WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                             (Amendment No. _______)

Filed by the Registrant [  ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [X]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]     Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]     Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
            (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]     Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]     Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]     Soliciting Material Pursuant toss.240.14a-12

                              NET PERCEPTIONS, INC.

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                           OBSIDIAN ENTERPRISES, INC.

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

          (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

          (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

          (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

          (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

          (5)  Total fee paid:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

          (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

          (3)  Filing Party:

          (4)  Date Filed:

                     Preliminary Copy; Subject to Completion

                             Dated February 17, 2004

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                           OBSIDIAN ENTERPRISES, INC.
                                     FOR THE
                         SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                              NET PERCEPTIONS, INC.
                          TO BE HELD ON MARCH 12, 2004


     This proxy statement is provided by Obsidian  Enterprises,  Inc. and not by
the board of directors of Net Perceptions, Inc.

     We, Obsidian Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation, are soliciting your
proxy for use in  connection  with the special  meeting of  stockholders  of Net
Perceptions to be held at 10:00 a.m. Central Standard Time on March 12, 2004, at
Net Perceptions' headquarters at 7700 France Avenue South, Edina, Minnesota, and
all  adjournments  or  postponements  of the  meeting.  The record  date for the
special meeting is January 13, 2004.

     This proxy statement and the  accompanying  BLUE proxy card are first being
furnished to Net Perceptions stockholders on or about               , 2004.

     At  the  special  meeting,  stockholders  will  consider  and  vote  on Net
Perceptions'  board  of  directors'  proposal  to  approve  and  adopt a plan of
complete  liquidation  and  dissolution  (the "Plan of  Liquidation"),  which is
further  described  under  "Questions  and Answers about the Proposal and Voting
Procedures -- What is the Plan of Liquidation Proposal?" below.

     We urge you to use the enclosed BLUE proxy card to vote AGAINST the Plan of

     We have  commenced  an exchange  offer,  as it may be amended  from time to
time,  to  acquire  all  outstanding  shares of Net  Perceptions  common  stock.
Pursuant to the exchange offer, we are offering each Net Perceptions stockholder
the right to exchange  each share of common  stock of Net  Perceptions  for 1/25
share of  Obsidian  Enterprises  common  stock.  If the Plan of  Liquidation  is
approved and adopted, we will not be able to complete the exchange offer.

     Your vote  AGAINST the Plan of  Liquidation  proposal is not an approval of
the exchange offer. Your vote AGAINST the Plan of Liquidation proposal will tell
Net  Perceptions'  board  of  directors  that  you  believe  that  the  Plan  of
Liquidation does not maximize the value of your shares of Net Perceptions common
stock and that, if they continue to refuse to negotiate  with us, you would like
the opportunity to consider the merits of our offer yourself.

     Your vote AGAINST the Plan of  Liquidation  proposal  removes one important
obstacle to our acquisition of shares of Net  Perceptions  common stock pursuant
to the  exchange  offer.  Other  obstacles  include the Net  Perceptions  Rights
Agreement,   or  "poison  pill",   which  must  be  redeemed  or  deemed  to  be
inapplicable,  and Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, which we
must  be  satisfied,  in  our  reasonable  discretion,  is  inapplicable  to our
acquisition of Net Perceptions.

     On December 15, 2003, we filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission
("SEC"), a Registration Statement on Form S-4 (as amended from time to time, the
"Registration  Statement"),  including a  preliminary  prospectus,  and a Tender
Offer  Statement on Schedule TO (as amended from time to time, the "Tender Offer
Statement").  On December 17, 2003, we filed Amendment No. 1 to our Registration
Statement.  We have also filed the  following  amendments  to our  Tender  Offer
Statement: Amendment No. 1 on December 17, 2003, Amendment No. 2 on December 23,
2003 and  Amendment  No. 3 on January 21, 2004.  We are not asking you to tender
your shares for exchange pursuant to these proxy materials.  We are only seeking
shares for exchange by means of and pursuant to the  preliminary  prospectus and
the  related  letter of  transmittal  filed as an  exhibit  to the  Registration
Statement  and the  Tender  Offer  Statement.  Please  refer to the  preliminary
prospectus in our

Proxy Materials                                                           Page 1

Registration  Statement for further details  regarding the terms of the exchange






     This is your opportunity to vote AGAINST the Plan of Liquidation  proposal.
To vote AGAINST the Plan of  Liquidation  Proposal,  use the enclosed BLUE proxy
card or vote in person at the special meeting.

     By voting AGAINST the Plan of Liquidation  proposal discussed in this proxy
statement,  you are not  prohibited  from  later  voting  against  any  proposed
acquisition of Net  Perceptions by Obsidian  Enterprises or from deciding not to
exchange your shares in the exchange offer.

     Whether or not you plan to attend the special meeting,  we urge you to vote
AGAINST the Plan of Liquidation  proposal  described in this proxy  statement by
signing  and  returning  the  accompanying  BLUE  proxy  card  in  the  enclosed
postage-paid envelope. Please act now to support our proposal.

     The method for counting votes and the effects of abstaining  from voting at
the special  meeting and "broker  non-votes" are described  below in the section
entitled "Questions and Answers about the Proposal and Voting Procedures" below.

     We urge you NOT to sign the              proxy card or ANY other proxy card
sent by Net Perceptions.

     If you deliver a revocation of a proxy to the Secretary of Net Perceptions,
please also send a copy of such notice of revocation to:

                           Obsidian Enterprises, Inc.
                         c/o Innisfree M&A Incorporated
                         501 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
                            New York, New York 10022

If you have questions about voting your shares of Net  Perceptions  common stock
or the Plan of Liquidation  proposal,  please call  Innisfree M&A  Incorporated,
toll free at (888) 750-5834.

Proxy Materials                                                           Page 2

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Questions and Answers about the Proposal and Voting Procedures.................4
   What is the purpose of the special meeting?.................................4
   What is the Plan of Liquidation proposal?...................................4
   How does Obsidian Enterprises recommend I vote on the proposal?.............4
   Who is entitled to vote?....................................................4
   What if my shares are held in "street name" by a broker?....................4
   How do I vote?..............................................................5
   What do I do if I receive a proxy card that is not BLUE?....................5
   Can I change my vote after I submit my proxy?...............................5
   What if I submit a proxy but do not specify how
        my shares are to be voted?.............................................5
   What is required for a quorum?..............................................5
   How many votes are required to authorize and approve
        the Plan of Liquidation?...............................................5
   What if other matters are presented at the meeting?.........................6
   What will happen to the exchange offer if the Plan of
        Liquidation is not approved?...........................................6
   What will happen to the exchange offer if the Plan of
        Liquidation is approved?...............................................6
   What will happen if Obsidian Enterprises accepts tendered
        Net Perceptions shares pursuant to our exchange offer
        prior to the special meeting?..........................................6
   Who can I call if I have questions?.........................................6
Background of the Solicitation.................................................6
Reasons for the Solicitation...................................................9
Solicitation of Proxies.......................................................10
Information about Obsidian Enterprises, Inc...................................11
Information about Net Perceptions, Inc........................................12
Other Information.............................................................12

Schedule I -- Information  Concerning  Persons Who May Solicit the Revocation of

Schedule II -- Beneficial Ownership of Shares of Net Perceptions Common Stock


Proxy Materials                                                           Page 3


What is the purpose of the special meeting?

