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MVNO Market Set to Surge to USD 167.7 Billion by 2034, Driven by Growing Demand for Personalized Mobile Services | Future Market Insights, Inc.

The MVNO market, also known as the mobile virtual network operators market, thrives on rising digital services like mobile money, machine-to-machine transactions, and cloud computing, merging with technological enablers like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). MVNOs are basically wireless communication service that includes an infrastructure that provides specific services to their respective markets, expanding the MVNO market size.

NEWARK, DE / ACCESSWIRE / August 12, 2024 / The mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) market is expected to be worth USD 81.42 billion in 2024. The industry is anticipated to reach a valuation of USD 167.7 billion by 2034, rising at a CAGR of 7.5% over the forecast period. The mobile virtual network operator industry is expanding globally due to the rising demand for personalized mobile services and competitive regulations. The rise in the Internet of Things applications with technological developments is also contributing to the market's growth.

Mobile virtual network operators cater to new and existing clients by targeting a certain demographic, selling, and branding their wireless services separately. Cloud-based solutions, virtual conventions, and the shift by organizations toward remote work increase collaboration and connectivity, driving demand for network brands and cellular plans that facilitate secure data management and remote operation.

The MVNO market is expected to grow over the forecast period due to the rising demand for services such as cloud computing, mobile money, and machine-to-machine (M2M) transactions. The adoption of e-SIM is anticipated to expand the reach of the MVNO market. The e-SIM provides MVNO vendors with convenience and flexibility through the remote provisioning standards developed by the GSMA.

What are the Key Drivers and Restraints for Growth of the MVNO MARKET?

The rising need for communication-based services and remote work coupled with better network services are fueling the sales of mobile virtual network operators in every region, upgrading the workflow for the corporate spaces.

The rising digitization of various industries, growing penetration of smartphones, corporate mobile networks, and government initiatives are fueling the growth of the MVNO market. As covid-19 has pushed businesses to work remotely, generating a need for better communication network solutions.

MVNOs play a vital role in enhancing the network and operational model and providing industry-specific communication solutions like a mobile virtual network. Businesses adopt MVNOs over MNOs because of their flexibility and capacity to handle increased traffic of any organization size.

The MVNO market got a push with the deployment of 5G network bandwidths in developed countries, expanding the communication network space. Remote work and the need for enhanced communication networks for data transfer coupled with cloud spaces and fast processing helps in expanding the MVNO market size and its space in new market regions.

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"The telecommunication industry is evolving, leading to a rise in niche markets and innovative business models. This trend is expected to expand the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) sector, with partnerships between MVNOs and carriers becoming more common. Technological advancements and regulatory changes are further diversifying the market, presenting opportunities for innovation and growth," Says Sudip Saha Managing Director and Co-Founder at Future Market Insights.

Key Takeaways from the MVNO Market

  • The United States MVNO industry is projected to experience a sluggish CAGR of 4.4% through 2034.

  • Germany's mobile virtual network operator market is expected to demonstrate a rapid CAGR of 7.0% through 2034.

  • The Japanese mobile virtual network operator market is anticipated to witness a promising CAGR of 8.7% through 2034.

  • Australia's market showcases an impressive CAGR of 11.0% through 2034.

  • China's MVNO market is expected to display a CAGR of 8.0% through 2034.

Competitive Landscape of the MVNO Market

The expansion of the MVNO market is due to the rise in innovative business models and the evolving mobile industry. With the growing demand for adaptable and personalized mobile services, partnerships between MVNOs and established carriers are likely to become more prevalent.

As 5G and other technological advancements continue to develop, generating new avenues for MVNOs to provide improved and unique services. Furthermore, regulatory changes may also impact the dynamics of the sector, promoting market expansion and competition. The MVNO market is well-positioned to continue changing and diversifying in response to changing customer needs and market trends. There are many ventures for innovation and growth in the MVNO industry.

Key Companies in the Market

  • AT&T Inc

  • CITIC Telecom International Holdings Ltd.

  • Lycamobile Group

  • Telefonica S.A

  • TracFone Wireless Inc.

