
                                  UNITED STATES

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                  SCHEDULE 14A

                                 (RULE 14a-101)
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X}

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary proxy statement.

[ ]  Confidential,  for use of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by Rule

[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement.

[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials.

[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-12.


                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(k)(1) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)  Form, Schedule, or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)  Filing Party:

     (4)  Date Filed:

                         30 W. Pershing Road, Suite 201
                           Kansas City, Missouri 64108

                             TO BE HELD MAY 10, 2006

To our shareholders:

The 2006 annual meeting of shareholders of  Entertainment  Properties Trust will
be held at the Leawood Town Centre Theatre,  Leawood, Kansas, on May 10, 2006 at
10:00 a.m. (local time). At the meeting, our shareholders will vote upon

        Proposal 1: The election of two Class III trustees for a three year term

        Proposal 2: The  ratification  of the  appointment  of  KPMG  LLP as our
                    independent registered public accounting firm for 2006

and transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting.

All holders of record of our common  shares at the close of business on February
15, 2006 are entitled to vote at the meeting or any  postponement or adjournment
of the meeting.

You are cordially invited to attend the meeting. Whether or not you intend to be
present  at the  meeting,  our Board of  Trustees  asks that you sign,  date and
return the enclosed proxy card promptly.  A prepaid return  envelope is provided
for your convenience. Your vote is important and all shareholders are encouraged
to attend in person or vote by proxy.

Thank you for your support and continued interest in our Company.

                                    BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                                      /s/ Gregory K. Silvers
                                     Gregory K. Silvers
                                     Vice President, Secretary, General Counsel
                                        and Chief Development Officer

Kansas City, Missouri
April 3, 2006

                         30 W. Pershing Road, Suite 201
                           Kansas City, Missouri 64108

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     This proxy  statement  provides  information  about the  annual  meeting of
shareholders of  Entertainment  Properties  Trust to be held at the Leawood Town
Centre Theatre,  Leawood,  Kansas, on May 10, 2006, beginning at 10:00 a.m., and
at any postponement or adjournment of the meeting.

     This proxy  statement  and the  enclosed  proxy  card were first  mailed to
shareholders on or about April 7, 2006.

                                ABOUT THE MEETING

What am I voting on?

     The Board of Trustees is soliciting your vote for:

     o    The election of two Class III trustees for a three year term

     o    The  ratification  of the  appointment of KPMG LLP as our  independent
          registered public accounting firm for 2006

     Our  management  will report on the  performance of the Company during 2005
and respond to questions from shareholders.

Who is entitled to vote at the meeting?

     Holders of record of our common shares at the close of business on February
15, 2006, are entitled to receive notice of the annual meeting and to vote their
common shares held on that date at the meeting.

How many votes do I have?

     Each common share has one vote. The enclosed proxy card shows the number of
common shares you are entitled to vote.

What constitutes a quorum?

     The  presence at the  meeting,  in person or by proxy,  of the holders of a
majority of our common shares  outstanding on the record date will  constitute a
quorum, permitting the meeting to proceed. On the record date, 25,673,034 common
shares  of  the  Company  were  outstanding.  Proxies  received  but  marked  as
abstentions  and broker  non-votes will be included in calculating the number of
common shares present at the meeting for the purpose of establishing a quorum.

How do I vote?

     If you complete and properly sign the enclosed  proxy card and return it to
us before the meeting,  your common  shares will be voted as you direct.  If you
are a  shareholder  of record and attend the meeting in person,  you may deliver
your completed proxy card at the meeting. You are also invited to vote in person
at the meeting. You may request a ballot when you arrive.

     If your shares are held in the name of a bank,  broker or other nominee and
you  wish to vote at the  meeting,  you  must  obtain  a  proxy  form  from  the
institution that holds your shares.

     If you are a  participant  in our  dividend  reinvestment  and direct share
purchase  plan,  your plan  shares  will be voted as you  instruct on your proxy

Does EPR have a policy for confidential voting?

     We have a confidential  voting policy. Your proxy will be kept confidential
and will not be disclosed to third parties, other than our inspector of election
and personnel involved in processing the proxy cards and tabulating the vote.

Can I change my vote after I return my proxy card?

     Yes. Even after you have submitted your proxy,  you may change your vote or
revoke your proxy at any time before the meeting by sending a written  notice of
revocation  or a duly  executed  proxy with a later date to the Secretary of the
Company.  Your proxy will also be revoked if you attend the  meeting and vote in
person.  If you  merely  attend  the  meeting  but do not vote in  person,  your
previously granted proxy will not be revoked.

What are the Board's recommendations?

     Unless you give other instructions on your proxy card, the persons named as
proxy holders on the proxy card will vote your common shares in accordance  with
the recommendations of the Board of Trustees. The Board recommends you vote:

     o    For the election of the persons nominated as Class III trustees

     o    For the ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as our independent
          registered public accounting firm for 2006

     If any other matter  properly  comes before the meeting,  the proxy holders
will vote as  recommended by the Board of Trustees or, if no  recommendation  is
given, in their own discretion.


How many votes are needed to approve each item?

     Election of  Trustees.  The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the common
shares  voted at the  meeting  is  required  for the  election  of the Class III
trustees. This means the two nominees in Class III receiving the greatest number
of votes will be  elected.  We will not count  abstentions  in the  election  of
trustees.  If you check "WITHHOLD  AUTHORITY"  under the nominees' names on your
proxy card,  your shares will be voted against both nominees.  You may also vote
against a nominee by striking through his name on your proxy card.

     Ratification  of appointment of independent  registered  public  accounting
firm.  The  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the common  shares  voted at the
meeting is required  to ratify the  appointment  of KPMG LLP as our  independent
registered  public  accounting  firm.  We  will  not  count  abstentions  in the
ratification of KPMG LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm.

How will broker non-votes be counted?

     Broker  non-votes  (which  occur  when a broker  or other  nominee  has not
received directions from its customers and does not have discretionary authority
to vote the customers' shares) will not have the effect of a vote against either

What does it mean if I receive more than one proxy card?

     Some of your shares may be held in more than one account. Please date, sign
and return all of your proxy cards to ensure all your common shares are voted.

What if I receive only one set of proxy  materials  although  there are multiple
shareholders at my address?

     If you and other  residents  at your mailing  address own common  shares in
street name, your broker,  bank or other nominee may have sent you a notice that
your household will receive only one annual report and proxy  statement for each
company in which you hold shares  through  that  broker,  bank or nominee.  This
practice is called  "householding." If you did not respond that you did not want
to  participate  in  householding,  you are  deemed  to have  consented  to that
process.  If these procedures apply to you, your nominee will have sent one copy
of our annual report and proxy  statement to your  address.  You may revoke your
consent to  householding  at any time by contacting  us at 30 W. Pershing  Road,
Suite 201, Kansas City, Missouri 64108, (816) 472-1700, Attention: Secretary. If
you did not receive an individual copy of our annual report and proxy statement,
we will send copies to you if you contact us at the above  address or  telephone
number. If you and other residents at your address have been receiving  multiple
copies of our annual  report and proxy  statement  and desire to receive  only a
single copy of these  materials,  you may  contact  your  broker,  bank or other
nominee or contact us at the above address or telephone number.


                                     ITEM I

                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

     The Board of Trustees  consists of five  members and is divided  into three
classes  having   three-year   terms  that  expire  in  successive   years.  The
nominating/company  governance  committee of the Board of Trustees has nominated
Morgan G. Earnest II and James A. Olson to serve as our Class III trustees for a
term  expiring at the 2009 annual  meeting or until  their  successors  are duly
elected and qualified.  Unless you withhold  authority to vote for both nominees
or you mark through one or both of the nominees'  names on your proxy card,  the
common shares  represented by your properly executed proxy will be voted for the
election of both nominees for trustee.

     Here is a brief description of the backgrounds and principal occupations of
the persons  nominated  for election as trustee and each  trustee  whose term of
office will continue after the annual meeting.

  Class III Trustees (nominated for a term expiring at the 2009 annual meeting)

Morgan G.           Morgan  G.  ("Jerry")  Earnest  II,  50, is  Executive  Vice
Earnest II          President of Capmark  Financial Group,  Inc.  (formerly GMAC
Trustee since 2003  Commercial  Mortgage   Corporation,   or  "GMACCM")  and  is
                    responsible  for the  co-management  of the  North  American
                    Lending  Operation,  consisting of the  Proprietary  Lending
                    Group, Specialty Lending, Agency/Affordable Lending, Project
                    Finance,  GMAC  Commercial  Mortgage of Canada,  and Capital
                    Markets.   Previously,   Mr.  Earnest  was  responsible  for
                    GMACCM's  Specialty  Lending Groups,  which consisted of the
                    Healthcare,  Hospitality and Construction Lending Divisions.
                    Prior to joining  GMACCM,  Mr.  Earnest was a  principal  of
                    Lexington  Mortgage  Company which was acquired by GMACCM in
                    March 1996.  Mr.  Earnest has an MBA from the Colgate Darden
                    Graduate  School of Business  Administration,  University of
                    Virginia, and is a graduate of Tulane University.

