Washington, D.C. 20549

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer
                    Pursuant to Rule 13a - 16 or 15d - 16 of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                         For the month of September, 2007

                               HSBC Holdings plc

                              42nd Floor, 8 Canada
                        Square, London E14 5HQ, England

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If you are in any doubt about the contents of this  circular or as to the action
you should take, you should seek your own personal  financial advice immediately
from your  stockbroker or other registered  dealer in securities,  bank manager,
solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser.

If you have sold or otherwise  transferred  all of your holding of HSBC Ordinary
Shares,  please pass this  circular as soon as possible to the  purchaser or the
transferee or to the bank,  stockbroker  or other agent through whom the sale or
transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee.

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents
of this circular, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and
expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from
or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular.  The
ordinary  shares of HSBC trade under stock code 5 on The Stock  Exchange of Hong
Kong Limited.

                                 HSBC Holdings plc
(Incorporated and registered in England and Wales with registered number 617987)


         relating to the agreement to acquire a majority shareholding in

                                 KOREA EXCHANGE BANK

                          by a wholly owned subsidiary of

                                  HSBC Holdings plc


                                                               21 September 2007


Definitions.................................................................. 1

Directors and Group Company Secretary........................................ 3

Letter from the Group Chairman of HSBC....................................... 4

Appendix - General Information............................................... 9


In this circular, the following expressions shall have the meanings set out
below unless the context requires otherwise:


"Acquisition"                        the purchase of the KEB Shares by HSBC Asia

"Acquisition Agreement"              the sale and  purchase  agreement  dated 3 September  2007  between  HSBC Asia and Lone Star
                                     relating to the KEB Shares

"Announcement"                       the  discloseable  transaction  announcement  dated 3 September 2007 released by the Company
                                     relating to the Acquisition

"Board"                              the board of directors of the Company

"Company" or "HSBC"                  HSBC Holdings plc, a company incorporated in England and Wales with limited liability

"Director(s)"                        the director(s) of the Company

"FSC"                                Financial Supervisory Commission of Korea

"FTC"                                Fair Trade Commission of Korea

"Hong Kong"                          Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

"Hong Kong Listing Rules"            The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange

"HSBC Asia"                          HSBC Asia Pacific Holdings (UK) Limited

"HSBC Group"                         the Company and its subsidiaries

"HSBC Ordinary Shares" or            ordinary shares of US$0.50 each in the capital of the Company from time to time
"Ordinary Shares"
"IFRS"                               International Financial Reporting Standards

"KEB"                                Korea Exchange Bank

"KEB Group"                          KEB and its subsidiaries

"KEB Shares"                         329,042,672 shares in KEB owned by Lone Star

"KEXIM"                              The Export-Import Bank of Korea

"Korea"                              the Republic of Korea

"Korean GAAP"                        generally accepted accounting principles in Korea

"KRW" or "Korean Won"                Korean won, the lawful currency of Korea

"KRX"                                the Korea Exchange

"Latest Practicable Date"            18 September 2007, being the latest  practicable date prior to the printing of this circular
                                     for ascertaining certain information referred to in this circular

"Lone Star"                          LSF-KEB Holdings SCA

"SFO"                                Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571)

"Shareholders"                       shareholders of the Company

"Stock Exchange"                     The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

"UK"                                 the United Kingdom

"US"                                 the United States of America

"US$" or "US Dollar"                 US dollars, the lawful currency of the United States of America

"GBP"                                pounds sterling, the lawful currency of the United Kingdom


In this circular:

(i)      Figures in KRW have been  translated  into US$ at the rate of
         KRW939.9 = US$1 and figures in US$ have been translated into KRW
         at the rate of US$1 = KRW939.9 for indication purposes only.

(ii)     The financial  figures for KEB for the years ended 31 December 2006
         and 2005 have been  extracted  from the relevant  audited
         accounts for KEB which were prepared on a consolidated  basis.
         The financial  figures for KEB for the six months to 30 June 2007
         have been extracted from the relevant unaudited interim accounts
         for KEB which were prepared on a non-consolidated basis.


