Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                       Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement          [_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
[_]  Confidential, For Use of the              Section 240.14a-12
     Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[_]  Definitive Consent Statement
[X]  Definitive Proxy Materials

                          DREW INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.
[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

(1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)   Total fee paid:

[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)   Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)   Filing Party:

     (4)   Date Filed:


                          DREW INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED

                              200 MAMARONECK AVENUE

                          WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK 10601



                             TO BE HELD MAY 20, 2004


     NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of DREW
INDUSTRIES  INCORPORATED (the "Company") will be held at The Crescent Club, 17th
Floor, 200 Crescent Court, Dallas, Texas 75201 on May 20, 2004 at 9:00 A.M., for
the following purposes:

          (1) To elect a Board of eight Directors;
          (2) To approve an amendment to the Company's  Restated  Certificate of
     Incorporation  to increase the authorized  number of shares of Common Stock
     from 20,000,000 shares to 30,000,000 shares;

          (3) To ratify the  selection of KPMG LLP as  independent  auditors for
     the Company for the year ending December 31, 2004; and
          (4) To transact such other  business as may  properly  come before the
     meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     Holders of record of the Company's Common Stock at the close of business on
the 2nd day of  April,  2004  shall be  entitled  to vote on all  matters  to be
considered at the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

     A list  of all  stockholders  entitled  to  vote  at the  meeting  will  be
available for  inspection for the ten days prior to the meeting at the office of
the Company and will be available for inspection at the time of the meeting,  at
the place thereof.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                      EDWARD W. ROSE, III
                                              CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Dated: April 12, 2004
       White Plains, N.Y.

                        NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF COMMON STOCK

                              FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE.

                          DREW INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED

                              200 MAMARONECK AVENUE
                          WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK 10601

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     The  accompanying  Proxy is  solicited  by the Board of  Directors  of Drew
Industries Incorporated,  a Delaware corporation (the "Company"), for use at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held at The Crescent Club, 17th Floor,  200
Crescent  Court,  Dallas,  Texas  75201  on May 20,  2004 at 9:00  A.M.,  or any
adjournment or postponement thereof, at which holders of record of the Company's
Common Stock,  par value $0.01 per share (the "Common  Stock"),  at the close of
business on April 2, 2004 (the  "Record  Date") shall be entitled to vote on all
matters considered at the meeting.

     The cost of solicitation by the Company,  including  postage,  printing and
handling, and the expenses incurred by brokerage firms, custodians, nominees and
fiduciaries in forwarding  proxy material to beneficial  owners will be borne by
the  Company.  The  solicitation  is to be made  primarily  by mail,  but may be
supplemented by telephone calls, telegrams and personal solicitation. Management
may also use the services of directors  and  employees of the Company to solicit
Proxies, without additional compensation.

     Each Proxy  executed  and  returned  by holders of the Common  Stock may be
revoked at any time thereafter,  except as to matters upon which,  prior to such
revocation,  a vote shall have been cast pursuant to the authority  conferred by
such Proxy. A Proxy may be revoked by giving written notice of revocation to the
Secretary of the Company or to any of the other persons named as proxies,  or by
giving a Proxy with a later date.  The Proxies  will be voted at the meeting for
the  Directors  set forth  herein in the  manner  indicated  and if no  contrary
instructions are indicated,  in favor of the other matters set forth herein;  if
specific  instructions  are  indicated,  the Proxies will be voted in accordance
therewith.  This  Statement and the form of Proxy  solicited from holders of the
Common Stock are expected to be sent or given to  stockholders on or about April
12, 2004.

     The  Annual  Report  to  Stockholders  of the  Company  for the year  ended
December 31, 2003 is being mailed herewith to each stockholder of record.


                                   THE COMPANY

     The Company was incorporated  under the laws of Delaware on March 20, 1984.
The Company's principal executive and administrative  offices are located at 200
Mamaroneck  Avenue,  White  Plains,  New  York  10601;  telephone  number  (914)
428-9098; website;  e-mail: NOTE

                                VOTING SECURITIES

     The Company had outstanding on the Record Date 10,244,288  shares of Common

     On December 11, 2003,  the  Company's  stock began  trading on the New York
Stock Exchange  (NYSE) under the symbol "DW."  Concurrent with the NYSE listing,
the  Company's  shares were  withdrawn  from the American  Stock  Exchange.  The
Company  believes  that  listing  its stock on the NYSE will  result in  greater
exposure to the investment community, while also providing a more liquid trading
environment for the Company's stockholders.


     Stockholders of record will be entitled to one vote on each matter for each
share of Common  Stock held on the Record  Date.  A majority of the  outstanding
shares of Common Stock must be present or represented by proxy at the meeting in
order to have a quorum.  Abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  will be treated as
shares present for the purpose of  determining  the presence of a quorum for the
transaction of business at the meeting. In the election of directors,  the eight
nominees  receiving  the highest  number of  affirmative  votes will be elected.
Proposals  Nos. 2, 3 and 4 require the  approval  of the  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of the  shares of Common  Stock  present or  represented  by proxy and
voting at the meeting,  together with the affirmative  vote of a majority of the
required  quorum.  Abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  (which  may  occur  if a
beneficial  owner of stock whose  shares are held in a brokerage or bank account
fails to provide the broker or bank with voting  instructions as to such shares)
can have the effect of  preventing  approval  of a proposal  where the number of
affirmative  votes,  though a majority of the votes cast,  does not constitute a
majority of the required quorum.  If the persons present or represented by proxy
at the meeting constitute the holders of less than a majority of the outstanding
shares of Common Stock as of the Record Date,  the meeting may be adjourned to a
subsequent  date for the purpose of obtaining a quorum.  Votes will be tabulated
by the  inspector of election  appointed  for the meeting,  who will  separately
tabulate  affirmative and negative votes,  abstentions and, if possible,  broker


     Drew's Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR each of the nominees
of the Board of Directors  (Proposal  No.1),  FOR the  amendment to the Restated
Certificate of Incorporation  increasing the authorized shares (Proposal No. 2),
and FOR  ratification  of the  appointment  of KMPG  LLP as  Drew's  independent
auditors  for the  fiscal  year  ending  December  31,  2004  (Proposal  No. 3).


     Set forth below is  information  with  respect to each person  known to the
Company on March 19, 2004 to be the  beneficial  owner of more than five percent
of any class of the Company's voting securities,  which consists of Common Stock
only (including options):

                                                  AMOUNT AND
                                                   NATURE OF         APPROXIMATE
         NAME AND ADDRESS                          BENEFICIAL         PERCENT OF
        OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                        OWNERSHIP            CLASS
        ------------------                        -----------       ------------
 Edward W. Rose, III(1) .......................  1,700,500(2)            15.2%
   500 Crescent Court
   Dallas, Texas 75201

 L. Douglas Lippert(1) ........................    679,937(2)             6.1%
   2375 Tamiami Trail
   Suite 110
   Naples, Florida 34103

 FMR Corp.(1) .................................    959,000(3)             9.4%
   82 Devonshire Street
   Boston, Massachusetts 02108

 Wellington Management Company(1) .............    592,400(3)             5.8%
   75 State Street
   Boston, Massachusetts 02109

                                                        (FOOTNOTES ON NEXT PAGE)


(1) The person named has sole voting and investment power with respect to such
(2) See "VOTING SECURITIES--Security Ownership of Management."
(3) As of December 31, 2003.

     To the knowledge of the Company,  other than persons  acting as nominees or
custodians  for various stock  brokerage  firms and banks,  which persons do not
have beneficial ownership of the Common Stock, no other person owns of record or
beneficially more than five percent of the voting securities of the Company.


     Set forth below is  information  with  respect to  beneficial  ownership at
March 19, 2004 of the Common Stock (including options) by each Director, each of
whom is a nominee for election,  and by all Directors and Executive  Officers of
the Company as a group.

                                                             AMOUNT AND
                                                             NATURE OF         APPROXIMATE
         NAME AND ADDRESS                                    BENEFICIAL         PERCENT OF
        OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                  OWNERSHIP            CLASS
        ------------------                                   -----------       ------------
 Leigh J. Abrams(1) .......................................   239,908(2)             2.1%
   200 Mamaroneck Avenue
   White Plains, New York 10601

 Edward W. Rose, III(1) ................................... 1,700,500(3)            15.2%
   500 Crescent Court
   Dallas, Texas 75201

 David L. Webster(1) ......................................   222,840(4)             2.0%
   4381 Green Oaks Blvd.
   Arlington, Texas 76016

 L. Douglas Lippert .......................................   679,937(5)             6.1%
   2375 Tamiami Trail
   Suite 110
   Naples, Florida 34103

 James F. Gero(1) .........................................   143,574(6)             1.3%
   11900 North Anna Cade Road
   Rockwall, Texas 75087

 Gene H. Bishop(1) ........................................   117,600(7)             1.1%
   1601 Elm Street, 47th Floor
   Dallas, Texas 75201

 Frederick B. Hegi, Jr. ...................................    31,927(8)             0.3%
   750 North St. Paul
   Dallas, Texas 75201

 David A. Reed ............................................     6,544(9)             0.1%
   1909 Cottonwod Valley Circle
   Irving, TX 75038

 All Directors and Executive Officers as a group
   (12 persons including the above-named) ................. 3,394,849(10)          30.3%

(1) Pursuant to Rules 13-1(f)(1)-(2) of Regulation 13-D of the General Rules and
    Regulations under the Securities  Exchange Act, on May 31, 1989, the persons
    indicated,  together  with certain  other  persons,  jointly  filed a single
    Schedule 13-D Statement (as amended) with respect to the  securities  listed
    in the foregoing table.  Such persons made the single,  joint filing because
    they may be deemed to  constitute  a "group"  within the  meaning of Section
    13(d)(3) of the Exchange  Act,  although  neither the fact of the filing nor
    anything  contained  therein  shall be  deemed  to be an  admission  by such
    persons that a group exists.