James A. Olson      James A. Olson,  63, is a principal and the Chief  Financial
Trustee since 2003  Officer of Plaza Belmont  Management  Group, LLC, manager of
                    the Plaza Belmont  private  equity funds,  which acquire and
                    operate companies in the food manufacturing industry.  Prior
                    to joining  Plaza  Belmont in 1999,  Mr. Olson was a partner
                    with  Ernst & Young  LLP.  During  his 32 years with Ernst &
                    Young,  including  six years in Europe,  Mr. Olson served as
                    managing  director of two of their offices and worked with a
                    number of multinational and domestic clients in a variety of
                    industries.  In addition to providing  his client  companies
                    with the  traditional  audit services of Ernst & Young,  Mr.
                    Olson advised them on their  securities  offerings,  mergers
                    and acquisitions and corporate tax strategies.  He is a past
                    president of the Missouri State Board of  Accountancy  and a
                    member  of  the  American   Institute  of  Certified  Public
                    Accountants.  Mr. Olson  received his BS and MS degrees from
                    St.  Louis  University.  Mr.  Olson  serves  on the Board of
                    Directors  and is  Chairman  of the audit  committee  of SCS
                    Transportation,   Inc.,   a   NASDAQ-listed   transportation
                    company,  and is an Advisory  Director  of American  Century
                    Mutual  Funds,  a  fund  complex  of  registered  investment


    Class I Trustee (serving for a term expiring at the 2007 annual meeting)

Barrett Brady       Barrett  Brady,  59, is Senior Vice  President  of Highwoods
Trustee since 2004  Properties,  Inc., a NYSE-listed  REIT.  Mr. Brady served as
                    President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  J.C.  Nichols
                    Company, a real estate company headquartered in Kansas City,
                    Missouri, until its acquisition by Highwoods in 1998. Before
                    joining  J.C.   Nichols  Company  in  1995,  Mr.  Brady  was
                    President  and  CEO  of  Dunn  Industries,   Inc.,  a  major
                    construction  contractor.  Mr.  Brady  received  a BSBA from
                    Southern Methodist University and an MBA from The University
                    of Missouri.  Mr. Brady serves on the Boards of Directors of
                    Midwest Research  Institute and Dunn  Industries,  Inc., and
                    the Board of  Trustees  of The  University  of  Missouri  at
                    Kansas City. Mr. Brady also serves on the Board of Directors
                    of North  American  Savings Bank,  FSB and its publicly held
                    parent NASB  Financial,  Inc.,  and is Chairman of the audit
                    committee of NASB Financial, Inc.

   Class II Trustees (serving for a term expiring at the 2008 annual meeting)

Robert J. Druten    Robert J. Druten,  58, is Chairman of our Board of Trustees.
Trustee since 1997  Mr. Druten is Executive Vice  President and Chief  Financial
                    Officer   and  a  Corporate   Officer  of   Hallmark   Cards
                    Incorporated.  Mr.  Druten serves on the Boards of Directors
                    of Hallmark Cards Holdings,  Ltd.,  Hallmark  Entertainment,
                    Inc.,  Crown Media Holdings,  Inc., a NASDAQ-listed  company
                    that owns and operates cable television  channels  dedicated
                    to entertainment  programming,  and Kansas City Southern,  a
                    leading NYSE-listed  transportation  company.  Mr. Druten is
                    also  Chairman  of  the  audit   committee  of  Kansas  City
                    Southern.  Mr. Druten  received a BS in Accounting  from The
                    University of Kansas and an MBA from Rockhurst University.

David M. Brain      David M. Brain,  50, has served as our  President  and Chief
Trustee since 1999  Executive  Officer and as a trustee  since  October 1999. He
                    served as our Chief Financial  Officer from 1997 to 1999 and
                    as our Chief Operating  Officer from 1998 to 1999. Mr. Brain
                    acted as a  consultant  to AMC  Entertainment,  Inc.  in the
                    formation of the Company in 1997.  From 1996 until that time
                    he was a Senior Vice President in the investment banking and
                    corporate finance department of George K. Baum & Company, an
                    investment   banking  firm  headquartered  in  Kansas  City,
                    Missouri. Before joining George K. Baum & Company, Mr. Brain
                    was Managing Director of the Corporate Finance Group of KPMG
                    LLP, a practice  unit he  organized  and managed for over 12
                    years. He received a BA in Economics from Tulane University,
                    where he was awarded an academic fellowship.

Messrs.  Earnest and Olson have  consented to serve on the Board of Trustees for
their respective terms. If Mr. Earnest or Mr. Olson should become unavailable to
serve as a trustee (which is not expected),  the  nominating/company  governance
committee may designate a substitute nominee. In that case, the persons named as
proxies   will   vote   for   the   substitute   nominee   designated   by   the
nominating/company governance committee.


How are trustees compensated?

     Each non-employee trustee receives:

     o    An annual  retainer of $30,000,  which must be taken in common shares,
          valued at the latest closing price

     o    $1,500 in cash for each Board meeting he attends

     o    $1,000 in cash for each committee meeting he attends

     o    Reimbursement   for  any  out-of-town   travel  expenses  incurred  in
          attending Board or committee  meetings and other expenses  incurred on
          behalf of the Company

     The Chairman of the Board and the Chairmen of the audit,  compensation  and
nominating/company  governance committees receive additional annual retainers of
$10,000, $10,000, $7,500 and $5,000, respectively, which may be taken in cash or
in common shares valued at 125% of the cash retainer amount.

     Employees  of the Company or its  affiliates  who are trustees are not paid
any additional compensation for their service on the Board.

     Robert J. Druten  received  options to purchase 10,000 common shares on the
effective date of our initial public offering in 1997. Options to purchase 3,333
common  shares  were  granted to each  non-employee  trustee on the date of each
annual  meeting from 1998 to 2003.  Options to purchase 5,000 common shares have
been  granted to each  non-employee  trustee on the date of each annual  meeting
since 2004.  All of these options have an exercise  price per share equal to the
closing price of our common shares on the annual  meeting date. The options vest
after one year and expire after ten years unless terminated earlier because of a
trustee's  termination  from the Board. All of the options were issued under our
1997 Share Incentive Plan.

                               COMPANY GOVERNANCE

     Our Board of Trustees is committed to effective company governance. We have
adopted Company Governance Guidelines, Independence Standards for Trustees and a
Code of Business  Conduct and Ethics for all  officers,  employees and trustees.
Those  documents and the amended and restated  charters of our audit  committee,
nominating/company  governance committee and compensation committee may be found
at the  Company  Governance  section  of our  website at  www.eprkc.com  and are
available in print to any shareholder who requests them.

Company Governance Guidelines

     Our Company Governance Guidelines address a number of topics, including the
role and  responsibilities  of our  Board,  the  qualifications  of  independent
trustees,   the  ability  of  shareholders  to  communicate  directly  with  the
independent  trustees,  Board committees,  separation of the offices of Chairman
and CEO, trustee compensation, and management succession. Our nominating/company
governance  committee  reviews our Company  Governance  Guidelines on a periodic
basis to ensure their continued effectiveness.


Who are our independent trustees and how was that determined?

     Our Company Governance  Guidelines and the governance rules of the New York
Stock Exchange  ("NYSE") require that a majority of our trustees be independent.
To qualify as independent, our Board must affirmatively determine that a trustee
has no material  relationship with the Company (either directly or as a partner,
shareholder  or  officer of an  organization  that has a  relationship  with the
Company).  To assist our Board in making this determination,  the Board has used
our Independence Standards for Trustees as categorical standards to evaluate the
independence  of our  independent  trustees.  Using those  standards,  the Board
reviewed the independence of Messrs.  Druten,  Earnest,  Olson and Brady.  Based
upon that review,  the Board has affirmatively  determined that Messrs.  Druten,
Earnest, Olson and Brady, who constitute a majority of our Board of Trustees and
who  serve  on  our  audit,   nominating/company   governance  and  compensation
committees,  have no  material  relationship  with  the  Company  and  are  thus
independent in accordance with NYSE rules.