                           Directors and Group Company Secretary

Directors                         S K Green                                     (Group Chairman)
                                  The Baroness Dunn                             (Deputy Chairman, Non-executive Director)
                                  Sir Brian Moffat                              (Deputy Chairman, Non-executive Director)
                                  M F Geoghegan                                 (Group Chief Executive)
                                  Lord Butler                                   (Non-executive Director)
                                  J D Coombe                                    (Non-executive Director)*
                                  R A Fairhead                                  (Non-executive Director)*
                                  D J Flint                                     (Group Finance Director)
                                  W K L Fung                                    (Non-executive Director)
                                  J W J Hughes-Hallett                          (Non-executive Director)*
                                  Sir Mark Moody-Stuart                         (Non-executive Director)*
                                  G Morgan                                      (Non-executive Director)*
                                  S W Newton                                    (Non-executive Director)*
                                  S M Robertson                                 (Non-executive Director)*
                                  Sir Brian Williamson                          (Non-executive Director)*
                                  * Denotes independent Non-executive Director

Group Company Secretary           R G Barber

                                  All of 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ, United Kingdom

                      Letter from the Group Chairman of HSBC

                                                              21 September 2007

Dear Shareholder

                     Agreement to acquire a majority shareholding in
                                 Korea Exchange Bank


On 3 September 2007, we announced that HSBC, through its indirect,  wholly owned
subsidiary,  HSBC Asia, had agreed to acquire 51.02 per cent of the issued share
capital of KEB, the sixth largest bank in Korea.

The shares will be acquired from Lone Star, a holding company owned by Lone Star
Fund  IV  (US)  LP and  Lone  Star  Fund  IV  (Bermuda)  LP.  As  stated  in the
Announcement,  the  purchase  price is KRW3,400  billion plus  US$2,700  million
amounting in total to the equivalent of approximately US$6,317 million,  payable
in cash, assuming the Acquisition is completed on or before 31 January 2008.

The  Acquisition  is subject to a number of conditions  including the receipt of
applicable governmental and regulatory approvals, particularly in Korea from the
FSC and the FTC. In the event that the Acquisition is completed after 31 January
2008,  the purchase price will be increased by US$133  million,  also payable in

Under a  shareholders'  agreement  with Lone Star,  KEXIM is entitled to require
HSBC Asia to  purchase,  on  substantially  the same  terms,  part or all of its
shareholding in KEB (KEXIM's entire  shareholding  represents a further 6.25 per
cent of the issued share capital of KEB).

The  Company  does  not  intend  to  make a  tender  offer  to  KEB's  remaining
shareholders  and,  following  completion of the Acquisition,  KEB will remain a
company listed on the KRX.

The purpose of this circular, which is being issued in order to conform with the
Hong Kong Listing Rules, is to provide you with further  information in relation
to the Acquisition Agreement and the Acquisition.


Under an agreement  entered into on 3 September  2007 with Lone Star,  HSBC Asia
has conditionally agreed to purchase the KEB Shares, representing 51.02 per cent
of the issued share capital of KEB, from Lone Star.

Conditions and termination right

The  Acquisition  is  conditional  upon the  satisfaction  or waiver of  certain
conditions on or before 30 April 2008 including (but not limited to):

*      KEB,  HSBC Asia and other  relevant  members of the HSBC Group  having
       received all  necessary  governmental  and  regulatory approvals,
       particularly in Korea (and none of the approvals being granted subject
       to any conditions having adverse effect)

*      no adverse effect having occurred in relation to KEB's  business,
       assets,  operations or liabilities  that is material to the KEB Group
       taken as a whole (excluding the effects of changes in general
       economic,  financial,  political,  regulatory or market conditions
       applicable to similar businesses in Korea)

*      certain specified actions in relation to KEB not occurring without the
       prior consent of HSBC Asia

*      no material business  restriction or suspension  having been imposed on
       KEB as a result of the ongoing  litigation in relation to the merger of
       the KEB Card business with KEB in 2004.

