SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                 Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant    [X]

Filed by Party other than the Registrant    [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[  ]     Preliminary Proxy Statement
[X]      Definitive Proxy Statement
[  ]     Definitive Additional Materials
[  ]     Soliciting Material Pursuant toss.240.14a-11(c) orss.240.14a-12

                               CEL-SCI CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                    William T. Hart - Attorney for Registrant
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[  ]   $500 per each party to the  controversy  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule

[ ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

    1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


    2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


    3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:


    4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    1) Amount Previously Paid:


    2) Form, Schedule or Registration No.:


    3) Filing Party:


    4) Date Filed:


                               CEL-SCI CORPORATION
                                8229 Boone Blvd.
                                    Suite 802
                             Vienna, Virginia 22l82
                                 (703) 506-9460

                            TO BE HELD MARCH 31, 2003
To the Shareholders:

    Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the shareholders of
CEL-SCI Corporation (the "Company") will be held at the Hilton Munchen Park, Am
Tucherpark 7, 80538 Munich, Germany on March 31, 2003, at 11:00 A.M., for the
following purposes:

    (1) to elect the directors who shall constitute the Company's Board of
Directors for the ensuing year;

    (2) to approve the adoption of the Company's 2003 Incentive Stock Option
Plan which provides that up to 2,000,000 shares of common stock may be issued
upon the exercise of options granted pursuant to the Incentive Stock Option

    (3) to approve the adoption of the Company's 2003 Non-Qualified Stock Option
Plan which provides that up to 2,000,000 shares of common stock may be issued
upon the exercise of options granted pursuant to the Non-Qualified Stock Option

    (4) to approve the adoption of the Company's 2003 Stock Bonus Plan which
provides that up to 500,000 shares of common stock may be issued to persons
granted stock bonuses pursuant to the Stock Bonus Plan.

    (5) to approve the issuance of such number of shares of common stock as may
be required by the terms of convertible securities and warrants issued by the

    (6) to ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche, LLP as the Company's
independent accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003;

         to transact such other business as may properly come before the

    This year the Company decided to have its Annual Meeting in Germany so that
the large number of shareholders who reside in Europe could attend. In future
years the Company plans to rotate the location of its Annual Meetings between
Virginia, Maryland and Europe.

    February 12, 2003 is the record date for the determination of shareholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at such meeting. Shareholders are entitled to
one vote for each share held. As of February 12, 2003, there were 47,886,326
issued and outstanding shares of the Company's common stock.

                                       CEL-SCI CORPORATION

February 28, 2003                   By  /s/ Geert R. Kersten
                                        Geert R. Kersten
                                        Chief Executive Officer



                               CEL-SCI CORPORATION
                                8229 Boone Blvd.
                                    Suite 802
                             Vienna, Virginia 22l82
                                 (703) 506-9460

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     The accompanying  proxy is solicited by the Company's  directors for voting
at the annual meeting of  shareholders  to be held on March 31, 2003, and at any
and all adjournments of such meeting. If the proxy is executed and returned,  it
will be voted at the  meeting in  accordance  with any  instructions,  and if no
specification  is made,  the proxy will be voted for the  proposals set forth in
the accompanying notice of the annual meeting of shareholders.  Shareholders who
execute  proxies may revoke  them at any time  before they are voted,  either by
writing to the  Company at the  address set forth above or in person at the time
of the meeting. Additionally, any later dated proxy will revoke a previous proxy
from the same  shareholder.  This proxy  statement was mailed to shareholders of
record on or about March 3, 2003.

     There  is one  class  of  capital  stock  outstanding.  Provided  a  quorum
consisting  of  one-third  of the  shares  entitled  to vote is  present  at the
meeting, the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of common stock voting
in person or  represented  by proxy is required to elect  directors.  Cumulative
voting in the election of directors is not permitted.  The adoption of any other
proposals  to come before the meeting will require the approval of a majority of
votes cast at the meeting.

     Shares of the  Company's  common  stock  represented  by properly  executed
proxies  that  reflect  abstentions  or  "broker  non-votes"  will be counted as
present  for  purposes  of  determining  the  presence of a quorum at the annual
meeting.  "Broker  non-votes"  represent  shares  held  by  brokerage  firms  in
"street-name"  with  respect to which the broker has not  received  instructions
from the customer or otherwise  does not have  discretionary  voting  authority.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be counted as having voted against the
proposals to be considered at the meeting.


    The following table sets forth, as of January 31, 2003, information with
respect to the shareholdings of (i) each person owning beneficially 5% or more
of the Company's common stock (ii) each officer who received compensation in
excess of $100,000 during the Company's most recent fiscal year and (iii) all
officers and directors as a group. Unless otherwise indicated, each owner has
sole voting and investment powers over his shares of common stock.

                                    Number of                 Percent of
Name and Address                    Shares (1)                 Class (3)
----------------                    ----------                 ----------

Maximilian de Clara                 1,228,172                  2.6%
Bergstrasse 79
6078 Lungern,
Obwalden, Switzerland

Geert R. Kersten                    2,704,959 (2)              5.5%
8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 802
Vienna, VA  22182

Patricia B. Prichep                   769,340                  1.6%
8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 802
Vienna, VA  22182

                                    Number of                 Percent of
Name and Address                    Shares (1)                 Class (3)
----------------                    ----------                 ----------

Eyal Talor, Ph.D.                     570,185                  1.2%
8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 802
Vienna, VA  22182

Daniel H. Zimmerman, Ph.D.            571,130                  1.2%
8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 802
Vienna, VA  22182

Alexander G. Esterhazy                 50,000                     *
20 Chemin du Pre-Poiset
CH- 1253 Vandoeuvres
Geneve, Switzerland

C. Richard Kinsolving                  94,489                     *
P.O. Box 20193
Bradenton, FL 34204-0193

Peter R. Young                         16,250                     *
8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 802
Vienna, VA  22182

All Officers and Directors          6,004,525                   11.8%
as a Group (8 persons)

*    Less than 1%

(1)  Includes  shares  issuable  prior to March 31,  2003 upon the  exercise  of
     options or warrants granted to the following persons:

                                                Options or Warrants Exercisable
            Name                                   Prior to March 31, 2003

        Maximilian de Clara                             484,999
        Geert R. Kersten                              1,780,000
        Patricia B. Prichep                             494,667
        Eyal Talor, Ph.D.                               292,500
        Daniel H. Zimmerman, Ph.D.                      308,001
        Alexander G. Esterhazy                           50,000
        C. Richard Kinsolving, Ph.D.                     50,000
        Peter R. Young, Ph.D.                                --

(2)  Amount includes shares held in trust for the benefit of Mr. Kersten's minor
     children. Geert R. Kersten is the stepson of Maximilian de Clara.

(3)  Amount  includes  shares referred to in (1) above but excludes shares which
     may be issued upon the exercise or  conversion of other  options,  warrants
     and other convertible securities previously issued by the Company.


    Unless the proxy contains contrary instructions, it is intended that the
proxies will be voted for the election of the current directors listed below to
serve as members of the board of directors until the next annual meeting of
shareholders and until their successors shall be elected and shall qualify.