     The following is a summary of our Independence  Standards for Trustees. For
a complete  description  of those  standards,  please  review  our  Independence
Standards  for  Trustees  at the  Company  Governance  section of our website at

     o    A trustee is not independent if:

          o    The trustee is, or has been within the last 3 years,  an employee
               of EPR, or an immediate  family  member of the trustee is, or has
               been within the last 3 years, an executive officer of EPR;

          o    The trustee has received,  or has an immediate  family member who
               has received, during any 12 month period within the last 3 years,
               more than $100,000 in direct  compensation  from EPR,  other than
               trustee  and  committee  fees  and  pensions  or  other  forms of
               deferred   compensation   (provided  such   compensation  is  not
               contingent on future service);

          o    (A) The  trustee  or an  immediate  family  member  is a  current
               partner of the firm that is our internal or external auditor, (B)
               the trustee is a current  employee  of the firm,  (C) the trustee
               has an immediate  family member who is a current  employee of the
               firm and who  participates in the firm's audit,  assurance or tax
               compliance (but not tax planning) practice, or (D) the trustee or
               an immediate family member was within the last 3 years (but is no
               longer) a partner or employee of the firm and  personally  worked
               on EPR's audit within that time;

          o    The trustee or an immediate  family member is, or has been within
               the last 3 years,  employed  as an  executive  officer of another
               company where any of EPR's present executive officers at the same
               time serves on that company's compensation committee; or

          o    The trustee is a current employee,  or an immediate family member
               is a  current  executive  officer,  of a  company  that  has made
               payments  to, or  received  payments  from,  EPR for  property or
               services in an amount which, in any of the last 3 years,  exceeds
               the  greater  of  $1  million  or  2%  of  such  other  company's
               consolidated gross revenues.

     o    A person who is an  executive  officer or  affiliate of an entity that
          provides  non-advisory  financial  services  such  as  lending,  check
          clearing,  maintaining customer accounts,  stock brokerage services or
          custodial and cash management services to EPR or its affiliates may be
          determined by the Board to be independent if the following  conditions
          are satisfied:


          o    The entity does not provide financial advisory services to EPR;

          o    The annual  interest  and/or fees payable to the entity by EPR do
               not exceed the numerical limitation described above;

          o    Any loan provided by the entity is made in the ordinary course of
               business  of EPR and the  lender  and  does not  represent  EPR's
               principal source of credit or liquidity;

          o    The  trustee  has  no  involvement  in  presenting,  negotiating,
               underwriting,   documenting  or  closing  any  such  non-advisory
               financial  services and is not  compensated by EPR, the entity or
               any of its affiliates in connection with those services;

          o    The  Board  affirmatively   determines  that  the  terms  of  the
               non-advisory  financial  services  are  fair and  reasonable  and
               advantageous to the Company and no more favorable to the provider
               than generally available from other providers;

          o    The  provider is a  recognized  financial  institution,  non-bank
               commercial lender or securities broker;

          o    The  trustee  abstains  from  voting as a trustee to approve  the
               transaction; and

          o    All  material   facts   related  to  the   transaction   and  the
               relationship  of the person to the provider are  disclosed by EPR
               in its Exchange Act reports and proxy statement.

     o    No person who serves,  or whose immediate  family member serves,  as a
          partner,  member, executive officer or comparable position of any firm
          providing  accounting,   consulting,   legal,  investment  banking  or
          financial  advisory  services  to  EPR,  or  as a  securities  analyst
          covering EPR, shall be considered  independent  until after the end of
          that relationship.

     o    No person  who is, or who has an  immediate  family  member who is, an
          officer,   director,  more  than  5%  shareholder,   partner,  member,
          attorney,  consultant or affiliate of any tenant of the Company or any
          affiliate of such tenant shall be considered  independent  until three
          years after the end of the tenancy or such relationship.

How often did the Board meet during 2005?

     The Board of Trustees  met seven times in 2005.  No trustee  attended  less
than 90% of the  meetings of the Board and  committees  on which he served.  Our
trustees discharge their responsibilities throughout the year, not only at Board
of Trustee and committee meetings,  but also through personal meetings,  actions
by unanimous written consent and  communications  with members of management and
others regarding matters of interest and concern to the Company.

Do the independent trustees hold regular executive sessions?

     The  independent  trustees meet  regularly in separate  executive  sessions
without  management.  Mr.  Druten  serves  as the  presiding  trustee  at  those


How can shareholders communicate directly with the Board?

     Any  shareholder  is  welcome  to  send  a  written  communication  to  the
non-management trustees about any matter of interest related to the Company. You
may communicate with the  non-management  trustees by either sending a letter to
our address listed on the cover page of this proxy statement, or by visiting the
Company  Governance  section  of  our  website  at  www.eprkc.com,  clicking  on
"Procedures  for  Confidential   Anonymous   Submissions,"   and  following  the
instructions  for making a confidential  submission.  Your written or electronic
communication will be forwarded directly to the non-management trustees and will
not be screened by management. Shareholders may also make proposals and nominate
candidates  for trustee for  consideration  at any annual  meeting in accordance
with the  procedures  described in  "Submission  of  Shareholder  Proposals  and
Nominations" below.

What committees has the Board established?

     The   Board  of   Trustees   has   established   an  audit   committee,   a
nominating/company governance committee and a compensation committee. All of our
non-management  trustees serve on all three committees.  The Board believes this
promotes  access to a variety of views on all three  committees and helps ensure
that all of the committees have a broad perspective on the Company's  operations
as a whole.  The Board has  affirmatively  determined  that all of the committee
members are independent, as described above in "Who are our independent trustees
and how was that  determined?"  The members of our audit committee also meet the
additional  independence  standards prescribed by SEC Rule 10A-3. Each committee
has adopted a written  charter  that  governs  its duties and  responsibilities.
Copies of the  committee  charters  may be obtained  at the  Company  Governance
section of our website at www.eprkc.com.

     Audit Committee. The audit committee oversees the accounting,  auditing and
financial  reporting  policies and  practices of the Company.  The  committee is
directly responsible for assisting the Board of Trustees in its oversight of the
integrity of our financial statements,  our compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements,  the qualifications and independence of our independent registered
public  accounting  firm,  and the  performance of  management's  internal audit
function and internal  control over financial  reporting.  The Board of Trustees
has  determined  that all of the  members  of the  audit  committee  are  "audit
committee  financial  experts"  as  defined  by SEC  rules,  by  virtue of their
experience  and positions held as described in their  biographies  listed above.
Mr.  Olson serves as Chairman of the audit  committee.  The  committee  met five
times in 2005.

     Nominating/Company  Governance Committee. The nominating/company governance
committee  evaluates  and  nominates  candidates  for  election  to the Board of
Trustees and assists the Board in ensuring the  effectiveness  of our governance
policies and practices. Candidates for nomination to the Board are evaluated and
recommended  on the basis of the value  they  would add to the Board in light of
their integrity, experience, training and judgment, their financial literacy and
sophistication  and  knowledge  of  corporate  and real  estate  finance,  their
knowledge of the real estate and/or entertainment  industry,  their independence
from  Company  management  and  other  factors.   The  committee  will  consider
nominations made by shareholders in compliance with the procedures  described in
"Submission of Shareholder  Proposals and Nominations" below. The committee will
use the  same  criteria  to  evaluate  nominees  recommended  in good  faith  by
shareholders  as it uses to  evaluate  its own  nominees,  but may give  greater
weight to  nominees  recommended  by holders of more than 5% of our  outstanding
common shares. Mr. Brady serves as Chairman of the nominating/company governance
committee. The committee met once in 2005.


     Compensation  Committee.  The compensation committee approves Company goals
and  objectives  relevant to the  compensation  of our CEO,  evaluates our CEO's
performance in light of those goals and objectives,  determines and approves our
CEO's compensation in accordance with such evaluation, and makes recommendations
to the Board regarding the compensation of our other executive  officers and our
independent trustees,  as well as incentive  compensation and equity-based plans
that are  subject to Board  approval.  Mr.  Earnest  serves as  Chairman  of the
compensation committee. The committee met three times in 2005.

What is our policy regarding trustee attendance at annual meetings?

     Our trustees are  expected to attend each annual  meeting of  shareholders,
although  conflict  situations  can arise from time to time. All of our trustees
attended the 2005 annual meeting.

Family relationships.

     No family  relationships  exist  between any of our  trustees or  executive

                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     Here are our  executive  officers  and some brief  information  about their

     David M. Brain,  50, is our  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer.  His
background is described on page 5.

     Fred L. Kennon,  50, has served as our Chief  Financial  Officer since 1999
and as Vice  President and Treasurer  since 1998.  From 1984 to 1998 he was with
Payless Cashways, Inc., most recently serving as Vice President - Treasurer. Mr.
Kennon  graduated from Pittsburg State  University in 1978 and holds an MBA from
The University of Missouri at Kansas City.

     Gregory K.  Silvers,  42, has served as our Vice  President,  Secretary and
General  Counsel since 1998 and as Chief  Development  Officer since 2001.  From
1994 to 1998, he practiced with the law firm of Stinson, Morrison Hecker, L.L.P.
specializing  in real estate law. Mr.  Silvers  received his JD in 1994 from The
University of Kansas.

     Mark A.  Peterson,  42, was  appointed  our Vice  President-Accounting  and
Administration  in June 2004.  From 1998 to 2004, Mr. Peterson was with American
Italian Pasta Company, a publicly traded  manufacturing  company,  most recently
serving  as Vice  President-Accounting  and  Finance.  Mr.  Peterson  was  Chief
Financial Officer of JC Nichols Company, a real estate company  headquartered in
Kansas City, Missouri,  from 1995 until its acquisition by Highwoods Properties,
Inc. in 1998. Mr.  Peterson  received a BS in Accounting,  with highest  honors,
from The University of Illinois in 1986.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary Compensation Table

     The following table contains  information on the compensation earned by our
CEO and each of our other  most  highly  compensated  executive  officers  whose
compensation exceeded $100,000 in 2005.


