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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of March, 2004

Commission File Number 001-14485

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Tele Sudeste Cellular Holding Company
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Praia de Botafogo, 501, 7o andar
22250-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

Form 20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______

 Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  

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Tele Sudeste Celular
Participações S.A.
and Subsidiaries

Financial Statements as of
December 31, 2003 and 2002 Together with
Report of Independent Public Accountants

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes

(Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese. See Note 35 to the Financial Statements.)


To the Management and Shareholders of
Tele Sudeste Celular Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries:
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

1. We have audited the accompanying individual and consolidated balance sheets of Tele Sudeste Celular Participações S.A. and subsidiaries, as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the related statements of income, changes in shareholders’ equity (individual), and changes in financial position for the years then ended, prepared under the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements.

2. Our audits were conducted in accordance with auditing standards in Brazil and comprised: (a) planning of the work, taking into consideration the significance of the balances, volume of transactions, and the accounting and internal control systems of the Company and subsidiaries, (b) checking, on a test basis, the evidence and records that support the amounts and accounting information disclosed, and (c) evaluation of the significant accounting practices adopted and estimates made by management, as well as the presentation of the financial statements taken as a whole.

3. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to in paragraph (1) present fairly, in all material respects, the individual and consolidated financial position of Tele Sudeste Celular Participações S.A. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2003 and 2002, and the results of their operations, the changes in shareholders’ equity (individual), and the changes in their financial position for the years then ended in conformity with accounting practices adopted in Brazil.

4. The accompanying financial statements have been translated into English for the convenience of readers outside Brazil.

Rio de Janeiro, January 27, 2004


(In thousands of Brazilian reais)
(Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese)

Company Consolidated

ASSETS 2003 2002 2003 2002

Cash and cash equivalents 11,269  14,062  388,438  109,373 
Accounts receivable, net 345,688  272,908 
Interest on capital and dividends 51,586  12,837 
Inventories 51,349  59,260 
Recoverable and deferred taxes 38,633  263,610  268,663 
Hedge operations 57,753 
Prepaid expenses 27,143  19,522 
Other assets 550  1,140  67,238  42,747 

  63,405  66,672  1,143,466  830,226 

Tax incentives 530  3,589  1,479  9,184 
Recoverable and deferred taxes 47,254  254,112  273,918 
Hedge operations 7,632  79,945 
Prepaid expenses 12,372  14,911 
Other assets 5,337  212 

  47,784  3,589  280,932  378,170 

Investments 1,853,505  1,743,759  409  333 
Property, plant and equipment 860  1,291  1,398,014  1,585,057 
Deferred 615 

  1,854,365  1,745,050  1,399,038  1,585,390 

Total assets 1,965,554  1,815,311  2,823,436  2,793,786 



(In thousands of Brazilian reais)
(Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese)

Company Consolidated


Payroll and related charges 286  27,030  21,685 
Suppliers and accounts payable 4,273  4,387  426,248  378,575 
Taxes, other than taxes on income 2,009  34  44,020  26,239 
Loans and financing 165,802  200,922 
Employee profit sharing and dividends 48,762  29,522  50,723  31,924 
Reserve for contingencies 52,079  26,519 
Hedge operations 18,392 
Other liabilities 6,730  1,552  58,308  45,894 

  62,060  35,495  842,602  731,758 

Loans and financing 53,153  259,597 
Reserve for contingencies 23,293  21,483 
Other liabilities 131  131  1,025  1,263 

  131  131  77,471  282,343 

Capital stock 778,838  685,321  778,838  685,321 
Capital reserves 293,424  378,069  293,424  378,069 
Income reserves 193,969  79,163  193,969  79,163 
Retained earnings 637,132  637,132  637,132  637,132 

  1,903,363  1,779,685  1,903,363  1,779,685 

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 1,965,554  1,815,311  2,823,436  2,793,786 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.


(In thousands of Brazilian reais, except for earnings per thousand shares)
(Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese)

Company Consolidated

  2003 2002 2003 2002

GROSS OPERATING REVENUE - 2,526,461  2,366,867 

   Deductions from gross revenue (634,010) (519,236)

NET OPERATING REVENUE - 1,892,451  1,847,631 

   Cost of services and sales (1,052,487) (981,741)

   Gross profit 839,964  865,890 

   Selling (387,466) (392,482)
   General and administrative (7,923) (12,889) (224,408) (229,947)
   Equity pick-up 158,435  126,987 
   Other, net (324) 3,119  13,309  (16,954)


   Financial income (expenses), net 8,793  12,908  (57,517) (28,612)

INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 158,981  130,125  183,882  197,895 

   Nonoperating expenses, net (3,059) (8,535) (1,202)

INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 155,922  130,125  175,347  196,693 

   Income tax and social contribution 1,004  (9) (61,610) (69,817)
   Interest on capital reversal 13,500  42,500  13,500 

NET INCOME 156,926  143,616  156,237  140,376 



The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


(In thousands of Brazilian reais)
(Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese)

Company Consolidated

  2003 2002 2003 2002

  Net income 156,926  143,616  156,237  140,376 
  (Expenses) income not involving working capital-
    Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 431  431  436,934  377,682 
    Monetary variation and other charges on long-term liabilities (11,148) 111,043 
    Equity pick-up (158,435) (126,987)
    Prescribed dividends - subsidiaries (400) (3,146)
    Reserve for contingencies 3,204  16,937 
    Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 698  535 
    Shared system depreciation apportionment 4,950 

Total (158,404) (129,702) 434,638  506,197 

Total from operations (1,478) 13,914  590,875  646,573 

   Tax incentives 12  288  106 
   Decrease in noncurrent assets 97,238 
   Goodwill reserve adjustment - restructuring 8,872 
   Investments realization - Dividends/interest on capital 57,961  31,839 
   Prescribed dividends 1,525  4,187  1,925  7,333 

Total sources 58,008  49,952  699,198  654,012 

   Increase in noncurrent assets 44,195  12  8,490 
   Increase in investments, net 76  83 
   Additions to property, plant and equipment 254,943  370,883 
   Additions to deferred assets 1,210 
   Decrease in long-term liabilities 196,928  167,378 
   Interest on capital 42,500  13,500  42,500  13,500 
   Dividends 1,145  90,379  1,145  90,379 

Total uses 87,840  103,891  496,802  650,713 

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL (29,832) (53,939) 202,396  3,299 

   At beginning of year 66,672  139,365  830,226  728,317 
   At end of year 63,405  66,672  1,143,466  830,226 

   Variation (3,267) (72,693) 313,240  101,909 

   At beginning of year 35,495  54,249  731,758  633,148 
   At end of year 62,060  35,495  842,602  731,758 

   Variation 26,565  (18,754) 110,844  98,610 

INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL (29,832) (53,939) 202,396  3,299 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