Within Korea,  applications for approval will be made to the FSC and the FTC. In
the event that the formal application for approval has not been submitted to the
FSC on or before 31  January  2008,  Lone  Star has the right to  terminate  the
Acquisition Agreement.

Further due diligence

Under the Acquisition Agreement,  HSBC Asia has the right to conduct further due
diligence  on KEB in a period of 40 days  following  signing of the  Acquisition
Agreement,   which  may  be  extended  by  a  further   seven  days  in  certain
circumstances.  HSBC Asia is then entitled,  within five days of the end of that
period,  to  notify  Lone  Star  that  it does  not  wish to  proceed  with  the
Acquisition in which case the Acquisition Agreement will terminate.


The  consideration  for the KEB Shares is KRW3,400 billion plus US$2,700 million
amounting  in  total  to  the  equivalent  of  approximately  US$6,317  million,
equivalent  to KRW18,045  (US$19.20)  per share,  payable in cash,  assuming the
Acquisition  is  completed  on or  before 31  January  2008.  In the event  that
completion has not taken place on or before 31 January 2008,  HSBC Asia will pay
a  further  US$133  million,  equivalent  to KRW380  (US$0.40)  per  share.  The
Acquisition  Agreement is conditional on completion taking place on or before 30
April 2008.  Settlement on completion  will be made in cash in US Dollars,  with
the Korean Won element of the  consideration  translated  into US Dollars at the
then current exchange rate.

The  consideration  expressed in KRW at KRW18,045 per share represents a premium
of 21.5 per cent to the share price as at 31 August 2007 of KRW14,850 per share,
a 26.8 per cent premium to the 10-day average trading price to 31 August 2007 of
KRW14,230 per share, a 29.0 per cent premium to the 30-day average trading price
to 31 August 2007 of  KRW13,990  per share and a multiple  of KEB's  stated book
value at 30 June 2007 of 1.83 times.

The consideration  payable will be offset by any dividends in respect of the KEB
Shares  paid  by KEB by  reference  to a  record  date  which  is  prior  to the
registration of HSBC Asia as a shareholder entitled to any such dividend.

The  consideration  was arrived at after arm's length  negotiations  between the
parties. HSBC was advised by HSBC Corporate,  Investment Banking and Markets and
UBS AG acting through its business  group,  UBS  Investment  Bank. The Directors
believe  the  terms  of the  transaction  are  fair  and  reasonable  and in the
interests of Shareholders as a whole.

The Acquisition will be financed from the HSBC Group's own resources.  Following
completion,  KEB will be accounted  for as a subsidiary  in HSBC's  consolidated
financial statements.


HSBC Asia will have the  benefit of a  guarantee  from Lone Star Fund IV (US) LP
and Lone Star Fund IV (Bermuda) LP  guaranteeing  the financial  obligations  of
Lone Star under the Acquisition Agreement.


KEXIM also owns 40,314,387 shares in KEB and, under the terms on which Lone Star
originally invested in KEB, KEXIM has the right to require any purchaser of Lone
Star's KEB Shares to acquire  part or all of its shares in KEB on  substantially
the same terms.  If this right is exercised in respect of all of KEXIM's  shares
in KEB,  it would  involve the  payment by HSBC Asia of KRW727  billion  (US$774
million) to KEXIM,  assuming that completion takes place on or before 31 January
2008 and the consideration is set in Korean Won. If completion takes place after
31 January 2008, there will be a corresponding increase in the amount payable to
KEXIM in line with the additional payment to Lone Star. Such purchase,  if KEXIM
exercises its right, would be conditional on, and completed at the same time as,
completion of the purchase of Lone Star's KEB Shares.

Management and operations

Following  completion  and  subject  to  relevant  approvals,  HSBC Asia will be
entitled to nominate a majority of directors to the board of KEB including KEB's
Chairman and Chief  Executive and certain other  officers.  The KEB name will be
retained with consideration being given to the addition,  in a suitable form, of
reference  to KEB  being a member  of the HSBC  Group to  reflect  its  majority


KEB has over 5.4 million  deposit  customers  and is the sixth  largest  bank in
Korea, as measured by total assets at 30 June 2007. It has over 350 branches and
a presence in 18 countries, making it Korea's leading international bank.