                                              (FOOTNOTES CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)



(2)  Mr. Abrams has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the shares
     owned by him.  Includes  4,002 shares of Common Stock held by Mr. Abrams as
     Custodian under the New York Uniform Gifts to Minors Act for the benefit of
     a member of his  immediate  family.  Mr. Abrams  disclaims  any  beneficial
     interest in the shares held as  Custodian.  In November  1999 and  November
     2003, Mr. Abrams was granted options pursuant to the Company's Stock Option
     Plan to purchase,  respectively,  50,000  shares of Common Stock at $9.3125
     per share and 15,000  shares of Common Stock at $25.56 per share.  Although
     no part of such options  have been  exercised,  all shares  subject to such
     options are included in the above table as beneficially owned.

(3)  Mr. Rose has sole voting and  dispositive  power with respect to the shares
     owned by him.  Includes  deferred  stock units  representing  7,720  shares
     granted to Mr. Rose in lieu of cash  compensation  in payment of director's
     fees. Includes 168,000 shares owned by Cardinal  Investment  Company,  Inc.
     Profit  Sharing Plan, of which Mr. Rose is Trustee.  Also includes  100,700
     shares  owned by Cardinal  Partners,  L.P.,  of which  Cardinal  Investment
     Company,  Inc. is the general partner.  Mr. Rose is the sole stockholder of
     Cardinal Investment  Company,  Inc. Excludes 100,000 shares of Common Stock
     held in trusts for the benefit of members of Mr. Rose's  immediate  family.
     Mr.  Rose's wife has sole voting and  investment  power with  respect to an
     additional  13,920  shares owned by her of record.  Mr. Rose  disclaims any
     beneficial  interest  in such  shares.  As a  member  of the  Stock  Option
     Committee,  Mr. Rose was automatically  awarded the following options, each
     of which is to purchase 5,000 shares of Common Stock:  on December 31, 1999
     at $9.204 per  share;  on  December  31,  2000 at $5.679 per share;  and on
     December 31, 2001 at $9.25 per share. In addition, on December 15, 2002 and
     December 15, 2003, Mr. Rose was granted options to purchase,  respectively,
     5,000 shares of Common Stock at $15.75 per share and 5,000 shares of Common
     Stock at  $27.60  per  share.  Although  no part of such  options  has been
     exercised,  all shares  subject to such  options are  included in the above
     table as beneficially owned.

(4)  Mr.  Webster has sole  voting and  dispositive  power with  respect to such
     shares. In November 1999 and November 2003, Mr. Webster was granted options
     pursuant to the  Company's  Stock  Option Plan to  purchase,  respectively,
     50,000  shares of Common  Stock at $9.3125  per share and 15,000  shares of
     Common Stock at $25.56 per share. Although no part of such options has been
     exercised,  all shares  subject to such  options are  included in the above
     table as beneficially owned.

(5)  Includes  239,622  shares held by L. Douglas  Lippert as Trustee for trusts
     for the benefit of members of Mr. Lippert's  immediate  family,  over which
     Mr. Lippert has sole voting and dispositive  power.  Mr. Lippert  disclaims
     beneficial  ownership of such shares.  Pursuant to Rules  13-1(f)(1)-(2) of
     Regulation  13-D of the General  Rules and  Regulations  under the Exchange
     Act, on October 17, 1997, Mr. Lippert, together with certain other persons,
     jointly filed a single Schedule 13-D Statement (as amended) with respect to
     the securities listed in the foregoing table. Such persons made the single,
     joint filing  because they may be deemed to constitute a "group" within the
     meaning of Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act,  although neither the fact
     of the  filing  nor  anything  contained  therein  shall be deemed to be an
     admission  by such  persons  that a group  exists.  In  November  1999  and
     November 2003, Mr.  Lippert was granted  options  pursuant to the Company's
     Stock Option Plan to purchase, respectively,  50,000 shares of Common Stock
     at $9.3125 per share and 5,000 shares of Common  Stock at $25.56.  Although
     no part of such  options  has been  exercised,  all shares  subject to such
     options are included in the above table as beneficially  owned. See "Voting
     Securities--Principal Holders of Voting Securities."

(6)  Mr. Gero shares  voting and  dispositive  power with respect to such shares
     with his wife.  Includes  deferred  stock units  representing  4,414 shares
     granted to Mr. Gero in lieu of cash  compensation  in payment of director's
     fees. As a member of the Stock Option Committee, Mr. Gero was automatically
     awarded the following  options each of which is to purchase 5,000 shares of
     Common  Stock:  on December  31, 1999 at $9.204 per share;  on December 31,
     2000 at $5.679 per share;  and on December 31, 2001 at $9.25 per share.  In
     addition, on December 15, 2002 and

                                              (FOOTNOTES CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)



     December 15, 2003, Mr. Gero was granted options to purchase,  respectively,
     5,000 shares of Common Stock at $15.75 per share and 5,000 shares of Common
     Stock at  $27.60  per  share.  Although  no part of such  options  has been
     exercised,  all shares  subject to such  options are  included in the above
     table as beneficially owned.

(7)  Includes 2,000 shares owned by Mr. Bishop's  children.  Mr. Bishop has sole
     voting and  dispositive  power with respect to such shares.  As a member of
     the Stock  Option  Committee,  Mr.  Bishop was  automatically  awarded  the
     following  options  each of which is to  purchase  5,000  shares  of Common
     Stock:  on December  31, 1999 at $9.204 per share;  on December 31, 2000 at
     $5.679 per share; and on December 31, 2001 at $9.25 per share. In addition,
     on December 15, 2002, and December 15, 2003, Mr. Bishop was granted options
     to  purchase,  respectively,  5,000  shares at  $15.75  per share and 5,000
     shares at $27.60  per  share.  Although  no part of such  options  has been
     exercised,  all shares  subject to such  options are  included in the above
     table as beneficially owned.

(8)  Mr. Hegi has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to such shares.
     Includes deferred stock units representing 4,426 shares granted to Mr. Hegi
     in lieu of cash compensation in payment of director's fees. On December 15,
     2002 and  December  15,  2003,  Mr. Hegi was granted  options to  purchase,
     respectively,  5,000  shares at $15.75 per share and 5,000 shares of Common
     Stock at  $27.60  per  share.  Although  no part of such  options  has been
     exercised,  all shares  subject to such  options are  included in the above
     table as beneficially owned.

(9)  Mr. Reed has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to such shares.
     Includes  deferred stock units  representing 544 shares granted to Mr. Reed
     in lieu of cash compensation in payment of director's fees. On December 15,
     2003,  Mr. Reed was awarded an option to  purchase  5,000  shares of Common
     Stock  at  $27.60  per  share.  Although  no part of such  option  has been
     exercised,  all shares  subject to such  option are  included  in the above
     table as beneficially owned.

(10) Includes 423,104 shares subject to options and deferred stock units.


     Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the Company's executive officers
and  directors,  and persons who  beneficially  own more than ten percent of the
Company's  equity  securities,  to file  reports  of  ownership  and  changes in
ownership with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") and the exchange
on which the  securities  are  traded.  Officers,  directors  and  greater  than
ten-percent  shareholders  are required by SEC regulation to furnish the Company
with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

     Based on its review of the copies of such forms received by it, the Company
believes  that  during  2003  all such  filing  requirements  applicable  to its
officers and  directors  (the Company not being aware of any ten percent  holder
during 2003 other than Edward W. Rose, III, and L. Douglas  Lippert,  directors)
were complied with.

                        PROPOSAL 1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     It is proposed to elect a Board of eight  directors to serve until the next
annual election or until their successors are elected and qualify.

     Unless contrary instructions are indicated, the persons named as proxies in
the form of Proxy  solicited  from holders of the Common Stock will vote for the
election of the  nominees  indicated  below.  All such  nominees  are  presently
directors of the Company.  If any such nominees should be unable or unwilling to
serve,  the persons  named as proxies will vote for such other person or persons
as may be  proposed by the Board of  Directors.  The Board of  Directors  has no
reason to believe that any of the named  nominees will be unable or unwilling to


     The  following  table lists the current  directors of the Company,  each of
whom is a nominee  proposed  by  Management  for  election by the holders of the
Common Stock, all other positions and offices with the Company presently held by
them, and their principal occupations,  in each case as furnished by them to the

               NAME AND AGE                                                                        DIRECTOR
                OF NOMINEE                                         POSITION                          SINCE
              --------------                                       --------                        --------
     Leigh J. Abrams .............................   President, Chief Executive
       (Age 61)                                      Officer and Director.                           1984

     Edward W. Rose, III .........................   Chairman of the Board of
       (Age 63)                                      Directors.                                      1984

     David L. Webster ............................   Chairman, President and Chief
       (Age 68)                                      Executive Officer of Kinro, Inc.
                                                     and Director.                                   1984

     L. Douglas Lippert ..........................   Chairman of Lippert
       (Age 56)                                      Components, Inc., and Director.                 1997

     James F. Gero ...............................   Director.                                       1992
       (Age 59)

     Gene H. Bishop ..............................   Director.                                       1995
       (Age 74)

     Frederick B. Hegi, Jr. ......................   Director.                                       2002
       (Age 60)

     David A. Reed ...............................   Director.                                       2003
       (Age 56)

     LEIGH J.  ABRAMS,  since  April  2001,  has also been a  director  of Impac
Mortgage Holdings, Inc., a publicly-owned specialty finance company organized as
a real estate investment trust.

     EDWARD W. ROSE, III, for more than the past five years,  has been President
and sole stockholder of Cardinal Investment  Company,  Inc., an investment firm.
Mr. Rose also serves as a director of the following  public  companies:  Liberte
Investors  Inc.,  engaged in real  estate  loans and  investments;  and ACE Cash
Express,  Inc.,  engaged in check cashing  services.  From April 1999 to January
2003,  Mr. Rose was a director of TX C.C.,  Inc., a  privately-owned  restaurant
chain,  against which an involuntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the
U.S. Bankruptcy Code was filed on February 21, 2003 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court
for the Northern  District of Texas. A plan of  reorganization  was confirmed on
January 28, 2004. Cardinal  Investment  Company,  Inc., of which Mr. Rose is the
sole  stockholder,  was an  indirect  General  Partner of MJ  Designs,  L.P.,  a
privately-owned retailer of arts and crafts products, which filed a petition for
relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S.  Bankruptcy Code in January 2003 in the U.S.
Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas.

     DAVID L.  WEBSTER,  since  November  1980,  has been  President  and  Chief
Executive Officer of Kinro, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company ("Kinro"), and has
been Chairman of Kinro since November 1984.