( In thousands of Brazilian reais)
(Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese)

  Capital reserves Income reserves

Tax incentive
for expansion

BALANCES DECEMBER 31, 2001 595,722  464,843  3,577  (764) 35,239  637,132  1,735,749 
Treasury shares cancellation in accordance with the 4th Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting and the 12th Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on April 02, 2002 (764) 764 
Capital increase in accord. with the 51st Ordinary Meeting of the Adm. Council on 04.29.02 90,363  (90,363)
Tax incentives 12  12 
Prescribed dividends 1998 4,187  4,187 
Net income 143,616  143,616 
Net income allocation-
   Legal reserve 7,181  (7,181)
   Expansion reserve 36,743  (36,743)
   Dividends (90,379) (90,379)
   Interest on capital (13,500) (13,500)

BALANCES DECEMBER 31, 2002 685,321  374,480  3,589  42,420  36,743  637,132  1,779,685 
Capital increase - 65th Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting - March 31, 2003 93,517  (93,517)
Prescribed dividends 1999 1,525  1,525 
Net income 156,926  156,926 
Goodwill reserve adjustment - restructuring 8,872  8,872 
Net income allocation-
   Legal reserve 7,846  (7,846)
   Expansion reserve 106,960  (106,960)
   Dividends (1,145) (1,145)
   Interest on capital (42,500) (42,500)

BALANCES DECEMBER 31, 2003 778,838  289,835  3,589  50,266  143,703  637,132  1,903,363 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

(Convenience Translation into English form the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese. See Note 31 to the Financial Statements) 35


AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2003 AND 2002
(Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise indicated)


Tele Sudeste Celular Participações S.A. is a publicly traded Company held by Brasilcel N.V. (53.57% of total capital), Sudestecel Participações S.A. (22.01% of total capital), and Tagilo Participações Ltda. (10.61% of total capital) as of December 31, 2003. Sudestecel Participações S.A. is held by NTT Docomo, INC. (7% of total capital) and Itochu Corporation (3.50% of total capital) and Tagilo is held by Brasilcel N.V. (100.00% of total capital).

Brasilcel N.V. is held by Telefónica Móviles S.A. (50.00% of total capital), PT Móveis Serviços de Telecomunicações, SGPS, S.A. (49.999% of total capital) and Portugal Telecom, SGPS, S.A. (0.001% of total capital).

Tele Sudeste Celular Participações S.A (“Tele Sudeste” or the “Company”) holds 100% of the capital of Telerj Celular S.A. (“Telerj”) and Telest Celular S.A. (“Telest”), and the companies are providers of cellular telecommunication services in the States of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo, respectively, and are also engaged in activities required or useful for the performance of these services, in conformity with concessions and authorizations granted to them.

The subsidiaries’ activities, including services that they may provide, are regulated by Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações - ANATEL, the regulatory authority for the Brazilian telecommunications industry, pursuant to Law No. 9,472, of July 16, 1997, and related regulations, decrees, decisions and plans.

Migration from SMC to SMP

On December 10, 2002 the Authorization Terms for Personal Mobile System were signed between ANATEL and the affiliated companies Telerj and Telest, which became effective as of the publication in the Official Gazette on December 12, 2002.

The authorizations granted to the subsidiaries Telerj and Telest are effective for the remaining period of concession, previously granted and presently substituted, November 30, 2005 and November 30, 2008, respectively, and later renewable, for one more period, for a 15 year term, being these renewals payable in the future.

On July 6, 2003 Telerj and Telest implemented the Operator Selection Code (CSP) that allows the customer to choose the long distance and international services operator, according to SMP rules. The subsidiaries do not collect the VC2 and VC3 revenues anymore, although they began to charge for the interconnection revenue for the use of their network on these calls.


The consolidated financial statements include the balances and transactions of the Company and its subsidiaries Telerj and Telest as of December 31, 2003 and 2002. In the consolidated financial statements, all inter-company balances and transactions were eliminated.

The financial statements as of December 31, 2002 were, when necessary, reclassified for better comparability.


a) Cash and Cash Equivalents

Represent all existent cash and bank balances and highly liquid temporary cash investments, stated at cost, plus income accrued to the balance sheet date.

b) Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable from telecommunication services are stated at the tariffs prevailing on the date services are rendered. They also include accounts receivable for services rendered but not billed yet on the balance sheet date, which are evaluated similarly to the billed services. Additionally, this caption includes balances from the sale of cellular handsets and accessories.

c) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Provision is recognized for trade accounts receivable for which recoverability is considered improbable.

d) Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactions in foreign currency are recorded based on the prevailing exchange rate at the date of the related transactions and the corresponding balances are updated to the balance sheet date, and exchange variations are charged on statements of income. Foreign currency and premium on derivatives contracts are monthly accrued and recorded, irrespective of maturities.

e) Inventories

Inventories are represented by cellular handsets and accessories stated at average acquisition cost. A provision was recognized to cover losses on costs of products considered obsolete or whose quantities are higher than those usually traded by the subsidiaries over a reasonable period.

f) Prepaid expenses

Represented by expenses effectively disbursed but not yet incurred.

g) Prepaid expenses

The subsidy included in handsets sales to dealers began to be deferred in 2003, and recorded in income as the handsets’ network became ready for operation. Due to this procedure, net income for the year ended December 31, 2003 was increased by R$3,893, net of taxes.

h) Investments

Investments in subsidiaries are carried under the equity method of accounting. The accounting practices followed by the subsidiaries are in accordance with those followed by the Company.

i) Property, Plant and Equipment

Stated at acquisition or construction cost less accumulated depreciation, which is calculated under the straight-line method based on the estimated useful life of the asset. Incurred expenses on maintenance and repair costs, which result in improvement, increase of useful life, are recorded as assets, while other expenses are charged on the statement of income. The financial costs from loans and financing obtained by the subsidiary Telerj are recorded in assets as construction in progress.

j) Income and Social Contribution Taxes

Calculated and recorded at the effective rate prevailing on the balance sheet date. Deferred taxes attributable to temporary differences, tax losses, and social contribution tax loss carryforwards are recorded as deferred assets on the assumption of future realization.

k) Loans and Financing

Updated by exchange variations and interest incurred to the balance sheet date.