At 30 June 2007, KEB's total assets were KRW73.5 trillion (US$78.2 billion) with
shareholders'  equity of KRW6.3 trillion (US$6.7 billion).  In the year ended 31
December  2006,  KEB generated  pre-tax  profits of KRW1,482  billion  (US$1,577
million) (2005:  KRW1,654 billion (US$1,760 million)) and net income of KRW1,006
billion  (US$1,070  million) (2005:  KRW1,934 billion (US$2,058  million)).  Net
income in the six months to 30 June 2007 was KRW516  billion  (US$549  million).
These results were prepared in accordance with Korean GAAP.


The HSBC Group is one of the  world's  largest  banking and  financial  services
organisations with an unparalleled international network across 83 countries and
territories.  The  Acquisition  accords with HSBC's stated strategy of targeting
investment  at high  growth  markets  with  international  connections  and will
further enhance the HSBC Group's footprint in the Asia-Pacific region.

HSBC   believes   that  KEB  would   benefit  from  having  a   long-term,   and
internationally focused,  strategic shareholder which would enable it to enhance
future  growth  prospects.  KEB has  particular  strengths in trade  finance and
foreign exchange,  complementing  the HSBC Group's global  capabilities in these
areas.  The HSBC Group would also offer KEB the  opportunity to add to the range
of services it offers in other areas,  from personal finance and credit cards to
building deeper commercial and corporate relationships.

The  importance  of, and role played by, KEB in Korean  international  business,
when  linked with the HSBC  Group's  broader  global  network  will  provide the
leading platform to serve Korea's businesses and people internationally.

As a  bank  with a long  history  in  Korea,  and  as the  prospective  majority
shareholder  in one of the nation's  largest  financial  institutions,  the HSBC
Group  intends to make a full  contribution  to the further  development  of the
financial services industry in Korea.

KEB's listing on the KRX will provide a continuing opportunity for Korean
investors to participate in KEB's future.


HSBC prepares its consolidated  financial  statements in accordance with IFRS as
endorsed by the European Union.  Following  completion of the Acquisition,  HSBC
will make certain IFRS and fair value  adjustments in respect of the KEB balance
sheet that will be included in HSBC's consolidated financial statements.

The  Acquisition  is to be financed from the HSBC Group's own  resources.  After
deducting for the cash  consideration  paid, total assets and total  liabilities
for the HSBC Group will  increase by the amount of total assets and  liabilities
of the KEB Group  respectively  as adjusted for IFRS and fair value  adjustments
and goodwill arising on  consolidation.  The minority  interest  recorded in the
HSBC Group's total equity will increase to reflect the  shareholding  in KEB not
owned by the HSBC  Group.  At 30 June 2007,  KEB's  total  assets  were  KRW73.5
trillion (US$78.2 billion) as reported under Korean GAAP.

Based on HSBC's  forecasts for the KEB Group as a member of the HSBC Group,  the
acquisition  is expected to be earnings  per share  accretive  in its first full
year of operations within the HSBC Group.


HSBC Holdings plc

Headquartered  in  London,  the HSBC  Group is one of the  largest  banking  and
financial  services  organisations  in  the  world.  Its  international  network
comprises some 10,000 properties in 83 countries and territories in Europe; Hong
Kong; rest of Asia-Pacific,  including the Middle East and Africa; North America
and Latin America.  With listings on the London,  Hong Kong, New York, Paris and
Bermuda stock exchanges,  shares in HSBC are held by about 200,000  Shareholders
in over 100  countries  and  territories.  The shares are traded on the New York
Stock  Exchange  in the form of  American  Depositary  Shares.  The  HSBC  Group
provides a  comprehensive  range of financial  services to more than 125 million
customers through four customer groups and global businesses: Personal Financial
Services (including consumer finance); Commercial Banking; Corporate, Investment
Banking and Markets; and Private Banking.

The Hongkong and Shanghai  Banking  Corporation  Limited is an indirect,  wholly
owned  subsidiary of the Company.  HSBC Asia is a wholly owned subsidiary of The
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.