     L. DOUGLAS  LIPPERT,  from October 1997 until  February  2003 was Chairman,
President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Lippert  Components,  Inc.  Effective
February 5, 2003, Jason D. Lippert, the son of L. Douglas Lippert, was appointed
as President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Lippert  Components,  Inc., and L.
Douglas Lippert continues as Chairman.

     JAMES F. GERO,  since March 1992,  has been  Chairman  and Chief  Executive
Officer  of  Sierra  Technologies,  Inc.,  a  manufacturer  of  defense  systems
technologies,  and a  director  of its  affiliates.  Mr.  Gero also  serves as a
director  of  Orthofix  International,   N.V.,  a  publicly-owned  international
supplier of  orthopedic  devices for bone  fixation  and  stimulation,  and as a
director of, Inc., a publicly-owned supplier of security software.


     GENE H.  BISHOP,  from March 1975  until  July  1990,  was Chief  Executive
Officer of MCorp,  a bank  holding  company,  and from  October 1990 to November
1991,  was  Vice  Chairman  and  Chief  Financial  Officer  of  Lomas  Financial
Corporation,  a  financial  services  company.  From  November  1991  until  his
retirement  in October 1994,  Mr. Bishop served as Chairman and Chief  Executive
Officer of Life Partners  Group,  Inc., a life insurance  holding  company.  Mr.
Bishop  also  serves as a director of Liberte  Investors  Inc.,  engaged in real
estate loans and investments.

     FREDERICK  B.  HEGI,  JR.,  is a  founding  partner  of  Wingate  Partners,
including  the indirect  general  partner of each of Wingate  Partners  L.P. and
Wingate  Partners II, L.P.  Since May 1982,  Mr. Hegi has served as President of
Valley View Capital Corporation,  a private investment firm. He is a director of
the  following  publicly-owned  companies:  Lone  Star  Technologies,   Inc.,  a
diversified  company  engaged  in the  manufacture  of tubular  products;  Texas
Capital  Bancshares,  Inc., a regional and Internet bank; and is Chairman of the
Board of United  Stationers,  Inc., a  publicly-owned  wholesale  distributor of
business  products.  Mr. Hegi was also Chairman,  President and Chief  Executive
Officer of Kevco, Inc., a publicly-owned distributor of building products to the
manufactured  housing  and  recreational  vehicle  industries,  which  filed for
protection under Chapter 11 of the United States  Bankruptcy Code on February 5,
2001, later converted to a Chapter 7 liquidation.

     DAVID A. REED, is Managing  Partner of Causeway Capital  Partners,  L.P., a
privately-owned  investment  partnership.  Mr. Reed retired as Senior Vice Chair
for Ernst & Young LLP in 2000  where he held  several  senior  U.S.  and  global
operating,  administrative  and marketing  roles in his 26-year  tenure with the
firm.  He served  on Ernst  and Young  LLP's  Management  Committee  and  Global
Executive  Council from  1991-2000.  Mr. Reed also serves as a director of Texas
Industries, Inc., a publicly-owned company that supplies construction materials.


     FREDRIC M. ZINN,  not a nominee for election as a director,  has been Chief
Financial  Officer  of the  Company  for  more  than the past  five  years,  and
Executive  Vice  President of the Company  since  February  2001.  Mr. Zinn is a
Certified Public Accountant.

     JASON D.  LIPPERT,  not a nominee  for  election  as a  director,  has been
President and Chief Executive Officer of Lippert Components,  Inc., a subsidiary
of the Company, since February 5, 2003. From May 2000, Mr. Lippert was Executive
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Lippert Components, Inc., and from
1998 until 2000,  Mr.  Lippert  served as Regional  Director  of  Operations  of
Lippert Components, Inc.

     JOHN F. CUPAK, not a nominee for election as a director, has been Secretary
as well as Director  of Taxation  and  Internal  Audit of the Company  since May
2003.  For more than the five years prior  thereto,  Mr. Cupak was Controller of
the Company.

     JOSEPH S. GIORDANO III, not a nominee for election as a director,  has been
Corporate Controller and Treasurer of the Company since May 2003. From July 1998
to August 2002,  Mr.  Giordano was a Senior Manager at KPMG LLP, and from August
2002 to April 2003 was a Senior  Manager at Deloitte & Touche LLP. Mr.  Giordano
is a Certified Public Accountant.

     Directors of the Company serve until the Company's  next annual  meeting of
stockholders,  and until their  successors are elected and qualified.  Executive
officers serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  To the knowledge of
the Company,  no executive officer or director is related by blood,  marriage or
adoption  to any other,  except  that L.  Douglas  Lippert,  Chairman of Lippert
Components,  Inc. is the father of Jason D. Lippert, who was appointed President
and Chief  Executive  Officer of Lippert  Components,  Inc. on February 5, 2003.
Each of the  nominees  named above was elected to his present  term of office at
the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  held on May 21, 2003,  except that Mr. Reed
was  appointed  as a director  by the Board of  Directors  following  the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders.




     The  Company  regularly  monitors  developments  in the  area of  corporate
governance,  including the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and rules proposed by the
SEC and the New York Stock Exchange.  The Company complies with all new laws and
rules applicable to corporate governance,  and has continually implemented "best
practices" as the Company deems appropriate to protect and enhance stockholders'

     The  Company  received  notification  in November  2003 from  Institutional
Stockholders  Services,  Inc. ("ISS"), a Rockville,  Maryland-based  independent
research firm that advises institutional investors, that the Company's corporate
governance  policies  outranked  99.9  percent  of all  companies  listed in the
Russell 3000 index. The Company has no business relationship with ISS.


     The Board is  elected  annually  by the  Company's  stockholders,  and each
director  is  nominated  for  election  every year.  The  Company  does not have
cumulative  voting.  The Board  currently  consists of three  directors  who are
employed  by  the  Company  and  five  non-employee   directors.   None  of  the
non-employee  directors,  or any members of their immediate  families,  have any
transactions or relationships with the Company or its subsidiaries. Accordingly,
each non-employee director meets the "independence"  standards of New York Stock
Exchange. The non-employee directors have complete access to, and are encouraged
to  communicate  with,  the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and any other
executives of the Company. During the year ended December 31, 2003, the Board of
Directors held ten meetings.  All directors  attended at least 75 percent of the
regularly  scheduled and special  meetings of the Board and the Board committees
on which they served.

     Board members are expected to attend the Company's annual meetings.  At the
Company's  2003  annual  meeting,  all  members of the Board,  each of whom were
nominees for re-election, were present. It is anticipated that all Board members
will be present at the 2004 annual meeting.

     Any  stockholder  who wishes to communicate  with the Board of Directors or
any  member  of the  Board  may do so  electronically  by  sending  an e-mail to  or by writing to any  director at the address  provided
under the  director's  name in  Proposal  1.  "Election  of  Directors--Security
Ownership of Management."


     The Company has three  standing  committees of the Board of Directors:  the
Audit  Committee,  the Corporate  Governance and Nominating  Committee,  and the
Compensation Committee. All members of each Committee are non-employee directors
who meet the  "independence"  and  experience  standards  of the New York  Stock
Exchange. Each Committee functions pursuant to a written Charter and written Key
Practices adopted by the Board of Directors.

     The  Company's  Governance  Principles,  as  well as the  Charters  and Key
Practices  of the Audit  Committee,  the  Corporate  Governance  and  Nominating
Committee,  and  the  Compensation  Committee,  in  addition  to  the  Company's
Guidelines  for  Business  Conduct  and  Code of  Ethics  for  Senior  Financial
Officers, can be accessed on the Company's website at  A
copy of any corporate  governance  document will be furnished,  without  charge,
upon written request to Secretary, Drew Industries Incorporated,  200 Mamaroneck
Avenue,  Suite 301, White Plains, New York 10601.  Information on our website is
not incorporated by referenced into this Proxy Statement.

     AUDIT  COMMITTEE.  The  purpose  of the  Audit  Committee  of the  Board of
Directors is to assist the Board in its  oversight  of (i) the  integrity of the
financial  statements of the Company,  (ii) the Company's  compliance with legal
and regulatory  requirements,  (iii) the independence and  qualifications of the
independent  auditor,  and (iv) the performance of the Company's  internal audit
function,  and the  independent  auditor.  The Committee also prepares an annual
report for inclusion in the Company's Proxy Statement.  The Committee recommends
to the Board of Directors, subject to stockholder ratification, the selection of
the Company's independent auditor.


     The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors  currently  consists of David
A. Reed,  James F. Gero,  and Frederick B. Hegi, Jr. Mr. Reed serves as Chairman
of the  Committee  and has been  determined  by the Board of  Directors to be an
"audit  committee  financial  expert" as defined by the  Securities and Exchange
Commission.  This Committee held six meetings during the year ended December 31,

Governance and  Nominating  Committee of the Board of Directors is to assist the
Board in (i)  identifying  qualified  individuals to become Board members,  (ii)
determining the composition of the Board of Directors and its Committees,  (iii)
monitoring  a  process  to  assess  Board  effectiveness,  (iv)  developing  and
implementing  the Company's  corporate  governance  principles,  (v)  evaluating
potential   candidates  for  executive   positions,   and  (vi)  overseeing  the
development of executive succession plans.

     The Corporate  Governance and Nominating  Committee  currently  consists of
Frederick B. Hegi,  Jr., Gene H. Bishop,  James F. Gero,  and David A. Reed. Mr.
Hegi serves as Chairman  of the  Committee.  This  Committee  held six  meetings
during the year ended December 31, 2003.