The amount of FISTEL (Telecommunication Inspection Fund) fees paid on monthly activation during the year was deferred for amortization over the customers’ estimated retention period, equivalent to 24 months.

m) Reserve for Contingencies

This reserve is based on the legal counsel and management’s opinion on the probable result of pending litigations and updated to the balance sheet date in an amount sufficient to cover probable losses, according to the nature of each contingency.

n) Pension Plan

The actuarial liabilities are calculated based on the projected unit credit method and the plans’ assets are stated at their fair value. The actuarial gains or losses were recorded in net income (Note 27).

o) Revenue Recognition

Revenue from services is recognized when the services are rendered and billing is on a monthly basis. Revenue not billed from the billing date until the end of the month is recorded as revenue in the month in which the service is rendered. Revenues from sales of prepaid cellular handset cards are deferred and recognized in income when cards are effectively used.

p) Financial Income and Expenses

Represented by interest, monetary restatement and exchange variations on cash investments, loans and financing obtained and granted, as well as exchange gains and losses on hedge operations.

q) Derivatives Operations

Telerj has some derivatives to manage the exposure of its cash flows in foreign currency to the exchange rate fluctuation of the Brazilian real. These derivatives are calculated and recorded on contractual terms basis, exchange rates and interest at the balance sheet date. The premiums received or prepaid, are deferred for amortization during the effective period of the respective contracts and the gains and losses, realized or not, are recorded as “Financial income (expenses), net”.

r) Employees Profit Sharing

Provisions are made to recognize the expenses relating to the employees’ profit sharing.

s) Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions, in its best judgment, that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, and the reported amounts of revenues, costs and expenses. The actual results can differ from those estimates.

t) Earnings per Thousand Shares

Computed based on the number of shares outstanding at the balance sheet date.


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Banks 331  855  11,102  16,704 
Temporary cash investments 10,938  13,207  377,336  92,669 

Total 11,269  14,062  388,438  109,373 

Temporary cash investments refer mainly to fixed-income operations (CDB - Bank Deposit Certificates), indexed to CDI’s variation (Interbank Deposit Certificates).



  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Unbilled services 81,573  50,308 
Billed services 93,157  68,894 
Interconnection 95,900  96,070 
Receivables from products sold 106,743  89,503 
Allowance for doubtful accounts (31,685) (31,867)

Total 345,688  272,908 

Changes in the allowance for doubtful accounts are as follows:


  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Beginning balance 31,867  37,626 
Supplementary provision 40,239  96,811 
Write-offs (40,421) (102,570)

Ending balance 31,685  31,867 



  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Cellular handsets 75,857  70,625 
Other 4,542  5,001 
Provision for obsolescence (29,050) (16,366)

Total 51,349  59,260 


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Recoverable income tax and social contribution 44,871  33,336  141,548  100,308 
Withholding income tax 1,210  4,572  8,700  20,724 
Recoverable ICMS (state VAT) 59,963  67,734 
PIS/COFINS and other recoverables taxes 133  725  3,377  1,758 

Recoverable taxes 46,214  38,633  213,588  190,524 
Deferred income tax and social contribution 1,040  296,073  345,033 
ICMS on deferred sales 8,061  7,024 

Total 47,254  38,633  517,722  542,581 
Current 38,633  263,610  268,663 
Noncurrent 47,254  254,112  273,918 

The main components of deferred income and social contribution tax assets are as follows:


  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Tax credits from corporate restructuring 168,351  254,222 
   For obsolescence 9,877  5,564 
   For contingencies 25,626  16,321 
   Allowance for doubtful accounts 10,773  10,835 
   Accrual for rewards program 6,718  7,813 
Tax losses and negative basis carryforwards 41,862  32,670 
Accelerated depreciation 17,344  9,164 
Other 15,522  8,444 

Total 296,073  345,033 

Current 112,111  109,240 
Noncurrent 183,962  235,793 

The deferred tax credits were recognized on the assumption of future realization, as follows:

a) Tax losses and negative basis carryforwards, mainly from the subsidiaries, will be compensated on a 30% limit of the tax basis for upcoming years. The subsidiaries, in accordance with the assumption of future projected results, estimate to carry-forwards tax loss for 5 years.

b) Tax credits from corporate restructuring - represented by the balance of goodwill net of the equity maintenance reserve (see Note 28); the realization of these tax credits occurs in the same proportion as the amortization of goodwill in the subsidiaries. Studies by external consultants used in the restructuring process support the recovery of the amount in five years.

c) Temporary differences: The realization will occur by payment of provisions, the effective loss on allowance for doubtful accounts or provision for obsolescence.

Technical studies approved by the management indicate the full recovery of the amounts recognized by the subsidiaries within the time frames established by the Instruction. Based on these studies, the expected period for the realization of these assets is as follows:

  31, 2003
2004 112,111 
2005 128,201 
2006 55,761 
Total 296,073 

The Instruction also establishes that periodic studies must be carried out to support the recorded amounts.



  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Fistel fee 9,553  12,251 
Rents 8,395  8,362 
Advertising 13,076  2,065 
Employees benefits 1,255  1,238 
Others 7,236  10,517 

Total 39,515  34,433 

Current 27,143  19,522 
Non current 12,372  14,911 


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Judicial deposits 9,759  2,732 
Employees advance 1,485  1,523 
Credits with suppliers 13,003  5,527 
Related parties credits 491  744  33,769  28,185 
Subsidy on handset sales 5,899 
Other assets 59  396  8,660  4,992 

Total 550  1,140  72,575  42,959 

Current 550  1,140  67,238  42,747 
Long-term 5,337  212 


a) Investments in Subsidiaries

Subsidiaries Ownership
Total of
equity as of
31, 2003
Net income
as of
31, 2003

Telerj Celular S.A. 100% 30,449,109  1,590,818  115,564 
Telest Celular S.A. 100% 2,038,856  262,687  42,582 

b) Composition and Changes

The Company’s investments are comprised of shares in the subsidiaries’ capital.

Description Telerj
Celular S.A.
Celular S.A.
Balance as of December 31, 2001 1,391,681  253,784  1,645,465 
Income from equity pick-up 134,052  (7,065) 126,987 
Dividends and Interest on capital (1998) - lapsed 2,503  643  3,146 
Dividends and Interest on capital - 2002 (31,839) (31,839)

Balance as of December 31, 2002 1,496,397  247,362  1,743,759 
Goodwill Reserve adjustment (note 28) 8,207  665  8,872 
Income from equity pick-up 115,776  42,659  158,435 
Dividends and Interest on capital (1999) - lapsed 400  400 
Dividends and Interest on capital of 2002 (29,562) (28,399) (57,961)

Balance as of December 31, 2003 1,590,818  262,687  1,853,505 



December 31, 2003 December
31, 2002
rates - %
Cost Accumulated
Net book
Net book

Transmission equipment 14.29 1,404,108  (953,682) 450,426  533,916 
Switching equipment 14.29 698,936  (416,303) 282,633  318,027 
Infrastructure 5.00 – 20.00 327,857  (156,366) 171,491  172,010 
Software rights 20.00 261,210  (106,301) 154,909  154,297 
Buildings 4.00 73,327  (10,628) 62,699  62,122 
Terminal equipment 50.00 130,359  (94,993) 35,366  39,546 
Other 0 – 20.00 143,240  (65,460) 77,780  87,065 
Land 4,353  4,353  4,353 
Construction in progress 158,357  158,357  213,721 

Total   3,201,747  (1,803,733) 1,398,014  1,585,057 

In March 2003, the useful life of terminal equipment was reduced to 18 months which is more in line with the actual operations. The effect for this year of the referred change was an increase in depreciation expenses in the amount of R$2,697 as compared with the prior year.