  • VMB

  • TracFone Wireless, Inc.

  • Boost Mobile

  • Virgin Plus

  • Consumer Cellular

  • Cricket Wireless LLC.

  • DISH Wireless L.L.C.

  • FreedomPop

  • Locus Telecommunications, LLC.

A Full Report Analysis:

MVNO Market: Key Segmentations

By Operational Model:

  • Brand Reseller

  • Service Provider

  • Full MVNO

By Type:

  • Business

  • Discount

  • M2M

  • Media

  • Migrant

  • Retail

  • Roaming

  • Telecom

By Subscribers:

  • Business

  • Consumer

By Region:

  • North America

  • Latin America

  • Europe

  • East Asia

  • South Asia

  • Oceania

  • Middle East and Africa

Author By:

Sudip Saha is the managing director and co-founder at Future Market Insights, an award-winning market research and consulting firm. Sudip is committed to shaping the market research industry with credible solutions and constantly makes a buzz in the media with his thought leadership. His vast experience in market research and project management a consumer electronics will likely remain the leading end-use sector cross verticals in APAC, EMEA, and the Americas reflects his growth-oriented approach to clients.

He is a strong believer and proponent of innovation-based solutions, emphasizing customized solutions to meet one client's requirements at a time. His foresightedness and visionary approach recently got him recognized as the ‘Global Icon in Business Consulting' at the ET Inspiring Leaders Awards 2022.

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Der Markt für mobile virtuelle Netzbetreiber (MVNO) wird im Jahr 2024 voraussichtlich einen Wert von 81,42 Mrd. USD haben. Es wird erwartet, dass die Branche bis 2034 eine Bewertung von 167,7 Mrd. USD erreichen und im Prognosezeitraum mit einer CAGR von 7,5 % steigen wird. Die Branche der Betreiber mobiler virtueller Netzwerke expandiert weltweit aufgrund der steigenden Nachfrage nach personalisierten mobilen Diensten und wettbewerbsfähiger Vorschriften. Die Zunahme von Internet-of-Things-Anwendungen mit technologischen Entwicklungen trägt ebenfalls zum Wachstum des Marktes bei.

Mobile virtual network operators cater to new and existing clients by targeting a certain demographic, selling, and branding their wireless services separately. Cloud-based solutions, virtual conventions, and the shift by organizations toward remote work increase collaboration and connectivity, driving demand for network brands and cellular plans that facilitate secure data management and remote operation.

The MVNO market is expected to grow over the forecast period due to the rising demand for services such as cloud computing, mobile money, and machine-to-machine (M2M) transactions. The adoption of e-SIM is anticipated to expand the reach of the MVNO market. The e-SIM provides MVNO vendors with convenience and flexibility through the remote provisioning standards developed by the GSMA.

What are the Key Drivers and Restraints for Growth of the MVNO MARKET?

The rising need for communication-based services and remote work coupled with better network services are fueling the sales of mobile virtual network operators in every region, upgrading the workflow for the corporate spaces.

The rising digitization of various industries, growing penetration of smartphones, corporate mobile networks, and government initiatives are fueling the growth of the MVNO market. As covid-19 has pushed businesses to work remotely, generating a need for better communication network solutions.

MVNOs spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbesserung des Netzwerk- und Betriebsmodells und der Bereitstellung branchenspezifischer Kommunikationslösungen wie eines mobilen virtuellen Netzwerks. Unternehmen setzen MVNOs gegenüber MNOs ein, da sie flexibel und in der Lage sind, den erhöhten Datenverkehr jeder Unternehmensgröße zu bewältigen.

Der MVNO-Markt erhielt einen Schub durch die Bereitstellung von 5G-Netzwerkbandbreiten in Industrieländern, wodurch der Raum für Kommunikationsnetze erweitert wurde. Remote-Arbeit und der Bedarf an verbesserten Kommunikationsnetzwerken für die Datenübertragung in Verbindung mit Cloud-Räumen und schneller Verarbeitung tragen dazu bei, die Größe des MVNO-Marktes und seinen Platz in neuen Marktregionen zu erweitern.