    All current directors have consented to stand for re-election. In case any
nominee shall be unable or shall fail to act as a director by virtue of an
unexpected occurrence, the proxies may be voted for such other person or persons
as shall be determined by the persons acting under the proxies in their

    Certain information concerning the Company's officers and directors follows:

            Name            Age                    Position

Maximilian de Clara         73        Director and President
Geert R. Kersten, Esq.      44        Director,  Chief Executive  Officer and
Patricia B. Prichep         50        Senior Vice President of Operations and
Dr.Eyal Talor               46        Senior Vice President of Research and
Dr. Daniel H. Zimmerman     60        Senior Vice President of Research,
                                        Cellular Immunology
Alexander G. Esterhazy      57        Director
Dr. C. Richard Kinsolving   67        Director
Peter R. Young              57        Director

    Mr. Maximilian de Clara, by virtue of his position as an officer and
director of the Company, may be deemed to be the "parent" and "founder" of the
Company as those terms are defined under applicable rules and regulations of the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

      The principal occupations of the Company's officers and directors, during
the past several years, are as follows:

      Maximilian de Clara. Mr. de Clara has been a Director of the Company since
its inception in March l983, and has been President of the Company since July
l983. Prior to his affiliation with the Company, and since at least l978, Mr. de
Clara was involved in the management of his personal investments and personally
funding research in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine. Mr. de Clara
attended the medical school of the University of Munich from l949 to l955, but
left before he received a medical degree. During the summers of l954 and l955,
he worked as a research assistant at the University of Istanbul in the field of
cancer research. For his efforts and dedication to research and development in
the fight against cancer and AIDS, Mr. de Clara was awarded the "Pour le Merit"
honorary medal of the Austrian Military Order "Merito Navale" as well as the
honor cross of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Society.

     Geert R. Kersten, Esq. Mr. Kersten was Director of Corporate and Investment
Relations for the Company between  February 1987 and October 1987. In October of
1987, he was appointed  Vice  President of  Operations.  In December  1988,  Mr.
Kersten was  appointed  Director of the  Company.  Mr.  Kersten  also became the
Company's  Treasurer  in 1989.  In May 1992,  Mr.  Kersten was  appointed  Chief
Operating  Officer and in February 1995, Mr. Kersten became the Company's  Chief
Executive Officer.  In previous years, Mr. Kersten worked as a financial analyst
with Source Capital, Ltd., an investment advising firm in McLean,  Virginia. Mr.
Kersten is a stepson of Maximilian de Clara, who is the President and a Director
of the Company. Mr. Kersten attended George Washington University in Washington,
D.C.  where he earned a B.A.  in  Accounting  and an  M.B.A.  with  emphasis  on
International  Finance.  He also  attended law school at American  University in
Washington, D.C. where he received a Juris Doctor degree.

     Patricia  B.  Prichep  has been the  Company's  Senior  Vice  President  of
Operations  since March 1994.  Between December 1992 and March 1994, Ms. Prichep
was the  Company's  Director of  Operations.  Ms.  Prichep  became the Company's
Secretary  in May 2000.  From June 1990 to December  1992,  Ms.  Prichep was the
Manager of Quality  and  Productivity  for the NASD's  Management,  Systems  and
Support  Department.  Between 1982 and 1990,  Ms. Prichep was Vice President and
Operations Manager for Source Capital, Ltd.

     Eyal Talor,  Ph.D. has been the Company's Senior Vice President of Research
and  Manufacturing  since March 1994.  From October  1993 until March 1994,  Dr.
Talor was Director of Research,  Manufacturing  and Quality Control,  as well as
the Director of the Clinical Laboratory, for Chesapeake Biological Laboratories,
Inc. From 1991 to 1993, Dr. Talor was a scientist with SRA  Technologies,  Inc.,
as well as the  director  of SRA's Flow  Cytometry  Laboratory  (1991-1993)  and
Clinical  Laboratory  (1992-1993).  During 1992 and 1993, Dr. Talor was also the
Regulatory  Affairs and Safety  Officer For SRA.  Since 1987, Dr. Talor has held
various positions with the John Hopkins University, including course coordinator
for the School of  Continuing  Studies  (1989-Present),  research  associate and
lecturer in the Department of Immunology and  Infectious  Diseases  (1987-1991),
and associate professor (1991-Present).

     Daniel H. Zimmerman,  Ph.D. has been the Company's Senior Vice President of
Cellular Immunology since January 1996. Dr. Zimmerman founded CELL-MED, Inc. and
was its president  from  1987-1995.  From 1973 to 1987 Dr.  Zimmerman  served in
various  positions  at  Electronucleonics,   Inc.  including  Scientist,  Senior
Scientist,  Technical Director and Program Manager. From 1969-1973 Dr. Zimmerman
was a Senior Staff Fellow at NIH.

     Alexander G.  Esterhazy  has been an  independent  financial  advisor since
November  1997.  Between July 1991 and October 1997 Mr.  Esterhazy  was a senior
partner of Corpofina S.A.  Geneva,  a firm engaged in mergers,  acquisitions and
portfolio  management.  Between  January 1988 and July 1991 Mr.  Esterhazy was a
managing  director of DG Bank in Switzerland.  During this period Mr.  Esterhazy
was in charge of the  Geneva,  Switzerland  branch of the DG Bank,  founded  and
served as vice  president of DG Finance  (Paris) and was the President and Chief
Executive officer of DG-Bourse, a securities brokerage firm.

     C. Richard Kinsolving, Ph.D. has been a Director of the Company since April
2001. Since February 1999 Dr. Kinsolving has been the Chief Executive Officer of
BioPharmacon,  a pharmaceutical  development company.  Between December 1992 and
February 1999 Dr.  Kinsolving  was the  President of Immuno-Rx,  Inc., a company
engaged  in  immuno-pharmaceutical   development.   Between  December  1991  and
September 1995 Dr. Kinsolving was President of Bestechnology,  Inc. a nonmedical
research and development company producing bacterial preparations for industrial
use. Dr.  Kinsolving  received his Ph.D. in Pharmacology  from Emory  University
(1970), his Masters degree in  Physiology/Chemistry  from Vanderbilt  University
(1962),  and his Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from Tennessee Tech.  University

      Peter R. Young has been a Director of the Company since August 2002. Dr.
Young has been a senior executive within the pharmaceutical industry in the
United States and Canada for most of his career. Over the last 20 years he has
primarily held positions of Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer
and has extensive experience with acquisitions and equity financings. Since
November 2001 Dr. Young has been the Chief Operating Officer of Immune Therapies
International, Inc., which has its principal operations in Tucson, Arizona.
Immune Therapies International treats patients requiring immune system therapy
to fight serious diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and hepatitis. Dr.
Young received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Bristol,
England (1969), and his Bachelor's degree in Honors Chemistry, Mathematics and
Economics also from the University of Bristol, England (1966).

      The Company's Board of Directors met six times during the year ending
September 30, 2002. All of the Directors attended each of these meetings either
in person or by telephone conference call.

      All of the Company's officers devote substantially all of their time to
the Company's business. Messrs. Esterhazy, Kinsolving and Young, as directors,
devote only a minimal amount of time to the Company.

      The Company has an audit committee and a compensation committee. The
members of the audit committee are Alexander G. Esterhazy, C. Richard Kinsolving
and Peter Young. The members of the compensation committee are Maximilian de
Clara, Alexander Esterhazy and C. Richard Kinsolving.

Executive Compensation

      The following table sets forth in summary form the compensation received
by (i) the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and (ii) by each other
executive officer of the Company who received in excess of $100,000 during the
fiscal year ended September 30, 2002.