     At the special meeting,  stockholders  will consider and vote on a proposal
to approve and adopt the Plan of Liquidation,  which is further  described under
"What is the Plan of Liquidation Proposal?" below.

What is the Plan of Liquidation proposal?

     On October 21, 2003, Net Perceptions  announced that its board of directors
had  unanimously  approved  the Plan of  Liquidation.  Net  Perceptions  filed a
preliminary  proxy statement on Schedule 14A relating to the Plan of Liquidation
with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on November 4, 2003,  and filed
revised preliminary proxy materials on January 6, 2004 and January 29, 2004. Net
Perceptions  filed its definitive  proxy  statement with the SEC on February 12,

     The key features of the Plan of Liquidation are:

     o    filing a  Certificate  of  Dissolution  with the Secretary of State of
          Delaware and  thereafter  remaining  in  existence as a  non-operating
          entity for three years;

     o    winding up its  affairs,  including  selling  its  remaining  non-cash
          assets  (including  the sale of its patent  portfolio  to Thalveg Data
          Flow LLC ("Thalveg"),  as discussed below),  and taking such action as
          may be necessary to preserve the value of its assets and  distributing
          its assets in accordance with the Plan of Liquidation;

     o    paying its creditors;

     o    terminating any of its remaining commercial agreements,  relationships
          or outstanding obligations;

     o    resolving its outstanding litigation;

     o    establishing  a  contingency  reserve for payment of its  expenses and
          liabilities; and

     o    preparing to make distributions to its stockholders.

     According to Net  Perceptions  public  filings,  on December 30, 2003,  Net
Perceptions  entered into a patent  purchase  agreement with Thalveg to sell its
patent portfolio to Thalveg for $1.8 million in cash. Closing on the sale of the
patent portfolio to Thalveg is contingent upon stockholder approval, among other
closing conditions. Stockholder approval and adoption of the Plan of Liquidation
will also constitute approval of the sale of the patent portfolio to Thalveg.

How does Obsidian Enterprises recommend I vote on the proposal?

     Obsidian Enterprises recommends that you vote AGAINST approval and adoption
of the Plan of Liquidation.

Who is entitled to vote?

     As stated in Net Perceptions'  proxy materials,  Net Perceptions'  board of
directors  has set January 13, 2004 as the record date for the special  meeting.
Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on that date are entitled
to vote at the special meeting.  As stated in Net Perceptions'  proxy materials,
at the close of business on the record date there were 28,145,338  shares of Net
Perceptions common stock outstanding.

What if my shares are held in "street name" by a broker?

     If you are the  beneficial  owner of shares  held in "street  name"  (i.e.,
registered  in the  name of a  brokerage  firm or bank or other  nominee),  your
broker,  as the record holder of the shares, is required to vote those shares in
accordance  with  your  instruction.  If you do not  give  instructions  to your
broker,  your broker will not be  permitted  to vote your shares with respect to
the Plan of Liquidation and a "broker non-vote" will occur,  which will have the
same effect as a vote AGAINST the proposal.

Proxy Materials                                                           Page 4

How do I vote?

     You may vote by mail.  If your  shares are held in street  name,  only your
bank or broker can give a proxy with respect to your shares.  You should receive
a proxy  card from your bank or  broker  which you must  return in the  envelope
provided to have your shares  voted.  If you have not received a proxy card from
your bank or broker, you may contact it directly to provide it with instructions
on how you wish to vote.  If you need  assistance  in dealing  with your bank or
broker,  please  contact our  information  agent,  Innisfree  M&A  Incorporated,
toll-free at (888) 750-5834.

     If your  shares  are  registered  directly  in your  name as the  holder of
record,  you may vote your  shares by marking,  signing,  dating and mailing the
BLUE proxy card in the postage-paid envelope that we have provided. To vote your
shares in accordance  with your  instructions  at the special  meeting,  we must
receive  your proxy as soon as possible,  but, in any event,  we must receive it
prior to the special meeting.

     You may vote in person. If you are a registered  stockholder and attend the
special  meeting,  you may deliver your completed BLUE proxy card in person.  If
your  shares  are held in  street  name,  and you wish to vote in  person at the
special meeting, you will need to obtain a "legal proxy" form from the broker or
bank that holds your  shares of record and you must bring that  document  to the
special meeting.  If you need assistance,  please contact our information agent,
Innisfree M&A Incorporated, toll-free at (888) 750-5834.

What do I do if I receive a proxy card that is not BLUE?

     If you submit a proxy to us by signing  and  returning  the  enclosed  BLUE
proxy  card,  do NOT sign or return  the               proxy  card or follow any
voting  instructions  provided by Net Perceptions' board of directors unless you
intend  to change  your  vote,  because  only your  latest-dated  proxy  will be

Can I change my vote after I submit my proxy?

     You may revoke your proxy and change your vote at any time before the proxy
has been exercised at the special meeting by:

     o    signing another proxy with a later date,

     o    giving  written  notice  of  the  revocation  of  your  proxy  to  Net
          Perceptions' Secretary prior to the special meeting, or

     o    voting in person at the meeting.

What if I submit a proxy but do not specify how my shares are to be voted?

     If you sign,  date and return the enclosed BLUE proxy card, but do not mark
the proxy card to indicate how your shares are to be voted,  your shares will be
voted AGAINST approval and adoption of the Plan of Liquidation.

What is required for a quorum?

     According  to  Net  Perceptions'   proxy  statement,   a  majority  of  Net
Perceptions'  outstanding shares must be present in person or by proxy for there
to be a quorum.  Proxies marked as abstentions and any broker  non-votes will be
included  as shares  present  for  purposes of  determining  whether  there is a
quorum.  According to Net Perceptions'  proxy statement,  under Net Perceptions'
bylaws, the chairman of the meeting has the power to adjourn the meeting for any
purpose,  including to solicit  additional  proxies if there are not  sufficient
votes to approve the plan of liquidation, whether or not a quorum is present.

How many votes are required to authorize and approve the Plan of Liquidation?

     According to Net Perceptions' proxy statement, approval and adoption of the
Plan of Liquidation  requires the affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority
of the outstanding shares of Net Perceptions' common stock.

     If a stockholder abstains from voting or does not vote, either in person or
by proxy, it will have the effect of a vote AGAINST approval and adoption of the
Plan of Liquidation.  If your broker or bank holds your shares in its name, your
broker or bank may not vote your shares on the proposal to approve and adopt the
Plan of Liquidation  unless it has instructions  from you. A broker non-vote has
the  same  effect  as a vote  AGAINST  approval  and  adoption  of the  Plan  of

Proxy Materials                                                           Page 5

What if other matters are presented at the meeting?

     We have no reason  to  believe  that any  proposal  other  than the Plan of
Liquidation  proposal  described  in this proxy  statement  will come before Net
Perceptions stockholders at the special meeting. However, if other proposals are
introduced at the special meeting,  the proxies named in the  accompanying  BLUE
proxy  cards  will vote  shares  represented  by BLUE  proxies on any such other
matters in their discretion.

