(Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                  Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
              the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. _)

Filed by the Registrant /X/

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /

Check the appropriate box:
//  Preliminary Proxy Statement
//  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
        Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/X/ Definitive Proxy Statement
//  Definitive Additional Materials
//  Soliciting Materials Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                              AMEN Properties, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement
                            if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/ No fee required.

//  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11

    (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
    (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: (set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined)
    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
    (5) Total fee paid:

//  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

//  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
    Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
    paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
    number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    (1) Amount Previously Paid:
    (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
    (3) Filing Party:
    (4) Date Filed:

                                 Amen Properties
                         303 W. Wall Street, Suite 2300
                              Midland, Texas 79701

April 23, 2007

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

You are cordially  invited to attend the 2007 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of
AMEN  Properties,  Inc. to be held at the Corporate  Office of AMEN  Properties,
Inc., 303 West Wall Street,  Suite 2300,  Midland,  TX 79701,  in the Conference
Room,  at 8:30 a.m.,  local time, on Wednesday,  May 30, 2007.  The  information
regarding  matters  to be voted  upon at the  Annual  Meeting  is set out in the
attached Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement.

It is  important  that  your  shares  be  represented  at  the  Annual  Meeting,
regardless  of the number of shares  you hold or whether  you plan to attend the
meeting in person. I urge you to vote your shares as soon as possible. The proxy
card contains instructions on how to cast your vote.

If you have any questions,  please contact Kris Oliver,  Chief Financial Officer
and Secretary at (432) 684-3821.


/s/ Eric L. Oliver
Eric L. Oliver
Chairman of the Board
AMEN Properties, Inc.


                                 AMEN PROPERTIES

Date:             May 30, 2007
Time:             8:30 AM Central Daylight Time
Place:            303 West Wall Street, Suite 2300, Midland, TX  79701


     1.   To elect six  directors to the Board of Directors of Amen  Properties,
          Inc. (the  "Company) to serve  one-year terms expiring at the later of
          the annual  meeting  shareholders  in 2008 or upon a  successor  being
          elected and qualified
     2.   To approve and ratify an  amendment  to the  employment  agreement  of
          Padraig  Ennis  which will  enable him to receive  restricted  Company
          stock in lieu of a portion of his salary.
     3.   To approve and ratify an amendment to the employment agreement of John
          Bick which will enable him to receive restricted Company stock in lieu
          of a portion of his salary.
     4.   To approve and ratify an  amendment  to the  employment  agreement  of
          Kevin Yung which increases the scope of the businesses included in his
          bonus  calculation  to include all current and future  energy  related
     5.   To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

Record Date: April 16, 2007

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ Eric L. Oliver
                                        Eric L. Oliver
                                        Chairman of the Board
                                        AMEN Properties, Inc.

April 23, 2007

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting,  please complete,  date, sign and
return the accompanying  proxy card promptly so that we can be assured of having
a  quorum  present  at the  meeting  and so that  your  shares  may be  voted in
accordance with your wishes.


                                 Amen Properties
                         303 W. Wall Street, Suite 2300
                              Midland, Texas 79701

    Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held on May 30, 2007
           Some Questions You May Have Regarding this Proxy Statement

Q:   Why am I receiving these materials?

A:   The accompanying  proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
     Amen  Properties,  Inc. We are  providing  these proxy  materials to you in
     connection with our Annual Meeting of Shareholders,  to be held at 303 West
     Wall Street,  Suite 2300,  Midland, TX 79701, on May 30, 2007 at 8:30 a.m.,
     Central Daylight Time. As a Company shareholder,  you are invited to attend
     the Annual  Meeting and are entitled and requested to vote on the proposals
     described in this proxy statement.

Q:   Who may vote at the meeting?

A:   You may vote all of the  shares of our  common  stock that you owned at the
     close of business on April 16, 2007,  the record date.  On the record date,
     Amen Properties,  Inc. had 2,290,589 shares of common stock outstanding and
     entitled to be voted at the meeting. In addition,  333,333 shares of Common
     Stock are deemed outstanding for voting purposes with respect to the 80,000
     shares of Series A Preferred  Stock ("Series A"),  233,317 shares of Common
     Stock are deemed outstanding for voting purposes with respect to the 80,000
     shares of Series B Preferred  Stock  ("Series  B"),  and 470,000  shares of
     Common Stock are deemed outstanding for voting purposes with respect to the
     125,000 shares of Series C Preferred Stock ("Series C").  Therefore,  there
     are a total of 3,327,239  voting shares as of the Record Date. You may cast
     one vote for each  share of common  stock held by you (or deemed to be held
     by you due to your ownership of preferred  stock) on all matters  presented
     at the meeting.

Q:   What proposals will be voted on at the meeting?

A:   There  are two  Company  proposals  to be  considered  and  voted on at the
     meeting, which are:
     1.   To elect six  directors to the Board of Directors of Amen  Properties,
          Inc. (the  "Company) to serve  one-year terms expiring at the later of
          the annual  meeting  shareholders  in 2008 or upon a  successor  being
          elected and qualified.


     2.   To approve and ratify an  amendment  to the  employment  agreement  of
          Padraig  Ennis  which will  enable him to receive  restricted  Company
          stock in lieu of a portion of his salary.
     3.   To approve and ratify an amendment to the employment agreement of John
          Bick which will enable him to receive restricted Company stock in lieu
          of a portion of his salary.
     4.   To approve and ratify an  amendment  to the  employment  agreement  of
          Kevin Yung which increases the scope of the businesses included in his
          bonus  calculation  to include all current and future  energy  related

Q:   How does the Board of Directors recommend I vote?

A:   Please see the information  included in the proxy statement relating to the
     proposals  to be voted on. Our Board of  Directors  unanimously  recommends
     that you vote:

     1.   "FOR: each of the nominees to the Board of Directors
     2.   "FOR"  approval and  ratification  of the amendment to the  employment
          agreement of Padraig Ennis
     3.   "FOR"  approval and  ratification  of the amendment to the  employment
          agreement of John Bick
     4.   "FOR"  approval and  ratification  of the amendment to the  employment
          agreement of Kevin Yung

Q:   What happens if additional matters are presented at the annual meeting?

A:   Other than the items of business described in this proxy statement,  we are
     not aware of any other business to be acted upon at the annual meeting.  If
     you grant a proxy,  the persons named as  proxyholders,  Eric L. Oliver and
     Jon Morgan,  will have the discretion to vote your shares on any additional
     matters properly presented for a vote at the meeting.

Q:   How do I vote?

A:   If your  shares  are  registered  directly  in your name with our  transfer
     agent, American Stock Transfer,  you are considered a shareholder of record
     with  respect to those  shares and the proxy  materials  and proxy card are
     being sent  directly to you.  Please  carefully  consider  the  information
     contained in this proxy  statement  and,  whether or not you plan to attend
     the meeting,  complete,  date, sign and return the accompanying  proxy card
     promptly  so that we can be  assured  of  having  a quorum  present  at the
     meeting and so that your shares may be voted in accordance with your wishes
     even if you later decide not to attend the annual  meeting.  To vote at the
     meeting,  please  bring the enclosed  proxy card,  or vote using the ballot
     provided at the meeting.


     If like most  shareholders  of the Company,  you hold your shares in street
     name through a  stockbroker,  bank or other nominee rather than directly in
     your own name, you are considered the beneficial  owner of shares,  and the
     proxy  materials  are  being  forwarded  to  you  together  with  a  voting
     instruction  card. Please carefully  consider the information  contained in
     this proxy  statement  and,  whether or not you plan to attend the meeting,
     complete,  date,  sign and return the  accompanying  proxy card promptly as
     instructed  by your broker or nominee so that we can be assured of having a
     quorum  present  at the  meeting  and so that your  shares  may be voted in
     accordance with your wishes.

Q:   What constitutes a quorum and why is a quorum required?

A:   A quorum is required for the Company  shareholders  to conduct  business at
     the meeting.  The presence at the  meeting,  in person or by proxy,  of the
     holders of a majority  of the shares  entitled  to vote on the record  date
     will  constitute  a quorum,  permitting  us to conduct the  business of the
     meeting.  Proxies  received  but  marked as  abstentions,  if any,  will be
     included  in the  calculation  of the  number  of shares  considered  to be
     present at the meeting for quorum purposes.

Q:   What if I don't vote or abstain? How are broker non-votes counted?

A:   Abstentions are included in the  determination of shares present for quorum
     purposes. Because abstentions represent shares entitled to vote, the effect
     of an  abstention  will be the same as a vote against a proposal.  However,
     abstentions will have no effect on the election of directors.

     Eric L. Oliver and Jon Morgan are officers of the Company and were named by
     our Board of Directors  as proxy  holders.  They will vote all proxies,  or
     record an abstention or  withholding,  in accordance with the directions on
     the proxy. If no contrary  direction is given,  the shares will be voted as
     recommended by the Board of Directors.  For beneficial  shareholders,  your
     broker or nominee may not be permitted to exercise  voting  discretion with
     respect to certain matters to be acted upon. If you do not give your broker
     or nominee  specific  instructions,  your  shares may not be voted on those
     matters and will not be  considered  as present  and  entitled to vote with
     respect to those matters.  Shares  represented by such "broker  non-votes,"
     however, will be counted in determining whether there is a quorum present.

Q:   If my shares are held in street  name by my broker,  will my broker vote my
     shares for me?

A:   Your broker will vote your shares only if the proposal is a matter on which
     your broker has discretion to vote (such as the election of directors),  or
     if you provide  instructions  on how to vote by following the  instructions
     provided to you by your broker.


Q:   Can I change my vote after I have delivered my proxy?

A:   Yes.  You may revoke  your proxy at any time before its  exercise.  You may
     also  revoke your proxy by voting in person at the Annual  Meeting.  If you
     are a beneficial shareholder,  you must contact your brokerage firm or bank
     to change  your  vote or obtain a proxy to vote your  shares if you wish to
     cast your vote in person at the meeting.

Q:   Who will count the votes?

A:   Stockholder votes by proxy will be tabulated by ADP Investor  Communication

Q:   Where can I find voting results of the meeting?

A:   We will  announce  preliminary  voting  results at the  meeting and publish
     final results in our quarterly report on Form 10-QSB for the second quarter
     of fiscal year 2007 or in an earlier filed Form 8-K.

Q:   Who will bear the cost for soliciting votes for the meeting?

