of Arts and
Sciences Council and a member of the Advisory Council of
Cornells Johnson School Center for Sustainable Global
Enterprise. He holds a B.A. degree from Cornell University and a
J.D. degree from Georgetown University Law Center.
Mr. Knights experience managing and advising large
companies, including several in the pharmaceutical industry, and
his experience as a chief compliance officer, provides the board
with valuable expertise on compliance and other legal and
regulatory matters. In addition, with his extensive business,
investment and managerial experience, Mr. Knight
contributes meaningful insight and guidance relating to our
operations and business strategy. Mr. Knight also brings to
the board considerable directorial and governance experience.
Continuing in Office Until the 2012 Annual Meeting of
Arthur G. Altschul, Jr. has been our director since
December 1992. He has worked in money management, investment
banking and as a member of senior management of a
publicly-traded health care concern. Mr. Altschul is
co-founder and chairman of Kolltan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and a
founder and a Managing Member of Diaz & Altschul
Capital Management, LLC, a private investment advisory firm, a
position he has held since 1996. From 1992 to 1996,
Mr. Altschul worked at SUGEN, Inc., a biopharmaceutical
firm. Prior to 1992, Mr. Altschul worked
in the Equity and Fixed Income Trading departments at Goldman,
Sachs & Co., was a founding limited partner of The
Maximus Fund, LP, and worked in the Equity Research department
at Morgan Stanley & Company. Mr. Altschul serves
on the board of directors of General American Investors Company,
Inc., a closed-end investment company listed on the New York
Stock Exchange (NYSE: GAM); Delta Opportunity Fund, Ltd., an
investment fund which invests primarily in the health care
industry; Medrium, Inc., a provider of automated medical billing
solutions; and other private ventures. He also serves as a
director of The Overbrook Foundation, a trustee of The
Neurosciences Research Foundation, Inc. and as a trustee of the
National Public Radio Foundation. Mr. Altschul holds a B.S.
from Columbia University in Computer Science.
With his diverse business background in finance, wealth
management and the pharmaceutical industry, Mr. Altschul
provides the board with valuable financial and investment
expertise and an in-depth understanding of the pharmaceutical
industry. Having founded several companies, Mr. Altschul
also brings an entrepreneurial spirit and a proven track record
of success which plays a vital role in board discussions and
deliberations regarding our strategic direction and operations.
In addition, Mr. Altschul has considerable directorial and
governance experience.
Philip S. Schein, M.D. has been our director since
October 1990. Since 2002, Dr. Schein has served as Visiting
Professor in Cancer Pharmacology, Oxford University; and since
1999, as President of The Schein Group, a consulting service to
the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Schein was the Founder,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of U.S. Bioscience,
Inc., a publicly-held pharmaceutical company involved in the
development and marketing of chemotherapeutic agents, from 1987
to 1998. His prior appointments included Scientific Director of
the Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Research Center at Georgetown
University; Vice President for Worldwide Clinical Research and
Development, SmithKline and French Labs; and Senior Investigator
and Head of the Clinical Pharmacology Section at the National
Cancer Institute. He has served as President of the American
Society of Clinical Oncology and has chaired the Food and Drug
Administration Oncology Drugs Advisory Committee.
Dr. Schein was appointed to the National Cancer Advisory
Board by President Clinton.
With a distinguished career in multiple areas of the
pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Schein brings a wealth of
knowledge, expertise and experience to the board. Importantly,
Dr. Schein contributes technical expertise that is critical
to the boards understanding of the complex scientific
issues we face. Dr. Schein has substantial experience
advising and managing public companies in the pharmaceutical
industry, from which he contributes valuable insights and advice
with respect to our research and development efforts, strategic
direction and operations.
Set forth below is information regarding each of our executive
officers as of March 19, 2010.
Jonah Shacknai
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Joseph P. Cooper
Executive Vice President, Corporate and Product Development
Jason D. Hanson
Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
Vincent P. Ippolito
Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Richard D. Peterson
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Mark A. Prygocki
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer
Mitchell S. Wortzman, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer
Jonah Shacknai, see above Nominees for
Election at the Annual Meeting to Serve for a Three-Year Term
Expiring at the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
Joseph P. Cooper has served as our Executive Vice
President, Corporate and Product Development since July 10,
2006. From January 2001 to July 2006, Mr. Cooper served as
Executive Vice President, Corporate Development. From February
1996 to January 2001, Mr. Cooper served as Senior Vice
President, Manufacturing and Distribution. Prior to that,
Mr. Cooper held management positions with Schein
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and G.D.
Searle. Mr. Cooper serves on the board of directors for the
Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center, and served as
past Chairman of the board of directors for Communities in
Schools of Arizona.
Jason D. Hanson was appointed our Executive Vice
President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary on
July 7, 2006. Prior to joining us, since April 2004,
Mr. Hanson served as General Counsel for GE Healthcare
Technologies, a global business specializing in medical imaging,
information technology and other durable medical equipment and
services. Mr. Hanson joined General Electric in April 1999
as Senior Counsel, Global Litigation & Compliance, GE
Medical Systems. In 2001, Mr. Hanson was promoted to
General Counsel, Americas for GE Medical Systems, a position he
held until April 2004.
Vincent P. Ippolito has served as our Executive Vice
President, Sales and Marketing since April 1, 2008. From
January 2006 to April 1, 2008, Mr. Ippolito served as
our Senior Vice President of North American Sales. From January
2003 to January 2006, Mr. Ippolito served as our General
Manager of Dermatology Products, responsible for the marketing
and sales function. Prior to joining us, from 1986 to January
2003, Mr. Ippolito was employed by Novartis AG, a global
pharmaceutical company, where he served in a variety of sales
and marketing roles including General Manager, Marketing Group
Brand Leader for Dermatology and Bone Products and Vice
President of Sales in the Respiratory and Dermatology Division.
Richard D. Peterson has served as our Executive Vice
President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer since
April 1, 2008. Mr. Peterson also serves as our Chief
Accounting Officer. Mr. Peterson has held various finance
related positions with us since 1995. From February 2007 to
April 1, 2008, Mr. Peterson served as our Senior Vice
President of Finance. From August 2002 to February 2007, he
served as our Vice President of Finance. Prior to joining us,
Mr. Peterson was employed by PricewaterhouseCoopers as a
member of the audit department. Mr. Peterson is a member of
the Financial Executives Institute and serves on the board of
the Phoenix Zoo, a non-profit organization.
Mark A. Prygocki has been employed by Medicis for
eighteen years and has served as our Chief Operating Officer
since April 1, 2008 and as Executive Vice President since
January 2001. From May 1995 to April 1, 2008, he served as
our Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. Mr. Prygocki
served as our Corporate Secretary from May 1995 through July
2006. From October 1991 to May 1995, he served as our
Controller. Prior to his employment with us, from July 1990 to
October 1991, Mr. Prygocki was employed by Citigroup, an
investment banking firm, in the regulatory reporting division.
Prior to that Mr. Prygocki spent several years in the audit
department of Ernst & Young LLP. Mr. Prygocki is
a member of the Financial Executives Institute and is certified
by the Arizona State Board of Accountancy and the New York
Society of CPAs. Mr. Prygocki serves on the boards of
Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation and Visions of Hope, Inc.,
non-profit organizations that assist children with special needs.
Mitchell S. Wortzman, Ph.D. has served as our
Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer since July
2003, and as Executive Vice President, Research &
Development from January 2001 to July 2003. Dr. Wortzman
served as our Senior Vice President, Research and Development
from August 1997 to January 2001. From 1980 to 1997,
Dr. Wortzman was employed at Neutrogena Corporation, most
recently serving as President of the Dermatologics Division.
of the Board of Directors
Our board of directors has adopted corporate governance
guidelines to set forth its agreements concerning overall
governance practices. These guidelines can be found in the
corporate governance section of our website at
In addition, these guidelines are available in print to any
stockholder who requests a copy. Please direct all requests to
our Corporate Secretary, Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation,
7720 North Dobson Road, Scottsdale, Arizona
In accordance with these guidelines, a member of our board may
serve as a director of another company only to the extent such
position does not conflict or interfere with such persons
service as our director. A director may not serve as a director
of another company without consent of the board. No director may
serve as a director of more than three publicly-held companies.
No director after having attained the age of 75 years will
be nominated for re-election or reappointment to our board.
Leadership Structure
Our board of directors believes the positions of Chief Executive
Officer and Chairman of the Board should be combined to provide
unified leadership and direction. Our board reserves the right
to adopt a different policy should circumstances change. The
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer works closely with the entire
board and has regular substantive communications with the
Chairperson of the Nominating and Governance Committee, Spencer
Davidson, who is also our lead non-management director. Our
corporate governance guidelines provide that the lead
non-management director is responsible for chairing the regular
sessions of the non-executive directors and that the
non-management directors will communicate on a regular basis,
but not less than three times a year, and will meet in executive
session at the beginning or conclusion of each
regularly-scheduled board meeting.
The board believes that it is currently in our best interest to
have Mr. Shacknai serve as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer for the following reasons. The Chief Executive Officer
serves as a bridge between management and the board, ensuring
that both groups act with a common purpose. The extensive
knowledge of Mr. Shacknai, our founder, regarding our
operations and industries and the markets in which we compete
uniquely positions him to identify matters for board review and
deliberation. Additionally, the combined role of Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer, while balanced with our use of a lead
non-management director, facilitates centralized board
leadership in one person, so there is no ambiguity about
accountability. This structure also eliminates conflict between
two leaders and minimizes the likelihood of two spokespersons
sending different messages. In this regard, our boards
current leadership structure is consistent with practice at many
large U.S. companies. American companies have historically
followed a model in which the chief executive officer also
serves as chairman of the board; this is particularly true for
larger companies where the complexities of the issues often
warrant a combined position to ensure effective and efficient
board meetings, information flow, crisis management and long
term planning. Our current leadership structure with the
combined Chairman/Chief Executive Officer leadership role and a
lead independent director enhances the Chairman/Chief Executive
Officers ability to provide insight and direction on
important strategic initiatives to both management and the
independent directors and, at the same time, ensures that the
appropriate level of independent oversight is applied to all
board decisions. Finally, providing additional balance on our
board, and as discussed in the following section, all of our
directors other than Mr. Shacknai are independent under the
rules of the NYSE.
In accordance with NYSE rules and Medicis corporate
governance guidelines, our board has determined that all
nominees for election to the board at the annual meeting and all
continuing directors, other than Mr. Shacknai, are
independent under the rules of the NYSE. In making this
determination, the board considered all relationships between us
and each director and each directors family members.
During fiscal 2009, the only direct or indirect relationship
between us and each director (or his or her immediate family),
other than Mr. Shacknai, was the directors service on
our board.
Our board held five meetings during fiscal year 2009. During
fiscal year 2009 all directors attended at least 95% of the
combined total of (i) all board meetings and (ii) all
meetings of committees of the board of which the director was a
member. The Chairman of the Board or his designee, taking into
account suggestions from other board members, establishes the
agenda for each board meeting and distributes it in advance to
each member of the board. Each board member is free to suggest
the inclusion of items on the agenda. The board regularly meets
in executive session without management or other employees
present. The Chairperson of the Nominating and Governance
Committee, Spencer Davidson, presides over these meetings as our
lead non-management director. The board has a policy that all
directors attend the annual meeting of stockholders, absent
unusual circumstances. Directors Arthur Altschul, Jr.,
Spencer Davidson, Stuart Diamond, Peter Knight, Michael
Pietrangelo, Philip Schein, M.D., and Lottie Shackelford
each attended the 2009 annual meeting telephonically. Jonah
Shacknai attended the 2009 annual meeting in person.
Our board maintains a standing Audit Committee, Nominating and
Governance Committee, Stock Option and Compensation Committee,
Employee Development and Retention Committee and Compliance
Committee. To view the charter of each of these committees
please visit our website at In addition,
the charters for each of our committees are available in print
to any stockholder who requests a copy. Please direct all
requests to our Corporate Secretary, Medicis Pharmaceutical
Corporation, 7720 North Dobson Road, Scottsdale, Arizona
The membership of all of our standing board committees as of the
record date is as follows:
Stock Option
Jonah Shacknai
Arthur G. Altschul, Jr.
Spencer Davidson
Stuart Diamond
Peter S. Knight, Esq.
Michael A. Pietrangelo
Philip S. Schein, M.D.
Lottie H. Shackelford
We have a standing Audit Committee. The Audit Committee has sole
authority for the appointment, compensation and oversight of our
independent registered public accountants and our independent
internal auditors, and responsibility for reviewing and
discussing, prior to filing or issuance, with our management and
our independent registered public accountants (when appropriate)
our audited consolidated financial statements included in our
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
and earnings press releases. The Audit Committee carries out its
responsibilities in accordance with the terms of its charter.
During fiscal 2009 and currently, Mr. Stuart Diamond
(Chairperson), Dr. Philip S. Schein, and Arthur G.
Altschul, Jr. serve as the members of the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee met nine times during fiscal 2009. In
addition to all members of this committee being determined by
our board to be independent under NYSE rules, our board has
determined that all current Audit Committee members are
financially literate under the listing standards of the NYSE and
under the requirements of the SEC rules. Our board has also
determined that Mr. Diamond qualifies as an audit
committee financial expert as such term is defined by the
SEC rules.
and Governance Committee
We have a standing Nominating and Governance Committee, or
Nominating Committee. Spencer Davidson (Chairperson), Arthur G.
Altschul, Jr. and Michael A. Pietrangelo serve as the
members of the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee
met four times in fiscal 2009. Our board has determined that
each of the members of the Nominating Committee qualifies as an
independent director under the NYSE rules. The purpose of the
Nominating Committee is to make recommendations concerning the
size and composition of our board and its committees, evaluate
and recommend candidates for election as directors, develop,
implement and review our corporate governance policies, and
evaluate the effectiveness of our board. The Nominating
Committee works with the board as a whole on an annual basis to
determine the appropriate skills and characteristics required of
board members in the context of the current
make-up of
the board and its committees.
Our entire board of directors is responsible for nominating
members for election to the board and for filling vacancies on
the board that may occur between annual meetings of the
stockholders. The Nominating Committee is responsible for
identifying, screening and recommending candidates to the entire
board for board membership. In evaluating the suitability of
individuals and establishing a diverse board of directors, the
Nominating Committee considers many factors, including
experience, wisdom, background, integrity, skills (such as
understanding of finance and marketing), educational and
professional background and training, and willingness and
ability to devote adequate time to board duties. When
formulating its board membership recommendations, the Nominating
Committee also considers any advice and recommendations offered
by our Chief Executive Officer or our stockholders. In
determining whether to recommend a director for re-election, the
Nominating Committee also considers the directors past
attendance at meetings and participation in and contributions to
the activities of the board. The Nominating Committee evaluates
each individual in the context of the board as a whole, with the
objective of recommending a group that can best perpetuate the
success of the business and represent stockholder interests
through the exercise of sound judgment using its diversity of
experience in these various areas.