What  will  happen  to the  exchange  offer  if the Plan of  Liquidation  is not

     If the Plan of  Liquidation  is not  approved  and  adopted at the  special
meeting,  we currently intend to proceed with our pending exchange offer. We are
not asking  you to tender  your  shares for  exchange  pursuant  to these  proxy
materials.  We are only seeking  shares for exchange by means of and pursuant to
the preliminary prospectus and the related letter of transmittal, as filed by us
with the SEC with our Registration Statement and Tender Offer Statement.

What will happen to the exchange offer if the Plan of Liquidation is approved?

     If the Plan of  Liquidation  is approved  and  adopted by Net  Perceptions'
stockholders,  and Net Perceptions  files a certificate of dissolution  with the
Secretary of State of the State of Delaware,  shares of Net Perceptions'  common
stock will not be transferable  after Net  Perceptions  files its certificate of
dissolution.  As a result,  we will not be able to exchange shares of our common
stock for any shares of Net  Perceptions  common stock that were tendered before
the  expiration  date  of our  exchange  offer,  but  not  accepted  before  Net
Perceptions files its certificate of dissolution.

What will happen if Obsidian Enterprises accepts tendered Net Perceptions shares
pursuant to our exchange offer prior to the special meeting?

     One  of  the  conditions  to our  exchange  offer  is  that  shares  of Net
Perceptions   common  stock  representing  at  least  51%  of  Net  Perceptions'
outstanding  shares of common stock on a fully  diluted  basis have been validly
tendered and not withdrawn. By the terms of the exchange offer, if we accept for
exchange  shares  that are validly  tendered  and not  withdrawn,  we have proxy
rights to vote  those  shares on behalf of  tendering  stockholders.  If the 51%
minimum tender  condition is satisfied,  and we accept those shares prior to the
special meeting, we will control enough votes to control the outcome of the vote
at the  special  meeting.  In that case,  the Plan of  Liquidation  would not be
approved or adopted.

Who can I call if I have questions?

     If you have additional  questions about the matters discussed in this proxy
statement,  please  call our  information  agent,  Innisfree  M&A  Incorporated,
toll-free at (888)  750-5834.  Our public  filings,  including  our Tender Offer
Statement and our Registration Statement, and any amendments to those documents,
can be accessed at the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

                         BACKGROUND OF THE SOLICITATION

     From time to time during the past few years, we have  considered  expanding
our operations through acquisitions of other companies.

     During the period from  approximately  February  2003  through  October 15,
2003,  and prior to their  engagement  by us,  our  strategic  advisor,  Acclaim
Financial  Group  Venture  III LLC  ("AFGIII")  had held  various  meetings  and
conversations  with and submitted  various  proposals to Net Perceptions and its
legal advisors,  Skadden,  Arps, Slate,  Meagher & Flom LLP ("Skadden Arps") and
its former  financial  advisors,  US Bancorp  Piper  Jaffray  Inc.,  regarding a
possible  strategic  transaction.  Net Perceptions  either did not respond to or
rejected  each  of  these  proposals.   During  this  period,  Mr.  Durham  held
conversations with AFGIII regarding providing financing for AFGIII to complete a
transaction with Net Perceptions.

     On October  21,  2003,  Net  Perceptions  announced  its  proposed  Plan of
Liquidation. Net Perceptions filed a preliminary proxy statement relating to the
Plan of Liquidation on Schedule 14A with the Securities and Exchange  Commission
on November 4, 2003. The key features of the Plan of  Liquidation  are discussed
above under  "Questions and Answers about the Proposal and Voting  Procedures --
What is the Plan of Liquidation Proposal?" above.

     On November 10,  2003,  we held  conversations  with AFGIII  regarding  Net
Perceptions  and engaged them as our strategic  advisor on November 12, 2003. On
November 13, 2003, we sent a letter to the board of directors of

Proxy Materials                                                           Page 6

Net  Perceptions  indicating  our  interest  in a business  combination  between
Obsidian Enterprises and Net Perceptions.  In our letter, we offered to exchange
each share of Net Perceptions  common stock for $0.20 in cash and 0.6 of a share
of our common  stock.  We issued a press release with the text of the letter and
filed the press release with the SEC to ensure that Net Perceptions stockholders
were aware of the offer.

     During the period from  November  13, 2003 through  November  24, 2003,  we
contacted Net Perceptions. We were advised via a letter dated November 19, 2003,
that the board of  directors  of Net  Perceptions  was  unable to  evaluate  our
proposal until, among other things,  they had engaged a financial  advisor.  Net
Perceptions  has stated in its public  filings that at a November 18, 2003 board
meeting "it was noted that [Net Perceptions']  financial advisor,  Piper Jaffray
had  resigned." In an effort to advance the  negotiations,  our Chief  Executive
Officer,  Tim Durham,  proposed  meeting with Net  Perceptions'  President,  Tom

     On November 24, 2003, we entered into a confidentiality  agreement with Net
Perceptions,  and that evening Mr. Durham,  Terry  Whitesell,  our president and
chief operating officer,  and Anthony  Schlichte,  our executive vice president,
met with Mr. Donnelley and a representative  of Net Perceptions'  newly retained
financial advisor,  Candlewood  Partners,  Inc.  ("Candlewood"),  to discuss our
interest and proposed terms for a transaction.

     During the period  from  November  24,  2003  through  November  30,  2003,
representatives  of our legal  advisors,  Barnes &  Thornburg,  and AFGIII  held
various conversations with representatives of Skadden Arps, and Candlewood in an
effort to  confirm  the Net  Perceptions'  board of  directors'  willingness  to
proceed with a transaction  and to negotiate a mutually  acceptable  transaction
structure  and  definitive  documentation.  Initially,  based  on  a  series  of
conversations  with  Mr.  Donnelley  and  a  representative  of  Candlewood,  we
understood  that Net  Perceptions'  board of directors was prepared to accept an
offer that would provide Net Perceptions stockholders the opportunity to receive
cash in the range of  approximately  $0.40 per share or,  provided that the cash
alternative  were  also  available  to the  Net  Perceptions  stockholders,  the
opportunity to alternatively  receive a combination of cash and our common stock
or just our common stock. On November 30, 2003, our advisors confirmed orally to
Net  Perceptions'  advisors  that we were prepared to accept these pricing terms
and that we desired to proceed to definitive documentation.

     During the period from  November  25, 2003  through  December 8, 2003,  our
advisors and Net Perceptions' advisors held various  conversations.  On December
2, 2003, we sent another letter to Net Perceptions proposing that we would offer
to each Net  Perceptions  the  opportunity  to  receive  for  each  share of Net
Perceptions common stock either two shares of our common stock or $0.40 in cash.
Net  Perceptions'  advisors  responded  to our advisors  that (i) a  traditional
financing  commitment  or a  transaction  structure we viewed as  customary  and
providing  reasonable  certainty as to funding were not acceptable,  and (ii) in
order to proceed with a transaction,  Net Perceptions  would require (a) that we
escrow the full amount of the potential transaction value in cash (approximately
$11.2  million)  with an  acceptable  third  party and (b) that  closure  of the
transaction  be a certainty and there be no conditions to closing.  Our advisors
attempted to negotiate what we viewed as customary and reasonable  resolution of
these  issues,  but we were advised by Net  Perceptions'  advisors  that various
solutions  proposed by us were not acceptable to the Net  Perceptions'  board of

     On December 8, 2003,  we sent  another  letter to the board of directors of
Net Perceptions with a revised proposal to enter a business combination with Net
Perceptions in which we would exchange  either two shares of our common stock or
$0.40 in cash for each share of Net Perceptions  common stock. We issued a press
release with the text of the letter and filed the press  release with the SEC to
ensure that Net Perceptions stockholders were aware of the offer.