In 2003, the Company capitalized as assets the financial expenses on loans, that are used for financing the construction in progress, in the amount of R$40,443 (R$30,412 in 2002).


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Suppliers 3,595  3,738  225,142  198,194 
Interconnection and interlink 23,947  41,129 
SMP values to repass 41,269  6,931 
Technical assistance 126,151  126,830 
Other 678  649  9,739  5,491 

Total 4,273  4,387  426,248  378,575 

SMP values to repass, refers to VC2 and VC3 calls charged to our clients and passed on to the long distance operators.


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

ICMS (state VAT) 20,943  13,998 
Income tax and social contribution     3,746 
PIS/COFINS (taxes on revenue) 2,009  34  12,519  8,280 
FISTEL fee 5,612  2,726 
FUST and FUNTTEL (regulatory charges) 1,101  1,235 
Other 99 

Total 2,009  34  44,020  26,239 


a) Composition of Debt

PRINCIPAL Currency Annual charges December
31, 2003
31, 2002

Financial institutions:
Citibank – OPIC US$ 4.30% p.a.+ Libor 36,115  88,332 
Resolution no. 63 and 2770 US$ 4.14% to 14,00% p.a. 80,898  192,564 
Assumption of debt Res. no. 4,131 and exchange US$ 2.30% to 11.77% p.a. 73,489  133,084 
Nec do Brasil S.A. US$ 7,30% p.a. 18,037  33,087 
Interests     10,416  13,452 

      218,955  460,519 

Current     165,202  200,922 
Long-term     53,153  259,597 

Loans from Citibank-OPIC refer to financing for the expansion and modernization of the cellular handset network. Loans from Nec do Brasil supplier and from Export Development Corporation refer to financing of fixed asset items.

b) Composition of Debt

The long-term portion matures in 2005.

c) Restrictive Covenants

The financing from Citibank – OPIC has restrictive covenants, the main restrictions being related to the indebtedness level, EBITDA and financial expenses.

d) Guarantees

Creditors Guarantee

Citibank Overseas Private Investment
  Corporation (OPIC)- guarantee only for political risk
Resolution no. 63 Promissory Notes
Assumption of Debt and Resolution no. 4.131 Promissory Notes
NEC do Brasil S.A. Tele Sudeste Guarantee (Aval)

e) Coverage

On December 31, 2003, Telerj Celular had outstanding currency swap contracts with notional amounts of US$126,563 thousand (US$139,433 thousand on December 31, 2002), for coverage of its entire foreign currency liabilities. As of that date, the Company had recorded a net loss of R$10,760 (net gain of R$137,698 on December 31, 2002) on its exchange hedge operations, represented by a balance of R$7,632 in long-term assets (R$57,753 in current assets and R$79,945 in long-term assets on December 31, 2002), and current liability of R$18,392.


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Interest on capital 40,872  15,279  40,872  15,279 
Dividends 7,890  14,243  9,851  16,645 

Total 48,762  29,522  50,723  31,924 

Interest on capital and dividends are presented in Note 18e.


The Company and its subsidiaries are parties to a number of lawsuits, with respect to labor, tax and civil claims. The subsidiaries management, based on legal counsel’s opinion, recognized provision for those of which an unfavorable outcome is considered probable.

The composition of the balance is as follows:


  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Labor 8,042  7,848 
Civil 15,403  4,944 
Tax 51,927  35,210 

Total 75,372  48,002 
Current 52,079  26,519 
Long-term 23,293  21,483 

The main tax contingencies, in which the subsidiaries are involved, are as follows:


The subsidiaries, based on legal counsel’s opinion, recognized a provision in the amount of R$12,097, being R$161 for Telerj and R$11,936 for Telest, as of the year ended December 31, 2003 (R$12,132 as of December 31, 2003) regarding fiscal assessments of ICMS received in 2002, which are examined at administrative level.


On November 27, 1998, computation of the PIS and COFINS tax was altered by Law no. 9,718 that (i) increased the COFINS rate from 2% to 3%, (ii) authorized the deduction of up to 1/3 of the COFINS from the Social Contribution on Net Profits – CSLL and (iii) indirectly increased the PIS and COFINS due by the subsidiaries, by determining the inclusion of the revenues exceeding billing in their tax calculation bases.

According to our legal advisors, this increase is unconstitutional, since: (i) article 195 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, in force at the date Law 9,718 was enacted, established that the PIS and COFINS tax would only be due on payroll, billing and profits; (ii) the Federal Government made use of an improper means to increase the rate of the PIS and the COFINS taxes, i.e., the increase was introduced through an ordinary law, instead of a complementary law.; (iii) the Government did not comply with the 90 (ninety) day term as from publication for the increase in tax rate to take effect.

Both Telerj Celular and Telest Celular obtained judicial decisions authorizing them to exclude the revenues exceeding billing from the PIS and COFINS tax calculation bases and also authorizing those Companies to continue to tpay the COFINS tax at the 2% (two percent) rate.

With respect to the claim filed by Telerj Celular, this decisions was partially revoked in August 2000, only remaining valid the authorization to exclude the revenues exceeding billing from the tax calculation bases. For this reason, in September 2000 the Company paid the updated amount of R$12,473. With respect to the part still valid, the Company set up a provision of R$35,726 for the year ended December 31, 2003 (R$20,931 as of December 31, 2002). Telest Celular provided for R$4,104 (R$2,147 as of December 31, 2002).

Due to the alterations introduced by Law no. 10,637/02, the subsidiaries Telerj Celular and Telest Celular started to include revenues exceeding billing in the PIS tax calculation basis as from December 2002. However, the provisions for taxable events prior to said law remain accrued, in addition to being duly supported by the aforementioned judicial decisions.

c) Possible Loss

Based on the lawyers and tax advisors, the Company’s Management believes that the outcome of the issues outlined below will not produce an adverse material effect on the financial situation of the Company and, therefore, did not set up a provision in the financial statements as of December 31, 2003.

d) ICMS, ISS and other taxes

The subsidiaries Telerj Celular and Telest Celular receive tax assessment notifications in the total amount of R$44,666 for: (i) R$26,625 – lack of payment of the ICMS tax on eventual or complementary services not classified as telecommunication services; (ii) R$5,460 – lack of payment of the ICMS tax on international calls originating from Brazil destined for abroad; (iii) R$1,113 – lack of payment of the ICMS tax on calls originating from administrative terminals and tests used by employees; (iv) R$11,468 – in respect of several notifications regarding the ICMS, ISS and other taxes that are being challenged at the administrative level.