------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------
                                               Annual Compensation             Long Term Compensation
                                          -------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                                                              Share          Securities
                                                                           Awards(2)(3)      Underlying           All Other
                                             Salary        Bonus (1)(6)      (5)(6)           Options(5)       Compensation(5)
 Name and principal position     Year          ($)             ($)            (#)               (#)                 ($)
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
David  M.   Brain   President    2005       $401,000        $361,000         24,516             31,585            $218,610
and Chief Executive Officer
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                 2004       $385,688        $462,825         18,335             50,931               --
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                 2003       $372,646        $447,174         15,449             42,913               --
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
Fred L. Kennon Vice              2005       $253,000        $190,000          9,194             3,280             $114,353
President, Chief Financial
Officer and Treasurer
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                 2004       $243,280        $218,952          7,491             20,809               --
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                 2003       $235,053        $211,548          6,312             17,533               --
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
Gregory K. Silvers Vice          2005       $253,000        $190,000         11,116             10,914            $111,994
President, Secretary,
General Counsel and Chief
Development Officer
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                 2004       $217,567        $217,567          7,052             19,589               --
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                 2003       $210,210        $191,008          5,699             15,831               --
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
Mark A. Peterson Vice            2005       $181,500        $ 90,750          4,196              367              $ 56,466
President - Accounting and
Administration (4)
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------
                                 2004       $ 93,019        $ 48,125          1,300             3,611                --
------------------------------ ---------- -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------

(1)  Performance  bonuses are payable in cash,  restricted common shares (valued
     at 125% of the cash bonus amount) or a combination  of cash and  restricted
     common  shares,  at the election of the executive.  The  restricted  common
     shares in which such  bonuses  may be paid vest at the rate of 33-1/3%  per
     year during a three-year period.

(2)  The restricted  common share awards vest at the rate of 20% per year during
     a five year  period.  The  dollar  value of the  shares  vested  under each
     officer's  restricted  share award is based upon the  closing  price of our
     common  shares on the NYSE on the  applicable  vesting  date. If all of the
     restricted  common  shares  awarded for 2005 had been vested as of December
     31, 2005, the dollar value of the  restricted  share awards for 2005 (based
     on the  closing  price  of  $40.75  for our  common  shares  on the NYSE on
     December 30, 2005) would be as follows:

            ------------------------------- -----------------------------
                        Officer                    12/31/05 Value
            ------------------------------- -----------------------------
            David M. Brain                             $999,027
            ------------------------------- -----------------------------
            Fred L. Kennon                             $374,655
            ------------------------------- -----------------------------
            Gregory K. Silvers                         $452,977
            ------------------------------- -----------------------------
            Mark A. Peterson                           $170,987
            ------------------------------- -----------------------------

(3)  The  aggregate  number  of  restricted  common  shares  held by each  named
     executive officer on December 31, 2005 and the value of those shares (based
     on the  closing  price  of  $40.75  for our  common  shares  on the NYSE on
     December 30, 2005) were as follows:


            --------------------- -------------------- --------------------
                    Officer          No. of Shares       12/31/05 Value
            --------------------- -------------------- --------------------
            David M. Brain                78,450             $3,196,838
            --------------------- -------------------- --------------------
            Fred L. Kennon                19,201             $  782,441
            --------------------- -------------------- --------------------
            Gregory K. Silvers            31,126             $1,268,385
            --------------------- -------------------- --------------------
            Mark A. Peterson               3,002             $  122,332
            --------------------- -------------------- --------------------

     The shares are  registered  with the SEC under the  Securities Act of 1933,
     but are  restricted  against  transfer  for a period of one year  after the
     issue date under our Share Incentive Plan. The shares in this table exclude
     restricted shares awarded in 2006 based upon 2005 performance.

(4)  Mr.  Peterson was named our Vice President - Accounting and  Administration
     on June 14, 2004. His annual salary rate for 2004 was $165,000.

(5)  Compensation  paid under our Long-Term  Incentive Program was based on 2005
     performance  and is payable  75% in the form of  restricted  common  shares
     included  under  "Restricted  Share  Awards," and 25% in the form of either
     options or payment of the difference  between the annual premium payable by
     the Company on term life insurance for the benefit of the executive and the
     annual  premium  for the same  amount  of  whole  life  insurance  for that
     executive  plus related income tax, or a combination of options and premium
     differential  payment plus  related tax, at the election of the  executive.
     Amounts shown under "All Other Compensation" consist solely of such premium
     differential payments plus related tax.

(6)  The executive  officers receive  dividends on restricted common shares from
     the  date  of  issuance  at  the  same  rate  paid  to  our  other   common

Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

     The following table provides information about options awarded to the named
executive officers in 2005.


  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------
                                         Individual Grants
  ----------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------
                              Number Of
                             Securities         Percent Of
                             Underlying       Total Options
                               Options          Granted To          Exercise                        Grant Date Present
                               Granted          Employees            Price           Expiration           Value
           Name                  (#)          In Fiscal Year       ($/Sh)(1)            Date            ($/Sh)(2)

  ----------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------
  David M. Brain                50,931              49%               $42.01          11/2015               $3.78
  ----------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------
  Fred L. Kennon                20,809              20%               $42.01          11/2015               $3.78
  ----------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------
  Gregory K. Silvers            19,589              19%               $42.01          11/2015               $3.78
  ----------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------
  Mark A. Peterson               3,611               3%               $42.01          11/2015               $3.78
  ----------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------

(1)  The  options  vest at the  rate of 20% per  year  for  five  years  and are
     exercisable during a 10-year period.

(2)  Based on the Black-Scholes  Valuation Model.  Black-Scholes,  Binominal and
     Minimum Value calculations performed in accordance with the requirements of
     Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 123,  "Accounting  for
     Stock-Based  Compensation"  and using the following  assumptions:  expected
     volatility  using 52 weekly  share  prices  commencing  on 1/1/05  (20.7%),
     expected life (eight years),  share price on grant date ($42.01),  exercise
     price  ($42.01),  expected  dividend  yield  (6.0%),  and risk free rate of
     return (4.0%).


Aggregated  Option  Exercises  in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal  Year-End  Options

     The following  table  provides  information  on the number of common shares
received upon the exercise of options by the named  executive  officers in 2005,
the value realized upon exercise of those  options,  and the number and value of
unexercised  in-the-money  options  held by the named  executive  officers as of
December 31, 2005.


------------------------ ---------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
                                                                        Number of shares
                                                                           underlying        Value of unexercised
                                                                       unexercised options   in-the-money options
                                                                       at fiscal year end     at fiscal year end
                                                                               (#)                    ($)
                          Shares Acquired on           Value              Exercisable/           Exercisable/
                               Exercise               Realized            unexercisable          unexercisable
         Name                     (#)                   ($)
------------------------ ---------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
David M. Brain                 12,745               $   399,237          288,599/231,946     $6,240,097/$2,571,670
------------------------ ---------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
Fred L. Kennon                 94,468               $  2,463,151            3,506/94,140         $3,331/$1,043,791
------------------------ ---------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
Gregory K. Silvers             90,168               $  2,345,646            3,167/83,793          $3,009/$883,357
------------------------ ---------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
Mark A. Peterson                2,978               $     36,034            1,022/19,611          $7,328/$114,720
------------------------ ---------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------

Equity Compensation Plan Information

     The following table provides information with respect to compensation plans
(including  individual  compensation  arrangements) under which common shares of
the Company were authorized for issuance to officers,  employees and trustees as
of December 31, 2005.


------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------------------
                                Number of shares to be                                 Number of shares remaining
                                 issued upon exercise        Weighted-average        available for future issuance
        Plan category               of outstanding          exercise price of     under equity compensation plans
                                 options, warrants and     outstanding options,     (excluding shares reflected in
                                        rights             warrants and rights               column (a)) (2)
------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------------------
                                          (a)                       (b)                           (c)
------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------------------
  Equity compensation plans             890,176                   $26.52                       1,561,243
 approved by shareholders(1)
------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------------------
Equity compensation plans not
   approved by shareholders                --                        --                              --
------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------------------
            Total                       890,176                   $26.52                       1,561,243
------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- -----------------------------------

(1)  All options have been issued under the Share Incentive Plan.

(2)  Restricted  common shares as well as options may be awarded under the Share
     Incentive Plan. The Share  Incentive Plan does not separately  quantify the
     number of options or number of restricted shares which may be awarded under
     the Plan.