     After delivering this letter on December 8, 2003, Net Perceptions' advisors
again  informed  our  advisors  that the  solutions  we  proposed to address Net
Perceptions'  concerns regarding  financing and certainty of transaction closure
were not acceptable to the Net Perceptions' board of directors.

     On December 11, 2003, we issued a press release announcing our plan to make
an  offer  for  shares  of Net  Perceptions  common  stock  directly  to the Net
Perceptions  stockholders.  The press release  indicated that we would offer Net
Perceptions  stockholders  two shares of our common  stock for each share of Net
Perceptions  common stock. We eliminated the cash alternative  because we prefer
an all equity transaction.

     On December 15, 2003,  we filed the  Registration  Statement and the Tender
Offer Statement with the SEC. On December 17, 2003, we filed  amendments to each
of those  documents and issued a press release  announcing that

Proxy Materials                                                           Page 7

we had commenced our tender offer for shares of Net Perceptions common stock. We
filed the press release with the SEC.

     On December 23, 2003, Net Perceptions issued a press release reporting that
it had amended it  stockholder  rights plan. Net  Perceptions  has stated in its
public  filings  that  the  amendment  "is  intended  to  remove  the  Company's
stockholder  rights  plan  as  an  impediment  to  Obsidian  or  another  bidder
completing its offer and a subsequent merger, while also affording protection to
stockholders  who  do  not  tender  their   shares...if,   despite  the  board's
recommendation...  the holders of [85%] of Net  Perceptions  stock ...  elect to
accept Obsidian's offer." Net Perceptions also announced that our exchange offer
was under consideration.

     On December 31, 2003, Net Perceptions announced that its board of directors
had rejected our exchange offer and recommended that its stockholders not tender
their shares of Net Perceptions common stock to us. Net Perceptions stated that,
absent a definitive  agreement with a potential  acquiror for a transaction that
would  provide  higher  realizable  value  to it  stockholders  than the Plan of
Liquidation,   it  planned  to  pursue  stockholder  approval  of  the  Plan  of
Liquidation  and to proceed with the SEC review  process  related  thereto.  Net
Perceptions  filed proxy materials and a  solicitation/recommendation  statement
setting forth its recommendation.

     Net  Perceptions  also announced on December 31, 2003,  that it had entered
into an agreement with Thalveg Data Flow LLC to sell to Thalveg Net Perceptions'
patent portfolio for a purchase price of $1.8 million (the "Thalveg Agreement").
As stated in Net Perceptions'  press release,  the Thalveg Agreement  includes a
royalty-free license back to Net Perceptions under the patents,  patent licenses
and pending patent applications being transferred. The press release also states
that the transaction does not involve any other intellectual  property rights or
other assets of Net Perceptions,  including its proprietary  software  products,
which remain with Net Perceptions. Consummation of the transaction is subject to
stockholder  approval  as part of Net  Perceptions'  Plan  of  Liquidation.  Net
Perceptions  also  announced  that  it  had  granted  to a  software  company  a
non-exclusive  source code license (the "License Agreement") to a portion of Net
Perceptions'  intellectual  property for a cash  payment of $325,000,  and that,
under the license agreement, Net Perceptions will provide certain consulting and
support services to the licensee for additional cash payments totaling $75,000.

     On January 6,  2004,  Net  Perceptions  filed a revised  preliminary  proxy
statement with the SEC in connection with its Plan of  Liquidation.  The Plan of
Liquidation  as  described  in the revised  preliminary  proxy  materials is not
materially  different from the Plan of Liquidation  described in its preliminary
proxy  materials  filed on October 21,  2003 and  described  above.  The revised
preliminary proxy materials  describe the exchange offer's effect on the Plan of
Liquidation.  The  revised  materials  also  describe  Candlewood's  liquidation
analysis and its opinion with respect to our exchange offer.

     On January 9,  2004,  Net  Perceptions  announced  that it had  established
procedures  for each  potential  acquiror  to follow in  submitting  "a proposed
definitive  agreement  containing  all the terms and  conditions  of a potential
acquiror's  best and final offer" no later than the close of business on January
19, 2004. On January 19, in compliance  with the  procedures  established by Net
Perceptions, we submitted a proposed definitive agreement whereby we proposed to
acquire all outstanding  shares of Net Perceptions  common stock in exchange for
two shares of our common  stock.  We issued a press  release on January 21, 2004
announcing that we had submitted a proposal. We filed the press release with the

     On each of January 29, 2004, and February 6, 2004, Net Perceptions  filed a
revised  preliminary  statement in connection with its Plan of Liquidation.  The
Plan of  Liquidation  as  described  in each of the  revised  preliminary  proxy
statements is not materially different from the Plan of Liquidation described in
its  preliminary  proxy  materials filed on October 21, 2003 and January 6, 2004
and described above. In its revised preliminary proxy materials, Net Perceptions
disclosed that it had received nine  submissions in response to its requests for
offers,  and that its board of directors had determined  that "four  submissions
were the only  submissions  that either complied with, or reflected a good faith
effort to comply with, the previously announced procedures, or otherwise merited
further consideration and review."

     The  four  submissions,  which  are  described  in  greater  detail  in Net
Perceptions' proxy materials, included:

     o    our proposal,

     o    a  proposal  by  an  American  stock  exchange  listed  company  for a
          stock-for-stock merger,

Proxy Materials                                                           Page 8

     o    a proposal  made  public by  MicroSkills  San Diego,  LP,  whereby Net
          Perceptions  would  acquire  Microskills  in exchange for newly issued
          shares of Net  Perceptions  common  stock and the  existing  owners of
          Microskills would receive 49.99% of the Net Perceptions  common stock,

     o    a proposal by an  investment  firm whereby the  investment  firm would
          invest cash in Net Perceptions in exchange for non-voting  convertible
          securities of Net Perceptions.

     Net Perceptions  further  disclosed that its board had determined to reject
all offers it had received and to proceed with its seeking stockholder  approval
of the Plan of Liquidation.  The revised materials include expanded descriptions
of the various offers  received by Net  Perceptions and the reasons that the Net
Perceptions board of directors rejected each of these offers.

     Net Perceptions mailed its proxy materials on or about February 12, 2004.

                          REASONS FOR THE SOLICITATION

     We have commenced our exchange offer to acquire all  outstanding  shares of
Net  Perceptions  common  stock.  We believe  that our exchange  offer  provides
superior value to Net  Perceptions  stockholders  than the uncertain  amount and
timing of the Plan of  Liquidation.  IF THE PLAN OF  LIQUIDATION IS APPROVED AND

     Your vote  AGAINST the Plan of  Liquidation  proposal is not an approval of
the exchange offer.  However, your vote AGAINST the Plan of Liquidation proposal
will tell Net Perceptions'  board of directors that you believe that the Plan of
Liquidation does not maximize the value of your shares of Net Perceptions common
stock and that, if they continue to refuse to negotiate  with us, you would like
the opportunity to consider the merits of our offer yourself.