"Die Telekommunikationsbranche entwickelt sich weiter, was zu einem Anstieg von Nischenmärkten und innovativen Geschäftsmodellen führt. Es wird erwartet, dass dieser Trend den Sektor der mobilen virtuellen Netzbetreiber (MVNO) ausweiten wird, wobei Partnerschaften zwischen MVNOs und Netzbetreibern immer häufiger werden. Technologische Fortschritte und regulatorische Änderungen diversifizieren den Markt weiter und bieten Chancen für Innovation und Wachstum", sagt Sudip Saha, Managing Director und Mitbegründer von Future Market Insights.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem MVNO-Markt

  • Es wird prognostiziert, dass die MVNO-Branche in den Vereinigten Staaten bis 2034 eine schleppende CAGR von 4,4 % verzeichnen wird.

  • Es wird erwartet, dass der deutsche Markt für mobile virtuelle Netzbetreiber bis 2034 eine schnelle CAGR von 7,0 % aufweisen wird.

  • Es wird erwartet, dass der japanische Markt für virtuelle Mobilfunknetzbetreiber bis 2034 eine vielversprechende CAGR von 8,7 % verzeichnen wird.

  • Der australische Markt weist eine beeindruckende CAGR von 11,0 % bis 2034 auf.

  • Es wird erwartet, dass der chinesische MVNO-Markt bis 2034 eine CAGR von 8,0 % aufweisen wird.

Wettbewerbslandschaft des MVNO-Marktes

Die Expansion des MVNO-Marktes ist auf die Zunahme innovativer Geschäftsmodelle und die sich entwickelnde Mobilfunkbranche zurückzuführen. Mit der wachsenden Nachfrage nach anpassungsfähigen und personalisierten Mobilfunkdiensten werden Partnerschaften zwischen MVNOs und etablierten Netzbetreibern wahrscheinlich immer häufiger werden.

Da sich 5G und andere technologische Fortschritte weiterentwickeln und neue Wege für MVNOs eröffnen, um verbesserte und einzigartige Dienste anzubieten. Darüber hinaus können sich regulatorische Änderungen auch auf die Dynamik des Sektors auswirken und die Marktexpansion und den Wettbewerb fördern. Der MVNO-Markt ist gut positioniert, um sich als Reaktion auf sich ändernde Kundenbedürfnisse und Markttrends weiter zu verändern und zu diversifizieren. Es gibt viele Unternehmungen für Innovation und Wachstum in der MVNO-Branche.

Wichtige Unternehmen auf dem Markt

  • AT&T Inc

  • CITIC Telecom International Holdings Ltd.

  • Lycamobile Gruppe

  • Telefónica S.A.

  • TracFone Wireless Inc.

  • VMB

  • TracFone Wireless, Inc.

  • Mobil stärken

  • Jungfrau Plus

  • Mobilfunk für Verbraucher

  • Cricket Wireless LLC.

  • DISH Wireless L.L.C.

  • FreedomPop (Englisch)

  • Locus Telecommunications, LLC.

MVNO-Markt: Wichtige Segmentierungen

Nach Betriebsmodell:

  • Marken-Wiederverkäufer

  • Dienstleister

  • Vollständiger MVNO

Nach Typ:

  • Geschäft

  • Rabatt

  • M2M

  • Medien

  • Migrant

  • Einzelhandel

  • Roaming

  • Telekommunikation

Nach Abonnenten:

  • Geschäft

  • Verbraucher

Nach Region:

  • Nordamerika

  • Lateinamerika

  • Europa

  • Ostasien

  • Südasien

  • Ozeanien

  • Naher Osten und Afrika

About Future Market Insights (FMI)

Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, recipient of the Stevie Award, and a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) offers profound insights into the driving factors that are boosting demand in the market. FMI stands as the leading global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, consulting, and events for the Packaging, Food and Beverage, Consumer Technology, Healthcare, Industrial, and Chemicals markets. With a vast team of over 400 analysts worldwide, FMI provides global, regional, and local expertise on diverse domains and industry trends across more than 110 countries.

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SOURCE: Future Market Insights Inc.

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