Victory Select is proud to introduce Sveltique, a new weight management solution designed to provide a holistic approach to appetite control and metabolism.
The launch of Sveltique represents a significant step forward in Victory Select’s commitment to accessible, patient-focused healthcare through telemedicine in Texas. With an increasing number of people seeking effective, science-backed solutions for weight management, Sveltique offers a multi-faceted approach that goes beyond traditional diet and exercise recommendations.
“Weight management is about more than just losing pounds—it’s about achieving better health and an improved quality of life,” said William Franklin, MD, Founder and CEO of Victory Select. “Sveltique was developed with this philosophy in mind, offering a well-rounded solution that considers both the biological and psychological factors that influence weight.”
Victory Select has developed this new weight loss medication as part of its expanding range of telemedicine services, making it easier for individuals to access quality healthcare without the need for in-person visits. Patients can consult with Victory Select’s team of medical professionals online, ensuring personalized guidance and safe, effective use of the treatment.
“We’re dedicated to making healthcare more accessible and effective,” Dr. Franklin said. “Sveltique is a reflection of that mission—offering a convenient, research-backed option for those looking to take control of their health in a meaningful way.”
Sveltique is now available through Victory Select’s online platform. For more information on this and other wellness solutions, visit the company’s website.
For more information about Victory Select, contact the company here:
Victory Select
Daniel Kravchuk - Marketing Coordinator
4303 Victory Drive Austin, TX 78704