A:   We will bear all  expenses  in  conjunction  with the  solicitation  of the
     enclosed  proxy,  including  the  charges  of  brokerage  houses  and other
     custodians,  nominees or fiduciaries  for forwarding  documents to security
     owners.  We may  hire a  proxy  solicitation  firm at a  standard  industry
     compensation  rate.  In  addition,  proxies may be  solicited  by mail,  in
     person,  or by telephone or fax by certain of our  officers,  directors and
     regular employees.

Q:   Whom should I call with other questions?

A:   If you have additional  questions about this proxy statement or the meeting
     or would like additional  copies of this document or our 2006 Annual Report
     on Form 10-KSB,  please contact:  Amen Properties,  Inc. 303 W. Wall Street
     Suite  1700,  Midland,  TX  79701,  Attention:  Investor  Relations  Dept.,
     Telephone: (432) 684-3821.

Q:   What vote is required for approval of the proposals presented?

A:   Directors  are  elected by a  plurality  of votes cast in the  election  of
     directors.  The other proposals  require the affirmative vote of at least a
     majority of the votes present at the meeting and entitled to be cast.


Additional Information

We are subject to the informational  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended ("Exchange Act") and are therefore required to file periodic
reports, proxy statements and other information with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "Commission") related to our business,  financial statements and
other  matters.  Such  reports,  proxy  statements  and  other  information  are
available for inspection and copying at the Commission's  principal office, Room
1024,  Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth Street,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C. 20549, where
copies may be obtained  upon payment of the fees  prescribed  by the  Commission
from the Public  Reference  Section of the Commission,  450 Fifth Street,  N.W.,
Washington,  D.C. 20549. Such documents may also be obtained through the Website
maintained by the Commission at



Size of Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors  currently consists of six members,  all serving one-year
terms expiring at the Annual Meeting or until their  successors are duly elected
and qualified.

Current Nominees

Eric L.  Oliver  was  appointed  as a  director  of AMEN in July  2001,  and was
appointed  Chairman of the Board and Chief  Executive  Officer on September  19,
2002. Mr. Oliver  resigned as Chief Executive  Officer  effective March 7, 2007.
Since 1997, he has been President of SoftSearch Investment,  Inc., an investment
firm in Abilene,  Texas.  Since 1998, he has also served as President of Midland
Map Company LLC, a company that creates hand drafted  ownership maps  throughout
the Permian Basin. He is on the Board of Directors of the First National Bank of
Midland, and of Love and Care Ministries, an inner city homeless initiative. Mr.
Oliver is the brother of Kris Oliver, the Company's Chief Financial Officer.

Jon M.  Morgan was  appointed  as a director  of AMEN in October  2000,  and was
appointed  President  and Chief  Operating  Officer on September  19, 2002.  Mr.
Morgan  resigned as Chief  Operating  Officer and was appointed  Chief Executive
Officer  on March 7,  2007.  Mr.  Morgan  has more than 18 years  experience  in
launching  and managing  successful  businesses  in both  investment  management
services and in the energy field. He is founder of several businesses  including
Morgan Capital Group, Inc., the Packard Fund, and is President of J.M. Mineral &
Land Co.

Bruce E.  Edgington has been  director of AMEN since  November  1995.  From 1979
through 1988, Mr. Edgington was a registered  representative with Johnston Lemon
& Co., a  securities  broker-dealer,  where his  responsibilities  included  the
management of retail securities accounts and administration.  In 1988 he founded
and  continues  to be  an  officer,  director  and  stockholder  of  DiBiasio  &
Edgington,  a firm engaged in providing  software to investment  firms and money

Earl E.  Gjelde has  served as an AMEN  director  since  April  1997.  From 1989
through 1993, he was Vice President of Chemical Waste Management,  Inc. and from
1991 to 1993  was  Vice  President  of  Waste  Management  Inc.  (currently  WMX
Technologies,  Inc.). Since 1991, Mr. Gjelde has been Managing Director,  Summit
Group  International,  Ltd., an energy and natural resource consulting firm with
Internet  based  security  controlled  document  systems and Managing  Director,
Summit  Energy  Group,  Ltd.,  an energy  development  company and since 1996, a
partner in Pipeline Power  Partners,  LP, a natural gas services  company.  From
1980  through  1989,  Mr.  Gjelde  held  various  federal  government  positions
including Under Secretary and Chief Operating Officer of the U.S.  Department of
Interior from 1985 through 1989 and Special  Assistant to the  Secretary,  Chief
Operating  Officer,  U.S.  Department  of Energy from 1982 through 1985. He is a
member of the Board of Directors of The United  States Energy  Association,  The
World Energy Congress,  the National Wilderness  Institute,  Allied Technologies
Group, Inc., and publicly held Electrosource, Inc.


Donald M. Blake,  Jr. was  appointed  to the Board of  Directors on February 26,
2003.  He is  Executive  Vice  President  and  Principal  of Joseph J. Blake and
Associates,  Inc. ("Blake and  Associates"),  an  international  commercial real
estate due diligence firm. The company founded by his grandfather specializes in
the  valuation of debt and equity and  assessment  reports for  engineering  and
environmental issues concerning real property.  Over the past 57 years, the firm
has served the nation's  leading  investors,  lenders and owners of real estate.
Blake and Associates  maintains  operations  throughout the United States, Latin
America and Japan. Mr. Blake, Jr. is a Member of the Appraisal  Institute and is
active with a variety of real estate  organizations such as the Mortgage Bankers
Association,   Pension  Real  Estate   Association,   The  Commercial   Mortgage
Securitization  Association and the Urban Land Institute.  Former Governor Mario
Cuomo of New York appointed Mr. Blake,  Jr. to the charter advisory board of the
New York State Appraisal  Certification Board. The board developed the standards
and ethical  standards  for all licensing and  certification  for  appraisers in
accordance  with state  legislation.  He was also  appointed  to the real estate
advisory   board  of  the  business   school  of  Babson   College,   Wellesley,
Massachusetts.  Mr. Blake,  Jr. received a BA from Hobart College,  Geneva,  New
York in 1979 and a MSM with a  concentration  in commercial  real estate finance
from Florida International University, Miami, Florida in 1981.

G. Randy Nicholson was appointed to the Board of Directors on February 26, 2003.
He graduated  from Abilene  Christian  College in 1959.  From 1959 to 1971,  Mr.
Nicholson was  self-employed  in Abilene as a CPA. In 1971, he  established  E-Z
Serve, Inc., a gasoline marketing company.  Mr. Nicholson has served as Chairman
of the Board of  Auto-Gas  Systems,  Inc.  since  1987.  AutoGas  developed  the
pay-at-the  pump  technology   processing   paperless   credit  and  debit  card
transactions  at the fuel  island.  Headquartered  in  Abilene,  Texas,  AutoGas
continues to introduce  innovative  technological  advancements in the automated
fueling industry, most recently with loyalty products such as DIGITAL REWARDS(R)
and  Quantum  360sm.  He  joined  the Board of  Trustees  of  Abilene  Christian
University in 1981. Mr.  Nicholson is a member of the Texas Society of Certified
Public  Accountants  and was recently  named an honorary  member of the American
Institute  of Certified  Public  Accountants  (AICPA)  having been member for 40
years. He is presently  serving as Chairman of the Technology  Committee for the
City of Abilene.

If  elected,  each  director  will hold  office  until  the  annual  meeting  of
stockholders  in 2008 or until his successor is duly elected and qualified.  The
election of  directors  will be decided by a plurality of the votes cast in such
election at the meeting by the  stockholders,  and accordingly,  abstentions and
"broker   non-votes"   will  have  no  effect  on  the  election  of  directors.
Stockholders  may not  cumulate  their votes in the election of  directors.  All
nominees  have  consented  to be named in this proxy  statement  and to serve if
elected,  but if any  nominee  becomes  unable to serve,  the  persons  named as
proxies  may  exercise  their  discretion  to  vote  for a  substitute  nominee.
Management  has no reason to believe that any of the nominees  will be unable to


Current Directors

Assuming  election of all nominees above, the following is a list of persons who
will constitute the Company's Board of Directors following the meeting including
their ages and current committee assignments.

Name                            Age    Committees
----                            ---    ----------
Eric L. Oliver  (Chairman)      48     None
Jon Morgan (CEO)                48     None
Bruce E. Edgington              49     Compensation, Audit (Chair), Nominating
Earl E. Gjelde                  62     Compensation (Chair), Nominating
Donald M. Blake, Jr.            51     Audit, Nominating (Chair)
G. Randy Nicholson              69     Compensation, Audit

Corporate Governance

Meeting Attendance

AMEN's  business is managed under the  direction of the Board of Directors.  The
Board meets during our fiscal year to review significant developments and to act
on matters  requiring  Board  approval.  The Board of Directors held five formal
meetings and acted by unanimous  written consent on other  occasions  during the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2006.  None of the Company's  directors  attended
fewer than 75% of the  aggregate of the total number of meetings of the Board of
Directors  and their  respective  committee  meetings  held  subsequent to their
election to the Board in 2006.

Board Independence

Messrs.  Edgington,  Gjelde, Blake and Nicholson are independent directors under
the rules of the NASDAQ Stock  Market.  All of the Board's  standing  committees
(described below) are comprised entirely of independent directors.

Board Committees

The Board of  Directors  has  established  an Audit  Committee,  a  Compensation
Committee,  and a Nominating  Committee to devote attention to specific subjects
and to assist  the Board in the  discharge  of its  responsibilities.  The Board
committees are currently  comprised of independent  directors in accordance with
the NASDAQ rules.  The functions of these committees and their members as of the
date of the Annual Meeting are described below.


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is comprised of Messrs.  Edgington (Chair),  Nicholson,  and
Blake, Jr. all of whom are independent directors.  The Audit Committee held four
meetings  during 2006.  The Audit  Committee,  among other things,  oversees the
accounting  and  financial  reporting  practices  of the Company and reviews the
annual audit with the Company's independent accountants.  In addition, the Audit
Committee has the sole authority and  responsibility  to select,  evaluate,  and
where   appropriate,    replace   the   independent   auditors.    The   general
responsibilities  of the Audit  Committee  are set forth in the Audit  Committee
Charter,  a copy of which was attached to the Company's 2004 Proxy  Statement as
Appendix   I  and   can   also   be  seen   on  the   Company's   web   site  at  The Board has  determined  that no member of the
Committee  meets all of the  criteria  needed to qualify as an "audit  committee
financial expert" as defined by the Commission  regulations.  The Board believes
that each of the current  members of the Committee has sufficient  knowledge and
experience in financial matters to perform his duties on the Committee.