The Nominating Committee will consider stockholder
recommendations of candidates on the same basis as it considers
all other candidates. Stockholder recommendations should be
submitted to us under the procedures discussed in
Additional Matters Stockholder Proposals and
Nominations, and should include the candidates name,
age, business address, residence address, principal occupation
or employment, the number of shares beneficially owned by the
candidate, and information that would be required to solicit a
proxy under federal securities law. In addition, the notice must
include the recommending stockholders name, address, the
number of shares beneficially owned and the time period those
shares have been held.
Option and Compensation Committee
We have a standing Stock Option and Compensation Committee, or
Compensation Committee. Spencer Davidson (Chairperson), Arthur
G. Altschul, Jr. and Lottie H. Shackelford serve as members
of the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee met
six times in fiscal 2009. Our board has determined that each of
the members of the Compensation Committee qualifies as an
independent director under the NYSE rules. The Compensation
Committee reviews and establishes the compensation of our senior
executives, including our Chief Executive Officer, on an annual
basis, has direct access to third party compensation consultants
and legal counsel, and administers our equity based plans,
including the review and grant of stock options and restricted
stock to all eligible employees and non-employee directors under
our equity based plans. The Compensation Committee has delegated
to a
of the board, comprised of Jonah Shacknai, the authority to
grant not more than 40,000 shares of restricted stock and
not more than 80,000 options to purchase common stock or Stock
Appreciation Rights, annually, to employees who are not our
executive officers, subject to specified per person limits and
other terms and conditions. No awards were made in accordance
with this authority during 2009. The guidelines for such
delegation of authority are set forth under the caption
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Policies and Practices with Respect to Equity Compensation
Award Determinations.
For compensation decisions relating to our executive officers,
other than our Chief Executive Officer, our Compensation
Committee considers the recommendations of our Chief Executive
Officer, which are based in part on written assessments of each
executive officers performance during the year,
discussions between him and each executive officer, his
observations of the executive officers performance during
the year, the recommendations of
our Senior Vice President, Human Resources and third party
compensation consultants, and competitive pay practices. For
compensation decisions relating to our Chief Executive Officer,
the Compensation Committee considers a written summary of our
annual performance prepared by our Chief Executive Officer,
their observations and assessments of our Chief Executive
Officers performance and competitive pay practices.
In early 2009, the Compensation Committee conducted its annual
review of the salary, bonus and equity compensation paid to our
executive officers, including our Chief Executive Officer. In
conducting this review, management, at the direction of the
Compensation Committee, employed the services of Watson Wyatt, a
nationally recognized independent consulting firm specializing
in compensation matters. The compensation consultant reported
primarily to and worked directly with our Senior Vice President,
Human Resources. To aid the Compensation Committee in its
review, Watson Wyatt prepared an assessment of the total direct
compensation packages of our executive officers. During 2009,
Watson Wyatt only performed services related to executive
compensation and did not perform any other services for the
Compensation Committee, management or us.
During the fall of 2009, the Compensation Committee reviewed its
compensation consultant alternatives, considered a number of
compensation consulting firms and ultimately selected and
engaged Compensia, Inc. (Compensia) to assist the
Compensation Committee with its review of salary, bonus and
equity compensation to be paid to our executive officers for
2010 as well as other services and support as needed. Compensia
provided no other services to us during 2009.
For further information on the Compensation Committees
processes and procedures used in the determination of our
executive officers compensation, including our equity
based awards policies and procedures, please see Executive
Compensation Compensation Discussion and
We have a standing Executive Committee. During fiscal 2009 and
currently, Michael A. Pietrangelo (Chairperson), Spencer
Davidson and Jonah Shacknai serve as members of the Executive
Committee. The Executive Committee consults informally on
business issues periodically throughout the year. The Executive
Committee is authorized to exercise the rights, powers and
authority of the board of directors between board meetings.
Development and Retention Committee
We have a standing Employee Development and Retention Committee.
During fiscal 2009 and currently, Lottie H. Shackelford
(Chairperson) and Peter S. Knight serve as members of the
Employee Development and Retention Committee. The Employee
Development and Retention Committee met four times in fiscal
2009. The Employee Development and Retention Committee provides
guidance to our board of directors concerning the recruiting and
outreach efforts to attract a diverse job candidate pool,
hiring, training, promotion and retention of employees, as well
as addressing specific issues or problems that arise relating to
employee development and retention.
We have a standing Compliance Committee, which we formed during
fiscal 2008. Michael A. Pietrangelo (Chairperson), Stuart
Diamond and Lottie H. Shackelford are the members of the
Compliance Committee. The Compliance Committee assists the board
of directors in providing oversight and guidance over our
compliance program with respect to legal and regulatory
compliance, including reviewing our polices and practice
regarding clinical research, product quality, environmental
protection and research and development. The Compliance
Committee is charged with reviewing our compliance policies and
practices and monitoring our compliance in the areas of legal
and social responsibility. The Compliance Committee met four
times in fiscal 2009.
Our board of directors oversees an enterprise-wide approach to
risk management, designed to support the achievement of
organizational objectives, including strategic objectives, to
improve long-term organizational
performance and enhance stockholder value. A fundamental part of
risk management is not only understanding the risks a company
faces and what steps management is taking to manage those risks,
but also understanding what level of risk is appropriate for the
company. The involvement of the full board in determining our
business strategy is a key part of its assessment of
managements risk tolerance and also a determination of
what constitutes an appropriate level of risk for Medicis. While
our board has the ultimate oversight responsibility for the risk
management process, various committees of the board also have
the authority and obligation to discuss with management, and
assist the board with, our policies regarding risk assessment
and exposure and the steps taken to manage and oversee our risk.
For example, the Audit Committee focuses on financial risk
exposures, the Compensation Committee reviews risks related to
our compensation plans, policies and programs, and our
Compliance Committee assists the board in its oversight of legal
and regulatory compliance and related risks.
In 2010, our management completed a risk assessment of our
compensation policies and practices to determine whether any
risks arising from our compensation policies and practices for
employees, including non-executive officers, are reasonably
likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company and
presented its findings to the Compensation Committee. The
Compensation Committee reviewed this assessment and the various
incentive and other compensation programs and practices
throughout the Company and the processes for implementing these
programs. We believe that our compensation policies and
practices for employees are not reasonably likely to have a
material adverse effect on the Company.
with the Board
Interested persons, including stockholders, may communicate with
our board of directors, including the non-management directors,
by sending a letter to our Corporate Secretary at our principal
executive offices at 7720 North Dobson Road, Scottsdale, Arizona
Our Corporate Secretary will submit all correspondence to the
lead non-management director and to any specific director to
whom the correspondence is directed.
Code of
Ethics and Business Conduct
Our board of directors has adopted a code of business conduct
and ethics that applies to all of our employees, executive
officers and directors. Our code of business conduct and ethics
can be found in the corporate governance section of our website
at In addition, our code of business
conduct is available in print to any stockholder who requests a
copy. Please direct all requests to our Corporate Secretary,
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation, 7720 North Dobson Road,
Scottsdale, Arizona
We intend to disclose future amendments to certain provisions of
our code of business conduct and ethics, or waivers of such
provisions, applicable to our directors and executive officers,
at the same location on our website identified above.
of Directors
Our Chief Executive Officer does not receive additional
compensation for his service as a director. The table below
summarizes the compensation received by our non-employee
directors for the year ended December 31, 2009.
Compensation Table
Fees Earned
or Paid in
Arthur G. Altschul, Jr.
Spencer Davidson
Stuart Diamond
Peter S. Knight, Esq.
Michael A. Pietrangelo
Philip S. Schein, M.D.
Lottie H. Shackelford
(1) |
Each non-employee director is entitled to receive an annual
retainer fee of $25,000. The chairperson of the Audit Committee
is entitled to receive an additional annual retainer fee of
$15,000 and the other members of the Audit Committee are
entitled to receive an additional annual retainer fee of $5,000.
The chairperson of the Compliance Committee is entitled to
receive an additional annual retainer fee of $10,000 and the
other members of the Compliance Committee are entitled to
receive an additional annual retainer fee of $3,000. The
chairperson of any other committee of the board is entitled to
receive an additional annual retainer fee of $5,000. The members
of the board also are entitled to reimbursement of their
expenses incurred in connection with attendance at board and
committee meetings and conferences with our senior management.
Retainer fees are typically paid in advance, in six-month or
twelve-month amounts. We pay our fees in advance, and thus the
amount of fees paid to non-employee directors during 2009 was
for the twelve-month period from April 1, 2009 to
March 31, 2010. Fees related to the period prior to
April 1, 2009 were paid to non-employee directors during
2008. |
(2) |
The amounts shown equal the grant date fair value of the stock
options computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718. The
grant date fair value of the grant on May 19, 2009 of
options to purchase 15,000 shares of our common stock was
approximately $7.26, as computed in accordance with FASB ACS
Topic 718. The grant date fair value was determined using the
Black-Scholes option valuation model with the following
assumptions: exercise price of $15.89, market price of $15.89,
expected volatility of 0.46%, risk free interest rate of 2.8%,
expected option life of 7 years, and expected dividend
yield of 1.0%. |
Pursuant to the automatic grant provisions of our 2006 Incentive
Award Plan, as amended (the 2006 Incentive Award
Plan) on the date of each annual meeting, each
non-employee director who continues to serve as a director
following the annual meeting is automatically granted options to
purchase 15,000 shares of our common stock. The exercise
price of these stock options is 100% of the closing sale price
of our common stock on the grant date and the stock options must
be exercised within seven years from the grant date. Each option
vests and becomes exercisable for all of the shares of common
stock subject to such option upon the earlier of (i) the
one-year anniversary of the grant date of such option or
(ii) the next annual meeting at which one or more members
of the board are standing for re-election, subject in either
case to the non-employee directors continued service on
the board through such date. |
In addition, in accordance with the terms of the 2006 Incentive
Award Plan, the administrator may substitute for all or part of
the automatic option grant, shares of restricted stock or
restricted stock units, in an amount that does not exceed the
amount determined by awarding one share of restricted stock or
one restricted stock unit for each two automatic option shares
being replaced. Any such restricted stock awards or restricted
stock unit awards will vest over a period of not less than three
years from the grant date of the award pursuant to a vesting
schedule determined by the administrator. |
(3) |
The following table sets forth the number of vested and unvested
options held by each of our non-employee directors as of the end
of our 2009 fiscal year. None of our non-employee directors held
any unvested restricted stock awards as of the end of our 2009
fiscal year. |
Options Outstanding at
Arthur G. Altschul, Jr.
Spencer Davidson
Stuart Diamond
Peter S. Knight, Esq.
Michael A. Pietrangelo
Philip S. Schein, M.D.
Lottie H. Shackelford
The Compensation Committee sets the compensation of all
directors in accordance with the Compensation Committee charter.
Our directors compensation arrangement was adopted
following the recommendation of the Compensation Committee and
was in accordance with guidelines established by an independent
consulting firm. We believe that compensation for non-employee
directors should be competitive and should encourage increased
ownership of our common stock through the payment of a portion
of director compensation in options to purchase our common stock.
Stock Ownership Guidelines
In February 2007, the Compensation Committee implemented stock
ownership guidelines for ownership of our equity by our
directors. In accordance with these guidelines, our directors
must maintain a market value of equity ownership in Medicis
equal to two times their annual retainer. Each director was
given a two-year period to accumulate ownership of the required
multiple of his or her annual retainer. Any newly appointed
director will have a two-year period measured from the date of
appointment to accumulate ownership of the required multiple of
their annual retainer. Pursuant to the guidelines, our
directors annual retainers, as of August 1st of
each year, or partial year for newly appointed directors, are
compared to their accumulated ownership of our equity on
August 1st based on a share price equal to the average
closing price of our common stock for the previous 30 trading
days. On August 1, 2009, Messrs. Davidson, Knight and
Pietrangelo met these ownership guidelines. As of
December 31, 2009, Messrs. Davidson, Diamond, Knight,
Pietrangelo and Schein, and Ms. Shackelford met these
ownership guidelines. The Compensation Committee intends to
review on an annual basis the status of equity ownership of our
directors as of August 1st of each year.
Only shares as to which the director has voting rights are
counted toward the satisfaction of the guidelines. Thus, shares
of restricted stock, whether or not vested, count in satisfying
these guidelines, while shares underlying options, whether
vested or not, do not count. Once in compliance with the
required market values, fluctuations in stock prices during
blackout periods would not cause directors to fail to comply
with this policy.
The Audit Committee of our board of directors has selected
Ernst & Young LLP (Ernst &
Young) as our independent registered public accountants
for the year ending December 31, 2010, and has further
directed that management submit the selection of independent
registered public accountants for ratification by the
stockholders at the annual meeting. A representative of
Ernst & Young is expected to be present at the annual
meeting and will have an opportunity to make a statement if he
or she so desires and will be available to respond to
appropriate questions.
Stockholder ratification of the selection of Ernst &
Young as our independent registered public accountants is not
required by our bylaws or otherwise. However, the board is
submitting the selection of Ernst & Young to the
stockholders for ratification as a matter of corporate practice.
If the stockholders fail to ratify the selection, the Audit
Committee will reconsider whether or not to retain that firm.
Even if the selection is ratified, the Audit Committee in its
discretion may direct the appointment of a different independent
accounting firm at any time during the year if the Audit
Committee determines that such a change would be in our and our
stockholders best interests.
The following table shows ownership of our common stock on
March 19, 2010, based on 60,327,395 shares of common
stock outstanding on that date, by (i) each person known to
us to own beneficially more than five percent (5%) of our
capital stock; (ii) each director and nominee;
(iii) our Chief Executive Officer, our Chief Financial
Officer, each of our next three most highly compensated
executive officers for the year ended December 31, 2009
(collectively the named executive officers); and
(iv) all of our directors and executive officers as of
March 19, 2010, as a group. Except to the extent indicated
in the footnotes to the following table, the person or entity
listed has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the
shares that are deemed beneficially owned by such person or
entity, subject to community property laws, where applicable:
Rights to
Shares of
Total Shares
Percentage of
Common Stock(2)
Directors and Named Executive Officers
Jonah Shacknai
Arthur G. Altschul, Jr.
Spencer Davidson
Stuart Diamond
Peter S. Knight, Esq.
Michael A. Pietrangelo
Philip S. Schein, M.D.
