(Rule 14a-101)
Information Required in Proxy
Proxy Statement Pursuant to
Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
No. )
Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the
Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary
Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive
Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting
Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12
Hess Corporation
(Name of Registrant as Specified
in Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy
Statement if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the
appropriate box):
[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed
on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
1) Title
of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) Aggregate
number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) Per
unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11
(Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined):
4) Proposed
maximum aggregate value of transaction:
5) Total
fee paid:
[ ] Fee paid
previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if
any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by
registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the
date of its filing.
1) Amount
Previously Paid:
2) Form,
Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
3) Filing
4) Date
YORK, N.Y. 10036
March 25, 2010
Dear Stockholder:
The annual meeting of stockholders will be held at the Hess
Office Building, 1 Hess Plaza, Route 9, Woodbridge, New
Jersey, on Wednesday, May 5, 2010, at 2:00 P.M.,
local time. The formal notice of annual meeting and proxy
statement, which are contained in the following pages, outline
the action to be taken by the stockholders at the meeting.
You are cordially invited to attend this meeting. The Hess
Office Building can be reached, if you travel by car, from Exits
127 (northbound) and 130 (southbound) of the Garden State
Parkway or Exit 11 of the New Jersey Turnpike or, if you travel
by train, from the Metropark station in Iselin, New Jersey.
We are pleased to furnish our proxy materials to our
stockholders over the internet, as permitted by Securities and
Exchange Commission rules. We believe this process will enable
us to provide you with a convenient way to access our proxy
materials, while reducing the costs and environmental impact of
our annual meeting. A paper copy of our proxy materials may be
requested through one of the methods described in the Notice of
Internet Availability of Proxy Materials.
It is important that your shares be represented at the
meeting whether or not you are personally able to attend.
Accordingly, after reading the attached Notice of Annual Meeting
of Stockholders and Proxy Statement, please promptly submit your
proxy by telephone, internet or mail as described in your proxy
card or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials.
If you submit your proxy over the internet, you will have the
opportunity to agree to receive future stockholder documents
electronically via email, and we encourage you to do so. If you
have received a paper copy of the proxy materials and choose to
submit your vote by traditional proxy or voting instruction
card, please sign, date and mail the card in the enclosed
pre-addressed reply envelope. Your cooperation will be
Sincerely yours,
Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive
Wednesday, May 5, 2010, at 2:00 P.M.
To the Stockholders:
The annual meeting of stockholders of Hess Corporation will be
held at the Hess Office Building, 1 Hess Plaza, Route 9,
Woodbridge, New Jersey, on Wednesday, May 5, 2010, at 2:00
P.M., local time, for the following purposes:
To elect four directors for the ensuing three-year term
(pages 1 to 41 of proxy statement);
To act upon the ratification of the selection by the audit
committee of the board of directors of Ernst & Young LLP as
independent auditors (pages 41 and 42);
To approve an amendment to the companys 2008 long term
incentive plan (pages 43 to 55);
To act upon a stockholder proposal, which is opposed by the
board of directors (pages 55 to 57), if introduced at the
meeting; and
To transact any other business which properly may be brought
before the meeting.
All stockholders are cordially invited to attend, although only
stockholders of record at the close of business on
March 15, 2010 will be entitled to vote at the meeting.
By order of the board of directors,
George C. Barry
New York, New York
March 25, 2010
You are urged to date, sign and promptly return the proxy
card if you request paper copies of proxy materials, or to use
the telephone or internet method of voting described in your
proxy card or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy
Materials, so that if you are unable to attend the meeting your
shares can be voted.
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy
Materials for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on
May 5, 2010:
Hess Corporations proxy statement and 2009 annual report
are available at
The enclosed proxy is solicited by the board of directors of
Hess Corporation for use at the annual meeting of stockholders
on May 5, 2010, at 2:00 P.M., local time.
The companys principal executive office is located at 1185
Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036. The
approximate date on which this proxy statement is first being
furnished to stockholders is March 25, 2010.
Holders of record of common stock of the company at the close of
business on March 15, 2010 will be entitled to vote at the
annual meeting. Each share of common stock will be entitled to
one vote. On March 15, 2010, there were
328,236,103 shares of common stock outstanding. There are
no other voting securities of the company outstanding. A
majority of the outstanding shares of common stock, present in
person or represented by proxy, will constitute a quorum at the
annual meeting. Abstentions and broker
will be counted for purposes of determining the presence of a
quorum for the transaction of business.
In accordance with Securities and Exchange Commission rules, we
are making our proxy materials available to stockholders over
the internet. On or about March 25, 2010, we mailed a
Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials to our
stockholders. This Notice contains instructions on how to access
this proxy statement and our annual report and submit a proxy
over the internet. If you received a Notice by mail, you will
not receive a paper copy of the proxy materials unless you
request such materials by following the instructions contained
on the Notice.
If at the close of business on March 15, 2010 your shares were
held in an account at a brokerage firm, bank, dealer, or other
similar organization, then you are the beneficial owner of
shares held in street name and the Notice or proxy
materials, as applicable, are being forwarded to you by that
organization. The organization holding your account is
considered the shareholder of record for purposes of voting at
the annual meeting. As a beneficial owner, you have the right
to direct that organization on how to vote the shares in your
account. If that organization is not given specific direction,
shares held in the name of that organization may not be voted
and will not be considered as present and entitled to vote,
except with respect to the ratification of the companys
independent auditors. Please note that the rules that guide
how brokers vote your shares have recently changed. Brokers are
no longer permitted to vote your shares for the election of
directors without your instructions as to how to vote. Please
return your proxy card so that your vote can be counted.
If you are a registered stockholder, you can simplify your
voting by using the internet or calling a toll-free telephone
number. Internet and telephone voting information is provided on
the proxy card or Notice. A control number, located on the
instruction sheet attached to the proxy card or Notice, is
designated to verify a stockholders identity and allow the
stockholder to vote the shares and confirm that the voting
instructions have been recorded properly. If you vote via the
internet or by telephone, there is no need to return a signed
proxy card. However, you may still vote by proxy by using the
proxy card.
Proxies will be voted at the annual meeting in accordance with
the specifications you make on the proxy. If you sign the proxy
card or submit a proxy by telephone or over the internet and do
not specify how your shares are to be voted, your shares will be
for the election of directors nominated herein,
for the proposal to ratify the selection of Ernst &
Young LLP as independent auditors for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2010,
for the approval of an amendment to our 2008 long-term incentive
plan, and
against a stockholder proposal discussed herein.
You may revoke the proxy at any time prior to its use by
delivering a written notice to the secretary of the company, by
executing a later-dated proxy, by revoting your shares by
telephone or on the internet, or by attending the annual meeting
and voting in person.
At the annual meeting, four directors are to be elected to serve
for a term of three years and until their successors are elected
and qualified. It is intended that proxies will be voted for the
nominees set forth herein. Directors are elected by a plurality
of the votes cast. Accordingly, abstentions and broker non-votes
will not affect tabulation of the vote for directors. It is
expected that all candidates will be able to serve. However, if
one or more are unable to do so, the proxy holders will vote the
proxies for the remaining nominees and for substitute nominees
chosen by the board of directors unless it reduces the number of
directors to be elected.
The following table presents information as of March 3,
2010 on the nominees for election as directors of the company
and the directors continuing in their respective terms of
office, including the specific experience, qualifications,
attributes or skills that led the board to conclude that such
person should serve as a director:
for Director
Class I
For the three-year term expiring
in 2013
Principal occupation,
other directorships and experience
Nicholas F. Brady
Chairman, Choptank Partners, Inc. (investment firm); Chairman,
Darby Overseas Investments, Ltd. (investment firm); Former
Secretary of the United States Department of the Treasury;
Former Chairman of the Board, Dillon, Read & Co.
Inc. (former investment banking firm). Director, Franklin
Templeton Investment Fund, Holowesko Partners Ltd., Weatherford
International Ltd. Former Director, H.J. Heinz Company. During
his career in public and private sector service, Mr. Brady
acquired financial, managerial and investment banking
experience, international public policy knowledge, and
relationships in business and government.
Gregory P. Hill
Executive Vice President and President, Worldwide Exploration
and Production. Mr. Hill has over 25 years experience
in the oil and gas industry. His in-depth knowledge of
exploration and production operations, both as to the industry
generally and the company in particular, helps to inform the
board on decisions relating to this segment of the
companys business.
Thomas H. Kean
President, THK Consulting, LLC (consulting firm); Former
President, Drew University; Former Governor of the State of New
Jersey. Director, Franklin Resources, Inc. Former Director, The
CIT Group, Inc., The Pepsi Bottling Group, United Health Group
Incorporated. Mr. Kean has varied experience in government,
education and the private sector.
Frank A. Olson
Former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, The
Hertz Corporation. Director or trustee of various Franklin
Templeton mutual funds. Former Director, Becton Dickinson and
Company, White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd. During his career,
Mr. Olson acquired managerial, marketing and financial
of Board of Directors Continuing in Office
Class II
Term expiring in 2011
Principal occupation,
other directorships and experience
Edith E. Holiday
Corporate Director and Trustee; Former Assistant to the
President of the United States and Secretary of the Cabinet;
Former General Counsel, United States Department of the
Treasury. Director, Canadian National Railway Company, H.J.
Heinz Company, RTI International Metals, Inc., White Mountains
Insurance Group Ltd., Director or trustee of various Franklin
Templeton mutual funds. Ms. Holiday has legal and
managerial experience in the public and private sectors.
John H. Mullin III
Chairman, Ridgeway Farm LLC (private company engaged in timber
and farming activity); Former Managing Director, Dillon, Read
& Co. Inc. (former investment banking firm). Director,
Progress Energy, Inc., Sonoco Products Company. Former Trustee,
The Putnam Funds. Former Director, The Liberty Corp.
Mr. Mullin has a financial background and investment
banking experience.
F. Borden Walker
Executive Vice President and President, Marketing and Refining.
Mr. Walker has over 30 years experience in the oil and
gas industry. Mr. Walkers in-depth knowledge of
marketing and refining operations, both as to the industry
generally and the company in particular, helps to inform the
boards decisions on matters relating to this segment of
the companys business.
Robert N. Wilson
Chairman, Still River Systems (medical device company);
Former Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Johnson &
Johnson. Director, Charles Schwab Corporation, Synta
Pharmaceuticals Corp. Former Director, United States Trust
Corporation. During his career, Mr. Wilson acquired
managerial, marketing, financial and international experience.
Class III
Term expiring in 2012
Principal occupation,
other directorships and experience
John B. Hess
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Director, Dow
Chemical Company. Mr. Hess has 33 years experience
with the company and is its longest-serving director. During his
career, Mr. Hess has acquired in-depth knowledge of the
companys strategy and operations and the history of the
companys development, and he and his family have had a
long-standing commitment to the company.
Samuel W. Bodman
Former Secretary of the United States Department of Energy;
Former Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of the
Treasury. Director, E.I. duPont de Nemours and Company, AES
Corporation. Prior to his government service Mr. Bodman was
chairman of the board and chief executive officer of a global
specialty chemicals company, which also had activities in
liquefied natural gas, and was president and chief operating
officer of a large financial services firm. During his career in
the public and private sector, Mr. Bodman acquired
managerial, financial and technical experience, particularly as
they relate to the energy sector.
Principal occupation,
other directorships and experience
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
President and Chief Executive Officer, The Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation. Director, Genworth Financial, Inc. Former Director,
Beckman Coulter Inc. Dr. Lavizzo-Mourey has varied
managerial and technical experience in matters relating to
charitable organizations and health care.
Craig G. Matthews
Former Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, KeySpan
Corporation (gas distribution, electricity generation and energy
services company). Former Chief Executive Officer, President and
Director, NUI, Inc. (natural gas distribution company).
Director, National Fuel Gas Company. During his career,
Mr. Matthews acquired managerial and financial experience,
particularly in applying accounting principles to issues
affecting energy companies, relevant to his service as the
financial expert on the companys audit committee.
Ernst H. von Metzsch
Managing Member, Cambrian Capital, L.P. (investment firm);
Former Senior Vice President and Partner, Wellington Management
Company (investment company). During his career, Mr. von Metzsch
specialized in investments in energy companies and currently
heads his own investment firm. During his career, Mr. von
Metzsch acquired financial experience and knowledge of the
energy industry and views of the investment community.
All of the nominees and directors named above have held
substantially the positions or former positions indicated for
the past five years, except as described below. From 2005 to
2009, Mr. Bodman was Secretary of the United States
Department of Energy and in 2004 was Deputy Secretary of the
United States Department of the Treasury. Prior to his joining
the company in January 2009, Mr. Hill was employed by Royal
Dutch Shell plc. and its affiliates for 25 years, having served
most recently in senior executive positions in exploration and
production operations. Prior to becoming president of THK
Consulting, LLC in 2005, Mr. Kean was president of Drew
University for thirteen years. Mr. Wilson retired as vice
chairman of Johnson & Johnson in 2003 and was chairman
of Caxton Health Holdings LLC from 2004 to 2007.
John B. Hess, Nicholas F. Brady and Thomas H. Kean may be
deemed to be control persons of the company by virtue of their
beneficial ownership of common stock as described under
Ownership of Voting Securities by Certain Beneficial
The board of directors met 9 times in 2009, including 8
regularly scheduled meetings and 1 special meeting. Each
director attended at least 75% of the aggregate of all board of
directors meetings and all meetings of the committees of the
board of directors on which he or she served during 2009.
Non-management directors meet without members of management
present generally after each regularly scheduled board meeting.
The chairman of the corporate governance and nominating
committee, Nicholas F. Brady, presides at these meetings.
The company expects all directors and nominees to attend the
annual meeting of stockholders. All directors attended last
years annual meeting.
and Nominee Independence
The board of directors has affirmatively determined that ten of
the thirteen directors on the board, including Mr. Bodman,
Mr. Brady, Ms. Holiday, Mr. Kean,
Ms. Lavizzo-Mourey, Mr. Mullin, Mr. Matthews,
Mr. Olson, Mr. von Metzsch and Mr. Wilson, are
independent within the meaning of rules and standards of the New
York Stock Exchange. The board determined that these directors
and nominees not only met all bright-line criteria
under these rules, but also that, based on all known relevant
facts and circumstances, there did not exist any relationship
that would compromise the independence of these directors. In
particular, the board affirmatively determined that service by
Messrs. Brady and Kean as executors of the estate of Leon
Hess and as trustees of certain related trusts and entities does
not impair their independence because there are no factors
relating to such service that would exert influence on their
decisions with respect to matters affecting the company.
Governance Guidelines
The board has approved a set of corporate governance guidelines
in accordance with rules of the New York Stock Exchange. These
guidelines set forth the key policies relating to corporate
governance, including director qualification standards, director
responsibilities and director compensation. The board has also
approved a code of business conduct and ethics in accordance
with rules of the New York Stock Exchange and the Securities and
Exchange Commission applicable to all directors, officers and
employees, including the chief executive officer, the principal
financial and accounting officer and other senior financial
officers. The code is intended to provide guidance to directors
and management to assure compliance with law and promote ethical
behavior. Copies of the companys corporate governance
guidelines and its code of business conduct and ethics may be
found on the companys website at and
are also available without charge upon request to the
companys corporate secretary at its principal executive
office set forth on the first page of this proxy statement.
and Interested Party Communications
Any stockholder or interested party who wishes to communicate or
request a meeting with members of the board of directors or with
only non-management directors or any specified individual
director may do so by writing to them in care of the Chairperson
of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee, Hess
Corporation, P.O. Box 2694, Easton, Maryland 21601. The
stockholders may also communicate directly to the chairperson of
this committee by
e-mail to Communications sent by mail or e-mail
will be reviewed by the chairperson of the corporate governance
and nominating committee and will be referred for resolution and
response as deemed appropriate by the chairperson. If a
stockholder requests a meeting, the corporate governance and
nominating committee will decide whether the subject matter is a
proper one to be addressed by the board and, if so, whether a
meeting is warranted. The corporate governance and nominating
committee will meet periodically to review all stockholder
communications received.
Leadership Structure
At present, the board of directors of the company has chosen to
combine the positions of chief executive officer and chairman of
the board. While the board believes it is important to
retain the organizational flexibility to determine whether the
roles of chairman of the board and chief executive officer
should be separated or combined in one individual, the board
currently believes that the interests of the company and its
shareholders are better served with one individual serving in
both roles. While there may be circumstances in which an
independent chairman is appropriate, the board currently
believes that the chief executive officer is the individual with
the necessary experience, commitment and support of the other
board members to effectively carry out the role of chairman.
The board believes this structure promotes better alignment of
strategic development and execution, more effective
implementation of strategic initiatives, and clearer
accountability for their success or failure. Moreover, the board
believes that combining the chairman and chief executive officer
positions does not impede independent oversight. Ten of the
thirteen members of the board of directors are independent under
New York Stock Exchange rules. Mr. Nicholas Brady, chairman
of the corporate governance and nominating committee, acts as
the lead independent director for the board. The independent
directors meet in an executive session after each regular board
meeting and Mr. Brady acts as chairman of these sessions,
at which the independent directors have the opportunity to
frankly discuss management performance.
Party Transactions
The company expects all directors and executive officers to
bring to the companys attention any related party
transactions, including transactions which may be required to be
disclosed under Item 404 of
Regulation S-K
promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The
companys code of business conduct and ethics provides that
if any company representative, including a director or officer,
considers conducting any transaction that reasonably would be
expected to give rise to a conflict of interest between the
representative and the company, such representative must
disclose such transaction in advance to the companys legal
department for review. In addition, the company annually sends
each director and executive officer a questionnaire requiring
such person to describe any transaction contemplated under
Item 404 or in the case of independent directors, any
transaction that might compromise their independence. The
company also annually conducts a review of its accounting
records to determine whether any such related transaction
occurred in the prior fiscal year. If any proposed or existing
related transaction is identified, the transaction is brought to
the general counsel for review. If the general counsel
determines the transaction poses a conflict of interest, or
would compromise the independence of a non-management director,
the general counsel will advise the audit committee of the
transaction and the audit committee will determine whether the
transaction, if proposed, may proceed and if existing, may
continue to exist.
and Management Development Committee
The compensation and management development committee of the
board of directors is composed of Thomas H. Kean, Chairman,
Samuel W. Bodman, Nicholas F. Brady, Frank A. Olson,
Ernst H. von Metzsch and Robert N. Wilson. The board
has determined that each member of this committee is independent
within the meaning of applicable rules of the New York Stock
Exchange. This committee met four times in 2009.