The Audit  Committee  oversees our financial  reporting,  internal  controls and
audit functions on behalf of the Board of Directors. In fulfilling its oversight
responsibilities,  the Committee has reviewed the audited consolidated financial
statements  in the  Annual  Report  on Form  10-KSB  with  management  including
discussions  of accounting  principles,  reasonableness  of  judgments,  and the
clarity  of  financial  disclosures.   The  Committee  also  reviewed  with  the
independent   auditors   their   assessment  of  financial   statements  and  of
management's  judgments in deriving the financial statements.  In addition,  the
Committee has discussed with the  independent  auditors the matters  required by
SAS 61 and the matters in the written  disclosures  required by the Independence
Standards  Board and discussed with the  independent  accountant the independent
accountant's independence. The Committee also met with the independent auditors,
with and without management present, to discuss their examinations,  evaluations
of our internal controls and the overall quality of our financial reporting.

Based on the review and discussions referred to above, the Committee recommended
to the Board of Directors that the audited consolidated  financial statements be
included in AMEN's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for filing with the Commission.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is comprised of Messrs. Blake, Jr., (chair),  Edgington
and Gjelde, all of whom are independent directors.  The Nominating Committee did
not meet during 2006. The Nominating Committee operates pursuant to a Nominating
Committee  Charter  which was  attached to  Company's  2004 Proxy  Statement  as
Appendix   II  and   can   also  be  seen   on  the   Company's   web   site  at


The  Nominating  Committee  identifies  nominees for directors of the Company by
first  evaluating  the  current  members  of the Board of  Directors  willing to
continue in service.  If any Board  member does not wish to continue in service,
if the Nominating  Committee decides not to nominate a member for re-election or
if the Board  desires to increase  the size of the Board by adding new  director
positions,  then  the  Nominating  Committee  establishes  a pool  of  potential
director  candidates from  recommendation  from the Board, senior management and
stockholders,  who are then evaluated through the review process outlined below.
All of the nominees named in this Proxy Statement are current directors standing
for re-election.

The  Nominating   Committee  reviews  the  credentials  of  potential   director
candidates   (including  potential  candidates   recommended  by  stockholders),
conducts  interviews and makes formal nominations for the election of directors.
In making its  nominations,  the  Nominating  Committee  considers  a variety of
factors,  including the following factors:  integrity,  high level of education,
skills, background,  independence,  financial expertise, experience or knowledge
with  businesses  relevant to the Company's  current and future  business plans,
experience  with  business  of  similar  size,  all other  relevant  experience,
understanding of the Company's  business and industry  diversity,  compatibility
with existing Board members,  and such other factors as the Nominating Committee
deems  appropriate  in the best  interests of the Company and its  stockholders.
Proposed nominees are not evaluated  differently depending upon who has made the
proposal. The Company has not to date paid any third party fee to assist in this

The Company will  consider  proposed  nominees  whose names are submitted to the
Nominating  Committee,  by  stockholders.  Proposals  made by  stockholders  for
nominees to be considered by the Nominating  Committee with respect to an annual
stockholders meeting must be in writing and received by the Company prior to the
end of the fiscal year preceding such annual meeting.

Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee is comprised of Messrs. Gjelde (Chair), Edgington and
Nicholson,  and met  one  time  during  2006.  The  Compensation  Committee  was
established  to advise the Board and  consult  with  management  concerning  the
salaries,  incentives and other forms of compensation for the officers and other
employees of the Company.  The committee also  administers  the Company's  stock
option plans. The  Compensation  Committee  operates  pursuant to a Compensation
Committee   Charter  which  can  be  reviewed  at  the   Company's   website  at


Shareholder Communication

Shareholders  may  send  other  communications  to the  Board  of  Directors,  a
committee thereof or an individual  Director.  Any such communication  should be
sent in writing addressed to the Board of Directors,  the specific  committee or
individual  Director in care of the  Company's  Secretary  at the address on the
front of this Proxy  Statement.  The  Company's  Secretary  is  responsible  for
determining,  in  consultation  with other officers of the Company,  counsel and
other advisers, as appropriate, which stockholder-communications will be relayed
to the Board,  committee or individual Director. The Secretary may determine not
to forward any letter to the Board,  committee or individual  Director that does
not relate to the business of the Company.

Attendance of Directors at Annual Shareholders Meeting

The  Corporation  expects  all Board  members to attend  the  annual  meeting of
shareholders, but from time to time, other commitments may prevent all directors
from  attending  each  meeting.  All  directors  attended the most recent annual
meeting of shareholders, which was held on May 17, 2006.

Director Compensation

All directors receive reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in attending
Board and  Committee  meetings but received no other  compensation  for the year

Board of Directors Recommendation



                           AGREEMENT OF PADRAIG ENNIS


Effective  April 1, 2006,  the  Company  completed  the  acquisition  of 100% of
Priority  Power  Management  ("Priority  Power").  Priority  Power is  primarily
involved in providing energy  management  services and the Company believes that
Priority Power's business is  complimentary to the retail  electricity  provider
business conducted by the Company's  subsidiary W Power. Two of Priority Power's
key executives entered into employment  agreements with Priority Power effective
June 1, 2006 - Padraig Ennis and John Bick.

Amendment to Employment Agreement

Effective June 1, 2006, the employment agreement of Mr. Ennis was amended to add
the  Company and other  subsidiaries  as  beneficiaries  of the  agreement,  and
specify that the Company would make a portion of his quarterly  salary  payments
by  issuing  restricted  common  stock in lieu of cash.  The  equivalent  shares
calculation  for the  quarterly  payments  represents  a discount to the current
market value of the Common  Stock.  The table below shows the  restricted  stock
that will be issued to Mr. Ennis in lieu of the original cash payments:

                                     Portion of Quarterly    Quarterly Stock
    Employee      Quarterly Salary   Salary Paid In Stock       Issuance
  Padraig Ennis      $4,473                45%                  460 shares

Please see additional information on the effect of the amendment under "New Plan
Benefits" on page 16.

The stock issued in accordance  with the amended  employment  agreement  will be
restricted  stock  under Rule 144 of the  Exchange  Act.  The  Company  does not
anticipate  issuing stock  pursuant to this  amendment  until the 2nd Quarter of
2007, assuming shareholder approval.

The  amendment  to the  employment  agreement  will be  substantially  the  form
attached to Schedule 14A filed with the  Commission as Appendix I, and the final
form will be filed with the Commission after execution thereof.

Board of Directors Recommendation





Effective  April 1, 2006,  the  Company  completed  the  acquisition  of 100% of
Priority  Power  Management  ("Priority  Power").  Priority  Power is  primarily
involved in providing energy  management  services and the Company believes that
Priority Power's business is  complimentary to the retail  electricity  provider
business conducted by the Company's  subsidiary W Power. Two of Priority Power's
key executives entered into employment  agreements with Priority Power effective
June 1, 2006 - Padraig Ennis and John Bick.

Amendment to Employment Agreement

Effective June 1, 2006, the employment  agreement of Mr. Bick was amended to add
the  Company and other  subsidiaries  as  beneficiaries  of the  agreement,  and
specify that the Company would make a portion of his quarterly  salary  payments
by  issuing  restricted  common  stock in lieu of cash.  The  equivalent  shares
calculation  for the  quarterly  payments  represents  a discount to the current
market value of the Common  Stock.  The table below shows the  restricted  stock
that will be issued to Mr. Bick in lieu of the original cash payments:

                                     Portion of Quarterly    Quarterly Stock
    Employee      Quarterly Salary   Salary Paid In Stock       Issuance
    John Bick         $11,591               100%              2,644 shares

Please see additional information on the effect of the amendment under "New Plan
Benefits" on page 16.

The stock issued in accordance  with the amended  employment  agreement  will be
restricted  stock  under Rule 144 of the  Exchange  Act.  The  Company  does not
anticipate  issuing stock  pursuant to this  amendment  until the 2nd Quarter of
2007, assuming shareholder approval.

The  amendment  to the  employment  agreement  will be  substantially  the  form
attached to Schedule 14A filed with the Commission as Appendix II, and the final
form will be filed with the Commission after execution hereof.

Board of Directors Recommendation





On July 1, 2004,  the Company  entered into an  Employment  and  Non-Competition
Agreement  with Kevin Yung,  the  President of W Power & Light,  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of the Company,  and Chief  Operating  Officer of the Company.  This
agreement  specified that Mr. Yung would receive annual compensation of $150,000
salary plus a bonus equal to 25% of the increase in shareholder  equity directly
attributable to the Company's Retail Electricity Provider (REP) business.

Since the execution of Mr. Yung's employment  agreement in 2004, the Company has
expanded its presence in the  electricity  and energy  markets beyond its REP, W
Power & Light.  In particular,  the 2006 purchase of Priority Power  established
the Company as a leader in the energy  consulting  and  aggregation  market.  In
recognition of the Company's expanded participation in the energy market and the
key role that Mr. Yung will play in those  businesses,  the Company  amended Mr.
Yung's employment agreement effective December 5, 2006.

Amendment to Employment Agreement

As stated previously,  Mr. Yung's employment  agreement  specified that he would
receive  an  annual  bonus  equal  to  25%  of the  increase  in  the  Company's
shareholder  equity directly  attributable to the REP business.  The December 5,
2006  amendment  specifies  that Mr.  Yung's  bonus  will be equal to 25% of the
increase in the Company's  shareholder  equity that is directly  attributable to
the Company's existing or future new, acquired,  or merged businesses associated
with wholesale and retail  electricity  and natural gas marketing and consulting
services,  including  but not limited to retail  electricity  providers  (REPs),
qualified  scheduling  entities,  gas  and  power  aggregation,  gas  and  power
brokering, energy services, and energy consulting. For acquired or merged energy
businesses,  the basis against which the shareholder equity increase is measured
and Employee's Bonus is calculated  shall be only on that portion  exceeding the
expected  earnings as  determined  by the  Company  and thereby  included in the
purchase price of the acquired or merged business.

The Company accrued for Mr. Yung's 2006 bonus using the methodology described in
the  amendment  to  his  employment   agreement.   As  shown  in  the  Executive
Compensation section below, Mr. Yung's bonus for 2006 was $68,589.

The  amendment  to the  employment  agreement  will be  substantially  the  form
attached to Schedule  14A filed with the  Commission  as Appendix  III,  and the
final form will be filed with the Commission after execution hereof.