Lone Star

Lone Star is a Belgian  incorporated holding company which holds the KEB Shares.
It is  controlled  by the general  partner of Lone Star Fund IV (US) LP, and its
ultimate  investors include the investors in Lone Star Fund IV (US) LP and other
institutional  investors.  Lone  Star  Funds is a family of  private  investment
limited  partnerships  established  to  facilitate  investment  by  a  group  of
investors into financial and other assets.


KEXIM  is an  official  export  credit  agency  owned by the  Korean  government
providing comprehensive export credit and guarantee programmes to support Korean
enterprises in conducting overseas business.


To the best of the  knowledge,  information  and belief of the Directors  having
made all reasonable  enquiries,  both (a) Lone Star and its ultimate  beneficial
owners  and (b) KEXIM  and its  ultimate  beneficial  owners  are third  parties
independent  of HSBC and its  connected  persons (as defined under the Hong Kong
Listing Rules).


Your attention is drawn to the information set out in the Appendix to this

Yours faithfully

S K Green
Group Chairman

                            Appendix - General Information


       This circular includes  particulars  given in compliance with the
       Hong Kong Listing Rules for the purpose of giving  information with
       regard to the Company.  The Directors  collectively and  individually
       accept full  responsibility  for the accuracy of the information
       contained in this circular and confirm,  having made all reasonable
       enquiries,  that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are
       no other facts the omission of which would make any statement herein


       According to the register of Directors' interests maintained by HSBC
       pursuant to section 352 of the SFO of Hong Kong,  the Directors had the
       following  interests at the Latest  Practicable  Date, all beneficial
       unless otherwise stated, in the shares and loan capital of HSBC and its

       HSBC Ordinary Shares

                             Beneficial          Child                                                                Percentage of
                                  owner       under 18      Controlled                Jointly with         Total    Ordinary Shares
                                             or spouse     corporation     Trustee  another person  interests(1)           in issue

       J D Coombe                12,408              -               -    33,799(2)              -        46,207               0.00
       Baroness Dunn            153,527              -               -    28,650(2)              -       182,177               0.00
       D J Flint                 82,643              -               -    29,032(3)              -       111,675               0.00
       W K L Fung               328,000              -               -            -              -       328,000               0.00
       M F Geoghegan            383,019              -               -            -              -       383,019               0.00
       S K Green                486,693              -               -            -         45,355       532,048               0.00
       J W J Hughes-Hallett           -              -               -   670,477(2)              -       670,477               0.01
       Sir Brian Moffat               -              -               -            -         17,613        17,613               0.00
       Sir Mark Moody-Stuart      5,000            840               -     5,000(2)              -        10,840               0.00
       G Morgan                  50,000              -               -            -              -        50,000               0.00
       S W Newton                 5,847              -          50,461            -              -        56,308               0.00
       S M Robertson              5,266              -               -    93,000(2)              -        98,266               0.00
       Sir Brian Williamson      22,942              -               -            -              -        22,942               0.00


       1   Details of executive Directors' other interests in HSBC Ordinary
           Shares arising from the HSBC Holdings  Savings-Related Share Option
           Plan, the HSBC Holdings  Restricted  Share Plan 2000 and The HSBC
           Share Plan are set out below. As at the Latest  Practicable  Date,
           the aggregate  interests under the SFO of D J Flint, M F Geoghegan
           and S K Green in HSBC Ordinary  Shares (each of which  represents
           less than 0.02 per cent of the shares in issue),  including
           interests  arising  through  employee  share  plans  were:
           D J Flint - 868,984; M F Geoghegan - 1,496,522; and S K Green -

       2   Non-beneficial.

       3   Non-beneficial interest in 9,678 HSBC Ordinary Shares.

       Options over HSBC Ordinary Shares

       As at the Latest Practicable Date, the following Directors have been
       granted,  and have outstanding,  options over HSBC Ordinary Shares under
       an  all-employee  share plan.  The options were awarded for nil
       consideration  and are  exercisable at a 20 per cent discount to the
       average market value of HSBC Ordinary  Shares on the five business
       days  immediately  preceding the  invitation  date.  Options may be
       advanced to an earlier date in certain circumstances, e.g. retirement.