The board of directors has adopted a written charter for the
compensation and management development committee in accordance
with applicable rules of the New York Stock Exchange. A current
copy of this charter is available on the companys website,, and also available without charge upon
request to the companys corporate secretary at the
companys principal executive office set forth on the first
page of this proxy statement. As stated in the charter, this
committees principal responsibilities are to:
approve the compensation of the companys chief executive
monitor the companys compensation and benefit programs,
administer and make awards of stock-based compensation under the
companys long-term incentive plans,
review management development and succession programs, and
prepare its annual report on executive compensation for the
companys proxy statement.
The committees processes for determining executive
compensation are described in Compensation Discussion and
Analysis on page 13.
Governance and Nominating Committee, Board Diversity and
Consideration of Stockholder Recommended Candidates
The corporate governance and nominating committee is composed of
Nicholas F. Brady, Chairman, Samuel W. Bodman, Edith E.
Holiday and Thomas H. Kean. The board of directors has
determined that each member of this committee is independent
within the meaning of applicable rules of the New York Stock
Exchange. The corporate governance and nominating committee met
two times in 2009.
The board of directors has adopted a written charter for the
corporate governance and nominating committee in accordance with
applicable rules of the New York Stock Exchange. A current copy
of this charter is available on the companys website,, and is also available without charge upon
request to the companys secretary at the companys
principal executive office set forth on the first page of this
proxy statement. As stated in this charter, this
committees principal responsibilities are to:
identify and recommend individuals to the board for nomination
as members of the board and its committees consistent with
criteria approved by the board,
make recommendations to the board relating to board practices
and corporate governance, and
develop, recommend to the board and periodically review a set of
corporate governance principles applicable to the company.
This committee recommends for election as directors qualified
candidates identified through a variety of sources, including
stockholder suggestions. Stockholders may suggest candidates by
writing to the committee, in care of the secretary of the
company at the companys principal executive office set
forth on the first page of this proxy statement. Stockholder
suggestions should include a summary of the candidates
qualifications, the
information required by Securities and Exchange Commission rules
for director nominees and contact information for the candidate.
In accordance with the companys corporate governance
guidelines approved by the board of directors, nominees are
reviewed and recommended based on a variety of criteria
personal qualities and characteristics, education, background,
accomplishments and reputation in the business community;
current knowledge of the energy industry or industries relevant
to the companys business and relationships with
individuals or organizations affecting the domestic and
international areas in which the company does business;
ability and willingness to commit adequate time to board and
committee matters;
the fit of the individuals skills and personality with
those of other directors and potential directors in building a
board that is effective, collegial and responsive to the needs
of the company;
diversity of viewpoints, background and experience; and
compatibility with independence and other qualifications
established by applicable law and rules.
As noted above, among the criteria used to evaluate nominees for
the Board is diversity of viewpoints, background and experience.
The Board believes that such diversity provides varied
perspectives which promote active and constructive dialogue
among Board members and between the Board and management,
resulting in more effective oversight of managements
formulation and implementation of strategic initiatives. The
Board believes this diversity is amply demonstrated in the
varied experience, qualifications and skills of the current
members of the Board. In the Boards executive sessions and
in annual performance evaluations conducted by the Board and its
committees, the Board from time to time considers whether the
members of the Board reflect such diversity and whether such
diversity contributes to a constructive and collegial
The committee meets to recommend nominees for election at each
annual meeting early in the year, generally at a February
meeting. From time to time throughout the year, in advance of
that meeting, members of the committee will be furnished
appropriate materials regarding any new nominees and may from
time to time meet with new potential candidates. Stockholder
suggestions should be submitted no later than December 1 for
consideration as nominees for election at the next annual
meeting and otherwise in accordance with the companys
policy and by-laws. The committee follows the same process of
identifying and evaluating nominees recommended by stockholders
as that for candidates recommended by any other source.
Each of the nominees for election at the 2010 annual meeting was
initially recommended either by the non-management directors on
the corporate governance and nominating committee (or its
predecessor committee) or the chief executive officer. The
committee currently does not retain a search firm to identify
potential candidates and has not paid fees to any third parties
to assist in identifying or evaluating potential nominees.
The audit committee of the board of directors is composed of
Robert N. Wilson, Chairman, Edith E. Holiday, Craig G. Matthews,
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, John H. Mullin and Frank A. Olson. The
board has determined that each member of the audit committee is
independent within the meaning of applicable rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock
Exchange. The board has also determined that Craig G. Matthews
is the audit committee financial expert as this term
is defined under applicable rules of the Securities and Exchange
Commission. The audit committee met six times in 2009. In
addition, the audit committee held four reviews of quarterly
financial results with management and independent registered
public accountants.
The board of directors has adopted a written charter for the
audit committee in accordance with applicable rules of the New
York Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
A current copy of the charter is attached as Annex A to the
proxy statement. The charter is also available on the
companys website at and without charge
upon request to the companys corporate secretary at its
principal executive office set forth on the first page of the
proxy statement. As stated in the charter, the audit
committees principal responsibility is to provide
assistance to the board of directors in fulfilling its oversight
responsibility to the shareholders, the investment community and
others relating to:
the companys financial statements,
the financial reporting practices of the company,
the systems of internal accounting and financial controls,
the internal audit function,
the annual independent audit of the companys financial
the retention of outside auditors and review of their
independence, and
the review of risk and risk controls.
Report of
the Audit Committee
The audit committee of the board of directors oversees the
companys financial reporting on behalf of the board.
Management is responsible for the system of internal controls
and for preparing financial statements. The independent
registered public accountants are responsible for expressing an
opinion on the fair presentation of the financial statements in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The
audit committee operates in accordance with a charter approved
by the board of directors.
In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the audit
committee reviewed and discussed the audited financial
statements of the company for the year ended December 31,
2009 with management and the independent registered public
accountants. Management represented to the committee that these
statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles. The audit committee also discussed
accounting policies, significant judgements inherent in the
financial statements, disclosures and other matters required by
generally accepted auditing standards with management and the
independent registered
public accountants. In addition, the committee has received from
the independent registered public accountants the annual
independence disclosures and letter pursuant to Rule 3526 of the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding the
independent registered public accountants communications
with the audit committee concerning independence and discussed
with them their independence from management and the company. In
that connection, the audit committee considered the
compatibility of all non-audit services with the auditors
During 2009, the audit committee met with management, the
independent registered public accountants and the internal
auditors to discuss:
the annual audit scope and plans for their respective audits,
the adequacy of staffing and related fees,
the results of their examinations,
the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls over
financial reporting and disclosure controls and procedures,
issues raised on the companys hotline reporting system,
matters related to risk and risk controls, and
all other applicable matters required to be considered by
Statement on Auditing Standards Nos. 112 and 114.
The audit committee also met separately with the independent
registered public accountants and the internal auditors without
management present.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions with management and
the independent registered public accountants, the audit
committee recommended to the board of directors, and the board
approved, the inclusion of the audited financial statements in
the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. The audit committee has also
selected Ernst & Young LLP as independent registered
public accountants for 2010. The board has proposed that the
stockholders ratify this selection at the annual meeting.
Robert N. Wilson, Chairman
Edith E. Holiday
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
Craig G. Matthews
John H. Mullin
Frank A. Olson
Management Oversight
In the normal course of its business, the company is exposed to
a variety of risks, including market risks relating to changes
in commodity prices, interest rates and currencies, technical
risks affecting the companys resource base, political
risks and credit and investment risk.
The company operates a risk control program under the direction
of its chief risk officer and through its corporate risk policy,
which senior management has approved. The company is developing
and implementing an enterprise risk program across the company
to strengthen the consistency of risk consideration in making
business decisions. For marketing and trading activities, risk
limits are monitored and reported on a daily basis to business
units and to senior management. The company has a risk
committee, chaired by the chief financial officer, consisting of
key finance, legal and control executives that meets throughout
the year to review risk exposures and controls as well as
provide sponsorship of the companys enterprise risk
The audit committee of the board of directors has been delegated
primary responsibility for oversight of the companys risk
management practices. At least annually the chief risk officer
presents a comprehensive review of the companys corporate
risk policy to the audit committee, discussing the risk control
organization and risk control practices. The audit committee
will also receive updates at other meetings during the year on
any particular matters relating to risk controls that management
believes needs to be brought to the attention of the committee.
In addition, the full Board of Directors has oversight of the
companys risk management policies with an emphasis on
understanding the key enterprise risks affecting the
companys business and the ways in which the company
attempts to prudently mitigate such risks, to the extent
reasonably practicable and consistent with the companys
long-term strategies. The chief risk officer reviews the
enterprise risk program with the board annually.
Compensation and Other Information
Discussion and Analysis
Compensation Objectives and Policies
The compensation and management development committee of the
board of directors approves and oversees our executive
compensation programs. The objective of our executive
compensation programs is to attract and retain executives and
motivate them to achieve our business goals through a
combination of cash and stock-based compensation. We attempt to
reinforce the link between pay and performance by structuring
executive compensation so that executives are rewarded if
corporate, business unit and individual performance goals are
achieved. Moreover, the committee believes that a significant
portion of compensation should be related to our common stock in
order to align senior management interests more closely with
those of our stockholders and to provide incentives to work for
the long-term profitable growth of the company. The
companys compensation strategy is intended to mitigate
business risk by emphasizing long-term compensation and
performance measures correlated with growing stockholder value.
The principal elements of an executives total compensation
consist of:
cash salary,
annual cash bonus, and
long-term equity compensation, consisting of stock options and
restricted stock awards.
However, we also review other elements of compensation,
including retirement benefits, life insurance, savings, health
and welfare plans and other benefits offered to employees
generally in order to evaluate the entire compensation package
offered to executives.
and Procedures for Determining Compensation and Role of
Compensation Consultants
The compensation and management development committee has
exclusive authority for approving the compensation of the chief
executive officer and the other named executive officers. The
human resources department, acting under the supervision of the
chief executive officer, develops compensation recommendations
for all officers and employees, including the named executive
officers, in accordance with the compensation objectives and
policies more fully described elsewhere in this compensation
discussion and analysis.
To assist its review of the compensation recommendations, in
2009 the committee engaged the firm Towers Perrin (currently,
Towers Watson) as compensation consultant. In this capacity,
Towers Perrin reported exclusively to the compensation and
management development committee, which has sole authority to
engage, dismiss and approve the terms of engagement of the
The compensation consultants principal responsibility is
to advise the compensation and management development committee
on compensation recommendations for the named executive
officers, as well as on general matters relating to executive
compensation strategy and programs. Although the consultant
interacts with senior executives in our human resources
department and with senior management in developing compensation
recommendations, the consultant meets privately with the
committee in advising on compensation levels
for the chief executive officer and the other named executive
officers. Final decisions on compensation for these individuals
are made solely by the committee.
During 2009 Towers Perrin provided other services to the
company, including compiling and assisting in analyzing survey
data from comparative groups used for analysis of competitive
compensation levels, advising on compensation trends and
developments, and reviewing compensation-related disclosure in
the proxy statement. The fee for Towers Perrins services
as compensation consultant to the compensation and management
development committee in 2009 was approximately $177,000.
The fees for other services described above provided to the
company by Towers Perrin in 2009 were approximately $86,000.
The compensation recommendations are reviewed annually by the
compensation and management development committee, usually at
its February meeting. The chief executive officer meets with the
compensation and management development committee and the
compensation consultant to review compensation recommendations
for executive officers directly reporting to him, including the
other named executive officers. Thereafter, the compensation and
management development committee meets privately with the
compensation consultant to review the compensation
recommendations. The compensation and management development
committee then determines the chief executive officers and
other executive officers compensation based on the advice
of the compensation consultant in accordance with the
compensation objectives and policies described below.
In accordance with its charter, the corporate governance and
nominating committee periodically reviews and determines
appropriate levels of compensation for directors. To assist in
conducting this review and making these determinations, this
committee has in the past engaged a consultant, Mercer Human
Resources Consulting, to compile comparative data and make
Compensation Methodology and Comparator Group
In order to ensure that our compensation and benefit programs
are competitive within our industry, the committee reviews data
from a comparative group of companies. In 2009, for the named
executive officers, comparative data was collected by the
compensation consultant from the following group of oil and gas
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Marathon Oil Corporation
Apache Corporation
Murphy Oil Corporation
Ashland Inc.
Occidental Petroleum Corporation
BP plc
Shell Oil Corporation
Chevron Corporation
Sunoco Inc.
Tesoro Petroleum Corporation
Devon Energy Corporation
The Williams Companies, Inc.
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Valero Energy Corporation
Direct Compensation
Generally, our objective is to deliver competitive total direct
compensation, consisting of cash salary, cash bonus and
long-term equity compensation, if specified corporate and
business unit performance metrics and individual performance
objectives are met. We consider competitive total direct
compensation to be total direct compensation for an executive
officer that is at or above that paid to executive officers
performing similar functions at a majority of our peer
companies. We choose to pay this level of compensation in order
to remain competitive in attracting and retaining talented
executives. Many of our competitors are significantly larger and
have financial resources greater than our own. The competition
for experienced, technically proficient executive talent in the
oil and gas industry is acute, as companies seek to draw from a
limited pool of such executives to explore for and develop
hydrocarbons that increasingly are in more remote areas and are
technologically more difficult to access. We believe that it is
necessary to pay at this level to attract talented professionals
who might otherwise believe that they are not sufficiently
rewarded for the risk of relocating from a larger to a smaller
competitor in the oil and gas industry. Variations in total
direct compensation among the named executive officers reflect
differences in competitive pay for their positions as well as
the size and complexity of the business units or functions they
oversee, the performance of those business units or functions,
and individual performance.
We structure total direct compensation to the named executive
officers so that most of this compensation is delivered in the
form of equity awards in order to provide incentives to work
toward long-term profitable growth that will enhance stockholder
returns. We also structure their cash compensation so that a
significant portion is at risk under the cash bonus plan,
payable based on corporate, business unit and individual
performance. We believe that the mix and structure of
compensation strikes a balance to promote
returns without motivating or rewarding excessive risk taking.
In the following sections, we further detail each component of
total direct compensation.
In determining base salary level for executive officers, the
committee considers the following qualitative and quantitative
job level and responsibilities,
relevant experience,
individual performance,
recent corporate and business unit performance, and
our objective of paying competitive total direct compensation if
performance metrics are met.
We review base salaries annually, but we do not necessarily
award salary increases each year. From time to time base
salaries may be adjusted other than as a result of an annual
review, in order to address competitive pressures or in
connection with a promotion.
2009 Base Salary. In response to the decline in crude oil
and natural gas prices in late 2008 resulting from the global
recession, the committee did not grant salary increases to the
named executive officers and other executive officers for 2009.
Accordingly, 2009 salaries for Messrs. Hess, Walker and
Rielly remained at 2008 levels. Messrs. Hill and Goodell
joined the company in January 2009.
CompensationCash Bonus Plan
Elements of Cash Bonus Plan. The annual cash bonus
plan for executive officers has both quantitative and
qualitative elements. We establish a target bonus for each
executive officer based on his or her job level and
responsibility and competitive levels for similar positions. For
executive officers, including the named executive officers:
one-third of the target bonus is based on the attainment of a
specified target level of a corporate performance metric,
one-third is based on attainment of specified business unit
metrics, and
one-third is based on individual performance and other
qualitative factors.
We developed these weightings to link two-thirds of the bonus to
quantifiable performance measures but also to permit discretion
to recognize individual performance. Payouts may range from 0%
to 150% for each component of the target bonus, depending upon
the percent of attainment of the corporate and business unit
performance measures and, with respect to the individual
performance component, the committees determination of an
appropriate amount. In determining the individual performance
component, the committee may also take into consideration the
desired level of total direct compensation for a particular
executive officer.
Determination of Corporate Performance Metric. Our
corporate performance metric for 2009 was net income before
after-tax interest expense and items affecting the comparability
of income between periods. The amount attained for 2009 is
calculated as shown under 2009 Cash Bonus Plan
Payouts below. The specific target level of the corporate
performance measure to be attained is established with the
intention of motivating superior financial performance compared
with that of our peers. For the years 2004 through 2009, maximum
payout of the corporate performance metric was attained in four
of these years and a payout above target but below the maximum
payout was attained in two years.
Determination of Business Unit Metrics. Business
unit metrics vary for exploration and production and marketing
and refining and may also vary among units within a division.
Business unit metrics for exploration and production executives
may include, for example, exploration prospectivity additions,
production growth, controllable costs and safety. Metrics for
marketing and refining executives may include, for example,
income, controllable costs, margins and safety. The specific
targeted levels of business unit performance that are to be
attained are established with the intention of motivating
continued improved performance in an effort to attain first
quartile performance compared to our peers. For the years 2004
through 2009, attainment of maximum payout on the business unit
metrics for exploration and production and marketing and
refining on average was not achieved. Attainment of target
payout on business unit metrics for marketing and refining was
not achieved in four of those years and in two years was at
or above target but below maximum payout, while in exploration
and production payout was above target but below maximum payout
in five of these years and at target in one year.
Assessment of Individual Performance. We assess
individual performance on a discretionary basis in view of
specific performance objectives developed for each executive at
the beginning of each year. Each executives manager, in
consultation with the executive, develops a set of strategic,
financial and operational objectives that the executive will
attempt to achieve
during that year. At the end of the year, the manager reviews
with the executive the extent to which each of these objectives
was attained. The chief executive officer conducts these
performance reviews for the other named executive officers and
makes compensation recommendations to the committee based on
these reviews. The committee then reviews the chief executive
officers attainment of his performance objectives.
Attainment of an executives performance objectives
influences not only the individual performance component of his
or her annual cash bonus, but also the levels of long-term
equity compensation and base salary.
2009 Cash Bonus Plan Payouts. Payouts to the named
executive officers for corporate and business unit performance
are shown in column (g), and payouts for individual performance
are included in column (d), of the Summary Compensation Table.
In 2009, the company attained above target but less than maximum
payout on the corporate performance goal. The amount of the
corporate metric attained in 2009 was $967 million, which
is determined as follows:
(Millions of Dollars)
Net Income Attributable to Hess Corporation
Page 44 of 2009
Form 10-K
Plus: Items of expense affecting comparability between periods
Page 20 of 2009
Form 10-K,
second table
Plus: After-Tax Interest Expense
Page 26 of 2009
Form 10-K,
first table
2009 Corporate Performance Amount
Payouts for the business unit component of the 2009 cash bonus
were determined as explained below.
Greg P. Hill. Business unit metrics for
exploration and production for 2009 included nine financial
and operational metrics. Although no single business unit metric
was material to Mr. Hills 2009 cash bonus, certain metrics
that affected exploration and production business unit
performance in 2009 were production growth, exploration
prospectivity additions, safety and operating costs and capital
expenditure control. Production increased by 7%, new exploration
acreage was added in the Marcellus shale play, in the Gulf of
Mexico and Indonesia and significant cost reductions were
achieved. Performance on these and other metrics resulted in
payout on the business unit component of Mr. Hills
2009 bonus that was above target.