Board of Directors Recommendation


New Plan Benefits

As discussed in Proposals Two and Three of this proxy statement,  the employment
agreements of Padraig Ennis and John Bick are being  amended  effective  June 1,
2006.  These  amendments  specify  that  Messrs.  Ennis and Bick will  receive a
portion of their salary in  restricted  stock rather than cash.  The table below
shows the total dollar value of benefits payable under these amendments:

                                NEW PLAN BENEFITS
        Amendment to Employment Agreements of Padraig Ennis and John Bick

        Name and Position             Dollar Value (1)      Number of Restricted
Jon Morgan
Chief Executive Officer                              -                        -
Kevin Yung
Chief Operating Officer                              -                        -
Kris Oliver
Chief Financial Officer                              -                        -
Padraig Ennis
Vice President, Priority Power                $169,067                   29,609
John Bick
Managing Principal, Priority Power            $437,820                   76,676
Executive Group                               $606,887                  106,285
Non-Executive Director Group                         -                        -
Non-Executive Officer Employee Group                 -                        -

(1) Dollar value of restricted shares estimated using closing price of Company's
shares as of 12/31/2006.

As discussed in Proposal Four of this proxy statement, the employment agreement
of Kevin Yung is being amended effective December 5, 2006 to expand the scope of
businesses to be included in his annual bonus calculation. The table below shows
the dollar value of benefits payable under this amendment:


                                NEW PLAN BENEFITS
                 Amendment to Employment Agreement of Kevin Yung

        Name and Position                       Annual Dollar Value (1)
Jon Morgan
Chief Executive Officer                                              -
Kevin Yung                                                     $29,961
Chief Operating Officer
Kris Oliver                                                          -
Chief Financial Officer
Padraig Ennis
Vice President, Priority Power                                       -
John Bick
Managing Principal, Priority Power                                   -
Executive Group                                                $29,961
Non-Executive Director Group                                         -
Non-Executive Officer Employee Group                                 -

(1) Estimated  impact on 2006 bonus of inclusion of Priority  Power  earnings in
bonus  calculation.  Future  impacts  will be based on  performance  of existing
business as well as the size and performance of newly acquired businesses.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Executive Officers

Name              Age    Position
----              ---    --------
Eric Oliver       48     Chairman of the Board of Directors
Jon Morgan        48     President and Chief Executive Officer
Kevin Yung        44     Chief Operating Officer, President of W Power & Light
Kris Oliver       41     Chief Financial Officer
Padraig Ennis     47     Vice President, Priority Power
John Bick         40     Managing Principal, Priority Power

Jon M.  Morgan was  appointed  as a director  of AMEN in October  2000,  and was
appointed  President and Chief Operating Officer on September 19, 2002 and Chief
Executive Officer on March 7, 2007. Mr. Morgan has more than 18 years experience
in launching and managing  successful  businesses in both investment  management
services and in the energy field. He is founder of several businesses  including
Morgan Capital Group, Inc., the Packard Fund, and is President of J.M. Mineral &
Land Co.

Kevin Yung is the Company's  Chief  Operating  Officer as well as President of W
Power & Light, the wholly-owned retail electricity  provider he founded in 2004.
Prior to  joining  the  Company in 2004,  Mr.  Yung spent 22 years in the energy
business,  primarily with TXU Corporation  where he left in 2002 as the Director
of Retail  Commodity  Management.  During  his  tenure at TXU,  Mr.  Yung held a
variety of positions in the areas of engineering,  business development, project
finance of independent power production and retail commodity price  structuring.
Just prior to joining the Company,  Mr. Yung spent two years providing financial
and risk consulting to a variety of energy consumers and providers.

Kris Oliver was  appointed  Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company on March 7,
2007.  Mr. Oliver is a Certified  Public  Accountant and began his career in the
Audit  Practice of Arthur  Andersen,  where he left as an Audit  Senior in 1990.
After  receiving  an MBA in Finance  from the  University  of Texas at Austin in
1992,  Mr.  Oliver  spent 14 years at American  Airlines / Sabre in a variety of
roles including Corporate Finance,  Business  Development,  Marketing and Sales.
Just prior to joining the Company,  Mr.  Oliver was a Senior  Financial  Advisor
with Technology Partners International, the world's largest outsourcing advisory
firm.  Mr. Oliver is the brother of Eric Oliver,  the Company's  Chairman of the
Board of Directors.

Padraig  (Pat) Ennis is the Vice  President  of Priority  Power.  Mr. Ennis is a
veteran of the electric industry in Texas,  having worked at TXU for 20 years in
a  variety  of  roles  in the  Midland  / Odessa  area  including  construction,
engineering, administration and customer service. While at TXU, Mr. Ennis served
as their  representative  to the Oil and Gas  Industry  for over  ten  years.  A
graduate of Texas Tech  University,  he has authored a number of  energy-related
papers and been published in industry periodicals.


John Bick is the Managing  Principal of Priority Power,  where he is responsible
for strategic direction and business development.  Prior to joining the Company,
Mr. Bick was Director of Strategic  Business  Development for TXU. In that role,
Mr. Bick was responsible for developing long term,  multi-million  dollar energy
management outsourcing engagements across North America. As Manager of Strategic
Accounts for TXU Electric & Gas, John was instrumental in leading the transition
of  TXU's  largest  industrial  and  commercial  customers  from  regulation  to

Summary Compensation Table

The following table includes  information  concerning  compensation  for the one
year period  ended  December  31, 2006 in  reference  to the five members of the
Executive Team, which includes  required  disclosure  related to our CEO and the
four most highly compensated officers of the company. The positions indicated in
the table are those held during  2006,  some of which have  changed in the first
quarter of 2007 as described herein.

                                          Stock   Option  All Other
Name/Position         Salary(3)   Bonus   Awards  Awards   Comp (4)   Total
Eric L. Oliver (1)
Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer             -        -       -       -          -           -

Jon Morgan (2)
President and Chief
Operating Officer             -        -       -       -          -           -

Kevin Yung (5)
President, W
Power & Light          $150,000  $68,589       -       -          -    $218,589

Padraig Ennis
Vice President,
Priority Power         $103,333  $30,000       -       -    $50,000    $183,333

John Bick
Priority Power          $70,000        -       -       -    $71,495    $141,495

     (1)  Mr. Oliver became the Company's Chief  Executive  Officer on September
          19, 2002. He did not receive any salary or bonus during 2004,  2005 or
          2006, and is not currently paid a salary. He resigned the CEO position
          effective March 7, 2007, at which point Jon Morgan became CEO.
     (2)  Mr.  Morgan  served as the  Company's  Chief  Operating  Officer  from
          September 19, 2002 through March 7, 2007, at which time he assumed the
          role of Chief  Executive  Officer.  He did not  receive  any salary or
          bonus during 2004, 2005 or 2006, and is not currently paid a salary.


     (3)  The salary amounts for Messrs. Ennis and Bick represent the portion of
          their annual salary paid by the Company after the purchase of Priority
          Power  effective  April 1, 2006. The annual  salaries of Mr. Ennis and
          Mr. Bick are  $140,000  and  $140,000,  respectively.  As described in
          Proposals Two and Three of this statement, Messrs. Ennis and Bick will
          be entitled to receive a portion of their salary in  restricted  stock
          upon approval of the amendments to their employment agreements.
     (4)  The amounts in this column  represent  signing bonuses paid to Messrs.
          Ennis and Bick related to their employment agreements.
     (5)  Mr. Yung's employment agreement allows him to receive his bonus amount
          in cash or in restricted shares of company stock,  valued based on the
          average closing price for the twenty days prior to such payment.

Mr. Yung's  employment  agreement  has an effective  date of July 1, 2004 with a
term of  three  years,  after  which  the  agreement  automatically  renews  for
successive one year periods unless  terminated by either party.  Under the terms
of the  agreement,  Mr. Yung  receives an annual  salary of $150,000 and a bonus
equal to 25% of the increase in the Company's shareholder equity attributable to
the Company's Retail Electricity Provider business.  The bonus is payable either
in cash or common stock of the Company. During the term of the agreement and for
a  period  of 18  months  thereafter,  Mr.  Yung  is  subject  to a  non-compete
agreement.  If Mr. Yung is  terminated  for any reason  other than cause,  he is
entitled to severance payments equal to his then-current  salary for a period of
one  year or the  remaining  term of the  non-compete  agreement,  whichever  is

Mr. Ennis'  employment  agreement  has an effective  date of June 1, 2006 with a
term of three years.  Under the terms of the  agreement,  Mr. Ennis  receives an
annual salary of $140,000 and a bonus of either  $30,000 or 2% of the net income
of Priority  Power,  whichever is greater.  During the term of the agreement and
for 18 months thereafter, Mr. Ennis is subject to a non-solicitation  agreement.
If Mr. Ennis is  terminated  for any reason other than cause,  he is entitled to
severance equal to 12 months of his then-current  salary plus any bonus to which
he would have been entitled had he been employed for the entire year.

Mr. Bick's  employment  agreement  has an effective  date of June 1, 2006 with a
term of three  years.  Under the terms of the  agreement,  Mr. Bick  receives an
annual salary of $140,000 and a bonus which is determined by performance targets
agreed to each year.  During the term of the agreement and for a period of three
years thereafter, Mr. Bick is subject to a non-compete agreement. If Mr. Yung is
terminated for any reason other than cause, he is entitled to severance payments
equal to his then-current  salary for the remainder of the agreement term unless
the Company releases him from the non-compete agreement.

Aggregated  Option  Exercises  in Last  Fiscal  Year and Fiscal  Year End Option
Values (1)

The following table sets forth information with respect to stock options held by
the executive officers named in the "Summary Compensation Table".



                                  Option Awards
                                                     Equity Incentive
                          Number of    Number of      Plan Awards:
                         Securities    Securities      Number of
                         Underlying    Underlying     Securities
                         Unexercised   Unexercised    Underlying        Option
   Name         Option    Options       Options       Unexercised      Exercise       Option
   ----          Plan    Exercisable  Unexercisable  Unearned Options    Price    Expiration Date
Eric L. Oliver    A           1,671        ---             ---          $4.600      7/16/2011
                  B           3,523        ---             ---           5.120      2/12/2012
Jon Morgan        A           2,901        ---             ---           4.252     10/24/2010
                  B           3,251        ---             ---           3.880      2/20/2011
                  B           3,342        ---             ---           5.120      2/12/2012


                          EXTERNAL AUDITOR INFORMATION

Effective  September 30, 2002, Johnson Miller & Co., CPA's PC was engaged as the
independent  accountant  for the Company and has been  selected as the Company's
principal  accountants  for 2007.  The decision to engage  Johnson Miller & Co.,
CPA's PC was  approved by the Audit  Committee  of the Board of  Directors.  The
Audit  Committee has delegated  authority for the approval of non  audit-related
services to the Chairman of the Committee.