       HSBC Holdings Savings-Related Share Option Plan

                            Ordinary Shares                  Date of           Exercise        Exercisable              Exercisable
                               under option                    award          price (GBP)            from                    until

       D J Flint                       2,310              25 Apr 2007             7.0872        1 Aug 2012             31 Jan 2013

       S K Green                       3,070              23 Apr 2003             5.3496         1 Aug 2008             31 Jan 2009

       Under the SFO, the options are categorised as unlisted physically
       settled equity derivatives.

       HSBC Holdings Restricted Share Plan 2000


                                                                                                    Date of       Year in which
                                                 Awards of Ordinary Shares(1)                         award     awards may vest

       D J Flint                                                      134,885                    5 Mar 2003                2008

       M F Geoghegan                                                   62,948                    5 Mar 2003                2008

       S K Green                                                      134,885                    5 Mar 2003                2008

       Vesting of these awards is subject to the  attainment  of  predetermined
       corporate  performance  conditions  as set out in the Annual  Report and
       Accounts  2006.  Under the SFO,  interests  held  through the
       HSBC  Holdings  Restricted  Share Plan 2000 are  categorised  as the
       interests of a beneficiary of a trust.

       1     Includes additional Ordinary Shares arising from scrip dividends.

       The HSBC Share Plan

                                                                                           Date of                    Year in which
                                                 Awards of Ordinary Shares(1)                award                  awards may vest

       D J Flint                                                      192,927          27 May 2005                             2008
                                                                      173,614           6 Mar 2006                             2009
                                                                      253,573           5 Mar 2007                             2010

       M F Geoghegan                                                  257,236          27 May 2005                             2008
                                                                      217,018           6 Mar 2006                             2009
                                                                      576,301           5 Mar 2007                             2010

       S K Green                                                      321,544          27 May 2005                             2008
                                                                      271,272           6 Mar 2006                             2009
                                                                      432,226           5 Mar 2007                             2010

       Vesting of these awards is subject to the  attainment  of  predetermined
       corporate  performance  conditions  as set out in the Annual  Report and
       Accounts 2006. Under the SFO, interests held through The HSBC Share Plan
       are categorised as the interests of a beneficiary of a trust.


       1       Includes additional Ordinary Shares arising from scrip dividends.

       M F Geoghegan has an interest as beneficial  owner in 280,000  ordinary
       shares of HK$5.00 each in Hang Seng Bank Limited  (representing  less
       than 0.02 per cent of the shares in issue).  S-K-Green  has an interest
       as beneficial  owner in EUR75,000 of HSBC  Holdings plc 5-1/2 per cent
       Subordinated Notes 2009.

       As  directors  of HSBC  France,  S K Green and M F  Geoghegan each  have
       an  interest as  beneficial  owner in one  share of EUR5 in that  company
       (representing  less than 0.01 per cent of the shares in issue).  These
       Directors have waived their rights to receive dividends on these shares
       and have undertaken to transfer these shares to HSBC on ceasing to be
       directors of HSBC France.

       As a director of HSBC  Private  Banking Holdings (Suisse)  SA, S K Green
       has an interest  as  beneficial  owner in one share of CHF1,000 in that
       company  (representing  less than 0.01 per cent of the shares in issue).
       S K Green has waived his rights to receive dividends on the share and
       has undertaken to transfer the share to HSBC on ceasing to be a director
       of HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA.

       Save as disclosed above,  none of the Directors had, as at the Latest
       Practicable Date, any interests or short positions in the shares,
       underlying  shares and debentures of the Company or any of its associated
       corporations  (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would
       have to be notified to the Company and the Stock  Exchange  pursuant to
       Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including  interests or short
       positions  which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions
       of the SFO), or which were  recorded in the register  required to be
       kept by the Company under Section 352 of the SFO, or which were required
       to be notified to the  Company and the Stock  Exchange  pursuant to the
       Model Code for  Securities  Transactions  by  Directors of Listed
       Companies adopted by the Company.