F. Borden Walker. Business unit metrics for
marketing and refining included approximately 20 financial
and operating metrics. Although no single business unit metric
was material to Mr. Walkers 2009 cash bonus, certain
metrics that affected marketing and refining business unit
performance in 2009 were energy marketing net income, retail
marketing direct cash expense and net operating costs. Energy
marketing experienced continued strong results and cost
containment initiatives progressed. However, lower margins
continued to prevail in refining and retail marketing. As a
result of performance on these and other metrics, payout on the
business unit component of Mr. Walkers 2009 bonus was
moderately above target.
John B. Hess, Timothy B. Goodell and John P.
Rielly. The business unit component of the cash
bonus for corporate staff, including Messrs. Hess, Goodell
and Rielly, is determined as a composite of business unit
performance across the exploration and production and
marketing and refining business units. This resulted in a
business unit component payout for these named executive
officers that was above target for 2009.
As explained above, we assess individual performance on a
discretionary basis in view of performance objectives developed
for each named executive officer at the beginning of each year.
Certain objectives in 2009 were common to each of these
officers, such as developing succession plans for themselves as
well as senior staff within their organizations and overseeing
performance evaluation and recruiting and talent management and
development programs within their organizations. The committee
took note of progress in these areas. In addition, in assessing
individual performance of the named executive officers, the
committee considered the achievements described below. However,
the Committee also considered certain other principally external
factors that negatively affected performance, such as lower
average commodity prices than in the prior year and continued
weaker refining and marketing margins, reflecting the general
economic downturn, which in turn negatively affected shareholder
returns. These factors negatively affected the discretionary
component of the 2009 cash bonus plan resulting in payouts
approximately at target for the discretionary component of the
2009 cash bonus.
John B. Hess. Mr. Hess key objectives
for 2009 were to lead the continued execution of the
companys strategy for long-term profitable growth to
increase shareholder value, to pursue strategic business
initiatives that create optionality for future growth, and to
foster and enhance the companys relationships with its
stakeholders, including investors, national oil companies,
business partners, employees and countries and communities in
which we operate. In 2009, under Mr. Hess leadership,
the company:
achieved earnings of $740 million in a challenging and volatile
market environment,
continued to build and develop an attractive portfolio of
investment opportunities to deliver sustainable growth in
reserves and production,
underscored its commitment to making a long-lasting positive
impact on the communities in which the company operates by
furthering education initiatives in Equatorial Guinea and health
programs and assistance in Africa, and
achieved recognition for good corporate citizenship from
independent organizations for the companys efforts to
build a sustainable enterprise through its environmental and
social responsibility programs.
Greg P. Hill. Mr. Hills key
objectives for 2009 were to lead the execution of the
exploration and production business strategy to profitably grow
reserves and production on a sustainable basis and promote
operational efficiency through continued business process
improvements. In 2009, the company:
achieved production growth of 7%,
replaced 103% of production in a year of significantly reduced
investment due to lower commodity prices,
achieved significant cost reductions to maintain financial
strength, and
advanced opportunities for significant growth in North Dakota,
Pennsylvania, Norway, Australia, and the Gulf of Mexico.
F. Borden Walker. Mr. Walkers
key objectives for 2009 were to lead the execution of the
marketing and refining business strategy to generate earnings
and free cash flow and drive operational improvements. In 2009,
the company:
grew energy marketing natural gas, electricity, and fuel oil
expanded convenience store sales through a new product offering,
made significant operating cost reductions in all business
units, and
generated $168 million in marketing earnings in a
challenging economic environment.
John P. Rielly. Mr. Riellys key
objectives for 2009 were to oversee the companys
accounting, financial, tax, risk management and information
systems functions and to maintain the companys financial
strength and liquidity during the global economic crisis while
continuing to safeguard and enhance the companys system of
internal controls. In 2009 the company:
improved its liquidity position by completing two debt offerings
totaling $2 billion and repurchasing $546 million of
bonds due in 2011,
initiated cost saving reduction efforts that resulted in savings
of over $200 million, and
began the initial implementation of a budget and forecast
process and system improvement project to standardize and
upgrade the companys global budget and forecast processes
and systems.
B. Goodell. Mr. Goodells key
objectives for 2009 were to provide leadership of the
companys legal functions and to further the companys
environment, health, safety and social responsibility programs.
In 2009, the company:
successfully mitigated various legal risks while at the same
time reducing costs,
continued its improvement in environmental, health and safety
performance, achieving its best performance to date in employee
safety, and
progressed its program to improve primary education in
Equatorial Guinea, with the program having reached about
one-half of the school age children in the country and over 900
teachers about to graduate from the training program.
General Objectives. The company believes that
long-term compensation is an important incentive and retention
tool. Therefore, it is a major portion of each executive
officers total compensation package. The committee has
authority to grant a variety of stock-based compensation under
the long-term incentive plan, last approved by stockholders in
2008. Awards to executive officers under the plan have consisted
of restricted stock and stock options. We believe the
combination of these two types of stock awards gives executives
considerable incentive to maximize long-term financial growth
for stockholders and helps retain individuals necessary for
future growth and profitability.
Timing of Awards. We have adopted a policy generally
to make long-term equity compensation awards annually, at the
committees regular February meeting. We believe this is
the appropriate time to make awards and set prices for options,
because it is soon after the date in late January when we
publicly disclose our earnings for the prior fiscal year and
other material information. However, the committee retains
discretion to vary the timing of awards as it deems appropriate.
Awards of restricted stock and payout of cash bonuses to the
named executive officers are made in early March after our
financial statements have been audited by our independent public
accountants, as required by our performance incentive plan for
senior officers approved by stockholders in 2006 to permit
deductibility of these compensation expenses under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. Awards of
options and restricted stock to newly-hired employees and
special merit awards to existing employees are made on the date
of the next regularly scheduled board meeting following
commencement of employment or the date management recommends a
special award. Option exercise prices have not been set on any
date other than the date of grant. The committee has never
opportunistically selected grant dates to achieve more favorable
option exercise prices, nor have options ever been repriced to
increase the value of an award.
Terms of Awards. Restricted stock awards generally
vest in three years from the date of grant and options vest
ratably over a three-year period and remain exercisable until
10 years after the date of grant. We believe these vesting
periods promote retention and are consistent with market
practices. The exercise price of an option is set at the closing
market price on the date of grant, and the option may not be
repriced or adjusted, except to reflect customary anti-dilution
adjustments, such as for a stock split or stock dividend.
Shares of restricted stock are issued and outstanding from the
date of grant, but are held in escrow until the vesting date.
Restricted shares are therefore entitled to dividends if and
when paid on shares of common stock generally. Dividends accrued
on shares of restricted stock, together with interest on these
dividends at short-term market rates, are paid upon vesting. For
accounting purposes, in accordance with Financial Accounting
Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification
Topic 718 Compensation Stock
Compensation (ASC 718) the expense associated
with a restricted stock award is the fair value of the award on
the date of grant and this expense is amortized over the vesting
period. Expense associated with a stock option award is the
grant date fair value determined using a Black-Scholes valuation
model, and this expense is also amortized over its vesting
period, also in accordance with this ASC 718.
Value of Awards. We structure long-term compensation
awards to deliver value through a mix of restricted stock and
stock options, based on grant date valuations. We believe this
approach balances the goals of retention and motivating
performance and also reflects our desired level of annual share
utilization. Annual grant levels depend on the companys
performance as well as comparative market data. As with cash
compensation, we aim to provide long-term awards such that
together with cash compensation, total direct compensation is
generally valued to deliver competitive compensation if
specified performance criteria and individual performance
objectives are met. The committee bases individual award levels
on comparative market data for the executives position,
award levels of comparably-situated executives, and an
assessment of individual potential and performance. In making
awards to any individual, the committee does not consider his or
her gains made, or failure to achieve gains, on prior restricted
stock or option awards.
2009 Awards. In February and March 2009, the
committee granted stock options and restricted stock in an
aggregate amount of approximately 3.9 million shares. These
awards, including those shown for the named executive officers
in the summary compensation table, were made in early 2009, and
reflect 2008, not 2009, performance. The restricted stock and
stock option awards to the named executive officers and other
executive officers in 2009 (other than Messrs. Hill and Goodell,
for the reasons discussed below), were consistent with the
companys objectives for long term compensation discussed
previously. The grant date fair values of restricted stock
awards made in 2009 to Messrs. Hess, Walker and Rielly were
lower than the grant date fair values of restricted stock awards
to these individuals in 2008 principally because the 2008 awards
reflected a special one time grant, equal to the 2008 annual
grant, in recognition of the companys financial and
operating performance in 2007. The aggregate grant date fair
values of the awards of stock options and restricted stock made
in early 2010 to Messrs. Hess, Walker and Rielly were not
significantly different from the grant date fair values of the
awards made to these officers in 2009. The grant date fair
values of the awards of stock options and restricted stock made
in early 2010 to Messrs. Hill and Goodell were lower than
the values of the awards made to these officers in 2009,
principally because the 2009 awards were new-hire grants made
for the reasons discussed immediately below.
Arrangements with Newly-Hired Executive Officers
Under the terms of employment negotiated with Mr. Hill upon
joining the company, the company agreed to pay Mr. Hill an
initial base salary of $850,000 and a one-time cash signing
bonus of $650,000 to replace a forfeited 2008 bonus from his
prior employer. The company also agreed that his target bonus
for 2009 would be equal to his 2009 base salary of $850,000. In
addition, the company agreed, subject to approval of the
compensation and management development committee, to make
awards of stock options and restricted stock in
February 2009 under the 2008 long-term incentive plan
having an approximate aggregate grant date fair value of
$5,000,000. Half of this amount was intended to replace equity
awards with Mr. Hills prior employer that were
forfeited upon his joining the company. The remaining amount was
to replace equity awards that Mr. Hill would likely have
received from his prior employer in 2009 and as an inducement
for Mr. Hill to join the company. The company also agreed that
if the company terminates Mr. Hills employment
without cause, he will be entitled to severance benefits equal
to two times his annual base salary and target bonus for the
year in which the termination occurs. The company also agreed to
credit Mr. Hill with up to 10 additional years of service
under the companys pension restoration plan provided
Mr. Hill remains employed by the company for five years.
Mr. Hill, worked for over 25 years with Royal Dutch
Shell plc. and its affiliates, most recently in senior executive
positions. This agreement was intended to compensate
Mr. Hill for the difference between the pension benefits he
would have received from his prior employer had he retired from
his prior employment at age 60 and the pension benefits he would
have received, absent such credited service, under the
companys pension plans for his retirement at the same age.
The company also agreed to enter into a change in control
agreement with Mr. Hill on the same terms available to
other officers with whom the company has entered into such
arrangements, other than Messrs. Hess and Walker.
Under the terms of employment negotiated with Mr. Goodell
upon joining the company, the company agreed to pay Mr. Goodell
an initial base salary of $650,000 and a one-time cash
signing bonus of $1,500,000, one-half of which was payable in
January 2009 and one-half of which was payable in January 2010,
to offset the value of compensation and benefits lost at his
prior employment and as an inducement for Mr. Goodell to
join the company. Mr. Goodell agreed to repay the signing
bonus in full if he voluntarily terminated employment with the
company within two years of his commencement of employment. The
company also agreed that his target bonus for 2009 would be
equal to his 2009 base salary of $650,000. In addition, the
company agreed, subject to approval of the compensation and
management development committee, to make awards of stock
options and restricted stock under the terms of the 2008
long-term incentive plan in February 2009 having an approximate
aggregate grant date value of $2,250,000 as an inducement for
Mr. Goodell to join the company. The company also agreed to
enter into a change in control agreement with Mr. Goodell
on the same terms available to other officers with whom the
company has entered into such arrangements, other than
Messrs. Hess and Walker.
Total Direct Compensation Mix
The mix of compensation for the named executive officers in 2009
was consistent with our goal of structuring total direct
compensation so that most is delivered in the form of long term
equity awards and so that a significant portion of cash
compensation is at risk.
The graphs below illustrate the portions of total direct
compensation of each of the named executive officers paid as
salary and annual cash incentive for 2009 (excluding signing
bonuses paid to Messrs. Hill and Goodell) and long-term
equity incentive compensation for 2009 as shown in the Summary
Compensation Table.
We have adopted certain broad-based employee benefits plans in
which executive officers are permitted to participate on the
same terms as other eligible employees of the company, subject
to applicable limits imposed on contributions and benefits under
applicable law. We believe it is necessary to maintain these
plans to remain competitive with the overall compensation
packages offered by other companies in the oil and gas industry.
Our objective is that the value of these benefits be competitive
with that offered by other oil and gas companies. We consider
the value of benefits to an employee of the company to be
competitive if the value approximates that of employees in
comparable positions at a majority of our peer companies. In
addition to group life insurance and health and welfare plans,
we have a savings plan under which participants can elect to
invest (subject to contribution limits
imposed by law) up to 25% of pre-tax salary in a variety of
funds, one of which invests in our common stock, and the company
provides matching contributions up to 6% of pre-tax salary for
each participant, which are invested at the discretion of the
As explained later in this proxy statement, we have a qualified
defined benefit pension plan, and a non-qualified supplemental
plan that provides only the benefits that would otherwise be
paid to participants under the qualified pension plan but for
limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Code. The committee
has granted additional years of credited service under our
supplemental pension plan (the restoration plan referred to in
the Pension Benefits table) to Messrs. Hill, Walker and Rielly
as part of the compensation packages necessary to recruit them.
The additional years of service for Messrs. Walker and Rielly
are equal to their service with their prior employers and their
supplemental benefits are offset by their pension benefits from
their prior employers. The committee decided to give Mr. Hill
credit for 10 years of service with his prior employer,
upon completion of five years of service with the company, for
the reasons discussed above under Compensation
Arrangements with Newly-Hired Executive Officers.
Messrs. Walker and Rielly had more than 19 and
16 years of experience with Mobil Oil Corporation and
Ernst & Young, LLP, respectively. Each of these
executives had successful careers at their prior employers and
would have continued to accrue years of service under the
pension plans of their prior employers. Again, the committee
believed that awards of credited service were necessary to
compensate these executives for the loss of pension benefits and
to induce them to join the company.
The company did not provide perquisites or personal benefits
valued at $10,000 or more to any named executive officers in
Change in
Control Agreements
As explained in greater detail later in this proxy statement, we
have change in control agreements with certain executives,
including the named executive officers, that provide for a lump
sum cash payment equal to a multiple of the executives
compensation if (1) there is a change of control, as defined in
the agreements, and (2) the executive is actually or
constructively terminated within 24 months following a
change in control, as well as other benefits. In view of
continuing consolidation within the oil and gas industry, we
believe these agreements are necessary to remain competitive
with the overall compensation packages afforded by other
companies in the oil and gas industry. We also believe these
agreements work to provide security to executives, many of whom
would have key roles in effecting or resisting a potential
change in control transaction, and motivate them to act in the
best long-term interests of all stockholders.
Stock Ownership Guidelines and Hedging Policy
In order to further align the interests of management and
stockholders, following approval and recommendation by the
committee, the board of directors approved management stock
ownership guidelines for corporate officers of the company. The
guidelines require that each officer attain a specified level of
ownership of shares of the companys common stock, as set
forth below, equal in value to a multiple of the officers
base salary within
five years of the later of the date of adoption of the
guidelines and the officers first election to his or her
chief executive officer five times base salary,
executive vice presidents four times base salary,
senior vice presidents three times base salary, and
vice presidents one times base salary.
The committee has authority to determine the types of
stockholdings that will be counted for determining stock
ownership and otherwise administer the guidelines. Currently,
shares owned outright by an executive and stock held in an
executives savings plan account are counted for purposes
of determining stock ownership levels. Stock options and
unvested restricted stock, however, are not counted. Each of
these officers has attained, or is making progress in attaining,
his or her required level of ownership.
We do not permit executive officers to trade in equity
derivative instruments in order to hedge the economic risks of
holding the companys stock. The purpose of these
guidelines is to align the interests, including the economic
risk of ownership, of management and stockholders. This intent
would be undermined if executives were to insulate themselves
from economic loss on their stock.
of Compensation Expense for Named Executive Officers
Generally, we deduct compensation expense on our federal
corporate income tax return. However, Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code disallows deductions by corporations for
certain compensation expense to the chief executive officer and
the three other most highly paid executive officers, other than
the chief executive officer and chief financial officer in
excess of $1 million in any year. In 2006, stockholders
approved a performance incentive plan for senior officers to
permit deductibility of compensation expense for restricted
stock and cash bonuses. The plan limits awards of incentive cash
compensation and restricted and deferred stock granted in any
year to each participant to 1%, and to all participants in the
aggregate to 5%, of adjusted net cash flow from operations for
the prior year minus a specified amount of not less than
$550 million. The plan is not intended to increase award
levels beyond those that the committee would otherwise approve
consistent with its compensation policies described previously.
Participants in the plan include the named executive officers
and any other senior officers that the committee may designate.
For 2009, the aggregate value of cash bonus and restricted stock
awards for each of the named executive officers was
substantially less than the maximum amount permitted for each of
those individuals. The committee exercised discretion to award
aggregate amounts of cash bonus and restricted stock less than
that amount for each of the named executive officers consistent
with its policies previously explained. The plan does not cover
stock options, because they already qualify as performance-based
compensation under this section of the code. Cash salary in
excess of $1 million to any named executive officer in any
year is not deductible. We believe it is important for the
committee to retain discretion to pay types and amounts of
compensation even if it is not deductible, as it deems
for Financial Restatement
If the company were required to prepare an accounting
restatement due to the material noncompliance, as a result of
misconduct, with any financial reporting requirement under the
securities laws, the chief executive officer and chief financial
officer are required by law to reimburse the company for (i) any
bonus or other incentive-based or equity-based compensation
received by that person from the company during the 12-month
period following the first public issuance or filing of the
financial document embodying such financial reporting
requirement; and (ii) any profits realized from the sale of
securities during that 12-month period. In addition, in the
event of any such misconduct by an officer or employee that
results in material noncompliance with financial reporting
requirements, we reserve the right to take all appropriate
action to remedy the misconduct, discipline such officer or
employee and prevent its recurrence, including (i) termination
of employment of such officer or employee and forfeiture of
outstanding equity awards, (ii) commencing an action for breach
of fiduciary duty, and/or (iii) seeking reimbursement of any
compensation paid in excess of that which would have been paid
in the absence of such noncompliance, either by legal action or
by offsetting other amounts owed by the company to such officer
or employee to the extent permissible.