The Proposed Plan of Liquidation Involves Risks and Uncertainties.

     Net  Perceptions  has  stated  in  it  proxy  materials  that,  based  on a
liquidation analysis prepared by Candlewood, it estimates that total liquidating
distributions to stockholders will range from  approximately  $0.41 to $0.45 per
share, or approximately $41 to $45 for each 100 shares. The timing and amount of
these  distributions  is  uncertain.  As stated in its proxy  materials,  at its
December 30, 2003 meeting,  the board of directors of Net Perceptions  concluded
that "assuming there were no developments,  events or circumstances  which would
result in an adverse change to the results of Candlewood's liquidation analysis,
and assuming the cash consideration payable under the [Thalveg Agreement and the
License Agreement] is received by [Net Perceptions] as reflected in Candlewood's
liquidation analysis, an initial cash distribution estimated to be approximately
$0.40 per share could be made to stockholders shortly after stockholder approval
and adoption of the plan of liquidation" (emphasis added).

     In its proxy  materials,  Net  Perceptions  identifies the following  risks
associated with the Plan of Liquidation:

     o    stockholders will not know the precise timing or amount of liquidating
          distributions at the time of the special meeting;

     o    stockholders   could  be   liable  to  the   extent   of   liquidating
          distributions,  possibly  including the special cash  distribution  in
          September  2003, if reserves are not sufficient to pay any liabilities
          remaining  after  paying  the  known  liabilities   reflected  on  Net
          Perceptions' balance sheet;

     o    securities  class actions or other  litigation,  and Net  Perceptions'
          incurrence of additional  fees and expenses in connection with revised
          or additional  acquisition  proposals,  including our pending exchange
          offer or other  unsolicited  exchange  or  tender  offers,  may  delay
          distributions   or  deplete  the  proceeds  that  might  otherwise  be
          available to stockholders;

     o    anticipated timing of the liquidation may not be achieved;

     o    stockholders  may not be able to  recognize a loss for federal  income
          tax  purposes  until  they  receive  a  final  distribution  from  Net

     o    stockholders will not be able to sell their shares after a certificate
          of  dissolution  is filed  with the  Secretary  of State of  Delaware,
          which,  if the Plan of  Liquidation  is  approved  and  adopted by the

Proxy Materials                                                           Page 9

          stockholders,  Net  Perceptions  expects would occur  relatively  soon
          after such approval and adoption;

     o    if stockholders approve and adopt the Plan of Liquidation,  after such
          approval   and   adoption   Net   Perceptions   expects  to  terminate
          registration of the Net Perceptions  common stock under the Securities
          Act of  1934,  which  will  substantially  reduce  publicly  available
          information about Net Perceptions; and

     o    if stockholders approve and adopt the Plan of Liquidation,  after such
          approval  and  adoption  no  further  stockholder  approval  would  be
          required for sales or other disposition of assets or other actions.

Net  Perceptions'  Management  and Board of Directors Is Not Acting in Your Best

     We do not believe that the Plan of Liquidation  maximizes the value of your
Net  Perceptions  shares.  The current  management and board of directors of Net
Perceptions  have  supervised  and taken actions that we believe are not in your
best interest.

     o    The current  management and board of directors of Net Perceptions have
          been  attempting  without  success to sell Net  Perceptions for over a
          year. According to Net Perceptions' proxy materials, in February 2002,
          Net Perceptions  publicly  announced that it retained US Bancorp Piper
          Jaffray  Inc.  "to  act as [Net  Perceptions']  financial  advisor  in
          connection   with  the  sale  of  the   Company."   According  to  Net
          Perceptions'  proxy  materials,  even as  early  as  April  2001,  Net
          Perceptions  had  "retained  J.P.  Morgan  Securities,  Inc.  as [its]
          financial  advisor  to  explore  strategic  alternatives  and  solicit
          proposals  from  parties  with an  interest  in  pursuing  a  business
          combination with [Net Perceptions]."

     o    The current  management and board of directors of Net Perceptions have
          gone  through  multiple  financial  advisors.   As  disclosed  in  Net
          Perceptions  proxy  materials,  Net  Perceptions  retained J.P. Morgan
          Securities,  Inc. in April 2001,  retained US Bancorp Piper Jaffrey in
          February 2002 and retained Candlewood Partners, Inc. in November 2003.

     o    The current  management and board of directors of Net Perceptions have
          declined or failed to negotiate  proposals that would have resulted in
          the prompt  payment of higher  consideration  to you than the payments
          contemplated under the current board's plan of liquidation.

     o    The current  management and board of directors of Net Perceptions have
          continued to pay, to commit to bonuses for, to reprice options for and
          to otherwise reward Mr. Donnelly and other members of management,  who
          we believe have been in large part  responsible  for Net  Perceptions'
          failure in executing a strategic transaction.

     o    The current management and board of directors of Net Perceptions, in a
          final  ill-conceived  action,  have  determined  to pursue the Plan of
          Liquidation while taking action such as keeping a poison pill in place
          to prevent other offers from being considered by the stockholders.

     Our view is that it is time for Messrs. Donnelly, Kennedy and Riedl and Ms.
Winblad to face up to their dismal record and failures and get out of the way of
the Net Perceptions'  stockholders'  ability to consider and accept  alternative
and  potentially  superior  proposals.  As a group,  they have made  millions of
dollars  through  compensation  and stock  sales and no longer  hold a  material
percentage of the outstanding shares of Net Perceptions common stock.


     In addition to this  solicitation  by mail, our directors and employees may
solicit  proxies by in person,  by telephone or by other  electronic  means.  No
director  or   employee   will   receive   additional   compensation   for  such
solicitations.  We will request banks,  brokerage  houses and other  custodians,
nominees and  fiduciaries  to forward all of our  solicitation  materials to the
beneficial owners of shares of Net Perceptions common stock they hold of record.
We will  reimburse  these  record  holders for  customary  clerical  and mailing
expenses incurred by them in forwarding these materials to their customers.

Proxy Materials                                                          Page 10

     We have retained  Innisfree M&A Incorporated as our  solicitation  agent in
connection with this  solicitation  and as our  information  agent in connection
with  the  exchange  offer.  Innisfree  M&A  will be paid  an  aggregate  fee of
approximately  $25,000 for acting as solicitation agent and information agent in
connection  with this proxy statement and in connection with the exchange offer.
Innisfree M&A may also receive additional reasonable and customary  compensation
for providing additional advisory services in connection with this solicitation.
We have also agreed to reimburse Innisfree M&A for its reasonable  out-of-pocket
expenses  and  to  indemnify  Innisfree  M&A  against  certain  liabilities  and
expenses, including liabilities and expenses under U.S. federal securities laws.
Innisfree  M&A will  solicit  proxies from  individuals,  brokers,  banks,  bank
nominees and other institutional holders.