       There are no interests or short  positions in the shares or underlying
       shares of the Company  which have been  disclosed to the Company under
       the  provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO. So far as
       is known to any Director of the Company,  as at the Latest  Practicable
       Date, the following persons were interested in 10 per cent or more of
       the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying rights to vote
       in all circumstances at general meetings of the respective HSBC Group


                                                                                                       Percentage Interest in share
                                                                                                                         capital of
       Group Company                                             Shareholder                                          Group Company

       Almacenadora Hondurena S.A. (Almahsa)                     Rosa Rivera de Smith (Q.E.P.D.)                              17.69
       Cirflex SA                                                Adage SA                                                    13.736
                                                                 Banco de Inversion y Serv. Financieros                      16.556
       Financiere Ombelle                                        Prevoir Vie                                                     10
                                                                 Ste Groupe Guy Gendrot                                          10
       HSBC (Hellas) AEDAK                                       J V Vezanis                                                     27
       HSBC Alpha Funding (UK) Limited                           Pearwood LLC                                                29.975
       HSBC Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd                    Jerneh Asia Berhad                                              31
                                                                 Employees Provident Fund Board                                  20
       HSBC Bank Armenia cjsc                                    Wings Establishment                                             30
       HSBC Bank Georgia JSC                                     Wings Establishment                                             30
       HSBC Corporate Advisory (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd                Dato' Sulaiman bin Sujak                                        30
       HSBC Land Title Agency (USA) LLC                          Prime Land Services L.L.C.                                      45
       HSBC Middle East Finance Company Limited                  H H The Late Ruler of Dubai                                     20
       HSBC New York Life Seguros de Retiro                      New York Life International LLC                                 40
           (Argentina) S.A.
       HSBC New York Life Seguros de Vida                        New York Life International LLC                                 40
           (Argentina) S.A.
       HSBC Rose Funding (UK) Limited                            Bank of America NA                                          19.925
       HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG                              Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg                                  20.3
       Kirk Management Limited                                   W.P. Stewart & Company Limited                                  40
       Maxima S.A. AFJP                                          New York Life International LLC                              39.99
       Primer Grupo Energetico                                   Banco General                                                   25
       PT HSBC Securities Indonesia                              P.T. Bogamulia Nagadi                                           15
       SNC Les Oliviers D'Antibes                                Societe Cristolienne De Participations                          40
       SNC Nuku-Hiva Bail                                        Caisse Federale du Credit Mutuel de Maine  Anjou et             20
                                                                 Basse Normandie
       Tower Investment Management                               International Finance Corp.                                     10
       Transacciones Hondurenas en Bolsa S.A.                    Rosa Rivera de Smith (Q.E.P.D.)                              17.69
       Way Chong Finance Limited                                 Dah Chong Hong, Limited                                      49.99


       None of the Directors or their respective  associates had, as at the
       Latest  Practicable  Date, any interest in a business which competes,
       or is likely to compete either directly or indirectly, with the business
       of the Company and its subsidiaries.


       On 27 July  2007,  the UK  Office of Fair  Trading  issued  High  Court
       legal  proceedings  against  a number  of UK  financial institutions,
       including HSBC Bank plc (a wholly owned subsidiary of HSBC), to
       determine the legal status and  enforceability of certain of the charges
       applied to their  personal  customers  in relation  to  unauthorised
       overdrafts  (the  "Charges).  The proceedings  were  commenced with the
       agreement of all parties  concerned.  Proceedings  are at a very early
       stage,  and may (if appeals are pursued)  take a number of years to
       conclude.  A range of outcomes are  possible,  depending  upon the High
       Court's assessment of each Charge  across the period under review.
       HSBC Bank plc considers the Charges to be and to have been valid and
       enforceable,  and intends strongly to defend its position.  It is
       impossible at this stage to predict  accurately the outcome of
       the litigation or whether the  proceedings  will have any financial
       impact and, if so, the size of that impact but on the basis of facts
       currently  available and the advice  received the financial  impact
       on HSBC Bank plc and the Company is not considered to be material.