                                                Annual                                 All
                                                Compen-     Restricted                Other
                                                pensa-       Stock        Options    Compen-
Name and Princi-     Fiscal     Salary   Bonus  sation       Awards       Granted    sation
 pal Position         Year       (1)      (2)    (3)          (4)           (5)        (6)
------------       ---------    -----    -----  ------     ---------     --------   -------

Maximilian de Clara,  2002    $363,000    --    $46,079     $ 89,334      75,000        --
President             2001    $357,167    --    $52,186     $262,000      95,000   $    64
                      2000    $345,583    --    $72,945     $550,000      60,000   $    64

Geert R. Kersten,     2002   $346,324     --    $15,044     $ 10,929     105,000         --
Chief Executive       2001   $265,175     --    $10,462     $  8,313     655,000     $4,114
Officer and           2000   $303,049     --    $15,349     $ 10,375      60,000     $4,114

Patricia B. Prichep   2002   $140,464     --     $3,000       $5,597      90,500         --
Senior Vice President 2001   $104,505     --     $3,000       $6,270     260,000     $   63
of Operations and     2000   $114,430     --     $3,000       $6,998      23,000     $   63

Eyal Talor, Ph.D.     2002   $187,075     --     $3,000       $5,702      85,000         --
Senior Vice President 2001    157,420     --     $3,000       $9,269     200,000     $   63
of Research and       2000   $150,334     --     $3,000       $9,020      50,000     $   63

Daniel Zimmerman,     2002   $143,583     --     $3,000       $5,763      91,000         --
 Ph.D.,               2001   $117,145     --     $3,000       $6,962     175,000     $   64
Senior Vice President 2000   $124,165     --     $3,000       $7,450      20,000     $   64
of Cellular Immunology

(1) The dollar value of base salary (cash and non-cash) received. During the
    year ended September 30, 2002, $468,703 of the total salaries paid to the
    persons shown in the table were paid in restricted shares of the Company's
    common stock.

(2) The dollar value of bonus (cash and non-cash) received.

(3) Any other annual compensation not properly categorized as salary or bonus,
    including perquisites and other personal benefits, securities or property.
    Amounts in the table represent automobile, parking and other transportation
    expenses, plus, in the case of Maximilian de Clara and Geert Kersten,
    director's fees of $8,000.

(4) During the periods covered by the table, the value of the shares of
    restricted stock issued as compensation for services to the persons listed
    in the table. In the case of Mr. de Clara, the shares were issued in
    consideration for past services rendered to the Company. In the case of Mr.
    Kersten the shares were issued in lieu of directors' fees and as the
    Company's contribution on behalf of Mr. Kersten to the Company's 401(k)
    retirement plan. In the case of all other persons listed in the table, the
    shares were issued as the Company's contribution on behalf of the named
    officer to the Company's 401(k) retirement plan.

    As of September 30, 2002, the number of shares of the Company's common
    stock, owned by the officers included in the table above, and the value of
    such shares at such date, based upon the market price of the Company's
    common stock were:

      As of September 30, 2002, the number of shares of the Company's common
stock, owned by the officers included in the table above, and the value of such
shares at such date, based upon the market price of the Company's common stock

      Name                          Shares            Value

      Maximilian de Clara          525,421         $  95,296
      Geert R. Kersten             667,762         $ 120,197
      Patricia B. Prichep          206,484         $  37,167
      Eyal Talor, Ph.D.            192,527         $  34,655
      Daniel Zimmerman, Ph.D.      214,391         $  38,590

      Dividends may be paid on shares of restricted stock owned by the Company's
officers and directors, although the Company has no plans to pay dividends.

(5) The shares of Common Stock to be received upon the exercise of all stock
options granted during the periods covered by the Table. Includes certain
options issued in connection with the Company's Salary Reduction Plans as well
as certain options purchased from the Company. See "Options Granted During
Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2002" below.

(6) All other compensation received that the Company could not properly report
in any other column of the Table including annual Company contributions or other
allocations to vested and unvested defined contribution plans, and the dollar
value of any insurance premiums paid by, or on behalf of, the Company with
respect to term life insurance for the benefit of the named executive officer,
and the full dollar value of the remainder of the premiums paid by, or on behalf
of, the Company. Amounts in the table represent life insurance premiums.

Long Term Incentive Plans - Awards in Last Fiscal Year


Employee Pension, Profit Sharing or Other Retirement Plans

      During 1993 the Company implemented a defined contribution retirement
plan, qualifying under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code and covering
substantially all the Company's employees. Prior to January 1, 1998 the
Company's contribution was equal to the lesser of 3% of each employee's salary,
or 50% of the employee's contribution. Effective January 1, 1998 the plan was
amended such that the Company's contribution is now made in shares of the
Company's common stock as opposed to cash. Each participant's contribution is
matched by the Company with shares of common stock which have a value equal to
100% of the participant's contribution, not to exceed the lesser of $1,000 or 6%
of the participant's total compensation. The Company's contribution of common
stock is valued each quarter based upon the closing price of the Company's
common stock. The fiscal 2002 expenses for this plan were $71,824. Other than
the 401(k) Plan, the Company does not have a defined benefit, pension plan,
profit sharing or other retirement plan.

Compensation of Directors

      Standard Arrangements. The Company currently pays its directors $2,000 per
quarter, plus expenses. The Company has no standard arrangement pursuant to
which directors of the Company are compensated for any services provided as a
director or for committee participation or special assignments.

      Other Arrangements. The Company has from time to time granted options to
its outside directors. See Stock Options below for additional information
concerning options granted to the Company's directors.

Employment Contracts.

     In  March  2002  the  Company  entered  into  a new  three-year  employment
agreement  with Mr. de Clara which  expires March 31, 2005.  The new  employment
agreement,  which is essentially the same as Mr. de Clara's two prior employment

agreements,  provides that the Company will pay Mr. de Clara an annual salary of
$363,000 during the term of the agreement. In the event that there is a material
reduction in Mr. de Clara's  authority,  duties or  activities,  or in the event
there is a change in the control of the Company,  then the agreement  allows Mr.
de Clara to resign  from his  position  at the  Company  and  receive a lump-sum
payment  from the  Company  equal  to 18  months  salary.  For  purposes  of the
employment  agreement,  a change in the control of the Company means the sale of
more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of the Company's  Common  Stock,  or a
change in a majority of the Company's directors.

      Effective August 1, 2000, the Company entered into a three-year employment
agreement with Mr. Kersten. The employment agreement provides that during the
term of the employment agreement the Company will pay Mr. Kersten an annual
salary of $336,132, subject to minimum annual increases of 5% per year. In the
event there is a change in the control of the Company, the agreement allows Mr.
Kersten to resign from his position at the Company and receive a lump-sum
payment from the Company equal to 24 months salary. For purposes of the
employment agreement a change in the control of the Company means: (1) the
merger of the Company with another entity if after such merger the shareholders
of the Company do not own at least 50% of voting capital stock of the surviving
corporation; (2) the sale of substantially all of the assets of the Company; (3)
the acquisition by any person of more than 50% of the Company's common stock; or
(4) a change in a majority of the Company's directors which has not been
approved by the incumbent directors.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

      The Company has a compensation committee comprised of all of the Company's
directors, with the exception of Mr. Kersten and Peter Young. During the year
ended September 30, 2002, Mr. de Clara was the only officer participating in
deliberations of the Company's compensation committee concerning executive
officer compensation.

      During the year ended September 30, 2002, no director of the Company was
also an executive officer of another entity, which had an executive officer of
the Company serving as a director of such entity or as a member of the
compensation committee of such entity.

Stock Options

      The following tables set forth information concerning the options granted
during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002, to the persons named below, and
the fiscal year-end value of all unexercised options (regardless of when
granted) held by these persons.

            Options Granted During Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2002

                                                                          Potential Realizable
                                                                             Value at Assumed
                                   % of Total                             Annual Rates of Stock
                                   Options                                 Price Appreciation
                                   Granted to    Exercise                   for Option Term (1)
                      Options     Employees in   Price Per   Expiration    -------------------
 Name                Granted(#)   Fiscal Year      Share        Date        5%           10%
------               ----------   -------------    -------    ----------   -----        ------

Maximilian de Clara    75,000         8.73%         0.54      3/14/12     $25,500      $64,500

Geert R. Kersten       75,000         8.73%         0.54      3/14/12     $25,500      $64,500
                       30,000 (2)     3.49%         0.54      3/14/12     $10,200      $25,800

Patricia B. Prichep   30,000          3.49%         1.00      12/3/11     $18,900      $47,700
                      10,500 (2)      1.22%         0.54      3/14/12     $ 3,750      $ 9,030
                      50,000          5.82%         0.33      4/26/12     $10,500      $26,000

Eyal Talor, Ph.D.     35,000          4.07%         1.00      12/3/11     $22,050      $55,650
                      50,000          5.82%         0.33      4/26/12     $10,500      $26,000

Daniel Zimmerman,     30,000          3.49%         0.54      3/14/12     $10,200      $25,800
   Ph.D.              11,000 (2)      1.28%         0.54      3/14/12     $ 3,740      $ 9,460
                      50,000          5.82%         0.33      4/26/12     $10,500      $26,000

(1) The potential realizable value of the options shown in the table assuming
the market price of the Company's Common Stock appreciates in value from the
date of the grant to the end of the option term at 5% or 10%.

