Date Shares Price Per Share
10/18/2013 13,800 $7.07
10/18/2013 (850) $7.11
10/21/2013 3,587 $7.04
10/22/2013 43,649 $7.08
10/23/2013 15,147 $7.13
10/24/2013 26,763 $7.15
10/25/2013 77,901 $7.14
10/25/2013 (3,225) $7.11
10/28/2013 129,151 $7.14
10/29/2013 300 $7.12
10/30/2013 2,300 $7.15
10/31/2013 175,776 $7.12
10/31/2013 (1,000) $7.11
11/1/2013 10,807 $7.11
11/4/2013 (2,600) $7.13
11/5/2013 3,000 $7.13
11/5/2013 (7,300) $7.10
11/11/2013 (500) $7.00
11/13/2013 5,306 $6.96
11/14/2013 (700) $6.99
11/15/2013 5,600 $7.01
11/15/2013 (68,101) $6.97
11/18/2013 (7,500) $6.99
11/19/2013 2,700 $7.03
11/19/2013 (900) $7.00
11/20/2013 1,425 $7.01
11/20/2013 (250) $7.00
11/21/2013 10,501 $6.95
11/21/2013 (10,300) $6.97
11/25/2013 18,799 $6.99
11/26/2013 1,000 $6.97
11/26/2013 (7,525) $6.95
11/27/2013 3,000 $6.97
11/27/2013 (9,300) $6.98
12/2/2013 16,000 $6.95
12/3/2013 12,800 $6.96
12/5/2013 1,400 $7.04
12/10/2013 (3,825) $6.99
12/11/2013 (1,300) $7.03
12/12/2013 (325) $7.03
12/13/2013 (12,300) $7.03
12/16/2013 (325) $7.07
12/17/2013 (27,987) $7.00
12/18/2013 (7,475) $7.01
The Accounts have the right to receive all dividends from, and any proceeds from the sale of the Shares. None of the Accounts has an interest in Shares constituting more than 5% of the Shares outstanding.
Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings, or Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.
Except as described above, there are no contracts, arrangements, understandings or relationships of any kind among the Principals and KIM and between any of them and any other person with respect to any of AllianceBernstein Income Fund, Inc. securities.
Item 7. Materials to be Filed as Exhibits.
As is indicated in Item 4, above, KIM has purchased AllianceBernstein Income Fund, Inc. for the Accounts for investment purposes. However, KIM has reserved the right to contact management with regard to concerns that they have with respect to the Fund, including letters to the Board and/or other communications with fund management. Accordingly, KIM sent a letter to the Fund on December 20, 2013. A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit 1.
After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, complete, and correct.
Karpus Management, Inc.
By: /s/
Name: Daniel Lippincott
Title: Senior Tax-Sensitive Manager
Date: December 20, 2013
Letter to the Fund
Transmitted December 20, 2013
VIA FACSIMILE: (212) 969-2290 & OVERNIGHT MAIL December 20, 2013
Emilie D. Wrapp
Senior Vice President and Assistant General Counsel
AllianceBernstein Investments, Inc.
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10105
Re: AllianceBernstein Income Fund, Inc.
Ms. Wrapp,
Karpus Management, Inc., d/b/a Karpus Investment Management ("Karpus") represents beneficial ownership of 11,548,588 common shares or 4.8% of the AllianceBernstein Income Fund, Inc. ("ACG" or the "Fund"). Such percentage is based on 242,911,697 shares outstanding, as indicated on the Fund's Semi-Annual report filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on September 3, 2013.
Pursuant to the ACG's prospectus, Karpus submits this written request to have the Fund submit a proposal to Fund shareholders at its next succeeding annual meeting of shareholders anticipated to be held in March 2013. As indicated in the prospectus, Karpus is requesting the Fund's proposal be one to amend the Fund's Charter to convert the Fund from a closed-end to an open-end investment company. Barring unforeseen circumstances, we believe we are able to submit this request because the Fund has traded at an average discount well in excess of the indicated threshold and we believe it will continue to do so through December 31.
Seemingly, the prospectus language was included to address the very issue plaguing shareholders today. While Karpus does not hold the required 10% or more to satisfy the requirement, we do believe that other shareholders share our sentiment in the need for the Fund to address its wide discount to net asset value.
Brett D. Gardner
Sr. Corporate Governance Analyst