Lottie H. Shackelford
Joseph P. Cooper
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki
All current executive officers and directors (including
nominees) as a group (12 persons)
5% Beneficial Owners
BlackRock, Inc.(8)
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.(9)
* |
Less than 1%. |
(1) |
Represents shares which the person or group has a right to
acquire within sixty (60) days of March 19, 2010, upon
the exercise of options. |
(2) |
Based on 60,327,395 shares of common stock outstanding on
March 19, 2010, including an aggregate of 2,114,284
unvested shares of restricted stock. Shares of common stock
subject to options which are currently exercisable or which
become exercisable within sixty (60) days of March 19,
2010 are deemed to be outstanding and beneficially owned by the
person holding such options for the purposes of computing the
percentage of ownership of such person but are not treated as
outstanding for the purposes of computing the percentage of any
other person. |
(3) |
Includes 487,621 shares of unvested restricted stock and
23,000 shares pledged by Mr. Shacknai. |
(4) |
Includes 182,768 shares of unvested restricted stock. |
(5) |
Includes 242,297 shares of unvested restricted stock. |
(6) |
Includes 163,152 shares of unvested restricted stock and
101 shares held indirectly under the Medicis 401(k) plan. |
(7) |
Includes 235,815 shares of unvested restricted stock and
545 shares held indirectly under the Medicis 401(k) plan. |
(8) |
According to a Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on
January 8, 2010 by BlackRock, Inc., a parent holding
company (BlackRock), on behalf of its investment
advisory subsidiaries consisting of BlackRock Advisors LLC,
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited, BlackRock Asset Management
Australia Limited, BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited,
BlackRock Asset Management Japan Limited, BlackRock Capital
Management, Inc., BlackRock Fund Advisors, BlackRock
Institutional Trust Company, N.A., BlackRock Investment
Management, LLC, BlackRock International Ltd., BlackRock
Investment Management UK Ltd., and State Street
Research & Management Co. that hold the securities.
Each such investment advisor exercises voting and investment
powers with respect to its portfolio securities. BlackRock has
shared voting and dispositive power with respect to all
8,259,896 shares. The address for BlackRock, Inc. is 40
East 52nd Street New York, NY 10022. |
(9) |
According to a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
February 7, 2006 by Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., a
parent holding company (ML&Co.), on behalf of
Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), an
operating division of ML&Co. comprised of
ML&Co.s indirectly-owned asset management
subsidiaries. The indirectly-owned subsidiaries of ML&Co.
which hold these securities are the following investment
advisors: (i) Federated Equity Management Company of PA,
(ii) Gartmore Mutual Fund Capital Trust, (iii) IQ
Investment Advisors, LLC, (iv) Merrill Lynch Investment
Managers Ltd., (v) Fund Asset Management, L.P.,
(vi) Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, L.P., and
(vii) Pacific Life Insurance Company. Each such investment
advisor exercises voting and investment powers with respect to
its portfolio securities. The address for Merrill Lynch and MLIM
is World Financial Center, North Tower, 250 Vesey Street, New
York, New York 10381. |
Discussion and Analysis
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis section discusses the
compensation policies and programs for our named executive
officers, including our Chief Executive Officer, our Chief
Financial Officer, and each of our three next most highly
compensated executive officers for the year ended
December 31, 2009.
The Stock Option and Compensation Committee, or Compensation
Committee, of our board of directors is responsible for, among
other things, the oversight and determination of the
compensation of our named executive officers and the
administration of our equity incentive plans.
We pay and reward our executives primarily based on the
following criteria:
proven skills and abilities to do the job;
targeted financial results; and
performance of the executive or his area of responsibility.
Our strategy has been to provide the compensation necessary to
acquire and retain talented executives with proven experience,
to provide annual incentive bonus opportunities that are tied to
the successful accomplishment of our operating goals, and to
provide competitive rewards that are commensurate with the
skills of our executive talent, the appropriate comparable
market and results delivered. We believe it is important to
provide total target cash compensation levels that are at or
above the 75th percentile of our market data in order to attract
and motivate qualified executives while rewarding for
performance based on corporate objectives. We manage long-term
equity compensation to ensure an appropriate burn rate and
reduction in our historic dilution levels, while still providing
alignment of interests between our executives and our
stockholders. Supplemental compensation and benefits such as
retirement plans and deferred compensation plans are not awarded
to executives. A significant portion of our executive total pay
mix is tied to variable and equity compensation. For our Chief
Executive Officer, we maintain a higher emphasis on long-term
equity compensation to tie his interests more directly with
those of our stockholders and to put a greater percentage of his
compensation at risk based on our performance. The following
chart illustrates the total target direct compensation pay mix
for 2009.
The foregoing chart does not give effect to actual bonuses
granted, including discretionary bonuses granted, for 2009.
Fiscal 2008 was a year of challenges, yet positive results, as
revenues increased by 13.2% compared to 2007 to achieve an
all-time record, while adjusted non-GAAP EBITDA increased
by 10.7% compared to 2007. Our 2008 financial performance was
one of the factors that the Compensation Committee took into
account in modestly increasing 2009 base salaries, setting the
2009 bonus program performance goals, and increasing the value
and amount of equity awards granted. Base salaries for 2009 were
increased slightly over the prior year, averaging an approximate
2.8% increase.
Similar to many of our peers, general economic and stock market
conditions influenced the decline of our stock price in 2008.
Accordingly, the value of the outstanding equity held by our top
executive officers and stockholders declined during that time
commensurately. With 88.8% of all outstanding stock options held
by executive officers
at December 31, 2008 and retention issues more pronounced
given the merger and acquisition activity in our industry, the
Compensation Committee shifted its philosophy and modified its
equity award grant practices for 2009 by granting shares of
restricted stock with a value above the 75th percentile. As a
result, both the number of shares of restricted stock issued in
2009 and their grant date fair value were appreciably greater
than in 2008. The Compensation Committee also implemented a cash
based stock appreciation rights program for non-executive
officers to promote retention, to address the decline in value
due to their
stock options and to manage our burn rate.
In fiscal 2009, despite the extraordinarily challenging year for
the global economy, we reported the largest revenues in our
history. We also exceeded our earnings guidance for the year,
even in the face of generic competition for a major product. We
experienced growth in our U.S. aesthetics franchise with
the launch of
coupled with strong performance by the
franchise. We also launched our
system in Canada. We ended 2009 with the following positive
financial results:
revenues increased 10.7% compared to adjusted 2008
revenues; and
EBITDA increased by 202.0% compared to 2008, while adjusted
non-GAAP EBITDA increased by 10.7% compared to 2008.
As indicated, our 2009 revenue and adjusted non-GAAP EBITDA
operating results were strong and, accordingly, our annual cash
incentive plan, which is based on our performance against
pre-established targets for these financial metrics, paid out at
105% of target for 2009. The adjustments made to our GAAP
derived EBITDA represented the removal of certain expenses and
gains as described under Annual Performance-Based Cash
Bonuses below. While most of our executive officers were
paid bonuses equal to the 105% performance earned under our
annual cash incentive plan, the Compensation Committee also
authorized discretionary bonuses as follows:
Named Executive Officer
Discretionary Bonus
Jason D. Hanson
EVP, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary
Richard D. Peterson
EVP, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Mark A. Prygocki
EVP, Chief Operating Officer
In awarding these bonuses the Compensation Committee considered
the extraordinary efforts and results accomplished during the
year with regard to our intellectual property/franchise
protection, largely with respect to
and to recognize the accomplishments by Mr. Prygocki in his
first full year as Chief Operating Officer.
of Compensation Philosophy & Objectives
As described in more detail below, our compensation philosophy
emphasizes programs and values to our executives that are
designed to reward executive officers for both short and
long-term performance.
How it Applies to Medicis Executive Compensation
Provide total direct compensation, which includes base salary,
annual cash incentive and equity based long term incentives,
that enables us to effectively attract and retain on a long term
basis high-performing executive talent.
All pay levels and actions are considered against practices in
our comparable market. Base salaries and annual cash incentive
opportunities are set at or above the 75th percentile of our
market data, while equity compensation has historically been set
at the 60th percentile, thereby providing total direct
compensation between the 50th and 75th percentile of our market
data. In 2009, due to the market conditions, our financial
performance and the retention issues presented, the Compensation
Committee increased the value of equity awards granted and
shifted to provide total direct compensation at or above the
75th percentile of our market.
Provide a compensation program that is designed to reward
executive officers for the attainment of our financial and
business objectives.
Our annual cash incentive plan pays rewards for achievement of
revenue and EBITDA objectives, equally weighted, which are
pre-established by our Compensation Committee based on the
budget that is approved by the Board at the commencement of each
year. The Compensation Committee has the discretion to reduce
bonus payments for any executive based on the performance of the
executive. The Compensation Committee may also from time to time
reward additional discretionary bonuses to an executive officer
after its review of his performance and the performance of his
area of responsibility.
Provide equity based long-term incentive compensation that
focuses our executive officers efforts on building
stockholder value by aligning their interests with the long-term
interests of our stockholders.
We grant time-based restricted stock so that our executive
officers are directly aligned with the objectives and gains of
our stockholders. Further, our executive officers are required
to fulfill stated ownership guidelines so that they always have
a significant amount of worth (eight times base salary for our
Chief Executive Officer and four times base salary for our other
executives) tied to our success.
Ensure that executive officers devote their best interests in
attracting and negotiating successful business transactions for
our stockholders without concern for their personal prospects.
We provide change of control and related severance benefits to
encourage retention in the face of a major transaction because
of the security of having value delivered in the form of
accelerated equity regardless of whether or not the employee is
subsequently terminated. The cash severance benefits and tax
gross up payments are payable only upon certain qualifying
terminations and reward the officer for past service and through
any change in control transition period.
De-emphasize perquisites and executive benefits.
We do not offer deferred compensation or supplemental retirement
benefits to our executive officers, and they participate in the
same group health and welfare benefit plans as available to all
other employees.
In designing and administering our executive compensation
programs, we attempt to strike an appropriate balance among our
compensation objectives. Our executive officers
compensation is currently composed of base
salary, annual performance-based cash bonuses, equity based
long-term incentive awards, and severance and change of control
benefits. Each of these elements is an integral part of and
supports our overall compensation objectives. Base salaries and
severance benefits form a stable part of our executive
officers compensation package and provide a degree of
financial security for our executive officers and enable us to
attract high-performing executive talent, promote executive
retention and reward individual performance. Our annual
performance-based cash bonuses and equity based long-term
incentive awards form a significant portion of our executive
officers compensation package. These awards provide
compensation in the form of cash and equity that is variable and
at risk and provides incentives to reward both our short-term
and long-term performance. Our annual performance-based cash
bonuses reward successful achievement of pre-established
short-term financial and corporate objectives, while taking into
account individual performance. Our long-term equity incentive
awards, which have shifted over time to consist solely of shares
of restricted stock, insure that our executive officers have a
stake in our long-term success by providing an incentive to
increase our stock price over an extended time period and align
our executive officers interests with stockholder
long-term interests. Our change in control benefits are designed
to ensure that our executives devote their best interests in
attracting and negotiating the best transactions for our
stockholders without worrying about their personal prospects.
of Compensation
The Compensation Committee annually reviews and determines the
total direct compensation to be provided to our executive
officers and certain other officers. Our Chief Executive Officer
makes recommendations regarding the compensation packages for
the officers (other than himself), as more fully described
below. In its review of these recommendations and in
establishing each of the elements of total direct compensation
for each of our executive officers, the Compensation Committee
considers several factors, including each officers role
and responsibilities, an assessment of our financial
performance, Mr. Shacknais assessment of each
individuals performance, other significant
accomplishments, and the competitive market data applicable to
each officers position and functional responsibilities.
Market Data and Independent Compensation
At the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, the Compensation
Committee updated its review of the base salary, annual cash
incentive and equity based long term compensation paid to our
executive officers, including our Chief Executive Officer. In
conducting this review, the Compensation Committee similarly
retained the services of Watson Wyatt, a nationally recognized
compensation consulting firm specializing in compensation
matters, who assisted the Compensation Committee in its review
in February 2008. Watson Wyatt provided no other services to the
company during 2009. In early 2009, the Compensation Committee
reviewed the base salary, annual cash bonuses, equity based
long-term incentives and total direct compensation of our
executive officers as compared to market data prepared by the
compensation consultant based on a peer group comprised of
seventeen companies and two published surveys. The consultant
derived market ranges at the 50th percentile and at the 75th
percentile for each of base salary, total targeted cash
compensation, long term incentives and total direct
compensation. The compensation paid by the peer group within
these ranges are referred to herein as our market data. In
compiling these market ranges, the consultant took the median
value for each element of compensation at the 50th and 75th
percentile from the peer group and from the survey data,
weighted them equally, and then created a market range to
reflect a band of +/- 10% around each such median value.
The peer group companies and the published surveys, which are
equally weighted in the analysis, used in the consultants
analysis as reviewed by the Compensation Committee in February
2009 are set forth below.
Peer Group
Trailing Twelve Month
Net Sales(1)
(in millions)
Biovail Corp.
Cubist Pharmaceuticals
Endo Pharmaceuticals
King Pharmaceuticals
KV Pharmaceutical
Mentor Corp.
Par Pharmaceutical
Salix Pharmaceuticals
Valeant Pharmaceuticals Intl.
Warner Chilcott
Watson Pharmaceuticals
17 Peers with median net sales of
(1) |
Net sales as reported as of November 10, 2007. |
Published Surveys
Survey Name
Survey Cut
Watson Wyatt Data Services
Pharmaceuticals and Bio-technology (Regression $500M Revenue
SIRS Executive Compensation Survey
The Compensation Committee believes that our peer group
represents an appropriate diversification of companies larger
and smaller then us and are closely aligned with our industry.
The consultants report noted that our trailing twelve
month net sales were at approximately 33% of the peer group, our
trailing twelve month EBITDA approximated the median level of
the peer group, and our market cap was at approximately 32% of
the peer group. The Compensation Committee, with the help of
senior management and its compensation consultant, annually
reviews the list of our peer group companies and the criteria
and data used in compiling the list, and considers modification
to the group. The 2009 peer group was the same peer group as
used in the 2008 compensation review, except that four
companies, Adams Respiratory, Bradley Pharmaceuticals, MGI
Pharma and Sciele Pharma, were excluded due to their involvement
in merger and acquisition activity and three new companies,
Alkermes, Cubist Pharmaceuticals and Watson Pharmaceuticals,
were added to maintain a balance between both larger and smaller
The Compensation Committee engaged a new compensation
consultant, Compensia, in November 2009, to assist them with
their review of salary, bonus and equity compensation to be paid
to our executive officers for 2010 as well as other services and
support as needed. Compensia provided no other services to us
during 2009.
to our Peer Group
The Compensation Committee believes it is important to provide
total target cash compensation that is at or above the 75th
percentile of our market data in order to attract and motivate
qualified executives in this important period of our growth
while rewarding for performance based on corporate objectives.
The components included in total target cash compensation are
base salary and target annual bonus. For 2008, our equity based
long-term incentive compensation was, in the aggregate,
positioned from slightly below 50th percentile to the 60th
percentile of our market data, resulting in total direct
compensation falling between the 50th and 75th percentiles of
our market data. The following table shows the position of our
named executive officers compensation as of the end of
2008 relative to the market data used by the Compensation
Committee for their early 2009 determinations. Long term
incentive compensation is based on 2008 restricted stock grants,
with values based on the market price on the date of grant.