We believe that our compensation philosophy and programs align
our executive officers interests with those of the company
and shareholders, link compensation to corporate performance and
assist in attracting and retaining talented executives. The
committee will continue to monitor our programs to ensure that
they are consistent with our compensation objectives and
Committee Report
The compensation and management development committee of the
board of directors of the company has reviewed and discussed the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis with management, and based
on this review and discussion, the compensation and management
development committee recommended to the board of directors that
the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section be included in
this proxy statement and incorporated by reference into the 2009
annual report on
Form 10-K.
Thomas H. Kean, Chairman
Samuel W. Bodman
Nicholas F. Brady
Frank A. Olson
Ernst H. von Metzsch
Robert N. Wilson
Compensation Table
The following table sets forth information regarding
compensation paid or accrued for the last three fiscal years to
the chief executive officer, the chief financial officer and the
three other most highly compensated executive officers, for
services in all capacities to the company and its subsidiaries.
Compensation Table
in Pension
Value &
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name &
Principal Position
Hess, John B
Chairman and Chief Executive
Hill, Gregory P
Executive Vice President & President,
Worldwide Exploration and Production
Walker, F. Borden
Executive Vice President & President,
Marketing & Refining
Goodell, Timothy B
Senior Vice President & General Counsel
Rielly, John P
Senior Vice President & Chief Financial
The amounts shown in column (d)
represent the discretionary component of the cash bonuses
(except for Messrs. Hill and Goodell), and the amounts shown in
column (g) represent the components of the cash bonuses relating
to the attainment of corporate and business unit performance
metrics, paid to the named executive officers under our cash
bonus plan, as discussed more fully in Compensation Discussion
and Analysis. In the case of Messrs. Hill and Goodell,
amount shown in column (d) includes signing bonuses of
$650,000 and $750,000, respectively, paid in 2009 and described
further under Compensation Arrangements with Newly-Hired
Executive Officers and $287,833 and $203,666,
respectively, constituting the discretionary component of the
cash bonuses paid to them under our cash bonus plan.
Consists of the aggregate grant
date fair value for restricted stock awards granted in 2009,
2008 and 2007 computed in accordance with ASC 718. A
discussion of the valuation assumptions is in Note 8,
Share-Based Compensation, to our consolidated financial
statements included in our annual report on Form 10-K for
the year ended December 31, 2009.
Consists of the aggregate grant
date fair value for stock options granted in 2009, 2008 and 2007
computed in accordance with ASC 718. A discussion of the
valuation assumptions is in Note 8, Share-Based Compensation, to
our consolidated financial statements included in our annual
report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
Consists of the aggregate change in
2009 in actuarial present value of the accumulated benefits of
the named executive officers under the companys pension
plan. The amounts for Messrs. Hill and Goodell are shown as
if their first anniversaries of employment had occurred on
December 31, 2009.
Consists of matching contributions
by the company credited to the named executive officers under
the companys employees savings plan.
of Plan-Based Awards
On February 4, 2009, the compensation and management
development committee approved awards of non-qualified stock
options and established target bonuses and on March 4, 2009
(February 4, 2009, for Messrs. Hill and Goodell) approved
awards of restricted stock to the named executive officers. The
following table sets forth information concerning possible
payouts under the annual cash bonus plan for 2009 and individual
grants of stock options and restricted stock made under the
incentive plan for the last fiscal year to each of the named
executive officers:
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
All Other
All Other Option
Awards: Number of
Estimated Future Payouts Under
Awards: Number of
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards(1)
Shares of
Price of
Grant Date Fair
Stock or
Option Awards
Value of Stock &
Threshold ($)
Target ($)
Maximum ($)
Units (#)
($ /Sh)
Option Awards ($)(2)
Hess, John B
Hill, Gregory P
Walker, F. Borden
Goodell, Timothy B
Rielly, John P
The amount shown in
columns (c), (d) and (e) above represent the
threshold, target and maximum payouts for the components of the
2009 cash bonuses relating to the attainment of corporate and
business unit performance metrics. The actual amounts paid for
2009 relating to these components is shown in column (g) of
the Summary Compensation Table.
The grant date fair values for
option awards shown in the above table have been determined
using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. This model, like
all pricing models, requires assumptions, and therefore the
amounts shown should not necessarily be considered indicative of
the present value of the amounts that may actually be realized.
The following assumptions were made for purposes of this
valuation: expected holding period of 4.5 years for each
option; stock price volatility of 39%; risk-free interest rate
of 1.80%; and dividend yield of 0.70%. The grant date fair value
of restricted stock awards is determined by multiplying the
number of shares of stock awarded as shown in column (f) by the
closing price of the companys common stock on the date of
grant. A discussion of the valuation assumptions is in
Note 8, Share-Based Compensation, to our consolidated
financial statements included in our annual report on
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009.
We have no employment agreements with our named executive
officers other than agreements relating to credited service
discussed under Pension Benefits and change of
control agreements discussed under Potential Payments upon
Termination or Change in Control and the initial terms of
employment described under Compensation Arrangements with
Newly-Hired Executive Officers in Compensation
Discussion and Analysis.
The stock options shown in the All Other Option
Awards column of the Grants of Plan-Based
Awards table vest in three equal installments on the
first, second and third anniversaries of the grant date, except
that options may become exercisable earlier in full in cases of
death, disability, normal retirement or change in control. At
the discretion of the compensation and management development
committee, upon early retirement of an
awardee, options not then exercisable may become exercisable in
proportion to the calendar days elapsed in the vesting period up
to the early retirement date. The options remain exercisable
until the tenth anniversary of the date of grant, except in
cases of termination of employment for reasons other than death,
disability or normal retirement, in which case options remain
exercisable only for specified periods. If a grantees
employment terminates (other than by reason of death, disability
or retirement) before these options become exercisable, they
will be forfeited. The shares of restricted stock shown in the
All Other Stock Awards column of the Grants of
Plan-Based Awards table vest on the third anniversary of the
grant date, except that they may vest earlier upon retirement,
death, disability or a change in control (with proportional
vesting of restricted stock in the case of early retirement at
the discretion of the committee) and dividends on the shares are
accrued and held in escrow until the vesting date, at which time
they are paid with interest at short-term market rates (the
dividends are forfeited if the shares of restricted stock are
Non-equity incentive plan awards are discussed in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis under the
heading Cash Compensation Cash Bonus
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table shows outstanding equity awards held by the
named executive officers at the end of the last fiscal year. The
market value of shares of unvested restricted stock shown in
column (g) is determined by multiplying the number of shares
shown in column (f) by the closing price of the companys
common stock at the end of the last fiscal year.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Market Value of
Number of Shares or
Shares or Units of
Unexercised Options
Unexercised Options
Units of Stock That
Stock That Have Not
Exercisable (#)
Unexercisable (#)
Price ($)
Have Not Vested (#)
Vested ($)
Hess, John B
Hill, Gregory P
Walker, F. Borden
Goodell, Timothy B
Rielly, John P
Options become vested and exercisable February 7, 2010.
Options become vested and exercisable in 2 equal installments on
February 6, 2010 and February 6, 2011 if the named
executive officer continues to be employed.
Options become vested and exercisable in 3 equal installments on
February 4, 2010, February 4, 2011 and
February 4, 2012 if the named executive officer continues
to be employed.
Shares of restricted stock vest provided the named executive
officer continues to be employed as follows: 85,000 on
February 7, 2010, 124,000 on March 5, 2011 and 75,150
on March 4, 2012.
Shares of restricted stock vest provided the named executive
officer continues to be employed as follows: 48,500 on
February 4, 2012.
Shares of restricted stock vest provided the named executive
officer continues to be employed as follows: 25,000 on
February 7, 2010, 36,000 on March 5, 2011, and 21,850
on March 4, 2012.
Shares of restricted stock vest provided the named executive
officer continues to be employed as follows: 22,000 on
February 4, 2012.
Shares of restricted stock vest provided the named executive
officer continues to be employed as follows: 19,000 on
February 7, 2010, 30,000 on March 5, 2011, and 18,200
on March 4, 2012.
Exercised and Stock Vested
The following table sets forth information as to the named
executives regarding the exercise of stock options and the
vesting of restricted stock under the incentive plan during the
last fiscal year:
Exercises and Stock Vested
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Shares
Number of Shares
Acquired on
Value Realized on
Acquired on Vesting
Value Realized on
Exercise (#)
Exercise ($)
Vesting ($)
Hess, John B
Hill, Gregory P
Walker, F. Borden
Goodell, Timothy B
Rielly, John P
(1) |
Represents the aggregate dollar amount realized upon vesting
computed by multiplying the number of shares of stock by the
closing market value of the underlying share on the vesting date.
The following table sets forth information as to the named
executive officers regarding payments or other benefits at,
following or in connection with retirement:
Present Value of
Number of Years
Credited Service
Payments During
Plan Name
Last Fiscal Year
Hess, John B.
Employees Pension Plan
Restoration Plan
Hill, Greg P.
Employees Pension Plan
Restoration Plan
Walker, F. Borden
Employees Pension Plan
Restoration Plan
Goodell, Timothy B.
Employees Pension Plan
Restoration Plan
Rielly, John P.
Employees Pension Plan
Restoration Plan
This amount reflects, among other
things, the discount rate used for calculating the present value
of the accumulated benefit. A change in the discount rate to
reflect prevailing market rates in any year can increase or
decrease the change in pension value from the prior year (shown
in column (h) of the Summary Compensation Table) that would
otherwise occur.
Reflects agreement to provide 10
years of credited service to Mr. Hill; however, he must remain
employed with the company for five years before such credited
service is earned. The present value of Mr. Hills
accumulated benefits under both plans is shown as if his first
anniversary of employment had occurred on December 31, 2009.
Additional years of credited service result in an increase of
$2,424,548 under the restoration plan.
Credited years of service include
19 years for service with a prior employer. Benefits shown
are net of amounts due from previous employer. Additional years
of credited service result in an increase of $5,503,839 under
the restoration plan.
The present value of Mr.
Goodells accumulated benefits under both plans is shown as
if his first anniversary of employment had occurred on December
31, 2009.
Credited years of service include
16.5 years for service with a prior employer. Benefits
shown are net of amounts due from previous employer. Additional
years of credited service result in an increase of $2,233,605
under the restoration plan.
We maintain an employees pension plan, a qualified defined
benefit plan under the Internal Revenue Code, and a
non-qualified supplemental plan, called the pension restoration
plan, that provides benefits that would otherwise be payable to
participants under the employees pension plan but for
limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Code, with certain
modifications discussed below. Employees participate after one
year of service in the employees pension plan and vest in
a retirement benefit after five years of service. Annual
retirement benefits for a participant at normal retirement age
are determined by multiplying 1.6% of the participants
final average compensation by his or her years of service and
are then reduced by an offset for social security benefits.
Under the employees pension plan, final average
compensation is the average of any three years of highest annual
compensation (consisting of salary and cash bonus as shown in
columns (c), (d) and (g) of the Summary Compensation Table)
paid to the participant during the 10 years immediately
preceding his or
her retirement date. Under the restoration plan, final average
compensation is the average of any three years of highest annual
salary (as shown in column (c) of the Summary Compensation
Table) plus the average of any three years of highest cash bonus
(as shown in columns (d) and (g) of the Summary
Compensation Table) paid to the participant during the
10 years immediately preceding his or her retirement date.
Normal retirement under the plans means retirement at
age 65, but a participant retiring from active service is
entitled to an unreduced benefit at age 60. A participant
may elect early retirement if the participant is at least
55 years old and has 10 years of service.
Messrs. Hess and Walker are the only named executive
officers currently eligible for early retirement under the
employees pension plan and restoration plan. The company
awarded credited service for prior employment under the
restoration plan for Messrs. Hill, Walker and Rielly for
the reasons discussed in Compensation Discussion and
Analysis. Under both plans, retirement benefits paid upon
early retirement from active service at the age of 55 are
reduced by 25% of the retirement benefit otherwise payable, with
proportionately lower reductions for early retirement between
ages 55 and 60. Early retirement reductions are greater if
employment terminates prior to age 55. Retirement benefits
under the employees pension plan are payable as a straight
life annuity or in other forms of annuities actuarially
equivalent to a straight life annuity. Retirement benefits under
the restoration plan are payable as a lump sum 6 months
after retirement. A participants right to payment under
the restoration plan constitutes a general unsecured claim
against the company.
The valuation method and material assumptions used in
quantifying the present value of the accumulated benefit shown
in the table are explained in Note 10, Retirement Plans,
to our consolidated financial statements in our annual report on
Form 10-K for year ended December 31, 2009. Retirement
benefits payable to Messrs. Walker and Rielly under the
restoration plan are offset by retirement benefits payable by
their prior employers.
Deferred Compensation
We maintain a deferred compensation plan for certain highly-paid
employees selected by us as eligible to participate under which
a participant may elect in advance of any year to defer payment
of up to 50% of salary and 100% of cash bonus payable for that
year to a date no earlier than three years from the date of
election, except that payments may be made earlier in the case
of termination, death, disability, retirement or a change of
control. Amounts deferred are deemed invested in investment
vehicles identical to those offered under our qualified
employees savings and stock bonus plan as the participant
elects, except that the deferred compensation plan does not
offer a fund for investing in the companys stock, and
earnings thereon are payable together with the deferred
compensation. Payments may be made in a lump sum or in annual
installments over a five year period, as the participant elects.
The right of any participant to receive a payment constitutes a
general unsecured claim against the company. None of the named
executive officers participated in the companys deferred
compensation plan in 2009.
Payments upon Termination or Change in Control
In the event any of the named executive officers had terminated
employment at the end of the last fiscal year, the officer would
be entitled to the officers accumulated retirement
benefits in accordance with the provisions of our retirement
plans as described under Pension Benefits on
page 31. Retirement benefits under the employees
pension plan are payable solely in the form of an annuity.
Retirement benefits under the restoration plan are payable only
in the form of a lump sum.
In addition, because Messrs. Hess and Walker were eligible for
early retirement under the employees pension plan, a pro
rata portion of their unvested equity awards would become vested
at the discretion of the compensation and management development
committee based on the number of calendar days elapsed in the
applicable vesting period and they would be entitled to exercise
all vested stock options until the option expiration date shown
in the Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
table on pages 29 and 30.
Each named executive officer other than Messrs. Hess and
Walker would also be entitled to exercise the stock options
shown in the Option Awards Exercisable
column of the Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal
Year-End table on pages 29 and 30 for a period of
60 days from the date of termination. If any of the named
executive officers had terminated employment due to death or
disability (i) stock options in the Option
Awards Unexercisable column of the
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End table
would have become fully exercisable, (ii) all stock options
in the Option Awards columns of that table would
remain exercisable until the option expiration date shown in the
table, and (iii) all restricted stock awards listed in that
table would have become fully vested. See that table for the
market value of the unvested shares of restricted stock at the
end of the last fiscal year.
In the event the Company had terminated the employment of
Mr. Hill without cause at the end of the last fiscal year,
Mr. Hill would have been entitled to receive a cash
severance payment of $3,400,000 constituting two times his base
salary and target bonuses for the last fiscal year.
Change in
Equity Awards. In the event of a change in
control of the company, pursuant to the incentive plan, all
unexercisable stock options and all nonvested shares of
restricted stock awarded to the named executive officers would
immediately become fully exercisable and vested. See the
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End table
on pages 29 and 30 for the number of unexercisable options
and unvested shares of restricted stock held by each named
executive officer at the end of the last fiscal year. The named
executive officers would also be able to exercise the stock
options shown in the Option Awards
Exercisable column of that table.
For purposes of the incentive plan, change in
control means (i) acquisition by a person or group of
20% or more of the companys common stock or voting
securities, (ii) a change in majority of the board of
directors, (iii) consummation (or, for awards made prior to
February 1, 2010, shareholder approval) of a
reorganization, merger or consolidation in which the owners of
the companys common stock and voting securities
immediately prior to the transaction do not own more than 51%,
respectively, of the common stock and voting securities of the
entity, or (iv) consummation (or, for awards made prior to
February 1, 2010, shareholder approval) of a liquidation,
dissolution or sale of all or substantially all of the
companys assets in which the owners of the companys
common stock and voting securities immediately prior to the
transaction do not own more than 51%, respectively, of the
common stock and voting securities of the surviving entity.
Severance Payments. The company has entered
into change in control termination benefit agreements with the
named executive officers and certain other officers of the
company. These agreements provide for lump sum cash payments
equal to a multiple of an executives annual compensation
if within 24 months following a change in control the
employment of the executive is terminated by the executive for
good reason or by the company without cause. For these purposes,
annual compensation consists of the executives base pay at
the date of his termination or immediately before the change in
control, whichever is higher, plus the greater of his or her
target bonus for the year in which the change in control occurs
or the highest bonus earned in the three fiscal years preceding
the change in control. The multiple of annual compensation
received is three times for Messrs. Hess and Walker and two
times for Messrs. Hill, Goodell and Rielly and all other
officers with whom such agreements were made.
In addition, the executive is entitled to receive a pro rata
portion of his or her target bonus for the fiscal year in which
termination occurs, and continuation of medical, dental and
other welfare benefits. The benefits continuation period is
36 months following termination for Messrs. Hess and Walker
and 24 months following termination for the other named
executive officers and all other officers with whom such
agreements were entered into. The agreements provide for
immediate vesting of retirement benefits upon termination,
deemed age and service credit in determining retirement benefits
for the number of years equal to the severance multiple, and
deemed compensation in determining retirement benefits equal to
the salary and bonus taken into account in determining the lump
sum severance payment. The named executive officers are also
entitled to a
payment from the company for any excise tax imposed by the
Internal Revenue Code on excess parachute payments
resulting from a change in control.
Value of Change in Control Payments and
Benefits. Set forth below is the total estimated
value, assuming that a change in control occurred at the end of
the last fiscal year and the employment of each named executive
officer terminated on that date under circumstances entitling
them to severance payments and benefits under the change in
control termination benefit agreements, as well as the value of
their unvested equity awards at the end of the last fiscal year.
Excise Tax
Named Executive Officer
Hess, John B
Hill, Gregory P
Walker, F. Borden
Goodell, Timothy B
Rielly, John P
(1) |
Each named executive officer would also be entitled to his
accumulated retirement benefits in accordance with the
provisions of the employees pension plan and pension
restoration plan described under Pension Benefits on
page 31.