     The Corporate  Governance and Nominating Committee considers candidates for
Board membership  suggested by members of the Committee and other Board members,
as well as  management  and  stockholders.  In this  connection,  the  Committee
considers the  composition of the Board with respect to  experience,  balance of
professional interests, required expertise and other factors. The Committee uses
the same criteria for evaluating candidates nominated by stockholders as it does
for those  proposed by other Board members or  management.  To be considered for
membership on the Board, a candidate must meet the following criteria, which are
also set forth in the Company's  Governance  Principles:  (a) should possess the
highest personal and professional ethics, integrity and values, and be committed
to representing the long-term interests of the stockholders;  (b) should have an
inquisitive and objective perspective, practical wisdom and mature judgment; (c)
must be willing to devote  sufficient time to carrying out his or her duties and
responsibilities  effectively;  (d) should be  committed to serving on the Board
for an extended period of time; (e) should be prepared to resign in the event of
any significant change in his or her personal  circumstance which may impair his
or her ability to effectively  serve on the Board;  (f) directors who also serve
as CEOs or in equivalent  positions  should not serve on more than two Boards of
public  companies in addition to the Company's  Board; and (g) directors who are
not CEOs or  equivalent  should  not serve on more  than  four  Boards of public
companies in addition to the Company's Board.

     The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee met subsequent to the end
of 2003 to recommend to the Board each of the nominees for election as directors
as set forth  herein.  Stockholders  may  recommend  a  prospective  nominee for
consideration  by the Corporate  Governance and Nominating  Committee by sending
the candidate's name and  qualifications,  in writing,  to the Secretary at Drew
Industries  Incorporated,  200 Mamaroneck  Avenue,  Suite 301, White Plains, New
York 10601.  Recommendations must be received by February 2, 2005 in order for a
candidate to be considered for election at the 2005 annual meeting.

     COMPENSATION  COMMITTEE.  The purpose of the Compensation  Committee of the
Board  of   Directors   is:  (i)  to  assist  the  Board  in   discharging   its
responsibilities in respect of compensation of the Company's executive officers;
and (ii) to prepare an annual report on executive  compensation for inclusion in
the Company's Proxy Statement.

     The Compensation  Committee  currently consists of James F. Gero, Edward W.
Rose, III, and Gene H. Bishop. Mr. Gero serves as Chairman of the Committee.

     The Compensation Committee is responsible for reviewing the performance and
development of the Company's  management in achieving  corporate  goals,  and to
ensure that the Company's senior executives are compensated  consistent with the
long-term  objectives  of the  Company as well as  competitive  practices.  This
Committee provides oversight and guidance in the development of compensation and
benefit  programs for senior  executives  of the  Company,  reviews and sets the
compensation of the Company's Chief Executive  Officer,  recommends to the Board
compensation of other senior  executives,  including  salary,  bonus,  incentive
compensation and equity awards,  administers the Company's 2002 Equity Award and
Incentive  Plan,  approves  equity awards,  and


determines  the  compensation  of directors.  This Committee held three meetings
during the year ended December 31, 2003. During 2003, the Committee  retained an
independent executive  compensation firm to advise it in respect of compensation
of the Company's executive officers.


     It has  been,  and will  continue  to be,  the  Company's  policy to obtain
stockholder  approval for any  equity-based  compensation  plans for  directors,
officers and employees.  Moreover,  the Company does not re-price stock options.
Commencing January 1, 2002, the Company expenses the fair value of stock options
and other  stock  compensation  granted  after  January 1, 2002 over the vesting


     The  Company has  Guidelines  for  Business  Conduct  which all  management
employees  and  directors  are required to follow in  conducting  the  Company's
business,  and a Code of Ethics  for Senior  Financial  Officers  governing  the
conduct  of its  financial  officers.  The  Company  has  established  a method,
included in its Guidelines  for Business  Conduct,  by which  employees can make
anonymous and  confidential  reports about the Company's  accounting  practices,
internal controls, auditing matters, or any other concerns they may have.


     The Company has established a Disclosure  Committee comprised of executive,
financial and operating  management  personnel and the Company's  legal counsel.
The function of the Disclosure  Committee is to develop and implement disclosure
controls  and  procedures  intended  to ensure that  information  required to be
disclosed by the Company in public  reports is made  available to management and
reported  within  the  specified  time  periods.  Each  quarter,  the  Company's
management  personnel  are  required  to certify  in writing  whether or not any
matters arose that should be considered for disclosure.


                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

     The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors  currently  consists of David
A. Reed, James F. Gero, and Frederick B. Hegi, Jr. (the  "Committee").  Mr. Reed
serves as  Chairman of the  Committee  and has been  determined  by the Board of
Directors to be an "audit committee financial expert" as defined by the SEC. The
Committee is responsible for providing  independent,  objective oversight of the
Company's accounting functions and internal controls.

     Management  is  responsible  for the  Company's  internal  controls and the
financial  reporting  process.  The  independent  auditors are  responsible  for
performing  an  independent  audit  of  the  Company's   consolidated  financial
statements  in  accordance  with auditing  standards  generally  accepted in the
United  States of America,  and to issue a report  thereon.  As set forth in its
Charter, the Committee acts only in an oversight capacity and relies on the work
and assurances of management as well as the independent auditors.

     The  Committee  has  met  and  held  discussions  with  management  and the
independent auditors. Management represented to the Committee that the Company's
consolidated  financial  statements  were prepared in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America, and the Committee
has reviewed and discussed the consolidated financial statements with management
and the  independent  auditors.  The Committee  discussed  with the  independent
auditors the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61 (Communication with Audit Committees).

     The  Company's  independent  auditors  also  provided to the  Committee the
written  disclosures  required by  Independence  Standards  Board Standard No. 1
(Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees),  and the Committee  discussed
with the independent auditors that firm's independence.

     The  Committee  considered  whether  non-audit  services  provided  by  the
independent auditors are compatible with maintaining the auditor's independence.
The Committee  concluded that non-audit services provided by KPMG LLP during the
year ended December 31, 2003,  which  consisted of tax planning and  compliance,
and other audit-related services, were compatible with KPMG LLP's independence.

     Based on the  Committee's  discussion  with  management and the independent
auditors,  the Committee's  review of the  representations of management and the
report of the independent auditors to the Committee,  the Committee  recommended
that  the  Board  of  Directors  include  the  audited  consolidated   financial
statements  in the  Company's  Annual  Report  on Form  10-K for the year  ended
December 31, 2003 filed with the SEC.

                                                            AUDIT COMMITTEE
                                                        David A. Reed, Chairman
                                                             James F Gero
                                                        Frederick B. Hegi, Jr.





     The following  table sets forth the annual and  long-term  cash and noncash
compensation  for each of the last three  calendar years awarded to or earned by
the President and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company and the Company's four
other most highly  compensated  executive officers (such five executive officers
collectively, the "named executive officers") during the year ended December 31,

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                            ANNUAL COMPENSATION       LONG-TERM COMPENSATION AWARDS
                                       ---------------------------   -------------------------------
                                                                       AWARDS                PAYOUTS
                                                                     ----------              -------
                                                            ANNUAL   RESTRICTED  SECURITIES            ALL OTHER
NAME AND                                                    COMPEN-     STOCK    UNDERLYING   LTIP      COMPEN-
-----------------               ----   --------  ------------------  ----------   --------- --------  ----------
Leigh J. Abrams(2)               2003  $400,000  $401,315   $ 9,307       --       15,000        --     $8,000
 President and Chief             2002   400,000   252,058     9,596       --           --        --      8,000
 Executive Officer               2001   400,000    32,022     9,567       --           --        --      5,250

David L. Webster(3)              2003  $400,000  $657,200   $11,492       --       15,000        --     $8,000
 Chairman, President and         2002   400,000   849,400    11,185       --           --        --      8,000
 CEO of Kinro, Inc.              2001   400,000   623,000    11,009       --           --        --      5,250

L. Douglas Lippert(4)(5)         2003  $400,000  $455,900   $12,000       --        5,000        --     $8,000
 Chairman, and until             2002   400,000         0    12,000       --           --        --      8,000
 February 5, 2003                2001   400,000         0    12,000       --           --        --      6,800
 President and CEO of
 Lippert Components, Inc.

Jason D. Lippert(5)              2003  $300,000  $542,800    $9,000       --       15,000        --     $7,729
 President and Chief             2002   202,500   200,000     9,000       --           --        --      8,000
 Executive Officer of
 Lippert Components, Inc.,
 since February 5, 2003

Fredric M. Zinn(6)               2003  $200,000  $198,779   $13,888       --       15,000        --     $8,000
 Executive Vice President        2002   180,000   172,877    14,074       --           --        --      8,000
 and Chief Financial Officer     2001   160,000   161,583    14,030       --       12,000        --      5,250

(1)  Messrs.  Abrams,  Webster,  Zinn and  Jason  D.  Lippert  receive  payments
     pursuant to a discretionary retirement bonus program. These bonuses must be
     used to purchase  specified tax deferred  annuities  and/or cash value life
     insurance.  For 2003, Mr. Abrams  received  $30,000,  Mr. Webster  received
     $50,000,  Mr. Zinn received  $23,779 and Jason D. Lippert  received $10,000
     pursuant to the discretionary retirement bonus program.

(2)  For 2003,  Mr. Abrams was entitled to receive  performance-based  incentive
     compensation  equal to 2 1/2% of the amount by which the  Company's  income
     before   income  taxes  and   extraordinary   items,   subject  to  certain
     adjustments,  exceeded the threshold of $16,463,000. Based on this formula,
     for 2003,  Mr. Abrams was entitled to receive  performance-based  incentive
     compensation   of  $371,315.   For  2002  and  2001,  the  thresholds  were
     $16,463,000 and $14,714,000, respectively, and Mr. Abrams received $222,058
     and $2,022, respectively.

(3)  Effective  September 1, 1999,  Kinro  extended  and amended its  employment
     agreement  with Mr.  Webster which  provides for Mr.  Webster's  employment
     through  December 31, 2004.  For 2003,  Mr. Webster was entitled to receive
     5.0% of the  amount by which  the  Operating  Profit of Kinro (as  defined)
     exceeded the threshold of $7,522,000.  Based on this formula, for 2003, Mr.
     Webster's  performance-based  incentive compensation was $607,200. Based on
     this  formula  and a  threshold  of  $7,522,000,  for 2002,  Mr.  Webster's
     performance-based  incentive  compensation  was  $799,400.  For  2001,  the
     formula was based on a threshold  of  $7,325,000,

                                              (FOOTNOTES CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)



     and  Mr.  Webster  received  performance-based  incentive  compensation  of

(4)  On  October  7,  1997,   Mr.   Lippert   entered  into  an  Employment  and
     Non-Competition  Agreement  with  Lippert  Components,   Inc.  ("LCI"),  as
     amended,  providing for Mr. Lippert to serve, through December 31, 2003, as
     President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Lippert  Components,  Inc.  Mr.
     Lippert  receives  annual  salary of  $400,000  plus,  subject  to  certain
     conditions,  performance-based  incentive  compensation  equal to 5% of the
     amount by which  the  operating  profits  of LCI and its  subsidiaries  (as
     defined in the Agreement)  exceeds $10.1 million.  In accordance  with this
     formula, for 2003 Mr. Lippert's  performance-based  incentive  compensation
     was  $455,900.  Mr.  Lippert  did not receive  performance-based  incentive
     compensation  for prior years  because  LCI did not  achieve the  threshold
     operating profits.