Target Total
Long Term
Actual Total
Named Executive
Jonah Shacknai
Joseph P. Cooper
EVP, Corp Dev.
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki
In early 2009, in view of the market conditions and the
Compensation Committees concern over the retention value
of the equity award component of the total compensation package,
and in light of our continued strong financial performance for
2008, the Compensation Committee modified its equity award grant
practices for 2009 and granted equity awards with values
exceeding the 75th percentile of our market data, which resulted
in our named executive officers total target direct
compensation for 2009 being at, or in some cases substantially
above, the 75th percentile of our market data.
Performance Reviews
Jonah Shacknai, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
recommends to the Compensation Committee proposed adjustments to
salaries and bonus determinations for each executive officer
(other than himself) based, in part, on the market data. Each
executive provides Mr. Shacknai with an assessment of his
performance during the year, including significant
accomplishments. Mr. Shacknais recommendations to the
Compensation Committee are based in part on these assessments of
each executives performance during the year, discussions
between Mr. Shacknai and each executive, and
Mr. Shacknais observations of the executives
performance during the year. Mr. Shacknai also reviews the
market data prepared by the compensation consultant in making
his recommendations.
Mr. Shacknai also prepares a written summary of our annual
performance addressing such areas as financial results, product
development and sales, research and development programs and
accomplishments, regulatory compliance, corporate development
activities, and organizational staffing and employee
development. The Compensation Committee utilizes this
information along with their own observations and assessments of
Mr. Shacknai and our performance, as well as the market
data to evaluate Mr. Shacknais performance and
determine his compensation.
of Compensation
During 2009, our executive officers total direct
compensation was composed of base salary, annual
performance-based cash bonuses and restricted stock. In
addition, certain perquisites valued under $10,000 in aggregate
may have also been provided to certain named executive officers
during the year.
Base salaries support our security objective by providing our
executive officers with a degree of financial certainty and
stability that is independent of our performance. In order to
attract and retain high-performing executive talent and to
remain competitive within the market place for talent, the
Compensation Committee targets base salaries at or above the
75th percentile of our market data. At the commencement of each
year, the Compensation Committee reviews and determines the base
salaries of our Chief Executive Officer and other named
executive officers. Base salaries are also established or
reviewed in the case of new hires, promotions or other
significant changes in responsibilities. In each case, the
salary of an executive officer is determined by the scope and
impact of the position to us, individual experience, talents and
expertise, tenure with us, cumulative contribution to our
success, and individual performance as it relates to effort and
achievement of progress by the executive officer toward our
immediate and long-term goals. The Compensation Committee also
receives the market data from our compensation consultant. The
base salaries of our executives, other than our Chief Executive
Officer, were increased an average of 2.98% effective
January 1, 2009, as illustrated in the table below. The
salary increases were intended to approximate cost of living
increases. Our Chief Executive Officer suggested to the
Compensation Committee, and the committee concurred, that he not
receive a salary increase in order to facilitate distribution of
the budget for salary increases to the other officers and
Approximate Market
Named Executive Officer
2008 Salary
2009 Salary
Percent Increase
Position of 2008 Salary
Jonah Shacknai
Joseph P. Cooper
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki
Performance-Based Cash Bonuses
The primary purpose of our annual performance-based cash bonuses
is to motivate our executive officers to meet or exceed our
annual business and financial objectives.
The Compensation Committee maintains an annual cash bonus
program for our executive officers and other specified employees
in which the payment of cash bonus awards is contingent upon us
achieving one or more specified performance goals
pre-established by the Compensation Committee. The Compensation
Committee also has discretion to reduce a bonus award based on
its review of the performance of the individual. This program is
implemented under our 2006 Incentive Award Plan and is intended
to provide performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
The target bonus opportunity for an executive officer is
expressed as a percentage of the executives salary as of
the last day of the performance period, and target percentages
have remained unchanged since the bonus program was implemented
in 2005. The target bonus opportunity for our Chief Executive
Officer equals 90% of his salary, and the target bonus
opportunity for each of our Executive Vice Presidents, including
each of our other named executive officers, equals 75% of his
salary, as in effect on the last day of the performance period.
Bonus payments may range from 0% to 200% of the target bonus
opportunity. Thus, the maximum bonus award for the Chief
Executive Officer could be 180% of his salary and the maximum
bonus award for each Executive Vice President could be 150% of
his salary; provided that in no event may any executive officer
receive a bonus in excess of $2,000,000.
For the 2009 fiscal year, the performance goals were based on
achieving revenue and adjusted non-GAAP EBITDA targets,
which performance measures were weighted equally. These are the
same performance measures and weightings as for the 2008 and
2007 bonus programs. The Compensation Committee believes these
are the most appropriate performance measures to align the
executives objectives with our annual objectives and the
interests of our stockholders, as these measures are intended to
encourage top line performance, expense containment and
operating profitability. In February 2009, after consulting with
senior management and taking into account our business plan, the
Compensation Committee set target revenue for fiscal year 2009
at $610 million and target adjusted non-GAAP EBITDA
for fiscal year 2009 at $172 million. These goals
represented meaningful
increases from 2008 especially in light of the poor economy and
increased generic competition for certain of our products.
The Compensation Committee determined to use an adjusted EBITDA
measure to eliminate: (i) the impact of all impairment
charges recognized by us in connection with investments in
Revance Therapeutics, Inc., as determined in accordance with
U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP); (ii) the impact of non-budgeted
expenses associated with business development transactions and
the impact of related ongoing expenses on EBITDA; (iii) the
impact of subsequent accounting changes required by GAAP or
other regulatory agencies; (iv) the impact of any
litigation or regulatory settlements; and (v) the impact of
all subsequent other charges for restructuring, extraordinary
items, discontinued operations, non-recurring items and the
cumulative effect of accounting changes required by GAAP, each
as defined in GAAP. Consequently, our reported GAAP numbers will
differ from the number used to determine EBITDA performance
under our annual cash incentive program. A reconciliation is
provided to and approved by the Compensation Committee in
connection with the approval of the bonuses payable and as
described below.
As shown in the table below and as in previous years, no bonus
was payable under the 2009 bonus program if our actual
performance was less than 70% of the revenue target and less
than 70% of the adjusted non-GAAP EBITDA target. Each
performance measure (i.e., revenue and adjusted
non-GAAP EBITDA) is given equal weighting in determining
the total bonus payout. Payouts pursuant to each performance
measure are determined separately and then combined for the
total bonus payable. Threshold payout is based on 70% or greater
of target performance for only one criteria, resulting in total
payment of 25% of target bonus opportunity (50% performance
under one criteria, weighted 50%). At 118% or greater of target
performance for revenue and at 130% or greater of target
performance for adjusted non-GAAP EBITDA, a maximum of 200%
of target bonus opportunity is payable for that criteria. The
Compensation Committee believed these targets were appropriate
in order to establish aggressive yet attainable objectives for
revenue that, if achieved, would result in incentive payout
commensurate with results achieved and that the percentage
increases for revenues and EBITDA are not co-related given the
larger amount of revenue needed to achieve the same higher
% of Target Achieved
% of Target Achieved
for Adjusted Non-GAAP
% of Target Bonus Amount
for Revenue
for that Criteria
Adjusted EBITDA Results. For 2009, we achieved
adjusted non-GAAP EBITDA of $194.0 million reflecting
112.8% achievement against target. This result reflects
adjustments totaling $32.8 million that were added back to
our reported EBITDA of $161.2 million. Components of the
adjustments included the following:
a $2.9 million impairment charge recognized in connection
with our investment in Revance Therapeutics, Inc.;
$33.4 million of net expenses associated with business
development transactions associated with strategic growth
initiatives designed to promote long term returns, including our
joint development agreement with Impax Laboratories, Inc., our
joint development agreement with Perrigo Israel Pharmaceuticals
Ltd. and
Perrigo Company, our license and settlement agreements with
Glenmark Generics Ltd. and Glenmark Generics, Inc., USA, and our
license agreement with Revance Therapeutics, Inc.;
a $0.2 million charge associated with a legal settlement;
a $2.2 million gain on the sale of Medicis Pediatrics, Inc.
to BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.; and
a $1.5 million realized gain on the sale of certain of our
auction rate floating securities investments.
Revenue Results. For 2009, we achieved revenue
of $571.9 million, reflecting 93.8% achievement to our
revenue target of $610 million. Revenues for 2009 were
negatively impacted by unauthorized generic
products that were sold into the distribution channel by Teva
Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. and Sandoz, Inc., prior to the
consummation of settlement agreements between us and those
respective companies.
Based on 93.8% achievement of our revenue target, which resulted
in earning 95% of the target bonus opportunity for that
performance measure, and 112.8% achievement of our adjusted
non-GAAP EBITDA target, which resulted in earning 115% of
the target bonus opportunity for that performance measure, and
given 50% weighting for each performance measure, a maximum
bonus payment equal to 105% of target bonus opportunity was
payable in 2009 based our financial performance.
Actual cash bonus payable for 2009 to an executive officer is
confirmed based on a review of individual performance. Under our
annual cash bonus program, individual performance can only
result in a decrease to the bonus amount that is payable based
on the financial performance measures discussed above. At the
commencement of the year, the Compensation Committee approved
four individual performance categories and weighting for each
executive officer as a general guide for any year-end
performance-based bonus adjustments, as follows:
Individual Performance Categories
Jonah Shacknai
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
55% Financial/Strategic
25% R&D Milestones
10% Doctor/Board Relations
10% Compliance
Joseph P. Cooper
Executive VP, Corporate, Product Development
50% Business Development
30% Research and Development; Regulatory
10% Doctor Relations
10% Compliance
Jason D. Hanson
Executive VP, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary
40% Legal
30% Compliance
20% Government/Regulatory Affairs
10% Doctor/Board Relations
Richard D. Peterson Executive VP, Chief Financial Officer
45% Financial Transparency/ Street Management/Budget
35% Financial Strategy, Integration, Business Development
10% Doctor Relations
10% Compliance
Mark A. Prygocki
Executive VP, Chief Operating Officer
35% Sales Operations/ Inter-Departmental Coordination
30% Financial/Strategic/ Street Management
25% Doctor/Board Relations
10% Compliance
To the extent that the Compensation Committee deems negative
performance issues to exist for an executive officer in any of
the categories listed above, the bonus payable to the executive
officer may be reduced in the Compensation Committees
discretion by up to the percentage noted for that performance
At the end of the year, Mr. Shacknai reviewed with the
Compensation Committee summary performance evaluations for each
executive officer other than himself, and his assessment of
whether any individuals performance warranted a reduction
in bonus. Mr. Shacknais assessment was based on his
year-end review of the executives performance, corporate
goals and guidelines communicated to senior management at the
beginning of the year (and described below), individual
challenges and accomplishments during the year, as well as
and industry conditions. The corporate goals and guidelines
established in early 2009 were not specific to any individual,
but were instead directed at a team approach.
Goals and Guidelines
Prioritize customer experience
Develop and retain employees
Enhance support of customers, shareholders and employees
Develop and promote industry leading products
Operate in an ethical and compliant manner
Achieve and exceed budgeted financials
Successfully launch Dysport and LipoSonix
Develop pipeline and product enhancements with approvals from
regulatory authorities
Address employee feedback
Mr. Shacknai also presented a summary to the Compensation
Committee of our performance for 2009, addressing such areas as
financial results, product development and sales, research and
development programs and accomplishments, regulatory compliance,
corporate development activities, and organizational staffing
and employee development. The Compensation Committee utilized
this information, along with its own observations and
assessments of Mr. Shacknai and our performance to evaluate
Mr. Shacknais performance, in making its final bonus
determinations. For 2009, the Compensation Committee determined
that there were no material performance factors for any of the
executive officers that would result in a reduction to any of
their bonuses from the amounts earned based on our financial
performance. See Discretionary Bonuses for 2009
below regarding additional bonuses provided to certain of our
executive officers.
Bonuses were paid in March 2010 after the Compensation Committee
certified 2009 performance and adjustments to GAAP numbers as
described above and the Compensations Committees
determination that it would not exercise negative discretion to
reduce any individual performance payment based on individual
performance. As a result, actual bonuses paid to our named
executive officers under our annual incentive plan equaled 105%
of the executives target bonus opportunity.
The Compensation Committee adopted a similar bonus program for
our executive officers for the 2010 fiscal year, employing
revised revenue and adjusted non-GAAP EBITDA targets. The
Compensation Committee determined, however, that for 2010
specific individual performance categories would not be
established at the commencement of the year or used to limit the
extent to which an executives bonus may be reduced in the
Compensation Committees discretion. Rather, at the end of
the year the Compensation Committee may elect to exercise
negative discretion to reduce any individuals annual cash
incentive payment to the fullest extent it deems appropriate
based on the individuals performance or the performance of
the individuals business unit or function, after review of
such factors as the Compensation Committee deems appropriate.
Discretionary Bonuses for 2009. After review
of the performance of each executive officer and the performance
of the business unit and function for which such executive
officer is responsible, the Compensation Committee determined to
award the following additional discretionary bonuses for 2009
Named Executive Officer
Discretionary Bonus
Jason D. Hanson
EVP, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary
Richard D. Peterson
EVP, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Mark A. Prygocki
EVP, Chief Operating Officer
In awarding these bonuses the Compensation Committee wanted to
recognize the following achievements and took into account the
following factors:
for Mr. Hanson: his leadership in enhancing our compliance
culture; the development and execution of multiple legal,
regulatory, business development and commercial strategies to
safeguard our intellectual property protection of our largest
product; his organizational leadership extending beyond the
scope of the
General Counsels duties and responsibilities; and his
strategic guidance and execution in various potential litigation
for Mr. Peterson: his leadership in the development and
execution of cost saving strategies throughout our organization
in order to exceed our 2009 earnings per share objectives after
a significant revenue shortfall in the first quarter of 2009 as
a result of the launch of an unauthorized generic
product; and
for Mr. Prygocki: his promotion to the position of Chief
Operating Officer, which was not incorporated into his previous
base salary cost of living adjustment; his leadership in
enhancing our compliance culture; his participation in the
development and execution of cost saving strategies throughout
our organization in order to exceed our 2009 earnings per share
objectives after the significant revenue shortfall in the first
quarter of 2009; and his participation in the development and
execution of legal, regulatory, business development and
commercial strategies to safeguard our intellectual property
protection of our largest product.
Based Long-Term Incentive Awards
The Compensation Committee believes it is essential to provide
equity based compensation and maintain ownership requirements
for our executive officers in order to link the interests and
risks of our executive officers with those of our stockholders.
Additionally, we do not offer our executives retirement
benefits, long-term deferred compensation or pension benefits,
and the absence of such benefits is factored into our decisions
regarding equity awards given to our executive officers.
Since 2005, in light of the changes in accounting expense for
stock options and industry trends reflected in our market data,
the Compensation Committee has reduced its prior focus on stock
option grants and has introduced restricted stock awards.