The amounts in the table above were calculated: assuming a
change in control occurred on December 31, 2009; using the
closing price of our common stock on December 31, 2009 (the
last trading day of our fiscal year) of $60.50 per share;
using the intrinsic value of stock options (i.e., the result of
multiplying the number of unvested options by the difference
between the December 31, 2009 closing price of our common
stock and the exercise price) and for the purpose of determining
any potential excise tax gross-up (i) assuming each of the
named executive officers is subject to the maximum federal and
state income tax rates, (ii) using the applicable federal
rates for December 2009 to calculate the present values of
accelerated payments and (iii) assuming that the five-year
period for determining the average total compensation of each
named executive officer (i.e., the base amount under the golden
parachute rules) ended on December 31, 2008.
The definition of change in control under the
termination benefits agreements is substantially similar to the
definition of change in control in the incentive plan, except
that (i) the change in a majority of board of directors must
occur within a
period, (ii) the applicable event for reorganization, merger or
consolidation is consummation rather than shareholder approval,
and (iii) the exception for reorganization, merger,
consolidation, liquidation, dissolution and asset sale is 60%
rather than 51%.
For purposes of these agreements, good reason is
defined as a failure to maintain the executive in the office or
position held immediately prior to the change in control (or a
substantially equivalent position), the removal of the executive
as a director if the executive was a director immediately prior
to the change in control, a material adverse change in the
nature or scope of the executives authorities,
responsibilities or duties, a reduction in base salary or target
annual bonus, termination of the ability of the executive to
participate in the companys welfare benefit plans or
retirement plans as in effect immediately prior to the change in
control or a material reduction in the scope or value of those
welfare or retirement benefits, a relocation of the
executives principal work location of more than
30 miles from the executives location immediately
prior to the change in control, or an increase in the
executives required business travel of more than 20%
(based on days in any calendar quarter or year) than required in
any of the three full years immediately prior to the change in
control. Cause for purposes of these agreements is
defined as conviction of a felony, gross and willful misconduct
by the executive in performing the executives duties, or
willful and continued failure of the executive to substantially
perform the executives duties after written demand.
and Risk
The company performed a risk assessment to determine whether the
amount and composition of compensation for the companys
employees and the design of compensation programs may create
incentives for excessive risk-taking by its employees. The
results of this risk assessment were reviewed with and approved
by the companys risk committee.
The assessment placed particular emphasis on identifying
employees who have both significant compensation risk in the
variability of their compensation and also the ability to expose
the company to significant business risk. The company concluded
that for the substantial majority of its employees, their
compensation risk and their ability to take business risks is
low, because their compensation consists largely of fixed cash
salary and a cash bonus
that has a capped payout, and they do not have the authority to
take action on behalf of the company that could expose the
company to significant business risks. The company focused on
the compensation programs for its senior executives, as these
are the employees whose actions may expose the company to
significant business risk. The company reviewed the cash and
equity incentive programs for these executives and concluded
that the following factors tend to mitigate the likelihood of
excessive risk taking:
the compensation mix for these executives is designed to deliver
a substantial portion of compensation in the form of long-term
equity awards, and in the case of senior executives, such awards
constitute the majority of their compensation;
payouts on annual cash bonuses are capped at 150% of the
employees target bonus, reducing the incentive to take
excessive risk for short-term gains;
long-term equity awards are made at the discretion of the
compensation and management development committee with the goal
to create incentives for these employees to work for the
long-term profitable growth of the company;
the compensation and management development committee has the
discretion to reduce the discretionary portion of cash bonuses
as well as long-term equity awards as it deems appropriate;
senior executives are subject to stock ownership guidelines
requiring them to hold specified levels of the companys
stock during the term of their employment, the economic risk of
which may not be hedged by equity derivative instruments, in
order to align their interests with the long-term interests of
all stockholders;
compliance with the companys code of business conduct and
ethics is considered in compensation determinations; and
the compensation and management development committee
continually monitors the companys compensation programs
and practices to assure that they appropriately balance the
interests of employees and stockholders.
Employees engaged in certain trading and marketing activities
have compensation risk higher than that of the overall employee
population in that a part of their compensation is linked to the
profitability of these activities. However, the company
concluded the business risk to the company from these activities
is not significant because:
these trading and marketing activities do not constitute a
material portion of the overall business of the company; and
these activities are subject to risk controls to limit excessive
risk-taking, such as volumetric and
limits that are monitored and enforced on a daily basis by the
companys chief risk officer.
For these reasons, we do not believe that our compensation
policies and practices create risks that are reasonably likely
to have a material adverse effect on the company.
The following table shows compensation paid to non-employee
directors in 2009.
Fees Earned or
All Other
Paid in Cash
Bodman, Samuel W.
Brady, Nicholas F.
Holiday, Edith E.
Kean, Thomas H.
Lavizzo-Mourey, Risa
Matthews, Craig G.
Mullin, John H. III
Olson, Frank A.
von Metzsch, Ernst H.
Wilson, Robert N.
Stock awards consist of 2,642
common shares granted on February 4, 2009 to non-executive
directors (other than Mr. Bodman) and 2,691 common shares
granted on August 5, 2009 to Mr. Bodman, that were fully vested
on the date of grant. The closing price of our common shares on
these dates were $56.43 per share and $55.49 per share,
Amounts in this column consist of
annual life insurance premiums for each director and, for
Messrs. Brady, Kean and Olson, $10,917 in medical and
dental benefits. The amount in this column for Mr. Von Metzsch
includes $5,789 for medical benefits.
In 2009, each director who was not an employee of the company or
any of its subsidiaries received an annual fee of $75,000 for
membership on the board of directors and a fee of $2,000 for
each board of directors and stockholders meeting
attended. These directors received an additional annual fee of
$5,000 for membership on each committee of the board of
directors on which such director served, except for audit
committee members who each received an annual fee of $7,500, and
a fee of $2,000 for each committee meeting, and in the case of
audit committee members each quarterly financial review,
attended. The chairperson of each committee received an annual
fee of $7,500, except for the chairman of the audit committee,
who received an annual fee of $15,000. In addition, in February
2009 each non-employee director (other than Mr. Bodman) received
2,642 shares of common stock (constituting approximately
$150,000 in value on the date of award). In August 2009 Mr.
Bodman received 2,691 shares of common stock (constituting
approximately $150,000 in value on the date of award) following
his election to the board in May 2009. These awards are made
from shares purchased by the company in the open market.
16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
The companys directors and executive officers and the
beneficial holders of more than 10% of the companys common
stock are required to file reports with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) of changes in their ownership of the
companys common stock. Based on its review of such
reports, the company believes that all such filing requirements
were met during 2009.
of Voting Securities by Certain Beneficial Owners
The following table sets forth, as of the most recent
practicable date, information as to the ownership of more than
5% of any class of the companys voting securities by
beneficial owners known by the company to hold more than 5% of
any such class:
Amount and
Name and address
nature of
of beneficial
Title of class
of class
Common Stock
John B. Hess
Nicholas F. Brady
Thomas H. Kean
John Y. Schreyer
c/o Hess Corporation
1185 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036
Common Stock
Wellington Management
Company, LLP
75 State Street
Boston, MA 02109
(a) The information in this table and in the notes thereto
was obtained, with respect to Wellington Management Company, LLP
(Wellington), from Schedule 13G filed by such
reporting person with the SEC in February 2010. Information with
respect to Messrs. Hess, Brady, Kean and Schreyer is as of
March 3, 2010, and with respect to Wellington is as of
December 31, 2009. The individual amounts and percentages
shown for Messrs. Hess, Brady, Kean and Schreyer should not be
added because they reflect shared beneficial ownership.
(b) This amount includes 10,819,607 shares held by a
charitable lead annuity trust established under the will of Leon
Hess. Mr. John B. Hess has sole voting power over the stock
held by this trust and shares dispositive power over such stock
with Messrs. Schreyer, Brady and Kean.
(c) This amount includes 8,817,802 shares held by a
limited partnership. Messrs. Hess, Brady and Kean serve on
the management committee of the general partner of this limited
partnership and share voting and dispositive power with respect
to shares held by the limited partnership.
(d) This amount includes 6,436,881 shares held by the
Hess Foundation, Inc. of which Messrs. Hess, Kean and Schreyer
are directors and as to which Mr. Hess has sole voting
power and shares dispositive power with Messrs. Kean and
(e) This amount includes:
353,000 shares owned directly by Mr. Hess, as to which he
has sole voting and dispositive power,
1,470,258 shares held by six trusts for the benefit of Mr.
Hess and his children, as to which Mr. Hess is a trustee and has
sole voting power and dispositive power,
268,780 shares held in escrow under the companys
incentive plans as to which Mr. Hess has voting but not
dispositive power,
1,084,150 shares underlying options to purchase common
stock, as to which Mr. Hess has no voting or dispositive
power until they are acquired upon exercise of the options,
50,530 shares vested in the name of Mr. Hess under the
employees savings plan as to which he has sole voting and
dispositive power,
3,025,205 shares held by a trust of which Mr. Hess is
a co-trustee and as to which he has sole voting power and shared
dispositive power,
107,578 shares held by a trust of which Mr. Hess is a
co-trustee and has shared voting and dispositive power,
2,371,878 shares held by Mr. Hess siblings and
six trusts for the benefit of Mr. Hess siblings or
their children as to which Mr. Hess has sole voting power
and as to 1,693,329 shares of which he shares dispositive
power pursuant to a shareholders agreement among Mr. Hess,
his siblings and others,
2,113,925 shares held by a trust for the benefit of
Mr. Hess and his heirs, of which Mr. Hess spouse
is trustee, but as to which he has sole voting power and shares
dispositive power pursuant to a shareholders agreement among
Mr. Hess, his spouse and others, and
5,382 shares held by a trust as to which Mr. Hess has
sole voting and dispositive power.
(f) This amount includes:
55,192 shares owned directly or in trusts by Mr. Schreyer,
as to which he has sole voting and dispositive power,
45,000 shares underlying options to purchase common stock
held by family trusts, as to which the trusts have no voting or
dispositive power until they are acquired upon exercise of the
options, and
92,373 shares held by three trusts as to which Mr. Schreyer
has shared voting and dispositive power.
(g) This amount includes 106,811 shares held directly
by Mr. Brady, as to which he has sole voting and dispositive
power, 6,000 shares held by a limited liability company of
which Mr. Brady is the managing member and as to which he
has sole voting and dispositive power. This amount also includes
9,966 shares held by two trusts of which Mr. Brady is
a co-trustee
as to which Mr. Brady shares voting and dispositive power.
(h) This amount includes 29,581 shares held directly
by Mr. Kean, as to which he has sole voting and dispositive
(i) Wellington LLP in its capacity as investment adviser,
may be deemed to beneficially own these shares, which are held
of record by clients of Wellington. Of this amount,
Wellington has shared voting power with respect to
10,505,442 shares and shared dispositive power with respect
to 17,806,892 shares.
of Equity Securities by Management
The table below sets forth as to each director, nominee and
named executive officer, and all directors, nominees and
executive officers as a group, information regarding their
ownership of equity securities of the company on March 3,
2010. The persons listed below have sole voting and investment
power as to all shares indicated except as set forth in the
footnotes to the table. Where no information appears in the
column Percent of outstanding shares of common stock
owned, the securities held represent less than one percent
of the common stock.
Individual amounts and percentages shown for Messrs. Brady, Hess
and Kean cannot be added because they reflect shared beneficial
ownership of shares as explained in footnotes (b), (c) and
(d) to the table under the caption Ownership of Voting
Securities by Certain Beneficial Owners.
Percent of
Total number of shares
Of total number of
beneficially owned
shares of
shares beneficially
and nature of
common stock
owned, number of
beneficial ownership(a)
option shares
Samuel W. Bodman
Nicholas F. Brady
Timothy B. Goodell
John B. Hess
Gregory P. Hill
Edith E. Holiday
Thomas H. Kean
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
Craig G. Matthews
John H. Mullin
Frank A. Olson
Ernst H. von Metzsch
John P. Rielly
F. Borden Walker
Robert N. Wilson
All directors and executive officers as a group
(a) |
These figures include 50,531 shares vested in the name of
Mr. Hess, 4,110 shares vested in the name of
Mr. Rielly, 3,972 shares vested in the name of Mr.
Walker, and 61,457 shares vested for all executive officers
and directors as a group under the employees savings plan
as to which these individuals and the group have voting and
dispositive power. These amounts also include 38,580 shares
held in escrow under the second amended and restated 1995
incentive plan or the 2008
incentive plan, or both, for Mr. Goodell,
268,780 shares held in escrow under these plans for
Mr. Hess, 73,370 shares held in escrow under these
plans for Mr. Hill, 64,780 shares held in escrow under
these plans for Mr. Rielly, 78,575 shares held in
escrow under these plans for Mr. Walker and
693,565 shares held in escrow under these plans for all
executive officers and directors as a group. As to these shares,
these individuals and the group have voting power but not
dispositive power. Holders of stock options do not have the
right to vote or any other right of a stockholder with respect
to shares of common stock underlying such options until they are
(b) |
See footnotes (b), (c) and (g) to the table under the caption
Ownership of Voting Securities by Certain Beneficial
(c) |
See footnotes (b), (c), (d) and (e) to the table under the
caption Ownership of Voting Securities by Certain
Beneficial Owners.
(d) |
See footnotes (b), (c), (d) and (h) to the table under the
caption Ownership of Voting Securities by Certain
Beneficial Owners.
(e) |
These shares are pledged as security for a line of credit.
The audit committee has selected the firm of Ernst & Young
LLP as the independent registered public accountants of the
company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. Ernst
& Young LLP has acted for the company in this capacity for
many years. The board proposes that the stockholders ratify this
selection at the annual meeting.
If the stockholders do not ratify the selection of Ernst &
Young LLP, the selection of independent registered public
accountants will be reconsidered by the audit committee.
Representatives of Ernst & Young LLP are expected to
be present at the annual meeting and will be afforded the
opportunity to make a statement if they desire and will be
available to respond to appropriate questions.
Registered Public Accountants Fee Information
Ernst & Young LLPs fees, by category of
professional service in each of the last two fiscal years, were
(in thousands):
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Ernst & Young LLP audit fees include fees
associated with the last annual audit, the reviews of the
companys quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, reporting on
the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting,
SEC registration statements, and statutory audits required
Ernst & Youngs fees for audit-related services
include pension and savings plan audits, attest services not
required by statute or regulation, accounting consultations,
acquisition reviews, and consultations on internal accounting
Tax fees include tax compliance services and United States and
international tax advice and planning.
All other fees in 2008 relate to services rendered in connection
with a corporate risk benchmarking study.
As part of its responsibility for oversight of the independent
registered public accountants, the audit committee has
established a pre-approval policy for the provision of audit and
permitted non-audit services provided by the companys
independent registered public accountants. In accordance with
this policy, each type of audit, audit-related, tax and other
permitted service to be provided by the independent registered
public accountants is specifically described and each such
service, together with a fee level or budgeted amount for such
service, is pre-approved annually by the audit committee. Each
such service and budgeted amount is thereafter updated
quarterly. Any type of permitted service not previously approved
by the audit committee must be specifically pre-approved before
the service can be provided. For each fiscal year, the audit
committee may determine appropriate ratios between categories of
services and the total fees paid to the independent registered
public accountants. The audit committee has delegated authority
to the chairman of the audit committee to approve additional
services or an increase in fees for a previously approved
service in excess of the budgeted amount for that service.
However, any increased fees or additional services so approved
must be reported to the audit committee at its next scheduled
meeting. In 2009 and 2008, all audit, audit-related, tax and
other fees were pre-approved by the audit committee or the
chairman of the audit committee. The audit committee has
determined that the provision of all services approved in
accordance with this policy is not incompatible with the
independence of the independent registered public accountants.
On March 5, 2008, the companys compensation and
management development committee (the committee)
approved, and the board of directors adopted, the 2008 Long-Term
Incentive Plan (the 2008 Incentive Plan). The
companys stockholders approved the 2008 Incentive Plan at
the 2008 annual meeting. The 2008 Incentive Plan permits the
company to provide stock-based compensation to officers and
other employees and consultants of the company and its
subsidiaries, as well as non-employee directors of the company.
As of March 15, 2010, the status of awards under the 2008
Incentive Plan and a prior plan, the companys Second
Amended and Restated 1995 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the
Prior Incentive Plan), which are the only plans
under which equity awards are outstanding and which were
approved by stockholders, was as follows:
Stock Options
Shares of common stock subject to outstanding options
Weighted average exercise price per share
Weighted average term remaining in years
Restricted Stock
Shares of restricted stock issued and outstanding
Available for Future Grant
Shares of common stock available for future grants
The maximum number of new shares of common stock available for
award under the 2008 Incentive Plan is 13,000,000 shares.
As of March 15, 2010, the status of awards under the 2008
Incentive Plan was as follows:
Stock Options
Shares of common stock subject to outstanding options
Weighted average exercise price per share
Weighted average term remaining in years
Restricted Stock
Shares of restricted stock issued and outstanding
Available for Future Grant
Shares of common stock available for future grants
Plus up to 10,025,554 shares
of common stock subject to outstanding options or other awards
under the Prior Incentive Plan that are forfeited or are
otherwise settled or terminated without a distribution of shares
on or after March 15, 2010, subject to adjustment for certain
changes in the companys capital structure (described below
under Changes in Capital), which may be awarded
under the 2008 Incentive Plan.
After a review of the 2008 Incentive Plan and the companys
compensation policies by the committee, with the assistance of
the committees compensation consultant, the
committee decided to recommend an increase in the number of
shares of common stock available for award under the plan to
enable the company to continue to grant stock-based awards at
appropriate levels to eligible officers, employees and
consultants. Accordingly, on February 3, 2010, the
committee approved, and on March 3, 2010, the board of
directors adopted an amendment to the 2008 Incentive Plan,
subject to the approval of stockholders, to increase the number
of shares of common stock that may be issued under the 2008
Incentive Plan by 8,000,000 shares. The full text of this
amendment is attached as Annex B to the proxy statement. If
approved by stockholders, the aggregate number of new shares of
common stock that is authorized for issuance pursuant to the
2008 Incentive Plan will be increased from
13,000,000 shares to 21,000,000 shares. If this
amendment is approved by shareholders, shortly thereafter the
company expects to file a registration statement on
Form S-8
registering the additional 8,000,000 shares under the
Securities Act of 1933. This amendment would also reduce the
number of shares of common stock that may be issued under the
2008 Incentive Plan upon forfeiture, settlement or termination
without distribution of shares of outstanding awards under the
Prior Incentive Plan from 16,985,500 on or after March 5,
2008 to 10,025,554 on or after March 15, 2010, in order to
reflect actual outstanding awards under the Prior Incentive Plan
as of March 15, 2010.