Telerj Celular was notified for having used part of the CSLL negative tax calculation basis determined by the Company (Telecomunicações do Rio de Janeiro S.A.) from which it originated through a spin-off for year 1997. For the year ended December 31, 2003, said infringement notice amounts to R$4,065.

f) 16.1.3 Remote Loss

Based on the opinion of lawyers and legal advisors, the Company’s Management believes that the outcome of the issues outlined below will not give rise to an adverse material impact on the Company’s financial situation and, therefore, it did not set up a provision in the financial statements as of December 31, 2003.


g.1) ICMS

In June 1998, the CONFAZ – National Council of Fiscal Policy approved the ICMS Convention no. 69/98, which, inter alia determined that as from July 1, 1998, the amounts charged as Activation (“habilitação”) be included in the ICMS tax calculation basis. Perhaps because it is an interpretative measure, said Convention also established that this requirement could retroact and be applied to services provided in the five years prior June 30, 1998.

Based on the opinion of its external legal advisors, the Companies’ Management understand that this requirement is unconstitutional, considering that the hypothesis of incidence of the ICMS tax was extended to administrative activities, which do not mix with the telecommunication services themselves. Further, the creation of new cases for incidence or for alteration in the calculation method implying in increase of the tax burden could not be applied to events having occurred before the law took effect.

Each of the companies filed judicial claims against the State where they are located, aiming at obtaining injunctions against the retroactive and future application of the ICMS tax on activation. Both Telerj and Telest Celular obtained injunctions, exempting them from the payment for the time of the judicial proceedings. In April 2000, Telerj Celular obtained a favourable decision, defining the ICMS tax on activation of cellular service as undue. This decision was later unanimously ratified at the Court of Appeals, by the 3rd Civil Chamber of the Rio de Janeiro State, in May 2001. However, said court decision has not yet become final. The merits of the action filed by Telest Celular have not yet been judged.

The Company’s management understands that the predecessor companies are liable for tax arising from the retroactive application of the ICMS tax on activation revenues recorded for years prior to 1998. The Company has not set up provision in the consolidated financial statements for years prior to 1998.

g.2) Limitation of immediate and full use of the ICMS credit

In compliance with the original wording of Complementary Law no. 87/97, the ICMS tax charged on fixed assets is subject to tax credit. At the beginning, this right was recognized by all states. However, on February 2, 1999, the state of Rio de Janeiro enacted state Law no. 3,188, restrained the immediate and full use of the tax credit right, guaranteed by the Brazilian Constitution and by Complementary Law no. 87/97. State Law no 3, 188 provides that the credit could be used on a monthly basis of /60.

In disagreement with this restriction, Telerj Celular filed a writ of mandamus and obtained an authorization to make immediate and full use of the ICMS tax credit on fixed assets. Such decision was ratified in the decision issued at the first court level and later unanimously confirmed by the Rio de Janeiro Appeals Court. However, this decision has not yet become final.

The Companies’ Administration, based on its legal advisors’ opinion, understands that the possibility of incurring losses arising from this matter is remote and did not provide for such contingency.

Presently, in view of the alterations introduced by Complementary Law no. 102/00, the use of the ICMS tax credit arising from the acquisition of fixed assets is no longer fully made at the acquisition date. The credit is now based on the monthly fraction of 1/48.

h) Labor and Civil

These claims comprise several labor and civil litigations, for which provision has been set up as previously mentioned, and that is considered sufficient to cover possible losses on those lawsuits.

With respect to the claims with possible loss, the amount provided for is R$15,566 for civil claims and R$4,234 for labor claims.


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Advances from customers - prepaid recharge cards 21,786  19,679 
Accrual for rewards program 19,760  22,980 
Related parties debits 6,730  1,552  15,850  2,340 
Other 1,937  2,158 

Total 6,730  1,552  59,333  47,157 

Current 6,730  1,552  58,308  45,894 
Long-term 1,025  1,263 

In August 2001, the subsidiaries started a rewards program, which transforms calls into points, for future exchange for cellular handsets. Points accumulated are accrued as they are obtained, considering the customer’s consumption profile and the point average cost, based on handset cost. The accrual is reduced when the customer pays for the handset.


a) Capital Stock

The capital is comprised of shares without par value, as follows:

  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Common shares 173,023,182  154,431,421 
Preferred shares 259,575,036  259,575,036 

Total 432,598,218  414,006,457 

At the 56th Extraordinary Meeting of the Administration Council held on March 31, 2003 the increase of capital stock by R$ 93,517 was approved, through the issuance of 18,591,761 thousand new shares as a result of the financial realization of part of the capital reserve generated in the corporate restructuring.

b) Special Reserve for Goodwill

This reserve represents the goodwill special reserve recognized as a result of the Company’s corporate restructuring (Note 28).

c) Legal Reserve

The legal reserve is calculated based on 5% of annual net income until this reserve reaches 20% of paid-up capital stock or 30% of capital stock plus capital reserves; thereafter, the appropriation to this reserve is not mandatory. The purpose of this reserve is to assure the integrity of capital stock and can only be used to offset losses or increase capital.

d) Reserve for Expansion and Modernization

Based on the budget prepared by management, which will be reviewed by the Management Council and describes the need of resources for investment projects for the next years, the balance of retained earnings was transferred to the special reserve of expansion and modernization after the distribution of profits foreseen in the law and the amount of dividends prescribed from 1999.

e) Dividends and interest on capital

e.1) 2003

Preferred shares have no voting right, but have priority in the reimbursement of capital, without premium, and are entitled to receive cash dividends 10% higher than those attributed to common shares.

Dividends are calculated in accordance with the Company’s by-laws and in conformity with the Corporation Law that establishes minimum dividends of 25% of net income. The proposed dividends, before the interest on capital, were calculated as follows:

  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Net income for the year 156,926  143,616 
Legal reserve appropriation (7,846) (7,181)

Net income adjusted 149,080  136,435 
Dividends/interest on capital (43,645) (103,879)
Gross interest on capital 42,500  13,500 
Withholding income tax on interest on capital (6,375) (2,025)

Net interest on capital 36,125  11,475 
Advanced dividends 84,370 
Supplementary dividends 1,145  6,009 
Number of shares (-) Treasury shares
   Common 173,023,182  154,431,421 
   Preferred 259,575,036  259,575,036 

  432,598,218  414,006,457 

Dividends/Net interest on capital for the year
   Common 14,063  35,751 
   Preferred 23,207  66,103 
Dividends/Interest on capital per thousand shares
   Common 0.081277  0.231506 
   Preferred 0.089404  0.254657 

e.2) Prescribed Dividends

In 2003, in accordance with the Corporation Law, the Company reversed the dividends payable, in the amount of R$1,525, related to unclaimed proposed dividends in 1999 (R$4,187 – 2002).