(5)  On February 5, 2003,  Jason D. Lippert was  appointed  President  and Chief
     Executive  Officer  of LCI  and  its  affiliates,  and L.  Douglas  Lippert
     continued as Chairman. On December 31, 2003 L. Douglas Lippert's employment
     agreement with LCI expired. On January 2, 2004, the Company entered into an
     Employment  Agreement with L. Douglas  Lippert for a period of three years,
     upon terms  providing  for him to  continue  as  Chairman  with a declining
     amount of services in  exchange  for a declining  amount of salary over the
     term  of  the  agreement,  together  with  certain  benefits,  but  without
     incentive compensation.

     Effective  February  5,  2003,  LCI  and  its  affiliates  entered  into an
     employment  agreement with Jason D. Lippert to serve as President and Chief
     Executive  Officer for a period of three years.  Pursuant to the agreement,
     for calendar 2003, Jason Lippert received base salary of $300,000, and will
     be entitled to base salary of $400,000 for 2004 and 2005. In addition,  for
     2003, Jason Lippert was entitled to receive 5.0% of the amount by which the
     operating profit of the LCI Entities (as defined) exceeded $8.0 million. In
     accordance with this formula,  for 2003, Jason Lippert's  performance-based
     incentive  compensation  was  $532,800,  after  giving  effect to a capital
     charge as provided in the employment agreement.  At least 60% of the amount
     of the incentive  compensation in excess of $400,000 is required to be paid
     in restricted  shares of the  Company's  stock.  Jason  Lippert  elected to
     receive  $132,800  or 100% of  this  amount  in  restricted  shares  of the
     Company's stock.

(6)  On  September  12,  2003,  the  Company  entered  into a Change of  Control
     Agreement  with Mr.  Zinn,  Chief  Financial  Officer  and  Executive  Vice
     President  of the  Company,  who has been an officer of the  Company  since
     1986. The agreement provides for severance payable upon a Company-initiated
     termination  within one year  following,  or 120 days prior to, a change of
     control,  or a termination  initiated by Mr. Zinn with good reason (defined
     as a  reduction  in Mr.  Zinn's  compensation  or a material  change in Mr.
     Zinn's authority and duty) within six months following a change of control.
     Change of  control  includes  acquisition  of 30% or more of the  Company's
     voting  securities,  or  stockholder  approval of a merger  resulting  in a
     change  in  voting  control  of more  than 50% of the  voting  power of the
     Company's existing  securities,  or if Edward W. Rose, III ceases to own at
     least  10%  of the  Company's  voting  securities,  or  liquidation  of the

     The  agreement  provides  that Mr.  Zinn will  receive  his then  effective
     compensation for a period of two years if he is involuntary terminated,  or
     one year if he voluntarily  terminates for good reason,  subject to certain
     adjustments, and certain other benefits.


     On May 16, 2002,  stockholders  approved the Drew  Industries  Incorporated
2002 Equity  Award and  Incentive  Plan (the "2002  Plan")  which  replaced  the
Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan  initially  approved by  stockholders  in

     The following is a brief  description of the material  features of the 2002
Plan.  This  description  is  qualified in its entirety by reference to the full
text of the Plan.

     SHARES AVAILABLE AND AWARD LIMITATIONS.  Subject to adjustment in the event
of stock splits,  stock dividends,  and other  extraordinary  events,  the total
shares  available at December  31, 2003


under the 2002 Plan is 1,494,486  shares (of which 1,001,427  shares are subject
to  outstanding  options and 493,059  shares are  available for future grant) or
14.6% of the  Company's  shares  outstanding  on  December  31,  2003,  assuming
exercise of all options and awards  outstanding and available.  Shares delivered
under the 2002 Plan may be either newly issued or treasury shares.

     The 2002 Plan  includes a  limitation  on the amount of Awards  that may be
granted  to  any  one   Participant  in  a  given  year  to  qualify  Awards  as
"performance-based"  compensation not subject to the limitation on deductibility
under  Internal  Revenue  Code  Section  162(m).  Under this  annual  per-person
limitation,  no Participant may in any year be granted  share-denominated Awards
under the 2002 Plan  relating  to more than his or her  "Annual  Limit" for each
type of  Award.  The  Annual  Limit is  50,000  shares  plus the  amount  of the
Participant's  unused Annual Limit  relating to the same type of Award as of the
close  of the  previous  year,  subject  to  adjustment  for  splits  and  other
extraordinary  corporate events.  Options,  stock appreciation  rights ("SARs"),
restricted  stock,  deferred stock and bonus stock, are separate types of awards
subject to a separate  limitation.  In the case of Awards not relating to shares
in a way in which the share  limitation can apply, no Participant may be granted
Awards  authorizing  the earning  during any year of an amount that  exceeds the
Participant's  Annual  Limit,  which  is  $1,200,000,  plus  the  amount  of the
Participant's unused cash Annual Limit as of the close of the previous year. The
Annual  Limit for  non-stock-based  Awards of  $1,200,000  is separate  from the
Annual Limit of 50,000 shares for each type of stock-based Award.

     No shares  authorized  under the 2002 Plan will be used for any award which
could be characterized as a "repricing" of outstanding options.

     ELIGIBILITY.  Executive officers and other employees of the Company and its
subsidiaries,  and  non-employee  directors,  consultants and others who provide
substantial  services to the Company and its  subsidiaries,  are  eligible to be
granted Awards under the 2002 Plan.

     ADMINISTRATION. The 2002 Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee
(the "Committee"),  except that the Board of Directors ("Board") may appoint any
other committee to administer the 2002 Plan and may itself act to administer the
Plan. The Board performs the functions of the Committee for purposes of granting
Awards to  non-employee  directors.  Subject to the terms and  conditions of the
2002 Plan,  the Committee is authorized  to select  Participants,  determine the
type and number of Awards to be granted and the number of shares to which Awards
will relate or the amount of a performance award,  specify times at which Awards
will be exercisable or settled,  including  performance  conditions  that may be
required as a condition thereof,  set other terms and conditions of such Awards,
prescribe forms of Award agreements, interpret and specify rules and regulations
relating to the Plan, and make all other  determinations  which may be necessary
or advisable for the  administration of the 2002 Plan.  Nothing in the 2002 Plan
precludes  the  Committee  from  authorizing   payment  of  other  compensation,
including bonuses based upon performance,  to officers and employees,  including
the executive officers.  The 2002 Plan provides that Committee members shall not
be personally  liable,  and shall be fully  indemnified,  in connection with any
action,  determination,  or interpretation taken or made in good faith under the
2002 Plan.

     STOCK OPTIONS AND SARs. The Committee is authorized to grant stock options,
including both incentive stock options ("ISOs"), which can result in potentially
favorable tax treatment to the Participant, and non-qualified stock options, and
SARs entitling the Participant to receive the excess of the fair market value of
a share on the date of exercise or other  specified date over the grant price of
the SAR.  The  exercise  price of an option  and the  grant  price of an SAR are
determined by the Committee,  but generally may not be less than the fair market
value of the shares on the date of grant  (except as  described  below).  At the
discretion of the Committee, options may be exercised by payment of the exercise
price in cash,  shares or other  property  (including  broker-assisted  cashless
exercise  procedures) or by surrender of other outstanding  awards having a fair
market value equal to the exercise price. Methods of exercise and settlement and
other terms of SARs will be determined by the Committee.

     RESTRICTED AND DEFERRED  STOCK.  The Committee is authorized to make Awards
of  restricted  stock and  deferred  stock.  Prior to the end of the  restricted
period,  shares  received as restricted  stock may not be sold or disposed of by
Participants,  and may be forfeited in the event of  termination  of


employment.  The restricted period generally is established by the Committee. An
Award of restricted  stock  entitles the  Participant  to all of the rights of a
stockholder of the Company, including the right to vote the shares and the right
to receive any dividends thereon,  unless otherwise determined by the Committee.
Except  in the event of a change  of  control  (as  defined  in the 2002  Plan),
restricted  stock may not be transferred  prior to the first  anniversary of the
grant thereof.  Deferred stock gives Participants the right to receive shares at
the end of a specified  deferral  period,  subject to forfeiture of the Award in
the event of termination of employment under certain  circumstances prior to the
end of a specified  period (which need not be the same as the deferral  period).
Prior to settlement, deferred stock Awards carry no voting or dividend rights or
other rights associated with stock ownership.

authorized to grant shares as a bonus free of  restrictions,  or to grant shares
or other  Awards  in lieu of the  Company's  obligations  under  other  plans or
compensatory  arrangements,  subject to such terms as the Committee may specify.
The number of shares granted to an executive officer or non-employee director in
place  of  salary,  fees or  other  cash  compensation  must be  reasonable,  as
determined by the Committee.

     PERFORMANCE-BASED  AWARDS. To avoid the limitations on deductibility  under
Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m), the Committee may require  satisfaction of
pre-established  performance goals,  consisting of one or more business criteria
and a targeted  performance level with respect to such criteria,  as a condition
of Awards being granted or becoming  exercisable  or  settleable  under the 2002
Plan, or as a condition to accelerating the timing of such events. The Committee
may  specify  that  any  such  criteria   will  be  measured   before  or  after
extraordinary or non-recurring items, before or after service fees, or before or
after payments of Awards under the 2002 Plan.