(2) Options were granted in accordance with the Company's Salary Adjustment
Plan. Pursuant to the Salary Adjustment Plan, any employee of the Company was
allowed to receive options (exercisable at market price at the time of grant) in
exchange for a one-time reduction in such employee's salary.

                    Option Exercises and Year-End Option Values
                                                                Value (in $) of
                                                 Number of       In-the-Money
                                                Unexercised    Options at Fiscal
                                                Options (3)        Year-End (4)
                      Shares                    ------------    ---------------
                    Acquired On      Value       Exercisable/      Exercisable/
Name                Exercise (1)  Realized (2) Unexercisable     Unexercisable
----                ------------  ------------ -------------   ----------------

Maximilian de Clara      --          --       439,999/135,000         0/0
Geert R. Kersten         --          --     1,725,000/165,000         0/0
Patricia Prichep         --          --       465,168/114,832         0/0
Eyal Talor                                    272,500/101,666         0/0
Daniel Zimmerman         --          --       281,001/110,999         0/0

(1) The number of shares received upon exercise of options during the fiscal
year ended September 30, 2002.

(2) With respect to options exercised during the Company's fiscal year ended
September 30, 2002, the dollar value of the difference between the option
exercise price and the market value of the option shares purchased on the date
of the exercise of the options.

(3) The total number of unexercised options held as of September 30, 2002,
separated between those options that were exercisable and those options that
were not exercisable.

(4) For all unexercised options held as of September 30, 2002, the market value
of the stock underlying those options as of September 30, 2002.

Stock Option and Bonus Plans

      The Company has Incentive Stock Option Plans, Non-Qualified Stock Option
Plans and Stock Bonus Plans. All Stock Option and Bonus Plans have been approved
by the stockholders. A summary description of these Plans follows. In some cases
these Plans are collectively referred to as the "Plans".

      Incentive Stock Option Plan. The Incentive Stock Option Plans collectively
authorize the issuance of up to 2,100,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock
to persons who exercise options granted pursuant to the Plan. Only Company
employees may be granted options pursuant to the Incentive Stock Option Plan.

      To be classified as incentive stock options under the Internal Revenue
Code, options granted pursuant to the Plans must be exercised prior to the
following dates:

(a) The expiration of three months after the date on which an option holder's
employment by the Company is terminated (except if such termination is due to
death or permanent and total disability);

(b) The expiration of 12 months after the date on which an option holder's
employment by the Company is terminated, if such termination is due to the
Employee's permanent and total disability;

(c) In the event of an option holder's death while in the employ of the Company,
his executors or administrators may exercise, within three months following the
date of his death, the option as to any of the shares not previously exercised;

      The total fair market value of the shares of Common Stock (determined at
the time of the grant of the option) for which any employee may be granted
options which are first exercisable in any calendar year may not exceed

      Options may not be exercised until one year following the date of grant.
Options granted to an employee then owning more than 10% of the Common Stock of
the Company may not be exercisable by its terms after five years from the date
of grant. Any other option granted pursuant to the Plan may not be exercisable
by its terms after ten years from the date of grant.

      The purchase price per share of Common Stock purchasable under an option
is determined by the Committee but cannot be less than the fair market value of
the Common Stock on the date of the grant of the option (or 110% of the fair
market value in the case of a person owning more than 10% of the Company's
outstanding shares).

      Non-Qualified Stock Option Plans. The Non-Qualified Stock Option Plans
collectively authorize the issuance of up to 5,760,000 shares of the Company's
Common Stock to persons that exercise options granted pursuant to the Plans. The
Company's employees, directors, officers, consultants and advisors are eligible
to be granted options pursuant to the Plans, provided however that bona fide
services must be rendered by such consultants or advisors and such services must
not be in connection with the offer or sale of securities in a capital-raising
transaction. The option exercise price is determined by the Committee but cannot
be less than the market price of the Company's Common Stock on the date the
option is granted.

      Stock Bonus Plan. Up to 1,440,000 shares of Common Stock may be granted
under the Stock Bonus Plan. Such shares may consist, in whole or in part, of
authorized but unissued shares, or treasury shares. Under the Stock Bonus Plan,
the Company's employees, directors, officers, consultants and advisors are
eligible to receive a grant of the Company's shares, provided however that bona
fide services must be rendered by consultants or advisors and such services must
not be in connection with the offer or sale of securities in a capital-raising

      Other Information Regarding the Plans. The Plans are administered by the
Company's Compensation Committee ("the Committee"), each member of which is a
director of the Company. The members of the Committee were selected by the
Company's Board of Directors and serve for a one-year tenure and until their
successors are elected. A member of the Committee may be removed at any time by
action of the Board of Directors. Any vacancies which may occur on the Committee
will be filled by the Board of Directors. The Committee is vested with the
authority to interpret the provisions of the Plans and supervise the
administration of the Plans. In addition, the Committee is empowered to select
those persons to whom shares or options are to be granted, to determine the
number of shares subject to each grant of a stock bonus or an option and to
determine when, and upon what conditions, shares or options granted under the
Plans will vest or otherwise be subject to forfeiture and cancellation.

     In the  discretion of the  Committee,  any option  granted  pursuant to the
Plans may include installment  exercise terms such that the option becomes fully
exercisable  in  a  series  of  cumulating  portions.  The  Committee  may  also
accelerate  the date upon which any option (or any part of any options) is first
exercisable.  Any shares issued pursuant to the Stock Bonus Plan and any options
granted pursuant to the Incentive Stock Option Plan or the  Non-Qualified  Stock
Option Plan will be  forfeited  if the  "vesting"  schedule  established  by the
Committee  administering  the Plan at the time of the grant is not met. For this
purpose,  vesting  means the period  during  which the  employee  must remain an
employee  of the  Company  or the  period of time a  non-employee  must  provide
services to the Company.  At the time an employee ceases working for the Company

(or at the time a non-employee ceases to perform services for the Company),  any
shares or options  not fully  vested will be  forfeited  and  cancelled.  At the
discretion  of the Committee  payment for the shares of Common Stock  underlying
options may be paid through the delivery of shares of the Company's Common Stock
having an aggregate  fair market value equal to the option price,  provided such
shares have been owned by the option  holder for at least one year prior to such
exercise. A combination of cash and shares of Common Stock may also be permitted
at the discretion of the Committee.

      Options are generally non-transferable except upon death of the option
holder. Shares issued pursuant to the Stock Bonus Plan will generally not be
transferable until the person receiving the shares satisfies the vesting
requirements imposed by the Committee when the shares were issued.

      The Board of Directors of the Company may at any time, and from time to
time, amend, terminate, or suspend one or more of the Plans in any manner they
deem appropriate, provided that such amendment, termination or suspension will
not adversely affect rights or obligations with respect to shares or options
previously granted. The Board of Directors may not, without shareholder
approval: make any amendment which would materially modify the eligibility
requirements for the Plans; increase or decrease the total number of shares of
Common Stock which may be issued pursuant to the Plans except in the case of a
reclassification of the Company's capital stock or a consolidation or merger of
the Company; reduce the minimum option price per share; extend the period for
granting options; or materially increase in any other way the benefits accruing
to employees who are eligible to participate in the Plans.