If this proposal is adopted, the second and penultimate
sentences of Section 4 of the 2008 Incentive Plan would be
amended to respectively read as follows:
Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 10, the
total number of Shares reserved and available for Awards under
the Plan during the term hereof shall be
(a) 21,000,000 Shares, plus (b) up to
10,025,554 Shares subject to outstanding stock options or
other awards under the Hess Corporation Second Amended and
Restated 1995 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the Prior
Plan) to the extent that on or after March 15, 2010,
such stock options or other awards are forfeited or such a stock
option or other award is settled or terminates without a
distribution of Shares (whether or not cash, other awards or
other property is distributed with respect to such stock option
or other award) (the Share Reserve).
Any Shares delivered under the Plan upon exercise or
satisfaction of Substitute Awards shall not reduce the Shares
available for delivery under the Plan; provided,
however, that the total number of Shares that may be
delivered pursuant to Incentive Stock Options granted under the
Plan shall be equal to 21,000,000 Shares, as adjusted
pursuant to this Section 4, but without application of the
foregoing provisions of this sentence or the provisions of the
first sentence of this Section 4 concerning Shares subject
to certain stock options or other awards under the Prior
The board of directors recommends a vote FOR this
proposal to approve the amendment of the 2008 Incentive Plan to
increase the number of new shares of common stock available for
awards under the plan by 8,000,000 shares. Approval of this
amendment requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the
shares of common stock cast, provided that the votes cast
represent a majority of the shares of common stock entitled to
vote on the amendment. Abstentions will be counted as present
for purposes of this vote, and therefore will have the
same effect as a vote against this amendment. Broker non-votes,
if any, will not be counted as present and entitled to vote on
this proposal.
of the amended 2008 Incentive Plan
The principal features of the 2008 Incentive Plan, as amended as
described above, are summarized in this proxy statement.
Stockholders should read the 2008 Incentive Plan for a full
statement of its legal terms and conditions. The full text of
the 2008 Incentive Plan is attached to the Companys
definitive proxy statement filed with the SEC on March 27, 2008.
Purpose. The purpose of the 2008 Incentive Plan is
to promote the identity of interests between stockholders and
non-employee directors of the company and officers, other
employees and consultants of the company and its subsidiaries by
encouraging and creating significant levels of ownership of
common stock by those non-employee directors, officers, other
employees and consultants. The 2008 Incentive Plan is intended
to provide meaningful long-term incentive opportunities for
non-employee directors, officers, other employees and
consultants who are responsible for the success of the company
and its subsidiaries and who are in a position to make
significant contributions toward their objectives.
Administration. The 2008 Incentive Plan is
administered by the compensation and management development
committee of the board, or such other committee of the board of
directors as the board may designate to administer the 2008
Incentive Plan. The committee may, to the extent permissible
under applicable law, delegate to officers or managers of the
company or its subsidiaries the authority to perform
administrative functions. The committee has full and final
authority to select and designate 2008 Incentive Plan
participants, to determine the type, amount and conditions of
awards to be granted under the 2008 Incentive Plan, and to make
all determinations in connection therewith which may be
necessary or advisable. Unless authority is specifically
reserved to the board under the terms of the 2008 Incentive
Plan, or applicable law, the committee has sole discretion in
exercising such authority under the 2008 Incentive Plan.
The committee is comprised of at least three members of the
board, each of whom is selected by the board. The members of the
committee are disinterested persons, within the
meaning of
Rule 16b-3
of the Exchange Act, and outside directors for
purposes of section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (to
the extent that an exemption from the deduction limitations of
section 162(m) is sought as to an award (see Certain
Federal Income Tax Consequences of the 2008 Incentive Plan
below)), and satisfy any additional regulatory, listing and
independence requirements as the board may require. Currently,
the members of the committee are Mr. Kean, Chairman,
Mr. Bodman, Mr. Brady, Mr. Olson, Mr. von Metzsch
and Mr. Wilson, each of whom is a director, but not an
employee, of the company.
Eligibility. Awards may be granted only to
individuals who are officers, other employees or consultants of
the company or its subsidiaries, as well as to non-employee
directors of the company. Only employees of the company and its
subsidiaries are eligible to receive incentive stock
options under the 2008 Incentive Plan.
Although all salaried employees of the company (approximately
3,250 in number), including all of the companys
officers (42 in number, of whom nine are executive officers) are
eligible to participate, it is expected that fewer than 1,000
salaried employees will be granted awards under the 2008
Incentive Plan. All non-employee directors (10 in number)
are also eligible to receive awards under the 2008 Incentive
Plan. As of March 3, 2010, outstanding options and
restricted stock awards under the 2008 Incentive Plan are held
by, or approved to be granted to, the following named
individuals and groups:
Stock Options
Restricted Stock
Name and Position
(Number of Shares)
(Number of Shares)
John B. Hess, Chief Executive Officer
John P. Rielly, Chief Financial Officer
Greg P. Hill, Executive Vice President
F. Borden Walker, Executive Vice President
Timothy B. Goodell, Senior Vice President and General Counsel
All current executive officers as a group
All current directors who are not executive
officers as a group
Each nominee for election as a director
Each associate of any such directors, executive
officers or nominees
All other employees as a group
Because it is within the committees discretion to
determine which non-employee directors, employees and
consultants receive awards under the 2008 Incentive Plan, and
the types and amounts of those awards, it is not possible at
present to specify the persons to whom awards will be granted in
the future, and the amounts and types of individual grants.
However, it is anticipated that, among others, all present
executive officers of the company, including the companys
named executive officers, will receive options and other awards
under the 2008 Incentive Plan.
Shares Subject to Awards. A maximum of
21,000,000 shares of the companys common stock would
be available for delivery under the amended 2008 Incentive Plan
(an increase of 8,000,000 over the 13,000,000 shares
currently available for delivery under the 2008 Incentive Plan),
plus up to 10,025,554 shares of common stock subject to
outstanding options or other awards under the Prior Incentive
Plan that are forfeited or are otherwise settled or terminated
without a distribution of shares on or after March 15,
2010, subject to adjustment for certain changes in the
companys capital structure (described below under
Changes in Capital). The shares of common stock that
may be issued under the 2008 Incentive Plan are either
authorized and unissued shares (which will not be subject to
preemptive rights) or previously issued shares that have been
reacquired and are held as treasury stock. The 2008 Incentive
Plan provides that for purposes of determining the number of
shares of common stock available for delivery under the 2008
Incentive Plan, (a) each share delivered upon exercise of
stock options reduces the shares available for delivery under
the 2008 Incentive Plan by one
share, (b) each share covered by the exercised portion of a
stock appreciation right (SAR), whether settled in
cash or shares, reduces the shares available for delivery under
the 2008 Incentive Plan by one share, (c) each share
delivered under a restricted stock award without a purchase
price at least equal to the fair market value of common stock on
the award date, a restricted stock unit, a performance award, or
a dividend equivalent reduces the shares available for delivery
under the 2008 Incentive Plan by two shares, (d) any shares
covered by an award which are not delivered because the award is
paid in cash does not reduce the shares available for delivery
under the 2008 Incentive Plan, (e) any shares subject to an
award or portion of an award that is forfeited, terminated,
cancelled or otherwise expires will be available for future
awards under the 2008 Incentive Plan; however, shares used to
pay the exercise price or required tax withholding for an award
under the 2008 Incentive Plan will not be available for future
awards under the 2008 Incentive Plan, and (f) the payment
of cash dividends or dividend equivalents in cash in connection
with awards under the 2008 Incentive Plan does not reduce the
shares available for delivery under the 2008 Incentive Plan. If
the company or a subsidiary acquires or combines with another
company, any awards that may be granted under the 2008 Incentive
Plan in substitution or exchange for outstanding stock options
or other awards of that other company will not reduce the shares
available for issuance under the 2008 Incentive Plan, but the
shares available for incentive stock options granted under the
2008 Incentive Plan will be limited to 21,000,000 shares of
the companys common stock, adjusted as stated above, but
not increased by shares subject to expired, forfeited or
terminated unexercised awards under the Prior Incentive Plan. On
March 15, 2010, the closing price of the companys common
stock on the NYSE was $60.43.
Terms of Awards. Awards may be granted on the terms
and conditions described in the 2008 Incentive Plan. In
addition, the committee may generally impose on any award or the
exercise thereof, at the date of grant or thereafter, such
additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the
provisions of the 2008 Incentive Plan, as the committee
determines. Payment to be made by the company or a subsidiary
upon the grant or exercise of an award may be made in such forms
as the committee determines, such as cash, shares of common
stock, other awards, or other property. Generally, only services
may be required as consideration for the grant of any award. If
the terms and conditions imposed by the committee on any award
are not complied with or achieved by a participant such award
will, unless otherwise provided under the 2008 Incentive Plan or
determined by the committee in accordance with the 2008
Incentive Plan, be forfeited by the participant. Set forth below
are the specific types of awards authorized to be made by the
committee under the Incentive Plan:
Non-qualified and Incentive Stock
Options. The committee is authorized to grant
either incentive stock options or stock options not intended to
qualify as incentive stock options. The committee determines the
exercise price per share purchasable under an option, which,
subject to adjustment for certain changes in the companys
capital structure (described below under Changes in
Capital), will not be less than the fair market value of a
share of common stock on the date of grant (unless the stock
option is granted in substitution or exchange for options or
awards of a company involved in a corporate transaction with the
company or its subsidiary). The committee is not otherwise
permitted to reduce the exercise price of an outstanding option.
committee determines the time or times at which an option may be
exercised in whole or in part, the methods by which such
exercise price may be paid or deemed to be paid, the form of
such payment, and the methods by which shares are delivered or
deemed to be delivered to participants. Options expire not later
than ten years after the date of grant; however, if the exercise
of an option on its scheduled expiration date would violate law,
the option may be extended until its exercise would not violate
law. Options generally terminate when the holders
employment or service with the company and its affiliates
terminates. Incentive stock options comply with section 422
of the Internal Revenue Code.
Stock Appreciation Rights. The
committee is authorized to grant stock appreciation rights,
which give the recipient the right to receive, upon exercise,
for each share covered by the stock appreciation rights the
excess of the fair market value of one share on the date of
exercise over the base price of the stock appreciation rights as
determined by the committee as of the date of grant, which base
price, subject to adjustment for certain changes in the
companys capital structure (described below under
Changes in Capital), may not be less than the fair
market value of a share of common stock on the date of grant
(unless the stock appreciation right is granted in substitution
or exchange for awards of a company involved in a corporate
transaction with the company or its subsidiary). The committee
is not otherwise permitted to reduce the base price of an
outstanding stock appreciation right. Stock appreciation rights
expire not later than ten years after the date of grant.
Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock
Units. The committee is authorized to grant
restricted stock and restricted stock units. Restricted stock
awards are shares of common stock that are awarded to a
participant subject to such restrictions as the committee may
impose, including vesting conditions and restrictions on the
transfer of the shares of restricted stock. Restricted stock
units are denominated in shares of common stock, except that no
shares are issued to the participant on the grant date. When a
restricted stock unit award vests, the participant is entitled
to receive shares of common stock, a cash payment based on the
value of shares of common stock or a combination of shares and
cash. Generally, an award of restricted stock or restricted
stock units must vest either (1) in full at the expiration
of a period of not less than three years from the date of grant
or (2) proportionally over a vesting period of not less
than three years from the date of grant, except that the award
may vest earlier in cases of death, disability or retirement, as
the committee shall determine, or on a change of control as
provided in the 2008 Incentive Plan. The committee is generally
not permitted otherwise to accelerate the vesting of restricted
stock or restricted stock units. However, the 2008 Incentive
Plan permits the committee to make awards of special restricted
stock or special restricted stock units that have vesting
conditions other than those described above with respect to a
limited aggregate amount specified in the plan, as described
below under Limitations on the Numbers of
Awards Certain Special Awards.
Performance-based restricted stock and performance-based
restricted stock units will generally be forfeited unless
preestablished performance goals (as described below under
Performance Awards) specified by the committee are
met during the applicable restriction period of at least one
year. Except as
otherwise determined by the committee, upon termination of
employment (as determined by the committee) during the
applicable restriction period, restricted stock or restricted
stock units that are at that time subject to restrictions will
be forfeited and returned to the company. Unless otherwise
determined by the committee, cash dividends and other
distributions made or paid with respect to the shares underlying
an award of restricted stock or performance-based restricted
stock will be held in escrow, and may (but need not) be
reinvested as determined by the committee and such dividends and
other distributions will be paid to the participant, together
with interest or other earnings thereon, if any, at the time the
related shares are delivered to the participant.
Performance Awards. The committee is
authorized to grant performance awards conditioned upon the
achievement of specified performance goals. Performance awards,
performance-based restricted stock and performance-based
restricted stock units are intended to be qualified
performance-based compensation within the meaning of
section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code and are
generally paid or vested solely on account of the attainment of
one or more preestablished, objective performance goals within
the meaning of section 162(m) of the Code and the
regulations thereunder. The performance goal is the attainment
of preestablished levels of net income, earnings, reserve
replacement, cash flow, net cash flow from operations, sales,
production, cost of production, margins, capital expenditures,
market capitalization, market price per share, return on equity,
return on assets, return on capital employed, earnings per
share, net asset value, book value per share or total
shareholder return, in each case, in relation to the company or
its subsidiaries or any business unit of either or in comparison
to a designated group of other companies or an index or other
subject of comparison, all as determined by the committee. A
performance award may be denominated in shares of common stock,
shares equivalents, units or cash, and may be payable in cash,
shares of common stock, other awards, or other property, and
have such other terms as are determined by the committee.
Dividend Equivalents. The committee is
authorized to grant dividend equivalents, representing an amount
equal to regular dividends paid on a share of the companys
common stock. The committee may provide that dividend
equivalents will be paid or distributed when accrued or be
reinvested in additional shares or awards, or otherwise
reinvested. Dividend equivalents may not, however, be granted
with respect to stock options or stock appreciation rights.
Stand-Alone, Additional, Tandem and Substitute
Awards. Awards granted under the 2008 Incentive
Plan may, in the discretion of the committee, be granted either
alone or in addition to or in tandem with any other award
granted under the 2008 Incentive Plan or any award granted under
any other plan of the company, any subsidiary, or any business
entity to be acquired by the company. Generally, awards may not
be granted in substitution for another award under the 2008
Incentive Plan, or retroactively in tandem with another award
under the 2008 Incentive Plan at an exercise or base price lower
than that of the previously granted award, without first
obtaining stockholder approval of the grant. However, the
committee may
grant shares or awards under the 2008 Incentive Plan in
assumption of, or substitution or exchange for, options or other
awards previously granted, or the right or obligation to grant
future options or other awards, by a company involved in a
corporate transaction with the company or its subsidiary.
Limitations on the Numbers of Awards. In
addition to the aggregate limit on the number of shares that may
be made subject to awards under the 2008 Incentive Plan, awards
are also subject to the following limitations:
Performance-Based Awards and Performance-Based Restricted
Stock. The maximum aggregate amount
awarded under performance awards, performance-based restricted
stock and performance-based restricted stock units to an
individual participant in a single calendar year may not exceed
375,000 shares of common stock (or the fair market value of
that number of shares on the award date).
Stock Options and Stock Appreciation
Rights. Each individual participant
may not receive in any year awards of options or stock
appreciation rights exceeding 750,000 shares.
Certain Special Awards. No more than a
total of 650,000 shares may be made subject to awards of
special restricted stock and special restricted stock units
granted during the term of the 2008 Incentive Plan (as described
above under Terms of Awards Restricted Stock
and Restricted Stock Units).
Change of Control Provisions. The 2008
Incentive Plan provides for potential acceleration of vesting or
exercisability of awards, and other potential changes to awards,
upon the occurrence of a change of control. A change of control
will generally be deemed to occur in the following circumstances:
the acquisition of 20% or more of the outstanding voting stock
of the company by any person or entity, other than acquisitions
by Hess family members or Hess family-related entities;
the persons serving as directors of the company as of the
effective date of the 2008 Incentive Plan, and those
replacements or additions subsequently approved by a majority
vote of the board, ceasing to make up at least a majority of the
consummation (or, for awards granted prior to February 1,
2010, approval by the stockholders of the company) of a merger,
consolidation or reorganization in which the stockholders of the
company prior to the merger own 51% or less of the surviving
corporation; or
consummation (or, for awards granted prior to February 1,
2010, approval by the stockholders of the company) of a complete
liquidation or dissolution of the company or sale of all or
substantially all of the assets of the company, other than to a
corporation more than 51% of which is owned after such sale by
stockholders of the company prior to the sale.
In the event of a change of control, but subject to any contrary
law or rule or provision of an award agreement that is in effect
under 2008 Incentive Plan prior to the change of control, the
committee may, in its discretion, provide that: (a) target
performance goals of performance awards, performance-based
restricted stock and performance-based restricted stock units
will be deemed fully or partially achieved and those awards will
be fully or partially earned and vested; (b) outstanding
options and stock appreciation rights will become exercisable
and vested; (c) restrictions, deferral limitations and
forfeiture conditions applicable to any outstanding awards will
lapse and those awards will be deemed fully vested; or
(d) outstanding options or awards will be cashed out based
on the highest price per share of the companys common
stock paid in any transaction reported on the securities
exchange or trading system on which the common stock is then
primarily traded or listed, or paid or offered in any
transaction related to the change of control during the
60 days preceding the date of the change of control (or, in
the case of stock options and stock appreciation rights, the
fair market value of the common stock for the date on which that
award is cashed out), reduced by the exercise price or base
price of the award, if applicable. If options and other awards
are not cashed out, participants will be entitled to receive,
and the company will use its best efforts to cause, the
surviving corporation, or other party, to the change of control
transaction to grant to the participant, substitute options or
other awards with respect to stock of that surviving corporation
or other party, which substantially preserve the value, rights
and benefits of the affected options and other awards, as
determined by the committee. However, if the surviving or
successor corporation to the company, or any other corporate
party to the change of control transaction, does not assume, or
substitute equivalent awards for, options or other awards
outstanding under the 2008 Incentive Plan, or in the event of a
liquidation of the company, or if the employment of a holder of
an outstanding option or award is terminated involuntarily
without cause or by the holder for good
reason (as those terms are defined in the 2008 Incentive
Plan) then, in general: (1) target performance goals of
affected performance awards, performance-based restricted stock
and performance-based restricted stock units will be deemed
fully achieved and those awards and restricted stock will be
fully earned and vested; (2) affected options and other
awards will become fully exercisable and vested; and
(3) all restrictions, deferral limitations and forfeiture
conditions applicable to affected awards will lapse and those
awards will be deemed fully vested.