Employment Agreements

     In 2000, we entered into employment agreements with David M. Brain, Fred L.
Kennon and Gregory K. Silvers,  each for a term of three years,  with  automatic
one-year  extensions  on  each  anniversary  date.  The  employment   agreements
generally provide for:


     o    An original annual base salary of $325,000 for Mr. Brain, $205,000 for
          Mr.  Kennon and $175,000  for Mr.  Silvers,  subject to any  increases
          awarded by the  compensation  committee.  The 2005 base salary amounts
          for  Messrs.  Brain,  Kennon and  Silvers  are  listed in the  Summary
          Compensation Table.

     o    An annual incentive bonus in an amount established by the compensation
          committee  if  performance   criteria   adopted  by  the  compensation
          committee are achieved.

     o    A loan to Mr. Brain of  $1,407,645  for the purchase of 80,000  common
          shares and loans of $281,250 to each of Mr. Kennon and Mr. Silvers for
          the  purchase of 20,000  common  shares each under the Share  Purchase
          Program.  The  loans,  which  were made by us prior to  passage of the
          Sarbanes-Oxley  Act,  are  evidenced by ten-year  recourse  promissory
          notes,  with  principal and accrued  interest  payable at maturity.  A
          portion of each  officer's  share  purchase loan will be forgiven upon
          his death or  permanent  disability,  or if he is  terminated  without
          cause or terminates his employment for good reason,  as defined in the
          employment agreement.  The entire amount of each executive's loan will
          be  forgiven if he is  terminated  without  cause  following a hostile
          change in  control  of the  Company.  The  officers  are  entitled  to
          reimbursement for taxes on income resulting from loan forgiveness.

     o    A rolling  three-year term, subject to termination by the Company with
          or without cause.

     o    Salary and bonus continuation following an officer's death, disability
          or termination without cause.

     Mr.  Brain is entitled to severance  compensation  equal to his base salary
and bonus for the  remainder  of a  three-year  employment  period if he resigns
following a change in control of the Company or upon his death,  termination  by
the Company  without cause or termination by Mr. Brain for good reason.  Messrs.
Kennon and Silvers are  entitled to similar  severance  compensation  upon their
death,  termination by the Company without cause or termination by the executive
for good reason.

     We entered into an employment  agreement with Mr. Peterson in 2005 on terms
similar to those of Messrs.  Brain,  Kennon and  Silvers,  except  that no share
purchase loan has been or will be made to Mr.  Peterson.  The agreement is for a
term of two years with automatic  one-year  extensions on each anniversary date,
and provides for an original  base salary of $181,500,  subject to any increases
awarded by the compensation committee.

How are our executive officers compensated?

     We have adopted various compensation programs to attract and retain quality
executive officers, to provide incentives to maximize our Funds from Operations,
and to provide  executive  officers with an interest in the Company  parallel to
that of our shareholders.

     Our executive  compensation  programs are  administered by the compensation
committee, which is authorized to select from among EPR's eligible employees the
individuals  to whom  awards  will be  granted  and to  establish  the terms and
conditions of those awards. No member of the compensation  committee is eligible
to participate in any compensation  program other than as a non-employee trustee
of the Company.


     Annual  Incentive  Program.  The  Annual  Incentive  Program  provides  for
incentive  bonuses to  executives  designated by the  compensation  committee if
selected  performance  criteria are achieved.  The performance  criteria and the
amount of the bonuses are established each year by the  compensation  committee.
Bonuses are payable in cash,  restricted  common shares or a combination of cash
and restricted common shares at the election of the executive.

     Share  Incentive  Plan. We encourage  our executive  officers to own common
shares in the Company.  To assist executives with this goal, we provide officers
the opportunity to acquire shares through various programs:

     o    Share Purchase  Program.  We may allow  executives to purchase  common
          shares  from us at fair  market  value.  The  shares may be subject to
          transfer restrictions and other conditions imposed by the compensation

     o    Restricted  Share Program.  We may award  restricted  common shares to
          executives,   subject  to  conditions   adopted  by  the  compensation
          committee.  In  general,  restricted  shares may not be sold until the
          restrictions  expire or are  removed  by the  compensation  committee.
          Restricted  shares have full voting and dividend  rights from the date
          of issuance. All restrictions on restricted shares lapse upon a change
          in control of the Company.

     o    Share  Option  Program.  We may  grant  options  to our  officers  and
          employees to purchase  common shares subject to conditions  imposed by
          the compensation committee.

     Long-Term Incentive Program. The compensation committee may award incentive
compensation  to our executive  officers,  payable 75% in the form of restricted
common shares and 25% in the form of either options or payment of the difference
between the annual premium payable by the Company on term life insurance for the
benefit of the  executive  and the annual  premium  for the same amount of whole
life  insurance for that  executive plus related income tax, or a combination of
options and premium  differential  payment  plus related tax, at the election of
the executive.

     Under the Share  Incentive  Plan,  a maximum of  3,000,000  common  shares,
subject to adjustment upon significant Company events, are reserved for issuance
under the Plan.  There is no limit on the number of total  options or restricted
common shares an individual  may receive under the Plan.  The maximum  number of
shares  or  options  which  may  be  awarded  to  an  employee  subject  to  the
deductibility  limitation  of Section  162(m) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code is
250,000 for each twelve-month performance period (or, to the extent the award is
paid in cash,  the maximum  dollar amount equal to the cash value of that number
of shares).

Compensation committee interlocks and insider participation

     No  member  of the  compensation  committee  is or has  been at any time an
officer or employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.  No member of the
compensation  committee  had any  contractual  or  other  relationship  with the
Company  during  2005.  No  executive  officer  of EPR serves or has served as a
director or as a member of the compensation committee of any entity of which any
member of EPR's compensation  committee or any independent  trustee serves as an
executive officer.

     As we have  previously  reported,  Morgan  G.  Earnest  II,  who  serves as
Chairman of our compensation  committee,  is Executive Vice President of Capmark
Financial  Group,  Inc.,  whose Canadian  affiliate GMAC Commercial  Mortgage of
Canada  provided  US $97 million in mortgage  financing  in 2004  secured by our
Canadian  properties.  The Canadian loan meets the conditions  for  institutions


providing  non-advisory  financial services to the Company described in "Company
Governance - Who are our independent  trustees and how was that determined?" Mr.
Earnest received no direct or indirect compensation from any party in connection
with the loan. The loan was approved by our independent  trustees other than Mr.
Earnest.  The  independent  trustees other than Mr. Earnest have determined that
the loan does not constitute a material relationship between Mr. Earnest and the
Company and that Mr.  Earnest is thus  independent  and qualified to serve as an
independent trustee and a member of the audit, nominating/company governance and
compensation committees.

                          COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Board of Trustees has appointed a compensation  committee consisting of
all of the non-management  trustees.  All members of the compensation  committee
are  independent as described in "Company  Governance - Who are our  independent
trustees  and how was that  determined?"  The  primary  responsibilities  of the
compensation  committee  are  to  (i)  review  and  approve  Company  goals  and
objectives relevant to the CEO's compensation, evaluate the CEO's performance in
light of those  goals  and  objectives,  and  determine  and  approve  the CEO's
compensation  level based on that evaluation,  and (ii) make  recommendations to
the Board regarding the  compensation of the Company's other executive  officers
and the independent trustees, as well as incentive compensation and equity-based
plans that are subject to Board approval.

     The  committee  has  adopted  an  amended  and  restated  charter  which is
available for review on the Company's website at www.eprkc.com.

What is the Company's executive compensation philosophy?

     EPR's compensation philosophy has several key objectives:

     o    create a well-balanced and competitive  compensation program utilizing
          base  salary,   annual  incentives,   equity-based   compensation  and
          long-term incentive compensation

     o    reward  executives for  performance  on measures  designed to increase
          shareholder value

     o    use restricted  share awards to ensure that  executives are focused on
          providing appropriate dividend levels and building shareholder value

     o    create alignment between the Company's executives and its shareholders
          by encouraging key executives to purchase shares

     The  compensation  committee  used  the  following  programs  to  meet  its
compensation objectives for executive officers:

     Base  Salary.  The  compensation  committee  established  base  salaries of
$481,000 for Mr. Brain,  $253,000 for Mr.  Kennon,  $316,000 for Mr. Silvers and
$227,000 for Mr. Peterson for 2006. The salary levels were intended to provide a
level of  compensation  competitive  with those of other  executives  performing
similar  functions at comparable  companies and to reward EPR's  executives  for
their efforts on behalf of the Company and the Company's  financial  performance
during 2005.