Audit Fees:  The aggregate  fees paid to Johnson  Miller & Co., CPA's PC for the
audit of the financial  statements on Form 10-KSB and for reviews on Form 10-QSB
during 2005 was $81,982, and for 2006 was $90,644.

Audit Related Fees: None.

Tax Fees:  During 2005 the Company paid its principal  accountant $7,022 for tax
related  matters.  During  2006 the Company did not pay any fees for tax related

All Other Fees: The aggregate  other fees paid to Johnson Miller & Co., CPA's PC
during 2005 was  $7,200.  The 2005 fees mainly  represent  services  rendered in
connection  with the Company's sale of a discontinued  business  component.  The
aggregate  other fees paid to  Johnson  Miller & Co.,  CPA's PC during  2006 was
$22,263.  The 2006 fees are primarily related to services rendered in connection
with the purchase of Priority Power and the disposition of TCTB assets described
below under "Certain Relationships and Related Transactions".

The Company expects that  representatives of Johnson Miller & Co., CPA's PC will
be present at the Annual Meeting to respond to appropriate questions and to make
a statement if they desire to do so.



Real Estate Transactions


In October 2002, the Company purchased 64.9% of the limited  partnership  shares
of TCTB Partners,  Ltd. ("TCTB"), a real estate company with holdings in Midland
and Lubbock.  Eric Oliver,  Chairman of Board,  and Jon Morgan,  Chief Executive
Officer,  either directly or beneficially owned interests in TCTB. Mr. Morgan is
also President of TCTB Company,  Inc., the general partner of TCTB that controls
its daily operations. Mr. Oliver sold all his LP Interest in TCTB totaling 7.94%
(which he owned beneficially  through a limited partnership) to the Company, and
Mr. Morgan sold all his LP Interest in TCTB totaling 10.54% to the Company. Both
Mr. Oliver and Mr. Morgan retained their  proportionate  share of their interest
in TCTB Company,  Inc. Other  preferred and common  shareholders  of the Company
also sold their 21.14% total LP Interest in TCTB to the Company.

Disposition of Assets

On September  27,  2006,  the Company  entered  into an agreement to  distribute
substantially  all of the assets of TCTB among its partners (the  "Properties").
The Properties  were subject to a lien to secure a promissory  note (the "Note")
payable to Wells Fargo Bank Texas,  N.A. The partners of TCTB agreed that it was
in their best interest to distribute  undivided  interests in the  Properties to
the partners according to the sharing ratios of the Partnership. The Bank agreed
to allow TCTB to distribute  the  Properties to the partners of TCTB in exchange
for the payoff of the Note.

Contemporaneous with the distribution of the Properties,  the Company along with
the  General  Partner  and the other  Limited  Partners  of TCTB  (the  "Selling
Partners")  collectively  agreed  to  sell  75% of  their  collective  undivided
interest  in  the  Properties  to  Hampshire   Plaza  Garage,   LLC  and  S.E.S.
Investments,   Ltd.,   unaffiliated  third  party  purchasers  for  a  privately
negotiated  price of $9.0 million.  A separate  Purchase  Agreement was executed
between the Buyers and TCTB dated  September 29, 2006.  After this  transaction,
the Company owned 18.017% of the Properties and the other Selling Partners owned
their  proportional  remaining  interests in the Properties  (collectively,  the
"Remaining Interests").

After the sale, TCTB, the Selling Partners and the Buyers,  as all of the owners
of the  Properties,  entered into a Management  Agreement  with TCTB  Management
Group, LLC ("Management") dated September 29, 2006 relating to the management of
the  Properties.  The  Management  Agreement is effective  until August 31, 2007
unless earlier terminated in accordance with its terms. The owners of Management
are the Selling  Partners  (including  the  Company)  and the Buyers in the same
percentages as their proportionate ownership of the Properties.  Mr. Jon Morgan,
President  and CEO of the Company,  is the managing  member of  Management.  Mr.
Morgan and his affiliate  were among the Selling  Partners and the sale of their
undivided interest in the Properties resulted in Mr. Morgan receiving a check in
the amount of  $79,317.  Mr.  Morgan is also an owner and officer of the General
Partner of TCTB,  and took  actions in such  capacity  in  connection  with this
transaction  in addition to acting as an officer of the Company.  As an owner of
such General Partner,  Mr. Morgan indirectly  received an additional $5,300 from
the sale of the General Partner's interest in the Properties.


Contribution of Remaining Assets to New Venture

Effective March 1, 2007 the Company  contributed its remaining 18.017% ownership
in the Bank of America  Tower and the Century  Plaza  Tower to HPG  Acquisition,
LLC; a Texas  Limited  Liability  Company.  The  Company  and the other  Selling
Partners (including Mr. Morgan and his affiliates), the Buyers and affiliates of
the Buyers entered into a Contribution,  Conveyance and Assumption  Agreement on
March  2007 (the  "Contribution  Agreement"),  whereby  the  Company  and others
contributed the Remaining  Interests,  other property  interests and cash to HPG
Acquisition  LLC  ("HPG") in  exchange  for  membership  interests  in HPG,  all
effective  as of  March 1,  2007.  The  Company's  capital  contribution  to HPG
consisted  of all of the  Company's  interest  in the  Remaining  Interests  and
$478,461 in cash, in exchange for which the Company received 17.8045% membership
interest  in HPG.  The other  Selling  Partners  (including  Mr.  Morgan and his
affiliates)  also  contributed  their  remaining  interests.   The  Contribution
Agreement  provides that HPG has assumed all  obligations and is entitled to all
revenue from the Remaining Interests and the other contributed  properties.  The
members of HPG have agreed in the Contribution Agreement to indemnify each other
with respect to matters  relating to the properties owned by HPG based upon such
members'  periods of  ownership.  The Company and the other  members of HPG have
also  entered  into the First  Amended and  Restated  Company  Agreement  of HPG
Acquisition,  LLC,  which governs the relative  rights of the members of HPG and
names Mr. Jon Morgan,  the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company,
as the Management Member of HPG.

The  properties  will  continue to be managed by TCTB  Management  LLC under the
Management  Agreement.  The other  assets of HPG will  also be  managed  by TCTB
Management LLC. The ownership of TCTB Management LLC is the same as ownership of
HPG, and Mr. Morgan is the Managing Member of Management LLC.

Rental Agreements

At  December  31,  2006  and  2005,  related  parties  leased  office  space  of
approximately  32,000 square feet. The rental income received from these related
parties  that is  included  in the real  estate  operations  of the  Company was
approximately $349,978 and $348,600 during the period then ended, respectively.


Preferred Stock and Warrants

The Company closed the sale and issuance of 125,000 shares of Series C Preferred
Stock and 250,000  Warrants  pursuant to a Purchase  Agreement  on March 1, 2005
between the Company and certain  accredited  investors,  including the Company's
President  and Chief  Operating  Officer,  Jon M. Morgan,  the  Company's  Chief
Executive  Officer,  Eric  Oliver  and  Bruce  Edgington,  one of the  Company's

The following table reflects the Series C issuance to the Company's officers and

                  Number of                      Preferred C
                 Preferred C     Common Stock       Voting         Purchase
                   Shares         Equivalent      Equivalent        Price
                --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
Eric Oliver             14,063         56,252          52,877     $    225,008
Jon M. Morgan           14,062         56,248          52,873          224,992
Bruce Edgington          3,125         12,500          11,750           50,000
                --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------
Total                   31,250        125,000         117,500     $    500,000
                ==============  ==============  ==============  ==============

The following table reflects the issuance of Warrants to the Company's Officers
and Directors.

                        Number of Warrants          Common Stock Equivalent
                       ---------------------        -----------------------
Eric Oliver                          28,126                         28,126
Jon M. Morgan                        28,124                         28,124
Bruce Edgington                       6,250                          6,250
                       ---------------------        -----------------------
Total                                62,500                         62,500
                       =====================        =======================

On May 18, 2006, Jon M. Morgan and Bruce Edgington  exercised their  outstanding
warrants  (described  above) for a total exercise price of $112,496 and $25,000,
respectively.  Mr.  Morgan  received  28,124  shares  of  common  stock  and Mr.
Edgington received 6,250 shares of common stock upon the exercise of their stock

Purchase of Priority Power

On May 25, 2006, the Company completed its acquisition of all of the outstanding
partnership  interests  in  Priority  Power  pursuant to a  Securities  Purchase
Agreement by and between the Company and its  subsidiary,  NEMA and the partners
of Priority Power dated May 18, 2006.  The total purchase price was  $3,730,051,
comprised of (i) $500,000 in cash, and (ii) promissory  notes with the aggregate
principal  amount of  $3,230,051  from the  Company  and NEMA and payable to the


There are several business relationships among Priority Power, its partners, the
Company and its  subsidiaries,  and their respective  affiliates.  The Company's
retail electricity provider subsidiary,  W Power, has contractual  relationships
with Priority  Power with respect to providing  electricity to less than 0.2% of
Priority  Power's  clients.  Additionally  certain of the  selling  partners  of
Priority Power are customers of W Power none of which are considered significant
customers.  In addition,  certain of the selling partners of Priority Power were
also  officers,  directors or five percent or more  stockholders  of the Company
(and its  subsidiaries) or affiliates of stockholders of the Company,  including
an affiliate of Jon M. Morgan,  the President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Company,  Eric L. Oliver, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company,
John  Bick,  Managing  Principal  of  Priority  Power and  Padraig  Ennis,  Vice
President of Priority  Power.  Jon M. Morgan is a fifty  percent owner of Anthem
Oil and Gas,  Inc which was a selling  limited  partner of Priority  Power.  Mr.
Morgan  also  owned a one third  interest  in the  selling  general  partner  of
Priority Power  Management,  Ltd. Eric L. Oliver owned a thirty-seven and a half
percent  interest  in a selling  limited  partner  of  Priority  Power,  Oakdale
Ventures, Ltd.

Long Term Debt

The following table reflects the portion of the Company's long-term debt payable
to related  parties as of December 31, 2006,  all related to the notes issued by
the Company and NEMA in the Priority Power transaction described above:

  Eric Oliver, Chairman                                    $23,382
  Jon Morgan, Chief Executive Officer                      553,091
  Padriag Ennis, VP of Priority Power                       85,210
  John Bick, Managing Principal of Priority Power          220,783
  5% Shareholders                                        1,288,955
  Total                                                 $2,171,421

These  notes  carry an  annual  interest  rate of  7.75%  and are  payable  on a
quarterly basis with the last payment scheduled for December 31, 2013.