     OTHER TERMS OF AWARDS.  Awards may be settled in cash, shares, other Awards
or other property, in the discretion of the Committee. The Committee may require
or permit  Participants  to defer the  settlement  of all or part of an Award in
accordance  with such  terms and  conditions  as the  Committee  may  establish,
including  payment  or  crediting  of  interest  on any  deferred  amounts.  The
Committee may condition  Awards on the payment of taxes such as by withholding a
portion  of the  shares  or  other  property  to be  distributed  (or  receiving
previously acquired shares or other property  surrendered by the Participant) in
order to satisfy tax  obligations.  Awards granted under the 2002 Plan generally
may not be pledged or otherwise  encumbered and are not  transferable  except by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution,  or to a designated beneficiary
upon the Participant's  death, except that the Committee may permit transfers in
individual cases, including for estate planning purposes.

     VESTING,   FORFEITURES,  AND  ACCELERATION.   The  Committee  may,  in  its
discretion  determine  the vesting  schedule of options  and other  Awards,  the
circumstances that will result in forfeiture of the Awards, the post-termination
exercise periods of options and similar Awards,  and the events that will result
in acceleration of the ability to exercise and the lapse of restrictions, or the
expiration  of any deferral  period,  on any Award.  In addition,  the 2002 Plan
provides  that, in the event of a Change in Control of the Company,  outstanding
Awards  will  immediately  vest  and be  fully  exercisable,  any  restrictions,
deferral of settlement and forfeiture  conditions of such Awards will lapse, and
goals relating to performance-based awards will be deemed met or exceeded to the
extent specified in the performance-award  documents.  A Change in Control means
generally (i) any person or group  becomes a beneficial  owner of 30% or more of
the  voting  power of the  Company's  voting  securities,  (ii) a change  in the
Board's membership such that the current members,  or those elected or nominated
by vote of a majority of the current members and successors elected or nominated
by them,  cease to  represent a majority of the Board in any period of less than
two years,  (iii) certain mergers or  consolidations  reducing the percentage of
voting power held by stockholders  prior to such transactions to under 51%, (iv)
stockholder approval of a sale or liquidation of all or substantially all of the
assets of the Company and (v) upon the sale of all or  substantially  all of the
Company's assets.


     AMENDMENT AND  TERMINATION  OF THE 2002 PLAN.  The Board may amend,  alter,
suspend, discontinue, or terminate the 2002 Plan or the Committee's authority to
grant awards thereunder without stockholder approval unless stockholder approval
is required by law, regulation,  or stock exchange rule. Under these provisions,
stockholder  approval will not necessarily be required for amendments that might
increase the cost of the 2002 Plan.  However,  stockholder  approval is required
for any amendment  which may (a) increase the maximum  number of shares of stock
covered by the Plan or change the class of employees  who are Eligible  Persons;
(b) reduce the exercise  price for any stock options below the fair market value
of the Common Stock on the date of the grant of such option;  (c) extend  beyond
10 years  from the date of the grant the  period  within  which any Award may be
exercised;  (d) extend the period  during  which  Awards may be granted;  or (e)
increase the Annual Limit. No awards may be made after the tenth  anniversary of
the effective date of the plan.  Unless earlier  terminated,  the 2002 Plan will
terminate  at such  time  that no shares  reserved  under  the 2002 Plan  remain
available and the Company has no further rights or  obligations  with respect to
any outstanding Award.


                                                                                        NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                                                       REMAINING AVAILABLE FOR
                                                                  WEIGHTED-AVERAGE      FUTURE ISSUANCE UNDER
                                      NUMBER OF SECURITIES TO     EXERCISE PRICE OF      EQUITY COMPENSATION
                                      BE ISSUED UPON EXERCISE        OUTSTANDING          PLANS (EXCLUDING
PLAN CATEGORY                         WARRANTS AND RIGHTS (a)      AND RIGHTS (b)            COLUMN (a))
--------------                        -----------------------     -----------------    -----------------------
Equity compensation
 plans approved by
 shareholders .......................       1,001,427(1)                  $15.61(1)             493,059

Equity compensation
 plans not approved by
 shareholders .......................               0                          0                      0
                                          --------------             --------------        --------------
Total ...............................       1,001,427(1)                  $15.61(1)             493,059
                                          ==============             ==============        ==============

(1)  Includes 17,107 deferred stock units issued in lieu of cash compensation in
     payment of directors' fees. For purposes of the  Weighted-Average  Exercise
     Price computation, such deferred stock units have a zero exercise price.


     The following  table  summarizes  stock options  granted during 2003 to the
named executive officers.

                                                                                          POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                                                                                            VALUE AT ASSUMED
                                                                                             ANNUAL RATES OF
                                                                                           PRICE APPRECIATION
                                                     INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                       FOR OPTION TERM
                                   ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
                                     NUMBER OF   % OF TOTAL
                                      SHARES       OPTIONS
                                    UNDERLYING   GRANTED TO
                                      OPTIONS     EMPLOYEES    EXERCISE    EXPIRATION
NAME                                  GRANTED      IN 2003       PRICE        DATE           5%           10%
-------                             ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------
Edward W. Rose, III ..............     5,000        1.3%         $27.60      12/15/09     $ 46,933      $106,475
Leigh J. Abrams ..................    15,000        3.8%         $25.56      11/13/09      130,393       295,816
David L. Webster .................    15,000        3.8%         $25.56      11/13/09      130,393       295,816
L. Douglas Lippert ...............     5,000        1.3%         $25.56      11/13/09       43,464        98,605
Jason D. Lippert .................    15,000        3.8%         $25.56      11/13/09      130,393       295,816
Fredric M. Zinn ..................    15,000        3.8%         $25.56      11/13/09      130,393       295,816



     The following  table presents the value of unexercised  options held by the
named executive officers at December 31, 2003.

                                                                      NUMBER OF           VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                SECURITIES UNDERLYING         IN-THE-MONEY
                                                               UNEXERCISED OPTIONS AT          OPTIONS AT
                                      SHARES                      DECEMBER 31, 2003       DECEMBER 31, 2003(1)
                                     ACQUIRED        VALUE         EXERCISABLE (E)           EXERCISABLE (E)
           NAME                     ON EXERCISE    REALIZED       UNEXERCISABLE (U)         UNEXERCISABLE (U)
           -----                    -----------    --------    ----------------------     ---------------------
Leigh J. Abrams .................       10,000      $31,250           40,000(E)               $739,500(E)
                                            --           --           25,000(U)               $218,475(U)
David L. Webster ................       15,000      $46,875           40,000(E)               $739,500(E)
                                            --           --           25,000(U)               $218,475(U)
L. Douglas Lippert ..............           --           --           40,000(E)               $739,500(E)
                                            --           --           15,000(U)               $196,075(U)
Jason D. Lippert ................        1,800      $10,755           28,800(E)               $543,620(E)
                                            --           --           36,200(U)               $431,305(U)
Fredric M. Zinn .................       10,000     $100,663           11,800(E)               $222,673(E)
                                            --           --           25,200(U)               $225,203(U)

(1)  Market  value of Common  Stock at  December  31,  2003  ($27.80)  minus the
     exercise price.


     Directors  who are  employees of the Company do not receive  additional  or
special  compensation  for serving as directors.

     The following table sets forth the cash  compensation  paid to non-employee
directors during 2003.

                                                                      BOARD OR
                                                                 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN          OTHER DIRECTORS
                                                                 ------------------           -------------
Director Annual Fee ...........................................      $48,000(1)                $24,000
Director Fee Per Board Meeting ................................      $ 2,000                   $ 1,000
Audit Committee Annual Fee ....................................      $ 5,000(2)                   --
Audit Committee Fee per Meeting ...............................      $ 2,000                   $ 1,500
Compensation Committee Annual Fee .............................      $ 2,500(3)                   --
Compensation Committee Fee per Meeting ........................      $ 1,500                   $ 1,000
Corporate Governance and Nominating
 Committee Annual Fee .........................................      $ 2,500(3)                   --
Corporate Governance and Nominating
 Committee Fee per Meeting ....................................      $ 1,500                   $ 1,000

(1)  In  addition,  in 2003,  Edward  W.  Rose,  III,  Chairman  of the Board of
     Directors,  received $30,000  pursuant to a discretionary  retirement bonus
     program intended to provide retirement income.
(2)  In 2004,  the  annual  fee for the  Chairman  of the  Audit  Committee  was
     increased to $10,000 from $5,000 in 2003.
(3)  In 2004, the annual fee to be paid to the Chairmen of both the Compensation
     Committee and the Corporate  Governance  and  Nominating  Committee will be
     increased to $5,000.


     To  encourage  directors'  long-term  ownership  of the Common Stock of the
Company,  the 2002 Plan  provides that  directors  may elect to accept  deferred
stock units in lieu of cash  compensation  in payment of  directors'  fees.  The
number of stock  units,  credited at the fair  market  value of the stock on the
date  credited,  is equivalent  to 115% of the deferred fee. The deferred  stock
units are  distributed  in the form of shares of the Common Stock of the Company
after a period of two years from the date  credited,  subject to earlier  death,
disability or  termination  of service as a director  without  cause.  After the
initial two-year  deferral  period,  the director may elect each year, by notice
one year before expiration of the deferral period, to extend the deferral for an
additional  one  year.   Until  shares   representing  the  deferred  stock  are
distributed,  the  director  does not have any  rights of a  stockholder  of the
Company with respect to such shares.  To date,  three  directors have elected to
receive 100% of their fees in deferred  stock units and one director has elected
to receive 30% of his fees in deferred stock units  resulting in an aggregate of
17,107 deferred stock units outstanding at December 31, 2003.


     See footnotes 3 through 6 to the Summary Compensation Table for information
regarding (i) employment agreements between (a) Kinro, Inc., a subsidiary of the
Company, and David L. Webster,  Chairman,  President and Chief Executive Officer
of Kinro  and a  director  of the  Company,  (b)  Lippert  Components,  Inc.,  a
subsidiary  of  the  Company,  and  L.  Douglas  Lippert,  Chairman  of  Lippert
Components, Inc. and a director of the Company, (c) Lippert Components, Inc. and
Jason D. Lippert,  President and Chief Executive Officer of Lippert  Components,
Inc., and (ii) a change of control  agreement between the Company and Fredric M.
Zinn, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of the Company.