  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Monthly subscription charges 198,496  281,613 
Usage charges 1,028,300  858,877 
Charges for use outside the concession area 12,390  23,950 
Additional charges per call 47,237  43,146 
Interconnection (network usage charges) 809,860  795,067 
Additional services 27,778  15,539 
Products sold 394,577  348,635 
Other 7,823  40 

Gross operating revenue 2,526,461  2,366,867 
Deductions from gross revenue (634,010) (519,236)

Net operating revenue 1,892,451  1,847,631 



  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Personnel 15,573  14,631 
Outside services 34,224  34,548 
Network connections 74,764  84,332 
Rent, insurance and building services fees 44,013  40,493 
Interconnection/interlinks 128,657  130,846 
Taxes 59,616  60,624 
Depreciation 325,786  288,519 
Products sold 367,833  325,542 
Other 2,021  2,206 

Total 1,052,487  981,741 



  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Personnel 41,980  44,066 
Materials 3,295  3,211 
Outside services 228,349  190,841 
Rent, insurance and building services fees 11,139  9,789 
Taxes 381  360 
Depreciation 61,295  47,131 
Allowance for doubtful accounts 40,239  96,811 
Other 788  273 

Total 387,466  392,482 


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Personnel 3,253  3,961  49,976  39,043 
Materials 4,328  3,837 
Outside services 4,194  8,426  102,620  121,452 
Rent, insurance and building services fees 21  13,949  11,408 
Taxes 45  50  2,923  8,057 
Depreciation 431  431  49,258  42,032 
Other 1,354  4,118 

Total 7,923  12,889  224,408  229,947 


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

   Fines 9,816  10,175 
   Recovered expenses 27,470  6,344 
   Accrual reversals 3,707  9,847 
   Infra-structure sharing 3,066  703 
   Other 400  3,146  13,470  8,083 

Total 400  3,146  57,259  35,152 

   Provision for contingencies (20,467) (28,527)
   Taxes (except IRPJ and CSLL) (724) (27) (18,355) (19,105)
   Amortization of pre-operational expenses (595)

Total (724) (27) (44,220) (52,106)

Total, net (324) 3,119  (13,309) (16,954)


  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Financial Income        
   Income from temporary cash investments 10,808  14,042  82,114  42,674 
   Interest on income 42,500 
   Hedge operations, net 13,137  221,010 
   Monetary/exchange variations 589  728  70,477  4,980 
   PIS/COFINS on financial income (2,479) (999) (6,103) (1,094)
Financial Expenses
   Charges on financial transactions (125) (500)
   Interest on income (42,500) (13,500) (42,500) (13,500)
   Hedge operations, net (112,341)
   Monetary/exchange variations (8,949) (238,090)
   Other financial expenses (40,215) (44,592)

Total 8,793  12,908  (57,517) (28,612)


The Company and its subsidiaries have been recording monthly the portion of tax and social contribution on income, in accordance with the accrual basis, and pay these taxes based on monthly estimates. Deferred taxes are attributable to temporary differences, as per Note 7. The composition of income tax and social contribution expense is as follow:

  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Income tax (21) (10) (1,306) (51,395)
Social contribution (12) (480) (18,422)
Deferred income tax 762  (43,981)
Deferred social contribution 275  (15,843)

Total 1,004  (9) (61,610) (69,817)

The following is a reconciliation of the reported expense of taxes on income, and the amounts calculated based on the combined official rate of 34%:

  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
  31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Income before taxes 155,922  130,125  175,347  196,693 
Tax expense at the combined official rate (53,013) (44,243) (59,618) (66,876)
Permanent additions: (11) (2,032) (2,999)

   Nondeductible fines (27) (347)
   Other additions (11) (2,005) (2,652)
Permanent exclusions: 54,017  44,245  40  58 

   Equity pick-up 53,868  43,176 
   Other exclusions 149  1,069  40  58 

Tax expense per statement of income 1,004  (9) (61,610) (69,817)


a) Risks considerations

The subsidiaries Telerj and Telest provide cellular communication services in the States of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo under concessions from the Federal Government. Both of them are also engaged in activities of purchasing and distribution of cellular handsets through their own distribution network in order to increase their business operations.

The main market risks to which Telerj and Telest are exposed in their activities are:

Since their creation Telerj and Telest have taken a pro-active position in the management of sundry risks, through initiative, operating procedures and general policy that allow reduction in the inherent risks of the activities.

Credit Risk

The credit risk related to telecommunication services rendered, is minimized by the control performed on costumer’s basis and management of indebtedness by clear policy for concession of billed cellular handset. Tele Sudeste has 68.82% of its client basis participating on prepaid service, which requires prepaid handset cards and does not represent credit risk. Customers’ indebtedness represented 1.59% of gross revenue in 2003 (3.72% in 2002).

The credit risk related to cellular handsets sales is managed by a conservative policy for credit concession, through modern management methods, which involve the “credit scoring”, technical application, balance sheet analysis and commercial data base consultation as well as the automatic control for sales authorization integrated into the distribution system. Network distribution’s indebtedness represented about 2.32% of cellular handsets sales during the year of 2003 (1.57% in 2001).

Interest Rate Risk

The Company is exposed to the risk of increase in interest rates, especially interest associated with the cost of “Certificados de Depósitos Interbancários – CDI”, due to the liability position of the operations with interest rate derivatives. These operations amount to R$376,425 as of December 31, 2003 (R$ 461,623 in 2002).

Loans contracted in foreign currency present the same risk of increase in interest rates associated with the loans. These operations amount to R$104,807 as of December 31, 2003.

The Company has not carried-out derivative operations to cover these risks.

Exchange Rate Risk

Telerj has carried out derivative operations in order to hedge its foreign currency loans from exchange rate variation. The related instruments used are “swaps”.

The table below shows the Company’s net exposure to exchange rate as of December 31, 2003:

Loans and financing (75,784)
Other liabilities (50,602)
“Hedge” instruments 126,563 

Net exposure 177 

b) Derivative operations

The Company and its subsidiaries record gains and losses on derivative contracts as “Financial income (expenses), net”.

The table below shows an estimate of the book and market values of loans and financing and foreign currency liabilities, as well as derivative operations:

gain (loss)

Other liabilities (146,201) (146,201) -
Loans and financing (218,955) (228,237) (9,282)
Derivative instruments – contractual amount (10,760) 113  10,873 

Total (375,916) (374,325) 1,591 

c) Market Value of Financial Instruments

The market value of loans and financing, as well as “swaps” and “forward”, were stated based on discounted cash flows, using available interest rate projections.

The market values are calculated in a specific moment, based on available information and own evaluation methodologies, therefore the indicated estimates do not necessarily represent market realization values. The use of different assumptions may significantly affect the estimates.