We may in the future enter into other  transactions  and agreements  incident to
our  business  with  directors,   officers,  principal  stockholders  and  other
affiliates. We intend for all such transactions and agreements to be on terms no
less  favorable  than those  obtainable  from  unaffiliated  third parties on an
arm's-length  basis.  In  addition,  the  approval  of a  majority  of the  AMEN
directors will be required for any such transactions or agreements.


                                OTHER INFORMATION

Security Ownership of Beneficial Owners and Management

Treatment of Preferred Stock. The Company's voting  securities  include both the
Common Stock and the Preferred  Stock.  The holders of the  Preferred  Stock are
entitled to vote together with the holders of the Common Stock as a single class
on the  basis of a number of votes  equal to a number of shares of Common  Stock
determined in accordance with the Certificates of Designation for each series of
the  Preferred  Stock.  Because the  Preferred  Stock and the Common  Stock vote
together as a single class and because the Preferred  Stock is convertible  into
Common Stock, the beneficial  ownership of the voting  securities of the Company
is set forth in the following tables reflecting  beneficial  ownership of Common
Stock,  and no separate  Preferred Stock ownership  tables are provided.  Please
note that that  number of votes  held by the  holders of Series B is the same as
the number of shares into which the Series B is  convertible,  and the number of
votes  held by the  holders  of the Series A is  approximately  one-half  of the
number of  shares  of Common  Stock  into  which  the  Series A is  convertible.
Additionally,  the  number  of  votes  held  by  the  holders  of  Series  C  is
approximately  ninety four percent (94%) of the number of shares of Common Stock
into which the  Series C is  convertible.  Therefore,  in the  footnotes  to the
following ownership tables, the number of votes attributable to the ownership of
Series A and Series C is set forth in parenthesis following the number of shares
into which such Series A and Series C are convertible.

General.  Unless otherwise  noted, all persons named in the following  ownership
tables have sole voting and sole investment  power with respect to all shares of
voting stock  beneficially  owned by them, and no persons named in the table are
acting as nominees for any persons or otherwise  under the control of any person
or group of  persons.  As used  herein,  the term  "beneficial  ownership"  with
respect to a security means the sole or shared voting power (including the power
to vote and direct the vote) or sole or shared  investment  power (including the
power to dispose  or direct  the  disposition)  with  respect  to the  security,
including a right to acquire  any such power  during a period of sixty (60) days
from the Record Date. Percentage of beneficial ownership is based upon 2,290,589
shares of Common Stock  outstanding as of the Record Date and for the purpose of
computing the percentage  ownership of certain persons or groups,  the shares of
Common Stock that the person has the right to acquire  within sixty (60) days of
the Record Date (whether upon  conversion  of the Preferred  Stock,  exercise of
vested  stock  options,  exercise of warrants  or  otherwise),  are deemed to be
outstanding  as of that date.  Such shares  deemed to be  outstanding  as to one
person are not deemed  outstanding  for  purposes of  computing  the  percentage
ownership of any other person.


Security  Ownership  of  Certain  Beneficial  Owners.  The  following  table and
accompanying notes contain  information about any person (including any "group")
who is known by us to be the  beneficial  owner of more than 5% of AMEN's Common
Stock as of the Record  Date,  based upon copies of Schedule  13Ds and  Schedule
13Gs received by the Company but are not officers or directors of the Company.

Name and Address of Beneficial Owner    Amount and Nature of    Beneficially
                                        Beneficial Ownership       Owned
John Norwood
303 W. Wall Suite 2300
Midland, TX 79701                           190,160 (a)             7.95%
Frosty Gilliam, Jr.
4840 E. University, Suite 200
Odessa, TX 79762                            161,299 (b)             6.73%
Steve Wike
P.O. Box 10700
Wilmington, NC 28404                        121,250                 5.29%
Moriah Investment Partners
P.O. Box 5562
Midland, TX 79704                           150,000 (c)             6.15%
McGraw Brothers Investments
P.O. Box 7515
Midland, TX 79708                           150,000 (c)             6.15%
Dodge Jones Foundation
P.O. Box 176
Abilene, TX 79604                           226,358 (d)             9.14%

     (a)  Includes   50,000  shares   issuable  upon   conversion  of  Series  C
          (representing 47,000 votes), 25,428 shares issuable upon conversion of
          Series A (representing 13,750 votes).
     (b)  Includes   50,000  shares   issuable  upon   conversion  of  Series  C
          (representing 47,000 votes), 30,822 shares issuable upon conversion of
          Series A (representing 16,667 votes).
     (c)  Represents  100,000  shares  issuable  upon  conversion  of  Series  C
          (representing  94,000  votes)  and  50,000  shares  issuable  upon the
          exercise of outstanding warrants.
     (d)  Includes   107,878  shares   issuable  upon  conversion  of  Series  A
          (representing 58,333 votes) and 77,056 shares issuable upon conversion
          of Series B, owned by Dodge Jones Foundation.

Security  Ownership of Management.  The following table and  accompanying  notes
contain  information  about the  beneficial  ownership of Common Stock as of the
Record  Date by each of AMEN's (a)  directors  and  director  nominees,  and (b)
executive  officers as defined in Item 402(a)(2) of Regulation  S-B, and (c) all
of AMEN's executive officers, directors and director nominees as a group.


Name and Address of Beneficial Owner    Amount and Nature of    Beneficially
                                        Beneficial Ownership       Owned
Eric Oliver (Chairman)
400 Pine Street
Abilene, TX  79601                          371,611 (1)            14.68%
Jon Morgan (President and CEO,
303 W. Wall St., Ste. 2300
Midland, TX  79701                          308,578 (2)            12.25%
Bruce Edgington (Director)
7857 Heritage Drive
Annandale, VA  22003                        223,022 (3)             9.24%
Earl E. Gjelde (Director)
42 Bristlecone Crt.
Keystone, CO  80435                          60,052 (4)             2.56%
Donald M. Blake, Jr. (Director)
298 Fifth Ave., 7th Floor
New York, NY  10001                          69,403 (5)             3.02%
G. Randy Nicholson (Director)
1202 Estates Drive, Ste. D
Abilene, TX  79602                           10,281 (6)                 *
Kevin Yung (COO)
303 W. Wall St., Ste. 2300
Midland, TX  79701                              --                    --
Kris Oliver (CFO)
303 W. Wall St., Ste. 2300
Midland, TX  79701                              --                    --
Padraig Ennis
303 W. Wall St., Ste. 2300
Midland, TX  79701                              100                    *
John Bick
303 W. Wall St., Ste. 2300
Midland, TX  79701                            2,000                    *
All Current Directors and
Officers as a Group                       1,049,547                42.47%
* - less than 1%

     (1)  Includes 76,813 shares  beneficially owned by Softvest L.P. Mr. Oliver
          is General Partner and lead  investment  officer of Softvest L.P. Also
          includes   77,056  shares   issuable  upon   conversion  of  Series  A
          (representing 41,667 votes) and 38,528 shares issuable upon conversion
          of Series B, all beneficially owned by Softsearch,  L.P. Mr. Oliver is
          General  Partner  of  Softsearch,  L.P.  Also  includes  5,193  shares
          issuable upon exercise of currently  exercisable  stock options.  Also
          includes   56,252  shares   issuable  upon   conversion  of  Series  C
          (representing  52,877  votes) and 28,126  issuable  upon  exercise  of
          currently exercisable warrants.


     (2)  Includes  61,645  shares  issuable  upon  conversion  of the  Series A
          (representing  33,333 votes),  beneficially owned by the Jon M. Morgan
          Pension Plan. Mr. Morgan is trustee of the Jon M. Morgan Pension Plan.
          Also includes  61,645 shares  issuable upon conversion of the Series A
          (representing  33,333 votes),  beneficially  owned by J.M. Mineral and
          Land Co.,  Inc. Mr.  Morgan is President of J.M.  Mineral and Land Co,
          Inc. Also  includes  38,528  shares  issuable  upon  conversion of the
          Series  B, and  9,493  shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of  currently
          exercisable  stock options.  Also includes 56,248 shares issuable upon
          conversion of Series C (representing 48,430 votes).
     (3)  Includes  91,261  shares  beneficially  owned by Mr.  Edgington.  Also
          includes  50,000  issuable  upon  conversion  of the Series B,  63,011
          shares issuable upon exercise of currently  exercisable stock options.
          Also  includes  12,500  shares  issuable  upon  conversion of Series C
          (representing 11,750 votes).
     (4)  Includes  29,206 shares  issuable upon conversion of the Series B, and
          25,861 shares  issuable upon exercise of currently  exercisable  stock
     (5)  Includes 2,000 shares held in a grantor trust of which Mr. Blake,  Jr.
          is  the  trustee,  and  11,181  shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of a
          currently exercisable stock option.
     (6)  Represents  shares  issuable upon exercise of a currently  exercisable
          stock option.
     (7)  Kris Oliver became CFO of the Company effective March 7, 2007 and owns
          no stock of the Company.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act,  requires  that our  executive  officers and
directors  and persons who own more than ten  percent of a  registered  class of
AMEN's equity securities (collectively, the "Reporting Persons") file reports of
ownership  and  changes in  ownership  with the  Commission  and to furnish  the
Company  with copies of these  reports.  The Company  believes  that all filings
required  to be made by the  Reporting  Persons  during  the  fiscal  year ended
December 31, 2006 were made on a timely basis.

Shareholder Proposals

All  stockholder  proposals  submitted  for  inclusion  in the  Company's  Proxy
Statement and form of proxy for the Annual Meeting of Stockholder of the Company
to be  held in  2008  must be  received  at the  Company's  principal  executive
offices, 303 West Wall Street, Suite 2300, Midland, Texas 79701, Attention: Kris
L.  Oliver,  by December  22,  2007.  Such  proposals  must also comply with the
applicable regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Notice to the
Company of all other  stockholder  proposals (not submitted for inclusion in the
Company's  Proxy  Statement and form of proxy) for the 2008 Annual  Meeting will
not be considered  timely unless received at the Company's  principal  executive
offices as set forth above on or before March 7, 2007.