     Annual Incentive Awards.  Under the Annual Incentive Plan, the compensation
committee  established  specific annual  "performance  targets" for each covered
executive.  The  performance  targets  were  based on  increases  in Funds  from
Operations  ("FFO") per share and other factors aimed at providing


shareholders with an acceptable rate of return.  Performance bonuses are payable
in cash, restricted common shares (valued at 125% of the cash bonus amount) or a
combination  of cash  and  restricted  common  shares,  at the  election  of the
executive.  The compensation committee awarded bonuses of $361,000 to Mr. Brain,
$190,000 to Mr. Kennon,  $190,000 to Mr. Silvers and $90,750 to Mr. Peterson for

     Long-Term  Incentive  Program.  In 2006, the committee  adopted a Long-Term
Incentive Program under which compensation may be provided to executive officers
of the Company.  Under the program,  75% of the  compensation  is payable in the
form of  restricted  common  shares  and 25% is  payable  in the form of  either
options or payment of the difference  between the annual premium  payable by the
Company on term life  insurance  for the benefit of the executive and the annual
premium  for the same  amount of whole life  insurance  for the  executive  plus
related income tax, or a combination of options and premium differential payment
plus  related  tax, at the  election of the  executive.  The  committee  awarded
$1,352,000 to Mr. Brain,  $507,000 to Mr.  Kennon,  $613,000 to Mr.  Silvers and
$231,413 to Mr. Peterson under the plan for 2005.

How was the Company's President and CEO compensated?

     EPR's  President and CEO, David M. Brain,  was compensated in 2005 pursuant
to an employment  agreement  entered into in 2000. In  establishing  Mr. Brain's
compensation,  the compensation  committee took into account the compensation of
similar officers of REITs with comparable  market  capitalizations,  Mr. Brain's
contributions to the Company's financial performance and its increase in FFO and
dividends per common share during 2005, the  achievement of Company  acquisition
and financing  strategies  during 2005, and Mr.  Brain's  success in meeting the
performance criteria established by the compensation committee.

     Mr.  Brain  received  a base  salary  of  $401,000  in 2005  and a bonus of
$361,000  for  2005.  The  incentive  award  paid to Mr.  Brain was based on the
Company's  achievement  of target  financial  results  and  shareholder  return,
including  increases  in FFO and  dividends  per share,  as well as a subjective
evaluation of Mr. Brain's  performance during 2005. Based upon its review of the
various factors described above, the committee believes Mr. Brain's compensation
is reasonable and not excessive.

How will 2006 incentive compensation be determined?

     The  committee  may rely on any of the  following  factors  in  determining
executive incentive  compensation  levels for 2006: Funds from Operations,  Cash
Available  for  Distribution,  return on  equity,  return on  assets,  return on
acquisitions,  net operating income, total shareholder return,  dividend growth,
financial statement management,  and/or achievement of acquisition and financing
targets.  In  evaluating  Company  performance,  the committee may consider 2006
performance  against  historical   performance,   budgeted   performance,   peer
organization  performance,  REIT  indices  performance,   broad  market  indices
performance and/or other factors.

How  is  EPR  addressing  Internal  Revenue  Code  limits  on  deductibility  of

     Section  162(m) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  generally  disallows a tax
deduction to public  companies for compensation in excess of $1,000,000 paid for
any fiscal year to the company's chief executive officer and the four other most
highly   compensated   executive   officers.   The  statute  exempts  qualifying
performance-based  compensation from the deduction limit if stated  requirements
are met.

     Although the  compensation  committee has designed the Company's  executive
compensation  program so that  compensation  will be  deductible  under  Section
162(m),  at some future time it may not be


possible  or  practicable  or in the  Company's  best  interests  to  qualify an
executive  officer's  compensation  under  Section  162(m).   Accordingly,   the
compensation  committee and the Board of Trustees reserve the authority to award
non-deductible compensation in circumstances they consider appropriate.

                         By the compensation committee:

                              Morgan G. Earnest II
                                Robert J. Druten
                                 James A. Olson
                                  Barrett Brady

This compensation  committee report is not deemed  "soliciting  material" and is
not deemed filed with the SEC or subject to  Regulation  14A or the  liabilities
under Section 18 of the Exchange Act.



     Pursuant to their 2000 employment  agreements,  Messrs.  Brain,  Kennon and
Silvers  are  indebted to the Company in the  principal  amounts of  $1,407,645,
$281,250 and  $281,250,  respectively,  for the  purchase of 80,000,  20,000 and
20,000  common  shares,  respectively.  Each  loan is  represented  by a 10-year
recourse  note  with  principal  and  interest  at 6.24% per  annum  payable  at


                               COMPANY PERFORMANCE

     The following  performance  graph shows a comparison  of  cumulative  total
returns for EPR, the Morgan  Stanley  REIT Index (in which EPR is included)  and
the  Russell  2000 Index (in which EPR is  included)  for the five  fiscal  year
period beginning December 31, 2000 and ending December 31, 2005.

     The graph  assumes  that $100 was  invested on December 31, 2000 in each of
the Company's common shares,  the Morgan Stanley REIT Index and the Russell 2000
Index, and that all dividends were reinvested.  The information presented in the
performance  graph is  historical  and is not intended to represent or guarantee
future returns.

                          TOTAL RETURN TO SHAREHOLDERS
                     (Assumes $100 investment on 12/31/00)




        400                                             $



        200               $                                             %

                                                        %               *              *
        100               *%             %


       12/31/2000     12/31/2001     12/31/2002     12/31/2003     12/31/2004     12/31/2005

                $ - Entertainment Properties Trust
                % - Morgan Stanley REIT Index
                * - Russell 2000 Index


-------------------------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------
 Total Return Analysis             12/31/2000     12/31/2001     12/31/2002      12/31/2003     12/31/2004     12/31/2005

-------------------------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------
Entertainment Properties Trust      $100.00        $195.33        $257.50         $406.24        $551.77        $534.63
-------------------------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------
Morgan Stanley REIT Index           $100.00        $112.83        $116.94         $159.91        $210.26        $228.89
-------------------------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------
Russell 2000 Index                  $100.00        $101.03        $ 79.23         $115.18        $134.75        $139.23
-------------------------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------

Source:  CTA Public  Relations  www.ctapr.com  (303) 665-4200.  Data from BRIDGE
Information Systems, Inc.

This Company performance  information is not deemed "soliciting material" and is
not deemed filed with the SEC or subject to  Regulation  14A or the  liabilities
under Section 18 of the Exchange Act.


                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Board of Trustees has appointed an audit committee consisting of all of
the non-management  trustees. All members of the audit committee are independent
as described in "Company  Governance - Who are our independent  trustees and how
was  that   determined?"   The  committee   members  also  meet  the  additional
independence  standards  of SEC Rule 10A-3.  We believe all members of the audit
committee are "audit committee  financial  experts," as defined by SEC rules, by
virtue of their  experience  and positions  held as described  elsewhere in this
proxy statement.

     The  primary  responsibility  of the audit  committee  is to  assist  Board
oversight of the integrity of the Company's financial statements,  the Company's
compliance  with  legal and  regulatory  requirements,  the  qualifications  and
independence of the Company's independent registered public accounting firm, and
the  performance of the Company's  internal audit function and internal  control
over financial reporting.  The independent  registered public accounting firm is
responsible  for  auditing  the  Company's  annual   financial   statements  and
expressing an opinion on the  conformity of those audited  financial  statements
with generally accepted accounting principles. The independent registered public
accounting  firm  is  also   responsible  for  auditing  the   effectiveness  of
management's internal control over financial reporting and expressing an opinion
on management's  evaluation of the  effectiveness  of its internal  control over
financial reporting.

     The  committee  has  adopted  an  amended  and  restated  charter  which is
available on the Company's website at www.eprkc.com.

     The audit committee has sole authority to engage the independent registered
public  accounting  firm to  perform  audit  services  (subject  to  shareholder
ratification),  audit-related  services,  tax services and  permitted  non-audit
services and the fees therefor.  The independent  registered  public  accounting
firm reports directly to the committee and is accountable to the committee.

     The  audit   committee  has  adopted   policies  and   procedures  for  the
pre-approval of the performance of services by the independent registered public
accounting firm on behalf of the Company. Those policies generally provide that:

     o    the  performance  by the  firm of any  audit  services,  audit-related
          services,  tax services or other permitted non-audit services, and the
          fees therefor, must be specifically  pre-approved by the committee or,
          in the absence of one or more of the committee  members,  a designated
          member of the committee

     o    pre-approvals  must take into  consideration,  and be  conducted  in a
          manner that promotes, the effectiveness and independence of the firm

     o    each particular service to be approved must be described in detail and
          be supported by detailed back-up documentation

     In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities,  the audit committee reviewed
the  Company's  2005  audited  financial  statements  with  management  and  the
independent  registered public accounting firm. The committee discussed with the
firm the matters required to be discussed in Statement of Auditing Standards No.
61,  "Communications  with Audit Committees," and the rules of the SEC and NYSE.
This included a discussion of the firm's  judgments  regarding the quality,  not
just the  acceptability,  of the Company's  accounting  principles and the other
matters  required to be discussed with the committee under the rules of the NYSE
and the Public Company Accounting  Oversight Board ("PCAOB").  In addition,  the
committee received from the firm the written  disclosures and letter required by


Standards   Board  Standard  No.  1,   "Independence   Discussions   with  Audit
Committees."  The committee also discussed with the firm its  independence  from
management  and the  Company,  including  the  matters  covered  by the  written
disclosures and letter provided by the firm.