      Summary. The following sets forth certain information, as of December 31,
2002, concerning the stock options and stock bonuses granted by the Company.
Each option represents the right to purchase one share of the Company's Common
Stock. The total shares reserved under each Plan includes shares authorized by
the 2003 Plans which are being submitted to the Company's shareholders for their
approval at the March 31, 2003 meeting.

                              Total        Shares
                              Shares    Reserved for    Shares       Remaining
                            Reserved    Outstanding    Issued as  Options/Shares
Name of Plan               Under Plans    Options     Stock Bonus   Under Plans
------------               -----------  ------------  ----------- -------------

Incentive Stock Option
  Plans                     4,100,000    1,251,000         N/A        2,762,315

Non-Qualified Stock Option
    Plans                   7,760,000    4,073,434         N/A        2,589,105

Stock Bonus Plans           1,940,000          N/A    1,090,700         849,300

     Of the shares issued  pursuant to the  Company's  Stock Bonus Plans 353,584
shares were issued as part of the Company's contribution to its 401(k) plan.

     The  following  table  shows the  weighted  average  exercise  price of the
outstanding   options   granted   pursuant  to  the   Company's   Incentive  and
Non-Qualified  Stock Option  Plans.  The Company's  Incentive and  Non-Qualified
Stock Option Plans have been approved by the Company's shareholders.

                                                           Number of Securities
                                                            Remaining Available
                         Number of                           For Future Issuance
                         Securities                             Under Equity
                        to be Issued    Weighted-Average     Compensation Plans
                        Upon Exercise    Exercise Price    (Excluding Securities
                       of Outstanding    of Outstanding          Reflected in
Plan category           Options  (a)         Options              Column (a))
--------------         --------------    ---------------     -------------------

Incentive Stock          1,251,100            $1.62                762,315
Option Plans

Non-Qualified Stock      4,073,434            $1.10                589,105
                       -----------           -------              ---------
 Option Plans
                         5,324,534            $1.23              1,351,420
                        ===========          =======             =========

     In January 2000 the Company  issued Mr. de Clara  200,000  shares of common
stock for past services  provided to the Company.  In September 2001 the Company
issued  Mr. de Clara an  additional  200,000  shares  of  common  stock for past
services  provided to the  Company.  In October  2001 the Company  issued Mr. de
Clara an additional  75,071 shares of common stock for past services provided to
the Company.

Compensation Committee

      During the year ending September 30, 2002 the Company had a Compensation
Committee which, was comprised of Maximilian de Clara, Alexander Esterhazy and
C. Richard Kinsolving. During the year ended September 30, 2002 the Compensation
Committee did not formerly meet as a separate committee, but rather held its
meetings in conjunction with the Company's Board of Director's meetings.

    During the year ended September 30, 2002, Mr. de Clara was the only officer
participating in deliberations of the Company's compensation committee
concerning executive officer compensation. During the year ended September 30,
2002, no director of the Company was also an executive officer of another
entity, which had an executive officer of the Company serving as a director of
such entity or as a member of the compensation committee of such entity.

    The following is the report of the Compensation Committee:

    The key components of the Company's executive compensation program include
annual base salaries and long-term incentive compensation consisting of stock
options. It is the Company's policy to target compensation (i.e., base salary,
stock option grants and other benefits) at approximately the median of
comparable companies in the biotechnology field. Accordingly, data on
compensation practices followed by other companies in the biotechnology industry
is considered.

    The Company's long term incentive program consists exclusively of periodic
grants of stock options with an exercise price equal to the fair market value of
the Company's Common Stock on the date of grant. To encourage retention, the
ability to exercise options granted under the program is subject to vesting
restrictions. Decisions made regarding the timing and size of option grants take
into account Company and individual performance, "competitive market" practices,
and the size of the option grants made in prior years. The weighting of these
factors varies and is subjective. Current option holdings are not considered
when granting options.

     In March 2002 the Company  entered into a three-year  employment  agreement
with  Maximilian de Clara,  the Company's  President.  The March 2002 employment
agreement,  which is essentially the same as Mr. de Clara's two prior employment
agreements, provides that during the employment term the Company will pay Mr. de
Clara a salary of $363,000.  In renewing Mr. de Clara's employment  contract the

Compensation  Committee  considered  various  factors,  including Mr. de Clara's
performance  in his area of  responsibility,  Mr. de Clara's  experience  in his
position, and Mr. de Clara's length of service with the Company.

    Effective August 1, 2000, the Company entered into a three-year employment
agreement with Geert R. Kersten. The employment agreement provides that during
the term of the employment agreement the Company will pay Mr. Kersten an annual
salary of $336,132, subject to the minimum annual increases of 5% per year.
During the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002 the cash compensation paid to
Mr. Kersten was based on his employment contract. Since the term of the
employment contract established the compensation paid to Mr. Kersten, there was
no relationship between the Company's performance and Mr. Kersten's compensation
for the last completed fiscal year.

    During the year ended September 30, 2001 Mr. de Clara and Mr. Kersten, in
accordance with the Company's salary reduction program, agreed to reduce a
portion of the compensation payable in fiscal 2001 pursuant to their employment
contracts in exchange for stock options and restricted shares of the Company's
common stock.

    During the year ending September 30, 2002, the compensation paid to the
Company's other executive officers was based on a variety of factors, including
the performance in the executive's area of responsibility, the executive's
individual performance, the executive's experience in his or her role, the
executive's length of service with the Company, the achievement of specific
goals established for the Company and its business, and, in certain instances,
to the achievement of individual goals.

    Financial or stockholder value performance comparisons were not used to
determine the compensation of the Company's other executive officers since the
Company's financial performance and stockholder value are influenced to a
substantial degree by external factors and as a result comparing the
compensation payable to the other executive officers to the Company's financial
or stock price performance can be misleading.

    During the year ended September 30, 2002 the Company granted options for the
purchase of 446,500 shares of the Company's common stock to the Company's
executive officers. In granting the options to the Company's executive officers,
the Board of Directors considered the same factors which were used to determine
the cash compensation paid to such officers.

    During the year ended September 30, 2002 the Company issued restricted
shares of its common stock to the following directors in lieu of director's
fees: Maximilian de Clara (25,489 shares), Geert R. Kersten (25,489 shares), C.
Richard Kinsolving (25,489 shares) and Peter Young (16,250 shares). Except as
otherwise disclosed in this proxy statement, during the year ended September 30,
2002 the Company did not issue any shares of its common stock to the Company's
officers or directors in return for services provided to the Company.

    The foregoing report has been approved by the members of the Compensation

                               Maximilian de Clara
                               Alexander Esterhazy
                               C.Richard Kinsolving

Stockholder Return Performance Graph

    Set forth below is a line graph comparing the yearly percentage change in
the cumulative total stockholder return on the Company's common stock with the
cumulative total return of the Amex Market Value Index and a Biotechnology peer
group for the five fiscal years ending September 30, 2002.

               Comparison of Five Year Cumulative Total Return Among
           Cel-Sci Corporation, the Amex Market Value, and a Peer Group

     The  members  of  the  Peer  Group  used  for  purposes  of  the  following
comparison,  and their respective  trading symbols,  are: Antex Biologics,  Inc.
(ANX),  Epimmune,  Inc. (EPMN) and Neoprobe Corp. (NEOP).

                                AND A PEER GROUP


                                    *                      *

100        +



40                     +            +

20                                                         +
                       =            =          =
0                                                                      +
        9/97        9/98         9/99       9/00        9/01        9/02




*    $100  invested  on  9/30/97  in stock or  index-including  reinvestment  of
     dividends. Fiscal year ending September 30.