     No executive  officer of the Company serves on the Compensation  Committee,
and there  are no  "interlocks,"  as  defined  by the  Securities  and  Exchange




     The Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors currently consists of
three  non-employee  directors,  James F. Gero,  Edward W. Rose, III and Gene H.
Bishop (the  "Committee").  Mr. Gero  serves as Chairman of the  Committee.  All
members of the  Committee  meet the  independence  requirements  of the New York
Stock  Exchange and qualify as "outside  directors"  under Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code.

     The  Committee has the  responsibility  of  developing  the policies  which
govern  compensation for executive officers,  and making  recommendations to the
Board of Directors  regarding  compensation of executive  officers in accordance
with such policies.

     The  Company's  executive  compensation  policy is  designed  to enable the
Company to  attract,  motivate  and retain  senior  management  by  providing  a
competitive  compensation  opportunity based  significantly on performance.  The
objective is to provide fair and equitable  compensation to senior management in
a way that  rewards  management  for  reaching  and  exceeding  objectives.  The
compensation policy links a significant portion of executive compensation to the
Company's  performance,  recognizes  individual  contribution as well as overall
business results,  and aligns executive and stockholder  interests.  The primary
components   of  the   Company's   executive   compensation   are  base  salary,
performance-related  incentive  compensation,   equity-based  awards  consisting
principally  of stock  options and  restricted  stock units,  and  discretionary
bonuses.  While the components of compensation are considered separately in this
report, the Committee takes into account the full compensation  package provided
by the Company to each of its executives,  including pension benefits, severance
obligations, insurance and other benefits.

     It is the  policy of the Board of  Directors  not to  include  earnings  of
acquired  companies  in  computing  compensation  pursuant to  performance-based
incentive  compensation  plans in effect prior to the acquisition.  Accordingly,
with  respect  to  those  executives  who  receive  performance-based  incentive
compensation,  subsequent to an  acquisition  the Board of Directors will modify
existing  performance-based  incentive  compensation plans to raise the level of
base earnings not subject to incentive bonus.

     To help  align  the  personal  interests  of  senior  management  with  the
interests  of  the  Company's   stockholders,   the  Committee  has  established
guidelines for ownership of the Company's stock by executives,  as a multiple of
the executive's base salary; and to enhance the retention value of the Company's
executives,  the Committee  requires that under certain conditions the Company's
senior  management  hold for at least one year stock  received  upon exercise of
stock options.

     The Committee  reviews the Company's  compensation  policy  utilizing  both
internal and external sources of information and analysis  relating to corporate
performance,   total  return  to  stockholders  of  comparable  companies,   and
compensation   afforded  to  executives  by  competitors  of  the  Company.   If
appropriate, changes will be recommended.


     The  compensation  policy  applied  by  the  Company  in  establishing  the
compensation  for Leigh J. Abrams,  the Company's  President and Chief Executive
Officer,  is  essentially  the  same  as  for  other  senior  executives  of the
Company--to  provide  a  competitive   compensation   opportunity  that  rewards
performance and recognizes individual contribution.

     For  2003,  Mr.  Abrams   received  base   compensation  of  $400,000  plus
performance-based  incentive  compensation  of  $371,315 equal  to 2 1/2% of the
Company's income before income taxes and extraordinary items, subject to certain
adjustments,  in excess of $16,463,000.  Mr. Abrams receives medical,  long-term
care,  disability and life insurance,  and certain other benefits.  In 2003, Mr.
Abrams  was  also  awarded  an  additional  payment  of  $30,000  pursuant  to a
discretionary  retirement bonus program intended to provide  retirement  income.
This bonus must be used to purchase  specified  tax  deferred  annuities or cash
value life insurance contracts.



     As with the  Chief  Executive  Officer,  compensation  of  other  executive
officers  is   intended  to  reward   performance   and   recognize   individual
contribution.  Accordingly,  the  chief  executive  officers  of  the  Company's
subsidiaries  receive  compensation based upon the results of operations of such

     For  calendar  2003,  David  L.  Webster,  Chairman,  President  and  Chief
Executive Officer of Kinro, received base salary of $400,000.  In addition,  for
2003,  Mr.  Webster  was  entitled  to  receive  5.0% of the amount by which the
operating profit of Kinro (as defined) exceeded  $7,522,000.  In accordance with
this formula, for 2003 Mr. Webster's  performance-based  incentive  compensation
was $607,200.  For 2003, Mr. Webster also received a payment of $50,000 pursuant
to a  discretionary  retirement  bonus  program  intended to provide  retirement
income.  This bonus must be used to purchase specified tax deferred annuities or
cash value life insurance contracts.

     L. Douglas Lippert was Chairman,  President and Chief Executive  Officer of
Lippert  Components,  Inc. ("LCI") through February 5, 2003 and Chairman only of
LCI for the  balance of 2003.  For 2003,  Mr.  Lippert  received  base salary of
$400,000 and was also  entitled to receive,  in accordance  with his  employment
agreement  which  expired on December 31, 2003,  subject to certain  conditions,
performance-based  incentive compensation equal to 5% of the excess of operating
profit  of LCI  and  its  subsidiaries  (as  defined)  over  $10.1  million.  In
accordance  with  this  formula,  for  2003,  Mr.  Lippert's   performance-based
incentive compensation was $455,900.

     On February 5, 2003,  Jason D. Lippert was  appointed  President  and Chief
Executive Officer of LCI and its affiliates, and L. Douglas Lippert continued as
Chairman.  On December 31, 2003 L. Douglas Lippert's  employment  agreement with
LCI  expired.  On  January 2,  2004,  the  Company  entered  into an  employment
agreement  with L.  Douglas  Lippert  for a period  of three  years  upon  terms
providing  for Mr.  Lippert to continue as Chairman  with a declining  amount of
services  in  exchange  for a  declining  amount of salary  over the term of the
agreement, together with certain benefits, but without incentive compensation.

     Effective  February  5,  2003,  LCI  and  its  affiliates  entered  into an
employment  agreement  with  Jason D.  Lippert to serve as  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer for a period of three years.  Pursuant to the agreement,  for
calendar 2003, Mr. Lippert  received base salary of $300,000.  In addition,  for
2003,  Jason  Lippert was  entitled  to receive  5.0% of the amount by which the
operating  profit of the LCI Entities (as defined)  exceeded  $8.0  million.  In
accordance  with this  formula,  for  2003,  Jason  Lippert's  performance-based
incentive compensation was $532,800,  after giving effect to a capital charge as
provided  in the  employment  agreement.  At  least  60% of  the  amount  of the
incentive  compensation  in  excess  of  $400,000  was  required  to be  paid in
restricted  shares of the Company's  stock. Mr. Lippert elected to receive $132,
800 or 100% of this amount in  restricted  shares of the  Company's  stock.  Mr.
Lippert  also  received  a  payment  of  $10,000  pursuant  to  a  discretionary
retirement bonus program intended to provided retirement income. This bonus must
be used to  purchase  specified  tax  deferred  annuities  or  cash  value  life
insurance   contracts.   The  Committee   retained  an   independent   executive
compensation  firm to  advise  it in  connection  with  the  negotiation  of Mr.
Lippert's employment agreement.

     Other  executive  officers  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  receive
formula  and  discretionary  bonuses  based  upon  their  respective  levels  of
organizational  responsibility  and  the  performance  of  the  Company  or  the
subsidiary by which they are employed.


     The  Company's  2002  Equity  Award and  Incentive  Plan (the "2002  Plan")
provides  for the grant of options as well as  restricted  and  deferred  stock,
bonus stock,  performance  awards, and stock appreciation rights to employees of
the Company and its subsidiaries,  and to directors of the Company.  See "Equity
Award  and  Incentive  Plan."  The  Committee  administers  the  2002  Plan  and
determines and designates employees and directors who are to be granted options.

     The Company  expenses the  compensation  related to stock  options  granted
after January 1, 2002, and will not reprice stock options or cancel  outstanding
options and replace them with new options.


     Because all options  which have been granted  under the 2002 Plan have been
granted  at fair  market  value,  any  value  which is  ultimately  realized  by
executive  officers  through  stock  options is based  entirely on the Company's
performance,  as  perceived  by  investors  in the  Company's  Common  Stock who
establish the price for the Common Stock on the open market.


     Section 162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code disallows a Federal income tax
deduction to publicly-held companies for certain compensation paid to certain of
their executive officers, to the extent that compensation exceeds $1 million per
covered officer in any fiscal year. This limitation applies only to compensation
which is not considered  performance-based  under the Section 162(m) rules.  The
Company's 2002 Equity Award and Incentive  Plan has been  structured so that any
compensation deemed paid in connection with formula-based incentive compensation
or  the  exercise  of  option  grants  made  under  the  plan  will  qualify  as
performance-based  compensation  which  will not be  subject  to the $1  million


     The Company maintains certain  broad-based  employee benefit plans in which
executive officers  participate,  including an employee  retirement savings plan
(401(k) Plan) and other retirement, life, disability, health insurance plans and
long-term care  policies.  The Company also provides an automobile or automobile
allowance to its executive officers.


     A significant  portion of the Company's  executive  compensation  is linked
directly to individual  performance and Company earnings.  The Committee intends
to continue to determine compensation based upon these factors.

                                                       COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                                                       James F. Gero, Chairman
                                                         Edward W. Rose, III
                                                           Gene H. Bishop




     The  following  graph  compares,  for the last  five  calendar  years,  the
cumulative  stockholder  return  on the  Common  Stock of the  Company  with the
cumulative return on the common stocks of the companies  included in the Russell
2000 Index and on the common stocks of a representative  peer group of companies
engaged in similar businesses as the Company.

     The graph assumes  investment of $100 on December 31, 1998 in the Company's
Common  Stock,  the Russell 2000 Index,  and the common stocks of the peer group
companies, and assumes that any dividends were reinvested.