     The committee  discussed with management and the firm the overall scope and
plans  for  the  audit  of  the  financial   statements.   The  committee  meets
periodically  with management and the independent  registered  public accounting
firm to discuss  the results of their  examinations,  their  evaluations  of the
Company, the Company's disclosure controls and procedures, internal control over
financial reporting and internal audit function,  and the overall quality of the
Company's financial reporting. The committee held five meetings during 2005.

     The  audit   committee   discussed  with  management  and  the  independent
registered  public  accounting  firm the  critical  accounting  policies  of the
Company,  the impact of those  policies on the 2005  financial  statements,  the
impact of known trends,  uncertainties,  commitments  and  contingencies  on the
application  of those  policies,  and the probable  impact on the 2005 financial
statements if different accounting policies had been applied.

     Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the audit committee
recommended to the Board of Trustees,  and the Board approved,  that the audited
financial statements be included in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2005 for filing with the SEC.

     The audit  committee  has  engaged  KPMG LLP as the  Company's  independent
registered  public  accounting  firm to audit the 2006 financial  statements and
management's  internal  control over  financial  reporting for 2006,  subject to
shareholder  ratification,  and has engaged KPMG to perform  specific tax return
preparation  and  compliance,  tax consulting and tax planning  services  during
2006. See Item II -  "Ratification  of  Appointment  of  Independent  Registered
Public Accounting Firm."

     The audit committee does not itself prepare financial statements or perform
audits,  and its  members  are  not  auditors  or  certifiers  of the  Company's
financial statements.  The members of the audit committee are not professionally
engaged in the practice of accounting  and,  notwithstanding  the designation of
the audit committee members as "audit committee  financial  experts" pursuant to
SEC rules,  are not experts in the field of  accounting  or auditing,  including
auditor  independence.  Members of the audit committee rely without  independent
verification on the information provided to them and the representations made to
them by management and the independent  registered  public  accounting firm, and
look to management to provide full and timely  disclosure of all material  facts
affecting the Company.  Accordingly,  the audit  committee's  oversight does not
provide  an  independent  basis to  determine  that  management  has  maintained
appropriate  accounting and financial reporting policies,  appropriate  internal
controls and  procedures  to ensure  compliance  with  accounting  standards and
applicable laws and regulations, appropriate disclosure controls and procedures,
appropriate  internal  control  over  financial  reporting,  or  an  appropriate
internal audit function,  or that the Company's reports and information provided
under  the  Exchange  Act are  accurate  and  complete.  Furthermore,  the audit
committee's  considerations and discussions referred to above and in its charter
do not assure  that the audit of the  Company's  financial  statements  has been
carried out in accordance  with PCAOB rules,  that the financial  statements are
free of material misstatement or presented in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles,  that there were no significant  deficiencies or material
weaknesses in the Company's internal control over financial reporting,  that the
Company's   independent   registered   public   accounting   firm   is  in  fact
"independent,"  or that the matters  required to be certified  by the  Company's
Chief  Executive  Officer and Chief  Financial  Officer in the Company's  annual
reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q under the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act and related SEC rules have been properly and accurately certified.


                             By the audit committee:

                                 James A. Olson
                                Robert J. Druten
                              Morgan G. Earnest II
                                  Barrett Brady

This audit  committee  report is not  deemed  "soliciting  material"  and is not
deemed filed with the SEC or subject to Regulation 14A or the liabilities  under
Section 18 of the Exchange Act.


                                     ITEM II


     The audit committee has engaged, subject to shareholder  ratification,  the
registered  public  accounting  firm of KPMG LLP as our  independent  registered
public  accounting  firm to audit our financial  statements  for the year ending
December 31, 2006 and to audit  management's  internal  control  over  financial
reporting as of December 31, 2006. KPMG audited our financial statements for the
years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 and audited  management's  internal
control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2005 and 2004.

     Representatives  of KPMG are  expected to be present at the annual  meeting
and will be available to respond to appropriate questions about their services.

Audit Fees

     KPMG billed the Company an aggregate of $292,975 for professional  services
rendered in the audit of our financial  statements  for the year ended  December
31, 2004, the audit of certain of our subsidiaries and joint ventures, the audit
of  management's  internal  control over financial  reporting as of December 31,
2004, the review of the quarterly financial statements included in our Form 10-Q
reports filed with the SEC during 2004, the review of other filings we made with
the SEC during 2004,  and the provision of comfort  letters and  performance  of
related  procedures in connection  with the public offering of our common shares
in 2004.

     KPMG billed the Company an aggregate of $228,500 for professional  services
rendered in the audit of our financial  statements  for the year ended  December
31, 2005, the audit of certain of our subsidiaries and joint ventures, the audit
of  management's  internal  control over financial  reporting as of December 31,
2005, the review of the quarterly financial statements included in our Form 10-Q
reports filed with the SEC during 2005, the review of other filings we made with
the SEC during 2005,  and the provision of comfort  letters and  performance  of
related  procedures in connection  with the public offering of our common shares
and Series B preferred shares in 2005.

Audit-Related Fees

     KPMG billed the Company an aggregate of $122,330 in 2004 and $0 in 2005 for
audit-related  services,  consisting of assurance and due diligence  services in
connection with our acquisition of properties in Canada.

Tax Fees

     KPMG billed the Company an  aggregate  of $118,160 in 2004 and  $156,321 in
2005 for professional  services rendered in the areas of tax return  preparation
and compliance,  tax consulting and advice and tax planning,  including REIT tax
compliance,  U.S. and  Canadian  tax  compliance  and the  determination  of the
portion of our  dividends  representing  a return of capital.  The fees for 2004
also included  $30,340 in charges  incurred in connection  with a tax protest in
the State of Florida.  Of the  $118,160 and $156,321 in tax fees billed for 2004
and 2005, respectively, a total of $73,175 and $126,750,  respectively,  was for
tax return preparation and compliance and $44,985 and $29,571, respectively, was
for tax consulting and advice and tax planning.


All Other Fees

     KPMG did not bill the Company for any other services during 2004 or 2005.

     The audit  committee has adopted  policies which require that the provision
of services by the independent  registered  public accounting firm, and the fees
therefor,  be  pre-approved  by the  audit  committee.  The  policies  are  more
particularly  described in the audit committee report included elsewhere in this
proxy  statement.   The  services  provided  by  KPMG  in  2004  and  2005  were
pre-approved by the audit committee in accordance with those policies.

     The audit committee  considered whether KPMG's provision of tax services in
2004 and 2005 was compatible with maintaining its  independence  from management
and the  Company,  and  determined  that the  provision  of those  services  was
compatible with its independence.


     Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires our trustees, executive officers
and holders of more than 10% of our common  shares to file  reports with the SEC
regarding their ownership and changes in ownership of our shares.

     We believe that, during 2005, our trustees and executive  officers complied
with all Section 16(a) filing requirements,  with the exception of one Form 4 by
Mr. Druten on the transfer of 560 common shares to his daughter, which was filed
late. In making this statement, we have relied upon an examination of the copies
of  Forms  3, 4 and 5  provided  to us and the  written  representations  of our
trustees and executive officers.

                                 SHARE OWNERSHIP

Who are the largest owners of our common shares?

     Except as stated  below,  we know of no single  person or group that is the
beneficial owner of more than 5% of our common shares.


------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------
           Name and address of                     Amount and nature of                   Percent of shares
             beneficial owner                      beneficial ownership                      outstanding
------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------
   The Vanguard Group, Inc.                            1,335,042(1)                             5.16%
   100 Vanguard Blvd.
   Malvern, PA  19355
------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------
   Earnest Partners, LLC
   75 Fourteenth Street, Suite 2300                    1,951,289(2)                             7.5%
   Atlanta, GA 30309
------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------
   Barclays Global
   Investors, N.A.                                     2,221,417(3)                             8.58%
   45 Fremont Street, 17th Floor
   San Francisco, CA  94105
------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------

     (1)  Based solely on disclosures made by The Vanguard Group,  Inc.,  filing
          as an investment  adviser,  in a report on Schedule 13G filed with the
          Securities and Exchange Commission.

     (2)  Based solely on disclosures made by Earnest Partners,  LLC, filing as
          an investment  adviser,  in a report on Schedule  13G/A filed with the
          Securities and Exchange Commission.  Earnest Partners,  LLC has shared
          voting power with others over a portion of the shares.


     (3)  Based solely on disclosures  made by Barclays Global  Investors,  N.A.
          and its  affiliates,  filing  on  behalf  of  trust  accounts  for the
          economic benefit of the beneficiaries of such accounts, in a report on
          Schedule  13G/A filed with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.
          Includes shares held by affiliates of Barclays Global Investors,  N.A.
          Certain  affiliates  of Barclays  Global  Investors,  N.A. have shared
          voting or investment power over some of the shares.