Audit Committee

   During the year ended September 30, 2002 the Company had an Audit Committee
comprised of Alexander Esterhazy, C. Richard Kinsolving and Peter Young. The
members of the Audit Committee are independent as independence is defined by
Section 121(A) of the American Stock Exchange's Listing Standards. The purpose
of the Audit Committee is to review and approve the selection of the Company's
auditors, review the Company's financial statements with the Company's
independent auditors, and review and discuss the independent auditors'
management letter relating to the Company's internal accounting controls. During
the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002, the Audit Committee met five times.
All members of the Audit Committee attended this meeting.

The following is the report of the Audit Committee.

(1)      The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed the Company's audited
         financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2002 with the
         Company's management.
(2)      The Audit Committee discussed with the Company's independent auditors
         the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Accounting
         Standards (SAS) No. 61 "Communications with Audit Committee" as amended
         by SASs 89 and 90.
(3)      The Audit Committee has received the written disclosures and the letter
         from the Company's independent accountants required by Independence
         Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Standards Board Standard
         No. 1, Independence Discussions with Audit Committees), and had
         discussed with the Company's independent accountants the independent
         accountants independence; and
(4)      Based on the review and discussions referred to above, the Audit
         Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited
         financial statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form
         10-K for the year ended September 30, 2002 for filing with the
         Securities and Exchange Commission.
(5)      During the year ended September 30, 2002 the Company paid Deloitte &
         Touche, LLP, the Company's independent auditors, other audit related
         fees of $33,000 for reviewing various registration statements filed by
         the Company during the year. The Audit Committee is of the opinion that
         these fees are consistent with Deloitte & Touche, LLP maintaining its
         independence from the Company.

      The foregoing report has been approved by the members of the Audit

                             Alexander G. Esterhazy
                              C. Richard Kinsolving
                                   Peter Young

      The Company's Board of Directors has adopted a written charter for the
Audit Committee, a copy of which is included as an appendix to this proxy


      Shareholders are being requested to vote on the adoption of the Company's
2003 Incentive Stock Option Plan. The purpose of the 2003 Incentive Stock Option
Plan is to furnish additional compensation and incentives to the Company's
officers and employees.

      The 2003 Incentive Stock Option Plan, if adopted, will authorize the
issuance of up to 2,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock to persons that
exercise options granted pursuant to the plan. As of the date of this Proxy
Statement the Company had not granted any options pursuant to this plan.

      Any options under the 2003 Incentive Stock Option Plan must be granted
before January 20, 2013. If adopted, the 2003 Incentive Stock Option Plan will
function and be administered in the same manner as the Company's other Incentive
Stock Option Plans. The Board of Directors recommends that the shareholders of
the Company approve the adoption of the 2003 Incentive Stock Option Plan.

Proposal to adopt 2003 non-qualified stock option plan

      Shareholders are being requested to vote on the adoption of the Company's
2003 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan. The Company's employees, directors and
officers, and consultants or advisors to the company are eligible to be granted
options pursuant to the 2003 Non-Qualified Plan as may be determined by the
Company's Board of Directors, provided however that bona fide services must be
rendered by such consultants or advisors and such services must mot be in
connection with the offer or sale of securities in a capital-raising

      The 2003 Non-Qualified Plan, if adopted, will authorize the issuance of up
to 2,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock to persons that exercise
options granted pursuant to the Plan. As of the date of this Proxy Statement the
Company had options to purchase pursuant to the 2003 Non-Qualified Plan.

      The 2003 Non-Qualified Plan will function and be administered in the same
manner as the Company's other Non-Qualified Plans. The Board of Directors
recommends that the shareholders of the Company approve the adoption of the 2003
Non-Qualified Plan.


      Shareholders are being requested to vote on the adoption of the Company's
2003 Stock Bonus Plan. The purpose of the 2003 Stock Bonus Plan is to furnish
additional compensation and incentives to the Company's officers and employees
and to allow the Company to continue to make contributions to its 401(k) plan
with shares of its common stock instead of cash.

      Since 1993 the Company has maintained a defined contribution retirement
plan (also known as a 401(k) Plan) covering substantially all the Company's
employees. Prior to January 1, 1998 the Company's contribution to the 401(k)
Plan was made in cash. Effective January 1, 1998 the Company's employees
approved a change in the plan such that the Company's contribution is now made
in shares of the Company's common stock as opposed to cash. The Company's
contribution of common stock is made quarterly and is valued based upon the
price of the Company's common stock on the American Stock Exchange. The Board of
Directors is of the opinion that contributions to the 401(k) plan with shares of
the Company's common stock serves to further align the shareholder's interest
with that of the Company's employees.

      The 2003 Stock Bonus Plan, if adopted, will authorize the issuance of up
to 500,000 shares of the Company's common stock to persons granted stock bonuses
pursuant to the plan. As of the date of this Proxy Statement the Company had not
granted any stock bonuses pursuant to the 2003 Stock Bonus Plan.

      The 2003 Stock Bonus Plan will function and be administered in the same
manner as the Company's existing Stock Bonus Plans. The Board of Directors
recommends that the shareholders of the Company approve the adoption of the 2003
Stock Bonus Plans.


     In July and September  2002,  the Company sold Series G convertible  notes,
plus  Series G warrants  to a group of private  investors  for  $1,300,000.  The
Series G notes bear  interest  at 7% per year,  are due and  payable on July 12,
2004 and are secured by substantially all of the Company's  assets.  Interest is
payable  quarterly.  If the Company fails to make any interest payment when due,
the notes will become immediately due and payable.

     At the holder's  option the Series G notes are  convertible  into shares of
the Company's common stock equal in number to the amount  determined by dividing
each $1,000 of note  principal  to be  converted by the  Conversion  Price.  The
Conversion  Price is 76% of the average of the three lowest daily trading prices
of the  Company's  common stock on the  American  Stock  Exchange  during the 15
trading days immediately  prior to the conversion date. The Conversion Price may
not be less than $0.18.  However,  if the Company's common stock trades for less
than  $0.24 per share for a period of 20  consecutive  trading  days,  the $0.18
minimum price will no longer be applicable.  The  Conversion  Price will decline
from 76% to 60% if (i) on any  trading day after  September  9, 2002 the closing
daily price of the  Company's  common  stock  multiplied  by the total number of

shares of common stock traded on that day is less than $29,977, (ii) the Company
defaults in the  performance  of any material  covenant,  condition or agreement
with the holders of the notes or, (iii) the  Company's  common stock is delisted
from the American  Stock  Exchange.  As of January 10, 2003 Series G convertible
notes in the  principal  amount of $770,000 had been  converted  into  5,069,338
shares of the Company's common stock.

      In January 2003, the Company sold Series H convertible notes, plus Series
H warrants to a group of private investors for $600,000. The Series H notes bear
interest at 7% per year, are due on January 7, 2005 and are secured by
substantially all of the Company's assets. Interest is payable quarterly with
the first interest payment due on April 1, 2003. If the Company fails to make
any interest payment when due, the notes will become immediately due and
payable. The Company has filed a registration statement with the Securities and
Exchange Commission so that the shares of common stock issuable upon the
conversion of the Series H notes and the exercise of the Series H warrants may
be resold in the public market. Upon the effective date of this registration
statement the holders of the Series H notes have agreed to purchase an
additional $750,000 of notes from the Company. The additional $750,000 of notes
will have the same terms as the Series H notes sold in January 2003.