     We have also retained Acclaim Financial Group Venture III LLC ("AFGIII") to
act as our strategic advisor in connection with our proposed  acquisition of Net
Perceptions. AFGIII will receive reasonable and customary compensation for these
services and will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expanses, including reasonable
expenses of counsel and other advisors. In addition, we have agreed to indemnify
AFGIII and  certain  related  persons  against  certain  liabilities,  including
various  liabilities  and expenses under the U.S.  federal  securities  laws. In
connection  with AFGIII's  engagement as strategic  advisor,  we anticipate that
certain  employees of AFGIII may communicate in person, by telephone or by other
electronic means with a limited number of institutions, brokers or other persons
who  are Net  Perceptions  stockholders  for the  purpose  of  assisting  in the
solicitation of proxies for the special meeting. AFGIII will not receive any fee
for or in connection with such solicitation  activities apart from the fees that
it is otherwise entitled to receive as described above.

     The entire expense of soliciting  proxies for the special  meeting is being
borne  by us.  We will  not  seek  reimbursement  for  such  expenses  from  Net
Perceptions.  Costs  incidental to this  solicitation  include  expenditures for
printing,   postage,   legal  and  related  expenses  and  are  expected  to  be
approximately  $50,000.  Total costs  incurred to date in  furtherance  of or in
connection with this solicitation are approximately $15,000.

     If we should  materially amend the terms of the exchange offer prior to the
special meeting, we will disseminate  information  regarding such changes to Net
Perceptions  stockholders  and, in appropriate  circumstances,  will provide Net
Perceptions  stockholders with a reasonable opportunity,  as possible, to revoke
their proxies prior to the special meeting.


Obsidian Enterprises, Inc.
111 Monument Circle, Suite 4800
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(317) 237-4122

     We are a holding company  headquartered in Indianapolis,  Indiana, and have
historically  invested  in and  acquired  small and mid cap  companies  in basic
industries such as manufacturing and transportation. We conduct business through
our subsidiaries:

     o    Pyramid Coach,  Inc., a Tennessee  corporation,  and Obsidian Leasing,
          Inc., a Mississippi corporation (collectively "Pyramid"), providers of
          corporate and celebrity entertainer coach leases;

     o    U.S. Rubber Reclaiming,  Inc., an Indiana corporation ("U.S. Rubber"),
          a butyl-rubber reclaiming operation;

     o    United Expressline, Inc., an Indiana corporation,  operating as United
          Expressline  and Southwest  Trailers,  a manufacturer  of steel-framed
          cargo, racing ATV and specialty trailers; and

     o    Danzer  Industries,   Inc.,  a  Maryland  corporation  ("Danzer"),   a
          manufacturer  of service and utility truck bodies and  accessories and
          steel-framed cargo trailers.

     A change in control and reorganization of Obsidian  Enterprises occurred on
June 21,  2001.  On that  date,  Timothy  S.  Durham  was  elected  as our Chief
Executive  Officer and  Chairman of the Board,  and we  acquired  from  Obsidian
Capital  Partners,  L.P.  ("Obsidian  Capital"),  Mr.  Durham and certain  other
shareholders,  all of the shares of the following companies:  Pyramid;  Champion
Trailer,  Inc., an Indiana  corporation  ("Champion"),  which we sold in January
2003; and U.S.  Rubber.  On July 31, 2001, we acquired from Obsidian Capital and
Mr.  Durham,  substantially  all of the assets of United  Acquisition,  Inc., an
Indiana  corporation  ("United  Acquisition"),  which we

Proxy Materials                                                          Page 11

now  operate as United  Expressline,  Inc.  We made all of the  acquisitions  in
exchange  for  shares  of our  Series  C  Preferred  Stock  and  pursuant  to an
Acquisition  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  by and  among  us,  Danzer,
Pyramid, Champion, United Acquisition, U.S. Rubber, Obsidian Capital, Timothy S.
Durham  and  other  related  parties,  dated as of June 21,  2001.  Prior to the
reorganization,  we had engaged, through our wholly owned subsidiary, Danzer, in
the  fabrication  of metal  parts and truck  bodies for the  service and utility

     In October 2001, we changed our jurisdiction of incorporation from New York
to  Delaware  and we  changed  our name  from  Danzer  Corporation  to  Obsidian
Enterprises,  Inc. We were originally incorporated in New York in 1987 under the
name  Affiliated  National,  Inc.  and  subsequently  changed our name to Global
Environmental Corp. and then to Danzer Corporation.


Net Perceptions, Inc.
7700 France Avenue South
Edina, Minnesota 55435
(952) 842-5000

     Net Perceptions was  incorporated in Delaware in July 1996, and its initial
product was shipped in January  1997.  Net  Perceptions  developed  and marketed
software  products to customers in the retail industry to enable those customers
to  integrate  and analyze  information  about  their  customers,  products  and
transaction  activity  to  generate  specific  actions to take to improve  their
marketing, selling and merchandising effectiveness.

     Net Perceptions has sustained  losses on a quarterly and annual basis since
inception.  As of September 30, 2003, Net Perceptions had an accumulated deficit
of $221 million.  In the third  quarter of 2003,  its net loss was $1.7 million.
These losses  resulted from  significant  costs incurred in the  development and
marketing  of its  products  and  services as well as a decline in its  revenues
since the third quarter of 2000.

     On October 21, 2003, Net Perceptions  announced that its board of directors
had unanimously approved the Plan of Liquidation, which Net Perceptions intended
to submit to its  stockholders for approval and adoption at a special meeting of
stockholders to be held as soon as reasonably practicable. Net Perceptions filed
a preliminary  proxy  statement  relating to the Plan of Liquidation on Schedule
14A with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on November 4, 2003.  The key
features of the Plan of Liquidation  are described above in "Plan of Liquidation
Proposal -- xx."

     Net  Perceptions  has stated  that it  continues  to service  its  existing
customers and may continue to derive a declining level of revenues from software
licenses,  software  maintenance and professional  services relating to existing
customers.  However,  Net  Perceptions  has stated that it is no longer actively
marketing  its  products  and has  not  retained  any  employees  to do so.  Net
Perceptions  has stated that it expects that the size of its customer  base will
decline and that it does not expect that future product or service revenues,  if
any, will be significant.  Net  Perceptions has stated that it anticipates  that
its operating  expenses  will continue to decline in 2003,  but will continue to
constitute a material use of its cash resources. Net Perceptions has stated that
it expects to incur additional  losses and continued  negative cash flow for the
foreseeable  future  and  that  it  does  not  expect  to  be  profitable  as an
independent company.

     The  information   concerning  Net  Perceptions  contained  in  this  proxy
statement  has been taken from or is based upon  documents  and  records on file
with the SEC and other publicly available information. We have no knowledge that
would indicate that  statements  relating to Net  Perceptions  contained in this
proxy statement in reliance upon publicly  available  information are inaccurate
or incomplete.  We, however, have not been given access to the books and records
of Net Perceptions, were not involved in the preparation of such information and
statements, and are not in a position to verify, or make any representation with
respect to the accuracy or completeness of, any such information or statements.


     The  following  information  has been  taken  from Net  Perceptions'  proxy
materials filed with the SEC.

Proxy Materials                                                          Page 12

     Net Perceptions  expects that its 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders  will
be held only if the Plan of  Liquidation  is not  approved.  Under the rules and
regulations of the SEC,  stockholder  proposals  intended to be presented in Net
Perceptions'  proxy  statement and form of proxy for its 2004 Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders,  pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
must be received at the principal  executive offices of Net Perceptions no later
than December 31, 2003, in order to be considered for inclusion in the Company's
proxy  statement  for that  meeting and must  otherwise  satisfy the  conditions
established by the SEC.