How many shares do our trustees and executive officers own?

     The following table shows as of December 31, 2005, the number of our common
shares beneficially owned by each of our trustees,  the nominees for trustee and
our executive  officers,  and by all of the trustees and executive officers as a
group.  All  information  regarding  beneficial  ownership  was furnished by the
trustees, nominees and officers listed below.


   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
                                                       Amount and nature of               Percent of shares
           Name of beneficial owners                 beneficial ownership (1)              outstanding (1)
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          David M. Brain                                      577,302                           2.29%
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          Robert J. Druten                                     42,469                             *
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          James A. Olson                                       19,771                             *
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          Morgan G. Earnest II                                 20,609                             *
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          Barrett Brady                                        14,538                             *
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          Fred L. Kennon                                      137,971                             *
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          Gregory K. Silvers                                  116,474                             *
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          Mark A. Peterson                                      7,002                             *
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------
          All trustees and executive                          936,136                           3.71%
          officers as a group (8 persons)
   ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------

          *    Less than 1 percent.

          (1)  Includes the following common shares which the named  individuals
               have the right to acquire within 60 days under existing  options:
               David M. Brain  (288,599),  Fred L.  Kennon  (3,506),  Gregory K.
               Silvers  (3,167),  Mark A.  Peterson  (1,022),  Robert J.  Druten
               (34,998), James A. Olson (15,000),  Morgan G. Earnest II (18,333)
               and Barrett Brady (12,500).

     The above table reports beneficial  ownership in accordance with Rule 13d-3
under the Exchange Act and includes  common shares  underlying  options that are
exercisable within 60 days after December 31, 2005. This means all common shares
over which trustees, nominees and executive officers directly or indirectly have
or share  voting or  investment  power are  listed as  beneficially  owned.  The
persons  identified in the table have sole voting and investment  power over all
shares described as beneficially owned by them.



Do I have a right to nominate  trustees or make proposals for  consideration  by
the shareholders?

     Yes. Our  Declaration of Trust and Bylaws  establish  procedures  which you
must  follow  if you wish to  nominate  trustees  or make  other  proposals  for
consideration at an annual shareholder meeting.

How do I make a nomination?

     If you are a common  shareholder of record and wish to nominate  someone to
the Board of Trustees,  you must give written notice to the Company's Secretary.
Your  notice must be given not less than 60 days and not more than 90 days prior
to the  first  anniversary  of  the  date  of the  previous  year's  meeting.  A
nomination  received  less than 60 days or more than 90 days  prior to the first
anniversary of the date of the previous  year's meeting will be deemed  untimely
and will not be considered. Your notice must include:

     o    for each person you intend to nominate for election as a trustee,  all
          information related to that person that is required to be disclosed in
          solicitations  of proxies for the  election of trustees in an election
          contest,  or is otherwise  required,  pursuant to Regulation 14A under
          the Exchange Act  (including  the  person's  written  consent to being
          named in the proxy statement as a nominee and to serve as a trustee if

     o    your name and  address and the name and address of any person on whose
          behalf you made the nomination, as they appear on the Company's books

     o    the number of common  shares owned  beneficially  and of record by you
          and any person on whose behalf you made the nomination

How do I make a proposal?

     If you are a common shareholder of record and wish to make a proposal to be
considered at an annual shareholder meeting, you must give written notice to the
Company's  Secretary.  Pursuant  to Rule 14a-8 of the SEC,  your  notice must be
received at the  Company's  executive  offices not less than 120  calendar  days
before the date of the Company's  proxy  statement  released to  shareholders in
connection with the previous year's meeting. Any proposal received less than 120
days before that date will be deemed  untimely and will not be considered.  Your
notice must include:

     o    a brief  description  of your proposal and your reasons for making the

     o    your name and  address and the name and address of any person on whose
          behalf you made the proposal, as they appear on the Company's books

     o    any  material  interest you or any person on whose behalf you made the
          proposal have in the proposal

     o    the number of common  shares owned  beneficially  and of record by you
          and any person on whose behalf you made the proposal


Are there any exceptions to the deadline for making a nomination or proposal?

     Yes. If the date of the annual meeting is scheduled more than 30 days prior
to or more  than 60 days  after  the  anniversary  date of the  previous  year's
meeting, your notice must be delivered:

     o    not earlier than 90 days before the meeting; and

     o    not later  than (a) 60 days  before  the  meeting  or (b) the 10th day
          after the date we make our first  public  announcement  of the meeting
          date, whichever is earlier

     If the Board  increases  the number of trustees to be elected but we do not
make a  public  announcement  of the  increased  Board  or the  identity  of the
additional  nominees  within  70 days  prior  to the  first  anniversary  of the
previous  year's meeting,  your notice will be considered  timely (but only with
respect to nominees  for the new  positions  created by the  increase)  if it is
delivered to the Company's Secretary not later than the close of business on the
10th day following the date of our public announcement.

Must the Board of Trustees approve my proposal?

     Our  Declaration of Trust provides that the submission of any action to the
shareholders  for their  consideration  must first be  approved  by the Board of

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     As of the date of this proxy statement, we have not been presented with any
other business for  consideration at the annual meeting.  If any other matter is
properly brought before the meeting for action by the  shareholders,  your proxy
(unless  revoked) will be voted in  accordance  with the  recommendation  of the
Board of Trustees,  or the judgment of the proxy holders if no recommendation is



Proxy Solicitation

     The enclosed  proxy is being  solicited  by the Board of Trustees.  We will
bear all costs of the solicitation,  including the cost of preparing and mailing
this proxy  statement and the enclosed proxy card.  After the initial mailing of
this proxy  statement,  proxies may be solicited by mail,  telephone,  telegram,
facsimile,  e-mail or personally by trustees,  officers,  employees or agents of
the Company.  Brokerage  houses and other  custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries
will be requested to forward  soliciting  materials to the beneficial  owners of
shares  held of record by them,  and their  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses,
together with those of our transfer agent, will be paid by us.

Annual Report

     Our annual report to shareholders,  containing financial statements for the
year ended  December 31, 2005, is being mailed with this proxy  statement to all
shareholders  entitled  to vote at the annual  meeting.  You must not regard the
annual report as additional proxy solicitation material.

     We will provide  without  charge,  upon written request to the Secretary of
the Company at the address listed on the cover page of this proxy  statement,  a
copy of our annual report on Form 10-K,  including the financial  statements and
financial statement schedules, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
for the year ended December 31, 2005.

Shareholder Proposals for the 2007 Annual Meeting

     At this time, we anticipate  that the 2007 annual  meeting of  shareholders
will be held on May 9, 2007. Shareholder proposals intended for inclusion in the
proxy  statement  for the 2007 annual  meeting must be received by the Company's
Secretary at 30 W. Pershing Road, Suite 201, Kansas City, Missouri 64108, within
the  time  limits   described  in  "Submission  of  Shareholder   Proposals  and
Nominations."  Shareholder  proposals and nominations  must also comply with the
proxy solicitation rules of the SEC.

                           By the order of the Board of Trustees

                           /s/ Gregory K. Silvers

                           Gregory K. Silvers
                           Vice President, Secretary, General Counsel and Chief
April 3, 2006                 Development Officer


           This proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Trustees
        for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Wednesday, May 10, 2006

     As a shareholder  of  Entertainment  Properties  Trust (the  "Company"),  I
appoint  Fred L.  Kennon and  Gregory K.  Silvers  as my  attorneys-in-fact  and
proxies  (with  full  power  of  substitution),  and  authorize  each of them to
represent me at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of the Company to be held at
the Leawood Town Centre Theatre, 11701 Nall, Leawood,  Kansas, on Wednesday, May
10, 2006 at ten o'clock a.m., and at any adjournment of the meeting, and to vote
the common shares of beneficial interest in the Company held by me as designated
on the reverse side.


                                                              Dated                 , 2006


                                                              Signature (if held jointly)

                                                              Please  sign  exactly  as your name  appears  on this
                                                              proxy.  When shares are held by joint  tenants,  both
                                                              should  sign.  When  signing as  attorney,  executor,
                                                              trustee  or  other  representative  capacity,  please
                                                              give  your  full  title.  If  a  corporation,  please
                                                              sign in full  corporate  name by  President  or other
                                                              authorized officer.


This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein by the shareholder.  If no choice
is indicated on the proxy, the persons named as proxies intend to vote FOR both proposals.

The Board of Trustees unanimously recommends a vote FOR proposals 1 and 2.

Proposal #1. Election of Trustees:  (1) Morgan G. Earnest II       (2) James A. Olson

         |_|  FOR both nominees listed above     |_|  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
              (except as otherwise indicated)         to vote for both nominees listed above

               To withhold authority to vote for either nominee, strike through that nominee's name.

Proposal #2.  Proposal to ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent registered public
accounting firm for 2006.

         |_|  FOR                                    |_|  AGAINST                                |_|  ABSTAIN

To act upon any other matters that may properly come before the meeting.