      At the holder's option the Series H notes are convertible into shares of
the Company's common stock equal in number to the amount determined by dividing
each $1,000 of note principal to be converted by the Conversion Price. The
Conversion Price is 76% of the average of the three lowest daily trading prices
of the Company's common stock on the American stock Exchange during the 15
trading days immediately prior to the conversion date. The Conversion Price may
not be less than $0.16. However, if the Company's common stock trades for less
than $0.21 per share for a period of 20 consecutive trading days, the $0.16
minimum price will no longer be applicable. The Conversion Price will decline to
70% if the registration statement which the Company has agreed to file with the
Securities and Exchange Commission has not been declared effective within 60
days after the date the registration statement is filed, or (ii) the closing
price of the Company's common stock equals or exceeds $.50 on any trading day.
The Conversion Price will increase to 76% on the trading day following the date
that the closing price of the Company's common stock falls below $.50. The
Conversion Price will decline to 60% if (i) the registration statement which the
Company has agreed to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission has not
been declared effective within 75 days after the date the registration statement
was filed, (ii) the Company defaults in the performance of any material
covenant, condition or agreement with the holders of the notes or, (iii) the
Company's common stock is delisted from the American Stock Exchange.

      If the Company sells any additional shares of common stock, or any
securities convertible into common stock at a price below the then applicable
Conversion Price of the Series G or Series H notes, the Conversion Price of the
Series G or Series H notes will be lowered to the price at which the shares were
sold or the lowest price at which the securities are convertible, as the case
may be. If the Company sells any additional shares of common stock, or any
securities convertible into common stock at a price below the market price of
the Company's common stock, the Conversion Price of the Series G or Series H
notes will be lowered by a percentage equal to the price at which the shares
were sold or the lowest price at which the securities are convertible, as the
case may be, divided by the then prevailing market price of the Company's common
stock. However the Conversion Price will not be adjusted as the result of shares
issued in connection with a Permitted Financing. A Permitted Financing involves
shares of common stock issued or sold:

             -  in connection with a merger or acquisition;

             -  upon the exercise of options or the issuance of common stock to
                the Company's employees, officers, directors, consultants and
                vendors in accordance with the Company's equity incentive

             -  pursuant to the conversion or exercise of securities which were
                outstanding prior to July 12, 2002 in the case of the Series G
                notes and warrants or January 7, 2003 in the case of the Series
                H notes and warrants;

             -  pursuant to the Company's equity line of credit;

             -  to  key  officers of the Company in lieu of their respective

      The Series G warrants allow the holders to purchase up to 900,000 shares
of the Company's common stock at a price of $0.18 per share at any time prior to
July 12, 2009. Every three months after December 9, 2002, the exercise price of
the Series G warrants will be adjusted to an amount equal to 110% of the
Conversion Price on such date, provided that the adjusted price is lower than
the warrant exercise price on that date.

      The Series H warrants allow the holders to purchase up to 1,100,000 shares
of the Company's common stock at a price of $0.25 per share at any time prior to
January 7, 2010. Every three months after the effective date of the registration
statement which the Company has agreed to file the exercise price of the Series
H warrants will be adjusted to an amount equal to 110% if the Conversion Price
on such date, provided that the adjusted price is lower than the warrant
exercise price on that date.

      If the Company sells any additional shares of common stock, or any
securities convertible into common stock at a price below the then applicable
exercise price of the Series G or Series H warrants, the exercise price of the
Series G and Series H warrants, (as the case may be) will be lowered to the
price at which the shares were sold or the lowest price at which the securities
are convertible. If the warrant exercise price is adjusted, the number of shares
of common stock issuable upon the exercise of the warrant will be increased by
the product of the number of shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise
of the warrant immediately prior to the sale multiplied by the percentage by
which the warrant exercise price is reduced.

      If the Company sells any additional shares of common stock, or any
securities convertible into common stock at a price below the market price of
the Company's common stock, the exercise price of the Series G or the Series H
warrants will be lowered by a percentage equal to the price at which the shares
were sold or the lowest price at which the securities are convertible, as the
case may be, divided by the then prevailing market price of the Company's common
stock. If the warrant exercise price is adjusted, the number of shares of common
stock issuable upon the exercise of the warrant will be increased by the product
of the number of shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of the
warrant immediately prior to the sale multiplied by the percentage determined by
dividing the price at which the shares were sold by the market price of the
Company's common stock on the date of sale.

      Neither the exercise price of the Series G or Series H warrants nor the
shares issuable upon the exercise of these warrants will be adjusted as the
result of shares issued in connection with a Permitted Financing.

      The actual number of shares issuable upon the conversion of the Series G
and Series H notes and the exercise of the Series G and Series H warrants (if
any) will vary depending upon a number of factors, including the price of the
Company's common stock at certain dates.

AMEX Requirements

      The Company's common stock trades on the American Stock Exchange. The
rules of the AMEX require a corporation, the securities of which are listed on
the AMEX, to obtain shareholder approval if 20% or more of a corporation's
common stock will be sold in a private offering and below the greater of the
book value or market price of the corporation's common stock.

      The AMEX will consider the issuance of any common stock or upon the
conversion of the Series G or Series H notes to be a sale of the Company's
common stock at less than market price. In addition, if any of the Series G or
Series H warrants are exercised at a price below the market price of the
Company's common stock on the date the warrants were issued ($0.24 in the case
of the Series G warrants and $0.19 in the case of the Series H warrants), the
AMEX will consider these shares to have been sold at less than market price.

      Consequently, the AMEX rule would prohibit the Company from issuing more
than the number of shares shown in the table below without prior shareholder

                           Number of Company's
                            Shares Which Were           Maximum Number of
                         Outstanding on Date of       Company's Shares Which
                          Agreement Pertaining       Could Be Issued Prior to
                            to Each Financing     Obtaining Shareholder Approval
                        -----------------------   ------------------------------
Series G Notes and
   Series G Warrants (1)       33,717,180                     6,743,436
Series H Notes and
   Series H  Warrants (2)      46,741,331                     9,348,265

(1)  If any Series G warrants are  exercised at a price which is less than $0.24
     per share,  the AMEX would  consider the shares issued upon the exercise of
     the warrant to have been sold at a price below market value.

(2)  If any Series H warrants are  exercised at a price which is less than $0.19
     per share,  the AMEX would  consider the shares issued upon the exercise of
     the warrant to have been sold at a price below market value.

      It is possible, depending upon the future market price of the Company's
common stock, that shares of common stock in excess of those shown in the
foregoing table could be sold or issued pursuant to the term of the securities
described in the table.

      In order to avoid any violation of the AMEX rules relating to the issuance
of shares below the market price of the Company's common stock:

o    the terms of the Series G notes and the Series G warrants  provide  that no
     more  than  6,743,436  shares  may be issued  unless  the  Company  obtains
     shareholder approval for the issuance of such additional shares.
o    the terms of the Series H notes and the Series H warrants  provide  that no
     more  than  9,348,265  shares  may be issued  unless  the  Company  obtains
     shareholder approval for the issuance of such additional shares.

      If a majority of the shareholders voting at the annual meeting do not
approve the additional issuance of shares, the Company will be required to pay
the holders of the Series G notes and the Series G warrants 130% of the then
outstanding principal balance of the notes plus an amount equal to the then
market value of the shares which would otherwise be issuable upon the exercise
of the Series G or Series H warrants had shareholder approval been obtained.

    The Company is requesting the Company's shareholders, if it should be
necessary, to approve the issuance of such number of common shares as may be
required by the terms of the Series G and Series H notes and the Series G and
Series H warrants. The Company's Board of Directors believes that approval of
this proposal is in the best interests of both the Company and its shareholders
and unanimously recommends that shareholders vote "FOR" this Proposal.


    The Board of Directors has selected Deloitte & Touche, LLP, independent
certified public accountants, to audit the books and records of the Company for
the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003. Deloitte & Touche, LLP served as the
Company's independent public accountants for the fiscal year ended September 30,
2002. A representative of Deloitte & Touche, LLP is not expected to be present
at the shareholders' meeting.