Restricted stock awards enable us to more effectively balance
the impact of dilution and the accounting costs of our long term
incentive program, while still providing a competitive form of
compensation to our executive officers. Since 2007 our named
executive officers have received only restricted stock awards.
This shift in equity strategy was implemented to maintain
control on our annual share usage and to bring our dilution and
overhang rates over time closer to median levels as reflected by
our peer group. Accordingly, the consultants analysis
reviewed by the Compensation Committee in February 2009 reported
that our burn-rate (equity granted as a percent of basic shares
outstanding ) for 2008 was well below that of our peer group
(0.81% versus peer group median burn-rate of 1.91%), but our
overhang and available equity levels were positioned at or above
the 75th percentile of the peer group. As of December 31,
2009, approximately 6.4 million of our 9.3 million of
outstanding stock options had an exercise price that was higher
than the December 31, 2009 closing price of our common
stock of $27.05.
At the commencement of each year, after reviewing the proposals
provided by our Chief Executive Officer, considering executive
performance and tenure, and reviewing the market data prepared
by the consultant, the Compensation Committee determines the
long-term incentive equity awards for our executive officers,
including our Chief Executive Officer, and employees.
In recent years, the Compensation Committee has provided equity
based long-term compensation to our executive officers at a
level below the 75th percentile of our market data in order to
supplement the number of shares available to award to a broader
group of high-performing senior management, professional, and
sales employees and to manage our burn-rate. This practice also
supported the objective of targeting total direct compensation
of our executive officers at the 75th percentile relative to our
market data. For 2009, however, the Compensation Committee
determined to increase the number of shares of restricted stock,
and the value of the restricted stock, to be awarded to each of
the executive officers when compared to 2008, resulting in the
average value of shares of restricted stock granted to our
executive officers (other than Mr. Shacknai) being at
approximately the 88th percentile relative to our market data.
Mr. Shacknais 2009 restricted stock grant values were
at approximately the 60th percentile relative to our market
data. In making its determinations to increase the number and
value of shares of restricted stock to be awarded in early 2009,
the Compensation Committee considered the strength of our
financial performance for 2008, the overall dramatic decline in
the stock market and the market outlook, and the related
retention issues. At the time of its determinations, based on
then market price of $14 per share of our common stock, the
majority of outstanding options held by our executive officers
were significantly
(on average, 40% below the exercise price) and the unvested
restricted shares held by our executive officers
declined to approximately half of their grant date fair value.
In addition, all of the unvested options held by executive
officers were
Thus, the Compensation Committee determined to award a
significant increase in the number of shares of restricted stock
and a significant increase in the value of restricted stock
awarded to our executive officers in 2009 as compared to 2008,
as shown in the table below. In addition, in order to address
the concerns regarding employee retention and market volatility,
and to manage our dilution and burn rates, in 2009 the
Compensation Committee awarded stock appreciation rights,
payable in cash, to certain of our non-executive employees.
2009 Grant
2009 Number
2008 Grant
Number of
Named Executive Officer
of Shares
Jonah Shacknai
Joseph P. Cooper
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki
The restricted stock awards granted to our Chief Executive
Officer vest in three equal annual installments commencing on
the first anniversary of the grant date, as provided in his
employment agreement. The restricted stock awards granted to our
other named executive officers vest over a five year period from
the grant date as follows: Year 1, 10%; Year 2, 10%; Year 3,
20%; Year 4, 30%; and Year 5, 30%. We believe that the five-year
vesting schedule, with 60% vesting in the last two years, aligns
our executive officers with our stockholders in achieving our
long-term objectives and facilitates executive retention.
Vesting of our executive officers shares of restricted
stock terminates upon a termination of employment and is
accelerated in certain circumstances upon a termination of
employment as described under Severance and Change of
Control Arrangements below.
For 2010, the Compensation Committee determined to award
Mr. Shacknai with the same value of restricted stock as
awarded in 2009, and to award the other executive officers with
slightly increased values of restricted stock on average as
compared to 2009, which, due to our higher stock price in 2010,
resulted in approximately half the number of shares of
restricted stock being awarded.
and Practices with Respect to Equity Compensation Award
For the 2009 fiscal year, the Compensation Committee delegated
to our Chief Executive Officer, as a subcommittee of the board,
the authority to grant equity awards to non-executive employees,
although such authority is limited to 5,000 shares of
restricted stock or 10,000 options per participant and
40,000 shares of restricted stock in the aggregate and
options to purchase 80,000 shares of stock in the
aggregate. In addition, all options must have an exercise price
equal to the closing sale price of our common stock on the NYSE
on the date of grant and must have a term not longer than
10 years. All such awards must vest as follows: Year 1,
10%; Year 2, 10%; Year 3, 20%; Year 4, 30%; and Year 5, 30%, and
be subject to our standard terms and conditions for such award.
During 2009, no awards were granted pursuant to this authority.
Equity awards granted in 2009 to executive officers, including
each of the named executive officers, were made on one occasion
only, during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Compensation
Committee held on February 26, 2009. The Compensation
Committee has adopted a formal policy for the grant of equity
awards. Under this policy, equity awards generally will be
granted at a quarterly Compensation Committee meeting and the
grants will be effective (the grant date) on a subsequent date
that falls on the 5th business day following the announcement of
our results for such quarter or annual period. Equity awards
also may be granted as of a specified future date or upon the
occurrence of a specified and objectively determinable future
event, such as an individuals commencement of employment
or promotion. Awards of restricted stock and options when so
approved are expressed in dollar valuations and the actual
number of shares of restricted stock and number of option shares
is determined on the grant date based on the closing sale price
of our common stock on the NYSE on such grant date. As with our
current practice, all options will have an exercise price no
less than the closing sale price of our common stock on the NYSE
on the grant date.
and Change of Control Arrangements
Shacknai, our Chief Executive Officer
In July 1996, we entered into an employment agreement with
Mr. Shacknai. This agreement provides Mr. Shacknai
with, among other things, varying severance payments and
benefits (including tax gross up payments) upon termination of
employment (a) by Mr. Shacknai for good reason,
(b) by us without cause, (c) following a change in
control under certain circumstances, and (d) upon death or
disability. The current term of the agreement is for a six-year
period continuing until December 31, 2011, subject to
certain automatic renewal provisions. The Compensation Committee
renewed this agreement in December 2005 and continues to believe
this agreement is advisable in recognition of the important
contributions and leadership provided by Mr. Shacknai.
Mr. Shacknais agreement was subsequently amended in
December 2008 solely to ensure compliance with Section 409A
of the Internal Revenue Code and to update the salary
information for his 2008 salary level.
Named Executive Officers
Employment Agreements. In order to promote
internal equity among the executive officers, and as part of the
process of ensuring that our agreements are compliant with
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, the Compensation
Committee approved amended and restated or new employment
agreements with each of our executive officers in December 2008
(the 2008 Agreements). In connection with the
adoption of the 2008 Agreements, the participation of each of
the executive officers in our long standing Executive Retention
Plan was terminated. The material terms of the 2008 Agreements
are substantially similar to the agreements in place prior to
December 2008 and to the benefits and payments provided to them
under the Executive Retention Plan. The purpose of the retention
plan, which still exists for certain employees who are not
executive officers, and the purpose of the 2008 Agreements, is
to facilitate the exercise of best judgment by our executives
and members of management in the event of certain change in
control transactions and to improve our recruitment and
retention of key employees.
The 2008 Agreements provide severance payments and benefits
(including tax gross up payments) to our executive officers in
the event of termination of employment (a) by the executive
for good reason, (b) by us without cause, (c) in
connection with a change in control under certain circumstances,
and (d) upon death or disability. The Compensation
Committee believes that it is important for the executive
officers to have severance packages as part of their package of
benefits that provide security and to provide more parity
between the total compensation payable to the Chief Executive
Officer and the other executive officers. The Compensation
Committee also believes that the double trigger requirement for
benefits, requiring a change of control and a qualifying
termination of employment for benefit payment, maximizes
stockholder value because it promotes continuity of management
and prevents an unintended windfall to management in the event
of a friendly (non-hostile) change in control. The 2008
Agreements continue to provide a lower level of payments and
benefits than provided to our Chief Executive Officer, which
level of benefits was originally based in part on market data
reviewed in 2006 concerning peer company practices provided by
our compensation consultant. In connection with the adoption of
the 2008 Agreements, the Compensation Committee approved the
following enhancements to the benefits previously provided to
the executives: (i) increased payment in the event of death
or disability to include an amount equal to the highest bonus
received in the prior 3 years; (ii) provided that
termination due to good reason or disability that occurred
within 12 months prior to the change in control would
result in change in control payments and benefits; and
(iii) terminated our right to withhold severance payments
in the event of a violation of the covenant not to compete and
the confidentiality covenant. In order to be compliant with
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, the definition
of change of control was made more restrictive, increasing the
percentage of shares required to be acquired to trigger a change
of control from 25% to 49%, thereby making it more difficult for
a change of control to occur. The Compensation Committee felt
that the increased benefits were appropriate and within market
for our industry, especially in light of the more restrictive
definition of change in control required. All severance payments
and benefits payable under the 2008 Agreements continue to be
subject to the executive executing a general release in favor of
Award Acceleration for All Employees
Each of our stockholder approved options plans, other than our
2006 Incentive Award Plan, provides for accelerated vesting in
full for all unvested equity awards that are outstanding as of
the date of a change of control. The 2006 Incentive Award Plan
permits the plan administrator to provide for such accelerated
vesting in the individual award agreements, which the
Compensation Committee, as the plan administrator, has done.
These acceleration provisions apply to equity awards held by all
of our employees. We believe that the acceleration of vesting
for outstanding stock options and restricted stock is
appropriate in a
scenario because, depending on the structure of a
transaction, continuing such awards may hinder completion of a
transaction that would enhance stockholder value. In addition,
it may not be possible to replace such awards with comparable
awards of the acquiring companys stock. We also believe
that it would not be fair to our employees if they lost the
benefit of these outstanding awards as a result of a value
enhancing transaction. The acceleration of such awards may allow
the employees to exercise the awards and participate in the
transaction for the shares received, providing such employees
with incentive to effectively and efficiently execute the
transaction. In this way, the acceleration of vesting aligns the
interests of our executives and employees in a potential
transaction with those of our stockholders. For these reasons,
we believe that the acceleration of the vesting of stock awards
upon a
and eligibility for severance benefits in the event of a
termination of employment following a change in control is
beneficial to both our executives and our stockholders.
Ownership Guidelines
We maintain stock ownership guidelines for ownership of our
equity by our executives. In accordance with these guidelines,
our Chief Executive Officer must maintain market value of equity
ownership with a market value equal to eight times his base
salary. Each of our Executive Vice Presidents must maintain
market value of equity ownership equal to four times the
persons base salary. The chart below summarizes the time
frames in which each executive must comply with the stock
ownership guidelines.
100% of the
50% of the Required
75% of the Required
Required Market
Market Value
Market Value
Jonah Shacknai
August 1, 2008
August 1, 2009
August 1, 2010
Joseph P. Cooper
August 1, 2008
August 1, 2009
August 1, 2010
Jason D. Hanson
July 7, 2009
July 7, 2010
July 7, 2011
Richard D. Peterson
April 1, 2011
April 1, 2012
April 1, 2013
Mark A. Prygocki
August 1, 2008
August 1, 2009
August 1, 2010
In order to determine progress toward these stock ownership
guidelines, annual base salary as of August 1st of
each year is compared to each executives accumulated
equity ownership on August 1st based on a share price
equal to the average closing price of the previous 30 trading
days. The chart below summarizes the value owned by each
executive as of the August 1, 2009 measurement date based
on an average closing price for the previous 30 trading days of
$15.88; all disclosed executives that were subject to a 2009
guideline achieved the required level of equity ownership.
Current Guideline as of
$ Value of
$ Value of
as of
to be Held
Jonah Shacknai
6X Salary
Joseph P. Cooper
3X Salary
Jason D. Hanson
2X Salary
Richard D. Peterson
0X Salary
Mark A. Prygocki
3X Salary
Only shares as to which the executive has voting rights are
counted toward the satisfaction of the ownership guidelines.
Thus, shares of restricted stock, whether or not vested, count
in satisfying these guidelines, while shares
underlying options, whether vested or not, do not count. Once in
compliance with the respective market values, fluctuations in
stock prices during blackout periods do not cause the executive
officer to be out of compliance of these guidelines.
and Other Benefits
We also provide other benefits to our executive officers that
are not tied to any formal individual or company performance
criteria and are intended to be part of a competitive overall
compensation program. We offer to all full and part-time
employees a medical plan, dental plan, vision plan and life and
disability insurance plans, for which our executive officers are
provided the same benefits and are charged the same rates as all
other employees. Certain other perquisites valued at less than
$10,000 in aggregate were provided to certain named executive
officers during the year.
We have no defined benefit or defined contribution retirement
plans other than the Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation 401(k)
Employee Savings Plan established under Section 401(k) of
the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the 401(k) plan are
voluntary and all employees who are at least 21 years of
age are eligible to participate. As of December 31, 2009,
approximately 71% of our eligible employees participated in this
plan. The 401(k) plan permits us to match employee
contributions, at 50% of the participants elective
deferrals up to 6% of the total compensation. The 401(k) plan
also allows us to make profit sharing contributions to the plan
to be distributed among eligible plan participants on a prorated
on Deductibility of Compensation
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code disallows a tax
deduction for compensation paid to certain executive officers,
to the extent compensation exceeds $1 million per officer
in any year. However, performance-based compensation is excluded
from the $1 million limit if, among other requirements, the
compensation is payable only upon attainment of pre-established,
objective performance goals and the committee that establishes
such goals consists only of outside directors.
All members of our Compensation Committee are intended to
qualify as outside directors for purposes of
Section 162(m). The Compensation Committee considers the
anticipated tax treatment to us and our executive officers when
reviewing our compensation programs. The bonuses paid to our
executive officers for the 2009 performance period, excluding
the discretionary bonuses described above in the section
entitled Discretionary Bonuses for 2009, are
intended to be performance based compensation under
Section 162(m), while restricted stock awards currently do
not qualify as performance-based compensation since their
vesting is tied to service with us. The tax cost to us for 2009
as result of the operation of 162(m) is summarized in the table
below. While the tax impact of any compensation arrangement is
one factor to be considered by the Compensation Committee in
establishing compensation, such impact is evaluated in light of
the Compensation Committees overall compensation
philosophy to compensate officers in a manner commensurate with
performance and the competitive environment for executive talent.
Total Non-
Tax Cost to
Jonah Shacknai
Sections 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code impose a 20%
excise tax on compensation treated as an excess parachute
payment. An executive officer is treated as having
received an excess parachute payment if he receives payments or
benefits that are contingent on a change in the ownership or
control of a corporation, and the aggregate amount of such
payments and benefits equals or exceeds three times the
executives base amount (as defined in Section 4999).