Changes in Capital. In the event a corporate
event or transaction, such as a stock dividend, stock split,
recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation or
spin-off, affects the companys common stock such that an
adjustment is necessary to prevent dilution or enlargement of
participants rights under the 2008 Incentive Plan, the
committee will, in a manner it deems equitable, adjust the
number and kind of shares that can be issued under the 2008
Incentive Plan and outstanding awards and the plans limits
on the number of shares that can be subject to awards, described
above under Limitations on the Numbers of Awards,
and the exercise price, base price or purchase price relating to
awards (or make a cash payment for any outstanding award). In
addition, the committee is authorized to make adjustments in the
terms and conditions of, and the criteria included in, awards
under the 2008 Incentive Plan in recognition of unusual or
nonrecurring events affecting the company or any subsidiary or
their financial statements, or in response to changes in
applicable laws, regulations, rules or accounting principles.
Nontransferability. Generally, a
participants rights in any award may not be pledged,
encumbered or hypothecated to or in favor of any party (other
than the company or a subsidiary), nor be subject to any
liability of any participant to any party. Unless otherwise
determined by the committee, no award subject to any restriction
is assignable or transferable by a participant otherwise than by
will or the laws of descent and distribution or to the
participants designated beneficiary. The committee may
allow a participant to transfer his or her award (other than an
incentive stock option) to an immediate family member or related
trust or similar entity or another transferee.
Changes to the 2008 Incentive Plan and
Awards. The board may amend, suspend or terminate
the 2008 Incentive Plan without the consent of stockholders or
participants, except that any such amendment, suspension, or
termination will be subject to the approval of the
companys stockholders within one year after such board
action if (1) an amendment (a) increases the number of
shares reserved for awards under the plan, (b) changes the
class of participants eligible to receive awards under the plan,
(c) decreases the plans minimum exercise price or
base price requirements for options or SARs, (d) modifies
or eliminates the plans prohibitions on re-pricing or
substituting outstanding awards, or (e) materially
increases the benefits to participants under the plan or
(2) the board determines that stockholder approval is
required by any applicable law, regulation or stock exchange
rule, or is otherwise for any reason advisable. The committee
may, unless expressly prohibited by the 2008 Incentive Plan,
also waive any conditions or rights under, or amend, suspend, or
terminate, any outstanding award and any related award
agreement. However, without the consent of an affected
participant, no amendment, suspension, waiver, or termination of
the 2008 Incentive Plan or any award may materially impair the
previously accrued rights of any participant under his or her
outstanding award, unless the board or the committee determines
that the action is required or advisable to comply with any law,
rule or accounting standard, or is not reasonably likely to
significantly diminish the benefits provided under the award.
The 2008 Incentive Plan prohibits the company from reducing the
exercise price or base price of an outstanding stock option or
SAR or replacing an outstanding stock option or SAR with a new
option or SAR that has a lower exercise price or base price, or
with any other type of new award or a cash payment, except in
connection with a corporate transaction involving the company,
or as described under Changes in Capital above,
without first obtaining stockholder approval.
Duration of 2008 Incentive Plan. The plan
became effective as of the date of the 2008 annual meeting and
will continue in effect until all shares of common stock
available under the 2008 Incentive Plan are delivered and all
restrictions on those shares have lapsed, unless the 2008
Incentive Plan is terminated earlier by the board. However, no
awards may be granted under the 2008 Incentive Plan on or after
May 7, 2018.
States Participants. The committee may authorize
appropriate procedures and subplans and grant awards or
substitutes for awards to permit eligible individuals who are
employed outside the United States to participate in the 2008
Incentive Plan or to otherwise conform to the laws or practices
non-U.S. jurisdictions.
Forfeiture. The 2008 Incentive Plan authorizes
the committee to provide for the forfeiture or recoupment of a
participants awards in certain situations, such as the
termination of the participants employment for cause or
due to voluntary resignation, serious misconduct, breach of
noncompetition, confidentiality or other restrictive covenants,
or other activity detrimental to the business, reputation or
interests of the company
and/or any
subsidiary. If the company is required to prepare an accounting
restatement (a) due to the companys material
noncompliance, as a result of misconduct, with any financial
reporting requirement under the securities laws, if a
participant knowingly or grossly negligently engaged in, or
failed to prevent, that misconduct, or if a participant is one
of the individuals subject to automatic forfeiture under the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the participant will be obligated to
reimburse the company the amount of any payment in settlement of
an award earned or accrued during the twelve-month period
following the first public issuance or filing with the SEC
(whichever just occurred) of the relevant financial document,
and (b) the committee may in its discretion provide that if
the amount earned under any participants award is reduced
by such restatement, that participant will reimburse the company
the amount of the reduction previously paid in settlement of
that award.
Tax Withholding Obligations. The 2008
Incentive Plan authorizes the company and its subsidiaries to
withhold all applicable taxes from any award or payment under
the 2008 Incentive Plan and to take other actions necessary or
advisable to satisfy those tax obligations.
Federal Income Tax Consequences of the 2008 Incentive
The following is a brief and general summary of certain federal
income tax consequences applicable to transactions under the
2008 Incentive Plan. The consequences of transactions depend on
a variety of factors, including a participants tax status.
References to the company in this summary of tax
consequences mean Hess Corporation, or any subsidiary of Hess
Corporation that employs or receives the services of a recipient
of an award under the 2008 Incentive Plan, as the case may be.
Incentive Stock Options. A participant will
not recognize any income upon the grant of an incentive stock
option or, assuming requirements of the 2008 Incentive Plan and
the Internal Revenue Code are met, upon exercise thereof. If the
shares are disposed of by the participant more than two years
after the date of grant of the incentive stock option, and more
than one year after those shares are transferred to the
participant, any gain or loss realized upon the disposition will
be a long-term capital gain or loss, and the company will not be
entitled to any income tax deduction in respect of the option or
its exercise. If the participant disposes of the shares within
either such period in a taxable transaction, the excess, if any,
of the amount realized (up to the fair market value of such
shares on the exercise date) over the exercise price will be
compensation taxable to the participant as ordinary income, and
the company will generally be entitled to a deduction equal to
the amount of ordinary income recognized by the participant. If
the amount realized upon that disqualifying disposition exceeds
the fair market value of the shares on the exercise date, the
excess will be a capital gain. If the exercise price exceeds the
amount realized upon such disqualifying disposition, the
difference will be a capital loss.
Non-Qualified Stock Options. Upon the grant
of a non-qualified stock option, a participant will not
recognize any taxable income. Generally, at the time a
non-qualified stock option is exercised, the participant will
recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income, and the
company will generally be entitled to a deduction, in an amount
equal to the difference between the fair market value on the
exercise date of the shares of common stock purchased upon
exercise and the exercise price. Upon a subsequent disposition
of the shares, the participant will realize either long-term or
short-term capital gain or loss, depending upon the holding
period of the shares.
Stock Appreciation Rights. Upon the grant of
a stock appreciation right, a participant will not recognize any
taxable income. Generally, at the time a stock appreciation
right is exercised, a participant will recognize compensation
taxable as ordinary income, and the company will generally be
entitled to a tax deduction, in an amount equal to any cash
received (before applicable withholding) plus the fair market
value on the exercise date of any shares of common stock
Restricted Stock. A participant will not
realize any income upon the award of restricted stock that is
not transferable and is subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture. Generally, unless a participant has made an election
under section 83(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, at the
time the vesting terms and conditions applicable to restricted
stock are satisfied, the participant will recognize compensation
taxable as ordinary income, and the company will generally be
entitled to a deduction, equal to the then fair market value of
the common stock on the vesting date, together with the amount
of any accrued dividends and any interest thereon received by
the participant.
Restricted Stock Units. Upon the grant of
restricted stock units, a participant will not recognize any
taxable income. Generally, the participant will recognize
compensation taxable as ordinary income, and the company will
generally be entitled to a tax deduction, in an amount equal to
any cash received (before applicable withholding), plus the
then-current fair market value of any shares of common stock
received, by the participant upon settlement of the restricted
stock units.
Performance Awards, Other Stock-based Awards and Dividend
Equivalents. The granting of a performance award,
other stock-based award or dividend equivalent right will not
result in the recognition of taxable income by the participant
or a tax deduction by the company. The payment or settlement of
a performance award, other stock-based award or dividend
equivalent right generally results in immediate recognition of
taxable ordinary income by the participant equal to the amount
of any cash received or the then-current fair market value of
the shares of common stock received, and a corresponding tax
deduction by the company. If the shares covered by the award are
not transferable and subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture, the tax consequences to the participant and the
company will be similar to the tax consequences of restricted
stock awards, described above. If the award consists of
unrestricted shares of common stock, the recipient of those
shares will immediately recognize as taxable ordinary income the
fair market value of those shares on the date of the award, and
the company will be entitled to a corresponding tax deduction.
Under section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, the
company may be limited as to federal income tax deductions to
the extent that total annual compensation in excess of
$1 million is paid to the companys principal
executive officer or any one of the companys other three
highest paid executive officers, other than the principal
executive officer or principal financial officer, who are
employed by the company on the last day of the companys
taxable year. However, certain performance-based
compensation the material terms of which are disclosed to
and approved by the companys stockholders is not subject
to this deduction limitation.
The 2008 Incentive Plan has been structured with the intention
that compensation resulting from stock options and SARs granted
under the 2008 Incentive Plan will be qualified
performance-based compensation and deductible without regard to
the limitations otherwise imposed by section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code. The 2008 Incentive Plan allows the
committee discretion to award performance awards,
performance-based restricted stock and performance-based
restricted stock units that is intended to be qualified
performance-based compensation for purposes of
section 162(m).
Under certain circumstances, accelerated vesting, exercise or
payment of awards under the 2008 Incentive Plan in connection
with a change of control of the company might be
deemed an excess parachute payment for purposes of
the golden parachute payment provisions of Section 280G of
the Internal Revenue Code. To the extent it is so considered,
the participant holding the award would be subject to an excise
tax equal to 20% of the amount of the excess parachute payment,
and the company would be denied a tax deduction for the excess
parachute payment.
The company has received notice from Green Century Capital
Management, 114 State Street, Boston, MA 02109, holder of
126 shares of the companys common stock, of its
intention to present the following resolution for action at the
annual meeting. The proponent also furnished the supporting
statement immediately following the resolutions. The affirmative
vote of a majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting on
this proposal is necessary to adopt the proposal. Abstentions
will not be counted as a vote cast and therefore will have no
effect on the vote on the stockholder proposal. Broker non-votes
will not be counted as present and are not entitled to vote on
the proposal.
Resolved, that the shareholders of Hess Corporation
(Company) hereby request that the Company provide a
report, updated semi-annually, disclosing the Companys:
1. Policies and procedures for political contributions and
expenditures (both direct and indirect) made with corporate
2. Monetary and non-monetary political contributions and
expenditures not deductible under section 162 (e)(l)(B) of
the Internal Revenue Code, including but not limited to
contributions to or expenditures on behalf of political
candidates, political parties, political committees and other
political entities organized and operating under 26 USC
Sec. 527 of the Internal Revenue Code and any portion of any
dues or similar payments made to any tax
exempt organization that is used for an expenditure or
contribution if made directly by the corporation would not be
deductible under section 162 (e)(l)(B) of the Internal
Revenue Code. The report shall include the following:
An accounting through an itemized report that includes the
identity of the recipient as well as the amount paid to each
recipient of the Companys funds that are used for
political contributions or expenditures as described above;
Identification of the person or persons in the Company who
participated in making the decisions to make the political
contribution or expenditure; and
The report shall be presented to the board of directors
audit committee or other relevant oversight committee and posted
on the companys website to reduce costs to shareholders.
Supporting Statement
As long-term shareholders of Hess, we support transparency and
accountability in corporate spending on political activities.
These activities include direct and indirect political
contributions to candidates, political parties or political
organizations; independent expenditures; or electioneering
communications on behalf of a federal, state or local candidate.
Disclosure is consistent with public policy, in the best
interest of the company and its shareholders, and critical for
compliance with recent federal ethics legislation. Absent a
system of accountability, company assets can be used for policy
objectives that may be inimical to the long-term interests of
and may pose risks to the company and its shareholders.
However, relying on publicly available data does not provide a
complete picture of the Companys political expenditures.
For example, the Companys payments to trade associations
used for political activities are undisclosed and unknown. In
many cases, even management does not know how trade associations
use their companys money politically. The proposal asks
the Company to disclose all of its political contributions,
including payments to trade associations and other tax exempt
organizations. This would bring our Company in line with a
growing number of leading companies, including Hewlett-Packard,
Aetna and American Electric Power that support political
disclosure and accountability and present this information on
their websites.
The Companys Board and its shareholders need complete
disclosure to be able to fully evaluate the political use of
corporate assets. Thus, we urge your support for this critical
governance reform.
The Board of Directors recommends that stockholders vote
AGAINST this proposal for the following reasons:
While the company supports transparency in political spending,
the board believes that the disclosures recommended by the
proponent are unnecessary in view of the companys very
limited political activities, the potential misleading
implications of such disclosures, and the current public
availability of much of the information requested by the
The companys policy relating to political contributions is
set forth in its code of business conduct and ethics and its
annual sustainability report, both of which are available on the
companys website at The company has a
policy that it does not use corporate funds to make
contributions to political candidates, political parties,
political committees or other political entities organized and
operating under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code.
In addition, the company does not sponsor a political action
committee for employee contributions.
The company belongs to a number of trade associations. Its
principal purpose in participating in these trade associations
is to give the company access to the business, technical and
industry standard-setting expertise of these associations. We
believe that requiring the company to disclose dues paid to
these associations, presumably as an indication of political
spending, is potentially misleading because it is not
necessarily indicative of the companys position on any
particular issue, as the company does not necessarily agree with
the political positions taken by these trade associations.
Moreover, under the Internal Revenue Code, the extent to which
trade associations engage in political activities is already
required to be disclosed by the associations, although
disclosure of memberships or of dues paid by members is not
required to be disclosed. Finally, providing the amounts the
company pays for membership could also increase competition
among the trade associations for funding.
In light of the companys very limited political activities
and policy against corporate political contributions, as well as
the existing public availability of much of this information,
the board believes the proposal is unnecessary and would not
provide any significant benefit to stockholders.
For these reasons, the board urges stockholders to vote
against this proposal.
The board of directors knows of no other matters to come before
the meeting. Should any unanticipated business properly come
before the meeting, the persons named in the enclosed form of
proxy will vote in accordance with their best judgment. The
accompanying proxy confers discretionary authority to such
persons to vote on any unanticipated matters.
The cost of preparing and mailing the notice of internet
availability of proxy materials, this proxy statement and the
accompanying proxy and the cost of solicitation of proxies on
behalf of the board of directors will be borne by the company.
Solicitation will be made by mail and internet. Some personal
solicitation may be made by directors, officers and employees
without special compensation, other than reimbursement for
expenses. In addition, D. F. King & Co. has been
retained to aid in the solicitation. Its fees for this
solicitation are not expected to exceed $30,000, exclusive of
Proposals which stockholders wish to include in the
companys proxy materials relating to the 2011 annual
meeting of stockholders must be received by the company no later
than November 25, 2010. Notice of any stockholder proposal
for the 2011 annual meeting which the proponent does not wish to
include in the companys proxy materials for that meeting
will be considered untimely if not received by the company on or
before February 8, 2011.
The company will provide to any person whose proxy is solicited
by this proxy statement, without charge, upon written request to
the companys secretary at the companys principal
executive office set forth on the first page of this proxy
statement, a copy of the companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 or the
companys proxy statement.
It is important that proxies be returned promptly.
Stockholders are urged to date and sign the proxy card if they
have requested a paper copy of proxy materials and return it
promptly in the accompanying envelope, or to vote via the
internet or by calling the toll-free number as instructed on the
proxy card or the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy
By order of the Board of Directors,
George C. Barry
New York, New York
March 25, 2010
Annex A
1. The Audit Committee (the Committee) shall be
appointed by the Board of Directors and shall consist of not
less than three directors, all of whom shall have no material
relationship with the Company and each of whom shall be
independent under the rules of the New York Stock
Exchange, Inc. (NYSE), and the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) rules in each case as
affirmatively determined by the Board in its business judgment.
Each member shall be financially literate, and one
member of the Committee shall have accounting or related
financial management expertise, in each case within the
meaning of applicable NYSE rules and as determined by the Board
of Directors in its business judgment. When and as required by
applicable law and rules of the SEC, at least one member shall
be a financial expert within the meaning of such
laws and rules and as determined by the Board in its business
judgment, or in the alternative, the Company shall make
appropriate disclosures as required by applicable SEC rules
explaining why there is not a member of the Committee who is a
financial expert.
2. No director may serve as a member of the Committee if
such director serves on the audit committees of more than two
other public companies unless the Board of Directors determines
that such simultaneous service would not impair the ability of
such director to effectively serve on the Committee, and
discloses this determination in the Companys annual proxy
statement. No member of the Committee may receive any
compensation from the Company other than
(i) directors fees, which may be received in cash,
stock options or other in-kind consideration ordinarily
available to directors; (ii) a pension or other deferred
compensation for prior service that is not contingent on future
service; and (iii) any other regular benefits that other
directors receive. No member of the Committee may be an
affiliated person of the Company or its subsidiaries.
3. Members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors
based on nominations recommended by the Companys Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee, and shall serve at the
pleasure of the Board and for such term or terms as the Board
may determine.
4. The Board shall designate one member of the Committee as
its chairperson.
1. The Committee shall provide assistance to the Board of
Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibility to the
shareholders, the investment community, and others relating to
the Companys financial statements, the financial reporting
practices of the Company, the systems of internal accounting and
financial controls and disclosure controls, the internal audit
function, the annual independent audit of the Companys
financial statements and the review of the independence of
outside auditors.
2. In fulfilling its duties, the Committee should maintain
free and open communication between the Committee, the Board of
Directors, independent registered public accountants, the
internal auditors and management of the Company. The foregoing
shall have direct and unfettered access to members of the
Committee both at and between meetings of the Committee.
The purposes of the Committee are to:
1. Assist Board oversight of (i) the integrity of the
Companys financial statements, (ii) the
Companys compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements, (iii) the independent registered public
accountants qualifications and independence of the
independent registered public accountants, and (iv) the
performance of the independent registered public accountants and
the Companys internal audit function; and
2. Prepare the report required to be prepared by the
Committee pursuant to SEC rules for inclusion in the
Companys annual proxy statement.
The function of the Committee is oversight. Management of the
Company is responsible for the preparation, presentation and
integrity of the Companys financial statements and for
maintaining appropriate accounting and financial reporting
principles and policies. Management and the internal auditing
department are responsible for maintaining internal controls and
procedures that provide for compliance with accounting standards
and applicable laws and regulations. The independent registered
public accountants are responsible for planning and carrying out
a proper audit of the Companys annual financial
statements, assessing the effectiveness of internal controls
over financial reporting, reviewing the Companys quarterly
financial statements prior to the filing of each quarterly
report on
Form 10-Q,
and other procedures. In fulfilling their responsibilities
hereunder, it is recognized that members of the Committee are
not full-time employees of the Company and are not, and do not
represent themselves to be, accountants or auditors by
profession or experts in the fields of accounting or auditing.