Accounting Firm Fees

    The fees billed to the Company by Deloitte & Touche, LLP and its affiliates

Total fees billed for professional services rendered for the
audit of the Company's financial statements for the year ended
September 30, 2002 and the reviews of the financial statements
included in the Company's Forms 10-Q for the year ended
September 30, 2002                                                     $130,030

Financial Information Systems Design  and Implementation Fees
for the year ended September 30, 2002                                        --

All other fees for the year ended September 30, 2002:  *
     Audit Related Fees                                                 $35,468
     Other Non-Audit Related Fees                                            --

*    All other fees  consist of audit  related  services for  reviewing  various
     registration  statements filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission
     by the Company during the year.

    The Company's Board of Directors is of the opinion that the other fees
charged by Deloitte & Touche, LLP during fiscal 2002 ($35,468) are consistent
with Deloitte & Touche, LLP maintaining its independence from the Company.


    The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ending September 30,
2002 will be sent to any shareholder of the Company upon request. Requests for a
copy of this report should be addressed to the Secretary of the Company at the
address provided on the first page of this proxy statement.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

    Any shareholder proposal which may properly be included in the proxy
solicitation material for the annual meeting of shareholders following the
Company's year ending September 30, 2003 must be received by the Secretary of
the Company no later than December 31, 2003.


    The cost of preparing, printing and mailing the enclosed proxy, accompanying
notice and proxy statement, and all other costs in connection with solicitation
of proxies will be paid by the Company including any additional solicitation
made by letter, telephone or telegraph. Failure of a quorum to be present at the
meeting will necessitate adjournment and will subject the Company to additional
expense. The Company's annual report, including financial statements for the
2002 fiscal year, is included in this mailing.

    The Company's Board of Directors do not intend to present and does not have
reason to believe that others will present any other items of business at the
annual meeting. However, if other matters are properly presented to the meeting
for a vote, the proxies will be voted upon such matters in accordance with the
judgment of the persons acting under the proxies.

    Please complete, sign and return the enclosed proxy promptly. No postage is
required if mailed in the United States.

                               CEL-SCI CORPORATION
                             Audit Committee Charter

This Audit Committee Charter (the "Charter") has been adopted by the Board of
Directors ("the Board") of Cel-Sci Corporation ("the Company"). The Audit
Committee of the Board (the Committee) shall review and reassess this charter
annually and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for approval.

Role and Independence: Organization

The Committee's job is one of oversight. Management is responsible for the
preparation of the Company's financial statements and the independent auditors
are responsible for auditing those financial statements. The Committee and the
Board recognize that management and the independent auditors have more resources
and time, and more detailed knowledge and information regarding the Company's
accounting, auditing, internal control and financial reporting practices than
the Committee; accordingly the Committee's oversight role does not provide any
expert or special assurance as to the financial statements and other financial
information provided by the Company to its shareholders and others.

The Committee will assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibility for
oversight of the quality and integrity of the accounting, auditing, internal
control and financial reporting practices of the Company. It may also have such
other duties as may from time to time be assigned to it by the Board. The
membership of the Committee shall consist of at least two directors, who are
each free of any relationship that, in the opinion of the Board, may interfere
with such member's individual exercise of independent judgment. Each Committee
member shall also meet the independence and financial literacy requirements for
serving on audit committees, and at least one member shall have accounting or
related financial management expertise, all as set forth in the applicable rules
of the American Stock Exchange. The Committee shall maintain free and open
communication with the independent auditors and Company management.

One member of the Committee shall be appointed as the chair. The chair shall be
responsible for leadership of the Committee, including scheduling and presiding
over meetings, preparing agendas, and making regular reports to the Board.

The Committee shall meet at least once a year, prior to the issuance of the
Company's audited financial statements, or more frequently as the Committee
considers necessary.


Although the Committee may wish to consider other duties from time to time, the
general recurring activities of the Committee in carrying out its oversight role
are described below. The Committee shall be responsible for:

o  Recommending to the Board the independent auditors to be retained (or
   nominated for share holder approval) to audit the financial statements of the
   Company. Such auditors are ultimately accountable to the Board and the
   Committee, as representatives of the shareholders.

o  Evaluating, together with the Board and management, the performance of the
   independent auditors and, where appropriate, replacing such auditors.

o  Obtaining annually from the independent auditors a formal written statement
   describing all relationships between the auditors and the Company, consistent
   with Independence Standards Board Standard Number 1. The Committee shall
   actively engage in a dialogue with the independent auditors with respect to
   any relationship that may impact the objectivity and independence of the
   auditors and shall take, or recommend that the Board take, appropriate
   actions to oversee and satisfy itself as to the auditors' independence.

o  Reviewing the audited financial statements and discussing them with
   management and the independent auditors. These discussions shall include the
   matters required to be discussed under Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS)
   No. 61 "Communications with Audit Committee" as amended by SASs 89 and 90 and
   consideration of the quality of the Company's accounting principles as
   applied in its financial reporting, including a review of particularly
   sensitive accounting estimates, reserves and accruals, judgmental areas,
   audit adjustments (whether or not recorded), and other such inquiries as the
   Committee or the independent auditors shall deem appropriate.

o  Issuing annually a report to be included in the Company's proxy statement as
   required by the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

o  Discussing with management and/or the Company's general counsel any legal
   matters (including the status of pending litigation) that may have a material
   impact on the Company's financial statements, and any material reports or
   inquiries from regulatory or governmental agencies.

Reviewing the annual management letter with the independent auditors and
discussing with management and the independent auditors the quality and adequacy
of and compliance with the Company's internal controls.

                               CEL-SCI CORPORATION
            This Proxy is solicited by the Company's Board of Directors

The undersigned  stockholder of the Company,  acknowledges receipt of the Notice
of the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders,  to be held March 31, 2003,  11:00 A.M.
local time, at the Hilton  Munchen Park, Am Tucherpark 7, 80538 Munich,  Germany
and hereby  appoints  Maximilian  de Clara or Geert R. Kersten with the power of
substitution, as Attorneys and Proxies to vote all the shares of the undersigned
at said annual meeting of stockholders and at all adjournments  thereof,  hereby
ratifying and  confirming all that said Attorneys and Proxies may do or cause to
be done by virtue hereof.  The above named  Attorneys and Proxies are instructed
to vote all of the undersigned's shares as follows:

(1)  To  elect  the  directors  who  shall  constitute  the  Company's  Board of
     Directors for the ensuing year.
     ___  FOR all nominees listed below (except as marked to the contrary below)
     ___  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed below


Nominees:    Maximilian de Clara      Geert R. Kersten   Alexander G. Esterhazy
             C. Richard Kinsolving    Peter R. Young

(2)  To approve the adoption of the Company's 2003 Incentive  Stock Option Plan.
                ____ FOR      ____ AGAINST       ____ ABSTAIN

(3)  To approve the adoption of the Company's  2003  Non-Qualified  Stock Option
     Plan.      ____ FOR      ____ AGAINST       ____ ABSTAIN

(4)  To approve the  adoption of the  Company's  2003 Stock Bonus Plan.
               ____ FOR       ____ AGAINST       ____ ABSTAIN

(5)  To approve the  issuance of such number of shares of common stock as may be
     required  by the  terms of the  Company's  Series G and  Series H notes and
     Series G and Series H warrants.
               ____ FOR       ____ AGAINST       ____ ABSTAIN

(6)  To ratify  the  appointment  of  Deloitte  & Touche,  LLP as the  Company's
     independent accountants for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003.
                ____ FOR      ____ AGAINST       ____ ABSTAIN

    To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.


                                     Dated this _____day of __________, 2003.



Please sign your name exactly as it appears on your stock certificate. If shares
are held  jointly,  each holder  should  sign.  Executors,  trustees,  and other
fiduciaries  should so indicate when signing.

Please Sign,  Date and Return this Proxy so that your shares may be voted at the