     In accordance with Net Perceptions' amended and restated bylaws,  proposals
of  stockholders  intended  for  presentation  at Net  Perceptions'  2004 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders (but not intended to be included in the Net Perceptions'
proxy statement for that meeting) may be made by a stockholder of record who has
given written notice of the proposal to the Secretary of Net  Perceptions at its
principal executive offices not earlier than January 30, 2004, and no later than
February  29,  2004.  The notice must  contain  information  as specified in Net
Perceptions'  amended and restated  bylaws.  Any such  proposal  received  after
February 29, 2004, will be considered untimely for purposes of Rule 14a-4(c)(1),
and the  proxies  designated  by Net  Perceptions  for such  meeting  will  have
discretionary authority to vote with respect to any such proposal.

     All notices of  proposals  by  stockholders,  whether or not  intended  for
inclusion  in  Net  Perceptions'   proxy  materials,   should  be  sent  to  Net
Perceptions,  Inc.,  7700  France  Avenue  South,  Edina,  MN 55435,  Attention:

                                OTHER INFORMATION

     Certain of our directors and executive  officers and other  representatives
who may assist  Innisfree M&A  Incorporated in soliciting the proxies are listed
on the  attached  Schedule  I.  Obsidian  Enterprises  holds  no  shares  of Net
Perceptions  common  stock.  Based  on  information  made  available  in  public
documents,  none of Obsidian Enterprises'  principal  shareholders or management
holds any shares of Net Perceptions common stock.

     This proxy  statement  is not a request for you to tender or exchange  your
Net  Perceptions  shares.  We are making our exchange offer only by means of the
offer to purchase and letter of transmittal, as filed with the SEC.

Proxy Materials                                                          Page 13

                                   SCHEDULE I

Directors and Executive Officers of Obsidian Enterprises

     The  name,   current  principal   occupation  or  employment  and  material
occupations,  positions,  offices or employment  for the past five years of each
director and executive officer of Obsidian  Enterprises are set forth below. The
business  address of each  director  and officer is 111 Monument  Circle,  Suite
4800, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. Directors are identified by an asterisk.

          Name                Age                     Business Experience and Service as a Director
Timothy S. Durham*            41      Mr. Durham has served as the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the
                                      Board and as a director of Obsidian Enterprises since June 2001. He has
                                      served as a Managing Member and Chief Executive Officer of Obsidian Capital
                                      Company LLC, which is the general partner of Obsidian Capital Partners LP,
                                      since April 2000. Beginning in 1998, Mr. Durham founded and maintained a
                                      controlling interest in several investment funds, including Durham Capital
                                      Corporation, Durham Hitchcock Whitesell and Company LLC, and Durham
                                      Whitesell & Associates LLC. From 1991 to 1998, Mr. Durham served in various
                                      capacities at Carpenter Industries, Inc., including as Vice Chairman,
                                      President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Durham also serves as a director
                                      of National Lampoon, Inc. Mr. Durham is Mr. Osler's brother-in-law.
Daniel S. Laikin*             41      Mr. Laikin has served as a director of Obsidian Enterprises since September
                                      2001. Mr. Laikin is Chief Operating Officer and a director of National
                                      Lampoon, Inc. He has been a Managing Member of Fourleaf Management LLC, a
                                      management company of an investment fund that invests in technology related
                                      entities, since 1999. Mr. Laikin served as the Chairman of the Board of
                                      Biltmore Homes from 1993 to 1998.
D. Scott McKain*              48      Mr. McKain has been a director of Obsidian Enterprises and Vice Chairman of
                                      the Board since September 2001. He has served as the Chairman of McKain
                                      Performance Group since 1981. Mr. McKain also has been the Vice Chairman of
                                      Durham Capital Corporation since 1999. From 1983 to 1998, Mr. McKain was a
                                      broadcast journalist and television commentator. Mr. McKain also has
                                      authored several books and is a keynote speaker who presents high content
                                      workshops across the nation.
Jeffrey W. Osler*             35      Mr. Osler has served as the Executive Vice President, Secretary and
                                      Treasurer and as a director of Obsidian Enterprises since June 2001. He
                                      also is a Managing Member of Obsidian Capital Company LLC and has served as
                                      Senior Vice President at Durham Whitesell & Associates LLC and Durham
                                      Capital Corporation since September 1998. Prior to that time, Mr. Osler
                                      served as the General Manager of Hilton Head National Golf Club. Mr. Osler
                                      is Mr. Durham's brother-in-law.

Proxy Materials                                                       Schedule I

          Name                Age                     Business Experience and Service as a Director

Anthony P. Schlichte          48      Anthony Schlichte has served as Executive Vice President, Corporate Finance
                                      of Obsidian Enterprises since March 2003. Mr. Schlichte's responsibilities
                                      at Obsidian Enterprises include securing senior and mezzanine debt for
                                      various subsidiary and affiliated companies, as well as identifying new
                                      acquisitions to compliment and/or diversify existing holdings. Mr.
                                      Schlichte has more than 25 years of commercial lending experience. Past
                                      posts include vice president and senior lending officer positions at First
                                      Indiana Bank, Bank One, American Fletcher National Bank (now Bank One),
                                      Indiana National Bank (now Bank One). Mr. Schlichte holds a B.S. from
                                      Indiana University and an M.B.A. from Butler University.
John A. Schmit*               35      John A. Schmit has been a director since July 2001. Mr. Schmit joined
                                      Renaissance Capital Group, Inc. in 1997 and is Vice President--Investments.
                                      Prior to joining Renaissance Capital Group, Mr. Schmit practiced law with
                                      the law firm of Gibson, Ochsner & Adkins in Amarillo, Texas from September
                                      1992 to September 1994. Between August 1994 and May 1996, Mr. Schmit
                                      attended Georgetown University where he earned his L.L.M. in International
                                      and Comparative Law.
Goodhue W. Smith, III*        53      Mr. Smith has been a director of Obsidian Enterprises since 1997. Mr. Smith
                                      founded Duncan-Smith Investments, Co., an investment banking firm in San
                                      Antonio, Texas, in 1978 and since that time has served as its Secretary and
                                      Treasurer. Mr. Smith also is a director of Citizens National Bank of Milam
Rick D. Snow                  40      Rick Snow has been Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
                                      Obsidian Enterprises since March 2003. Mr. Snow also serves as Chief
                                      Financial Officer for Fair Finance, a company located in Akron, Ohio, of
                                      which Timothy S. Durham, Chairman and C.E.O. of Obsidian Enterprises, is
                                      C.E.O. At Fair Finance, Mr. Snow oversees the financial management of the
                                      company, including financial reporting, tax compliance, systems
                                      implementation and strategic planning. Mr. Snow came to Fair Finance in
                                      2002 with several years of experience at Grant Thornton, a national
                                      accounting firm, and Brockman, Coats, Gedelian & Co., a regional accounting
                                      firm, where he worked as Senior Manager to oversee business and assurance
                                      services and business advisory services. His background also includes
                                      extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions.
Terry G. Whitesell*           64      Mr. Whitesell has served as the President and Chief Operating Officer and
                                      as a director of Obsidian Enterprises since June 2001. Prior to that time
                                      he co-founded several entities with Mr. Durham, including Obsidian Capital
                                      Company, LLC, Durham Hitchcock Whitesell and Company LLC and Durham
                                      Whitesell & Associates LLC. Mr. Whitesell also is a Managing Member of
                                      Obsidian Capital Company LLC. From April 1992 until September 1998, Mr.
                                      Whitesell served as Executive Vice President of Carpenter Industries, Inc.