                                 Amen Properties
                         303 W. Wall Street, Suite 2300
                              Midland, Texas 79701


The  undersigned  hereby  constitutes  and  appoints  Eric L.  Oliver and Jon M.
Morgan, and each of them, his true and lawful agents and proxies with full power
of  substitution  in each, to represent the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders to be held at the Corporate Office, located at 303 West Wall Street
Suite 2300, Midland, TX 79701, in the Conference Room, at 8:30 a.m., local time,
on Wednesday,  May 30, 2007,  and at any  adjournments  thereof,  on all matters
coming before said meeting.



                IN FAVOR OF ALL NOMINEES [  ]






(Instruction:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual  nominee,  write
that nominee's name in the space provided above.)


                IN FAVOR [  ]

                AGAINST [  ]

                ABSTAIN [  ]


                IN FAVOR [  ]

                AGAINST [  ]

                ABSTAIN [  ]



                IN FAVOR [  ]

                AGAINST [  ]

                ABSTAIN [  ]


This proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the  undersigned  stockholder.  If no direction  is made,  this proxy will be
voted IN FAVOR of the election of all of the directors  named in this proxy card
and IN FAVOR of proposals 2, 3 and 4 as set forth herein.


                             REPORT ON FORM 10-KSB

Stockholder Signature(s): _______________________     _________________________

Date: _____________________________

Stockholder Printed Name(s): ____________________     _________________________

Please sign your name exactly as it appears hereon. Joint owners must each sign.
When signing as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please
give your full title as it appears  thereon.  If a  corporation,  please sign in
full corporate name as President or other authorized  officer. If a partnership,
please sign in partnership name by authorized person.


                                   APPENDIX I


     This First Amendment to Employment  Agreement (this "First Amendment"),  is
made  and  entered  into  by  and  between  Priority  Power   Management,   Ltd.
("Employer")  and  Padraig  Ennis  ("Employee")  effective  June 1,  2006,  with
reference to the following facts:

A.   Employer  and  Employee  entered  into that  certain  Employment  Agreement
     effective as of June 1, 2006 (the "Original Agreement").

B.   Employer is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Amen Properties,  Inc.  ("Amen"),
     and the parties have agreed that Amen will join in this First Amendment for
     the limited  purposes set forth herein and in the  Original  Agreement,  as
     amended  hereby  (the  Original  Agreement,  as so  amended  by this  First
     Amendment, is referred to herein as the "Amended Agreement").

C.   Employer and Employee  desire to amend  certain  provisions of the Original
     Agreement  as provided in and subject to the terms and  conditions  of this
     First Amendment.

     NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises,  covenants
and  agreements  set forth  herein and in the  Original  Agreement,  the parties
hereto agree as follows:

1.   Addition of Amen. Amen is hereby added as a party to the Amended  Agreement
     for the limited  purposes of giving Amen the right and power to enforce the
     provisions of the Amended  Agreement which are or may be for the benefit of
     or confer rights to Amen,  and with respect to its limited  obligations  to
     issue shares of common stock of Amen (the "Common  Stock")  pursuant to the
     terms of the Amended Agreement.

2.   Amendment of Section 1 of the Original Agreement. Section 1 of the Original
     Agreement  is hereby  amended  by adding the  following  to the end of said

     "Employer is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Amen Properties, Inc. ("Amen"),
     and Employee  acknowledges  and agrees that he will provide  services to or
     for the benefit of Employer, Amen or their respective subsidiaries,  at the
     discretion  of the Board of  Directors of Amen.  As used  herein,  the term
     "Business"  shall  include the  businesses  of  Employer,  Amen or any such
     subsidiary to which Employee provides services."


3.   Amendment  of Section 4 of the Original  Agreement.  Subject to approval of
     the stockholders of Amen regarding the issuance of Common Stock as provided
     below,  Section  4 of the  Original  Agreement  is  hereby  deleted  in its
     entirety and replaced with the following:

     "(a) Salary:  Employee shall be paid the sum of $140,000.00 per annum, less
     appropriate withholding and deduction, payable semi-monthly on the 15th and
     the  last  day of each  month  during  the  term  hereof,  prorated  at the
     beginning  and at the  termination  of this  Agreement,  and subject to any
     adjustment  as the  parties  shall  agree in  writing.  Any  acceptance  by
     Employee  of any  payment by  Employer  of amounts  other than as set forth
     herein shall constitute the agreement of the parties to change such salary.
     Such salary shall be payable in cash,  except for the  semi-monthly  salary
     payable on the last day of the month at the end of each calendar quarter (a
     "Quarter-ending  Salary Payment") beginning on June 30, 2007 and continuing
     each quarter  thereafter until the earlier of the termination of Employee's
     employment  under this  Agreement  or June 30,  2014.  Each  Quarter-ending
     Salary   Payment  shall  consist  of  (i)  a  cash  payment  equal  to  the
     semi-monthly  salary  payable  less  the sum of  $2,012.98,  and  (ii)  the
     issuance  by Amen to  Employee  of 460 shares of common  stock of Amen (the
     "Common Stock") in lieu of and in  satisfaction of the remaining  amount of
     such  semi-monthly  salary payment.  Employee  acknowledges and agrees that
     Amen is not  obligated to register the shares of Common Stock issued to him
     under  applicable  securities  laws,  and  that if such  shares  are not so
     registered  the  transfer of those  shares will be subject to  restrictions
     under  applicable  securities  laws  and  the  shares  will  not be  freely
     tradeable.  Employee  further  acknowledges  and  agrees:  that  he will be
     acquiring  the shares of Common  Stock for his own  account  and not with a
     view to  transfer or  distribute  the shares of Common  Stock;  that he has
     sufficient  knowledge and experience in financial and business matters,  in
     general,  and in the Business,  in  particular,  to be able to evaluate the
     merits and risks of an investment in the Common Stock and has determined to
     make such investment based upon his own evaluation and assessment (and that
     of his financial  legal and accounting  advisors)  without relying upon any
     representations  or  evaluation  by  Employer,  Amen  or  their  respective
     subsidiaries, officers, directors or other representatives; and that he may
     be required to hold the shares of Common Stock for an indefinite  period of
     time and he is financially able to bear the risk thereof."

     "(b) If the  consolidated net income of the Employer for a calendar year is
     in excess of the Benchmark  (as defined  below),  Employee  shall receive a
     bonus  with  respect  to such  calendar  year  equal to the  greater of (i)
     $30,000,  or (ii) an  amount  equal  to 2% of that  portion  of  Employer's
     consolidated  net income for the such  calendar  year which is in excess of
     the Benchmark. In the event the consolidated net income of the Employer for
     any calendar year is less than the Benchmark, then Employee shall receive a
     bonus in an amount equal to 2% of the  consolidated  net income of Employer
     for such  year,  if any.  In  determining  the  amount of such  bonus,  the
     consolidated  net income of the Employer  shall be determined in accordance
     with generally accepted accounting  practices and principles as verified by
     Amen's  independent  auditor.  As used herein,  the term "Benchmark"  means
     $475,100.00.  The annual bonus payable  pursuant to this Section 4(b) shall
     be paid within ninety (90) days following the end of the calendar year with
     respect to which the bonus is being calculated."


4.   Amendment of Section 8 of the Original Agreement. Section 8 of the Original
     Agreement is hereby amended to replace the term  "Employer" or "Employer's"
     with the  phrase  "Employer,  Amen or  their  respective  subsidiaries"  or
     "Employer's, Amen's or their respective subsidiaries'", as applicable.

5.   Amendment of Section 9 of the Original Agreement. Section 9 of the Original
     Agreement  shall be amended to replace  the word  "Employer"  on the second
     line  thereof  with  the  phrase   "Employer,   Amen  or  their  respective

5.   Amendment  of  Section  10 of the  Original  Agreement.  Section  10 of the
     Original  Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the initial paragraph and
     subsections a. and b. thereof in their entirety and replacing the same with
     the following:

     "10. Termination.  The Employee's employment hereunder may be terminated by
     Employer  or the  Employee,  as  applicable,  without  any  breach  of this
     Agreement,  only under the following  circumstances  and with the following

     "a.  Automatically upon Employee's death.

     "b.  By (i) Employer upon Employee's Permanent Disability, for Cause or for
          any reason other than for Cause, and (ii) Employee for Good Reason (as
          defined herein).  As used herein,  "Permanent  Disability"  shall mean
          Employee's  physical or mental  incapacity to perform his usual duties
          with such condition  likely to remain  continuously and permanently as
          reasonably  determined  by the  Board  of  Directors  of  Amen in good

7.   Amendment  of  Section  11 of the  Original  Agreement.  Section  11 of the
     Original  Agreement  is hereby  amended to replace the term  "Employer"  or
     "Employer's"   with  the  phrase   "Employer,   Amen  or  their  respective
     subsidiaries" or "Employer's, Amen's or their respective subsidiaries'", as

8.   Original  Agreement.  Except as expressly modified by this First Amendment,
     the Original Agreement remains unchanged and in full force and effect.


9.   Ratification  and Agreement to be Bound.  The parties  hereto hereby ratify
     and agree to be bound by the Amended Agreement.

10.  Stockholder Approval.  The issuance of Common Stock to Employee pursuant to
     the Amended Agreement is subject to prior approval of the Amended Agreement
     by the  stockholders  of Amen  pursuant  to the rules of the  Nasdaq  Stock
     Market.  Unless and until such stockholder approval is obtained,  the terms
     of Section 3(a) of the Amended  Agreement  requiring the issuance of shares
     of Common  Stock  shall not be  effective  and all salary  shall be paid in

11.  Entire Agreement. The Amended Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of
     the parties with respect to the subject matter thereof.


13.  Counterparts. This First Amendment may be executed in counterparts, each of
     which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall be taken together
     as one document.  Faxed signatures to this First Amendment shall be treated
     as original signatures for all purposes.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this First  Amendment as of
the date first above written.


By:  Priority Power Management, L.L.C.,
     its General Partner

     Jon M. Morgan, Manager


     Jon M. Morgan, President


Padraig Ennis


                                   APPENDIX II

                          FIRST AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT
                          AND NON-COMPETITION AGREEMENT

     This First  Amendment to Employment  and  Non-Competition  Agreement  (this
"First  Amendment"),  is made and  entered  into by and between  Priority  Power
Management,  Ltd.  ("Employer") and John J. Bick ("Employee")  effective June 1,
2006, with reference to the following facts:

A.   Employer  and  Employee   entered   into  that   certain   Employment   and
     Non-Competition   Agreement   effective   June  1,  2006   (the   "Original

B.   Employer is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Amen Properties,  Inc.  ("Amen"),
     and the parties have agreed that Amen will join in this First Amendment for
     the limited  purposes set forth herein and in the  Original  Agreement,  as
     amended  hereby  (the  Original  Agreement,  as so  amended  by this  First
     Amendment, is referred to herein as the "Amended Agreement").