Also, the corporations compensation deduction in respect
of the executives excess parachute payments is disallowed
under Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code. If we were
to be subject to a change in control, certain amounts received
by our executive officers could be deemed excess parachute
payments. As discussed above, we provide our executive officers
with tax gross up payments in the event of a change in control
fully compensate them for the 20% excise tax and any additional
taxes resulting from such tax
payment. We believe this is important and reasonable as it is
competitive with provisions offered to executives in the
Compensation Table
The following table sets forth summary information concerning
the compensation awarded, paid to, or earned by each of our
named executive officers for all services rendered in all
capacities to us for the years ended December 31, 2007,
December 31, 2008 and December 31, 2009:
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and Principal Position
Jonah Shacknai
Chairman of the Board, Chief
Executive Officer
Joseph P. Cooper
Executive Vice President,
Corporate and Product
Jason D. Hanson(6)
Executive Vice President,
General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
Richard D. Peterson
Executive Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer(6)
Mark A. Prygocki
Executive Vice President,
Chief Operating Officer(7)
(1) |
Includes salary deferred under our 401(k) Employee Savings Plan
otherwise payable in cash during the year. |
(2) |
Amounts represent discretionary bonus payments approved by the
Compensation Committee based on individual performance. |
(3) |
The amounts shown represent the grant date fair value of the
restricted stock computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718.
For a discussion of valuation assumptions for the 2009 grants,
see Note 2 to our 2009 Consolidated Financial Statements
included in our annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009; excluding any
assumptions for forfeitures. Restricted stock granted to
Mr. Shacknai typically vest in three equal annual
installments commencing on the first anniversary of grant date.
Restricted stock granted to the other executive officers
generally vest in the following annual installments: 10% on each
of the first and second anniversaries of the grant date; 20% on
the third anniversary of the grant date; and 30% on each of the
fourth and fifth anniversaries of the grant date. |
In accordance with the recently adopted SEC rules, the amounts
previously reported in the Stock Award column for
fiscal 2008 and fiscal 2007 have been revised to reflect the
grant date fair value of the restricted stock granted in such
years, as determined in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718,
excluding the effect of forfeitures. |
(4) |
Represents actual bonuses earned under the Annual Performance
Based Cash Bonus Program. For 2009, actual bonuses earned were
based on our achieving approximately 93.8% against target for
the net revenue performance goal and approximately 112.8%
against target for the adjusted EBITDA performance goal, as
adjusted in accordance with the terms of the program, without
any negative discretion exercised for individual performance.
See footnote 1 to the Grants of Plan Based Awards
table and Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Annual Performance Based Cash Bonuses for a more complete
description of the bonus program. |
(5) |
The amounts shown for 2009 include profit sharing contributions
made under our 401(k) Plan, as well as matching and
discretionary contributions made under our 401(k) Plan, which
are available to all of our employees, and are set forth in the
table below. Payment by us of life, accidental death and
dismemberment insurance premiums are available to our named
executive officers on the same basis as all other salaried |
employees and are not included in the table. In addition, with
respect to Mr. Shacknai, the table does not include a $655
premium paid in 2009 on a term life insurance policy of which
Medicis is the sole beneficiary. |
401(k) Plan
401(k) Plan
Named Executive Officer
Profit Sharing
Company Contributions
Jonah Shacknai
Joseph P. Cooper
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki
(6) |
Mr. Hanson first became a named executive officer in 2008.
Mr. Peterson first became a named executive officer upon
his promotion to Executive Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer and Treasurer on April 1, 2008; 2008 figures
represent compensation paid to him for the full fiscal year. |
to the Summary Compensation Table
Mr. Shacknais amended employment agreement provides
for the annual grant of a minimum of 25,200 shares of
restricted stock and options to purchase 126,000 shares of
common stock, subject to vesting of one-third of the restricted
stock and stock options on each of the first three anniversaries
of the date of grant. However, these grant levels have not been
followed since 2005. In addition, Mr. Shacknais
amended employment agreement provides for: annual base
compensation of $1,020,000 to be reviewed annually by the
Compensation Committee and increased as appropriate within its
discretion; health/medical and other employee benefits provided
to our other employees; an annual cash performance-based bonus
to be determined in good faith by the board, calculated in
accordance with the applicable performance improvement plan in
effect at the time; and severance and change in control benefits
described below under Potential Payments Upon Termination
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth summary information regarding all
grants of plan-based awards made to our named executive officers
for the year ended December 31, 2009:
All Other
Grant Date
Stock Awards:
Fair Value of
Estimated Possible Payouts Under
Number of
Stock and
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards(1)
Shares of Stock
Grant Date
or Units(2)
Jonah Shacknai
Joseph P. Cooper
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki
(1) |
Represents potential payouts under our annual performance based
cash bonus program for fiscal 2009. The performance goals for
the 2009 fiscal year were revenue targets and adjusted EBITDA
targets. Target revenue for fiscal 2009 was set at
$610 million and target adjusted EBITDA for fiscal 2009 was
set at $172 million. Actual performance against targets was
adjusted EBITDA to eliminate the effects of certain accounting
adjustments, extraordinary expenses and litigation costs. Each
performance criteria (i.e., revenue and adjusted EBITDA) is
given equal weighting in determining the total bonus payout such
that 50% of the total bonus opportunity was based on our fiscal
2009 revenue relative to the established target revenue, and 50%
of the total bonus opportunity was based on our fiscal 2009
adjusted EBITDA relative to the established target adjusted
EBITDA. Payouts pursuant to each performance criteria are
determined separately and then combined for the |
total bonus payable. No bonus was payable if our actual
performance was less than 70% of the revenue target, and less
than 70% of the adjusted EBITDA target. At 70% or greater of
target performance, 50% of target bonus opportunity is payable
(subject to weighting) for that criteria. Thus, threshold payout
is based on 70% or greater of target performance for only one
criteria (and less than 70% performance on the other criteria)
resulting in total payment of 25% of target bonus opportunity.
At 118% or greater of target performance for net revenue and at
130% or greater for target performance for EBITDA, a maximum of
200% of target bonus opportunity was payable for that criteria.
Target bonus opportunity is expressed as a percentage of base
salary, ranging from 75% to 90% of base salary. See
Compensation Discussion and Analysis Annual
Performance Based Cash Bonuses for a more complete
description of the 2009 bonus program. The bonuses actually paid
under the 2009 bonus program reflect maximum payments equal to
105% of the target bonus opportunity and are reflected in the
Summary Compensation Table. |
(2) |
The shares of restricted stock are approved in the first quarter
of each fiscal year based on performance in the prior fiscal
year. In accordance with the terms of his employment agreement,
the shares of restricted stock issued to Mr. Shacknai vest
in a series of three equal annual installments on the
anniversaries of the grant date, subject to his continuous
employment with us. The restricted stock granted to the other
named executive officers vest in a series of annual installments
over the five-year period beginning on the grant date, subject
to continuous employment with us, as follows: Years 1 and
2 10% each; Year 3 20%; and Years 4 and
5 30% each. Restricted stock is subject to
forfeiture upon termination of employment and may not be
transferred until vested. Holders of restricted stock have full
voting and dividend rights with respect to the shares. No
payment is made for the restricted stock. |
(3) |
The dollar value of the stock shown represents the grant date
fair value as prescribed under FASB ASC Topic 718, based on the
closing stock price stock on the date of grant, which for
February 27, 2009 was $11.28. |
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year End
The following table sets forth summary information regarding the
outstanding equity awards held by our named executive officers
at December 31, 2009:
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Number of
Market Value of
Shares or
Shares or
Units of
Units of
Stock That
Stock That
Have Not
Have Not
Unexercisable (1)
Jonah Shacknai
Joseph P. Cooper
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki(4)
(1) |
The table below shows the vesting schedules relating to the
option awards which are represented in the above table by their
expiration dates. |
Option Awards Vesting Schedule
Expiration Date
Grant Date
Vesting Schedule
Joseph P. Cooper
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki
(2) |
The table below shows on a
basis the vesting schedules relating to the stock awards which
are represented in the above table in the aggregate. |
Stock Awards Vesting Schedule
Grant Date
Vesting Schedule
Jonah Shacknai
Joseph P. Cooper
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Stock Awards Vesting Schedule
Grant Date
Vesting Schedule
Mark A. Prygocki
(3) |
Represents the closing price of a share of our common stock on
December 31, 2009 ($27.05) multiplied by the number of
shares that have not vested. |
(4) |
Number of options reported excludes 71,503 vested options
transferred to Mr. Prygockis former spouse in
connection with a divorce settlement as reported on Form 4
filed with the SEC on July 2, 2004. |
Exercises and Stock Vested
The following table summarizes the option exercises and vesting
of stock awards for each of our named executive officers for the
year ended December 31, 2009. The vesting of stock awards
does not indicate the sale of stock by a named executive officer.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Realized on
Acquired on
Realized on
on Exercise
Jonah Shacknai
Joseph P. Cooper
Jason D. Hanson
Richard D. Peterson
Mark A. Prygocki
(1) |
The value realized upon exercise of stock options reflects the
price at which shares acquired upon exercise of the stock
options were sold or valued for income tax purposes, net of the
exercise price for acquiring the shares. |
(2) |
Represents the closing market price of a share of our common
stock the date of vesting (or in the case of vesting which
occurred on a non-business day the closing price of a share of
our common stock on the latest previous business day) multiplied
by the number of shares that have vested. |
Payments Upon Termination or
Our equity incentive plans and award agreements evidencing
options and shares of restricted stock granted to our employees,
including our named executive officers, provide that all such
options and shares of restricted stock shall vest in full upon a
change of control. In general, change of control is defined as
(i) the acquisition by any person or group of beneficial
ownership of 25% or more of the then outstanding shares of our
common stock or the combined voting power of our then
outstanding voting securities, (ii) certain changes in the
composition of our board of directors, (iii) consummation
by us of a reorganization, merger or consolidation or sale or
other disposition of all or substantially all of our assets,
excluding those transactions where existing stockholders
continue to hold
more than 50% of the securities of the surviving entity, or
(iv) a complete liquidation or dissolution of us or a sale
of substantially all of our assets.
Shacknai, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
In July 1996, we entered into an employment agreement with
Mr. Shacknai, in his capacity as Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer. The agreement was amended in December 2005,
renewing the agreement for a six-year period commencing on
January 1, 2006 and expiring on December 31, 2011. The
agreement was amended again in December 2008 solely to satisfy
the requirements of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue
Pursuant to the agreement, Mr. Shacknai is entitled to
receive certain severance benefits in the event of certain
terminations of his employment. The actual level of benefits
Mr. Shacknai would receive depends upon the circumstances
surrounding his termination of employment, as follows:
In the event Medicis enters into an agreement relating to a
change in control of Medicis, or a change in control
of Medicis occurs, and Mr. Shacknai is not appointed as
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the surviving entity (or
to such other position as may be acceptable to
Mr. Shacknai) and he resigns within the six months
following the effective date of the change in control (which we
refer to as a change in control termination),
Mr. Shacknai will receive: (i) an amount equal to four
times the sum of (A) his annual base salary at the highest
rate in effect at any time during the twelve months preceding
his termination; plus (B) the average annual bonus paid to
him during the three years preceding his termination; plus,
(ii) a pro rata bonus (calculated through the date of
termination) based on his prior years bonus. In addition,
should any of the payments made pursuant to such termination
subject Mr. Shacknai to excise taxes under
Sections 280G and 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code, we
will pay him a gross up payment to cover any such tax and
related payments.
In a situation that does not qualify as a change in control
termination, if Mr. Shacknais employment is
terminated by Medicis for any reason other than for
cause, or if Mr. Shacknai resigns for
good reason (which we refer to as an
involuntary/good reason termination), he will be
entitled to receive an amount equal to (i) a pro rata bonus
(calculated through the date of termination) based on his prior
years bonus, and (ii) the number of months remaining
in the term of his employment agreement divided by twelve,
multiplied by the sum of (A) his annual base salary at the
highest rate in effect during the twelve months preceding his
termination, plus (B) the average annual bonus paid to him
during the three years preceding his termination; provided,
that, the severance amount will not be less than two times the
sum of the amounts set forth in (A) plus (B) above,
plus an additional amount equal to
of the sum of the amounts set forth in (A) plus
(B) multiplied by each full year of
Mr. Shacknais service with us.
If Mr. Shacknais employment is terminated by his
death, we will continue to pay his salary to his estate at the
then-current rate for a period of twenty-four months following
his death.
If Mr. Shacknais employment is terminated due to his
disability, we will continue to pay his base salary, at the
then-current rate for a period of twenty-four months following
his termination, and 50% of that base salary for the balance of
the term of his employment agreement, but in no event less than
an additional period of twelve months.
In the event of a termination of employment under any of the
circumstances described above, all options then held by
Mr. Shacknai will automatically vest upon such termination
and will remain exercisable for their full term. If there is a
change in control termination or an involuntary/good reason
termination, we will pay Mr. Shacknai (i) a stipend of
$75,000 annually for administrative support and services for a
period of three years following his date of termination or, if
longer, for the balance of the term of his employment agreement;
and (ii) an amount necessary to offset any other damages
Mr. Shacknai may suffer as a result of our termination of
his employment including damages for any loss of benefits
Mr. Shacknai would have received if he remained employed by
us for the remainder of the term of his employment agreement and
all legal fees and expenses incurred by Mr. Shacknai in
contesting or disputing his termination or in seeking to obtain
or enforce any right or benefit provided by his employment
agreement. In the event of a termination of employment under any
of the circumstances described above, we are required to
maintain continued benefits for four years. Given the contingent
nature of any payments referenced in
(ii) above, we have not valued them in the table set forth
below. In the event that a change in control results in
dissolution of our 2006 Incentive Award Plan and
Mr. Shacknai remains employed by the successor entity,
Mr. Shacknai can elect to participate in the successor
entitys plans or receive a cash payment for his stock
options in our company. The cash payment would be an amount
equal to the value of 0.5% of the capitalization of the company
on the day prior to the change in control multiplied by the
number of years remaining in the term of his employment
agreement. A prorated portion of this payment would be paid on
each anniversary of the change in control until the end of his
employment agreement provided that Mr. Shacknai remains
employed by the successor entity through such payment dates or
has been terminated without cause. Given the contingent nature
of this cash payment, we have not valued it in the table set
forth below.
Unless Mr. Shacknai is terminated for cause or voluntarily
resigns without good reason, we will provide for a period of
four years following his date of termination, benefits under all
employee benefit plans and programs in which he is entitled to
participate immediately prior to his date of termination or, in
the event his participation is not permitted under the terms of
one or more of such plans and programs, benefits substantially
similar to the benefits he would otherwise have been entitled to
receive or the economic equivalent of such benefits. At the end
of such period of coverage, Mr. Shacknai may choose to have
assigned to him, without cost and without apportionment of
prepaid premiums, any assignable insurance policy owned by us
which relates to him specifically. Since July 2001, we have
maintained a $1 million term life insurance policy, for
which we pay $655 annually in premiums. Effective with the
policy year beginning July 2012, the premiums increase to
$16,285 per year.