As such, it is not the duty or responsibility of the Committee
or its members to conduct field work or other types
of auditing procedures or accounting reviews or to set auditor
independence standards. Each member of the Audit Committee shall
be entitled in his or her reasonable judgment to rely on
(i) the integrity of those persons and organizations within
and outside the Company from which it receives information and
(ii) the accuracy of the financial and other information
provided to the Committee by such persons or organizations
absent actual knowledge to the contrary (which shall be promptly
reported to the Board of Directors).
The Committee shall meet at least once every fiscal quarter. The
Committee shall meet separately periodically at such times as it
deems appropriate with management, the director of the internal
auditing department and the independent registered public
accountants to discuss any matters that the Committee or any of
these persons or firms believe should be discussed privately.
The Committee may request any officer or employee of the Company
or the Companys outside counsel or independent registered
public accountants to attend a
meeting of the Committee or to meet with any members of, or
consultants to, the Committee. Members of the Committee may
participate in a meeting of the Committee by means of conference
call or similar communications equipment by means of which all
persons participating in the meeting can hear each other.
To carry out its purposes, the Committee shall have the
following duties and powers:
1. With respect to the independent registered public
to retain and terminate the independent registered public
accountants (subject, if applicable, to shareholder
(ii) to pre-approve all audit engagement fees and terms;
to pre-approve all non-audit services permitted to be provided
to this Company by the independent registered public accountants
and receive certain disclosures regarding non-prohibited tax
services when and as required by applicable law and SEC and
accounting rules; provided, however, that for this purpose the
Committee may delegate authority to one of its members, but any
approval of non-audit services pursuant to such delegation shall
be presented to the Committee at its next scheduled meeting;
to require that the independent registered public accountants
prepare and deliver annually a formal written statement (the
Auditors Statement) describing: the
firms internal quality-control procedures; any material
issues raised by the most recent internal quality-control review
or peer review of the auditors, or by any inquiry or
investigation by governmental or professional authorities,
within the preceding five years, respecting one or more
independent audits carried out by the firm, and any steps taken
to deal with any such issues; and (to assess the auditors
independence) all relationships between the independent
registered public accountants and the Company, including each
non-audit service provided to the Company and the matters set
forth in PCAOB Ethics and Independence Rule 3526;
to discuss with the independent registered public accountants
any relationships or services disclosed in the Auditors
Statement that may impact the quality of audit services or the
objectivity and independence of the independent registered
public accountants;
to require the independent registered public accountants to
submit to the Company annually a formal written statement of the
fees billed for each of the following categories of services
rendered by the independent registered public accountants:
(i) the audit of the Companys annual financial
statements for the most recent fiscal year and the reviews of
the financial statements included in the Companys
Quarterly Reports on Form l0-Q for that fiscal year;
(ii) audited related services for the most recent fiscal
year (iii) tax and tax-related services for the most recent
fiscal year and (iv) all other services rendered by the
independent registered public accountants for the most recent
fiscal year, in the aggregate and by each service;
if applicable, to consider whether the independent registered
public accountants provision of (a) tax-related
services and (b) other non-audit services to the Company is
compatible with maintaining the independence of the independent
registered public accountants;
to review and evaluate the experience, qualifications,
performance and independence of the senior members of the
independent registered public accountants;
to discuss with management the timing and process for
implementing the rotation of the lead audit partner and the
reviewing partner when and as required by applicable law and SEC
to take into account the opinions of management and the
Companys internal auditors in assessing the independent
registered public accountants experience, qualifications,
performance and independence; and
to instruct the independent registered public accountants that
they are ultimately accountable to the Board and the Committee,
as representatives of the shareholders.
With respect to the internal auditing department,
to review the appointment and replacement of the director of the
internal auditing department;
to review with the director of the internal audit department the
qualifications and staffing of the internal audit department and
the scope of the audit; and
to receive from the director of the internal auditing department
summaries of and, as appropriate, the significant reports to
management prepared by the internal auditing department and
managements responses thereto.
With respect to financial reporting principles and policies and
internal controls and procedures,
to advise management, the internal auditing department and the
independent registered public accountants that they are expected
to provide to the Committee a timely analysis of significant
financial reporting issues and practices;
to consider any reports or communications (and managements
and or the internal audit departments responses thereto)
submitted to the Committee by the independent registered public
accountants required by or referred to in Statement of Auditing
Standards No. 114, as may be modified or supplemented,
including reports and communications related to deficiencies in
the design or operation of internal controls, fraud, illegal
acts, audit adjustments and the independent registered public
accountants judgments about the quality of the
entitys accounting principles;
to review managements report on its assessment of the
effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of
the end of each fiscal year and the independent registered
public accountants report on (1) managements
assessment and (2) the effectiveness of internal control
over financial reporting.
to meet with management, the independent registered public
accountants and, if appropriate, the director of the internal
auditing department:
to discuss, as appropriate: (a) any major issues regarding
accounting principles and financial statement presentations,
including any significant changes in the Companys
selection or application of accounting principles, and major
issues as to the adequacy of the Companys internal
controls and any special audit steps adopted in light of
material or significant control deficiencies; (b) analyses
prepared by management
and/or the
independent registered public accountants setting forth
significant financial reporting issues and judgments made in
connection with the preparation of the financial statements,
including analyses of the effects of alternative GAAP methods on
the financial statements; (c) the effect of regulatory and
accounting initiatives, as well as off-balance sheet structures,
on the financial statements of the Company and (d) earnings
press releases (paying particular attention to any use of
pro forma, or adjusted non-GAAP,
to review the adequacy of internal controls and disclosure
controls, including controls over quarterly financial reporting,
computerized information systems and security;
to discuss the scope of the annual audit;
to discuss the annual audited financial statements and quarterly
financial statements prior to their release, including the
Companys disclosures under Managements
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
to discuss any significant matters arising from any audit,
including any audit problems or difficulties, whether raised by
management, the internal auditing department or the independent
registered public accountants, relating to the Companys
financial statements;
to discuss any difficulties the independent registered public
accountants encountered in the course of the audit, including
any restrictions on their activities or access to requested
information and any significant disagreements with management;
to discuss any accounting adjustments that were proposed by the
independent registered public accountant but were
passed (as immaterial or otherwise), any
communications between the audit team and their national office
with respect to significant auditing or accounting issues
presented by the engagement and any management or
internal control letter issued,
or proposed to be issued, by the independent registered public
accountants to the Company;
to review the form of opinion the independent registered public
accountants propose to render to the Board of Directors and
to discuss significant changes to the Companys auditing
and accounting principles, policies, controls, procedures and
practices proposed or contemplated by the independent registered
public accountants, the internal auditing department or
management; and
to discuss policies with respect to risk assessment and risk
to discuss guidelines and policies governing the process by
which senior management of the Company and the relevant
departments of the Company assess and manage the Companys
exposure to risk, and to discuss the Companys major
financial risk exposures and the steps management has taken to
monitor and control such exposures;
to obtain from the independent registered public accountants
assurance that the audit was conducted in a manner consistent
with Section l0A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, which sets forth certain procedures to be followed in
any audit of financial statements required under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934;
to discuss with the Companys General Counsel any
significant legal, compliance or regulatory matters that may
have a material effect on the financial statements or the
Companys business, financial statements or compliance
policies, including material notices to or inquiries received
from governmental agencies;
to review and discuss earnings press releases prior to their
to discuss the types of financial information and earnings
guidance provided, and the types of presentations made, to
analysts and rating agencies;
to establish clear hiring policies for employees or former
employees of the independent registered public accountants;
when and as required by applicable law and SEC rules, to
establish procedures for (i) the receipt, retention, and
treatment of complaints received by the Company regarding
accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters;
and (ii) the confidential, anonymous submission by
employees of the Company of concerns regarding questionable
accounting or auditing matters;
to review compliance with the Companys business practice
guide and reports to the Companys internal hotline.
to review and approve all related party transactions required to
be disclosed pursuant to SEC Regulations S-K, Item 404, and
discuss with management
the business rationale for the transactions and whether
appropriate disclosures have been made.
4. With respect to reporting and recommendations,
to prepare any report or other disclosures, including any
recommendation of the Committee, required by the rules of the
SEC to be included in the Companys annual proxy statement;
to review this Charter at least annually and recommend any
changes to the full Board of Directors;
to report regularly to the Board of Directors as it deems
appropriate and, at a minimum, report to the Board of Directors
after each of its meetings either at the Board meeting which
immediately follows the meeting of the Committee or at the next
succeeding Board meeting and to make such recommendations with
respect to the above and other matters as the Committee may deem
necessary or appropriate; and
to prepare and review with the Board of Directors an annual
performance evaluation of the Committee, which evaluation must
compare the performance of the Committee with the requirements
of this Charter. The performance evaluation by the Committee
shall be conducted in such manner as the Committee deems
appropriate. The report to the Board of Directors may take the
form of an oral report by the Chairperson of the Committee or
any other member of the Committee designated by the Committee to
make the report.
The Committee shall have the resources and authority appropriate
to discharge its duties and responsibilities, including the
authority to select, retain, terminate, and approve the fees and
other retention terms of special or independent counsel,
accountants or other experts, as it deems appropriate, without
seeking approval of the Board of Directors or management.
Annex B
WHEREAS, Hess Corporation (the Corporation)
maintains the Plan;
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 11.01 of the Plan, the
Board of Directors of the Corporation may amend the Plan subject
to the approval by the Corporations shareholders of
certain specified amendments, including, in relevant part, any
increase in the number of shares reserved for awards under the
Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Corporation desires to amend the Plan as
provided herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Corporation hereby amends the
Plan as follows:
Subject to approval by the shareholders of the Corporation at
the Corporations 2010 annual meeting of shareholders, and
effective as of the date of such shareholder approval, the
second and penultimate sentences of Section 4 of the Plan
are amended to respectively read as follows:
Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 10, the
total number of Shares reserved and available for Awards under
the Plan during the term hereof shall be
(a) 21,000,000 Shares, plus (b) up to
10,025,554 Shares subject to outstanding stock options or
other awards under the Hess Corporation Second Amended and
Restated 1995 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the Prior
Plan) to the extent that on or after March 15, 2010,
such stock options or other awards are forfeited or such a stock
option or other award is settled or terminates without a
distribution of Shares (whether or not cash, other awards or
other property is distributed with respect to such stock option
or other award) (the Share Reserve).
Any Shares delivered under the Plan upon exercise or
satisfaction of Substitute Awards shall not reduce the Shares
available for delivery under the Plan; provided,
however, that the total number of Shares that may be
delivered pursuant to Incentive Stock Options granted under the
Plan shall be equal to 21,000,000 Shares, as adjusted
pursuant to this Section 4, but without application of the
foregoing provisions of this sentence or the provisions of the
first sentence of this Section 4 concerning Shares subject
to certain stock options or other awards under the Prior
Section 9.02(c) of the Plan is hereby amended, effective as
of the date hereof, to read, in its entirety, as follows:
(c) Consummation (or, for Awards granted prior to
February 1, 2010, approval by the shareholders of the
Corporation) of a reorganization, merger or consolidation, in
each case, with respect to which all or substantially all of the
individuals and entities who were the beneficial owners,
respectively, of the Outstanding Corporation Common Stock and
Outstanding Voting Securities immediately prior to such
reorganization, merger or consolidation do not, following such
reorganization, merger or consolidation, beneficially own,
directly or indirectly, more than 51% of, respectively,
the then outstanding shares of common stock and the combined
voting power of the then outstanding voting securities entitled
to vote generally in the election of directors, as the case may
be, of the corporation resulting from such reorganization,
merger or consolidation in substantially the same proportions as
their ownership, immediately prior to such reorganization,
merger or consolidation, of the Outstanding Corporation Common
Stock and Outstanding Voting Securities, as the case may be;
The first sentence of Section 9.02(d) of the Plan is hereby
amended, effective as of the date hereof, to read, in its
entirety, as follows:
(d) Consummation (or, for Awards granted prior to
February 1, 2010, approval by the shareholders of the
Corporation) of (i) a complete liquidation or dissolution
of the Corporation or (ii) the sale or other disposition of
all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation, other
than to a corporation, with respect to which following such sale
or other disposition, more than 51% of, respectively, the then
outstanding shares of common stock of such corporation and the
combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities
of such corporation entitled to vote generally in the election
of directors is then beneficially owned, directly or indirectly,
by all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who
were the beneficial owners, respectively, of the Outstanding
Corporation Common Stock and Outstanding Voting Securities
immediately prior to such sale or other disposition in
substantially the same proportion as their ownership,
immediately prior to such sale or other disposition, of the
Outstanding Corporation Common Stock and Outstanding Voting
Securities, as the case may be.
(a) In the event of any conflict between the terms of this
First Amendment and the terms of the Plan, the terms of this
First Amendment shall take precedence. Except as expressly
modified herein, the Plan shall remain in full force and effect
throughout the entire term of the Plan.
(b) The validity, interpretation, construction and
performance of this First Amendment shall be governed by the
laws of the State of Delaware, without giving effect to the
principles of conflicts of laws.
(c) This First Amendment may be executed in two or more
counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one
Date of this First Amendment: March 3, 2010
We encourage you to take advantage of Internet or telephone voting.
Both are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Internet and telephone voting is available through 11:59 PM Eastern Time the day prior to annual
meeting day.
Hess Corporation
Use the Internet to vote your proxy.
Have your proxy card in hand when you
access the web site.
Use any touch-tone telephone to vote your proxy. Have your proxy card in hand when you call.
If you vote your proxy by Internet or by telephone, you do NOT need to mail back your proxy card.
To vote by mail, mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
Your Internet or telephone vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card.
WO# Fulfillment#
70889 70909
(Please sign, date and return this proxy in the enclosed postage prepaid envelope.)
Please mark your votes as indicated in this example X
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all nominees, a vote FOR Proposals 2 and 3 and a vote
AGAINST Proposal 4.
1. Election of the following nominees as Directors for three-year terms expiring in 2013.
01 N.F. Brady
02 G.P. Hill
03 T.H. Kean
04 F.A. Olson
(INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark the
Exceptions box and write that nominees name in the space provided below.)
*Exceptions ___
2. Ratification of the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors for fiscal year ending December 31, 2010.
3. Approval of amendment to 2008 long-term incentive plan to increase shares available for award by 8 million shares.
4. Stockholder proposal requesting the company to provide a report on political spending and policies.
Receipt of Notice of the Meeting and of the Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged.
Mark Here for Address Change or Comments
Signature Signature Date
NOTE: Please sign as name appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. |
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Important notice regarding the Internet availability of proxy materials for the Annual Meeting of shareholders. The Proxy Statement and the 2009 Annual
Report to Shareholders are available at:
The undersigned hereby appoints JOHN B. HESS and GREGORY P. HILL, or any of them, proxies, each with power of substitution, to vote all shares the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Hess Corporation to be held at its offices, 1 Hess Plaza, Route 9, Woodbridge, New Jersey, on May 5, 2010,
at 2:00 p.m., local time, and all adjournments thereof, as directed on the reverse side of this card, and in their discretion, upon any other
matters which may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. The undersigned hereby revokes any proxy heretofore given to vote said shares, and hereby ratifies
all that said proxies may do at the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. Please indicate on the reverse side of this card how your stock is to be voted.
If not otherwise specified, shares will be voted FOR all nominees in Item 1, FOR Proposals 2 and 3 and AGAINST Proposal 4 on the reverse side of this card.
Address Change/Comments
(Mark the corresponding box on the reverse side)
P.O. BOX 3550
(Continued and to be marked, dated and signed, on the other side)
WO# Fulfillment#
70889 70909
We encourage you to take advantage of Internet or telephone voting.
Both are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Internet and telephone voting is available through 11:59 PM Eastern Time the day prior to annual meeting day.
Hess Corporation
Use the Internet to vote your proxy.
Have your proxy card in hand when you
access the web site.
Use any touch-tone telephone to vote your proxy. Have your proxy card in hand when you call.
If you vote your proxy by Internet or by telephone, you do NOT need to mail back your proxy card.
To vote by mail, mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the enclosed postage-paid
Your Internet or telephone vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card.
(Please sign, date and return this proxy in the enclosed postage prepaid envelope.)
Please mark your votes as indicated in this example X
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all nominees, a vote FOR Proposals 2 and 3 and a vote
AGAINST Proposal 4.
1. Election of the following nominees as Directors for three-year terms expiring in 2013.
01 N.F. Brady
02 G.P. Hill
03 T.H. Kean
04 F.A. Olson
(INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark the
Exceptions box and write that nominees name in the space provided below.)
*Exceptions ___
2. Ratification of the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors for fiscal year ending December 31, 2010.
3. Approval of amendment to 2008 long-term incentive plan to increase shares available for award by 8 million shares.
4. Stockholder proposal requesting the company to provide a report on political spending and policies.
Receipt of Notice of the Meeting and of the Proxy Statement is hereby acknowledged.
Mark Here for Address Change or Comments
Signature Signature Date
NOTE: Please sign as name appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. |
Important notice regarding the Internet availability of proxy materials for the
Annual Meeting of shareholders. The Proxy Statement and the 2009 Annual Report to Shareholders are available at:
The undersigned hereby appoints JOHN B. HESS and GREGORY P. HILL, or any of them, proxies, each
with power of substitution, to vote all shares the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders of Hess Corporation to be held at its offices, 1 Hess Plaza, Route 9,
Woodbridge, New Jersey, on May 5, 2010, at 2:00 p.m., local time, and all adjournments thereof, as
directed on the reverse side of this card, and in their discretion, upon any other matters which
may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. The undersigned hereby revokes any
proxy heretofore given to vote said shares, and hereby ratifies all that said proxies may do at the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
Please indicate on the reverse side of this card how your stock is to be voted.
If not otherwise specified, shares will be voted FOR all nominees in Item 1, FOR Proposals 2 and 3 and AGAINST Proposal 4 on the reverse side of this card.
Additional instructions for Hess Corporation Savings Plan Participants: Participants and Beneficiaries who do not vote the stock in the Company Stock Fund attributable to their accounts
shall be deemed to have directed J.P. Morgan as Trustee to vote such stock on each Item in the same proportion as other participants in the Plan vote.
P.O. BOX 3550
Address Change/Comments
(Mark the corresponding box on the reverse side)
(Continued and to be marked, dated and signed, on the other side)