The subsidiaries, together with other companies of the former Telebrás system, sponsor private pension and health care plans for retired employees, managed by Fundação Sistel de Seguridade Social – (“Sistel”).Until December 1999, all sponsors of the plans managed by Sistel were joint and severally liable participants in relation to all plans then existent. On December 28, 1999, a single-employer sponsored pension plan for active employees was created (PBS – Tele Sudeste Celular Plan). Pension benefits for retired employees (PBS-A) and postretirement health care benefits (PAMA) remained as part of the multiemployer plans. The implementation of the restructuring was approved by Secretaria de Previdência Complementar (Secretariat for Social Security and Supplementary Benefits) on January 13, 2000.

Due to the end of unification in December 1999, the subsidiaries individually sponsor a defined benefit plan (PBS Tele Sudeste Celular Plan), which covers approximately 1% of the Company’s employees. In addition to the supplementary pension benefit, a multi-sponsored health care plan is provided to retired employees and their dependents, at shared costs (PAMA).

Contributions to the PBS Tele Sudeste Celular Plan are determined based on actuarial valuations prepared by independent actuaries, in accordance with the standards applicable in Brazil. The method used for cost determination is the capitalization method and the sponsor’s contribution represents 13.5% of the participating employees’ payroll, 12% of which is earmarked for PBS Tele Sudeste Celular Plan and 1.5 % for the PAMA Plan.

For the other 84% of the subsidiaries’ employees, there is an individual defined contribution plan - Visão Celular Benefit Plan, established by SISTEL in August 2000. The Visão Celular Plan is supported by contributions made by the participants (employees) and by the sponsor, which are credited to participants’ individual accounts. The subsidiaries are responsible for all administrative and maintenance expenses, including risks of death and disability of participants. The employees participating in the defined benefit plan (PBS Tele Sudeste Celular) were granted the option of migrating to the Visão Celular Plan. This option was extended to employees who did not participate in the PBS Tele Sudeste Celular Plan, as well as to all new hires. The Company’s matching contribution to the Visão Celular Plan is similar to those of the participants, varying from 2% to 9% of the contribution salary, according to the percentage opted for by the participant.

During 2003, the subsidiaries contributed the amount of R$46 (R$210 in 2002) to PBS Tele Sudeste Celular Plan and R$2,859 (R$3,111 in 2002) to Visão Celular Plan.

As permitted by CVM Instruction No. 371, of December 13, 2000, the Company, conservatively elected to recognize the actuarial liabilities of its benefit plans directly in shareholders’ equity as of December 31, 2001, net of related tax effects. The Company recorded the actuarial gains and losses in the net income as of December 31, 2003 and 2002. Regarding the actuarial valuation of the plans, the Company established the projected unit credit method for the plans’ positions as of November 30, 2003 and November 30, 2002, respectively. For multi-sponsored plans (PAMA and PBS-A), the apportionment of the plan’s assets was made in accordance with the Company’s actuarial liabilities, in relation to the plan’s total liabilities. The net amount recorded was R$839.

For 2003, the Company recognized proportionally the actuarial cost of R$501.

Following is the composition of the pension plans and post-retirement benefits provisions as of December 31, 2003, as well as the information required by Deliberation CVM No. 371 with respect to such plans:

Plan December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

PBS 406 
PAMA 893  727 

Consolidated total 893  1,133 
Deferred taxes (304) (385)

Total net effects 589  748 

a) Present value of actuarial liabilities

Plan PBS.Visão PAMA  PBS-A 

Present value of actuarial liabilities as of December 31, 2002 10,955  1,307  8,063 
Current cost of service 632  20 
Cost of interest 1,079  145  877 
Benefits paid in 2003 (595) (85) (705)
Present value of actuarial liabilities (Gain)/Loss (1,049) 662  1,552 

Present value of actuarial liabilities as of December 31, 2003 11,022  2,049  9,787 

b) Fair value of assets

Plan PBS.Visão PAMA  PBS-A 

Fair value of assets as of December 31, 2002 10,549  581  10,072 
Fair value actual return 3,636  650  2,326 
Company’s actual contributions in 2003 519  10 
Benefits paid on 2003 (595) (85) (705)

Fair value of assets as of December 31, 2003 14,109  1,156  11,693 

c) Reconciliation of Assets and Liabilities

Plan PBS.Visão PAMA  PBS-A 

Total actuarial liabilities 11,022  2,049  9,787 
Fair value of assets (14,109) (1,156) (11,693)

Liabilities (assets), net (3,087) 893  (1,906)

Although Visão plans are defined contribution plans, there is an actuarial risk of death and of disability of its participants that is paid by the sponsor, being necessary an actuarial calculation of these risks.

d) Forecast Expense for 2004

Plan PBS.Visão PAMA  PBS-A 

Cost of service 531  10 
Cost of interest 1,189  227  1,063 
Expected return on assets (1,642) (126) (1,278)
Employees’ contributions (118)

  (40) 111  (215)

e) Actuarial Assumptions

Plan PBS.Visão PAMA  PBS-A 

Rate used for present value discount of actuarial liabilities 11.30% a.a. 11.30% a.a. 11.30% a.a.
Plan assets expected return rate 11.30% a.a. 11.30% a.a. 11.30% a.a.
Salary increase rate 7.10% a.a. 7.10% a.a. 7.10% a.a.
Mortality rate UP84+1 UP84+1 UP84+1
Disability mortality rate IAPB-57
Disability rate Mercer Disability Mercer Disability Mercer Disability
% of married active participants on retirement date 95%    
Number of PBS Plan active participants 14    
Number of PBS Plan retired participants 14 55 20
Number of Visão Plan active participants 1,419    


On November 30, 2000, the Company completed its corporate restructuring, according to which the goodwill recorded by the Holding Company as a result of the privatisation process was transferred to the subsidiaries.

The financial statements maintained for the Companies’ corporate and tax purposes include specific accounts related to transferred goodwill and reserves, and corresponding amortization, reversals and tax credits, the balances of which are as follows:

  Company Consolidated

  Balances as Balances  Balances 
  of December of December of December
BALANCE SHEET 31, 2003 31, 2003  31, 2002 

Goodwill 1,393,279 495,148  773,804 
Reserves (928,437) (326,197) (519,582)
Net effect equivalent to tax credit from corporate restructuring 464,842 168,351  254,222 

Goodwill amortization   278,656  278,656 
Reversal of reserve   (183,913) (183,913)
Tax credit   (94,743) (94,743)

Net effect on income  

As shown above, the amortization of goodwill, net of the reversal of the reserve and of the corresponding tax credit, results in a zero effect on income and, consequently, on the basis for calculating the minimum mandatory dividend. In order to better present the financial position of the Companies in the financial statements, the net amount of R$168,351 as of December 31, 2003 (R$254,222 as of December 31, 2002), which, in essence, represents the tax credit transferred, was classified in the balance sheet in current and non-current assets as deferred taxes (see Note 7).