C.   Employer and Employee  desire to amend  certain  provisions of the Original
     Agreement  as provided in and subject to the terms and  conditions  of this
     First  Amendment.  NOW,  THEREFORE,  FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual
     promises,  covenants  and  agreements  set forth herein and in the Original
     Agreement, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.   Addition of Amen. Amen is hereby added as a party to the Amended  Agreement
     for the limited  purposes of giving Amen the right and power to enforce the
     provisions of the Amended  Agreement which are or may be for the benefit of
     or confer rights to Amen,  and with respect to its limited  obligations  to
     issue shares of common stock of Amen (the "Common  Stock")  pursuant to the
     terms of the Amended Agreement.

2.   Amendment of Section 1 of the Original Agreement. Section 1 of the Original
     Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the last sentence of said Section 1
     and adding the following to the end of said section:

     "Employer is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Amen Properties, Inc. ("Amen"),
     and Employee  acknowledges  and agrees that he will provide  services to or
     for the benefit of Employer, Amen or their respective subsidiaries,  at the
     discretion of the Board of Directors of Amen."

3.   Amendment of Section 4(a) of the Original Agreement. Subject to approval of
     the stockholders of Amen regarding the issuance of Common Stock as provided
     below,  Section  4(a) of the Original  Agreement  is hereby  deleted in its
     entirety and replaced with the following:


     "(a) Salary:  Employee shall receive a base salary ("Base  Salary") paid by
     the  Company  at  an  annualized  rate  of  $140,000.00,  less  appropriate
     withholding and  deductions,  during each calendar year of the term hereof,
     payable  semi-monthly on the 15th and the last day of each month during the
     term hereof,  and subject to  adjustment  by the Board on an annual  basis.
     Such Base Salary  shall be payable in cash,  except for the monthly  salary
     (both  semi-monthly  payments)  payable during the last month at the end of
     each calendar quarter (a "Quarter-ending Salary Payment") beginning on June
     30, 2007 and continuing  each quarter  thereafter  until the earlier of the
     termination of Employee's employment under this Agreement or June 30, 2014.
     Each  Quarter-ending  Salary  Payment  shall  consist of (i) a cash payment
     equal to the monthly salary  payable less the sum of  $11,590.54,  and (ii)
     the  issuance by Amen to Employee of 2,644  shares of common  stock of Amen
     (the "Common Stock") in lieu of and in satisfaction of the remaining amount
     of such monthly salary payment.  In the event the amount of  Quarter-ending
     Salary  Payment  payable in cash is not  sufficient to pay the  appropriate
     withholding  and other  deductions  relating to the  Quarter-ending  Salary
     Payment,  the Company  shall advance on behalf of the Employee such amounts
     to satisfy the  withholding  and deductions and any sums so advanced by the
     Company  shall be  deducted  from  the next  salary  payment  to  Employee.
     Employee acknowledges and agrees that Amen is not obligated to register the
     shares of Common Stock issued to him under applicable  securities laws, and
     that if such shares are not so registered the transfer of those shares will
     be subject to restrictions under applicable  securities laws and the shares
     will not be freely  tradeable.  Employee  further  acknowledges and agrees:
     that he will be  acquiring  the shares of Common  Stock for his own account
     and not with a view to transfer or  distribute  the shares of Common Stock;
     that he has  sufficient  knowledge and experience in financial and business
     matters,  in general,  and in the Business,  in  particular,  to be able to
     evaluate the merits and risks of an  investment in the Common Stock and has
     determined  to make  such  investment  based  upon his own  evaluation  and
     assessment  (and  that of his  financial  legal  and  accounting  advisors)
     without relying upon any representations or evaluation by Employer, Amen or
     their    respective    subsidiaries,    officers,    directors   or   other
     representatives;  and that he may be  required to hold the shares of Common
     Stock for an indefinite  period of time and he is financially  able to bear
     the risk thereof."

4.   Amendment of Section 5 of the Original Agreement. Section 5 of the Original
     Agreement  is hereby  amended  by adding the  following  to the end of said
     Section 5:


     "As used in this Section 5, the term "Company" shall include Priority Power
     Management, Ltd., Amen Properties, Inc. and their respective subsidiaries."

5.   Amendment of Section 6 of the Original Agreement. Section 6 of the Original
     Agreement  shall be  amended  by adding  the  following  to the end of said
     Section 6:

     "(d) As used in this Section 6, the term "Company"  includes Priority Power
     Management, Ltd., Amen Properties, Inc. and their respective subsidiaries."

6.   Original  Agreement.  Except as expressly modified by this First Amendment,
     the Original Agreement remains unchanged and in full force and effect.

7.   Ratification  and Agreement to be Bound.  The parties  hereto hereby ratify
     and agree to be bound by the Amended Agreement.

8.   Stockholder Approval.  The issuance of Common Stock to Employee pursuant to
     the Amended Agreement is subject to prior approval of the Amended Agreement
     by the  stockholders  of Amen  pursuant  to the rules of the  Nasdaq  Stock
     Market.  Unless and until such stockholder approval is obtained,  the terms
     of Section 3(a) of the Amended  Agreement  requiring the issuance of shares
     of Common  Stock  shall not be  effective  and all salary  shall be paid in

9.   Entire Agreement. The Amended Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of
     the parties with respect to the subject matter thereof.


11.  Counterparts. This First Amendment may be executed in counterparts, each of
     which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall be taken together
     as one document.  Faxed signatures to this First Amendment shall be treated
     as original signatures for all purposes.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this First  Amendment as of
the date first above written.


By:  Priority Power Management, L.L.C.,
     its General Partner


     Jon M. Morgan, Manager


     Jon M. Morgan, President


John J. Bick


                                  APPENDIX III


     This Addendum  (the  "Addendum")  references  the original  Employment  and
Non-Competition  Agreement (the  "Agreement")  entered into as of the 1st day of
July, 2004 (the "Effective  Date"),  between AMEN  PROPERTIES,  INC., a Delaware
corporation (together with any subsidiary of such corporation employing Employee
at any time  during  the term  hereof,  the  "Company"),  and  KEVIN  YUNG  (the
"Employee").  Both Company and Employee  agree to the  following  changes to the
Agreement, effective December 5, 2006:

A.   Under  section 4 of the original  Agreement,  entitled,  "Compensation  and
     Related Matters",  subsection (b), "Bonus",  the original calculation shall
     be changed to the following:

     (b)  Bonus. In addition to the Base Salary,  the Employee shall be eligible
          for an annual  bonus for each  completed  fiscal  year of the  Company
          during the term hereof (the  "Bonus").  The amount of each Bonus shall
          be equal to twenty-five  percent (25%) of any increase for that fiscal
          year in the consolidated  stockholder equity of Amen Properties,  Inc.
          directly attributed to the financial results of the Company's existing
          or  future  new,  acquired,   or  merged  businesses  associated  with
          wholesale  and  retail  electricity  and  natural  gas  marketing  and
          consulting  services,  including but not limited to retail electricity
          providers,  qualified scheduling entities,  gas and power aggregation,
          gas and power brokering,  energy services, and energy consulting.  For
          acquired or merged  energy  businesses,  the basis  against  which the
          consolidated  stockholder  equity  increase is measured and Employee's
          Bonus  is  calculated  shall  be only on that  portion  exceeding  the
          expected earnings as determined by the Company and thereby included in
          the  purchase   price  of  the  acquired  or  merged   business.   All
          calculations  of the  Bonus  shall  be  determined  by  the  Company's
          independent   accountants  in  accordance   with  generally   accepted
          accounting principles;  provided,  that if there is a decrease for any
          fiscal year in such  consolidated  stockholder  equity,  the amount of
          such decrease shall be subtracted  from any increase in any subsequent
          fiscal year and the Bonus for such subsequent  fiscal year(s) shall be
          calculated based upon the net increase,  if any, after subtracting the
          amount of such  decrease.  Employee  and  Company  may,  upon  written
          agreement by both parties and approved by the Amen Board of Directors,
          choose  to  include  or  exclude  certain  businesses  from the  Bonus
          calculation,  or amend  the  Bonus  calculation  in other  ways.  Such
          Bonuses shall be paid within  forty-five  (45) days of the end of each
          fiscal year of the Company,  and may be paid, at the Employee's option
          upon written notice to the Company, either in cash or in shares of the


          Company's Common Stock, $.01 par value, of Amen Properties,  Inc. (the
          "Company  Common  Stock"),  having a Market  Value (as defined  below)
          equal to the amount of the  payment  due,  or a  combination  thereof;
          provided,  that the Company shall have the option to pay the Bonus, or
          any portion thereof,  in cash  notwithstanding the Employee's election
          of payment in shares of Company Common Stock if the Company has a good
          faith belief that the issuance of such shares may cause the Company to
          risk the loss of any of its net operating loss carryforward  under the
          Internal  Revenue Code and applicable  Treasury  Regulations.  As used
          herein,  (i)  "Market  Value"  shall be $3.20 per share for the fiscal
          year ended December 31, 2004 and thereafter  shall be calculated using
          a price per share equal to the average  closing  price for the Company
          Common  Stock  on the  Nasdaq  Stock  Market  (or  other  exchange  or
          securities  quotation  service on which the  Company  Common  Stock is
          Publicly  Traded)  for twenty (20)  trading  days prior to the date of
          issuance of the shares as payment  required by this Section 4(b),  and
          (ii) "Publicly  Traded" means a security that is listed or admitted to
          unlisted  trading  privileges  on a national  securities  exchange  or
          designated  as a national  market  system  security on an  interdealer
          quotation  system by the National  Association of Securities  Dealers,
          Inc. ("NASD") or if sales or bid and offer quotations are reported for
          that class of stock in the automated  quotation system operated by the
          NASD. The Employee  acknowledges  and agrees that the Company will not
          be required to register under applicable securities laws any shares of
          Company  Common Stock  issued to him under this  Agreement,  that,  if
          unregistered,  the  transfer  of such stock will be  restricted  under
          applicable  securities  laws, and that he understands  and accepts all
          risks associated with owning shares of Company Common Stock, including
          without limitation those related to such restrictions on transfer.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date and
year first above written.

                                        AMEN PROPERTIES, INC.

                                             Jon M. Morgan, President


                                        Kevin H. Yung