Other Representatives of Obsidian Who May Also Solicit Proxies

     Although  neither AFGIII nor Innisfree M&A  Incorporated  admits that it or
any of its directors,  officers,  employees or affiliates are a "participant" as
defined in Schedule 14A promulgated by the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934,  or that  Schedule  14A  requires  disclosure  of  certain  information
concerning  them,   employees  of  AFGIII  or  Innisfree  M&A  Incorporated  may
communicate with Net Perceptions  stockholders in a manner that could involve or
be deemed to be assisting  Obsidian  Enterprises in soliciting  proxies from Net
Perceptions stockholders.

Proxy Materials                                                       Schedule I

                                   SCHEDULE II

     The following table,  which is derived from Net Perceptions proxy materials
and a Schedule 13G filed by Messrs. Marxe and Greenhouse, sets forth information
regarding  the  beneficial  ownership  of Net  Perceptions  common  stock  as of
December 31, 2003, except as otherwise noted, by:

     o    each person who is known by Net Perceptions to  beneficially  own more
          than five percent of the outstanding  shares of Net Perceptions common

     o    each of Net Perceptions' directors and executive officers; and

     o    all of Net Perceptions' directors and executive officers as a group.

     Net Perceptions based this information upon information it received from or
on behalf of the individuals or entities named below, except as otherwise noted.

     Net  Perceptions  determined  beneficial  ownership in accordance  with the
rules of the SEC. Unless  otherwise noted below,  the address of each beneficial
owner  listed in the table is c/o Net  Perceptions,  Inc.,  7700  France  Avenue
South,  Edina,  Minnesota 55435. Except as indicated in the footnotes below, Net
Perceptions  believes,  based on information furnished or otherwise available to
it, that each person or entity named in the table has sole voting and investment
power with  respect  to all  shares of Net  Perceptions  common  stock  shown as
beneficially owned by it, subject to applicable  community property laws. Except
as otherwise noted below, the percentage of beneficial ownership set forth below
is based upon 28,145,338  shares of common stock  outstanding as of the close of
business on December 31, 2003. In computing the number of shares of common stock
beneficially  owned by a person and the  percentage  ownership  of that  person,
shares of common  stock that are subject to options held by that person that are
currently  exercisable or exercisable  within 60 days of December 31, 2003, were
deemed outstanding.  These shares were not, however,  deemed outstanding for the
purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any other person.

                                                                      Number of
            Name and Address of                   Number of         Shares Subject
            Beneficial Owner                       Shares           to Options (1)           Percent
           --------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
           S. Muoio & Co., LLC                   3,885,487                   --               13.81%
           509 Madison Ave., Suite 406
           New York, NY 10022
           Austin W. Marxe &
           David M. Greenhouse (2)
           153 East 53rd St., 51st Floor
           New York, NY 10022                    1,546,200                   --                 5.5%
           John F. Kennedy                          65,000               65,806                    *
           Ann L. Winblad                          311,204              218,388                1.88%
           John T. Riedl (3)                       915,704               32,903                3.37%
           William Lansing (4)                     112,000               62,903                    *
           Thomas M. Donnelly                      303,951              304,511                2.16%
           James S. Hanlon (5)                      81,840              102,647                    *
           Teresa J. Dery                            6,091                9,792                    *
           All directors and executive
           officers as a group (seven
           persons)                              1,795,790              796,950                9.21%

     *    Indicates  less than 1% of the total number of  outstanding  shares of
          common stock.

     (1)  Reflects  the number of shares  issuable  upon the exercise of options
          exercisable within 60 days of December 31, 2003.

     (2)  Information  derived  from  Schedule  13G filed by  Messrs.  Marxe and
          Greenhouse on February 13, 2004.

     (3)  Includes  359,043 shares held by a revocable  trust of which Mr. Reidl
          is sole  trustee,  78,375 shares held in three  irrevocable  trusts of
          which Mr.  Reidl and his spouse are the  trustees  and 463,286  shares
          held by a  revocable  trust of which  Mr.  Reidl's  spouse is the sole

     (4)  Mr.  Lansing  resigned from the board of directors on August 22, 2003.
          His business address is ShopNBC, 6740 Shady Oak Road, Eden Prairie, MN

     (5)  Includes  2,033 shares held  jointly by Mr.  Hanlon and his spouse and
          1,107 shares held by Mr. Hanlon's spouse. Mr. Hanlon's employment with
          Net Perceptions was terminated on January 15, 2004.

Proxy Materials                                                      Schedule II

                                                                PRELIMINARY COPY


                           THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED BY
                           OBSIDIAN ENTERPRISES, INC.
                            OF NET PERCEPTIONS, INC.

     The undersigned  hereby appoints Timothy S. Durham, and Terry G. Whitesell,
and  each  of  them,  with  full  power  of  substitution,  the  proxies  of the
undersigned  to vote all of the  outstanding  shares of common stock,  par value
$0.0001  per  share,  of Net  Perceptions,  Inc.  ("Net  Perceptions")  that the
undersigned  is  entitled  to vote at the  special  meeting  of Net  Perceptions
stockholders  to be held on March 12, 2004 (the  "Special  Meeting"),  or at any
adjournment or postponement of the Special Meeting, on the following matters:


1. Proposal to Approve and Adopt a Plan of Complete Liquidation and Dissolution.

       |_| FOR                |_| AGAINST                |_| ABSTAIN

     In their  discretion,  the proxies named above are  authorized to vote upon
such other matters  (other than with respect to the election of Net  Perceptions
directors)  as may properly come before the special  meeting.  This proxy is not
intended to, and does not, grant any  discretionary  or other  authority to vote
the  shares  represented  by  this  proxy  in any  election  of Net  Perceptions

                          [PROXY CONTINUED ON REVERSE]

Proxy Materials                                               Proxy Card - Front

     This proxy when properly  executed will be voted as directed  above.  If no
directions are given, this proxy will be voted "AGAINST" the Plan of Liquidation
proposal.  The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the proxy statement of
Obsidian Enterprises, Inc. dated              , 2004, soliciting proxies for the
Special Meeting.

     All  previous  proxies  given  by the  undersigned  to vote at the  Special
Meeting or at any adjournment or postponement thereof are hereby revoked.

Dated                      , 2004



                                                 (Signature, if jointly held)


Please sign your name exactly as you print it on the line immediately  below the
signature line.

If shares are held by joint  tenants or  otherwise  jointly  held,  both parties
should sign.

If you are signing as an attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian,
please specify your title.

If the holder is a  corporation,  please sign in the full  corporate name by the
President or other authorized officer.

If the  holder  is a  partnership,  please  sign in the  partnership  name by an
appropriate authorized person.

Please complete, sign, date and promptly mail your proxy in the enclosed postage
paid envelope to:

                           OBSIDIAN ENTERPRISES, INC.
                         c/o Innisfree M&A Incorporated
                         501 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor
                            New York, New York 10022

Proxy Materials                                                Proxy Card - Back