       Certain  members of the HSBC Group are party to legal actions in a
       number of  jurisdictions  including the UK, Hong Kong and the US,
       arising out of its normal  business  operations.  HSBC considers that
       none of the actions is regarded as material,  and none is  expected  to
       result in a  significant  adverse  effect on the  financial  position of
       HSBC,  either  individually  or in the aggregate.  Management  believes
       that adequate  provisions have been made in respect of such litigation.
       HSBC has not disclosed any contingent liability associated with these
       legal actions in aggregate because it is not practicable to do so.


       As at the Latest  Practicable  Date,  save as  disclosed  below,  none
       of the  Directors  has any  existing or proposed  service contract with
       any member of the HSBC Group which may not be  terminated  by the HSBC
       Group  within one year without the payment of compensation (other than
       statutory compensation).

       S K Green is subject to a reciprocal 12-month notice period to terminate
       his  employment.  M F Geoghegan's  contract is due to expire on
       15 March 2009 unless  terminated  prior to such date by either party
       giving to the other 12 months' notice or extended by mutual agreement.

       Both contracts contain payment in lieu of notice (PILON)  provisions
       which can be exercised at HSBC's  discretion,  such payment comprising
       an amount equal to 175 per cent of base salary  (excluding all benefits)
       for the notice period.  Under both contracts a  pro-rated  bonus is
       payable on  termination  of  employment  (other  than  where termination
       results  from the  Director's resignation,  save where  this  occurs in
       the 12 months  following  a change of control of HSBC) in respect of the
       bonus year in which the  employment  terminates.  The  minimum pro-rated
       bonus  payable  will be  calculated  as the  average  of the annual
       discretionary  cash bonuses  (based on individual  and Group
       performance)  paid to the relevant  Director in respect of the two
       bonus years prior to the year in which their employment terminates.

       D J Flint is entitled to receive 12 months' notice to terminate his
       employment and is required to give nine months'  notice.  Mr Flint's
       contract  contains a PILON provision  which can be exercised at HSBC's
       discretion,  such payment  comprising an amount equal to base salary and
       pension  contributions  (excluding bonus and other benefits) for the
       duration of the applicable  notice period.


(a)     The Group Company Secretary is Ralph Gordon Barber, FCIS.

(b)     The Qualified Accountant of the Company is Douglas Jardine Flint,
        Group Finance Director, CBE, CA FCMA PMD (Harvard).

(c)     The registered office of the Company is at 8 Canada Square, London
        E14 5HQ, United Kingdom.

(d)     The English text of this circular shall prevail over the Chinese text,
        in the case of any inconsistency.


        Shareholders may at any time choose to receive corporate communications
        in printed form or to receive a notification of its availability on
        HSBC's website.  To receive future  notifications  of the  availability
        of a corporate  communication on HSBC's website by email, or revoke or
        amend an instruction to receive such notifications by email, go to  If you received a  notification  of the
        availability  of this document on HSBC's website and would like to
        receive a printed copy, or would like to receive  future  corporate
        communications  in printed form,  please write to the  appropriate
        Registrars at the address given below. Printed copies will be provided
        without charge.

        Further  copies of this  circular and a Chinese  translation  of this
        and future  documents may be obtained on request from the Registrars.
        Please also contact the Registrars if you have received a Chinese
        translation of this document and do not wish to receive such
        translations in the future.


       Principal Register                         Hong Kong Overseas Branch Register               Bermuda Overseas Branch Register
       Computershare Investor                     Computershare Hong Kong                          Corporate Shareholder Services
         Services PLC                               Investor Services Limited                      The Bank of Bermuda Limited
       PO Box 1064                                Hopewell Centre                                  6 Front Street
       The Pavilions                              Rooms 1806-1807, 18th Floor                      Hamilton HM 11
       Bridgwater Road                            183 Queen's Road East                            Bermuda
       Bristol BS99 3FA                           Wan Chai
       United Kingdom                             Hong Kong


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                               HSBC Holdings plc

                                                Name:  P A Stafford
                                                Title: Assistant Group Secretary
                                                Date:  21 September, 2007