                                AND A PEER GROUP

                              [LINE GRAPH OMITTED]

     * $100 INVESTED ON 12/31/98 IN STOCK OR INDEX-


     Section 145 of the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Law empowers a domestic
corporation  to indemnify  any of its officers,  directors,  employees or agents
against expenses,  including reasonable  attorney's fees,  judgments,  fines and
amounts paid in settlement  which were actually and reasonably  incurred by such
person in connection with any action, suit or similar proceeding brought against
them because of their status as officers, directors,  employees or agents of the
Company  if such  person  acted  in  good  faith  and in a  manner  such  person
reasonably  believed  to be in or not  opposed  to  the  best  interests  of the
Company.  If the claim was brought against any such person by or in the right of
the Company,  the Company may  indemnify  such person for such  expenses if such
person acted in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed by such person to
be in or not opposed to


the best  interests  of the Company,  except no indemnity  shall be paid if such
person  shall be adjudged to be liable for  negligence  or  misconduct  unless a
court of competent  jurisdiction,  upon application,  nevertheless  permits such
indemnity (to all or part of such expenses) in view of all the circumstances.

     The  Company's  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  provides that the
Company may indemnify its officers,  directors,  employees or agents to the full
extent  permitted  by  Section  145 of the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Law.
Accordingly,  no  director  of the  Company  is  liable  to the  Company  or its
stockholders  for monetary  damages for breach of fiduciary  duty as a director,
except for liability (i) for any breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the
corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or
which involve intentional  misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (iii) under
Section 174 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, or (iv) for any transaction
from which the director derived an improper personal benefit.



     The Company's Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  currently  authorizes
the issuance of 20,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share. In
February,  2004, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution  proposing that the
Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  be amended to increase the  authorized
number of shares of Common Stock to 30,000,000,  subject to stockholder approval
of the amendment.


     As of March 19,  2004,  the Company had  10,238,183  shares of Common Stock
outstanding  and  1,494,486  shares  reserved  for  future  issuance  under  the
Company's  2002 Equity Award and Incentive  Plan and the  Company's  prior Stock
Option Plan (collectively,  the "Plans"),  of which 1,001,427 shares are covered
by  outstanding  options and 493,059 shares are available for grant or purchase.
Based upon the foregoing  number of  outstanding  and reserved  shares of Common
Stock, the Company currently has 8,267,331 shares remaining  available for other


     The  Board of  Directors  has  adopted  resolutions  setting  forth (i) the
proposed  amendment to Article FOURTH of the Company's  Restated  Certificate of
Incorporation;  (ii) the  advisability  of the  amendment;  and (iii) a call for
submission of the amendment  for approval by the Company's  stockholders  at the
annual meeting.

     The  following  is the text of Section A of Article  FOURTH of the Restated
Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, as proposed to be amended:

     The total  number of shares of all classes of stock  which the  Corporation
shall  have the  authority  to issue is thirty  million  (30,000,000)  shares of
Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share.


     The  Board of  Directors  believes  that  the  availability  of  additional
authorized but unissued  shares will provide the Company with the flexibility to
issue Common Stock for a variety of corporate purposes, such as to effect future
stock splits and stock  dividends or to reserve  additional  shares for issuance
under employee benefit plans.  The Company could also use the additional  shares
of Common Stock to raise equity capital and to make acquisitions through the use
of Common Stock but it does not currently plan to do so.

     Increasing  the  number  of  shares of Common  Stock  that the  Company  is
authorized to issue would give the Company additional  flexibility to maintain a
reasonable stock price with future stock splits and stock dividends.  Other than
as permitted or required under the 2002 Plan and under outstanding  options, the
Board  of  Directors  has  no  immediate  plans,  understanding,  agreements  or
commitments  to issue  additional  Common Stock for any purposes.  No additional
action or authorization by the Company's  stockholders  would be necessary prior
to the  issuance  of such


additional  authorized shares, unless required by applicable law or the rules of
any stock exchange or national  securities  association  trading system on which
the  Common  Stock is then  listed or  quoted.  The  Company  may seek a further
increase  in  authorized  shares  from time to time in the future as  considered
appropriate by the Board of Directors.

     Under the Company's  Restated  Certificate of Incorporation,  the Company's
stockholders do not have preemptive  rights with respect to Common Stock.  Thus,
should the Board of Directors elect to issue additional  shares of Common Stock,
existing  stockholders  would not have any preferential  rights to purchase such
shares. In addition, if the Board of Directors elects to issue additional shares
of Common Stock,  such issuance could have a dilutive effect on voting power and
shareholdings of current stockholders.

     The issuance of the additional shares of Common Stock could have the effect
of diluting  earnings per share and book value per share,  which could adversely
affect the Company's existing stockholders.  Issuing additional shares of Common
Stock may also have the effect of delaying or  preventing a change of control of
the Company.  The Company's authorized but unissued Common Stock could be issued
in one or more  transactions  that would make it more  difficult or costly,  and
less likely, to affect a takeover of the Company.  The proposed amendment to the
Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  is not being  recommended in response to
any  specific  effort of which the  Company  is aware to obtain  control  of the
Company,  and  the  Board  of  Directors  has no  present  intention  to use the
additional shares of Common Stock in order to impede a takeover attempt.

     If the proposed amendment is adopted,  it will become effective upon filing
of  a  Certificate  of  Amendment  to  the  Company's  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation  with the Delaware Secretary of State.  However,  if the Company's
stockholders   approve  the  proposed   amendment  to  the  Company's   Restated
Certificate of  Incorporation,  the Board retains  discretion under Delaware law
not to implement the proposed amendment. If the Board exercised such discretion,
the number of authorized shares would remain at the current level.


     The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
of Common  Stock  entitled to vote at the annual  meeting,  assuming a quorum is
present, is necessary for approval of the amendment. Therefore,  abstentions and
broker non-votes effectively count as votes against the amendment.

                       PROPOSAL 3. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS

     It is proposed that the stockholders ratify the appointment by the Board of
Directors  of KPMG LLP as  independent  auditors for the purpose of auditing and
reporting upon the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year
ending December 31, 2004. It is expected that a representative of that firm will
be present at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to be held on May 20, 2004 and
will be afforded the  opportunity to make a statement and respond to appropriate
questions from stockholders present at the meeting.


     The  following  is a summary of the fees  billed to the Company by KPMG LLP
for professional  services rendered for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003
and 2002:

                                                                                        2003            2002
                                                                                      --------        --------
        Consists of fees billed for professional services rendered for the audit
        of the  Company's  financial  statements  and the reviews of the interim
        financial statements included in the
        Company's Quarterly Reports ................................................  $322,000        $322,000

        Consists  primarily  of  fees  billed  for  assistance  with  regulatory
        filings, audit of employee benefit plans and
        other audit related services filings .......................................  $ 23,700        $ 19,500


     TAX FEES:
        Tax Planning and Compliance
           Consists  of  fees  billed  for tax  planning,  assistance  with  the
           preparation  of tax returns,  services  rendered in  connection  with
           acquisitions made by the Company and
           advice on other tax related matters .................................      $ 14,950          $ 7,075
        Other Services .........................................................             0               0
                                                                                      --------        --------
     TOTAL ALL FEES ............................................................      $360,650        $348,575
                                                                                      ========        ========

     As part of its duties, the Audit Committee is required to pre-approve audit
and non-audit services performed by the independent  auditors in order to assure
that the provision of such services does not impair the auditors'  independence.
The Audit  Committee  does not delegate to management  its  responsibilities  to
pre-approve services performed by the independent auditors.

     In making its  recommendation  to ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as the
Company's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004, the
Audit Committee has determined that the non-audit  services provided by KPMG LLP
are compatible with maintaining the independence of KPMG LLP.

                          TRANSACTION OF OTHER BUSINESS

     As of the date of this Proxy Statement,  the only business which Management
intends to present or knows that others will  present at the meeting is that set
forth  herein.  If any other matter or matters are properly  brought  before the
meeting, or any adjournment or postponement  thereof, it is the intention of the
persons named in the form of Proxy solicited from holders of the Common Stock to
vote the Proxy on such matters in accordance with their judgment.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     All proposals which stockholders of the Company desire to have presented at
the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held in May 2005 must be received by
the Company at its principal executive offices on or before February 2, 2005.

                                      By Order of the Board of Directors

                                             EDWARD W. ROSE, III
April 12, 2004                        CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS


                          DREW INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED



The undersigned,  revoking any proxy heretofore given,  hereby appoints LEIGH J.
ABRAMS and FREDRIC M. ZINN, or either of them, proxies of the undersigned,  with
full power of  substitution,  with respect to all the shares of the Common Stock
which the  undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of Drew  Industries  Incorporated,  to be held at The Crescent Club, 17th Floor,
200 Crescent Court, Dallas, Texas 75201 on May 20, 2004 at 9:00 A.M., and at any
adjournment or  postponement  thereof,  upon the following items as set forth in
the Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, and in their discretion on any
other  matters that may properly come before the meeting or any  adjournment  or
postponement thereof.




                          DREW INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED

                                  MAY 20, 2004
                         Please date, sign and mail your
                               proxy card in the
                           envelope provided as soon
                                  as possible.

     Please detach along perforated line and mail in the envelope provided.

                   OF DIRECTORS AND "FOR" PROPOSALS 2 AND 3.

1. To elect a board of eight directors.                                                                      FOR   AGAINST   ABSTAIN
                                                            2. TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE                [ ]     [ ]       [ ]
                                                               CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
[ ]   FOR ALL NOMINEES      O  Edward W. Rose, III          3. TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP AS      [ ]     [ ]       [ ]
                            O  Leigh J. Abrams                 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS.
[ ]   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY    O  David L. Webster
      FOR ALL NOMINEES      O  L. Douglas Lippert
                            O  James F. Gero
[ ]   FOR ALL EXCEPT        O  Gene H. Bishop
      (See instructions     O  Frederick B. Hegi, Jr.
      below)                O  David A. Reed

INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s),  mark
"FOR  ALL  EXCEPT"  and  fill in the  circle  next to each  nominee  you wish to
withhold, as shown here:

To change the address on your account, please check the box at right and
indicate your new address in the address  space above.  Please note that
changes to the  registered  name(s) on the account may not be  submitted
via this method.                                                            [ ]


Signature of Stockholder___________________________Date:____________

Signature of Stockholder___________________________Date:____________

NOTE:  Please  sign  exactly as your name or names  appear on this  Proxy.  When
shares are held  jointly,  each holder  should  sign.  When signing as executor,
administrator, attorney, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. If
the signer is a corporation,  please sign full corporate name by duly authorized
officer,  giving full title as such. If signer is a partnership,  please sign in
partnership name by authorized person.