Tax credit from corporate restructuring will be capitalized based on its effective realization. In 2003, the Company effectively realized R$86,490 of tax credit from corporate restructuring. The subsidiaries did not realize the total tax credit and recorded R$25,670 and R$9,325 as tax credit on tax losses and negative basis of social contribution, respectively.

On December 31, 2003, the subsidiaries adjusted the reserve amount in view of the change in the social contribution law, introduced after the restructuring, generating a total increase in the goodwill reserve in the amount of R$8,872.


During 2003, management fees of R$2,304 (R$2,400 – 2002) were recorded as expenses.


The principal transactions with unconsolidated related parties are as follows:

a) Use of Network and Long-distance (Roaming) Cellular Communication – These transactions involve the companies owned by same group: Telesp Celular S.A., Global Telecom S.A., Telerj Celular S.A., Telest Celular S.A., Telebahia Celular S.A., Telergipe Celular S.A., Telecomunicações de São Paulo S.A. – Telesp, Celular CRT S.A., Tele Centro Oeste Celular, Telems Celular, Teleron Celular, Telemat Celular, Teleacre Celular, Telegoiás Celular and NBT. Part of these transactions was established based on contracts between Telebrás and the operating concessionaires before privatization. The terms of these transactions are regulated by Anatel. As from July 2003, users may select the long distance operator.

b) Technical assistance – The technical assistance is due to Telefónica Móviles for Telecommunication services, based on a percentage applied to the net revenue for services, monetarily restated.

c) Rendering of Services – These services are rendered by companies owned by the same group:

The summary of balances and transactions with unconsolidated related parties is presented as follows:

  Company Consolidated

  December December December December
STATEMENTS OF INCOME 31, 2003 31, 2002 31, 2003 31, 2002

Current assets:        
   Accounts receivable 12,833  928 
   Dividends and interest on capital 51,586  12,837 
   Other assets 391  744  33,669  28,185 
   Accounts payable and accrued expenses (3,531) (3,531) (154,441) (136,527)
   Profits sharing (32,105) (14,952) (32,105) (14,952)
   Other liabilities (6,730) (1,552) (15,850) (2,340)

STATEMENTS OF INCOME Company  Consolidated

Operational Revenue
   CRT Celular 298 
   Tele Leste and subsidiaries 931 
   Telesp Celular and subsidiaries 6,168 
   Telecomunicações de São Paulo S.A. - TELESP 55,338 

Balances as of December 31, 2003 62,735 

Balances as of December 31, 2002 11,205 

Cost of Services
   CRT Celular (374)
   Tele Leste and subsidiaries (1,033)
   Telesp Celular and subsidiaries (4,870)
   Telecomunicações de São Paulo S.A. - TELESP (689)

Balances as of December 31, 2003 (6,966)

Balances as of December 31, 2002 (3,483)

Selling Expenses
   Atento – Contract   (26,521)
   Atento – Prepaid (19,186)

Balances as of December 31, 2003 (45,707)

Balances as of December 31, 2002 (35,318)

General and Administrative Expenses
   Telecomunicações de São Paulo S.A. - TELESP (768) (768)
   Telefonica Móviles – Techinical assistence (21,123)

Balances as of December 31, 2003 (768) (21,891)

Balances as of December 31, 2002 (4,269) (21,636)

Financial Income (Expense)
   Interest on dividends Telerj 589 
   Telefonica Internacional S.A. 10,728 
   Telefonica Móviles Hold 13,113 

Balances as of December 31, 2003 589  23,841 
Balances as of December 31, 2002 728  (48,515)

Recovered expenses from companies - Joint Venture Brasilcel
   CRT Celular 10,632 
   Tele Leste and subsidiaries 4,987 
   Telesp Celular and subsidiaries 53,882 
Balances as of December 31, 2003 69,501 
Balances as of December 31, 2002
Expenses distributed from companies - Joint Venture Brasilcel
   CRT Celular 1,821 
   Tele Leste and subsidiaries 1,761 
   Telesp Celular and subsidiaries 31,175 

Balances as of December 31, 2003 34,757 

Balances as of December 31, 2002


The Company and subsidiaries follow the policy of monitoring inherent risks on its operations. Therefore, as of December 31, 2003, the Company and subsidiaries had insurance agreements to cover operational risks, loss of income, civil liabilities, health etc. The Company and subsidiaries administration understand that the insurance coverage provided is enough to cover contingent losses. The main assets, responsibilities, or interest by insurance and the respective amounts are shown below:

Classification Covered amount

Operating risks US$300,000 thousands
Vehicle fleet R$1,000
General civil liability R$7,325


In May, 2001, Telefónica Móviles, S.A. (“Telefónica Móviles”) launched a stock option plan based on Telefónica Móviles’ stock (the “Plan”) that covered the employees of the Company. Pursuant to the Plan, between May 20 and July 20, 2002, Telefónica Móviles granted a total of 231,016 stock options to the Company’s employees, vesting over a four-year period. The options were granted in Series A, B and C, with strike prices of 11.00 Euros, 16.50 Euros and 7.23 Euros, respectively. The total options granted to each employee consisted of 25% Series A options, 25% Series B options, and 50% Series C options. The market price of Telefónica Móviles’ stock as traded at the Madrid Stock Exchange was 8.28 Euros on December 31,2003. The Plan also gives the Company’s employees the option to receive in cash, the appreciation in the market price of Telefónica Móviles’ stock over the respective strike price.

In accordance with the stock option plan conditions based on Telefónica Móviles S.A. stocks (Mos Program), the employees of the Company did not comply with the basic assumption of the program, i.e. the control stock of the Company in which they are participating by Telefónica Móviles S.A. As a result, on December 31, 2003, the settlement of the existing options occurred.

The adjusted settlement amount will be calculated for 50% of Series C options, considering the Telefônica Moviles, S.A. stocks final bid price on January 2, 2004, converted average exchange at the date of payment.

In accordance with accounting practices followed in Brazil, the Company is not required to account for any effect of the plan, therefore no effect in the financial statements of the Company was recorded.


On November 16, 1998, the Company started the negotiation process of ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which have the following characteristics:


As of December 31, 2003 and 2002, the reconciliation between company net income and consolidated net income is as follows:


  December  December 
  31, 2003  31, 2002 

Company’s net income 156,926  143,616 
Telest capital reserves (77) (94)
Telerj capital reserves (211)
Prescribed dividends 1998 (401) (3,146)

Consolidated net income 156,237  140,376 


The accompanying financial statements are presented on the basis of accounting practices followed in Brazil. Certain accounting practices applied by the Company and its subsidiaries that conform with those accounting practices in Brazil may not conform with generally accepted accounting principles in the countries where these financial statements may be used.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: March 31, 2004

/S/  Fernando Abella Garcia

Fernando Abella Garcia
Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.