Generally, all payments are lump sum payments payable within
five to 30 days following termination. If we determine that
any payments or benefits provided to Mr. Shacknai may
become subject to Section 409A of the Internal Revenue
Code, we may delay any such payment for a period of up to six
months after Mr. Shacknais termination of employment,
as required by Section 409A, in order to avoid potentially
adverse tax consequences to Mr. Shacknai. Any such deferred
amounts will receive interest.
The agreement automatically renews for successive periods of
five years, unless either party gives timely notice of an
intention not to renew. Mr. Shacknai may terminate the
employment agreement prior to the end of the term. The agreement
provides that during his employment and for a period of one year
following termination for reasons other than a change in control
of Medicis, Mr. Shacknai will not engage in, consult with
or be employed by any competing business (as defined). The
agreement also contains customary non-solicitation provisions
and provides for the transfer to Medicis of any intellectual
property relating to its business.
For these purposes, change in control is defined as
the entering into of an agreement to merge with, or to sell or
otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of our assets or
stock to, or the acquisition of us by, another corporation or
entity. Good reason is defined as (i) the
failure to continue the appointment of Mr. Shacknai as our
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, (ii) the reduction of
Mr. Shacknais annual salary below his then-current
base salary, (iii) the material diminishing of
Mr. Shacknais duties or responsibilities as our
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, (iv) the assignment
to Mr. Shacknai of duties and responsibilities inconsistent
with his position as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, or
(v) the relocation of our headquarters, in connection with
a change in ownership or control, of more than thirty miles.
For the purposes of the Mr. Shacknais employment
agreement, cause shall mean: (i) the conviction
of the executive for a felony involving fraud or moral
turpitude; (ii) the executives engaging in activities
prohibited by the non-compete provisions of the agreement;
(iii) the executives frequent willful gross neglect
(other than as a result of physical, mental or emotional
illness) of his duties and responsibilities under the agreement
that has a material adverse impact on the business or reputation
of the company; or (iv) the executives willful gross
misconduct that has a material adverse impact on the business or
reputation of the company.
In accordance with the requirements of the rules of the SEC, the
following table presents our reasonable estimate of the benefits
payable to Mr. Shacknai under his employment agreement. The
payments were determined presuming that the following events
each occurred on December 31, 2009, the last business day
of fiscal 2009: (a) a change in control and qualifying
termination of employment, (b) a change in control,
(c) an involuntary termination without cause or resignation
for good reason, (d) death, (e) disability, or
(f) a voluntary termination with or without good reason.
Excluded are: (i) benefits provided to all employees, such
as accrued vacation, and benefits payable by third parties under
our disability insurance policies; (ii) prorated bonus for
the year of termination, since the
triggering event occurs on the last day of the performance
period, as of which date Mr. Shacknai has earned the full
bonus; and (iii) gross up payments for excise taxes that
Mr. Shacknai may incur in the event of an involuntary/good
reason termination (other than a change in control termination)
that closely follows a change in control. While we have made
reasonable assumptions regarding the amounts payable, there can
be no assurance that in the event of a termination of employment
Mr. Shacknai will receive the amounts reflected below:
Value of Equity
Stipend for
Salary and
of Employment
280G Tax
Gross Up(5)
Total Value
Change in Control and Qualifying Termination(6)
Change in Control, no Termination
Involuntary/Good Reason Termination
Voluntary or Mutual Termination
(1) |
In the case of a change in control termination, represents a sum
equal to four times Mr. Shacknais highest base salary
in the last twelve months and average annual bonus amounts paid
In the case of an involuntary/good reason termination,
represents a sum equal to two times such base salary plus such
bonus, and an additional 1/24 of such base salary plus such
bonus for each of his 22 years of service with us. In the
case of death, represents an amount equal to two times current
base salary (as of 12/31/2009). In the case of disability,
represents an amount equal to 2.5 times current base salary. |
(2) |
Represents the intrinsic value of the accelerated vesting of
unvested restricted stock, based on the closing price of our
common stock on December 31, 2009 of $27.05. The intrinsic
value of accelerated vesting of stock options is zero because
Mr. Shacknai does not have any outstanding unvested stock
options as of December 31, 2009. |
(3) |
Amount reflects continued medical and dental benefits provided
to Mr. Shacknai and certain family members for the life of
Mr. Shacknai, calculated using current COBRA costs, and for
a change of control and qualifying termination and an
involuntary/good reason termination also includes the value of
the loss of additional benefits, such as life and disability
insurance and 401(k) and profit sharing contributions that
otherwise would have been provided under the employment
agreement for the remainder of the term of his employment
agreement. |
(4) |
Represents an annual stipend of $75,000 paid for three years for
administrative support. |
(5) |
A gross up for purposes of Internal Revenue Code
Sections 280G and 4999 is a contract provision that
obligates the company to pay the excise tax (and all associated
taxes) that may be triggered as a result of an excess
parachute payment resulting from a change in control.
Given Mr. Shacknais prior five years
compensation history, there would not be deemed any excess
parachute payment and thus no tax gross up amount would be
payable. These determinations are based on our best estimate of
the individuals liabilities under Internal Revenue Code
Sections 280G and 4999, assuming the change in control and
qualifying termination occurred on December 31, 2009. |
(6) |
A qualifying termination includes involuntary terminations, good
reason resignations, and terminations due to death or disability. |
Named Executive Officers
In December 2008, we entered into new or amended and restated
employment agreements with each of our current named executive
officers, other than Mr. Shacknai (the Employment
Agreements). Prior to the effective
dates of the Employment Agreements, our named executive officers
participated in the Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation Executive
Retention Plan, or retention plan, which has been effective
since April 1, 1999 and which provided certain key
employees with benefits upon a termination in connection with a
change of control. The purpose of the retention plan, which
still exists for certain employees who are not named executive
officers, and the purpose of the new or amended and restated
employment agreements, is to facilitate the exercise of best
judgment in the event of certain change in control transactions
and improve our recruitment and retention of key employees. In
connection with the Employment Agreements entered into in
December 2008, the participation of each of Joseph P. Cooper,
Jason D. Hanson, Vincent P. Ippolito, Richard D. Peterson and
Mark A. Prygocki in the retention plan was terminated. The
Employment Agreements provide, in part, for the payment of
certain severance benefits, while subjecting the executives to
confidentiality, non-solicitation and non-compete covenants, as
described below.
Terminations without Change in Control and without
Cause. In the event of a termination of the
executives employment without cause or by
executive for good reason, and provided that the
executive has delivered to us a general release in our favor and
is not in material breach of any provisions of his employment
agreement, we will pay the sum of (i) two times the highest
rate of such executives annual base compensation in effect
during the three years preceding the effective date of
termination, (ii) two times the highest annual bonus
received by such executive in the three year period preceding
the effective date of termination, and (iii) a prorated
bonus for the year in which the termination occurs determined
based on a fraction of the highest annual bonus received by the
executive in the three year period immediately preceding the
effective date.
In the event of a termination of the executives employment
by us due to death or disability, and provided that the
executive (or executives estate) has delivered to us a
general release in our favor and is not in material breach of
any provisions of his employment agreement, we will pay the sum
of (i) one years base compensation as then in effect
and (ii) the highest annual bonus received by the executive
in the three year period immediately preceding the effective
date of termination.
In addition, in the event of a termination of the
executives employment without cause or by executive for
good reason, or a termination of executives employment due
to death or disability:
all unvested stock options, restricted stock and other
equity-based awards held by the executive will immediately vest
as of the date of such termination;
the executive will receive, in a lump sum payment, an amount
equal to twenty-four months of applicable COBRA premiums for the
executive and the executives covered dependants;
the executive will receive a lump sum cash payment, in lieu of
two years of life and disability coverage under our policies
equal to four hundred percent of the total premiums that would
be paid by us and the executive pursuant to our
policies; and
the executive will receive a lump sum cash payment equal to the
value of the retirement pension to which the executive would
have been entitled under our pension plan, excess benefit plan
and supplemental retirement plan, if any, if the
executives employment had continued for an additional
period of twenty-four months, reduced by the present value
(determined as of the executives normal retirement date)
of the executives actual benefits under our pension plan,
excess benefit plan and supplemental retirement plan.
Effects of Change In Control. In the event of
a change in control, all unvested stock options,
restricted stock and other equity-based awards granted to the
executive will immediately vest and become exercisable
immediately prior to the consummation of the change in control.
In addition to the severance payments and benefits to which the
executive may become entitled pursuant to a termination without
cause or by the executive for good reason described above, if
the executives employment is terminated in connection with
a change in control, and provided that the executive has
delivered to us a general release in our favor and is not in
material breach of any provisions of his employment agreement,
the executive shall also be entitled to the following payments
and benefits:
if the executives employment is terminated due to death or
disability subsequent to the announcement of a change in control
or on or within twelve months following the consummation of the
most recent change in control, a lump sum payment equal to two
times the sum of (i) the highest rate of the
executives annual base
compensation in effect during the three years preceding the
effective date of the termination plus (ii) the highest
annual bonus received by the executive in the three year period
preceding the effective date of the termination, minus an amount
equal to the amount otherwise payable under the Employment
Agreement in the event of the executives termination due
to death or disability;
reimbursement for all legal fees and expenses incurred by the
executive as a result of his termination of employment, unless
the executives claim is determined by a court to be
frivolous or without merit; and
the forfeiture provisions of any stock option agreements with
the executive regarding our right to profits from the exercise
of options within three years of the executives
termination shall be null and void.
In the event that any payment or benefit received by an
executive in connection with a change in control or termination
of the executives employment will be subject to the excise
tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code,
we will pay to the executive an additional amount such that the
net amount retained by the executive, after deduction of
applicable taxes, will equal the total payments that the
executive would have received absent such excise tax.
Termination for Cause. In the event the
executive is terminated for cause, we shall pay to the executive
three installment payments, each of which will be in an amount
equal to 1/12th of the executives annual base compensation
as of the effective date of the termination, provided that
executive is not otherwise in material breach of any of the
provisions of his or her employment agreement. We also may
elect, in consideration for the executives agreement to
extend a post-termination non-compete agreement, to pay an
additional amount based on 1/12th of the executives
highest annual base compensation in the preceding three years
plus 1/12th the executives highest annual bonus during the
preceding three years, multiplied by a multiplier to be
determined by us, which may not exceed twenty-one. In the table
below, we have not valued any of these payments as they are
subject to the discretion of the board and may vary from person
to person.
Payment Provisions. All payments are to be
made in a lump sum and are generally payable in accordance with
the short term deferral rules of Section 409A of the
Internal Revenue Code requiring payments be made by the
15th day of the third month following the taxable year in
which there no longer is a substantial risk of forfeiture of
such amounts. All payments are subject to the executive
executing a general release in favor of us and the
executives compliance with confidentiality,
non-solicitation and non-compete covenants.
Definitions. For the purposes of the
Employment Agreements, cause means the boards
reasonable determination that one or more of the following
conditions exist (i) the executive has been convicted of or
pled guilty or nolo contendere to any felony; (ii) the
executive has committed one or more acts of theft, embezzlement
or misappropriation against the company; (iii) the
executive has failed to substantially perform the
executives duties (other than such failure resulting from
the executives incapacity due to physical or mental
illness), or failed to exercise appropriate diligence, effort
and skill, in either case, which failures are not cured within
thirty days following written notice; (iv) the executive
has materially breached his obligations under the employment
agreement, which breach was not remedied within thirty days; or
(v) the executive has engaged in willful misconduct towards
us or in any conduct involving moral turpitude that is
demonstrably injurious to the business or our reputation.
For the purposes of the Employment Agreements, good
reason is defined as (i) a material diminution in the
executives base salary; (ii) a material diminution in
the executives authority, duties, or responsibilities;
(iii) a material diminution in the authority, duties or
responsibilities of the supervisor to whom the executive is
required to report; (iv) a material change in the
geographic location of the executives principal office;
(v) during the twenty-four (24) month period following
the most recent change in control, we amend (in a manner
materially adverse to the executive) or terminate any of our
performance-based bonus or incentive plan in which the executive
participates immediately prior to the effective date of a change
in control and pursuant to which the executive receives a
material amount of the executives compensation, without
providing a replacement benefit or program of substantially
similar value; or (vii) any other action or inaction that
constitutes a material breach by us of the employment agreement.
For the purposes of the Employment Agreements, change in
control generally means the occurrence of any of the
following: (i) the acquisition by any individual, entity or
group of 49% or more of the then outstanding
common stock of the company or the combined voting power of the
then outstanding securities of the company generally entitled to
vote in the election of directors, (ii) individuals who, as
of the date of the Employment Agreements, constitute the board
of the company, or the incumbent board, ceasing to constitute at
least a majority of the board (except for incumbent board
members whose election or nomination for election is approved by
at least a majority of the incumbent board), or (iii) a
reorganization, merger or consolidation or sale or other
disposition of substantially all of the assets of the company;
in the case of each of (i), (ii) and (iii) subject to
exceptions, limitations and further description as set forth in
the Employment Agreements.
Table Regarding Amounts Payable. In accordance
with the requirements of the rules of the SEC, the following
table presents our reasonable estimate of the benefits payable
to the named executive officers under their Employment
Agreements. The payments were determined presuming that the
following events each occurred on December 31, 2009, the
last business day of fiscal 2009: (a) a change in control
and qualifying termination, (b) a change in control,
(c) a without cause/good reason termination, or
(d) death or disability prior to a change of control
(disability that occurs within 12 months following a change
in control pays out like a change in control and qualifying
termination). Excluded are (i) benefits provided to all
employees, such as accrued vacation, and benefits payable by
third parties under our disability insurance policies; and
(ii) prorated bonus for the year of termination, since the
triggering event occurs on the last day of the performance
period, as of which date the executive has earned the full
bonus. While we have made reasonable assumptions regarding the
amounts payable, there can be no assurance that in the event of
a termination of employment the named executive officers will
receive the amounts reflected below:
Value of Equity
Continuation of
280G Tax
and Bonus
Gross Up(5)
Joseph P. Cooper
Change in Control and Qualifying Termination(6)
Change in Control, no Termination
Without Cause/Good
Reason Termination
Death or Disability
(before a change in control)
Jason D. Hanson
Change in Control and Qualifying Termination(6)
Change in Control, no Termination
Without Cause/Good
Reason Termination
Death or Disability
(before a change in control)
Richard D. Peterson
Change in Control and Qualifying Termination(6)
Change in Control, no Termination
Without Cause/Good
Reason Termination
Death or Disability
(before a change in control)
Mark A. Prygocki
Change in Control and Qualifying Termination(6)
Change in Control, no Termination
Without Cause/Good
Reason Termination
Death or Disability
(before a change in control)
(1) |
In situations other than death or disability before a change of
control, represents an amount equal to two times the highest
rate of salary in effect in the preceding three years, plus
two-times the highest annual bonus received by executive in the
period. In the case of death or disability before a change in
control, represents an amount equal to one year of
executives then current base salary plus the highest
annual bonus received by executive in the
period. |
(2) |
Excludes payments that may be made in the event of a termination
for cause due to a failure to perform his duties that has not
been cured within thirty days following notice of such failure,
in which event we will pay each of Mr. Cooper,
Mr. Hanson, Mr. Peterson and Mr. Prygocki 1/12th
of his current base salary on each of the 30th, 60th and 90th
day after such termination, for a total payment of $118,750,
$121,250, $108,750 and $137,500, respectively. We have not
valued any of the optional payments we may make on termination
of an executive for cause as these payments are subject to the
discretion of the board and may vary from person to person. |
(3) |
Represents the intrinsic value of the accelerated vesting of
each executives unvested restricted stock and unvested
stock options, based on the closing price of our common stock on
December 31, 2009 of $27.05. |
(4) |
Represents an amount equal to (i) two years of COBRA
coverage, based on the current COBRA monthly premium rates in
effect for executive and his dependents plus (ii) an amount
equal to four-times the current premiums paid by us and
executive for life and disability insurance. |
(5) |
A gross up for purposes of Internal Revenue Code
Sections 280G and 4999 is a contract provision that
obligates the company to pay the excise tax (and all associated
taxes) that may be triggered as a result of an excess
parachute payment, resulting from a change in control. The
excise tax amount is based on our best estimate of each
executives liabilities under of Internal Revenue Code
Sections 280G and 4999, assuming the change in control and
qualifying termination occurred on December 31, 2009. Given
the prior five years compensation history,
Mr. Prygocki would not receive a
payment. These determinations are based on our best estimate of
the individuals liabilities under Internal Revenue Code
Sections 280G and 4999, assuming the change in control and
qualifying termination occurred on December 31, 2009. |
(6) |
A qualifying termination includes involuntary terminations, good
reason resignations, and terminations due to death or disability. |
Option and Compensation Committee Report
The Stock Option and Compensation Committee has reviewed and
discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis with
management. Based on the review and discussions, the Stock
Option and Compensation Committee recommended to the board of
directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be
included in this proxy statement for the 2010 annual meeting of
stockholders and incorporated by reference in our 2009 annual
report on
Form 10-K.
The Stock Option and Compensation Committee of the Board of
Spencer Davidson
Arthur G. Altschul, Jr.
Lottie H. Shackelford
Committee Report
Following is the report of the Audit Committee with respect to
Medicis audited consolidated balance sheets for the fiscal
years ending December 31, 2009 and 2008, and the related
consolidated statements of operations, stockholders equity
and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
December 31, 2009 and the notes thereto.
Responsibilities. The Audit Committee operates
under a written charter adopted by the board of directors. The
role of the Audit Committee is to oversee our financial
reporting process on behalf of the board of directors. Our
management has the primary responsibility for our financial
statements as well as our financial reporting process and
principles, internal controls and disclosure controls. The
independent auditors, Ernst & Young LLP, are
responsible for performing an audit of our financial statements
and expressing an opinion as to the conformity of such financial
statements with U.S. generally accepted accounting
principles. Ernst & Young LLP is also responsible for
expressing an opinion on managements assessment of the
effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting and
also the effectiveness of our internal controls over financial
Review with Management. The Audit Committee
has reviewed and discussed our audited financial statements
(including the quality of our accounting principles) with
management. Our management is responsible for the preparation,
presentation and integrity of our financial statements.
Management is also responsible for establishing and maintaining
internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in
Exchange Act
Rule 13a-15(f))
and for evaluating the effectiveness of those internal controls
and for evaluating any changes in those controls that will, or
is reasonably likely to, affect internal controls over financial
reporting. Management is also responsible for establishing and
maintaining disclosure controls (as defined in Exchange Act
Rule 13a-15(e))
and for evaluating the effectiveness of disclosure controls and
Review and Discussions with Independent
Accountants. The Audit Committee has reviewed and
discussed our audited financial statements (including the
quality of Medicis accounting principles) with
Ernst & Young LLP. The Audit Committee has discussed
with Ernst & Young LLP the matters required to be
discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, as
amended (AICPA, Professional Standards, Vol. 1. AU
section 380), as adopted by the Public Company Accounting
and Oversight Board (PCAOB) in Rule 3200T,
which includes, among other items, matters related to the
conduct of the audit of our financial statements, and the
matters required to be discussed by Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board Auditing Standard No. 2, An Audit of
Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Performed in
Conjunction with an Audit of Financial Statements. Further,
the Audit Committee reviewed Ernst & Young LLPs
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm included
in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
related to its audit of the consolidated financial statements
and financial statement schedules, managements assessment
of the effectiveness of internal controls over financial
reporting, and the effectiveness of internal controls over
financial reporting.
The Audit Committee has also received and reviewed the written
disclosures and the letter from Ernst & Young LLP
required by the applicable requirements of the PCAOB regarding
Ernst & Young LLPs communications with the Audit
Committee concerning independence, and has discussed with
Ernst & Young LLP its independence from us.
Conclusion. Based on the review and
discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee recommended
to the board of directors that our audited financial statements
be included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.
Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
Stuart Diamond
Philip S. Schein, M.D.
Arthur G. Altschul, Jr.
Public Accountants
Ernst & Young LLP provided audit, audit-related and
tax services to us during the fiscal years ended
December 31, 2009 and 2008 as follows:
Type of Fees
Fiscal 2009
Fiscal 2008
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
This category includes fees associated with our annual audit,
the reviews of our quarterly reports on
Form 10-Q,
and statutory audits required internationally. This category
also includes fees associated with advice on audit and
accounting matters that arose during, or as a result of, the
audit or the review of our interim financial statements,
statutory audits, the assistance with the review of our SEC
registration statements and the audit of our internal control
over financial reporting required by Section 404 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
This category includes fees associated with employee benefit
plan audits, internal control reviews, accounting consultations,
and attestation services that are not required by statute or
This category includes fees for tax planning for merger and
acquisition activities and tax consultations.
Other Fees
We did not engage Ernst & Young LLP to provide any
information technology services or any other services during the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.
Policies and Procedures
The Audit Committee has specifically approved all of the audit,
internal audit and non-audit services performed by
Ernst & Young LLP and has determined the rendering of
such non-audit services was compatible with maintaining
Ernst & Young LLPs independence. The Audit
Committee has delegated to the Chairman of the Audit Committee
the authority to pre-approve audit-related and non-audit related
services not prohibited by law to be performed by our
independent auditors and associated fees, provided the Chairman
shall report any decisions to pre-approve such audit-related or
non-audit services and fees to the full Audit Committee at its
next regular meeting. In fiscal year 2009 and 2008, all Audit
fees, Audit-Related fees, and Tax fees were approved by the
Audit Committee directly.
From and after the effective date of the SEC rule requiring
Audit Committee pre-approval of all audit and permissible
non-audit services provided by independent registered public
accountants, the Audit Committee has approved all audit and
permissible non-audit services prior to such services being
provided by Ernst & Young LLP. The Audit Committee, or
one or more of its designated members that have been granted
authority by the Audit Committee, meets to approve each audit or
non-audit services prior to the engagement of Ernst &
Young for such services. Each such service approved by one or
more of the authorized and designated members of the Audit
Committee is presented to the entire Audit Committee at its next
Under our written Related Party Transactions Policy and
Procedures, a related party transaction (as defined below) may
be consummated or may continue only if the Audit Committee of
our board of directors approves or ratifies the transaction in
accordance with the guidelines set forth in the policy and if
the transaction is on terms comparable to those that could be
obtained in arms length dealings with an unrelated third
party. A related party transaction may be preliminarily entered
into by management subject to ratification of the transaction by
the Audit Committee; provided that if ratification is not
forthcoming, management shall make all reasonable efforts to
cancel or annul such transaction. At each subsequently scheduled
meeting, management shall present to the Audit Committee any
material changes to any approved or ratified related party
For the purposes of our policy, a related party
transaction is a transaction, arrangement or relationship
(or any series of similar transactions, arrangements or
relationships) in which Medicis (including any of our
subsidiaries) was, is or will be a participant and the amount
involved exceeds $120,000, and in which any related party had,
has or will have a direct or indirect interest. A related
party includes: (i) any person who is, or at any time
since the beginning of our last fiscal year was, a member of our
board, one of our executive officers or a nominee to become a
member of our board; (ii) any person who is known to be the
beneficial owner of more than 5% of any class of our voting
securities; (iii) any immediate family member, as defined
in the policy, of, or sharing a household with, any of the
foregoing persons; and (iv) any firm, corporation or other
entity in which any of the foregoing persons is employed or is a
general partner or principal or in a similar position or in
which such person has a
beneficial ownership interest.
There has not been any transaction or series of related
transactions to which we were a participant in the 2009 fiscal
year or are currently a participant involving an amount in
excess of $120,000 and in which any director, executive officer
or any member of their immediate family, or holder of more than
five percent (5%) of our outstanding common stock, had or will
have a direct or indirect material interest.
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
requires our directors and executive officers, and persons who
own more than 10% of a registered class of our securities, to
file with the SEC initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of common stock and other equity securities
of our Company. Based solely on a review of copies of such forms
received with respect to fiscal year 2009 and the written
representations received from certain reporting persons that no
other reports were required, we believe that all directors,
executive officers and persons who own more that 10% of our
Common Stock have complied with the reporting requirements of
Section 16(a), with the exception of Messrs. Shacknai,
Ippolito and Peterson, each of whom filed a Form 4 one day
late reporting separate, single transactions.
Proposals and Nominations
Proposals Pursuant to
Rule 14a-8. Pursuant
Rule 14a-8
under the Exchange Act, stockholders may present proper
proposals for inclusion in the proxy statement and for
consideration at our next annual meeting of stockholders. To be
eligible for inclusion in the 2011 proxy statement, your
proposal must be received by us no later than December 7,
2010, and must otherwise comply with
Rule 14a-8.
While our board will consider stockholder proposals, we reserve
the right to omit from the proxy statement stockholder proposals
that we are not required to include under the Exchange Act,
Rule 14a-8.
Proposals and Nominations Pursuant to Our
Bylaws. Under our bylaws, in order to nominate a
director or bring any other business before the stockholders at
the 2011 annual meeting that will not be included in our proxy
statement, you must notify us in writing and such notice must be
received by us no earlier than January 18, 2011 and later
than February 17, 2011. For proposals not made in
accordance with
Rule 14a-8,
you must comply with specific procedures set forth in our bylaws
and the nomination or proposal must contain the specific
information required by our bylaws. Our bylaws have recently
been amended regarding these procedures, information and
requirements. You may write to our Corporate Secretary at our
principal executive offices, 7720 North Dobson Road, Scottsdale,
to deliver the notices discussed above and to request a copy of
the relevant bylaw provisions regarding the requirements for
making stockholder proposals and nominating director candidates
pursuant to the bylaws.
of Proxy Materials
The SEC has adopted rules that permit companies and
intermediaries (such as banks and brokers) to satisfy the
delivery requirements for proxy statements and annual reports
with respect to two or more stockholders sharing the same
address by delivering a single proxy statement addressed to
those stockholders. This process, which is commonly referred to
as householding, potentially means extra convenience
for stockholders and cost savings for companies.
This year, a number of banks and brokers with account holders
who are our stockholders will be householding our proxy
materials. A single proxy statement will be delivered to
multiple stockholders sharing an address unless contrary
instructions have been received from the affected stockholders.
Once you have received notice from your bank or broker that it
will be householding communications to your address,
householding will continue until you are notified otherwise or
until you revoke your consent. If, at any time, you no longer
wish to participate in householding and would prefer to receive
a separate proxy statement and annual report, please notify your
bank or broker, direct your written request to Investor
Relations, Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation, 7720 North Dobson
Road, Scottsdale, Arizona
or contact Investor Relations by telephone at
(480) 291-5854.
Stockholders who currently receive multiple copies of the proxy
statement at their address and would like to request
householding of their communications should contact their bank
or broker.
by Reference
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in any of our
previous filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which might
incorporate future filings
made by us under those statutes, neither the preceding Stock
Option and Compensation Committee Report nor the Audit Committee
Report will be incorporated by reference into any of those prior
filings, nor will any such report be incorporated by reference
into any future filings made by us under those statutes. In
addition, information on our website, other than our proxy
statement, notice and form of proxy, is not part of the proxy
soliciting material and is not incorporated herein by reference.
Jason D. Hanson
Executive Vice President, General Counsel and
Corporate Secretary
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
9:30 a.m. local time
Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center
7700 East McCormick Parkway
Scottsdale, Arizona
Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation
7720 North Dobson Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85256-2740
proxy |
This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation for
use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation to be held on
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 (Annual Meeting).
This proxy when properly executed will be voted as you specify on the reverse side.
If no choice is specified, the proxy will be voted FOR all of the nominees for director named
in Item 1, FOR the ratification of the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors of
Medicis for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010 under Item 2 and FOR the transaction of such
other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment or postponement
By signing the proxy, you revoke all prior proxies and appoint Jonah Shacknai, Jason D. Hanson and
Mark A. Prygocki, and each of them, with full power of substitution, to vote your shares on the
matters shown on the reverse side and any other matters that may properly come before the Annual
Meeting and all adjournments. This proxy will be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Delaware and applicable federal securities laws.
See reverse for voting instructions.
P.O. Box 64945
St. Paul, MN 55164-0945
Vote by Internet, Telephone or Mail
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
phone or Internet vote authorizes the named
proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you
marked, signed and returned your proxy card.
Use the Internet to vote your proxy until
11:59 p.m. (E.D.T.) on May 17, 2010. |
PHONE 1-800-560-1965
Use a touch-tone telephone to vote your
proxy until 11:59 p.m. (E.D.T.) on May 17,
2010. |
MAIL Mark, sign and date your
proxy card and return it in the postage-paid
envelope provided. |
you vote your proxy by Internet or by Telephone, you do NOT need to
mail back your Proxy Card |
ò Please detach here ò
The Board of Directors Recommends a Vote FOR all of the nominees for director named in Item 1 and
FOR the proposal under Item 2.
Election of Directors: |
01 Michael A. Pietrangelo
o |
02 Lottie H. Shackelford
o |
03 Jonah Shacknai
o |
2. |
Ratification of the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent
auditors of Medicis for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. |
o For |
o Against |
o Abstain |
Address Change? Mark Box: o Indicate changes below
Signature(s) in Box
Please sign exactly as your name(s) appears on Proxy.
If held in joint tenancy, all persons should sign.
Trustees, administrators, etc., should include title
and authority. Corporations should provide full name
of corporation and title of authorized officer
signing the proxy. |